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Posts tagged ‘death’

Young People Are Dropping Dead! When will we DEMAND answers?

By: Lawrence Johnson | January 19, 2023


Victoria Lee, Kevin Jackson
Image credit: MSN 

It doesn’t require a degree in rocket science to realize our country is polarized. Not just politically speaking, but socially, emotionally, religiously, spiritually, and in every way possible.

So much so, that many of us have lost our perspectives along the way. This is indeed an inflection point, because due to our much-splintered societal focus- everything we thought we knew has changed.

In recognition concerning events of late, I’m reminded of these words adapted from 15th century writer John Heywood: “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” Simply put, you can’t see the problem- because you’re concentrating too hard on it.

Sometimes the answer isn’t what you want to believe. Considering the recent Damar Hamlin incident in which the 24-year-old Buffalo Bills’ safety suffered a cardiac arrest on the field as they began their skirmish- it provides the perfect preface.

By all accounts, Hamlin’s condition prior to the game was sound with no health challenges or issues. In high school, Hamlin led his team to a 15-1 record. According to, he also helped his school garner a ”WPIAL Class AAAA championship and PIAA state title during his final year in high school. In his career thus far with the Bills, he has played in all 15 games so far, tallying 91 tackles (tied for second-most on the Bills), six tackles for loss, two pass breakups and 1.5 sacks this season.”

So why isn’t this the question: “Why would a perfectly healthy football star suddenly have a massive heart attack?”

Before you go into the sports media-buzz rhetoric about the violence of the game being a factor or an accessory culprit, think about these examples:

In August of 2022, a 20-year-old Canadian hockey player died after collapsing during a tournament. According to an article on, Eli Palfreyman, the captain of the Ayr Centennials collapsed in the locker room during a pre-season game. Chest compressions were administered by his trainer but were unsuccessful. He died shortly after being taken to the hospital. The article continued: “Per Shantz, his father told the athletes, “The happiest day in Eli’s life was when he was named captain, and he said you cannot take a shift off the rest of the year because Eli’s spirit will be pushing you to do your best every shift, and I want to see it.”

Shantz added of the emotional meeting, “Then the mother spoke and, you know, the tears were just flowing everywhere when a grieving mother speaks about her son. And instead of going inward, she just talked about us and everything that we did. She was there, she saw it and she just praised us. She said, ‘I know how hard you worked to save Eli.’”

Despite the understandable shock, sadness and disbelief, the question still isn’t being taken under consideration, so I ask again, “how could he possibly be dead at 20?”

Next up is the rising MMA star Victoria Lee.

At only 5 ft 5, and 115 lbs., Victoria Sun-hei Lee was nicknamed, “The Prodigy.” The ONE Championship star was the third in her family to compete, following older sibling’s fighters Angela and Christian Lee. After only her third
year in MMA, her short-but-amazing career spawned 3 fights, culminating in 3 wins and zero losses. She had recently paused her meteoric rise to focus on graduating, having not quite finished high school.

Getting her start at age 11, her future looked bright, promising and historic. Fellow Hawaiian UFC fighter Dan Ige was disappointed by the reaction of some concerning the 18-year-old’s sudden death, when he spoke in the MMA Junkie section at

Was it the vaccine? Was it mental health? Was it this? Was it that? Like, give them freaking respect, because that’s their tragedy, that’s their loss. … Give them some respect.” Pleaded Ige. “An 18-year-old girl passes, and they’re going to mourn that for the rest of their lives. We’re going to wake up Monday and f*cking read the newspaper, ‘What’s next?’ They have to mourn that. It’s an absolute tragedy. They were definitely weighing on my heart, and the only thing you can do is pray for them, because she’s gone, and there’s no bringing her back.”

Tragically, the only answers that we received concerning the mysterious death of one so young is, “no cause of death is shared.” While the tragedies these families suffer is no doubt unimaginable, we find ourselves with more questions than answers. And despite not knowing the causes of death, many are quick to dismiss the vaccine.

Question Everything!

According to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) it was revealed that there was more than 5,000 deaths and adverse reactions from the experimental vaccines. Although this article records several untimely deaths of youth in the prime of their lives, we are discovering more tragic fatal cardiac episodes striking our young people almost daily.

For many, we chose to dismiss the governmental push to take an unapproved, unproven, untested chemical and inject it into our bodies. For others, they chose to ignore the science and follow the rhetoric, despite the limited testing and lack of results (positive or negative) thus far. As it stands by example, vaccine deaths occur even more in those vaccinated than in those that are not. For instance, vaccination matters, even as it comes to light that more people who were vaccinated against COVID-19 died in August than those who weren’t vaccinated, according to an analysis by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

Cox undertook the analysis for The Health 202, which is published by The Washington Post. reads: “The share of COVID-19 deaths among those who are vaccinated has risen. In fall 2021, about 3 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, as we showed in an analysis posted on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, about 4 in 10 deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data).”

To date, millions have taken the vaccines, as well as the boosters. Some out of fear; others out of caution, no doubt impatient concerning what the virus could do. Based on the real science, based on what we’ve learned since then, many are now realizing they should have waited longer.

New Video: Ashli Babbitt Tries to Stop Violent Capitol Agitator Seconds Before Being Fatally Shot

Reported By Jared Harris | January 26, 2022


A newly released video appears to show Ashli Babbitt attempting to stop a violent rioter inside the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion. Moments after the scene was filmed, Babbitt would be fatally shot by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd.

Despite several instances of violence, including the one where Babbitt intervened, the young Air Force veteran was the only person shot during the riot. But newly released footage puts an even bigger question mark on the shooting, the investigation of which appears to have lost many of the facts while being fast-tracked.

Independent journalist Tayler Hanson released the 25-second video clip on Tuesday. In the footage, a man identified as Zachary Alam punched through a window in the Capitol as nearby police did nothing to stop him. Babbitt appeared to grab Alam’s backpack, causing him to turn and look at the 35-year-old veteran right before she delivered a punch to the middle of his face. As the impact sent his glasses falling, the camera shifted away from the encounter. According to Hansen, this was only seven seconds before Babbitt was fatally shot by Byrd while seemingly attempting to scale a hastily assembled police barricade. Footage of the encounter that preceded the shooting can be seen below.

WARNING: The following video contains graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.

The Department of Justice arrested Alam on Jan. 30, 2021. A case document from the DOJ shows a mountain of charges against him, including several related to alleged assaults on police. While Alam is presumed innocent until proved guilty, video of the encounter likely will not do him any favors in court.

While Babbitt has been vilified by liberals and mainstream media hit pieces, this bombshell video appears to prove that the young veteran was not there to cause violence and chaos and instead actively attempted to stop the destruction. She did not back down when the crowd grew more amped but instead appeared to be in disbelief that police were failing to intervene.

“I believe she saw their inaction as odd or off, and was ultimately confused as to what was happening,” husband Aaron Babbitt told The Epoch Times.

“She was a take-charge kind of person,” Babbitt continued. “Her frustrations show that the cops who should’ve been taking charge — weren’t.”

Although Democrats and the Capitol Police appear to consider this case closed, emerging evidence shows the public has not been given a clear and complete picture of this year-old killing.

Jared Harris, Assignment Editor

Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard and is a husband, dad and aspiring farmer.

A 2021-Wearied World Can Still Rejoice Over The Same Old ‘Thrill Of Hope’



thrill of hope at Jesus' birth, nativity scene

In your despair and weariness this tired Christmas, embrace the thrill of hope and the glorious morn it brings.


Less than a week out from Christmas, we’re once again steeped in the season that compels us to marvel at the incarnation, bustle to and fro with family and friends, and radiate all the levity our hearts can muster. Yet if there’s one word that best encapsulates many dispositions as 2021 comes to a close, it’s “weary.” Although we’re closing the chapter on another year, it doesn’t feel like any of the tiring stories are ending.

Covid-19 is still with us after two grueling years, and it’s poised to be the forever pandemic. Many churches and schoolchildren remain masked and socially distant. Gas and grocery prices are up, and wallets are lighter. Afghanistan and our borders are still in shambles. Small businesses in cities such as Kenosha are still trying to rebuild in the absence of justice for senseless destruction. Family activities are less light-hearted after traumas like the Waukesha Christmas parade replaced euphoria with fear. Broken families in Middle America are picking up the pieces after tornados leveled their homes and took loved ones. Others lost their livelihoods for having a different opinion on vaccines than the president and the other people in charge.

Around every corner lurks another obstacle, driving even optimists to wonder when the next shoe will drop. Just when parents got their kids back into classrooms, they were tasked with rising up against propaganda and exposing districts that concealed sexual assault allegations. Churches were finally gathering again as God intended, yet Christians have been stuck combatting divisive and anti-gospel racial ideologies within their own ranks.

And work is exhausting — for noble educators, needlessly understaffed nurses and doctors, business owners who can’t get people to work, truck drivers, firefighters and increasingly imperiled police officers, and medically coerced airline employees, just to name a few.

Meanwhile, the news cycle is endlessly mired in woke absurdity, corruption, death, lies, elitist hubris, and soul-sucking diktats, and every time you start to think you can catch your breath, the bad news begins all over again. This is our reality, and it hangs heavily over us even when daily responsibilities or moments of leisure temporarily distract us.

But there’s another reality — a reality that’s more real than any of the multitude of concerns we shoulder and wounds we nurse — and that’s the reality of eternal joys. As Christmas calls us to remember, those eternal joys were actually embodied in a holy babe, fully God yet fully man, who arrived humbly to rescue broken people from their curse of sinfulness. He arrived to live the life we could not live and die the death we no longer have to.

The reason for this season can feel far away. The miraculous birth was in another age in a faraway place, after all. And our current struggles can make it seem inaccessible, like the realities of Christmas aren’t compatible with the realities of our troubles. How can a historical event outshine our acute despair and uncertainty?

These dual realities bring to mind the masterful imagery of C.S. Lewis, who described heavenly things with a kind of concreteness and unfading quality that mortals can hardly fathom. In 2021, as in “The Great Divorce,” everything temporal and hellbound is gossamer — it is passing vapor and fleeting ghosts — when compared to the lasting actuality of all we find in Christ, which though now is often hidden, is as real and concrete as diamonds.

Thus, although COVID despair and riot violence may seem far more tangible than the Christmas story, for instance, those things are not worth comparingwith the future glory that began with the birth of Jesus.

It’s here we stand, gazing upon the swaddled Savior of the world, who was sent to a sin-stained Earth to teach his followers about their own brokenness, about the hard-to-swallow truth that their lives and their problems are like a mist, which “appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

His path too would include temptation, loss, and eventually death. But it would also include resurrection, enabling him as the conqueror of death to pluck our helpless lives out of the pit of despair and sin, onto the Solid Rock, and into a Living Hope.

This season and these truths recall a familiar tune:

O Holy Night!

The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till he appear’d and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

This winter season as we’ve endured Thanksgiving and anticipated Christmas, it’s often been difficult to overcome this weariness and embrace joy.

But deliverance is here. It came in a dark and dirty stable, amid government decrees, weary travels, first-time parenting, and stressful logistics of acquiring basic necessities such as shelter. Thousands of years later, our new birth is still secured by the same Messiah that was born of humble beginnings and hope still emerges in the dark and dismal places. In your despair and weariness, embrace the thrill of hope and the glorious morn it brings.

Repent and believe. Trade your burdens and despair for hope. This is the gospel, and it is for you.

Kylee Zempel is an assistant editor at The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religious liberty, and criminal justice. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

Secret Police Docs Reveal There Was ‘No Good Reason’ to Shoot Ashli Babbitt: Judicial Watch Report

Posted By Michael Austin  October 14, 2021


A new report seems to confirm what we all already knew about the Ashli Babbitt case: She was shot unjustifiably. For those who may not remember, Babbitt was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer while trying to open a door that led to the House chamber during the Jan. 6 incursion.

Judicial Watch reported on Wednesday that it had obtained 532 pages of documents from the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police, all regarding Babbitt’s death. Witness testimonies indicated Babbitt was not holding a weapon at the time of the shooting and that the officer involved, Michael Byrd, looked “upset” after shooting her.

A Capitol Police sergeant testified that he didn’t know why Byrd shot Babbitt.

“I saw Lt. Byrd kind of. I don’t know if it was before or after,” the sergeant said. “I don’t know if something happened to him [that] caused him to take the shot or not.”

“These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said.

“The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for … over the mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police.”

Byrd has been treated as a hero by some establishment media outlets.

“She was posing a threat to the United States House of Representatives,” he said in an August interview with NBC News.

“I know that day I saved countless lives. … I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that’s my job.”

The Capitol Police concluded an internal investigation seven months after the shooting, declaring Byrd’s actions “lawful and within Department policy,” according to Fox News.

After a full year of the establishment media and the Black Lives Matter crowd preaching ad nauseam about police misconduct and abuse of power, it was strange to see them fall completely silent regarding Ashli Babbitt’s death. Or maybe it wasn’t so strange.

After all, Babbitt was a white woman, which means her unjustified killing doesn’t play well into their race-baiting narrative.

In July, The Western Journal conducted an interview with Michelle Witthoeft, Babbitt’s mother. Witthoeft blasted Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for failing to investigate the circumstances of her daughter’s death.

“Nancy Pelosi … I feel like, orchestrated the death of my daughter,” Witthoeft told The Western Journal.

“I’ve reached out to Nancy Pelosi’s office several times, and she has yet to call me back because she’s too busy playing in her clubhouse with all of her elite people.”

She went on to remind Pelosi that she should be serving the people.

“You know, it’s the people’s house. It’s not your house, Nancy. It’s the people’s house. That’s my message to Nancy Pelosi,” Witthoeft said.

“The Capitol Police should be held accountable like every other police department in the country.”

It’s well past time that Witthoeft and Babbitt’s other family members were afforded the justice they deserve for the death of their loved one.

Now we all know the truth. Hopefully, justice comes soon.

Michael Austin

Michael Austin joined The Western Journal as a staff reporter in 2020. Since then, he has authored hundreds of stories, including several original reports. He also co-hosts the outlet’s video podcast, “WJ Live.”


Young mom who died from COVID vaccine was coerced into receiving jab via government mandate, heartbreaking obituary says

Reported by SARAH TAYLOR | October 07, 2021


Image source: YouTube screenshot

The family of a young mother who died from COVID-19 vaccine complications says that their loved one is gone all because she was coerced into receiving a shot by government mandate.

Washington state health officials acknowledged on Tuesday that the otherwise healthy woman died due to blood clotting complications following a COVID-19 vaccine.

In a news release, health officials said, “Sadly, this is the first such death in Washington State. We send our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Losing a loved one at any time is a tragic and difficult and pain that’s become all too familiar in the last year and a half of this pandemic.”

A Wednesday report from the Western Journal said that the family of 37-year-old Jessica Berg Wilson said Wilson was reluctant to get the jab, but relented due to a mandate.

A portion of the obituary read, “Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Wash., passed away unexpectedly Sept. 7, 2021 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family. Jessica was an exceptionally healthy and vibrant 37-year-old young mother with no underlying health conditions.”

According to the obituary, Wilson left behind a husband and two daughters ages 3 and 5 years.

“During the last weeks of her life … the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates,” the obituary continued. “Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom. … She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat.”

The obituary added, “But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education — which included being a Room Mom — was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God’s Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.”

King County health officials on Tuesday also confirmed that Wilson died as a result of the vaccine.

“The individual, a woman in her late 30s, is the first confirmed death in King County from this very rare vaccine complication,” the officials said. “The resident received her vaccination on August 26, 2021 and died on September 7, 2021. Her cause of death was determined to be thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), a condition that has been identified as a rare but potentially serious adverse event in people who received the J&J vaccine.”

King County said the TTS diagnosis was confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ghoulish Fact-Checkers at Twitter Slap ‘Misleading’ Label on Obituary of Mom Who Died from Vaccine-Induced Blood Clot

Reported By Elizabeth Stauffer  October 4, 2021


Jessica Berg Wilson’s obituary described the Seattle woman as “an exceptionally healthy and vibrant 37-year-old young mother with no underlying health conditions” who “died unexpectedly on Sep. 7 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).”

The obituary on continued: “Jessica fully embraced motherhood, sharing her passion for life with her daughters. Jessica’s motherly commitment was intense, with unwavering determination to nurture her children to be confident, humble, responsible, and to have concern and compassion for others with high morals built on Faith.”

“Jessica’s greatest passion was to be the best mother possible for Bridget and Clara. Nothing would stand in her way to be present in their lives,” it said. “During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom.

“She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat.

“But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed.

“It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God’s Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.”

This very sad story was made even worse by the Twitter Police.

When a Twitter user shared Wilson’s obituary on Friday, adding in the caption that she had not wanted to get vaccinated, the post was slapped with a warning label.

“This Tweet is misleading,” it said. “Find out why health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people.”

It provided a link so users could “find out more,” adding, “This Tweet can’t be replied to, shared or liked.”

Here is a screenshot of the Twitter warning label, which apparently was removed after many users complained about it.

This is what popped up if you clicked on the retweet button.

Misleading? On the contrary, it’s very clear. A healthy young woman, who believed that the vaccine posed a greater risk to her health than contracting the virus itself, was forced to comply with the school’s vaccine requirement for visitors if she wanted to be involved in her children’s classrooms. She took the vaccine and then died of a vaccine-induced blood clot. She was one of the unlucky ones.

The author of the tweet was not misleading readers, either. She was simply mourning the loss of a young mother who would not have gotten the vaccine (and therefore likely would not have died) had she not been forced to. Nobody was trying to convince others not to take the vaccine or claiming that it will cause mass deaths.

I am not anti-vax. Vaccines are a potent tool in the fight against COVID. That said, these vaccines do pose a risk to some individuals. Some might have medical reasons for rejecting the vaccine, and others are highly skeptical about taking a vaccine that was developed so quickly. Not everyone needs to be vaccinated.

This is tyranny, and it’s hard to believe this is happening in America.

Elizabeth Stauffer, Contributor

Elizabeth is a contract writer at The Western Journal. Her articles have appeared on many conservative websites including RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist,, HotAir, Australian National Review, Independent Journal Review, Instapundit, MSN and RealClearPolitics. Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter.@StaufferVaughn

Results of Johns Hopkins Study Are All but Conclusive: People Pushing for Forced COVID Measures on Kids Are Fighting Against the Science

A child receives a shot in the stock image above.Commentary: A child receives a shot in the stock image above. (Melinda Nagy / Shutterstock)

Commentator Mike Landry | July 26, 2021


Get your children vaccinated for COVID. That’s the official position of experts at Johns Hopkins University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — at least for children 12 and over. But there are growing doubts as to whether all children need the COVID vaccines, including uncertainty from Johns Hopkins faculty member Marty Makary.

In an Op-Ed last week for The Wall Street Journal, Makary wrote that he and a research team reviewed about 48,000 cases of children under 18 reported to have COVID between April and August of last year.

“Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia,” he added.

Got that? Among that sample, no individuals under 18 without pre-existing conditions died of COVID.

Not one.



Overall, the CDC has reported that 335 children with a COVID diagnosis have died.

“Yet the CDC, which has 21,000 employees, hasn’t researched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition,” wrote Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School.

“I’ve written hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies,” he said, “and I can think of no journal editor who would accept the claim that 335 deaths resulted from a virus without data to indicate if the virus was incidental or causal, and without an analysis of relevant risk factors such as obesity.”

Makary is not the only one who has raised questions about whether it’s really necessary to vaccinate children. Amid debate, the U.K., unlike the U.S. and Canada, has delayed vaccinating most children, according to the venerable British medical journal The BMJ.

On Friday, the journal published an article that indicated a government agency had recommended vaccinating 12- to 15-year-old children who had medical conditions (at-risk 16- and 17-year-olds already were eligible) or who were living with someone with immune system problems. In a point-counterpoint debate published in an edition of The BMJ earlier this month, three professors argued against vaccinating children, saying the risks outweigh the benefits and citing limited supplies of vaccines.

They referenced a U.S. CDC slide presentation that outlined the risk of myocarditis, mainly for young males, following vaccination. In boys aged 12 to 17, there were 56 to 69 cases of myocarditis per 1 million vaccine doses over a 120-day period, the CDC presentation said.

“… the risk of myocarditis, mainly for young males, following vaccination. In boys aged 12 to 17, there were 56 to 69 cases of myocarditis per 1 million vaccine doses over a 120-day period, the CDC presentation said. “

These instances may be rare. But they’re something that should go into parents’ decision-making process.

And that’s the key — parents ought to be the ones deciding whether or not their children will get vaccinated, not the government or any other parties that want to get involved. It’s up to the parents to evaluate the risks and benefits, and then decide what they want to do.

And the truth of the matter, as Makary’s research appears to show, is that for most children — not all, of course — COVID poses a much less serious risk.

It isn’t that COVID is something to take lightly (it’s not) or that children can’t get sick or die from it (they can, especially if they have pre-existing conditions). But politicians and others must be wary of pushing parents to just shut up and get their children vaccinated — the science simply isn’t on their side.

About the Commentator:

Mike Landry, Contributor,

Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.

We Were Right: Experts Confirm COVID Deaths Massively Inflated, Actual Numbers Dramatically Lower Than Official Count

Reported by C. Douglas Golden  |July 8, 2021


Imagine if someone had said these words in October:

“In the midst of everything COVID, people were sort of putting down that cause of death as COVID … It is important to go back and do this accounting to see if COVID was actually the cause of death.”

It would have taken five minutes for Snopes and PolitiFact to cancel this person entirely. They would have been branded a conspiracy theorist, a blackguard, a scoundrel. If they had any platform, it would be taken away posthaste. You could even make a case there would be Facebook and Twitter censorship involved — this being COVID-19 misinformation, after all.

But those words were spoken Friday by University of California San Francisco professor of medicine Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert. She was speaking to San Francisco’s KPIX-TV regarding the announcement that Santa Clara County, California, had revised its official COVID-19 death toll downward by 22 percent.

According to KPIX, the announcement was made after the county “refined its approach in reporting the data.”

Santa Clara County — home to San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley — is the sixth-largest among California’s 58 counties in terms of population, with 1,927,470 residents, according to U.S. Census Bureau data compiled by Cubit.

This isn’t minor, in other words.

Before refining its approach, the county had recorded 2,201 COVID deaths. Now, that’s been reduced to 1,696.

“It is important to go back and do this accounting to see if COVID was actually the cause of death,” Gandhi said, according to KPIX.

“I think that transparent communication is an upside, I mean, in the sense that it’s true that if we did this across the nation, it would bring our death rate lower. A downside of that, could be that people will say, ‘Well, it wasn’t as serious as you said.’”

Gandhi added she thought this was going to encourage coronavirus vaccine holdouts to get vaccinated.

“Because a lot of people have kind of said, ‘I’ve heard people are dying anyway of COVID, what’s the point?’ And it is very important to say, ‘No, did they die of COVID or were they in the hospital for something else and they died of that?’” Gandhi said. “That helps people say, ‘Oh, the risk of breakthrough infection is so low I want to go ahead and get vaccinated.’ So I think it’s very good for vaccine hesitancy.”

Santa Clara County wasn’t the only county in California to reassess its data, either. According to KGO-TV, Alameda County revised its numbers downward in early June, saying it had an over-count of COVID deaths greater than 400 individuals. On June 4, the number of deaths in the Bay Area county attributed to COVID-19 dropped from 1,634 to 1,223. Alameda County, home to Oakland and Berkeley, is the seventh-largest in the state in terms of population with 1,656,754 residents.

“According to the Health Department, the 25% decrease was made to comply with the state’s definition of a COVID-19 death, which requires COVID-19 to be a direct or contributing factor or a situation in which it can’t be ruled out,” KGO reported.

“Alameda County previously included any person who died while infected with the virus in the total COVID-19 deaths for the County,” wrote Neetu Balram with the Alameda County Health Department in a news release dated June 4.

By way of example, Balram wrote:

“Using the older definition of COVID-19 deaths, a resident who had COVID-19 but died due to another cause, like a car accident, this person would be included in the total number of reported COVID-19 deaths for Alameda County. Under the updated definition of COVID-19 deaths, this person would not be included in the total because COVID-19 was not a contributing factor in the death.”

At the time, another doctor at the University of California San Francisco, epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford, told KGO he was “betting it’s very specific to Alameda County, which had a lot of cases early on and had to do a lot of on-the-fly definitions and systems and now they are being brought into alignment.”

Gandhi apparently didn’t think that was the case after Santa Clara reported its revised total. KPIX reported that “Gandhi believes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may soon ask all counties to do the same as Alameda and Santa Clara Counties and that the nation could also see a drop in its COVID-19 death toll.”

This is what voices — mostly conservative voices — have been saying for over a year. Even raising the issue, however, got one branded as a conspiracy theorist.

Take the state of Washington. In May 2020, during a media briefing, Dr. Katie Hutchinson of the Washington State Department of Health announced that some people who obviously hadn’t died of COVID were being included in the state’s death totals.

“We currently do have some deaths that are being reported that are clearly from other causes,” Hutchinson said. “We have about five deaths — less than five deaths — that we know of that are related to obvious other causes. In this case, they are from gunshot wounds.”

If there were five deaths that they could identify as just being from gunshot wounds — out of 1,078 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the state at the time — that still doesn’t speak well of the state’s reporting mechanisms. That means, as the conservative think tank Freedom Foundation pointed out at the time, there were likely individuals who died of other causes more anodyne than a gunshot wound who were being counted among COVID deaths.

Yet, Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee blasted anyone who questioned whether there was over-counting going on.

“The problem is you got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto,” Inslee said, according to KOMO-TV. “And it’s just disgusting what they’re trying to say of all these crazy deep-state malarkey. Who are kinda suggests that this not a problem in our state. I find that hard to accept with the number of dead in our state. So, that’s a problem. And I hope it gets resolved.”

This is such “deep-state malarkey” that jurisdictions now revising their COVID death toll downward include [checks notes] two famously liberal Bay Area counties in California, one home to Berkeley and the other the center of Silicon Valley. These stories were out there if you looked — individuals who died of gunshot wounds or motorcycle accidents that were counted as COVID victims. If you raised questions, however, you were branded a conspiracy theorist.

Even now, Gandhi seems to lament the fact Santa Clara County’s deaths have been revised downward: “A downside of that, could be that people will say, ‘Well, it wasn’t as serious as you said,’” she told KPIX.

Why would that be your reaction? And, perhaps more importantly, why would nobody with a brain be surprised to hear the same reaction from editors, politicians and members of the medical and scientific communities?

After a year of lockdowns based on an unholy alliance among untruthful media, scientists with zero sense and a power-hungry left, we’re left with the conclusion that big numbers drove public policy in a direction all of these entities wanted — in an election year when the left was tarring the sitting president with blame for all things COVID.

While the numbers weren’t ginned up to create a crisis that didn’t exist, it’s not as if politicians and scientists acted with alacrity to fix obvious deficiencies in reporting COVID deaths, either. Santa Clara and Alameda Counties are emblematic of how wrong some jurisdictions got it.

They’re not the only ones.

C. Douglas Golden, Contributor,

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.



Healthy Boy, 13, Dies in His Sleep After Receiving Second COVID Vaccine Dose

Reported by Taylor Penley | July 7, 2021


For months, coronavirus vaccine skeptics have been mocked, shunned, turned away from events and labeled as tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists for their refusal to be injected with a novel breed of vaccines. But there are reasons to be cautious.

Michigan resident Jacob Clynick had just completed the eighth grade and looked forward to starting his freshman year at Saginaw’s Carrollton High School this fall when the 13-year-old got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on June 13 at a local Walgreens pharmacy, the Detroit Free Press reported.

When we’re 13, life seems so vast and rife with possibilities. We either look forward to — or dread — turning the page to write our lives’ next chapter, but, in our own peculiar ways, we each anticipate the journey.

Jacob never got the chance to move on.

s the days separating his vaccination from his death came and went, Jacob reported having typical side effects — fever, upset stomach and fatigue — his aunt, Tammy Burages told the Free Press. In most cases, such mild symptoms are little cause for concern — especially from a healthy 13-year-old with no underlying medical conditions.

When Jacob went to bed June 15, he had a stomach ache, Burges told the newspaper. He died overnight.

Now, authorities are investigating whether Jacob’s death was related to the vaccination, the Free Press reported.

“The family was told that preliminary autopsy findings suggest Jacob’s heart was enlarged when he died and there was fluid around his heart, Burges said,” according to the Free Press.

The Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine would not confirm this information, the Free Press reported.

“We can verify that we are managing the investigation, and that’s the extent of what I can share,” Randy Pfau, director of operations for the institute, told the newspaper.

“It’s still an ongoing investigation,” he added, “I know the doctors are working on this case as a priority.”

As the Free Press noted, a Centers for Disease Control advisory committee has acknowledged previous instances of post-vaccine heart inflammation (aka myocarditis), saying that a “likely association” exists between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and heart issues in younger recipients.

However, the CDC still comes down in favor of vaccination.

“The known and potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks, including the possible risk of myocarditis or pericarditis,” its website states. “Also, most patients with myocarditis and pericarditis who received care responded well to treatment and rest and quickly felt better.”

Still, the side effects are clearly real. How many more children have to share the same experience before liberals stop promoting vaccines for those in age groups at low risk for COVID-19?

Aside from the kid controversy, the adverse reactions, the horror stories and the borderline creepy governmental push surrounding these novel vaccines are exactly why mandates are a bad idea for everyone. These vaccines — aside from being the first of the mRNA breed — have only been on the market for a few short months, unlike traditional vaccines we’ve had for decades (e.g. those for rubella, measles or chickenpox). We know very little about the long-term side effects. We know very little about how our bodies will respond to this new “technology” as time goes on.

It’s only natural to be reluctant.

No definite link between Jacob’s death and his vaccination has been established. However, there’s no shortage of cases where young, healthy recipients experienced heart trouble after their immunizations. Even a CDC advisory committee has acknowledged it.

Am I saying everyone is going to die or experience adverse reactions from COVID vaccines? Of course not. But I am encouraging all readers to do what you feel is best for yourselves and your families. Get vaccinated on your own terms, not the government’s, not some official’s. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your prerogative too. Above all, have the courage to think for yourself. That’s the bravest thing you can do.


Taylor Penley

Taylor Penley is a political commentator residing in Northwest Georgia. She holds a BA in English with minors in rhetoric/writing and global studies from Dalton State College. As a student, she worked in government relations and interned for Georgia’s 14th congressional district. She previously published an article with Future Female Leaders and published a rhetorical analysis of President Reagan’s Brandenburg Gate Address in a collegiate journal. She aspires to earn an MA and a PhD in journalism in the near future.

Woman Missing in Miami Condo Collapse Called Husband After She Saw Pool Turn to Sinkhole, Then the Line Went Dead

Reported by Amanda Thomason | June 28, 2021


By now, most of us have seen the horrific aftermath of the Florida condo tower collapse: A rubble heap where a 13-story tower once stood, and over 150 people still missing.

Crews are working around the clock, looking for any signs of life amidst the rubble. Specialized teams from other countries have shown up to help, and friends and family wait for news as time passes and hope dwindles.

As they wait, some are sharing stories about loved ones who still have not been located. Mike Stratton, 66, had an especially haunting last exchange with his wife, 40-year-old Cassondra “Cassie” Billedeau-Stratton.Advertisement – story continues below

The Strattons have lived on the fourth floor of the residential high-rise for the past four years. The jet-setting couple is often traveling, busy with their respective jobs that often take them to other bustling cities.

Last Monday, Mike had to leave to Washington, D.C. for work. That was the last time he saw Cassie.

Early Thursday morning, Cassie called him in a panic.Advertisement – story continues below

“I was in Washington, on the phone with her when the whole thing happened, 1:30 a.m.,” Mike told NBC News.

Cassie explained that the pool — which was normally visible from the couple’s condo — had simply disappeared. In its place, a sinkhole.

She continued to explain how the building was shaking, and with that, the call cut off. The line went dead.

“It was 1:30 a.m., I’ll never, never forget that,” Mike reiterated to the Miami Herald.


Amanda Thomason, Contributor

Amanda holds an MA in Rhetoric and TESOL from Cal Poly Pomona. After teaching composition and logic for several years, she’s strayed into writing full-time and especially enjoys animal-related topics.

I Looked Up What Happened When Sweden Refused To Shut Down – They Were Right, We Were Wrong

Reported By Josh Manning | Published August 1, 2020 at 3:39pm

Sweden did it.

The Nordic country defeated COVID-19 without seeming to break a sweat — fever-induced or otherwise. They effectively showed that Fauci & Co. were completely wrong about a shutdown being necessary to save civilization as we know it.

While that accomplishment should be lauded and their efforts duplicated around the world, the media has instead chosen to blast the Nordic state and paint a dismal picture that simply doesn’t exist. A few examples (among many, many others) are below:

CBS News declared: “Sweden becomes an example of how not to handle COVID-19.”

Similarly, the University of Virginia Health System issued a news release titled: “Lack of Lockdown Increased COVID-19 Deaths in Sweden.”

Taking a stab at prognostication, Newsweek said: “Sweden COVID-19 Deaths Linked to Failure to Lockdown as Country Prepares for Second Wave.”

Always eager to bravely embrace the status quo, The New York Times ran a piece headlined: “Sweden Tries Out a New Status: Pariah State.”

Finally, Business Insider reported: “Sweden’s coronavirus death toll is now approaching zero, but experts are warning others not to hail it as a success.”

It’s all awfully prickly from a leftist media that used to adore Sweden’s welfare state. The reason for the barbed headlines is simple — Sweden dealt with COVID-19 in its own way.

The country didn’t truckle to the tyranny of over-educated, under-experienced experts. It didn’t implement authoritarian policies designed as much to break spirits as to break the pandemic. And it didn’t turn its voters into quasi-prisoners. In other words, Sweden responded more or less the way the rest of the developed world has responded to contagious diseases until 2020, which just happens to also be President Donald Trump’s re-election year.

What were Sweden’s results?

Well, first let’s consider American results brought to us courtesy of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, the establishment mediagovernment officials around the country and legions of panic-prone and morally superior “Karens.” All around the country, the U.S. tried just about every imaginable combination of masklockdownquarantinecurfew and closures orders — up to and including literally refusing entry across some state lines to certain fellow Americans.

The results were, well, not what anyone wanted. As of Saturday, the U.S. coronavirus death rate was 3.35 new deaths per million per day (based on a seven-day rolling average), which ranks as the 11th worst rating on the planet, according to Our World in Data.

And remember, thanks in large part to the Andrew Cuomo nursing home/death camp model of virus containment, New York state accounts for more than a fifth of all U.S. COVID-19 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins data. So we’re probably getting dragged down a little in the ratings by the disproportionate number of deaths in that state.

What else has America’s scattershot, but mostly heavy-handed, response yielded? If you read The Wall Street Journal, you will learn it led to anywhere between 30 million and 40 million lost jobs. (Some of those workers have no doubt been rehired as parts of the economy reopen, but millions more haven’t. And economists don’t really know how many of those job losses are permanent.)

So we destroyed constitutional rights, shed a few dozen million jobs and watched tens of thousands of people die. Oh, and we turned Americans against each other, all the way from the state to family levels.

But at least gross domestic product didn’t take it too hard, right? Not exactly. Commerce Department numbers released Thursday revealed that the U.S. economy shrank by a record 32.9 percent last quarter in what Bloomberg called the “sharpest downturn since at least the 1940s.”

So what about those rebellious Swedes? The ones who refused to play ball with all-knowing scientists and a ridiculously tunnel-visioned medical establishment?

While much of the rest of the developed world drowned themselves in hand sanitizer, locked ankle monitors onto their citizens and bought super cute masks on Etsy, the stalwart Swedes pressed on. They lived their lives. They didn’t mandate masks. They didn’t turn into NKVD-aspiring Karens, eager to publicly shame or quietly narc on neighbors, friends and family who dared bare an uncovered nostril.

Sweden defied the (dare we say) scientific consensus and has performed exceedingly well compared to the U.S. As of Saturday, Sweden had registered 0.65 deaths per million per day, based on a seven-day rolling average. Trading Economics projects a second-quarter GDP change of -4.2 percent (and a third-quarter growth of 2.4 percent). Depending on your preferred method of calculation, we could casually say that’s 7.8 times better than what the U.S. saw last quarter.

As of June 18, Statista forecast a 2.6 percent drop in Sweden’s employment rate for 2020. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, meanwhile, reported unemployment in the U.S. shot up 11.2 percentage points from 3.5 percent in February to 14.7 percent in April, before dropping a bit to 13.3 percent in May and 11.7 percent in June as parts of the economy reopened.

Now we’re not going to be like the dogmatic pro-mask Stasi here. There are lots of factors that impact the difference between U.S. and Swedish outcomes. We can’t say with 100 percent certainty that Sweden’s refusal to lock down saved their economy or is responsible for the miraculously low death rate. But it would also be foolish to say that the decision didn’t play some role in the different outcome.

We can all learn two significant lessons from how COVID-19 responses have played out in the U.S. versus Sweden.

First, it is clear that the expert class in America whom the left appeals to at every turn (aren’t you sick of hearing “scientists say” or “experts find”?) is worth substantially less than we pay them.

We’ve spent literally trillions of dollars as a result of this virus and have only managed to buy our own personal hell.

Second, Sweden succeeded using an approach that left people free. The response they got from the U.S. media complex, however, wasn’t celebration and an urge toward duplication. It was derision and aspersion.

That betrays what lays at the heart of everything COVID-19-related.

In America, COVID-19 has never been first and foremost a virus to fight. It has instead been a tool that the left, anti-Trumpers and the establishment could use to mercilessly kick Americans in our collective groin. With COVID-19, the left finally found a chink in Trump’s armor. The left knew exploiting it was vital, and they knew that Americans would have to suffer if they wanted to succeed.

As America continues to languish economically even as deaths drop, remember to thank the left for that. And when you walk into that voting booth on Tuesday, Nov. 3, remember to pay the left back for the hell they’ve just put us through — pay them back by voting for Donald J. Trump.


Prominent Conservative Professor Found Dead at His Home

Reported By Jack Davis | Published July 24, 2020 at 7:13am

URL of the originating web site:

University of North Carolina, Wilmington professor Mike Adams, a conservative who jabbed liberals with enthusiasm, was found dead inside his home Thursday.

New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office deputies went to the house where Adams lived and found his body, according to WECT-TV.

No other details about his death were released.

Adams, 55, was just days away from a negotiated parting of the ways with the university, which had faced a groundswell of opinion to sever Adams’ connection with the school after tweets Adams made regarding the coronavirus.

Although Adams was never shy about expressing conservative views on race, gender and every other polarizing topic in 21st century America, a May 29 tweet turned the buzz of criticism against him into howls of outrage.

The tweet was aimed at North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper after some restrictions were lifted from the state’s coronavirus lockdown.

“This evening, I ate pizza and drank beer with six guys at a six seat table top. I almost felt like a free man who was not living in the slave state of North Carolina. Massa Cooper, let my people go!” Adams tweeted.

That was one of a string of tweets Adams issued supporting conservative causes and mocking liberal academia.

Hollywood celebrities took part in a nationwide push to get Adams fired.

The university, which lost a legal battle with Adams when it tried to deny him tenure, negotiated with Adams and agreed to pay him $504,702.76 if he would retire on Aug. 1.

Many voices honored Adams for his work to push back against liberalism.

In announcing that Adams would retire, North Carolina University Chancellor Jose Sartarelli made it clear that Adams was ousted due to his opinions.

“Over the past several weeks, many of you have inquired about the status of a UNCW faculty member, Dr. Mike Adams, in light of the public attention generated by comments he made on his personal social media channels,” Sartarelli wrote on the university’s website last month.

“We can now share the update that after a discussion with Chancellor Sartarelli, Dr. Adams has decided to retire from UNCW, effective August 1, 2020. We will have no further comment on this matter at this time, but we plan to share an update later this week regarding how we hope to move forward as a university community.”


CDC’s Latest ‘Best Estimate’ of COVID Death Rate Is 13 Times Lower Than Initial WHO Claim

Reported By C. Douglas Golden | Published May 25, 2020 at 8:57am

It’s a number that informed so many of our public policy decisions regarding COVID-19: 3.4 percent.

On March 3, in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made a remark during a media briefing that guided how we viewed the threat posed by the novel coronavirus.

“Globally, about 3.4 percent of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1 percent of those infected.”

Now, was this based on incomplete information? Of course. At some level, it’s difficult to blame individuals working from a very limited data set.

On the other hand, that limited data set influenced how we approached the disease — and it turns out that, if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s current “best estimate” of the COVID-19 death rate is accurate, it’s 13 times lower than the initial WHO claim.

According to statistics “based on data received by CDC prior to 4/29/2020,” the death rate from COVID-19 could be as low as 0.26 percent.

The numbers are based on the newest of “five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios that are designed to help inform decisions by modelers and public health officials who utilize mathematical modeling,” the CDC said.

“Each scenario is based on a set of numerical values for biological and epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19. These values — called parameter values — can be used to estimate the possible effects of COVID-19 in U.S. states and localities. The parameter values in each scenario will be updated and augmented over time, as we learn more about the epidemiology of COVID-19.”

Scenario 5 — the operative scenario at the moment, at least given the data that we have — has some interesting data regarding the death rates for the novel coronavirus.

According to the CDC’s data, the symptomatic case fatality percentage is 0.4 percent.

Reading further into the data reveals it’s even lower than that.

Scenario 5 includes data on “[p]ercent of infections that are asymptomatic.” That, according to the CDC, is 35 percent.

So, do the math: It turns out that means the death rate is only 0.26 percent, according to the CDC’s own numbers.

Now, does this mean the death rate is truly 0.26 percent? Of course not. Even now, we’re in the early days in terms of statistics for the novel coronavirus. However, what’s clear is that, when all is said and done, we’re going to be nowhere close to the 3.4 percent originally predicted by the World Health Organization.

Now, does this mean that the president or any of the others who predicted this are doctors or epidemiologists? No. However, they had a basic understanding of how statistics work. They knew that, in the early days of the virus, with limited testing and limited data, the numbers were going to seem a lot higher than they actually were.

And yet, Tedros wasn’t the only one who thought the death rate for the coronavirus was an order of magnitude higher than current data says it is. In February, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it was 2 percent.

“If you look at the cases that have come to the attention of the medical authorities, in China, and you just do the math — the math is about 2 percent. If you look at certain age groups, certain risk groups, the fatality is much higher,” Fauci told Congress, according to CNBC.

There’s a reason this matters. If there’s a disease that spreads rapidly and has a death rate of 2 or 3 percent, yes, locking down the populace is a reasonable reaction. If we’re talking about something closer to 0.26 percent, putting the world into a new Great Depression seems a bit of an overreaction.

We don’t know the final death rate for the novel coronavirus yet. One thing’s for sure, though — it’s not 3.4 percent or anything close to that. It might not be 13 times lower, but it’s a lot closer to that than anything predicted at the beginning.

That has a lot of implications going forward, including when we start second-guessing what we did to our society and economy in order to arrest the spread of the disease.


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Our Worst Nightmare

If we don’t get back to work, poverty from an economic collapse due to the coronavirus will kill more people than COVID-19 ever will. Hey, if it saves but one life, Right?.
COVID-19 vs PovertyPolitical cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.
More A.F. Branco Cartoons at The Daily Torch.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated –  $1.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and has had his toons tweeted by President Trump.

Department of Homeland Security Reveals Official Cause of Death for 7-Year Old Guatemalan Girl

Reported By Jack Davis | December 18, 2018 at 9:29am

A 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who tried to enter the U.S. with her father earlier this month died from sepsis shock, according to the Department of Homeland Security. DHS released a statement about her death on its Facebook page.

“After completing a days-long, dangerous journey through remote and barren terrain, the child, who according to the father had not been able to consume water or food for days, began vomiting, went into sepsis shock and after receiving emergency treatment from U.S. Border Patrol Emergency Response Technicians (EMTs), air paramedics and emergency room personnel, died,” the department said Friday.

The statement said that during an “initial screening” after Jakelin Caal Maquin and her father, Nery Gilberto Caal Cuz, were detained on Dec. 6, “the father denied that either he or his daughter were ill. This denial was recorded on Form I-779 signed by the father. At this time, they were offered water and food and had access to restrooms.”

The statement said that the next morning, as a group of detainees was being transported on a bus, “the father advised Border Patrol agents that his child had become sick and was vomiting. Out of an abundance of caution, agents immediately requested that an EMT meet the bus on arrival at the Lordsburg station.”

By the time she arrived at 6:30 a.m. on Dec. 7, “the father notified agents that the child was not breathing. Border Patrol EMTs began medical care and requested an ambulance. At this point her temperature was 105.9 degrees. Agents providing medical care revived the child twice.”

A helicopter flew the girl to Providence Children’s Hospital in El Paso, Texas, but she died there the next morning, the statement said.

“The initial indication from the Providence Hospital is that she passed due to sepsis shock,” the statement said.

The statement closed with a warning to families.

“As we have repeatedly said, traveling north illegally into the United States is extremely dangerous. Drug cartels, human smugglers and the elements pose deadly risks to anyone who attempts to cross the border illegally. Once again, we are begging parents to not put themselves or their children at risk by attempting to enter illegally. Please, we are begging you, present yourselves and your children at a port of entry and seek to enter legally and safely,” it said.

The DHS investigation is not sufficient for lawyers who represent the girl’s family. They have called for an outside probe that “will assess this incident within nationally recognized standards for the arrest and custody of children. The family intends to assist in such an investigation into the cause and circumstances of Jakelin’s death,” according to CNN.

Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are also planning to visit the site where she was taken ill, according to WILX-TV.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines sepsis as “the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency.”

“Sepsis happens when an infection you already have — in your skin, lungs, urinary tract, or somewhere else — triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. Without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death,” according to the CDC.



More Info Recent Posts

Jack Davis is a free-lance writer. Writing as “Rusty” Davis, he is a Spur Award-nominated writer whose first two novels, “Wyoming Showdown” and “Black Wind Pass” were published by Five Star Publishing.

French City Refuses To Honor Slain Police Officer for Fear of Offending Muslims

Reported By Lisa Payne-Naeger | October 17, 2018 at 5:04pm

Under any other circumstances, a law enforcement officer who sacrificed his life to save that of another, whether or not it was in the line of duty, would be widely heralded as a hero. No question.

Arnaud Beltrame was a lieutenant colonel with the National Police in Marseille, France, and he lost his life in the line of duty. He was killed by 25-year-old Radouane Lakdim, a Moroccan-born Muslim terrorist.

Beltrame was certainly a man worthy of honors. But according to Voice of Europe, recognition for his bravery doesn’t seem to be in the cards.

CNN reported the incidents that led to Beltrame’s death in March.

“Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said the officer, a lieutenant colonel with the National Police, offered to exchange himself for one of the female hostages being held inside the Super U supermarket in Trèbes.

“When the officer went inside the supermarket, shots were fired. The lieutenant colonel had his phone on, so police could hear his interactions with the gunman, Collomb said. As soon as they heard gunfire, police went in,” reported CNN.

The standoff lasted more than three hours. Lakdim was killed by police and Beltrame died later of stab wounds.

American Military News reported that the 15th district in Marseille is said to have a significant population of jihadists. Just five months prior to Beltrame’s death, two women were killed by an ISIS terrorist in the same area.

“ISIS-linked news outlet, Amaq News Agency, published a statement in which they referred to the terrorist as a ‘soldier’ of ISIS who carried out their attack on a U.S. ally involved in efforts against ISIS in Syria and Iraq,” AMN wrote.

President Emmanuel Macron had high praises for the slain officer.

“Our country has suffered an Islamist terrorist attack. We’ve paid the price of the danger of the terrorist threat in blood for several years,” Macron said, according to CNN.

“The forces of order intervened with remarkable speed, both to contain the individual who hid away with his hostages, to help one of the victims who was still alive who he had left in the surrounding area. He has saved lives, and done his role and his country proud.”

So, what problem could there be in honoring such a brave man?

In March, the people of France were attempting to honor the bravery of Beltrame after his death and preparing for a “day of tribute,” but sentiments soon changed. As officials in Marseille worked to make a memorial to Beltrame, they hit a road block. Political correctness run amok.

“Attempts to name the city’s 15th district after Beltrame were recently rejected over concerns of offending the Muslim community, AMN reported.

Marseille’s 7th district National Rally mayor Stephane Ravier said the proposal was refused during a town council meeting. Ravier exclaimed that it was the first time the “Leftist elected officials, socialist and communist” refused such an honor in the 15th district. He claimed their excuse for denying Beltrame a place of honor was because they were afraid of offending the Muslim population and possible retaliation for their public praise of Beltrame.

“Leftist elected officials, socialist and communist, refused that a place in the 15th district be named after Arnaud Beltrame, in the first time, they’ve said, under fallacious pretext, that this place wasn’t prestigious enough, before telling the truth in these terms: we are on the field, we witnessed that the population has changed and if we give the name of Arnaud Beltrame in this district, the population will take that as a provocation,” Ravier said, according to Voice of Europe.

Americans should take a swift lesson from this politically correct travesty in France. Such a sad ending to a tragic story for Beltrame, a true hero. He deserves better. And so do the people of France who are living under the threat of terror.


An enthusiastic grassroots Tea Party activist, Lisa Payne-Naeger has spent the better part of the last decade lobbying for educational and family issues in her state legislature, and as a keyboard warrior hoping to help along the revolution that empowers the people to retake control of their, out-of-control, government.

Pope Francis: There Is No Hell

Reported By Randy DeSoto | March 29, 2018 at 11:35am

URL of the original posting site:

Pope Francis reportedly proclaimed that hell does not exist and that condemned souls disappear when they die, in a pronouncement that runs contrary to 2000 years of Christian teaching. The pope is said to have made the statement to his longtime atheist friend Eugenio Scalfari, publisher of La Repubblica, CNS News reported.

In an article in the Italian paper titled “The Pope: It is an honor to be called a revolutionary,” Scalfari is quoted asking the pontiff, “You have never spoken to me about the souls who died in sin and will go to hell to suffer it for eternity. You have however spoken to me of good souls, admitted to the contemplation of God. But what about bad souls? Where are they punished?”

The Pope responded, “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.”

The Catholic leader’s view does not square with the Bible’s multiple affirmations of the existence of hell.

The late evangelist Billy Graham wrote on the subject, “It might surprise you to learn that the person in the Bible who spoke the most about hell’s reality was Jesus.”

Graham continued: “He repeatedly warned us not to take it lightly: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell’ (Matthew 10:28).”

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The Christian Broadcasting Network in a piece entitled “Is Hell A Real Place?” pointed out that the Bible described hell as a place of torment, darkness and fire. Jesus said some will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12).”

The Apostle Paul wrote that those who don’t know Jesus “shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power (2 Thessalonians 1:8-10).”

The Book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John, records one day all those who go to hell will face a final judgement.

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Chapter 20, verses 13-15, read: “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”

Christ said to Peter, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-18).”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church holds to the reality of hell, as well.

“The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs,” it reads.

The document further states: “The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny.”

The Vatican released a statement in response to Scalfari’s article denying the writer directly quoted the pope, but not the substance of his reported claim that hell does not exist.

“The Holy Father Francis recently received the founder of the newspaper La Repubblica in a private meeting on the occasion of Easter, without giving any interview,” the statement reads.

It continues: “What is reported by the author in today’s article is the result of his reconstruction, in which the textual words pronounced by the Pope are not quoted. No quotation of the aforementioned article must therefore be considered a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father.”

10 Tweets About Billy Graham’s Death That Show Liberal Intolerance

Authored By Jonathan Pincus | March 1, 2018 at 10:16am

URL of the original posting site:

The recent passing of American evangelist Rev. Billy Graham sent shockwaves throughout the world, with many offering their condolences and kind words to the man on social media.

However, some liberals had to make their dislike of Graham known, even in his death, displaying that even a late pastor isn’t safe from the ugly head of the intolerant left.


Teen Vogue columnist Lauren Duca used the social media platform to offer her not-so-kind words to Graham, telling him to “have fun in hell, b—-.”

Dan Arel, author and self-proclaimed anarchist, joined in the hate-parade aimed at the dearly departed Graham, calling his death “good news.”

While Duca and Arel’s comments seem over the line, they are one of many tweets displaying liberal’s lack of tolerance for Christianity and prominent figures in the faith. A post from former President Barack Obama actually fueled a flurry of intolerant responses from leftists who appeared to have a major dislike for Graham.

“Billy Graham was a humble servant who prayed for so many — and who, with wisdom and grace gave hope and guidance to generations of Americans,” Obama wrote on Feb. 21, much to the chagrin of liberals.

“Delete this,” one Twitter user wrote.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Graham, an evangelical pastor and personal advisor to Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon, passed away on Feb. 21, 2018, at the age of 99, as reported by Fox News.

Here Is The List Of Attackers The FBI Was Warned About But Still Failed To Stop

Authored By Becky Loggia | February 17, 2018 at 9:14am

URL of the original posting site:

“I’m going to be a professional school shooter.” These were the words written by 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz months before he opened fire in a Parkland, Florida high school Wednesday.

Grieving family and friends are now reeling in the aftermath of the tragedy as reports state the FBI was aware of Cruz’s erratic and hostile behavior before it truly surfaced.

Last fall, YouTube vlogger Ben Bennight, 36, noticed the alarming declaration from Cruz had been left on one of his videos and sought out FBI officials, taking a screenshot of the comment before removing it from the video entirely.

According to BuzzFeed News, officials responded “immediatelyand requested an in-person interview with Bennight the next day.

“They came to my office the next morning and asked me if I knew anything about the person,” Bennight told BuzzFeed News. “I didn’t. They took a copy of the screenshot and that was the last I heard from them.”

However, as more is uncovered about the FBI’s mishaps in handling persons of interest — such as Cruz — a list has been compiled by Grabien News that suggests the Valentine’s Day shooting isn’t the only one they’ve been tipped off about.

This is the current list:

1. Boston. According to reports, the FBI and U.S. law enforcement were sent, via Russia, a warning about bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The FBI allegedly interviewed the suspect and let him go, even opting against investigating him later after a second warning swept through the department from Russian officials. The bombing left three dead and 16 injured.

2. Fort Hood. In a string of emails sent to the FBI, soldier Nidal Hasan openly admitted that he wanted his fellow soldiers dead in order to protect the Taliban. Officials failed to intervene, leading to a tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans.

3. NYC Bomber. Third on this list is NYC bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami, whose own father alerted officials of the radicalization of his son. After a brief interview, Rahami was cleared by FBI officials, though he eventually injured 31 people between New Jersey and New York.

4. Pulse Nightclub. In yet another attack on American soil, 49 people were killed and another 53 wounded after Omar Mateen opened fire through its doors. Despite a 10-month investigation of the would-be shooter — during which he admitted to lying to officials — the FBI decided against taking further action. 

5. Garland, Texas. In a recent report from CBS, the FBI had an undercover agent traveling with Islamists Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi for intel on a pending attack during a “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas. Not only did officials know of a pending attack, but have refused to comment on why their agent didn’t intervene when the attack took place. Though a security officer was shot, the attackers were killed before they could harm any others.

7. 9/11. In a report by FBI agent Coleen Rowley, allegations were made stating that the FBI mishandled leads within its Minneapolis office during the investigation into the alleged 9/11 mastermind Zacarias Moussaoui. Rowley chronicles the early aftermath of the attack on the Twin Towers as she and other agents scoured through pre-attack events concerning Moussaoui’s investigation.

“Everyone’s first question was ‘Why?—Why would an FBI agent(s) deliberately sabotage a case?’” Rowley wrote. “I know I shouldn’t be flippant about this, but jokes were actually made that the key FBI HQ personnel had to be spies or moles like Robert Hanssen who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis’s effort.”

“I feel that certain facts, including the following, have, up to now, been omitted, downplayed, glossed over and/or mis-characterized,” Rowley said. “In an effort to avoid or minimize personal and/or institutional embarrassment on the part of the FBI and/or perhaps even for improper political reasons.” 

An honorable mention may also be had with the South Carolina massacre at the hands of Dylann Roof, who was allegedly cleared by the FBI to buy firearms. Then-director of the FBI James Comey admitted that it was merely an error in the background check system that eventually allowed Roof to kill nine parishioners in cold blood.

“We are all sick this happened,” Comey said of the mishaps that enmeshed his department with the fatal shooting — and that of too many others.

More Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for February 14, 2018

More Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for Friday September 15, 2017

BREAKING: White House in Panic After General Reveals Cause of Deadly Chopper Crash

waving flagBy: Davis on March 17, 2016

URL of the original posting site:

muslim-obamaThere has been an increase in the number of tragedies involving military aircraft under the Obama administration. One of these tragedies occurred on Jan. 14, when two CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters collided while training off the coast of Hawaii, killing 12 Marines.

The Washington Examiner reported that the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Robert Neller, has stated that the increase in these accidents has been caused by the budget cuts implemented by the Obama Unarmed-Forcesadministration.

These budget cuts limit the number of aircraft available for training and reduce the number of hours that pilots can train in existing aircraft.

This leads to a predictable increase in accidents, as well as an armed force that may not be fully ready for future combat scenarios.

“We track this very closely and the simple fact is we don’t have enough airplanes to meet training requirements for the entire force,” Neller stated during a hearing on the 2017 budget request for the armed services.

No-Boots-590-LAThese budget cuts also lead to less maintenance on aircraft because there simply isn’t enough money.

“The real bill payer for underfunded readiness is lost lives. I think that helps bring it into context for all of us,” stated Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, during his opening statement.destruction

The Obama administration has absolutely gutted the military over the past several years. Instead of giving the military the resources needed to win a war, the Obama administration has sent them into combat underfunded, ill-equipped and unprepared.

It is absolutely despicable that President Barack Obama has overseen the sharpest decline in our military’s preparedness since before World War II.

It’s too late now, but in a few months we can elect a Republican who will make sure that the military has what it needs to win wars and that money is never an issue.

Heart Die true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Homicide Rate In Liberal, Gun Controlled Chicago Explodes

Chicago’s homicide numbers this year are the worst they has been since the 1990’s. Data recorded by the Chicago Police Department and The Chicago Tribune show that there have been at least 102 homicides this year, 95 of them murders. The incredible murder rate is the highest for this time of year in Chicago since 1997.

This time in 2015, there had only been 52 homicides, almost half the current total.

The Chicago Police Department told The Daily Caller News Foundation in early February that they were ramping up visibility in troubled parts of town, transferring more officers from foot patrol to vehicle patrol and shut down businesses that were fostering criminal activity.

“While we have much more work to do, the entire Chicago Police Department is determined to keep every Chicagoan safe,” CPD Director of Communications Anthony Guglielmi told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We will continue to work tirelessly on ways to stop violence, and restore accountability and trust in communities throughout the city.”Picture3

The rise in homicides comes after a series of CPD scandals that have marred the department’s reputation. The Guardian reported in February of last year that the department was operating a secret site where detainees were allegedly beaten and illegally kept from their lawyers.

Since then, multiple questionable police shootings have drawn scrutiny, most notably, the death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel tried to keep a video of McDonald’s death hidden from the public, but it was finally released late last year. The video shows McDonald, who is black, apparently moving away from police when he is shot 16 times.

Since the release of the tape, protesters have called for Emanuel’s resignation.

burke Die Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagGuard On Duty

Scalia The Guardian of the 1st and 2nd amendment, how will Obama’s choice measure up?

Scalia The Guardian / Political Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2016.

More A.F.Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

 A.F.Branco Coffee Table Book <—- Order Here!

kingobamafingerconstitution-300x204 Imperial President Obama obama- Marxist tyrant Tyrant Obama Cloward Pevin with explanation Free Speech Definition Clinton Democrat Party Partyof Deceit Spin and Lies Picture1 democrat problem Indenification of Obama destruction unfit Tytler cycle cdr modified 071712 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagFour Horsemen

Defense attorneys in Gray case call for state’s attorney to be recused

waving flagPublished May 09, 2015,

URL of the Original Posting Site:

Defense attorneys representing six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray filed a motion Friday to have the case dismissed, or for the city’s top prosecutor to be recused from the case and replaced by a special prosecutor, citing alleged conflict of interest. The attorneys argue in the documents that the officers were victims of an ‘overzealous prosecution’ by State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who they claim has personal and political motivations in the case. Among the alleged conflicts of interest cited, the motion includes Mosby’s marriage to the city councilman who represents the district where Gray died.

The motion claims that Mike Mosby had a professional and personal interest in having riots in his district that erupted after Gray’s death come to an end, and that Marilyn Mosby therefore had an interest in filing charges quickly.

“…His wife, Marilyn Mosby, had a professional and personal interest in accommodating the needs of her husband – his political future directly affects her personal, professional and political interests,” the motion argues.

Defense attorneys contend that Mosby’s relationship with the Gray family attorney also creates a conflict of interest. The attorney, William Murphy, is a close friend, ally and lawyer for Mosby.  The filing also cites a pending motion against her office, her office’s role in investigating the case and Mosby’s personal relationships with potential witnesses as reasons she should be recused from the case.

The defense also argues that Mosby denied the officers their right to due process by using inciting rhetoric when announcing the charges last week. Mosby told protesters: “I heard your call for ‘no justice no peace.’ Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man…You’re at the forefront of this cause and as young people, our time is now.”Liberalism a mental disorder 2

The motion claims her words betrayed her personal and political motivations and were another sign of a conflict of interest. “Rarely in the history of any criminal case has a prosecutor so directly maintained so many conflicts of interest. Rarer still are instances where such clear conflicts exist and a prosecutor steadfastly refuses to recuse him or herself,” the motion says.

The court filings come as Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced the Department of Justice intends to launch a civil rights investigation into the practices of the Baltimore Police Department, particularly allegations of excessive force and widespread discrimination.Picture7

more evidenceThe civil rights investigation, similar to ones undertaken in cities including Ferguson, Missouri, and Cleveland, will examine the policing patterns and practices of the entire police department. It is far broader in scope than a separate Justice Department investigation that aims to determine whether Gray’s civil rights were violated.

Baltimore suffered days of unrest after Gray died April 19 following a week in a coma after his arrest. Protesters threw bottles and bricks at police the night of his funeral on April 27, injuring nearly 100 officers. More than 200 people were arrested as cars and businesses burned.



The Associated Press contributed to this report.OARLogo Picture6



A Tribute4th-of-July-Quotes-10EAGEL STANDING WATCH OVER GRAVE YARDPray for America 10Proud to serve

Author Unknown

He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast,

And he sat around the Legion, telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in, and the deeds that he had done,

In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.

And ‘tho sometimes to his neighbors his tales became a joke,

All his buddies listened quietly for they knew where of he spoke.

But we’ll hear his tales no longer, for ol’ Joe has passed away,

And the world’s a little poorer for a Veteran died today.

He won’t be  mourned by many, just his children and his wife.

For he lived an ordinary, very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family, going quietly on his way;

And the world won’t note his passing, ‘Tho a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state,

While thousands note their passing, and proclaim that the were great.

Papers tell of their life stories, from the time that they were young,

But the passing of a Veteran goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land,Tree of Liberty 02

Some jerk who breaks his promise and cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow, who in times of war and strife,

Goes off to serve his country and offers up his life.

The politician’s stipend and the style in which he lives,

Are often disproportionate, to the service that he gives.Thank You for your service and sacrifice

While the ordinary Veteran, who offered up his all,

Is paid off with a medal and perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians with their compromise and ploys,

Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys.


Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand,

Would you really want some cop-out, with his ever-waffling stand?

Or would you want a Veteran, his home, his country, his kin,

Just a common Veteran, who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Veteran, and his ranks are growing thin,

But his presence should remind us – We may need his likes and guns memorial

For when countries are in conflict, we find the Veteran’s part

Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor while he’s here to hear the praise,God Bless America 01

Then at least let’s give him homage at the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline in the paper that might say:






Freedom with Prayer




Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon



Food for Thought

What Did You Say Logo



A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to   Leave the examination room and said,   ‘Doctor, I am afraid to die.   Tell me what lies on the other side.’   Very quietly, the doctor said, ‘I don’t know..’   ‘You don’t know? You’re, a Christian man,   And don’t know what’s on the other side?’ 

The doctor was holding the handle of the door;   On the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,   And as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room   And leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.   Turning to the patient, the doctor said,   ‘Did you notice my dog?   He’s never been in this room before.   He didn’t know what was inside.   He knew nothing except that his master was here,   And when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.   I know little of what is on the other side of death,   But I do know one thing… 

I know my Master is there and that is enough.’  

Click on image to see movie trailer and more

Click on image to see movie trailer and more


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon


Posted on May 14, 2014

Incoming-LA-590Complete MessageVOTE 02



Congresswoman’s Miracle Baby Home for Christmas After Doctors Said She’d Die

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC |

When she was pregnant with her daughter Abigail Rose Beutler, doctors told Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, a pro-life Republican from Washington state, that her baby had a potentially fatal diagnosis that would claim her life shortly after birth.

Beutler posted a message on Facebook in June saying her unborn child had been diagnosed with Potter’s Syndrome, a condition which prevents the child’s kidneys from developing properly and is typically fatal for the baby.

In Potter’s syndrome, the unborn baby has an atypical physical appearance as the result of oligohydramnios, a decrease in amniotic fluid volume that causes developmental problems and babies with Potter’s Syndrome typically die within a couple days of being born.

Then, in July, Beutler said Abigail was doing well two weeks following her birth and she continued to progress in September.

Now, little Abby is heading home for Christmas!

After spending months under the supervision of doctors in California, U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s infant daughter got to come home to Camas this week.

Herrera Beutler shared the good news in an statement Wednesday. She also announced she would travel to Washington, D.C., this week to vote on a federal budget deal.

“We are so grateful to the medical team at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in California for their care of Abigail during her first months of life,” Herrera Beutler said. She also asked for “continued patience and prayers in the coming weeks as our family adjusts to life back home.”

Surprising the medical field, Abigail was born prematurely in July with fully developed lungs. Her kidneys weren’t functioning, though, and she was whisked off to the California hospital for dialysis treatments. She will eventually need a kidney transplant.

 The Republican congresswoman has been on leave since her daughter’s birth. She has traveled to Washington, D.C., to take a few crucial votes, including one in October to end the partial government shutdown. She also relies more heavily on her staff to communicate with 3rd District constituents.

“My staff and I will continue serving the residents of Southwest Washington just as we have throughout this challenging time,” Herrera Beutler said. “Like the millions of working mothers in this country, I will balance the responsibilities of my job with the needs of my family.”


Student Escapes Abortion to Become University Homecoming Queen

by John Stonestreet | Washington, DC |

An unborn girl escapes abortion, is adopted, and becomes a homecoming queen? This is not a fairytale.     

True stories are always full of both ugliness and beauty, and this one is no different. A married woman is sexually assaulted in California and becomes pregnant. Compounding her pain, her husband gives her an ultimatum: Abort this baby, or I’ll divorce you. That’s the ugly part. The woman, however, courageously decides that the child growing inside her is not the ugly part of her story, and gives birth. That and what follows is beautiful!

She moves to Alabama, is put in touch with a Christian adoption agency called Lifeline Children’s Services. Peggy Dutton and her husband are on the board of Lifeline. They get to know this courageous woman and agree to give her child a loving home. Two days after Molly’s birth, they adopt her.

Molly grows up and lives a gloriously average suburban life and now attends Auburn University as a horticulture student.

Almost no one there knew her story—until friends urged her to run for homecoming queen. For her platform issue, Molly chose alternatives for women facing crisis pregnancies. She told her story which spread like wildfire. Soon, Molly was all over TV and the Web winsomely sharing her positive message about life.

“It’s already been a huge response,” she said. “It shows how much the public wants to receive life. It has been viral.” And not only that—Molly Anne Dutton was named Auburn’s homecoming queen!

Amazing—from what some people would call a disposable “blob of tissue” to homecoming queen. All because of the selflessness of a mother.

And you thought fairytales at Auburn only came true on the football field!

Folks, Molly Anne Dutton’s story reminds us that we don’t have to choose between biblical truth and compelling stories. It’s not all about facts and figures. We must touch people’s hearts as well as their heads. And true truth always does that, because the ultimate Truth of the world was embodied personally in Jesus Christ.

Here’s another true fairytale, told by Jerry Root and our own Stan Guthrie in their outstanding book, “The Sacrament of Evangelism”:

“A woman named Virginia and her husband,” they write, “were expecting their first child. Doctors, however, said the kidneys of the unborn baby were pocked with cysts. They said the child could not possibly live more than a few hours and advised them to abort.”

Virginia was heartbroken, but she had no intention of ending the baby’s life. She told the doctor, “I do not know why God chose me to be the mother of this child, but since He did I will give birth to this child and I will love it with mother-love the best I can for as long as it lives.”

When the baby was born, Virginia rocked, nursed, and sang to her baby until the child died. Jerry and Stan note, “There are no scales to measure such love and courage.”

Years later, another woman told Jerry about her pregnant daughter: Doctors told her that the baby inside her would also die within hours after birth and advised an abortion.

So Jerry put her in touch with Virginia, who spoke with the daughter by phone every week. “Taking courage from Virginia’s example,” Jerry and Stan write, “the daughter chose to give mother-love to her child for as long as that child should live.” Beautiful, right? But here’s the kicker: “After the baby was born, the doctors discovered that they had made a misdiagnosis. The baby was fine.”

It’s in these stories of people like Molly and Virginia, and the gracious God they serve, that our neighbors will not only learn about the goodness of God; they’ll be able to see it.

And please, if you’re on Facebook or Twitter, share this broadcast with your friends. You’ll find a transcript and the audio at What better time to share these kinds of stories than at Christmas, when the Truth became flesh and dwelt in our midst.

LifeNews Note: John Stonestreet writes for

Empty Chair

No spontaneous attack during a demonstration. No demonstration was going on and confirmed today by Reuters News Video released today.
New Political Head of Libya labeled the attack as TERRORIST. President Obama said he was wrong and blamed it on a video.
Embassy security and protection woefully inadequate. WHY???????????
Chants of the attackers were the same as those of the rioters in multiple cites; “Obama, Obama. We are all Osama”.
Chants were heard, “Death to America”. No chants heard, “Death to the film maker.”
There are no reports of a film maker being burned in effigy, but many such burnings of President Obama.
The Obama administration and campaign have changed their explanation of events multiple times in one week.
Is it possible that this was a planned event on 9/11 and in response to “Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive”?
Could it be the simple answer that The Obama Administration made a terrible mistake by not listening to warnings coming from their own resources?
Could it be that they simply did not handle the situation correctly?
Could it be that the Obama Administration’s Foreign Policy has made the War on Terror worse?
Could it be that President Obama’s apology tour in 2009 emboldened our enemy knowing we had a President that would make excuses for them and not hold them accountable for their terrorist actions?
Could it be that President Obama is more pro-Islam and will not do, or say, anything that makes Islam look bad?
Could it be that we are looking at horrific compromises and the rise of Sharia Law in a Second President Obama term?
Why should we expect anything else?

Carefully Crafted Broadcast

During a review of some news cast, I was reminded of the carefully crafted fabrications issued by the Media Left, especially MSNBC. It was a supposed report on the Zimmerman-Trayvon story. The male news reader, complete with facial expressions, looked in the camera and said that Zimmerman “STALKED TRAYVON”, “HUNTED HIM DOWN” and “EXECUTED HIM”. Those were his exact words and phases. There is only one explanation possible for such irresponsible behavior. This was carefully crafted to “stir the pot” of their core constituents; hard-core leftist looking for an excuse to release their pent-up anger on those they perceive as enemies.

When you listen to any Left Wing person talk, you hear like words that are deliberately used to keep the pot of hatred stirred. There can’t be any other explanation. A stirred pot keeps boiling all the contents of the pot and what was past, perceived as an attack on them or their “rights”, or any disagreement they have with any group that disagrees with them. Think about every time Sharpton, Jackson, or any other like “self-appointed” official for the perceived “oppressed”, takes the microphone before a willing media outfit. They will use words of hate, as well as words designed to “stir the pot.”

I live in Southern California. I was watching as the jury came back with the acquittal in the Rodney King case. Immediately “Black Leaders” rushed to the cameras and microphones. One such woman, who later became a Congresswoman, started shouting, “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE”. That so stirred those around her that the riots began right at her feet. No, she was never charged.

Those that have great talent at “stirring the pot” are the ones who always escape any consequences. Like the New Black Panther Party putting out a murder contract on Zimmerman, with no arrest or prosecution. Are they exempt? As the pot continues to get stirred, the hatred continues to grow. Destruction, death and great loss is the only outcome.

Why are we allowing this to continue? Black Christian Church Leaders; why are you not speaking up? Where are the peacemakers?

Execution Questions and Arguments

#1) To all the Catholic Priest that are so adamant about the Death Penalty. GOD IS THE ORIGINATOR OF THE DEATH PENALTY. You’ve got a problem with God.

#2) I think I have a way to please most people on both sides of the discussion. No longer call it :Execution”. Call it, “Abortion”. Explanation? We are ABORTING them out of society.

#3) Any society that cares more about turtle eggs, whales and other species, yet cares nothing about the life of babies, and complains about aborting a killer is a society that cares more for animals than human beings. How far we have fallen.

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