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Posts tagged ‘Transgender’

PRAISE THE LORD. The Battle to Save our Children has Taken a Great Turn

June 8, 2024

The American College of Pediatricians just put out a statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids. They ask for these groups to “IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.” The full

@ACPeds statement

“Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the  Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.  Instead, these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria. We also encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available.ā€ They link to MANY studies on their site:


April 4, 2024

Scientists Refute Olympic Committeeā€™s Misguided Policies On ā€˜Fairnessā€™ And Testosterone Levels



women running race around track

Author George M. Perry profile



The International Olympic Committee (IOC) developed its 2021 framework on sex and ā€œgenderā€ around the concepts of fairness, inclusion, and non-discrimination. This framework leaves it toĀ each sportā€™s governing bodyĀ ā€œto determine how an athlete may be at a disproportionate advantage against their peers.ā€ However, they admonish sports organizations against ā€œtargeted testing ā€¦ aimed at determining [athletesā€™] sex, gender identity and/or sex variations.ā€ Instead, itā€™s up to each sport to ā€œ[provide] confidence that no athlete within a category has an unfair and disproportionate competitive advantage.ā€

The IOCā€™s sophistic gymnastics to deny sex-based categories in sport prompted 26 researchers from around the world to rebut the IOCā€™s framework. Their paper, published last week in theĀ Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, is the latest peer-reviewed study providing evidence of the obvious about sex in sports. The researchers reviewed studies from ā€œevolutionary and developmental biology, zoology, physiology, endocrinology, medicine, sport and exercise science, [and] athletic performance results within male and female sportā€ to refute theĀ IOCā€™s position that male athletesĀ warrant ā€œno presumption of advantageā€ over female athletes based on ā€œbiological or physiological characteristics.ā€

That statement ā€œis ridiculous on its face,ā€ says Kim Jones, co-founder of the Independent Council on Womenā€™s Sports (ICONS). ā€œThis is the basic knowledge we all understand and see play out in front of our eyes every day. [This new] paper is brilliant at laying out how clear the differences are between men and women. There are thousands of differences between male and female development in humans across the entire maturity path that result in these huge performance gaps.ā€

John Armstrong, a mathematician at Kingā€™s College London who was not affiliated with this research, highlights this ā€œcentral flawā€ of the IOCā€™s framework. ā€œTo say we should not presume male advantage in a sport unless we have specific data for that sport is like saying that just because most of the apples in a tree have fallen to the ground, one shouldnā€™t presume the remaining apples are also subject to gravity,ā€ he said.

ā€œThere is overwhelming evidence of male advantage from across different sports and there is little to be gained from demonstrating this again and again, sport by sport,ā€ Armstrong noted.

The Illusion of Testosterone Suppression

But even sports that have copious research into sex differences in performance have permitted males to compete in the female category at all levels of competition and age. One path has been through misguided policies based on testosterone levels.

Over the last decade, various sports governing bodies ā€” including the IOC and USA Boxing ā€” have attempted to define females through testosterone levels. Those organizations relied heavily on a publication by Joanna Harper, a trans-identifying male medical physicist. The paper consisted of eight self-reports by trans-identifying male recreational runners who had suppressed their testosterone pharmacologically and recalled that they ran slower after doing so. Harper excluded the one respondent who said he ran faster and then concluded that males who were suppressing their testosterone could compete fairly in the female category.

Last weekā€™s paper builds on research by lead authors Tommy Lundberg, Emma Hilton, and others who demonstrate the persistence of male advantage after testosterone suppression.

While testosterone suppression decreases various measures of anatomy, physiology, and physical performance, those changes are a small fraction of the differences between men and women on these metrics. A testosterone-suppressed male will have less muscle mass than his former self, but as a category, testosterone-suppressed men remain larger and stronger than women. Further, testosterone suppression does not change attributes like height, bone length, or hip and shoulder width.

Even before puberty, though, males outperform females in athletic competitions. Greg Brown is an exercise physiologist at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and was a co-author on the Lundberg paper. Brown recently published research based on national youth track and field championships. He found that by age 8, the boys ran faster in their final rounds than the girls did in theirs, at race distances from 100 meters to 1,500 meters.

When ā€˜Obviousā€™ Sex Differences Are Not Enough

Brownā€™s article came out a few months after John Armstrong (mentioned above), sociologist Alice Sullivan of University College London, and I published a paper on the role of sex versus gender expression in distance running. Having been on the receiving end of many tweets and articles saying, ā€œDuh, obvious, did we need research to prove this?ā€ I asked Brown if we really needed quantitative research to prove that boys run faster than girls.

ā€œSome court cases regarding transgender athletes competing in girlsā€™ sports said thereā€™s no evidence of prepubescent sex-based differences. This kind of work does matter to inform policy. Moreover, it can be useful to evaluate the obvious because some of the things we take for granted as truth, maybe theyā€™re not,ā€ Brown said.

The obvious question in response to this accumulation of ā€œobviousā€ data is: What will it take to restore and enforce sex-based categories in sports at all levels? Even if the International Olympic Committee aligned its policies with the Lundberg paper, the IOC is not binding on youth sports, grassroots sports, or even the NCAA.

Brown is optimistic about ā€œthe grassroots level, where girls and womenā€™s sports will start being limited to female athletes. Some school districts and other local organizations are making female-only sports policies when state or higher-level organizations wonā€™t.ā€

Brown noted theĀ lawsuit against the NCAAĀ by female athletes will ā€œmake those in charge of sports have second thoughts about their transgender inclusion policies. Before there was a fear ofĀ lawsuits from transgender activists, but now the shoe is on the other foot.ā€

He also called on ā€œscholarly journals, sports science organizations, and sports scientists to speak out and keep the reality of sex-based differences in sports performance in the news to counteract the 20-year head start the transgender activists have.ā€

ICONS is funding the lawsuit that Brown mentioned. ā€œWe need people to realize there can be no fear and no shame in standing up for women. Itā€™s a basic message that we all have the responsibility to communicate clearly,ā€ said ICONS co-founder Kim Jones. ā€œThe stories of women and girls being robbed of fair sport, or even facing injury, are the path of change. It shouldnā€™t take women and girls being hurt, but everyone has the clear evidence.ā€

Jon Pike, a sports philosopher and a co-author of the Lundberg paper, advises sports organizations to look to the evidence and not to the IOC.

ā€œThey are training and developing athletes who aspire to international competition. They owe female athletes the same level playing field that they will get at the international level. Female athletes at all levels are entitled to fair sport,ā€ he said.

Objective empirical data that accord with everyday experience and observation are the most powerful counters to the emotion, rhetoric, and threats that often accompany attempts to deny the validity of female-only spaces and categories.

The value of studies like those of Lundberg, Brown, Armstrong, and their respective colleagues will play out in board rooms and courtrooms, not to mention the living rooms where so many grassroots sports decisions are made. The more decision-makers can rely on research rather than earnest but shallow plaints of ā€œBut itā€™s obvious!ā€ the more women and girls will flourish in fair and competitive sports.

George M. Perry is a sports performance coach, sports businessman, and writer. Before going into the sports industry, he was a submarine warfare officer in the United States Navy and briefly attended law school.

Critics of ā€˜Banningā€™ Books Are Wrong: Theyā€™re Not All Suitable for Kids

By: Adam KisselĀ /Ā @kissel_adamĀ /Ā March 06, 2024


Critics of ā€œbook bansā€ tend to speak as though no book chosen by a school librarian is ever inappropriate for kids. That’s preposterous on its face. (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc./Digital Vision/Getty Images)

Our English teachers taught us to use extreme caution before writing a word such as ā€œalwaysā€ or ā€œnever.ā€

Such totalizing words are rarely accurate, since most principles have exceptions. But you wonā€™t see this advice applied by critics of ā€œbook bans,ā€ who tend to speak as though no book chosen by a school librarian is ever inappropriate for kids.

My colleagues at The Heritage Foundation found that about three-fourths of books on lists of ā€œbanned booksā€ are actually still in the libraries where the books were challenged. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

Many of the rest are indeed inappropriate for children. They contain ā€œimages ofĀ people engaged in sex actsĀ or graphic descriptions of those acts.ā€ The material isĀ so graphic, in fact, that itā€™s censored on broadcasts to avoid Federal Communications CommissionĀ fines. Moreover, movies and TV shows have ratings. Anyway, none of the books is ā€œbanned.ā€ Kids generally can bring their own copies to school orĀ buy them at a bookstore.

Since 1982, the Supreme Court has made it clear that while books may not be removed from school libraries to suppress ideas, there areĀ legitimate reasonsĀ to remove books. Those reasons include when a book is obscene in general or is obscene as to minors, and when a book is inappropriate for the age, grade, or developmental level of students. When a book is inappropriate for the curriculum, it also can be removed from classrooms.

That point should be obvious. After all, the Supreme Court also has permitted censorship of school newspapers. The high court also has permitted punishment of students who held a banner reading ā€œbong hits for Jesus.ā€ In that case, the school argued successfully that it could in fact suppress an idea if that idea were about promoting the use of illegal drugs.

And the court has permitted punishment of a student who used pervasively vulgar language at a school assembly.

Adults really do, it turns out, have a role in determining what expression is acceptable for kids at school. And some of the same schools that resist book challenges have speech codes. They unconstitutionally ban ā€œhate speechā€ and ā€œmisgendering,ā€ but if the same language is in a book, they think nobody ought to challenge it.

Next week, I will be making these points at a private school, where ā€œbook banningā€ is the conference topic. I will note that the schoolā€™s libraries use the term ā€œage-appropriateā€ to describe their book curation. Do librarians never make mistakes?

I also will tell the students that a complete opposition to book challenges is unlikely to express their true position.

  • Do the kids really think they were ready for the sexual, violent, gory, or scary content of any book when they were in the first grade? Do they think their younger siblings should be able to access all of that at school?
  • Do the kids really think it would be appropriate for the school librarian to advertise to first graders a book making the case against the existence of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy?

More likely, kids still believe that preserving innocence is one of their values. That argument should hold for most adults, too.

Probably no one is arguing that every challenged book is inappropriate for kids. Just as librarians can err in adding a book to the library, schools can err in removing them. The key is to develop a review process that puts the most knowledgeable people in chargeā€”parents and, secondarily, teachers know the kids bestā€”and makes the fewest mistakes.

For those critics of ā€œbook bansā€ who are unwilling to admit that even one book could ever be bad enough to remove from a school library, itā€™s time to mature and acknowledge that unlike the printed page, life is not black and white. Then we can have the important discussion of how to properly protect kids.

ORWELLIAN: Transgender Efforts to Silence Biological Truth Reach the State Department

By: Tyler O’NeilĀ /Ā @Tyler2ONeilĀ /Ā February 20, 2024


Antony Blinken in a blue suit purses his lips in front of an American flag and a NATO symbol.
Secretary of State Antony Blinkenā€”seen here on the final day of foreign affairs ministers’ meetings at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Nov. 29ā€”reportedly sent a memo urging staff to avoid using terms like “brave men and women” and “manpower.” (Photo: Omar Havana/Getty Images)

Someone needs to tell theĀ Biden administrationĀ that George Orwellā€™s novel ā€œNineteen Eighty-Fourā€ isnā€™t an instruction manual.

The administration, and the Left more broadly, has adopted a form of totalitarian ā€œnewspeakā€ that aims to make criticism of transgender orthodoxy unthinkable by eliminating gendered words from the English language. This echoes the totalitarian government of ā€œNineteen-Eighty-Four,ā€ which systematically seeks to destroy words in order to render criticism of the government unthinkable.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly sent a memo directing staff at the State Departmentā€”the government agency that represents America around the worldā€”to avoid using ā€œproblematicā€ terms that suggest human beings are male and female.

National Reviewā€™s Ryan MillsĀ first reported Blinkenā€™s Feb. 5 memo, ā€œModeling DEIA:Ā Gender Identity Best Practices.ā€ Blinken reportedly claims he sent the memo to ā€œsupport an inclusive work environment.ā€ The State Department told National Review that it does not comment on leaked documents, which appears to confirm the memoā€™s legitimacy. DEIA stands for diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

Blinken instructs staff to use ā€œgender-neutral languageĀ whenever possible,ā€ warning that making assumptions about a personā€™s gender ā€œcan be problematicā€ and send a ā€œharmful, exclusionary message.ā€

He recommends staff avoid terms such as ā€œmanpower,ā€ ā€œyou guys,ā€ ā€œladies and gentlemen,ā€ and gender-specific words such as ā€œmother/father,ā€ ā€œson/daughter,ā€ and ā€œhusband/wife.ā€ He suggests they use ā€œlabor force,ā€ ā€œeveryone,ā€ ā€œfolks,ā€ ā€œyou all,ā€ and terms such as ā€œparent,ā€ ā€œchild,ā€ and ā€œspouseā€ or ā€œpartner.ā€

In a hilarious twist of fate,Ā Blinkenā€™s memo urges staffĀ to ā€œavoid using phrases like ā€˜brave men and women on the front lines,’ā€ in favor of ā€œmore specific language such as ā€˜brave first responders,ā€™ ā€˜brave soldiers,ā€™ or ā€˜brave DS agents.’ā€ DS stands for diplomatic security.

Blinken appears not to have gotten the memo. On Nov. 11, just three months before sending the memo, he celebrated Veterans Day, posting on X, ā€œwe stand united in honoring the brave men and women who served our country.ā€ How ā€œproblematic.ā€

Blinkenā€™s slip-up illustrates the absurdity of attempting to root out biological truth from the English language. Human beings are male and female, and human reproduction requires male and female gametes. A small minority of people have disorders of sexual development, but these people do not represent a ā€œthird sex.ā€ Most languages have three ā€œgendersā€ā€”male, female, and neuter, generally using the latter for inanimate objects. As the word itself implies, ā€œneuterā€ represents the absence orĀ removalĀ of sex or gender, not a novel gender or sex.

Advocates of gender ideology aim to erase these biological facts from existence, acting as though banning the use of gendered terms will somehow magically change the way the world works. Ironically, they often do so in the name of ā€œinclusivity,ā€ even though telling people that they canā€™t tell the truth excludes all but the most ideologically pure acolytes.

The fact that Blinken himself used the forbidden term ā€œbrave men and womenā€ underscores the ultimate futility of this brazen act of censorship. Blinken may instruct staff to use pronouns like ā€œthey/themā€ and ā€œze/zir,ā€ but he knows that a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. If he truly believes the nonsense he spouted in this memo, heā€™ll have to watch his own language 24/7 to make sure he doesnā€™t slip up and mistakenly refer to his child-assigned-female-at-birth as his ā€œdaughter.ā€

The language police in Orwellā€™s ā€œNineteen Eighty-Fourā€ demonstrate the potential abuses of unchecked government power, but they also show the ultimate futility of attempting to silence all dissent from government propaganda. The government succeeds in silencing the main character, the dissenter Winston Smith, yet the cost of doing soā€”an invasive surveillance apparatus and a Ministry of Truth dedicated to erasing all evidence contrary to the governmentā€™s version of the pastā€”illustrates how difficult it is to silence the truth.

The transgender movementā€™s attempts to silence dissent by rendering basic biology unthinkable are dangerous but ultimately doomed to failureā€”not because they are ā€œtoo inclusive,ā€ but because they exclude the one thing that ultimately matters: the truth.

How A Ballot Initiative to Save Kids from Trans Madness in California Could Save Them Elsewhere Too



kids sitting a room while a teacher reads them a book

Author Nathanael Blake profile



The Democrats who run California love ā€œtransitioningā€ kids, including chemically and surgically sterilizing them. But a courageous group of residents is betting California voters are less radical than their politicians and that the tide can turn against gender ideology even on the West Coast.

A proposed ballot initiative by Protect Kids California would put the Golden Stateā€™s radical ā€œtrans kidsā€ agenda ā€” which has previously been checked only by Gov. Gavin Newsomā€™s presidential ambition ā€” before the people. 

The initiative would enact three policies:

  • First, it would end the practice of government schools socially transitioning children without telling parents. Schools would be required to inform parents about mental health issues, including gender-identity issues, and to have parental permission before pretending a boy is a girl, or vice versa.Ā 
  • Second, the law would require that sex-specific spaces and sports be based on sex, rather than self-declared ā€œgender identity.ā€ Boys would no longer be allowed to participate in girlsā€™ sports or share the girlsā€™ locker room, showers, and other private spaces.Ā 
  • Finally, the law would prohibit medically transitioning children with chemicals, hormones, and surgeries in an impossible quest to change a childā€™s sex. Chemically castrating boys and amputating the healthy breasts of troubled adolescent girls would be illegal.

These worthy goals might seem impossible. Even as many other states have enacted such policies, Californiaā€™s leaders have doubled down on radical gender ideology and transitioning children. But the organizers of the initiative point to polling to argue that Californiaā€™s voters are on their side on this issue, even if Californians tend to vote for Democrats who are in the grip of gender ideology and the transgender lobby. Erin Friday, one of the leaders of the effort, is a lifelong Democrat, and she is convinced there are many more like her who find the transgender industryā€™s targeting of children abhorrent.

She may be right. The campaignā€™s website highlights polling showing that the public is with them, and in an email to me, Friday shared additional polling commissioned by the feminist Womenā€™s Liberation Front showing overwhelming support for the child-protection policies this ballot initiative would enact. 

This ballot initiative would protect children from outside California as well. As Friday has explained, California is a sanctuary state for sexual experiments on children. In the name of gender ideology, California now refuses to return runaways to their out-of-state parents, pays for minors to be chemically and surgically castrated, and shields doctors who flee to California after breaking the laws of other states. Winning in California is a victory for everyone.

Thus, Californiaā€™s Democrat establishment will do everything it can to stop this. The state attorney general has already written aĀ biased and inaccurate summaryĀ of the measure (the title line is literally ā€œRESTRICTS RIGHTS OF TRANSGENDER YOUTHā€) thatĀ by lawĀ is included on the petition pages. And additional resistance is sure to follow ā€” for example, petition signatures will be rigorously scrutinized by people who otherwise denounce election-integrity measures as racist.Ā 

The debate over the measure will be ugly. Its opponents will undoubtedly resort to suicide threats early and often, declaring that this law will push kids to kill themselves. It wonā€™t, but telling kids to take themselves hostage is the transgender movementā€™s main weapon. After all, the only harm that can come from not transitioning is self-harm. Furthermore, there is no good evidence that castrating or mutilating kids reduces suicides. And in other contexts, we recognize that constantly threatening suicide is manipulative and abusive.

The ugliness wonā€™t end just because the election does. If this measure gets on the ballot and passes, there will be lawsuits. There will be protests that turn into riots. There will be promises of noncompliance from government officials and employees. But it will all be worth it. 

If gender ideology goes down in California, it will fall everywhere. Even the most committed Democrats (and the most craven Republicans ā€” looking at you, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine) will have to acknowledge that it is a political liability. And the collapse could be swift. Many people went along with radical gender ideology not out of conviction, but because they were afraid of being caught on the wrong side of the latest front in the cultural revolution. They will happily abandon it if their fear is taken away, and defeating transgender radicalism in California will do that.

There is work to do before that happy future is realized. The initiative has yet to qualify for the ballot, let alone pass. California residents can print out the petition, sign it, and mail it in. They can also volunteer. And everyone can donate to help fund the effort. Collecting more than a half-million valid signatures isnā€™t free, to say nothing of countering the mass of lies the media will tell about it.

But it is worth the attempt. 2023 brought a lot of victories in protecting children in Republican states from transgender insanity, but victory requires going on offense, even ā€” especially ā€” in California.

Nathanael Blake is a senior contributor to The Federalist and a postdoctoral fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

The Only School Shootings Corporate Media Donā€™t Hype Are by Gender-Fluid Murderers



vigil at Perry, Iowa school

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Only five days have passed since a 17-year-old shot up his school in Perry, Iowa, killing one and injuring five. Yet anyone looking for updates about the tragedy would be hard-pressed to find it on the front pages of any corporate outlet, unusual given the mediaā€™s typical amplification of such tragedies. The press is known for lengthy coverageĀ glamorizing killers, inspiringĀ copycat acts, and using shootings to pushĀ gun control. When covering tragedies that contradict leftist claims, however, Democrats and their cronies in the corrupt media quickly go radio silent.

The Perry shooting is one such case. Once the Iowa killer was identified as a teen who flirted with Democrat gender ideology, headlines and TV segments about his shooting spree slowed to a trickle. The fact that the shooter used a shotgun and small-caliber pistol instead of the ever-popular Democrat boogiemanthe AR-15, also likely played a role in the storyā€™s disappearance.

Those media that did bother to keep coverage of the issue going, like NBC, sought to shift blame from the shooter to sexual sanity advocates such as Libs of TikTok Founder Chaya Raichik. She dares to report on the growing trend of violent transgender shooters, including details linking the Iowa school shooter to gender-fluid identity politics.

ā€œEach time there is a mass shooting where the shooterā€™s identity is possibly LGBT, you and other conservative influencers appear to fixate on this and suggest to your millions of followers that people with LGBT identities are prone to violence,ā€ NBCā€™s LGBT issues writer Matt Lavietes wrote in a comment request Raichik posted. ā€œWhat would you say to your critics who say youā€™re stoking fear, hatred, and potential violence against a marginalized group of people?ā€

It wasnā€™t long before Lavietesā€™s article, ā€œMusk and far-right figures seize on Iowa shooterā€™s possible LGBTQ identity,ā€ began making its rounds.

Democrats and the press followed a similar playbook in 2023 when a woman masquerading as a man shot and killed three children and three staff at a small Christian school in Nashville. They framed Christians as the perpetrators of the shooting rather than the victims and blamed Tennessee gun laws, gun lovers, and laws protecting children from drag shows and irreversible sexual disfigurement. Some outlets even complained that authorities ā€œmisgenderedā€ the shooter.

When a man shot and killed five at Old National Bank in Lousiville, Kentucky in the name of furthering the leftā€™s gun-control agenda, gun grabbers also used the shooterā€™s logic to fuel Democratsā€™ push for unconstitutional red-flag laws.

The corporate mediaā€™s double standards on shootings should not surprise Americans, 39 percent of whom say they do not trust media at all. These double standards should, however, enrage them.

For noticing patterns in violence among gender-indoctrinated kids and warning that taking away Second Amendment rights wonā€™t solve the mental health crisis or the weakening family and community ties that exacerbate these tragedies, the media believes conservatives deserve more criticism. The press is perfectly content smearing their political enemies with the acts of those so evil theyā€™d murder children, while refusing ever to look in the mirror.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Haley, Christie Silent on Ohio Governorā€™s Veto of Bill Protecting Children From Gender Ideology

By: Mary Margaret OlohanĀ /Ā @MaryMargOlohanĀ /Ā January 04, 2024


Chris Christie in a suit speaks with Nikki Haley in a cream dress
Two of the Republicans vying for the GOP presidential nomination are refusing to weigh in on a key culture-war momentā€”the governor of Ohio vetoing a bill protecting children from gender ideology. Pictured: former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former South Carolina Gov. and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley speak during a break in the fourth Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Dec. 6, 2023. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)

Two of the Republicans vying for the GOP presidential nomination are refusing to weigh in on a key culture-war momentā€”theĀ governor of Ohio vetoingĀ a bill protecting children from gender ideology. That bill, called the Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, would bar physicians from performingĀ transgender-reassignment surgeriesĀ on children as well as from prescribing cross-sex hormones or drugs to block childrenā€™s puberty. It also would allow students to sue if they are deprived of a fair playing field in sports due to transgender activism (such as a biological boy playing on a girlsā€™ volleyball team) and protect parental rights to raise their children according to their biological sex.

Since many high-profile lawmakers and conservatives have focused their efforts on fighting transgender activism in recent years, Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWineā€™s veto of the SAFE Act drew the outrage of former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who slammed the Republican for failing to protect children.

Presidential candidatesĀ Nikki HaleyĀ and Chris Christie have not yet weighed in on the topic. Pressed by The Daily Signal to share their thoughts on the governorā€™s veto, both Haley and Christie remained silent. Their reticence demonstrates a rift in the GOP field on the topic: While Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy have indicated that lawmakers should act to protect children from destructive gender ideology, Haley and Christie have suggested that the law should stay out of the matter and parents should decide.

Haley has recently drawn heavy fire on the topic. In a June CBS interview clip that resurfaced shortly before the December presidential debate, though she criticized the idea of children undergoing permanent transgender sex changes before they turn 18, Haley suggested that ā€œthe lawā€ should stay out of the matter.

ā€œWhat care should be on the table when a 12-year-old child in this country assigned female at birth says, ā€˜Actually, I feel more comfortable living as a boyā€™?ā€ asked her interviewer.

ā€œWell, I think the law should stay out of it,ā€ Haley said. ā€œThis is a job for the parents to handle.ā€

TOPSHOT - (From L) Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, former Governor from South Carolina and UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy participate in the fourth Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on December 6, 2023. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former South Carolina Gov. and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy participate in the fourth Republican presidential primary debate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Dec. 6, 2023. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

During the most recent presidential debates, moderator Megyn Kelly questioned Christie about his stances on this so-called gender-affirming care for childrenā€”transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers.

ā€œHow is it that you think a parent should be able to ā€˜OKā€™ these surgeries, never mind the sterilization of a child, and arenā€™t you way too out of step on this issue to be the Republican nominee?ā€ she asked him.

ā€œNo, Iā€™m not,ā€ Christie responded, ā€œbecause Republicans believe in less government, not more.ā€ The presidential candidate went on to emphasize the importance of defending parental rights, though he indicated that he believes transgender interventions for children are dangerous.

Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy clearly condemned DeWineā€™s veto.

ā€œDeWine has fallen to the Radical Left,ā€ Trump said in a post on Truth Social on Saturday, vowing that he would no longer promote the Republican governor. ā€œNo wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at rallies, but I wonā€™t be introducing him any more.ā€

ā€œIā€™m finished with this ā€˜stiff.ā€™ What was he thinking?ā€ Trump asked. ā€œThe bill would have stopped child mutilation, and prevented men from playing in womenā€™s sports.ā€

ā€œLegislature will hopefully overturn,ā€ he added. ā€œDo it FAST!!!ā€

DeSantis similarly slammed DeWine, saying in a social media post: ā€œThe Ohio legislature should override the veto done by Trump-endorsed Gov. DeWine. Iā€™ve signed both of these billsā€”and I was right to do so. Girls should be able to compete with fairness and integrity in sports. And these procedures are irreversible and should not be allowed, period.ā€

Ramaswamy also condemned the move, saying, ā€œShame on DeWine.ā€

ā€œThere are two genders,ā€ the presidential candidate said in a social media post. ā€œBoys shouldnā€™t compete with girls in girlsā€™ sports. Kids shouldnā€™t be subjected to genital mutilation & chemical castration when they suffer mental health lapses. Shame on Ohio Governor Mike DeWine for this failure.ā€

DeWine framed his Friday veto as an effort to bring consensus on a divisive issue and to avoid having the government decide what medical decisions are best for children. He also echoed the claims of pro-transgender activists that children will commit suicide if they donā€™t undergo so-called gender-affirming care, such as testosterone or estrogen injections or double mastectomies.

ā€œWere House Bill 68 to become law, Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government, knows better what is best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, the parents,ā€ DeWine said.

The governor has not responded to requests for comment from The Daily Signal. Ohio lawmakers have vowed that they will overturn the governorā€™s veto, and have scheduled a special legislative session to do so,Ā according to The Washington Stand.

Demsā€™ Censorship Demand Now ā€˜Insatiable,ā€™ Constitutional Expert Warns

By: Bob Unruh, WND News Center | December 6, 2023


 Riley Gaines (Courtesy photo)

The demands by Democrats in Congress for absolutely censorship of those with viewpoints contrary to the political partyā€™s ideology have become ā€œinsatiable,ā€ as evidenced by the actions of a party member from Pennsylvania, according to recognized constitutional expert Jonathan Turley.

Turley, a professor at George Washington University, often has testified before Congress on constitutional issues, and even has represented members in court.

His conclusion is that, ā€œDemocrats have embraced an anti-free speech agenda to silence opposing viewpointsā€ that has become ā€œinsatiable,ā€ after Rep. Summer Lee, that Pennsylvania Democrat, lost her cool during a hearing.

She demanded that a witness statement, because it referenced her personally, be censored, even though Lee had barely finished attacking that witness.

It happened like this: Lee insulted witnesses scheduled to make statements as transphobic and hateful, with, ā€œMadam Chair, I ask that while we sit through this hearing and the hateful misinformation Iā€™m sure is coming our way, let us not forget the children at the core of this issue.ā€

Waiting to testify on the issue of Joe Bidenā€™s agenda to promote transgenderism, no matter the injury to other innocent people, was Riley Gaines, famed as a college athlete after racing against Lia Thomas, a man portraying himself as a woman in college swim competitions.

Thomas responded to Leeā€™s attack with: ā€œOf course, there is a place for everyone, regardless of gender identity, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of race or what sports you play. Thereā€™s a place for everyone to play sports in this country. But unsafe, unfair and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. Inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness, and ranking member Lee, if my testimony makes me transphobic then I believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist.ā€

Turley reported, ā€œLee than pounced and demanded that Gaines remarks be struck for ā€˜engaging in personalities.ā€™ā€

He reported, ā€œWhat followed was hurried consultation and presumable a few explanations for Lee on why witnesses are allowed to respond to such attacks by a member. Lee then withdrew her demand.ā€

He noted Congress has a rule that bans members from engaging in ā€œpersonalities,ā€ apparently to prevent personal attacks.

ā€œHowever, Lee was attempting to use this against a witness who was defending herself against her own personal attack. It is a dangerous extension,ā€ he warned.

He explained, ā€œThe fact that Leeā€™s immediate response was to censor a person who she had just attacked is telling. After labeling Gaines a hateful bigot, Lee did not believe that she should be allowed to denounce Leeā€™s own comments as an attack on women. It shows the slippery slope of censorship. Democrats have embraced an anti-free speech agenda to silence opposing viewpoints. That desire becomes insatiable even as citizens seek to rebut personal attacks from members in a congressional hearing.ā€

commentary at RedState explained, ā€œIf a congressional member chooses to personally attack someone in a hearing, they shouldnā€™t be able to shut down a response just because they donā€™t like it.ā€

In fact, Turley pointed out that danger.

ā€œThat would create a nightmarish combination if members are protected from actions in defaming witnesses but then can censor them when they defend themselves.ā€

The commentary pointed out, ā€œDemocrats and their bureaucratic allies already believe they have the right to shut down speech they donā€™t like. Itā€™s just a matter of whether the courts allow them to get away with it or not.ā€

The commentaryā€™s conclusion? ā€œThe Democratic Party is made up of entitled wannabe tyrants who believe they should be immune from the very things they do. They donā€™t want to live by their own standards, and thatā€™s not a tenable position for a functioning society. The problem is especially acute among younger Democrats like Lee. She does her ā€˜yas queenā€™ rantings for the camera, accusing others of bigotry but canā€™t take the slightest bit of pushback. Meanwhile, she wouldnā€™t dare say that stuff outside the halls of Congress because she knows sheā€™d be legally liable. Itā€™s cowardly and pathetic.ā€

Donā€™t Trans the Tomboys



girl sitting on stoop looking off into street

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These days, when she gets ready for school, the hair will be done. Perhaps it will be a braid of some sort, perhaps it will be curled. Earrings will be selected. A light and subtle application of age-appropriate makeup usually follows. The only constant is that she will always put on a skirt.

It didnā€™t used to be this way. When younger, she was quite the tomboy. There were the fights over getting her hair cut short, fights she lost not because weā€™re that controlling, but because short hair has to be cut more frequently and we didnā€™t want to add monthly visits to the stylist to the calendar. The uniform was shorts or pants and a polo for school, nicer pants and tops for dressier occasions, and athletic gear for casual moments. Jewelry was a no-go, even the pearls and things that grandmothers like to give to be worn at church.

She never suffered from dysphoria. She always knew she was a girl. It bothered her how often she was mistaken for a boy, not connecting the dots between her preferred functional form of attire and how it was virtually indistinguishable from the clothing sported by little boys. She was horrified when a classmate exhorted her to ā€œjust get the surgery.ā€ That was reading too much into the truth, which was that she just wanted to play, to roughhouse, and to get outside. Dresses and skirts didnā€™t lend themselves to such things.

Once puberty arrived, the interests largely remained, but the video tutorials on how to do different braids and requests for new earrings joined them. Itā€™s also when she looked at me earnestly in the car one evening and said, ā€œIā€™m glad you and Mom arenā€™t liberals. You wouldā€™ve tried to turn me into a boy.ā€

While there are people across the political spectrum who recognize the realities of biology, statistically speaking, she wasnā€™t necessarily wrong in her proclamation. If sheā€™d been born to this momthis mom, or this mom, things could have turned out much differently. Thankfully, she was born to us, and we donā€™t hold retrograde opinions about the imaginary relationship between preferred clothing, toys, activities, and sex.

Not everyone is so enlightened, though, instead preferring to categorize children based on rigid stereotypes about how superficial things define us as boys and girls, men and women. Countless stories, like those linked above, of parents realizing their daughter was ā€œtransgender,ā€ start with ā€œI knew my son [sic] was trans whenā€¦ā€ and revolve around such stereotypical markers. She didnā€™t like the color pink (once hated in our house, now one of her favorites), dresses, or games associated with little girls. Ergo, she must be a boy!

All one has to do to make such a logical leap is ignore the fact that prepubescent kids are, by definition, not sexual creatures and, as such, not much thinking in terms of true masculinity and femininity. They are just thinking about what interests them, not how those interests align with or diverge from their sex. Itā€™s misguided parents who swoop in and make those assumptions.

This viewpoint is especially incomprehensible when one realizes that tomboys have long been with us. They were once staples of literature and other entertainment, from Laura Ingalls to Jo in Little Women to Pippi Longstocking. That they enjoyed clothing or activities more typical of boys wasnā€™t reason to attempt to muck around with their biology, and it still isnā€™t reason now.

If you have a daughter, you have a daughter. Her preferred clothing and activities do not define her, particularly when sheā€™s young. Maybe she just finds pants more comfortable or likes playing in the dirt more than playing with a Barbie. If you let her grow up as a girl, those preferences may stick or they may, as in our case, shift in more traditionally feminine ways. In either case, it is not our job as parents to guide them toward self-destruction, but toward self-fulfillment and flourishing.

Let your tomboy be a tomboy. As a father, enjoy that you can get out and do more rough-and-tumble things with her. As a mother, enjoy that she isnā€™t raiding your closet or makeup tray. To do otherwise, to make the destructive assumption that because she doesnā€™t fit a stereotype she must have been ā€œborn in the wrong body,ā€ is to abdicate your responsibility as a parent, to punish her with pseudoscience, and to saddle her with a lifetime of legitimate suffering, not the imaginary kind that arises from preferring blue to pink.  

This author is a regular Federalist contributor.

This byline marks several different individuals, granted anonymity in cases where publishing an article on The Federalist would credibly threaten close personal relationships, their safety, or their jobs. We verify the identities of those who publish anonymously with The Federalist.

Trans-Identifying Nashville Shooter Allegedly Targeted School Children For Their ā€˜White Privilegeā€™




Conservative media personality Steven Crowder allegedly obtained three pages of Nashville school shooter Audrey Haleā€™s manifesto, revealing that the transgender-identifying killer targeted Christian school children because they are white.

ā€œ[G]oing to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles,ā€ Hale wrote in her ā€œDEATH DAYā€ plan shared by Crowder. ā€œI wish to shoot you weak-ss d-cks w/ your mop yellow hair wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little f-ggots w/ your white privileges,ā€ she added.

The Federalist reached out to the Nashville Police Department and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), but neither would confirm or deny the validity of the manifesto. The Federalist also reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) but did not hear back.

If verified, the three pages published by Crowder are the first glimpse the public has had of Haleā€™s manifesto since she gunned down three children and three staff members at the Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, last March. For 7 months, the FBI, TBI, and Nashville Police Department have hid the manifesto from public view.

Haleā€™s alleged manifesto reveals that Haleā€™s attack was premeditated. The leaked documents include minute-by-minute details of her planned attack, such as the time Hale intended to arrive at the Covenant school and how long it would take her to park her car. Hale even predicted that she would die the day of the shooting, writing at the bottom of her ā€œDEATH DAYā€ schedule, ā€œTime 2 die.ā€

The manifesto includes many disturbing quotes like her enthusiastic desire to ā€œKill those kids!!!ā€ and to obtain a ā€œhigh death count.ā€ She also wrote, ā€œCanā€™t believe Iā€™m doing this, but Iā€™m readyā€¦I hope my victims arenā€™t.ā€

Journalist Ian Miles Cheong pointed out that Haleā€™s stated hatred of white people and white privilege is an outgrowth of ā€œDiversity, Equity and Inclusionā€ ideology. ā€œ[Hale] is a product of DEI,ā€ Cheong wrote on X. ā€œThis is why the media industrial complex, the government, and the institutions refused to publish it. They are all complicit. Haleā€™s actions and her motive go against the narrative that ā€˜white supremacyā€™ is the greatest threat to democracy. The greatest threat to freedom and democracy is DEI. It is the woke mind virus.ā€

Google and Facebook have reportedly censored news of the manifestoā€™s leak. This censorship is reminiscent of Xā€™s actions back in March, when the social media company mass-suppressed reports on the ā€œTrans Day Of Vengeance,ā€ which was originally scheduled to take place the same week as Haleā€™s attack. Federalist CEO Sean Davis was among the censored, and his X account was locked for simply sharing a poster about the scheduled event.

[Read: Twitter Cannot Be Saved. Itā€™s Time For Free Speech Proponents To Let It Die]

If the leaked manifesto is real, it confirms that despite the Biden Justice Department (DOJ) knowing Haleā€™s attack was racially motivated, the DOJ did not investigate the shooting as a hate crime.

This adds to the dismissiveness and disrespect the Biden administration has shown to the Nashville shooting victims and their families. Thus far, the Biden administration has done nothing to seriously investigate the perverse, bigoted incentives behind the murders of the six slain Christians, nor has it, at the very least, done anything to memorialize the victims.

Recall, also, that in the wake of the shooting, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre came out with statements inĀ supportĀ of the ā€œtrans community,ā€ and Vice President Kamala Harris met with rogue,Ā insurrection-instigatingĀ Tennessee state representatives instead of the victimsā€™ families.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




ā€˜Groundbreaking Legal Victoryā€™: Court Rules School Cannot Trans Kids Without Parental Consent

By: Mary Margaret OlohanĀ /Ā @MaryMargOlohanĀ /Ā October 03, 2023


Children in a school hallway

A Waukesha County Circuit Court ruled Tuesday in favor of Wisconsin parents, deciding that a Wisconsin school district “abrogated” parents’ rights when it decided to socially affirm their child against their wishes. Stock photo, Getty Images.

A Waukesha County Circuit Court ruled Tuesday in favor of Wisconsin parents, deciding that a Wisconsin school district ā€œabrogatedā€ parentsā€™ rights when it decided to socially ā€œaffirmā€ their daughter as a transgender boy against their wishes.

Represented by Alliance Defending Freedom and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, two sets of Wisconsin parents had sued Kettle Moraine School District, accusing the district ofĀ violating their parental rightsĀ by ā€œadopting a policy to allow, facilitate, and affirm a minor studentā€™s request to transition to a different gender identity at school without parental consent and even over the parentsā€™ objection.ā€

Circuit Court Judge Michael Maxwell granted the parentsā€™ motion for summary judgment Monday, ruling on the merits of the case without a trial. His ruling and order, which the clerk filed Tuesday, said that the case dealt with ā€œwhether a school district can supplant a parentā€™s right to control the healthcare and medical decisions for their children.ā€

ā€œThe well established case law in that regard is clear,ā€ he ruled. ā€œKettle Moraine can not.ā€

The judge concluded: ā€œThe current policy of handling these issues on a case-by-case basis without either notifying the parents or by disregarding the parentsā€™ wishes is not permissible and violates fundamental parental rights.ā€

Maxwell ruled in favor of the parents and issued an order preventing Kettle Moraine School District from ā€œallowing or requiring staff to refer to students using a name or pronouns at odds with the studentā€™s biological sex, while at school, without express parental consent.ā€

The parentsā€™ lawsuit, filed in the Waukesha County Circuit Court in November 2021, alleged that Kettle Moraine School District violated the constitutionally protected rights of one set of parents when it allegedly pushed their 12-year-old daughter toward a significant life decision she was not prepared to make by socially affirming her claimed gender identity against her parentsā€™ wishes.

Another set of parents mentioned in the suit expressed concerns that the district would push their two children towards gender transition in the same fashion.

ā€œI am so grateful the Court has found that this policy harms children and undermines the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children,ā€ Tammy, the mother of one of the children named in the lawsuit, told The Daily Signal. (She asked that her last name be withheld to protect the familyā€™s privacy.)

ā€œOur daughter experienced increased anxiety and depression and her school responded to this by disregarding our parental guidance,ā€ she explained. ā€œSince leaving the school and allowing our daughter time to work through her mental health concerns, she has been able to healthily thrive and grow. Parents should be concerned when school districts disregard their concerns and override the voice and role of parents.ā€


That 12-year-old girl began experiencing ā€œrapid onset gender dysphoriaā€ as well as ā€œsignificant anxiety and depressionā€ in December 2020, attorneys from ADF and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty said in a May 2021 letter to members of the school district.

Her parents temporarily withdrew her from Kettle Moraine Middle School so she could attend a mental health center and process what was going on, but the center allegedly affirmed to her that she was actually a boy andĀ encouraged her to transition. So, in early January, according to the letter, she told her parents that she wanted to use a boy name and boy pronouns at school.

The girlā€™s parents decided that ā€œimmediately transitioning would not be in their daughterā€™s best interest,ā€ the letter said, and they told their daughter that they wanted her to explore the cause of her feelings before taking such a significant step. They also asked the staff at the school to continue using her legal name and female pronouns.

ā€œBut the District refused to honor their request,ā€ the attorneys wrote, and the parents ā€œwere told that, pursuant to District policy, school staff would be required to address their daughter using a male name and pronouns if thatā€™s what she wanted.ā€

The parents then had no choice but to withdraw her from the school district and to distance her from the mental health center and therapist she had been seeing, the letter said, ā€œconcerned that daily affirmation of a male identity could harm their daughter.ā€ 

Kettle Moraine School District did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Signal. But the parentsā€™ legal teams hailed the news as a ā€œgroundbreaking legal victoryā€ for parental rights.

ā€œThis victory represents a major win for parental rights,ā€ said Luke Berg, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty deputy counsel, said in a statement Tuesday. ā€œThe court confirmed that parents, not educators or school faculty, have the right to decide whether a social transition is in their own childā€™s best interests. The decision should be a warning to the many districts across the country with similar policies to exclude parents from gender transitions at school.ā€ 

Kate Anderson, director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights, emphasized that ā€œparentsā€™ rights to direct the upbringing and education of their children is one of the most basic constitutional rights every parent holds dear.ā€

ā€œWe are seeing more and more school districts across the country not only ignoring parentsā€™ concerns but actively working against them,ā€ she warned. ā€œThe court was right to respect the serious concerns of these parents by holding that Kettle Moraine School Districtā€™s policy, which undermines parents and harms children, violates the Wisconsin Constitution.ā€


Mary Margaret Olohan

Mary Margaret Olohan is a senior reporter for The Daily Signal. She previously reported for The Daily Caller and The Daily Wire, where she covered national politics as well as social and cultural issues. Email her at


UK Study Finds Puberty Blockers Exacerbated Mental Anguish For Trans-Identified Teens




Up to a third of trans-identified teens put on puberty blockers suffered a significant decline in mental health, according to new analysis of a survey from the United Kingdom.

In August, researchers published an updated review of data from a 2021 study in the U.K. on medRxiv, a preprint service for medical research. The original study conducted by the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) examined 44 children aged 12 to 15 over three years who were prescribed puberty-blocking drugs to treat gender dysphoria. Participants took triptorelin, a prostate cancer medicine used to inhibit the synthesis of estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

According to researchers at the University of Essex, the mental health of between 20 and 34 percent of participants significantly deteriorated while on the puberty-inhibiting drug. Just between 9 and 20 percent reported a reliable improvement. Between 56 and 68 percent witnessed no change in distress.

In other words, less than a fifth of those prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, if that, experienced emotional improvement after taking triptorelin. The findings contradict broad claims that such medical interventions are necessary to save gender-confused children from the perils of suicidal ideation. While the updated analysis from the University of Essex has yet to be peer-reviewed, another long-term study from Sweden found those who underwent transgender surgery were 19 times more likely to die by suicide than the general public.

The national suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255. More resources are here.

A U.S. study published in 2019 found nearly 60 percent of trans-identified patients in a more than 10,000-patient survey were diagnosed with at least one psychiatric disorder (besides gender dysphoria) to begin with.

In June, the U.K. NHS updated guidelines to prohibit prescriptions for puberty blockers outside of clinical research. The change in protocol follows other European nations similarly pulling back on dangerous premature medical interventions on minors who wish to manipulate their gender.

ā€œIn the past few years, European health authorities conducted systematic reviews of evidence for the benefits and risks of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones,ā€ City Journal reported in February. ā€œThe findings from these reviews ā€” that the certainty of benefits is very low ā€” guided the hand of policymakers there to restrict access to hormones.ā€

On Friday, California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed radical legislation mandating that parents ā€œaffirmā€ a childā€™s newfound so-called ā€œgender identity.ā€ Parents with kids in Californiaā€™s Chino Valley Unified School District, however, are still fighting state Democrats for the right to watch over their own children.

In August, Californiaā€™s far-left Attorney General Rob Bonta launched a legal crusade to terminate the districtā€™s new policy requiring schools to notify parents whenever a child tries to change pronouns or display other symptoms of gender dysphoria.

[RELATED: School District Gears Up To Fight California AG Trying To Make Them Secretly Trans Kids]

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

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Lawsuit Over Sex-Trafficked Teen Could Stop Schools From Hiding Kidsā€™ Dysphoria



sad teen

Author Laura Bryant Hanford profile



The mother of aĀ Virginia teenĀ sex-trafficked twice after her school concealed her newly asserted gender identity has filed a groundbreaking lawsuit against school staff and a Maryland public defender who alleged parental ā€œmisgenderingā€ and abuse. TheĀ complaintĀ was filed Aug. 22 in the Western District of Virginia court on behalf of Michele Blair by theĀ Child and Parental Rights CampaignĀ (CPRC) with support from theĀ Foundation Against Intolerance and RacismĀ (FAIR).

It alleges that the defendantsā€™ actionsā€”first in withholding vital information about the girlā€™s gender identification and related assault in the boysā€™ bathroom, then later by falsely alleging abuse to deprive her mother of custodyā€”resulted in the childā€™s ordeal at the hands of sexual predators not once, but twice. Blair v. Appomattox et al. will set critical precedents in two areas of roiling national debate: parental notification of gender transition in schools and parental custody relating to gender identity.

Public Schools Hide Kidsā€™ Dysphoria

More than 10 million children this fall returned to public schools that conceal kidsā€™ transgender identities from parents. A California case recently settled for $100,000 is one of several lawsuits filed by parents whose children were secretly transitioned in school.

The Blair suit, however, is groundbreaking for displaying the liability schools risk when secret-keeping results in tragedy. Safely back in her loving home for more than a year now, Sage still suffers persistent nightmares and panic attacks. She is receiving intensive therapy for complex PTSD, her mother reports, a diagnosis related to prolonged helplessness amid extreme trauma.

The reason for the secrecy that prefaced her ordeal no longer exists: Sage has embraced her sex, reflecting in hindsight that she had ā€œjust wanted to make friendsā€ at her new school by claiming to be a boy.

How gender identity relates to ā€œabuseā€ is fiercely debated nationwide. In some states including California, pending legislation categorizes parental non-affirmation of gender dysphoria as abuse. The political cost of angering parents of all backgrounds has begun to affect 2024 campaigns, as demonstrated by California Gov. Gavin Newsomā€™s unexpected veto of one of these bills.

In 2023, Virginia lawmakers debated ā€œSageā€™s Law,ā€ requiring parental notification in schools and clarifying that raising a child according to his or her sex may not be considered abuse. Virginia Senate Democrats killed Sageā€™s Law, and it has become a campaign issue. In fact, the transgender delegate who vehemently opposed House Bill 2432 is now facing a veteran anti-trafficking leader championing the bill.

Given the lack of evidence for benefits to minors from ā€œgender-affirming careā€ and the tremendous risk and potential for regret, the question of what constitutes ā€œabuseā€ and grounds for state intervention is urgent.

ā€œSageā€™s story is an absolute tragedy that no child should ever have to endure. But what is even worse is that it was entirely preventable,ā€ said attorney Vernadette Broyles in announcing the lawsuit. ā€œSchool administrators and public officials alike decided that their authority superseded that of her parentsā€¦This is about who has the best interests of the child at heart, who knows that child better than anyone else, and ultimately who must make important personal decisions for a child.ā€

An ā€˜Entirely Preventableā€™ Nightmare

Sageā€™sĀ heartbreakingĀ story was documented in TheĀ FederalistĀ last winter, when Delegate Dave LaRock introducedĀ Sageā€™s LawĀ in the Virginia General Assembly. She was a 14-year-old freshman at Appomattox County High School in 2021 when her school allegedly reinforced her claim to be male and concealed it from her parents. She was severely bullied, then assaulted in the male bathroom school employees told her to use, according to the complaint.

Sage ran away, leaving a note expressing fear of further violence. She was caught by a predator who drugged and raped her, then drove her into Washington, DC, where other men sex-trafficked her into Maryland.

When the FBI rescued Sage in Baltimore eight days later, a public defender alleged ā€œmisgenderingā€ and abuse at home, so aĀ judgeĀ withheld custody from Sageā€™s loving parents for more than two months. Instead, the judge ordered Sage to a Maryland state home in male quarters, where she was assaulted again, the lawsuit says. Sage fled and was once again caught by a predator and raped, drugged, starved, and tortured, this time for months before law enforcement found her in Texas.

Seeking Justice for Sage

The 55-page complaint lays out nine causes of action, seeking ā€œcompensatory and punitive damagesā€ plus court costs for ā€œtortious interference with the parent-child relationship, conspiracy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, professional malpractice, and other rightsā€ resulting in extreme harm to Sage and her mother. The first four causes of actionĀ targetĀ Appomattox County High School counselors Dena Olsen and Avery Via, Superintendent Annette Bennett, and the school board.

The remaining causes contain shocking charges against Maryland public defender Aneesa Khan and the school counselors of malpractice, perjury, and conspiracy ā€œaimed at depriving Mrs. Blair of custody of her daughter and keeping [Sage] in Maryland to be affirmed in a male identity.ā€ The complaint alleges the trio knowingly presented false testimony of abuse to Judge Robert Kershaw, and that their success in convincing him to keep Sage from her parents resulted in her subsequent abuse in a state home and in her second, months-long victimization.

Lawsuit: Hiding Info Led to Sex Trafficking

The Appomattox defendants, contends the lawsuit, concealed both the schoolā€™s unauthorized ā€œmental health interventionā€ affirming Sage as male and the resultant student ā€œbullying, verbal, physical and sexual assault.ā€ It alleges they failed to take corrective action or to initiate a Title IX sexual harassment investigation, instead directing the girl into the male bathroom, where she was assaulted.

Among the most damning allegations is the counselorsā€™ egregious disregard for Sageā€™s history of trauma and mental health concerns. Michele had provided these to the school expecting they would work closely with her like Sageā€™s previous school had, she described in testimony to Virginiaā€™s legislature.

Sage lost her father as a baby and had been through six foster homes by age two when Michele, her biological grandmother, adopted her. Michele recalls Sageā€™s unusual silence as a child: she had learned not to cry because adults didnā€™t respond.

With years of love, she developed into a happy child. Then a wave of mental health issues emerged with puberty, compounded by Covid isolation. As a trained Virginia Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Michele sought professional help for Sage, including hospitalization the summer before she entered high school.

Despite this known vulnerability, contends the lawsuit, Appomattox kept Sageā€™s parents in the dark even once reports surfaced of assault in the boysā€™ bathroom. School personnel met repeatedly with Sage alone, culminating in an emotional session on August 25, 2021 where they threatened she could be sued if she made false allegations against the boys, the lawsuit says. Sage suffered a ā€œpsychotic break,ā€ alleges the lawsuit, and ran away that night into the nightmare that followed.

Counselors, Public Defender ā€˜Conspiredā€™

The night Sage was rescued in Baltimore, she spent hours alone at the hospital undergoing a difficult rape exam into the wee hours of the morning. As she was being driven to a detention center afterward, the complaint alleges, Sage asked that her mother be called to take her home. This request was denied and she was locked in solitary detention. Later that day, Khan was claiming in court that the Blairs were abusive and Sage did not want to go home.

Among the disturbing facts alleged are sudden, mysterious phone calls originating from self-described ā€œmandated reportersā€ to the Appomattox County child abuse hotline hours after Sage was found on September 3, ā€œbefore her rescue and location were known to anyone but law enforcement, Mrs. Blair and Ms. Khan.ā€

Other reports followed, claiming Michele had subjected Sage to ā€œā€˜conversion therapyā€™ aimed at changing [Sageā€™s] gender identity.ā€ This was ā€œfactually impossible,ā€ as Michele allegedly only became aware of the gender identity shift the night Sage ran away. In fact, asserts the complaint, Khan conspired with Olsen and Via to ā€œfacilitat[e] the initiation of child protective services investigations in Virginia and Maryland.ā€

There are further allegations of grievous cruelty to a traumatized young rape victim: Sage was never informed her parents were waiting for her right outside the jail; Khan convinced Sage to lie to the court that her parents had abused her; Khan told the child her mother no longer wanted her, and withheld all the gifts and loving letters Michele sent to Sage at the Maryland childrenā€™s home.

These ā€œextreme and outrageous actions intentionally aimed at harmingā€¦Mrs. Blairā€™s parental relationship with [Sage]ā€ were allegedly ā€œall because Ms. Khan believed that [Sage] must be affirmed as male,ā€ the lawsuit says. According to a text from Sage to a friend, Khan had the stated ambition of taking her case to the Supreme Court.

Ideology Trumps Care for Trauma

BroylesĀ statedĀ to The Federalist Radio Hour that ā€œideology overwhelmed everything we know about trauma, about sex abuse victims, about children needing their parents and how they should be restored [to them] immediatelyā€¦unless thereā€™s actual proof ofā€¦abuse.ā€ Instead, a 100-pound, deeply wounded girl with no criminal record was jailed for several days, then housed with troubled teenage boys, ā€œwhere she was exposed to drugs, further sexual harassment and assault.ā€

Broyles reasoned Sage was treated ā€œas if sheā€™s a juvenile delinquentā€¦in order to maintain control.ā€ The legal maneuvering in Maryland lasted more than two months, with Judge Kershaw holding multiple hearings that delayed Sageā€™s return to Virginia required under the Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ).

Khanā€™s alleged narrative of abandonment fell on receptive ground: Sage told Michele months later how much sheā€™d missed her, but tried not to, because she ā€œknewā€ Michele didnā€™t want her. The shame and unworthiness felt by victims of sexual exploitation is well-documented. ā€œTrauma-related shame is an irrational and biological responseā€¦connected to the specific reactions of denial, hiding, and running away,ā€ explains one study.

A Critical Precedent on School Secrecy

The school secrecy that allegedly facilitated Sageā€™s ordeal is an intense national debate. In Virginia, leftist school boards like Fairfax Countyā€™s are defying Gov. Glenn Youngkinā€™s new model policies requiring parental notification and use of privacy facilities by sex, not gender identity. California and New Jersey are suing their own constituents, at constituent expense, for the right to deceive them about their own children.

Parents are fighting back, and surveys show that even left-leaning voters overwhelmingly favor parental notification in schools. Yet many Democrat politicians fiercely oppose it. They are backstopped by a billion-dollar industry that profits from pediatric transition and funds pro-secrecy activists in schools and legislatures, facilitating access to lifelong patients.

Significantly, records indicate Appomattox staff followed the same principle of instant, uncritical, and secret affirmation dictated by LGBT activistā€“crafted model policies that have infiltrated thousands of schools. The ā€œSchools in Transitionā€ model policy insists ā€œaffirming a childā€™s gender identity is in a childā€™s best interest,ā€ and that school personnel have ā€œunique insight into the studentā€™s needs without the biases parents can or are perceived to have.ā€

An Essential Precedent on Childrenā€™s Rights

This raises the critical question: does refusal to affirm a child as the opposite sex constitute ā€œabuseā€ and grounds for removal from parental custody, as Khan advocated in court? Activists are training legal officials and law students that it does.

A bill Californiaā€™s legislature passed would transfer children to state custody where, as Sage experienced, the risk of actual abuse skyrockets. Simultaneously, by dictating that foster parents ā€œaffirmā€ kidsā€™ sexual identities, California is reducing the homes available to needy foster kids.

In some states, family custody is already decided on this basis. While all 50 states are bound by the ICJ governing the return of runaway minors, some have passed ā€œrefugeā€ laws preventing the return of children who have run or been taken across state lines for ā€œgender-affirming care.ā€

This wildly aggressive intrusion into parental rights is remarkable not only for the destruction it has wrought, but for the absence of justification. As other nations have concluded, there is a profound lack of scientific evidence to support pediatric gender transitions. And tens of thousands of detransitioners now bitterly regret the lifelong medical consequences of adults affirming their childhood choices.

The fundamental question in Blair v. Appomattox et al. is whether fit parents or the state rightfully decide a childā€™s best interests. Sageā€™s story as described in the complaint shows the devastating potential harm to children when ideologically captured institutions wrest control of a childā€™s life from parents. While the case will set critical precedents in schools and courts, it also highlights the pressing need for laws reinforcing the right of parents to protect their children from state overreach.

Michele says sheā€™s filing this lawsuit in the ā€œhopeā€¦that no parent ever has to go through what [she] did to protect their child.ā€

Laura Bryant Hanford is a mother of five and is actively involved in school policy and religious freedom issues in Virginia, where she lives with her family. She served from 2015 to 2018 on Fairfax County Public Schools’ Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee. She was the lead congressional staff drafter of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. She also served at the U.S. Embassy in Romania as the officer in charge of human rights, focusing on ethnic minorities, women, and refugees. She is a graduate of Princeton University.

Californiaā€™s Pro-Trans Child Custody Bill Is Pure Emotional Blackmail



California Gov. Gavin Newsom

Author Kylee Griswold profile




Thereā€™s a bill sitting on Gavin Newsomā€™s desk right now that would not only render the First Amendment null and void but also strip parents of their most fundamental rights and responsibilities toward their children. Itā€™s not a matter of if the far-left California governor will sign it, but when.

The bill, the Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act (AB 957) ā€” which last week passed the Senate and then, on a party-line vote, the Assembly ā€” dictates that courts must consider ā€œgender affirmationā€ in child custody battles. The soon-to-be-law states that in seeking to determine the ā€œhealth, safety, and welfare of the child,ā€ courts must consider ā€œa parentā€™s affirmation of the childā€™s gender identity or gender expression.ā€

While some Democrat apologists in the media pretend itā€™s absurd to think this means conservative parents would ever lose custody of their children by nature of holding conservative values ā€” It doesnā€™t say judges *have* to side with the loving, accepting parents, you hateful rubes! ā€” we know how this will go. Itā€™s California, for crying out loud.

But we donā€™t have to extrapolate much. Other media have dropped the facade and told us exactly where this bill will lead. Hereā€™s CNBC:

Under the proposed law, parents, who fail to acknowledge and support their childā€™s gender transition, could face potential consequences, including the loss of custody rights to another parent or even the state itself. The billā€™s supporters argue that it is in the best interest of children, aiming to create a more inclusive and affirming environment for gender-diverse youth.

Thereā€™s the quiet part out loud: A mom or dad who opts not to indulge their child in mental illness, who uses the childā€™s given name, prohibits the use of puberty blockers, or discourages sterilizing hormones or surgery could lose the child not only to the other parent, which is egregious enough ā€” but to theĀ state.

As Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, has pointed out, this law would stomp on the Constitutionā€™s guarantee to free speech and the free exercise of religion. It would ā€œmuzzleā€ parents and prevent them from rearing their children in accordance with their deeply held beliefs ā€” beliefs, by the way, that have been regarded by both Christians and non-Christians as basic laws of nature and fundamentals of civil society until about five minutes ago. This is more than a legal dilemma for Constitutional scholars and gender-studies midwits to bat around in mahogany rooms and shoddy amici, however. If it feels more nefarious and personal ā€” thatā€™s because it is. Weā€™ve seen it before.

Itā€™s classic Democrat emotional blackmail. Itā€™s the left waging psychological warfare on its ideological opponents with barely veiled threats.Ā Oh, you want to see your own child? Well, thatā€™s interesting because xir needs some hormones xe says you wonā€™t provide. You donā€™t seem too concerned with xirā€™s health and safety.

This brand of emotional blackmail has already been tested and perfected with the suicide card. That is, the aforementioned gender-studies ā€œexperts,ā€ medical professionals, journalists, and other Very Smart Peopleā„¢ have decided, based on little to no evidence, that transgender medical interventions are the only acceptable course of action for confused kids. In fact, anything short of full ā€œaffirmationā€ is deadly, they say.

With this conclusion in mind ā€” and at the expense ofĀ mountingĀ evidenceĀ showingĀ pro-trans policiesĀ causeĀ the most harmĀ ā€” theyā€™ve devised ā€œresearchā€ that Democrats then present as unassailable. The methodology of these biased studies is wildly problematic. Pro-trans ideologues habitually equate correlation with causation, fail to treat gender dysphoria as a mental illness and ignore underlying mental health issues such as depression, discount the potential role of wrong-sex hormones in unhealthy ideations, ignore hard facts about the ways puberty eventually resolves almost all dysphoria in minors, discounts rampant social factors, and turns a blind eye to the growing chorus of detransitioners who fell for leftist lies and are now filled with despair.

[READ: Telling Kids To Hate Their Biology Might Be Whatā€™s Actually Killing Them]

But never let bad science get in the way of an agenda. Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?, they manipulate. A lack of acceptance has driven trans suicide rates and self-harm through the roof.

A law this unconstitutional is bound to wind up in the courts. And I suppose we should be thankful thereā€™s one remaining recourse. But if all conservatives have on their side is a waiting game until the courts eventually slap California lawmakers on the wrist, they have nothing. In fact, getting GOP-opposed laws tied up in the slow gears of the court system is exactly what Democrats are expecting. Theyā€™re counting on it. The more they can keep conservatives and jurists busy, the more radical laws and policies they can keep shoving out the door. We canā€™t stop them all. How many poor parents and children will be casualties in the meantime?

But donā€™t lose the human element in the legislative games. Rabid ideologues and iconoclasts who want to remake America and its children in their own image arenā€™t afraid to use the most vulnerable among us as pawns. Self-censorship will only be the start. Itā€™s emotional blackmail, plain and simple. Do what we say, or else.

Kylee Griswold is the editorial director of The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religion, and the media. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

California Lawmakers Vote To Remove Kids From Any Parents Who Donā€™t Support Severing Their Genitals



California Capitol

The California legislature passed a bill Friday requiring parents to ā€œaffirmā€ a childā€™s newfound gender or risk loss of custody.

Assembly Bill 957 was initially proposed to require courts to consider whether parents were ā€œaffirmingā€ a childā€™s identification as transgender in custody cases. The legislation was laterĀ amendedĀ in June to declare non-affirming parents liable for child abuse.

Republican state Sen. Scott Wilk bluntly recommended parents ā€œfleeā€ the state over the amendment.

ā€œIn the past when weā€™ve had these discussions and Iā€™ve seen parental rights atrophy, Iā€™ve encouraged people to keep fighting,ā€ Wilk said in June. ā€œIā€™ve changed my mind on that,ā€ Wilk added. ā€œIf you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.ā€

Wilk said he would leave the state himself at the end of his term.

Washington Free Beacon California Correspondent Susannah Luthi Taylor highlighted the lawā€™s ambiguous language, opening the door to broad interpretation.

ā€œThe California bill does not define ā€˜affirmation,ā€™ leaving it unclear if a parent would be required to support a childā€™s desire to socially transition or receive medical sex-change treatments,ā€ Taylor wrote. ā€œNor does the bill make distinctions based on a childā€™s age or mental health record.ā€

The legislation is now headed for Gov. Gavin Newsomā€™s desk, who is expected to sign it.

Californiaā€™s latest law on transgenderism follows a cascade of state interference in parental rights to challenge a childā€™s desire to attempt a changing his-or-her gender. In August, California Democrat Attorney General Rob BontaĀ suedĀ the Chino Valley Unified School District over new rules compelling teachers and administrators to notify parents of changes in pronoun use, sports participation, or bathroom assignments. A local judge in San Bernadino temporarilyĀ suspendedĀ the districtā€™s new policy last week while litigation remains underway. The next hearing is scheduled for Oct. 13.

ā€œSan Bernardino Superior Courtā€™s decision to issue a temporary restraining order rightfully upholds the state rights of our LGBTQ+ student community and protects kids from harm by immediately halting the boardā€™s forced outing policy,ā€Ā saidĀ the attorney general. ā€œWhile this fight is far from over, todayā€™s ruling takes a significant step towards ensuring the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of transgender and gender-nonconforming students.ā€

Last fall, Governor Newsom also signed a bill to ā€œoffer refugeā€ for out-of-state minors seeking trans medical interventions in the state without parental consent. In another assault on parental rights, the new law mandates that doctors hide childrenā€™s medical information related to ā€œgender identityā€ from parents.

Contrary to Democrat claims of protecting children, multiple studies show easing access to adolescent medical interventions in pursuit of transgenderism increases the risk of suicide.

The national suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255. More resources are here.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




5th California School District Says Teachers Must Notify Parents If Kids Identify as Trans

By: Ben JohnsonĀ /Ā @TheRightsWriterĀ /Ā September 07, 2023


The Rocklin Unified School District in California has adopted a policy requiring teachers to notify parents if their children begin to identify as a member of another sex. (Photo: damircudic/Getty Images)

Parental rights triumphed over the transgender agenda in the shadow of Californiaā€™s capital overnight, as the stateā€™s fifth school district adopted a policy requiring teachers to notify parents if their children begin to identify as a member of another sex. ParentsĀ burst into cheersĀ as theĀ Rocklin Unified School DistrictĀ board of trustees adopted the policy by a 4-1 vote Thursday morning around 12:40 a.m. local time. TheĀ regulationĀ stipulates that schools must contact parents within three school days if their child requests to use a name, pronouns, or sex-segregated facilities ā€œthat do not align with the childā€™s biological sex.ā€ Trustees alsoĀ clarifiedĀ that a studentā€™s gender identity remains confidential to everyone ā€œexcept the student and their parent(s).ā€

ā€œWe trust our parents to know what is best for their children,ā€ said Rocklin school trustees shortly after the vote. ā€œWe believe that the best way to address these challenges is together, with open communication and clear expectations. The boardā€™s action to strengthen parental notification and communication reinforces our commitment to include parents in school activities and decisions related to their child.ā€

The new measure is aimed at ā€œstrengthening the relationship between our staff, students, and family,ā€ they stated.

The vote came after hundreds of people crowded into a grueling, six-and-a-half-hour meeting that included more than four hours of public comments that ranged from heartrending to hot-headed.

ā€œThis policy is violent,ā€Ā assertedĀ an LGBTQ activist wearing a rainbow cape, a cloth COVID-19 mask, and hoisting a handheld transgender flag. ā€œYou are waging war, and we will not take it quietly. ā€¦ Weā€™ll shame you in public! ā€¦ Take our kidsā€™ futures and weā€™ll take your livelihood!ā€

ā€œWe donā€™t take threats up here,ā€ replied RUSD Board President Julie Hupp, who favored the policy. ā€œThreatening the board members is not how we work up here.ā€

ā€œItā€™s not a threat. Itā€™s a promise!ā€ said the speaker, who identified as Jay Smith, to the cheers of rainbow flag-waving audience members.

The X Below is a great example of these people whose mental illness they want shoved down our throats. This biological man, identifies as a woman, CLAIMING TO BE A LESBIAN. A LESBIAN! GET IT? HE’S SCREAMING HE WANTS SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH WOMEN AS A HETEROSEXUALL MALE, DRESSED IN A DRESS. Notice the bulge in the front of his/her dress.

More than oneĀ speaker wore an LGBTQ cape in the manner of a superhero. Teachers in the school district reportedlyĀ passed out rainbow ribbonsĀ to oppose notifying parents. Mothers and fathers asked those teachers not to lock them out of knowing the most fundamental facts of their childrenā€™s lives.

ā€œPlease support parental rights. Basic safeguarding of children means not keeping secrets from parents,ā€ pleaded concerned parent Beth Bourne.

One of the districtā€™s concerned parents, California Assemblyman Joe Patterson, a Republican, thanked the trustees for their service, empathizing with those who received ā€œreally hateful comments.ā€

ā€œWhat this whole issue is about is: Who gets to raise our kids? Who gets to raise the next generation of Californians? Is it the government, or is it their parents?ā€ declared Assemblyman Bill Essayli, a Republican who has championed a similar policy at the state level (AB 1314).

ā€œThe central question is: What authority does a school have to withhold information from parents?ā€ asked Essayli. He noted that courts have ruled ā€œthere is no right to privacy between children and their parents.ā€

Liberals promised swift political retaliation against RUSD and its four pro-parent trustees.

ā€œHit me up if you want to run for school board next year,ā€ said Jonathan Cook, the executive director of the Sacramento Housing Alliance. (RUSD trustee Michelle Sutherland cast the lone dissenting vote on Wednesday night. Julie Hupp, Tiffany Saathoff, Rachelle Price, and Dereck Counter voted in favor.)

One political communications specialistĀ urgedĀ LGBTQ activists to nullify or counter messages that parental notification policies validate parentsā€™ love for their children. But messages of support also poured in from those unable to attend. ā€œParents have every right to know whatā€™s happening with their kids. State politicians need to stay in their lane and stop meddling in parentsā€™ efforts to raise their children,ā€Ā saidĀ former state Sen. Melissa Melendez, a Republican.

Many of those who opposed the policy reportedly came from outside the district, while some who supported it cited their faith.

Hupp took a moment during the hearings to address a ā€œcontroversyā€ over a social media post in which she invited ā€œChrist-centered, family-focused individualsā€ to attend the proceedings, noting that she posted a second message inviting all families to take part.

The lopsided passage constitutes an act of defiance on the part of Rocklin, which is located in Placer Countyā€”a mere 22 miles outside Sacramento, where the administration of Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, has made a full-court press against parental notification policies.

California State Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, won a temporary restraining order Wednesday morning against the first district to approve a parental rights policy, Chino Valley Unified School District in San Bernardino County.

Sonja Shaw, Chino Valley Unified School District president, who has enduredĀ disturbingĀ and specificĀ death threatsĀ for her stand in favor of parental rights,Ā objectedĀ that the policy ā€œsimply says that parents have a right to know what is going on at school and not be the last person informed.ā€

Judge Thomas Garzaā€™s order, which applies only to Chino Valley, represents ā€œa temporary setback in the ongoing struggle to affirm parentsā€™ God-given and constitutionally protected right to direct the upbringing and education of their children,ā€ said California Family Council President Jonathan Keller.

Bontaā€™s threats and legal intimidation amount to little more than ā€œa political gimmick to intimidate school boards,ā€ said Lance Christensen, vice president of education policy and government affairs at the California Policy Center.

ā€œGov. Newsom and other state officials are on a mission to strip parents of their rights and give control over their kids to the government,ā€ he continued. ā€œBonta is using the power of his office to scare other school boards that are considering adopting parental rights policies. They should not be intimidated.ā€

ā€œDespite the courtā€™s decision, we stand undeterred by intimidation tactics from legislators, executives, and bureaucrats,ā€ vowed Keller. ā€œThis is not just a legal battle; itā€™s a defining moment for our culture, drawing a line between government overreach and the sacred realm of family.ā€

Both see the lawsuits as an attempt to blunt the momentum in favor of parentsā€™ rights and pro-family policy in deep-blue California.

Chino Valley affirmed parental rights by a 4-1 vote in July, followed by Murrieta Valley Unified School District and Temecula Valley Unified School District (both in Riverside County), and Anderson Union High School District in Shasta County.

ā€œFive down, 939 to go,ā€ quipped Christensen.

The Orange Unified School District will vote on a similar policy Thursday evening.

Originally published by The Washington Stand

More Courts Uphold Bans on ā€˜Gender-Affirmingā€™ Care for Minors. Is Supreme Court Next Stop?

By: Sarah Parshall PerryĀ /Ā @SarahPPerryĀ /Ā August 28, 2023


Young girl in denim T-shirt with rainbow Pride symbol and backpack outdoors

Twenty-two states have restricted ā€œtransgenderā€ medical interventions for minors. With courts reaching different conclusions regarding legality, a final decision seems destined for the Supreme Court. (Photo: IURII KRASILNIKOV, iStock/Getty Images)

Activist judges who believe the propaganda on ā€œlifesavingā€ ā€œgender-affirmingā€ care for minors are weeping into their lattes this month as a second federal appellate court has just upheld a duly enacted state law banning these practices for children.

A few short weeks after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th CircuitĀ upheld Tennesseeā€™s lawĀ banning ā€œgender-affirmingā€ care for minors in the state, the 11th Circuit followed suit andĀ upheld Alabamaā€™s lawĀ prohibiting the same. In an opinion for the unanimous three-judge panel written by Judge Barbara Lagoa, the court overturned a lower court order that had enjoined a portion of Alabamaā€™sĀ Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act. The act makes it a felony, punishable to up to 10 years in prison, to administer ā€œgender-affirming careā€ to minorsā€”including chemical castration and radically transformative body modification procedures.

The stateā€™s appeal from the lower courtā€™s decision halting the law centered specifically on section 4(a)(1)-(3), the portion of the law banning the administration of puberty blockers or ā€œcross-sex hormones.ā€

But as the 6th Circuit did in its decision upholding the Tennessee law, the 11th Circuit wasted no time in both overturning the lower court decision and going so far as to hold that the lower court had abused its discretion in applying the wrong standard of judicial review.

Lagoa wrote, ā€œThe plaintiffs have not presented any authority that support the existence of a constitutional right to ā€˜treat [oneā€™s] children with transitioning medications subject to medically accepted standards.ā€™ Nor have they shown that [the law] classifies on the basis of sex or any other protected characteristic. Accordingly, section 4(a)(1)-(3) is subject only to rational basis review.ā€

There are three standards for judicial review when a court must determine the constitutionality of a particular law:

The intermediate and strict scrutiny tests are more restrictive standards of review than rational basis, and more difficult for a state to satisfy. Rational basis, however, is used when no fundamental right (such as free speech, voting, or religion) or suspect classification (such as race or national origin) is at issue. Under this standard, the state must simply show that the law is rationally related to a legitimate governmental interest.

This standard, the 11th Circuit held, was easily satisfied by the state of Alabama, and the stateā€™s regulation of the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatments for minors was to be afforded a ā€œstrong presumption of validity.ā€ The court continued with a discussion of whether the right to treat oneā€™s children with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones could be found within the more general 14th Amendment right to direct the upbringing of oneā€™s childrenā€”as plaintiffs had claimed.

The court found it did not.  

Citing the Supreme Courtā€™sĀ Dobbs v. Jackson Womenā€™s Health Organization decisionĀ of last June, the court noted that in order to determine whether a claimed right is one of the ā€œsubstantive rightsā€ guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, ā€œCourts must look to whether the right is ā€˜deeply rooted in [our] history and traditionā€™ and ā€˜essential to our Nationā€™s scheme of ordered liberty.ā€™ā€ But, it continued, ā€œthe use of these medications in generalā€”let alone for childrenā€”almost certainly is not ā€˜deeply rootedā€™ in our nationā€™s history and tradition.ā€

Because the judges were being asked to break new ground in the field of substantive due process under the 14th Amendment, the court wrote that it was bound to exercise the ā€œutmost care.ā€ This, Lagoa wrote, the lower court had not done. In fact, she pointed out that the lower court had ā€œgrounded its ruling in an unprecedented interpretation of parentsā€™ fundamental right to make decisions concerning the ā€˜upbringingā€™ and ā€˜care, custody, and controlā€™ of oneā€™s children,ā€ and then applied the wrong judicial review standard of this new ā€œright,ā€ to boot.

As far as the plaintiffsā€™ argument that the Alabama law was subject to intermediate scrutiny because it made sex-based classifications (relative to ā€œgender nonconformityā€), the court was unconvinced. While the lower court had applied the Supreme Courtā€™s 2020 decision,Ā Bostock v. Clayton County, to equate ā€œgender nonconformityā€ with ā€œsex,ā€ the appellate court disagreed, noting that the Alabama law treated both sexes equally. Because it ā€œclassifie[d] on the bases of age and procedure, not sex or gender nonconformity, [it was] therefore not subject to any heightened scrutiny.ā€

The court also slapped down the lower courtā€™s application of Bostockā€”a case with a limited holding, and one that solely concerned the prohibition against sex discrimination in employment found inĀ Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Lagoa wrote, ā€œThe Equal Protection Clause contains none of the text that the Court interpreted in Bostock. It provides simply that ā€˜[n]o State shall ā€¦ deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.ā€™ā€

She added, ā€œBecause Bostock therefore concerned a different law (with materially different language) and a different factual context, it bears minimal relevance to the instant case.ā€

Within a few short days of the 11th Circuitā€™s decision, a Missouri state courtĀ upheldĀ that stateā€™s ownĀ SAFE (Save Adolescents from Experimentation) Actā€”the firstĀ trial court victory to dateĀ in cases interpreting laws that ban the mutilation of children in the name of ā€œgender-affirmingā€ care.

In declining the plaintiffsā€™ request to halt the law, Judge Stephen R. Ohmer ruled, ā€œThe science and medical evidence is conflicting and unclearā€ and that ā€œthe evidence raises more questions than answers.ā€

Nearly simultaneously, however, a Texas state court halted the operation of that stateā€™s ā€œtransgenderā€ medical procedures ban. The state immediately filed an appeal to the Texas Supreme Court, which temporarily halts the trial courtā€™s ruling. The Texas attorney generalā€™s office responded to the trial courtā€™s decision by saying that it would ā€œcontinue to enforce the laws duly enacted by the Texas Legislature and uphold the values of the people of Texas.ā€

Still pending before a federal trial court in Florida is aĀ challengeĀ to that stateā€™s ā€œgender-affirmingā€ medicine ban for minors as adopted by the Florida boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine. That case should now be relatively easy to decide since that ban is nearly identical to the Alabama law that the 11th Circuit just upheld.

In a previous case,Ā Adams v. St. Johns County School Board, the 11th Circuit determined (again in an opinion written by Lagoa) that a schoolā€™s sex-segregated bathroom policy was not a violation of the Constitution because, just as the Alabama law does, it treated all students equally, regardless of sex. This is good news for the state of Florida as officials chart a path forward in defending their ā€œgender-affirmingā€ medical ban.

WithĀ 22 statesĀ having enacted restrictions on ā€œtransgenderā€ medical interventions for minors, and with courts in different states and different federal circuits reaching different conclusions in terms of upholding or overturning such laws, the battle to protect the minds and bodies of adolescent children seemsĀ ultimately destinedĀ for the Supreme Court.


Sarah Parshall Perry@SarahPPerry

Sarah Parshall Perry is a senior legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation.


Monday, August 28, 2023

Did You See These?

August 23, 2023

North Carolina Legislature Overrides Dem Governorā€™s Vetoes to Protect Kids from Mutilation and Castration



trans flag

Legislators in North Carolina overrode several vetoes by Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper on Wednesday to pass three new laws that protect children from the harmful consequences of radical gender ideology.

Thanks to theĀ bipartisanĀ effortsĀ of the stateā€™s General Assembly, men in ladyface are barred from infiltrating womenā€™s sports, a policy decision aĀ majority of AmericansĀ support because they know that males have anĀ indisputable biological and physiological advantageĀ and women have a right to privacy and safety in places like locker rooms. Teachers, under another new law, must also alert parents of their childrenā€™s gender confusion issues instead ofĀ transitioning kids secretly.

A third law, which the House and Senate also overrode a veto to pass, prohibits medical professionals from pumping kids full of neutering drugs that carry permanent consequences including sexual dysfunction, infertility, a higher risk of cancer and cardiac events, impaired vocal cords, bone density issues, and ā€œtransitionā€ regret.

While someone can still be remotely approved to mutilate functional body parts in justĀ 22 minutesĀ in some American states, red states and European countries likeĀ England,Ā Sweden,Ā Finland,Ā andĀ FranceĀ have significantly scaled back or completely prohibited physical transgender interventions.

North Carolina is theĀ 22nd stateĀ to pass laws effectively banning sterilizing chemical regimens and genital amputations from being prescribed to aĀ growing number of minors who claim to struggle with gender dysphoria.

Legislators and parental rights activist groups in the Tar Heel State celebrated the overturned vetoes as a victory for ā€œwomen, parents, and families.ā€

ā€œWhile Governor Cooper has tried to stand between parents and their kids, today the NC House will continue to affirm parentā€™s rights, protect female athletes, and advocate for the health and safety of our children,ā€ North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said in a statement.

Cooper, on the other hand, appeared to have no regrets that he ignored the will of his constituents by vetoing the protective legislation. Instead, he complained that legislators were focused on keeping children away from mutilative gender experiments that will wreak irreversible damage on their bodies and minds instead of passing a budget bill.

ā€œThese are the wrong priorities, especially when they should be working nights and weekends if necessary to get a budget passed by the end of the month,ā€ Cooper said in aĀ statement.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Author Jordan Boyd profile




California AG Hints at Investigating Second School Board to Back Parental Rights on Kidsā€™ Gender Transitions

By: Ben JohnsonĀ /Ā @TheRightsWriterĀ /Ā August 15, 2023


(Photo illustration: SDI Productions/Getty Images)

Parental rights advanced last week in deep blue California, as another school district required teachers to notify parents if their children begin to identify as transgender.

The school board of the Murrieta Valley Unified School District adopted a Parental Notification Policy by a 3-2 vote Thursday. Under it, teachers must contact a parent or guardian within three days if their child attempts to use a name, pronoun, restroom, or changing facility of the opposite sex, or compete on a sports team of the opposite sex.

Murrieta Valley school board members Paul Diffley, Nicolas Pardue, and Julie Vandergrift voted yes; members Linda Lunn and Nancy Young voted no.

ā€œThis policy is especially helpful for the younger kids who start dabbling with this,ā€ Pardue told ā€œWashington Watchā€ guest host and former Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., the day after the vote.

Gender transition at increasingly younger ages ā€œhas become a fad,ā€ Pardue said, ā€œbecause there are some activist teachers who push this agenda.ā€ Families must be able to shield their children from the predatory transgender industry, said an eyewitness who regrets the brief time she identified as transgender.

ā€œParents deserve to know if their child is adopting a trans identity at school, because [gender] transition is not harmless. There are kids like me being seriously injured by this,ā€ Chloe Cole, who had a double mastectomy at age 15 before embracing her biological sex within two years, testified at the Murrieta Valley school board meeting.

ā€œThe reality is, sex cannot be changed,ā€ Cole told the school board. ā€œAs an educational institution, you have a duty to stand for truth. Your policies need to reflect reality and not opinion. You have a duty to stand against ideologies that are held up by low-quality research.ā€

ā€œThe entire trajectory of my life has been altered by delusional ideas that were pushed on me from a young ageā€ and ā€œweaponized by doctors to push a political agenda for monetary gain,ā€ she added. ā€œSocially transitioning is not benign. ā€¦ It takes away years of necessary social development as your real, biological sex.ā€

Coleā€™s testimony ā€œreally stuck in my heart, because we all know that teenagers make bad choices, and it is up to us as adults to help them make better choices,ā€ Perdue told Hice.

ā€œI was allowed to grow up as an innocent kid,ā€ the school board member said. ā€œWhen they talk about ā€˜a safe space,ā€™ the classroom should be a safe space from politics.ā€Ā 

Murrieta Valley is the second school district to adopt a parental notification policy in less than 30 days; neighboring Chino Valley Unified School District adopted a similar policy July 20.

ā€œItā€™s exciting to see parts of California waking up,ā€ Cole said after the vote. ā€œChino Hills and Murrieta schools are leading the way.ā€

School boards enacting such parental notification policies follow their ā€œdemocratic mandate in ways consistent with medical ethics and court doctrine on parental rights,ā€ Substack writer Wesley Yang said.

Pardue, the school board member, said every level of government should ensure that parents, not government, guide childrenā€™s formative views of controversial issues.

ā€œOur constitutional rights are what we are supposed to defend as adults and as teachers,ā€ Pardue said at the board meeting. ā€œThe world is surprised and shocked to know there are people who believe in the Constitution who live in California.ā€

If the momentum continues, Cole said, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, ā€œwill soon be forced to respect local communities and the U.S. Constitution.ā€

Yet school districtsā€™ decisions to stand with parents come at a cost. Radical LGBTQ activists immediatelyĀ barragedĀ Chino Valley school board President Sonja Shaw with threats toĀ kill and dismember her, murder her children, and slaughter her pets.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, also began investigating the Chino Valley school boardā€”a move leftists urged him to take against the Murrieta school board six days before it voted on the parental rights policy.

ā€œ[H]ere we go again,ā€ Voices United for CVUSD, an activist group that opposes parental rights, told Bonta. ā€œPlease continue to investigateā€ such ā€œextreme school boards.ā€

Bonta promptlyĀ announcedĀ that he has Murrieta in the crosshairs. The attorney general said he felt ā€œdeeply disturbed to learn another school districtā€ had adopted a parental rights policy. He described it as a ā€œforced outing policyā€ that ā€œput at risk the safety and privacy of transgender and gender-nonconforming students.ā€ Parental notification indicates a school district will ā€œtarget or seek to discriminate against Californiaā€™s most vulnerable communities,ā€ the stateā€™s attorney general said. ā€œCalifornia will not stand for violations of our studentsā€™ civil rights.ā€

ā€œThe anti-Christian rhetoric is really intense,ā€ Pardue told Hice on ā€œWashington Watch.ā€

Adherents to extreme gender ideology ā€œassume that Christian parents arenā€™t going to love their children if theyā€™re struggling with gender identity issues,ā€ the Murrieta school board member said. ā€œBut having a good, strong relationship with your parents is really the [best] step towards making sure that the children are safe. Knowing that theyā€™re getting a loving response from their parents is really a game changer.ā€

The boardā€™s vote has brought positive feedback, as well, Pardue said

ā€œEver since the vote, Iā€™ve had quite a few emails thanking meā€ and the entire school board for ā€œbeing a strong voice [and] reestablishing a relationship between the teachers and the parents in our community,ā€ Pardue said.

But pro-family advocates say thankfulness should extend nationally.

ā€œParents all across the country owe a debt of gratitude to people like Mr. Pardue, who are willing to stand in the gap for our kids,ā€ Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for education studies at the Family Research Council, said later on ā€œWashington Watch.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re really grateful,ā€ Kilgannon said.

Leaders of the Murrieta Valley school district have received national recognition for its studentsā€™ loyalty and enthusiasm. Vista Murrieta High School won a $25,000 prize and the title of Americaā€™s Most Spirited High School for the third time this year.

Pardue predicts enthusiasm for parental rights also will sweep far beyond the Murrieta district.

ā€œWe are not going to be the only district to stand on parental rights,ā€ Pardue told fellow board members before the vote. ā€œThere are a lot of people with traditional values who are figuring out that the state of California has pulled something over on them.ā€

Bontaā€™s harsh administrative crackdown on parental rights proves that ā€œthe Left wants believers to stay on the sidelines,ā€ Hice said.

ā€œThey want you to think that you really donā€™t matter. But history shows that it only takes one person to spark an enormous change, a movement.ā€ Pardue is living proof that ā€œit does only take one person to make a difference,ā€ the former congressman said.

The most important person who can make a difference in a childā€™s life is Mom or Dad, because ā€œno one ā€¦ loves children like a parent does,ā€ said Hice. ā€œAnd government simply cannot fill the gap.ā€

This commentary originally was published by The Washington Stand

Mom Fights School District for Hiding Script Read to Students About Teacherā€™s Gender Transition



Eau Claire School District mom

The Eau Claire Area Wisconsin School District is actively hiding a script read to students about a teacherā€™s upcoming gender transition, and one mom is fighting back to protect her kids and parental rights.

In early June, several elementary, middle, and high school classrooms in the Eau Claire Area School District were read a statement informing students that the orchestra teacher, Jacob Puccio, would be undergoing a gender transition.

Additionally, middle school orchestra students were reportedly subjected to a discussion with Puccio and the Districtā€™s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion director, Dang Yang. Students were apparently instructed to refer to Mr. Puccio as Ms. Puccio from now on, and Puccio informed the students that from a young age, he was traumatized by his parents and friends, who did not accept he was female. Puccio also allegedly made reference to a transgender medical procedure that he would undergo in the future.

Leah Buchman, who has a child in elementary school, twins in middle school, and a teen in high school, learned about the middle school discussion and scripted announcements from her kids. Buchman said she was completely taken off guard, as the district never asked for parental consent, nor did it notify parents.

ā€œIf my daughter needs to take an aspirin or if they need to go on a field trip, I need to sign a consent form,ā€ Buchman told The Federalist. ā€œI was really frustrated because my daughter especially had lots of questions, and I had no idea what was said, so it was really hard to walk her through this.ā€

Buchman promptly contacted the school to request a copy of the script but was denied. She then filed an open records request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) but was denied again. ā€œIt feels like the school district is pushing parents out and having secrets with my children, and thatā€™s wrong,ā€ said Buchman.

The school claims that the ā€œdocument could not be disclosed because an investigation was underway into whether any employee acted improperly,ā€ but Buchman isnā€™t buying it. Last Monday, she sued the district for violating the open records law.

According to Buchmanā€™s representation, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, the district has not disclosed the start date of its investigation or who was being investigated. ā€œAt this point in time, I donā€™t really trust my school district,ā€ said Buchman. ā€œTo me, it almost makes it almost seem like theyā€™re trying to hide something.ā€

Buchman explained to The Federalist that part of the problem is many parents are not even aware of the middle school transgender discussion or the scripted announcements. Some students never told their parents, so many parents only learned about what took place because of Buchmanā€™s lawsuit. ā€œPeople are extremely frustrated with the lack of transparency our district has with parents,ā€ said Buchman.

ā€œOne thing that we really want to get across is that if this is happening in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, itā€™s happening all over the country,ā€ Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty Associate Counsel Cory Brewer told The Federalist.

Likewise, Buchman said that while she has accumulated many silent supporters, she wants to encourage others to speak up. ā€œI donā€™t mind putting my name out there and being that person advocating for our kidsā€™ rights,ā€ said Buchman, but she also wants more parents ā€œaround the country to not be afraid to speak up, be heard, and get engaged in the process.ā€

ā€œYou have options, you can push back, you donā€™t have to accept the status quo,ā€ Buchman insisted.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




Largest School District In Ohio Spent More Than $24,000 On Trainings About How to Hide the Transing of Kids



school-aged children stretching in class

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Columbus City Schools (CCS) shelled out more than $24,000 taxpayer dollars to a consulting firm that taught staff how to sneak radical gender ideology into classrooms without parentsā€™ permission, a public records request made by Parents Defending Education revealed.

The two-day training in September 2022 was conducted by Q-inclusion, now known as ā€œHey Wes,ā€ an organization led by a woman disguised as a man that boasts of partnering ā€œwith schools, healthcare clinics, businesses, and communities in order to support queer & trans belonging.ā€

Before the symposium, CCS hadĀ policiesĀ allowing students ā€œaffirming name and pronounsā€ to be ā€œon all other documents, so long as this does not out them or put them in danger.ā€ Some gender-bending students were also granted access to opposite-sex bathrooms and lockers.

During the sessions, CCS staff such as speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologists, and school counselors were schooled on methods and tools such as ā€œgender support planā€ sheets they could use to further their campaign to quietly force the LGBT agenda on children without parentsā€™ knowledge.

CCS hires were specifically instructed what to do ā€œwhen a student is out to you but not to their familyā€ and how to handle ā€œcaregiver concerns and pushbackā€ with conversation tactics while still hosting sexual conversations with children.

ā€œTransgender and nonbinary students have a FERPA-protected right to privacy; this extends to studentsā€™ gender identity, birth name, sex assigned at birth and medical history. This includes privacy rights from parents/caregivers,ā€ a Q-inclusion handout used for the training states.

Another set of slides boldly asserts that ā€œchildren areĀ notĀ too young to talk about or know their genderā€ and that ā€œgender expansivenessā€ should be discussed with toddlers.

Other slides used during the training included infamous imagery such as theĀ genderbread personĀ iteration, ā€œthe gender unicorn,ā€ and the ā€œwheel of power and privilege,ā€ which argues that a mentally and financially stable, white, heterosexual, educated male in good health is the epitome of societal ā€œprivilege.ā€

The session hosts cited phony statistics from the Trevor Project, which not only promotes the mutation and castration of children but was recently caught hosting online, anonymous conversations about sex between adults and children.

Any religious staff who believe marriage is between a man and a woman and may have taken issue with some of the trainingā€™s content were educated on ā€œWhat to do when your personal/religious beliefs donā€™t align with LGBTQ+ inclusion.ā€ Q-inclusionā€™s suggestion for staff looking for ways to promote ā€œLBGT inclusionā€ starts with displaying prideĀ flags, wearing pronoun pins, and calling boys and girls ā€œFriends, scholars, learners, children, mascot/community name.ā€

The consultants also encouraged CCS staff to fill their offices and classrooms with sexually explicit books.

ā€œFamilies assume that when their childrenā€™s teachers attend professional development sessions, educators learn how to be more effective. But as these documents show, taxpayer dollars were instead spent encouraging school officials to treat pupils differently on the basis of superficial characteristics, hide information from parents, and discuss adult content with young students,ā€ President of Parents Defending Education Nicole Neily told The Federalist. ā€œItā€™s appalling that Columbus City Schools would choose to spend its finite resources on a consultant pushing such toxic content on teachers ā€” particularly because less than half of all students in the district are proficient in reading and math.ā€

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

This Picture Book Tells Kids Theyā€™ll Be Depressed If Theyā€™re Not Transgender, And Itā€™s In A Public Library



cover of "Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up Too"

Author Eddie Scarry profile




Oh, look, itā€™s another one of those books that Democrats absolutely demand be made available to children. All it does is push little kids to ā€œdefyā€ the ā€œridiculous rulesā€ of gender normsā€” because they cause ā€œdepressionā€!

A friend of mine took her two young children ā€” a boy, 6, and a girl, 4 ā€” to the Indianapolis Public Library, Glendale branch, this week and let them pick out some books from the kidsā€™ section. It wasnā€™t until she got home that among the ones chosen by her daughter, who hasnā€™t yet learned to read, was Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up Too, a colorful picture book by Michelle Tea, the creator of ā€œdrag queen story hour.ā€

Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up Too promotes transgenderism to children. IMAGE CREDITUSED WITH PERMISSION

The story involves two young kids who like to play dress up, but when theyā€™re told to take the costumes off before leaving the house, a garish drag queen named Morgana arrives and tells them all about the splendor of being a transvestite.

ā€œLike Mama Ru said, we all are born nude,ā€ the book says. ā€œAll our clothing is dragā€”every dress, tie, and snood. Now, I know that some people make ridiculous rules, but youā€™ll learn to defy them, and Iā€™ll give you some tools!ā€

ā€˜I know that some people make ridiculous rules, but youā€™ll learn to defy them,ā€™ the book says. IMAGE CREDITUSED WITH PERMISSION

Mama Ru is a nickname for RuPaul, the famous drag queen. He and depictions of several other drag performers are featured on another page. This is a book listed on Amazon for children ages 4 to 8. Isnā€™tĀ yourĀ 6-year-old a ā€œDrag Raceā€ fan?! The pages are filled with illustrations of little boys wearing dresses, girls wearing male sports attire, other boys in wigs, wearing heels and make-up and on and on. Also jarring are drawings of swords, snakes, and one creature with the head of a cat but the body of a cow. (All thatā€™s missing are seven heads, 10 horns, and 10 crowns.)

My friend noted the passage on one page in particular that she said concerned her the most: ā€œYou see, my dear children, when gender expression / is hampered with rules, it just leads to depression!ā€

The book continues: ā€˜when gender expression is hampered with rules, it just leads to depression!ā€™ IMAGE CREDITUSED WITH PERMISSION

ā€œYou see, my dear children, when gender expression / is hampered with rules, it just leads to depression!ā€

Just what every parent wants ā€”Ā to explain the concept of depression to their 4-year-old daughter.

ā€œIā€™m a moderate who previously thought the book bans were outrageous,ā€ my friend told me, referring to the attempt by some local governments to restrict sex-themed kidsā€™ books in public libraries and schools. ā€œI support the gays and the queens but not the idea of teaching a child they should be depressed over the gender they were born into.ā€

Itā€™s worth repeating that she had no idea her child had chosen this book until after she and her family had gotten home. She had assumed that when her daughter came back to her with a vibrant picture book plucked from the kidsā€™ section that it was harmless literature for children. But as weā€™ve seen, the kids are no longer off limits. The militant transgender activist lobby is out to get them and this is how theyā€™re doing it.

Eddie Scarry is the D.C. columnist at The Federalist and author of “Liberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone.”

When LGBT Activists Flood Target With Bomb Threats, Media Pretend Conservatives Did It



Target pride merchandise in basket

Author Kylee Griswold profile




The shameless corporate media are so desperate for a narrative about LGBT victimhood, theyā€™re pretending threats of violenceĀ fromĀ angry pro-ā€œprideā€ perpetrators are instead threatsĀ againstĀ them. The latestĀ examplesĀ areĀ pure propagandaĀ from The Hill and The Washington Post on Monday, which led with scaremongering ā€” ā€œbomb threats over Pride itemsā€ ā€” while completely burying the lede: The bomb threats against culturally embroiled retail giant Target came from pro-LGBT activists.

ā€œTarget stores in at least five states receive bomb threats over Pride items,ā€ read The Hillā€™s headline ā€” the only part most people see.

The few readers who actually bothered to click the link were met with this deceptive framing in the first paragraph: ā€œTarget stores in at least five U.S. states had to be evacuated over the weekend after receiving bomb threats, the latest example of backlash the U.S.-based retail chain has received for its Pride month merchandise.ā€

Not until paragraph six, however, did the author reveal that these bomb threats that were emailed to news outlets in multiple states ā€œaccused the retail chain of betraying the LGBTQ+ community.ā€

The Washington Post ran an almost identical headline, burying the real news a full eight paragraphs down and leading instead with: ā€œTarget stores in at least five states were evacuated this weekend after receiving bomb threats. Though no explosives were discovered, the incidents tie into the backlash over the retail chainā€™s Pride Month merchandise.ā€

This media horsepucky is the latest attempt to push a fake narrative about conservative extremists assaulting the pro-trans department store. Thatā€™s why the outlets used words like ā€œlatest example,ā€ ā€œbacklash,ā€ and ā€œfor its Pride month merchandise.ā€ As far as we know, the bomb threats had nothing to do with rainbow merchandise, nor were they related to any other ā€œexamplesā€ of ā€œbacklash,ā€ such as peaceful conservative boycotts. Instead, they appear to be a direct result of LGBT lunatics not getting their way. The framing is intentional.

This lede-burying exercise from The Hill is just the next page from the same ā€œpride monthā€ playbook the left has been running since May. Before the calendar even flipped to June, Target unveiled its aggressive rainbow merchandise, complete with pro-trans items for children and ā€œtuck-friendlyā€ swimwear. In no time, the company had moved many of its rainbow displays to the back of the store, citing nonspecific ā€œthreats.ā€ When Target failed to produce any evidence for these allegations, its plummeting stock suggested the real ā€œthreatā€ was to its bottom line.

That didnā€™t stop media propagandists from parroting Targetā€™s unsubstantiated claims. PBS, for instance,Ā declaredĀ without evidence that Target had endured ā€œintense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers.ā€ NPRĀ editorializedĀ that the outrage resulted in ā€œthreats against employeesā€ ā€” a claim Target didnā€™t even make in its vagueĀ statement.

ā€œBomb threatsā€ are a new low. But pro-transgender activists, especially those occupying Americaā€™s newsrooms, habitually spin their own victimization as victimhood.

For example, when radical LGBT ideologues manipulate impressionable children, activist ā€œjournalistsā€ frame concerned parents as ā€œtransphobicā€ and dangerous. When lawmakers take compassionate steps to protect these minors from the clutches of predatory adults or seek to eradicate porn from taxpayer-funded schools, corporate media frame their noble efforts as attacks on ā€œtrans rightsā€ and ā€œbook bans.ā€ When conservatives plead for dysphoric girls to get mental health help instead of mastectomies, the propaganda press employs emotional blackmail by claiming these girls will commitĀ suicideĀ if theyā€™re prevented from amputating their healthy body parts. When a deranged transgender shooter murders six Christians in cold blood, media activistsĀ frameĀ the shooter as the victim.

Public opinion about transgender radicalism is rapidly changing. Based on a Gallup poll out just this week, a majority of Americans (55 percent) believe itā€™s ā€œmorally wrong to change oneā€™s gender.ā€ Thatā€™s up four points from 2021, despite poll results also showing more Americans now know a transgender-identifying person. Furthermore, nearly 70 percent of respondents said athletes should only be allowed to play on teams that match their sex, up a full seven points from 2021.

As the cultural tide turns, ā€œprideā€ activists, with the help of their media allies, have shown theyā€™ll do whatever it takes to maintain their clutch on the narrative ā€” including spinning their own bomb threats against themselves.

Kylee Griswold is the editorial director of The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religion, and the media. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

The U.K. Just Banned Chemical Castration for Kids. America Should Do The Same and More



transgender and LGBT flags

Author Jordan Boyd profile




The United Kingdomā€™s primary government health system will no longer hand out castration drugs to children like candyĀ becauseĀ ā€œthere is not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness as a routinely available treatment.ā€

The National Health Service announced on Friday that only kids in the United Kingdom who are enrolled in clinical trials or get approved for an exception would have access to prescriptions that suppress and wreak havoc on humansā€™ natural growing pattern.

The decision to halt the universal prescription of life-altering drugs is long overdue considering there was never any evidence that permanently manipulating a childā€™s body would remedy his or her mental struggles.

In recent years, pharmaceutical companies and bureaucracies began marketing a sterilizing chemical regime as a way to ā€œpauseā€ puberty for the growing number of kids who claim to struggle with gender dysphoria. On the contrary, the increasing body of evidence shows that pumping kids full of neutering drugs causes irreversible harm, including sexual dysfunction and permanent infertility, a higher risk of cancer and cardiac events, impaired vocal cords, bone density issues, and transition regret.

NHS still allows doctors to ā€œsocially transitionā€ children, a nonsense concept since ā€œtransitioningā€ sexes is physically impossible. But the agency is not afraid to warn medical professionals that transgender interventions like wrong-sex hormones ā€” which studies show lead to sickening regret ā€” will ā€œcause some irreversible changes.ā€ 

NHS alsoĀ rightfullyĀ acknowledgesĀ that ā€œin many cases gender variant behavior or feelings disappear as children reach puberty.ā€ In the U.S., schools, hospitals,Ā corporations, and theĀ White HouseĀ claim that refusing to perform dangerous gender experiments on children via drugs or surgery will banish victims to turmoil, discrimination, and suicide.

Similarly, while someone can be remotely approved to mutilate functional body parts in just 22 minutes in the U.S., the British taxpayer-funded agency still requires a ā€œdetailed assessment, usually over 3 to 6 appointments over a period of several months.ā€ Even if someone was approved for a so-called ā€œtransition,ā€ the socialized health care systemā€™s ā€œwaiting times for referral and treatment are currently long.ā€

The NHSā€™s recent actions arenā€™t perfect but they are better than the status quo in the United States, where the federal government and president repeatedly force the sterilization of kids on Americans.

No matter what the current institutional complex claims, children arenā€™t lab rats to be pumped full of dangerous drugs. They are the most vulnerable in our society and their innocence deserves protection from the leftā€™s radical sexual agenda.

More than a dozen Republican-led states recognize this, which is why they have effectively restricted or banned physical transgender interventions. Countries like SwedenFinlandFrance, and now the U.K. are coming to terms with this reality and scaling back their participation in the mutilation racket.

Unfortunately, banning the mass dissemination of disfiguring drugs in only some areas of the world is not enough. Especially because states like CaliforniaWashington, and Minnesota have set themselves apart as sanctuaries for mangling children, with cities like Madison, Wisconsin working to follow suit.

We need to not just ban the demonic act of chopping off healthy body parts or rendering them useless with castrating drugs, but also punish the people promoting and executing the leftā€™s shop of horrors behind parentsā€™ backs. In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton classified it as child abuse. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis barred people seeking mutilation from using taxpayer-funded programs to pay for it. If reelected in 2024, former President Donald Trump promised to kick medical professionals who meddle unnecessarily with childrenā€™s bodies off of Medicaid and Medicare.

The radical gender ideology movement is mentally, physically, and spiritually hurting adults and children. Until it is quelled, corporations and governments will continue to push the transgender industryā€™s profits over people.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Stay Thirsty

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ June 8, 2023 |

Many people wouldnā€™t drink Bud Light if they were dying of thirst, thus Budweiser has lost billions.

Bud Light Boycott
Cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciated ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump

US Judge in Fla. Blocks State Ban on Gender Care

Tuesday, 06 June 2023 05:36 PM EDT


US Judge in Fla. Blocks State Ban on Gender Care

A federal judge in Florida on Tuesday partially blocked the state from enforcing its recent ban on people under 18 receiving gender-transitioning care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy, allowing three transgender children to continue with their treatment while he hears a lawsuit challenging the law.

The preliminary order, from U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle in Tallahassee, applies only to three transgender children in the lawsuit and their health care providers. It will remain in effect while the judge considers a lawsuit by seven families. The other four families did not join an emergency bid to block the law because they do not expect to need gender-affirming care in the immediate future.

“Today my entire family is breathing a huge sigh of relief knowing we can now access the treatment that we know will keep Susan healthy and allow her to continue being the happy, confident child she has been,” one of the plaintiff parents said in a statement, using a pseudonym for her child.

“We obviously disagree with the judge’s ruling,” said Jeremy Redfern, a spokesperson for DeSantis, in an email. “We will continue fighting against the rogue elements in the medical establishment that push ideology over evidence and protect against mutilating our kids.”

Florida’s medical licensing boards adopted bans on gender care for minors in March, and DeSantis last month signed a similar ban passed by the state legislature. It was the latest of a slew of laws passed by Florida and other states restricting many aspects of transgender people’s lives, including medical care, participation in school sports and ability to change identifying documents.

The families said in their complaint that the bans violated their right to equal protection under the U.S. Constitution and parents’ right to make medical decisions for their children. The children in the case range in age from eight to 14. Two have already been prescribed puberty blockers, and all of their parents expect they will need puberty blockers or hormones in the future.

While Wednesday’s order is not a final judgment, Hinkle said the plaintiffs were likely to win. He harshly criticized the law as motivated by “bigotry,” noting that one state legislator had called transgender witnesses at a public hearing “demons.”

Ā© 2023 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Sticker Shock

A.F. BRANCO | onĀ June 4, 2023 |

Gov. Walz loves spending taxpayer money on Illegals and Transgenders while taxpayers’ struggle.

Minnesota Tax Waste
Cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Push Comes to Shove

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ June 5, 2023 |

The left continues to cram the woke transgender culture against our kids down our throats.

Transgender Agenda Pride for Children
Cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump

Elon Musk Grills Target Over Sick Charity Donation, Twitter Exposes Retail Giant with Community Note

Ā ByĀ Warner Todd HustonĀ Ā May 27, 2023 at 1:39pm


Since the boycott of Bud Light seems to have been a rousing success, many people are shifting focus to retail giant Target and its years of supporting radical LGBT groups ā€” one of which even advocates to ā€œtransitionā€ children without parental consent. It is so outrageous that even Elon Musk felt compelled to begin asking some questions about it.

Musk, who is considered center-left in most things political was shocked by a recent Fox News article that reported that Target has been supporting the radical gay group GLSEN for years, even though the group ā€œcalls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math,ā€ and spends its donations to get American schools to comply with that policy.

In its tweet, Fox News also noted that GLSEN ā€œencourages secret gender changes among children in schools.ā€

In its May 26 report,Ā Fox NewsĀ noted that Target is ā€œpartnering with a K-12 education group for which focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their childā€™s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools.ā€

Indeed, Fox even obtained a direct quote from Target saying how much they support the organization with their annual donations of tens of thousands.

ā€œGLSEN leads the movement in creating affirmingā€¦ and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission,ā€ the retailer told Fox.

Fox goes on to explain what GLSEN does: ā€œGLSEN calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. It provides educators instructions on how they can make math ā€˜more inclusive of trans and non-binary identitiesā€™ by including ā€˜they/themā€™ pronouns in word problems.ā€

ā€œWe advise on, advocate for, and research comprehensive policies designed to protect LGBTQ students as well as students of marginalized identities,ā€ the group itself describes on its ownĀ site.

This group thatĀ TargetĀ has supported urges schools to add ā€œintersex,ā€ ā€œtransgender,ā€ ā€œnon-binaryā€ and other such left-wing ā€œchoicesā€ of sexual identity into all class work from math to science, per Fox.

GLSEN tells schools to keep confidential any information about students ā€œtransitioningā€ or self-identifying as the opposite or some fantasy gender, and to make sure parents are not told of any such information unless explicitly approved by the child.

The group pushes a policy that maintains that schools and faculty ā€œshall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidentialā€¦ Staff or educators shall not disclose any information that may reveal a studentā€™s gender identity to others, including parents or guardianā€¦ This disclosure must be discussed with the student, prior to any action.ā€

In a Saturday news release condemning ā€œright-wing extremists,ā€ GLSEN attempted to spin that little nugget of information as such: ā€œSupportive educators are a lifeline to students who do not have the freedom to be exactly who they are safely, and GLSEN will always fight back against policies that force educators to jeopardize student safety.ā€

The group also seeks to force schools to allow boys who claim to be transgender girls to play in school sports with the girls.

ā€œTo date,ā€ Fox added, ā€œthe retail giant has donated at least $2.1 million to GLSEN.ā€

Foxā€™s shocking report spurred Twitter chief Elon Musk to ask, ā€œIs this true, @Target?ā€

A Twitter ā€œcommunity noteā€ also appeared on the tweet, noting that, ā€œTarget has donated to GLSEN for more than a decade: ā€˜Target annually supports GLSEN and its mission to createā€¦spaces for LGBTQIA+ students.’ā€ The note also presented links to the radical policies for which GLSEN advocates.

One Twitter user blasted Musk for asking the question, carping, ā€œOh come on, this is Fox News. You question CNN, MSNBC, but not Fox News? Donā€™t you think that this is hypocritical?ā€

But Musk pointed out that he literally was questioning the claims, and tweeted back, ā€œMaybe itā€™s not true, hence the question.ā€

So far, Target has not made any statement past its quote to Fox that it supports GLSEN.

This newest wrinkle in Targetā€™s big-dollar support of the radical LGBT lobby comes on the heels of a boycott effort over its ā€œprideā€ merchandise and for partnering with a company thatĀ embracesĀ satanism along with its LGBT advocacy. Target is nowĀ hemorrhagingĀ money,Ā as is Anheuser-Busch, following Bud Lightā€™s decision to partner with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

The bad news continues to mount for Target and Bud Light both, and conservatives must keep the pressure on these woke corporations. Examples must be made if we hope to reverse the wide trend in corporate America of donating billions to these organizations whose main goal is to groom our children for their disgusting sexual agenda.:

Warner Todd Huston

Contributor, CommentarySummaryMoreRecentContact

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN and several local Chicago news programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a “target-rich environment” for political news.


Target Partnered with Satan Supporter Who Wants To ā€˜Eradicateā€™ Critics of Transgenderism



Target collaborates with Satanist to release new trans merch

Author Jordan Boyd profile




This article describes disturbing products and messages.

TargetĀ furthered its commitmentĀ to advancing radical gender ideology this month when it partnered with a Satan supporter who called for the eradication of anyone who disagrees with the mutilation of children to supply transgender-themed merchandise to Targetā€™s ā€œprideā€ collection.

The recent collaboration between Target and the U.K.-based brand Abprallen and its designer ā€œErik,ā€ a self-proclaimedĀ ā€œgay trans man,ā€Ā features a sweatshirt emblazoned with a caduceus wrapped in a ā€œcure transphobia not trans peopleā€ ribbon, a rainbow UFO tote bag that states ā€œtoo queer for here,ā€ and a pink ā€œwe belong everywhereā€ fanny pack.

ā€œBeing able to transition brings with it euphoria, comfort, self-love, and perhaps most importantly ā€“ hope,ā€ ErikĀ wroteĀ in one Instagram post promoting a ā€œtransitioning saves livesā€ image. What Erik didnā€™t mention is the irreversible damage gender experiments yield, such asĀ ā€œsexual dysfunction, infertility, cardiac event[,] endometrial cancer,ā€ life-threateningĀ infections, andĀ transition regret.

Erikā€™s products, which are showcased on Targetā€™s website, average just a couple of stars. One five-star review penned by the designer, however, restated excitement that one of the largest U.S. retailers would stock this type of clothing.

ā€œThese have already got the transphobes infuriated with me and I feel like quite the celebrity to think that they believe this is all some big conspiracy and I have any power to brainwash anyone when Iā€™m just some guy drawing pictures!ā€ the designer wrote in an Instagram post announcing the partnership.

What Erik didnā€™t mention in the social media defense of Abprallen products is that ā€œjust drawing picturesā€ includes a long history of producing and selling goods that elevate Satan and transgenderism in the same breath. One quick glance at the designerā€™s website and Instagram shows dozens of designs featuring satanic and sacrilegious symbols such as pentagrams, ā€œSatan respects pronounsā€ T-shirts, ā€œgay as hellā€ stickers, and stained glass windows covered up by ā€œtrans bodies are holy.ā€

ā€œSo, for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. I went with a variation of Baphomet for this design, a deity who themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They reject binary stereotypes and expectations. Perfect,ā€ ErikĀ wrote.

One particularly graphic image on the designerā€™s Instagram shows a naked demonic creature with a horned skull and mutilated breasts.

ā€œBeing called a demon is something I can cope with, and the idea of a trans demon is pretty damn cool, most of my work focusses on gothic or dark and satanic imagery juxtaposed with bright colours and LGBT+ positive messages,ā€ Erik wrote in the caption.

Abprallen appears to have sold some of these products at an ā€œAnti-Christmas Fayre Satanic Flea Marketā€ in London in December of 2022.

In addition to promoting explicit evil, Erik often uses violent language and imagery, with products such as a ā€œburn down the cis-temā€ lighter, a ā€œwe bash backā€ mace, and ā€œtimeā€™s up for transphobesā€ skull pins to call for action against people who take issue with radical gender ideology and the dangerous mutilation and castration it prescribes. Erik also sells merchandise promoting theĀ murder of babies in the womb.

ā€œIn order to keep transphobes at bay we must eradicate them, it is very important to not engage in conversation with them ā€“ fascists do not listen to reason and they do not deserve the trans personā€™s valuable time,ā€ Erik wrote in early March.

Targetā€™s embrace of someone who promotes the explicit fusion of radical gender ideology and Satanism might seem recent but itā€™s not. In 2021, when a man dubbed a ā€œhomophobic hecklerā€ asked a Target employee if the company supports ā€œsatanic pride propaganda,ā€ the red-shirted employee replied ā€œYeah, both, Satan and Prideā€ without missing a beat.

Since 2012, Target has happily stocked the front of its stores with pro-LGBT T-shirts, accessories, pet items, party supplies, and decor. In recent years, Target expanded the reach of messages like ā€œtrans people will always exist,ā€ ā€œqueer,ā€ and ā€œlive laugh lesbianā€ to the childrenā€™s section.

Even well before the scheduled commencement of ā€œpride monthā€ in June, Target began selling ā€œlight binding effectā€ tops and ā€œtuck-friendlyā€ shorts in theĀ childrenā€™sĀ clothing section.

Target isnā€™t the only company elevating people and products that blend transgenderism and demon worship. In recent years, Hollywood stars like Lil Nas X and Sam Smith have tried to advance the LGBT agenda using demonic shoes, music videos, and performances with clear links to Satan.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Uncle Samantha

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ May 5, 2023 |

The Navy revealed that it approached a ā€œdrag queen influencerā€ to help persuade new recruits to join the military.

Transgender Military
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

Faced With Rainbow Mobs, Republicans Have Insurrectile Dysfunction



rainbow and trans flags over the Constitution
Flaccid red states need to firm up ā€” fast.

Author Peachy Keenan profile



I recently wrote about the current wave of rainbow-flavored ā€œinsurrectionsā€ sweeping through Americaā€™s red statehouses. I called them part of aĀ color revolution. Color revolutions, you will recall, are traditionally ā€œpopular uprisings against authoritarian regimes, such as those that took place in former Soviet countries such as Ukraine and Georgia in the early and mid-2000s.ā€

In our American color revolution, the script has flipped. Here, red states are the only rebels standing strong in the face of increasingly authoritarian central power ā€” wrapped, of course, in the rainbow flag. 

Tennessee recently made a star out of State Rep. Justin Pearson, the code-switching preacher man with the afro who just a few years ago was a repp tie-wearing prep at Colgate, but this year led an invasion of screaming gun-control protesters into the Tennessee Capitol, shut it down, and got himself expelled (temporarily, of course. Plot twist: The lead characters on this show always win in the end!)

Weā€™ve now seen color revolutionaries take to state capitols in Tennessee, Montana, Kansas, Kentucky, Florida, Oklahoma, and Missouri. This week, the color revolution came to Texas. The radicals are on top. And (if you will excuse my French), thanks to their total effete ineffectuality, red states are getting bottomed, hard.

The Best Little Statehouse in Texas

Showrunners set this weekā€™s episode of ā€œTransurrectionā€ in Texas. Why? They canā€™t turn Texas blue, right? ā€¦Right?

Twitter soon filled up with clips of the state Capitol in Austin getting overrun by a shrieking mob of LGBT cuckoos waving transgender flags and shutting down voting on an important bill. Theyā€™ve been keeping Austin weird for years, biding their time, and it finally paid off.

A Texas Republican state delegate on the sceneĀ tweetedĀ a video of the mob and reported, ā€œTrans activists are losing their minds, shoving signs into [a Texas conservativeā€™s] face, and allowing spit to spew from their mouths while they scream ā€˜no place for hate.ā€™ā€ You have to admire their shamelessness, frankly. ā€œNo place for hate!ā€ they scream, as they bludgeon their enemies.Ā Ā 

The ā€œhateā€ bill in question, naturally, would ban genital mutilation of children statewide. As we know by now, the idea of not being permitted to permanently sterilize and castrate kids makes sterilized and castrated adults very, very mad. How dare you not let us ritually initiate your son into our family-friendly extreme body modification cult!

AĀ local newspaperĀ reported on the action: ā€œMore than one hundred protesters rallied at the Capitol in opposition to the bill Tuesday in anticipation of the floor debate, engaging in chants including, ā€œProtect Trans Kids!ā€ and holding signs reading, ā€œLet Trans Kids Grow Up.ā€Ā 

Am I the only one who notices the irony here? They want to ā€œlet trans kids grow upā€ ā€”Ā by putting them on irreversible puberty blockers that literallyĀ stop them from growing up.Ā Logic ā€” like charm, charisma, and good looks ā€” is not this groupā€™s strong suit.

But, as always, their ugly tactics work. ā€œAs protesters were removed from the House gallery, Democrats in the House on Tuesday successfully delayed debate on Senate Bill 14, which would ban certain gender-affirming medical treatments for transgender minors. Using a procedural tactic ā€¦ the bill was sent back to the House Committee on Public Health, then voted out of the committee again Tuesday evening,ā€ the paper reported, emphasis mine.

They may still lose in the end, but they survived the day. 

I feel like Iā€™m watching a new streaming docudrama show on Netflix: ā€œGame of Throngs.ā€ ā€œThe Transmandalorian.ā€ ā€œSex Reassignment in the City.ā€

Last weekā€™s episode was set in Montana and guest-starred an unknown man in a dress, an impish scamp named Zooey Zephyr. Zooey is not your typical social media starlet; heā€™s got a strong jawline, a prominent Adamā€™s apple, and a deep voice. His script, however, follows the Tennessee storyline virtually line for line. Zooey led his ā€œtransurrectionā€ over a new Montana bill that would outlaw transgender interventions for children. Just like in Tennessee, he broke the rules, caused a riot, got ejected, and then used the ejection as a battering ram to take down the Republican leadership. Hereā€™s how Fox reported it:

ā€˜The only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time thereā€™s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,ā€™ Zephyr said when debating SB99. Critics demanded an apology. However, after refusing to do so, Republicans led the chamber in a 68-32 vote last week to bar Zephyr from accessing the House floor. Zephyr cannot enter the anteroom or gallery but can vote remotely. (Emphasis mine)

Even when they lose they win! 

How many times can they run this same storyline? Answer: At least 50 times, one for each state that requires it. 

I seem to remember some other event a few years back, when protesters holding flags entered a capitol to stop lawmakers from voting on something. If I recall correctly, a lot of them were sentenced to years in prison for daring to block a vote. I will pray none of the nonbinary furries in the Texas Capitol suffer the same fate! They donā€™t look like they could last five seconds away from their cats. 

Painting the Red Town Blue

New York Times opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie, who also moonlights as my personal fact checkeroffers us a chilling glimpse into how the left will continue to frame red states that dare to mildly reprimand the revolutionaries in their midst: 

The foundation of modern American democracy is that all Americans deserve some kind of representation in the rooms where law and policy are made. Not content to control those rooms in states where they dominate the political scene, some Republicans have said, in essence, that representation is a privilege for communities whose chosen lawmakers donā€™t offend their sensibilities. (Emphasis mine)

I like to picture flustered Republicans hitting the smelling salts and the fainting couch, like Scarlettā€™s Aunt Pittypat, when the winsome Zoey Zephyr and his merry band of rebels made a bit of noise during working hours.

Hilariously, the title of Bouieā€™s column is ā€œA Sinister New Page in the Republican Playbook.ā€ Maybe I shouldnā€™t say this out loud, but: The Republicans donā€™t have a playbook. 

wish they had a sinister playbook! How can we get them a sinister playbook and teach them how to use it? Because they absolutely do not know what to do in the face of mob rule. They are off balance. Unprepared. And it will only get worse. 

In March, even Kansas had a ā€œtransurrection.ā€ ā€œDefiant transgender children, filled with love and rage, march on Kansas Statehouse.ā€

One of these was an almost-10-year-old Cassandra Robinson, who in the photos looks like a muscular little boy with long hair dyed green, and wore ā€œa T-shirt that read: ā€˜inspired by the STRONG WOMEN in my life.ā€™ā€ There is no 10-year-old on Earth who would dream up a sentence like that and want it on a T-shirt. Is his name a cry for help?

End Game

So, whatā€™s the end goal? This is not just about gun control, or the ā€œrightā€ to castrate 8-year-olds.Ā 

Hereā€™s what I think itā€™s obviously about: performing a radical mutilation surgery on the Constitution. Neutering it, for good ā€” irreversibly even. This is the ultimate prize. Of course, itā€™s incredibly hard to change the Constitution, with good reason. Thatā€™s why itā€™s rarely been done in our history. 

There are a few ways to rewrite the Constitution, but all the paths go through the states. You need three-fourths of states to ratify a new amendment. Insurmountable? Democrats already have 20 to 22 blue and purple states. They need 37, and that means the South is the juiciest prize, especially with its rapidly changing demographics.

Even in red states like Tennessee, theyā€™d only need to flip 10 percent of the voters to win the state house. Age and heart disease will take care of the boomer-aged bitter clingers. College indoctrination will take care of the rest. Every four years a new crop of teenage voters arrives ready to make their ā€œvoices heard.ā€ Time is on their side, not ours. And theyā€™ve got all the time in the world. 

To my amazement, as I was wrapping up this article, I spotted this jaw-dropping headline in The New York Times: ā€œItā€™s Time to Reacquaint Americans With the Possibility of Changing the Constitution. Hereā€™s Where to Begin.ā€œ

Well, color me reacquainted! ā€œOur Constitution is one of the most difficult in the world to amend. ā€¦ But the remoteness of the possibility of formal constitutional change today may be as much a product of constitutional culture as constitutional structure: Several generations of Americans have lost the habit and muscle memory of seeking formal constitutional change.ā€ (Emphasis mine)

Got that? The color revolutionaries are developing new muscle memory they will get to flex again and again as they continue dominating us in their weight class. Meanwhile, hordes of radicals are greedily gnawing through the countryā€™s aging superstructure.

The Color of Money

The ā€œtranissariesā€ of the revolution are obviously well-funded and blessed with a loyal army of loudmouth fanatics willing to win by any means necessary. 

Are you?

I donā€™t know exactly who is directing and funding the revolutionaries. But itā€™s clear the countryā€™s largest foundations and NGOs have these unsuspecting states in their sights. They have arrayed the full might of their billions squarely at ā€œvoting rightsā€ and ā€œdefending democracy.ā€ In other words, they are the architects behind activist mobs and the skilled ballot harvesters that have so far netted them win after win ā€” including the White House. 

The Macarthur Foundation and Ford Foundation, which funds dozens of grassroots activist groups including something called the ā€œTexas Civil Rights Project,ā€ are on the case with their billions. The Carnegie Foundation is doing its part for the cause, too. And there are many others. These massive bloodless megaliths are cleverly wrapping themselves in the cozy civil rights issue of the day ā€” poor little trans kids (or election overhauls favored by candidates who love that issue) ā€” and winning enormous popular support. 

The wealth of Americaā€™s greatest old families is being used to systematically strip the place bare, and theyā€™re looting it of everything thatā€™s not nailed down. Including any stray toddlers. Viva la rainbow revoluƧion!

Itā€™s time to build a counterrevolution, fast. 

Peachy Keenan is a contributing editor and regular essayist for The American Mind, a publication of The Claremont Institute. She is the author of “Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War” (coming June 6th from Regnery). She also writes at , and you can always find her on Twitter @keenanpeachy, at least until she is canceled.

Montana Legislature Shut Down By Trans Activists



Montana House of Representatives

The Montana House of Representatives came to a halt Monday after a crowd of transgender activists flooded the public gallery and shouted down the speaker. Demonstrators chanted ā€œlet her speakā€ after lawmakers refused to lift a censure on Democrat Rep. Zooey Zephyr over spewing hate-filled comments on the House floor last week. Zephyr, a first-term representative from Missoula and the first transgender-identified member of the lower chamber, mocked Republican prayers during debate on a bill to ban medical interventions for minors with gender dysphoria.

ā€œThe only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill, and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time thereā€™s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,ā€ Zephyr said.

The bill in question ultimately cleared the chamber.

Republicans revoked Zephyrā€™s ability to speak on the House floor until issuing an apology.

ā€œIt is up to me to maintain decorum here on the House floor, to protect the dignity and integrity,ā€ said House Speaker Matt Regier last week, according to the Associated Press. ā€œAny representative that I donā€™t feel can do that will not be recognized.ā€

ā€œHate-filled testimony has no place on the House floor,ā€ said Republican Rep. Caleb Hinkle, who serves on the House Freedom Caucus, which introduced the measure to censure Zephyr.

Mob demonstrators descended on the Capitol Monday to demand the lower chamber reinstate debate privileges. The crowd erupted after lawmakers voted again to keep Zephyr quiet when the freshman representative tried to speak on a bill restricting child pronoun changes in K-12 classrooms. Speaker Regier refused to acknowledge the chamberā€™s censured colleague igniting a roar of interruption from the gallery. Lawmakers were forced to pause proceedings as police in riot gear arrested disruptors, according to Montana Public Radio.

Zephyr defended those arrested outside the statehouse.

ā€œMy constituents and community came up and shouted ā€˜let her speakā€™ ā€” I felt pride in them,ā€ Zephyr said. ā€œBecause when they stood up, they are standing on behalf of democracy.ā€

The scenes on day three of the saga at the Montana Capitol come weeks after transgender activists stormed the Tennessee statehouse at Nashville over similar legislation. The ā€œinsurrection,ā€ as defined by an assault on a Capitol building, was led by a trio of Democrat lawmakers who were stripped of their committee assignments. Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were temporarily expelled from the legislature for using a bullhorn amid the demonstrations. Both were reinstated by local officials.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




Judge Forces Sorority Girls to Disclose Identities to Stop Disturbing ā€˜Transā€™ Male from Moving into Their House



Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority with trans member
At stake is the destruction of female-only organizations and the safety of the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters.

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




AU.S. district court judge ordered University of Wyoming sorority sister plaintiffs to reveal their names in a lawsuit against Kappa Kappa Gammaā€™s University of Wyoming chapter for allowing a transgender-identifying man to be inducted.

According to local news, ā€œThe six sorority sisters sued the Kappa Kappa Gammaā€™s parent organization, its president and the schoolā€™s first transgender sorority member late last month in a closely watched case. They alleged that the sorority did not follow its bylaws and rules, failed to uphold its mission, breached its housing contract with members, and misled them by admitting a transgender student.ā€ The plaintiffs filed the suit anonymously as ā€œJane Doesā€ and assigned the pseudonym ā€œTerry Smithā€ to the trans-identifying sorority member.

Patsy Levang, a member of Independent Womenā€™s Networkā€™s North Dakota Chapter and former Kappa Kappa Gamma National Foundation president, told The Federalist that the plaintiffs asked for anonymity twice out of fear of ā€œretribution,ā€ but the judge denied their requests. Concerns for the womenā€™s safety have become extra heightened after college swim athlete Riley Gaines was attacked by transgender radicals at San Francisco State University. According to Levang, one of the original seven plaintiffs left the case after the judgeā€™s decision.

ā€œThese are young, young women ā€” between 18 and 21, and we want to do nothing to jeopardize their safety,ā€ said Levang, who added that the girls will have ā€œguaranteedā€ security at all times during public appearances. 

ā€˜An Erection Visible Through His Leggingsā€™

If the lawsuit is unsuccessful, transgender-identifying man Artemis Langford, who was admitted into the sorority in 2022, will move into the Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter house in the fall of 2023. 

The lawsuit states that Langford is 6ā€™2ā€™ā€™ tall, weighs 260 pounds, has not undergone any apparent chemical or surgical trans medical interventions, and rarely attempts to look like a female. It also reveals that the female plaintiffs feel extremely uncomfortable around Langford, who has allegedly engaged in bizarre and even ā€œthreateningā€ behavior, such as staring at the women without talking for hours, asking inappropriate questions, and at one point having ā€œan erection visible through his leggings.ā€

During the recruitment process, Langford ā€œavoided answering questions about his hobbies, passions, or involvement in other organizations,ā€ according to the lawsuit. Instead, it says, he inquired about whether he could live in the sorority house and ā€œtalked about his desire to be near cadavers and to touch dead bodies.ā€

ā€œOne sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel. She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw Mr. Smith watching her silently,ā€ the lawsuit reads. The suit also alleges that Langford ā€œrepeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control.ā€ 

During a yoga class sponsored by the Panhellenic Union for sorority members at the University of Wyoming, Langford allegedly ā€œsat in the back of the room for an hour and watched the assembled women flex their bodies.ā€ The suit also alleges that Langford has repeatedly used his phone to covertly take pictures of the women in the sorority house without their consent.

When one plaintiff raised her concerns about Langford, chapter officials ā€” under the direction of national leadership ā€” gave her materials so she could ā€œeducateā€ herself. And a witness in the case was allegedly ā€œthreatened with discipline if she does not agree that [Langford] is a woman.ā€

ā€˜Intimidatedā€™ into Inducting a Man 

The plaintiffs said they were ā€œintimidatedā€ into inducting Langford into the sorority, and according to reports about the lawsuit, officers and employees from the national organization ā€œactively pressured members of the chapter to support [Langfordā€™s] admission to the sorority, ignoring bylaws and standing rules that would have foreclosed his initiation.ā€ The voting process was also allegedly altered for Langford, and he was not admitted via secret ballots, as is standard practice. 

The lawsuit contends that instead of following official bylaws, Kappa Kappa Gamma admitted Langford based on a 2018 ā€œGuide for Supporting Our LGBTQIA+ Members,ā€ which says the sorority accepts both ā€œwomenā€ and ā€œindividuals who identify as women.ā€ After the lawsuit was filed, Kappa Kappa Gamma Executive Director Kari Kittrell Poole reiterated the sentiments within the guide,Ā tellingĀ the Associated Press that the sorority does not discriminate based on so-called gender identity.Ā 

However, the collegiate plaintiffs disagree with Poole on what it fundamentally means to be a woman. ā€œAn adult human male does not become a woman just because he tells others that he has a female ā€˜gender identityā€™ and behaves in what he believes to be a stereotypically female manner,ā€ they said.Ā 

ā€œ[Kappa Kappa Gamma] has been a place that values the good, the true, the beautiful, the leadership growth in women,ā€ Levang told The Federalist. Levang made it clear she doesnā€™t oppose Langfordā€™s decision to identify as a woman. She does, however, oppose the destruction of female-only organizations, the integrity and politicization of her former sorority, and the safety of the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters. 

ā€œI look at those young women, and I think they deserve at least what I was afforded,ā€ said Levang. ā€œThis whole thing takes single-sex organizations and just throws it out the door. Itā€™ll literally destroy [womenā€™s spaces]. But then I think the overall plan is to destroy the level that women have gained.ā€

Verified Complaint and Attachments by The Federalist on Scribd

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Today’s THREE Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A. F. Branco Past Blast ā€“ Christians vs Taliban

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 21, 2023 |

Given the recent stupidity on the view regarding Christianity vs Taliban ā€“ Joy Behar enjoying Sharia Law.

Actress and singer Patti LuPone recently appeared on The View, saying that she does not know the difference between the ā€œreligious rightā€ in the US and the Taliban. The Taliban has been constantly monitored by human rights organizations for extrajudicial murder, public executions, torture, and floggings.

Whoopi Goldberg chimed in: ā€œYouā€™re not the only person who has said that.ā€ ā€“ Full story at Human Events

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Christian Vs Talaban
An older Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Passages of Time

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 23, 2023 |

Much has changed in Minnesota since 1973, the Democrats and Walz have devastated the state.

Walz Time Cover
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ War on Real Women

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 24, 2023 |

Bidenā€™s executive order to force schools to include trans-males in girlsā€™ sports.

Biden Declares war On Women
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

ā€˜Gender-Fluidā€™ Is The Poisonous Fruit Of The ā€˜Keep Your Options Openā€™ Gospel



Graphic of swiping right on being a woman
Of course kids think their sex is reversible. Society teaches that everything else is.

Author Elle Purnell profile




Netflix subscriptions. Marriage. Terms of service agreements. Text messages. Social media posts. Pregnancy. Amazon purchases. Aging.

According to our consumerist social catechism, each of these actions is reversible. Click ā€œcancel.ā€ Get a divorce. Dig through your privacy settings and revoke permissions (even though you know youā€™re never going to). Unsend. Delete. Get an abortion. Return for free with a preprinted label. Get plastic surgery.

For young people raised in this ā€œCtrl-Zā€ world, unfamiliarity with the irreversible breeds suspicion, which translates to avoiding commitments. Itā€™s no surprise few of my generational peers are getting married and having kids ā€” although the culture tells us those commitments are still changeable, theyā€™re actually messy to get out of and necessarily close other doors.

We are taught to believe limitations are inherently oppressive and therefore bad. Keeping your options open, on the other hand, is liberating and therefore desirable.

Some limitations, like those of becoming a parent, we choose to enter into and therefore can choose to avoid ā€” which young people increasingly do. Other limitations are innate and unalterable. But to the restriction-averse, that inescapable nature makes those even more threatening. One of those fearsomely unchangeable limits is our biology: We are afraid to be limited by our natural sex.

Hereā€™s how Amelia Blackney, a 13-year-old girl who decided to start going by the plural pronouns ā€œthey/themā€ and identifying as ā€œnon-binary,ā€ explained her decision to CNN:

That way itā€™s like Iā€™m not a part of any gender or I can be both genders at the same time. My pronouns now put me at a place where I can decide between different genders. That feels right.

If limitations are to be avoided ā€” or overthrown ā€” why would you tie yourself down to being either a girl or a boy? Why limit your prospects to growing up to be either a man or a woman? If you could be gender-fluid, all doors remain open to you. You donā€™t have to choose to be a she or a he, you can be they! Your options become unlimited. Subscription to being a woman, canceled.

Another child, 14-year-old Sylvia Chesak, described how she was ā€œuncomfortableā€ thinking of herself as ā€œjustā€ a ā€œshe,ā€ and chose to use ā€œany pronounsā€ as a result.

These children, or the adults who egg them on, revolt against the sex they say was ā€œassignedā€ in infancy. The nonsense language of ā€œassigned at birthā€ doesnā€™t only make the wrong assumption that sex is nonexistent until itā€™s decreed by a doctor. It also makes the subtle implication that by doing the ā€œassigning,ā€ a doctor is imposing a category ā€” a limit ā€” on an infant that is inherently restrictive and must be abolished. Physical limitations like a manā€™s inability to get pregnant donā€™t matter, just like the physical limitations of a kid with Coke-bottle glasses who wants to become a pilot donā€™t matter to the adults telling him he can ā€œbe whatever he wants to be.ā€

One mother wrote in Time magazine about choosing not to call her child, named Zoomer, either a boy or a girl because she didnā€™t want to impose the ā€œchainsā€ and ā€œrestrictions of the gender binary.ā€ Even after her child expressed a desire to be treated as a particular sex, the woman insisted on calling her child ā€œtheyā€ in the article.

Elsewhere, she says, ā€œThe aim isnā€™t to create a genderless world; itā€™s to contribute to a genderfull one.ā€ In other words, rejecting the sex binary isnā€™t about erasing sexuality, but removing all of its categorical limits.

A Swedish mother similarlyĀ explainedĀ that she refused to acknowledge her childā€™s sex ā€œjust as I donā€™t want to decide what they grow up to doā€¦ā€

Telling children they can be and do ā€œanythingā€ helped create a generation petrified of narrowing their own options. They date around indefinitely to keep options open in case something better comes along. In the same way, kids learn to keep open the ā€œoptionā€ of being a boy or a girl or a xe. Your natural sex is bad because it limits your possibilities.

Of course, your possibilities become far more limited when a doctor chops off your breasts or genitals or pumps you with hormones that may permanently alter your voice and body and keep you from ever having children. But just examine the messaging those hormones are marketed by:Ā Theyā€™re reversible. You can just stop taking them.Ā Hereā€™s what Google would tell a curious teen, though the fine print is far more complicated than the highlighted answer suggests:

The messaging for puberty blockers is even more overt. Delay puberty, St. Louis Childrenā€™s HospitalĀ tellsĀ kids, if you want ā€œmore time to explore [your] options.ā€ What teen wouldnā€™t want that?

The reality is, of course, that some limits are outside our control. As for the limits we choose by the commitments we make, itā€™s far more paralyzing to artificially keep every option open than to choose wisely and live within the natural limitations of an ordered life. For kids getting transed into oblivion, that paralysis may be literal. But for all of us, refusing to commit to decisions worthy of our commitment will leave us lonely, exhausted, and bitter. Eventually, people who donā€™t want to limit their ā€œoptionsā€ by getting married usually realize one day that they donā€™t like any of the options left. Those who never put down roots typically end up adrift.

Thankfully, accepting our finitude is liberating. By recognizing the divine order that confines us, we are freed from struggling against it, and freed to do well in the things that are within our power.

In that latter realm, we have the gift of making choices and commitments, not so that we will avoid ever making them, but so that we may choose what is good. From choosing to work hard, to be loyal friends, to profess our faith, to raise children, to be faithful to our spouses, good choices place obligations on us, many of which are permanent. The fulfillment of those obligations enriches our lives, offering a depth of meaning and satisfaction that ā€œkeeping our options openā€ can never provide.

Elle Purnell is an assistant editor at The Federalist, and received her B.A. in government from Patrick Henry College with a minor in journalism. Follow her work on Twitter @_etreynolds.

All My Exes Changed Their Sexes by Buddy Brown

Buddy Brown | April 17, 2023

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Taxman Cometh, Again

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 16, 2023 |

Minnesota State sits on a $17.5 billion surplus, but Democrats are raising taxes again.

Taxes Due April 18th 2023
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Sign of the Times

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 17, 2023 |

Signs should be posted in all womenā€™s restrooms that allow mentally ill men to occupy them.

Transgender Bathrooms
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

Something Special from A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Sings About Beer and Exes

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 13, 2023 |



A.F. Branco pickinā€™ and singing out a real heart breaker about beer and exes.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciated ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

California mom confronts school district after 11-year-old changed genders without her knowledge

ByĀ Taylor PenleyĀ | Fox News | PublishedĀ April 11, 2023 10:00am EDT


California mom is outraged after her daughter’s school district upheld a “parental secrecy policy” allowing school officials to offer gender counseling without informing parents.

Aurora Regino said her 11-year-old daughter’s elementary school in the Chico Unified School District helped her transition from female to male during the last school year, but a guidance counselor kept her in the dark during the entire process.

“During one of the meetings, my daughter told the counselor she wanted to tell me about her new identity. They ignored her request and did nothing to support her in letting me know what was going on at school,” she told board members at a meeting last Wednesday.


The board weighed a measure that would allow for “more parental inclusion” but ultimately voted to keep the existing so-called “parental secrecy policy” in place with a 3-2 vote.

“It was a really sad decision that they made, but unfortunately I wasn’t extremely surprised,” Regino told “Fox & Friends First” host Todd Piro on Tuesday.

“This policy that they have in place, to keep these situations a secret from the family, is incredibly damaging. It was extremely damaging in my case with my daughter. She was bullied and she didn’t have the support that she needed from her family and, also, she was outed within the school with other people within the office knowing her new gender and pronouns that she didn’t even tell them, and she had to go through those feelings of wondering how they even knew all on her own.”


California mom Aurora Regino speaks to her daughter's school board ahead of a vote offering more transparency for parents.
California mom Aurora Regino speaks to her daughter’s school board ahead of a vote offering more transparency for parents.Ā (Chico Unified School Board of Education)

Regino, who is suing the district for keeping her in the dark about her daughter’s identity and transition, lambasted the policy as “incredibly dangerous” and said the struggle to advance parental rights in the area had been hard-fought.Ā 

She told Piro her daughter is doing well, but she is determined to speak out on behalf of her family and others with similar experiences, so everyone knows what is taking place in public schools.

“When this originally happened to our family, nobody could’ve ever told me that this was going on, especially at the young age of elementary school,” she said.


The policy that board members voted to uphold, according to Regino, extends to children as young as pre-kindergarten who are approximately five years old and reaches through the 12th grade.

“It’s incredibly damaging that they’re upholding such a crazy policy for such young children,” she continued after a moment, arguing that such a tumultuous time in children and adolescents’ lives is when they need parental guidance the most.


San Francisco State Sides With Men Who Assaulted Womenā€™s Rights Speaker Riley Gaines



Riley Gaines on ā€˜Tucker Carlson Tonightā€™
Footage of the attack shows a crowd yelling ā€˜trans rights are human rightsā€™ at Gaines and calling the swimmer a ā€˜transphobic b-itch.ā€™




San Francisco State University endorsed the erasure of women this week when its top student affairs administrator released a statement reaffirming the transgender activists who attacked womenā€™s rights speaker Riley Gaines.

Gaines, who rose to fame after speaking up about the unfairness of men masquerading as women to gain an advantage in womenā€™s sports, was assaulted last week after she attempted to address a crowd at a Turning Point USA event about the necessity of female spaces, especially in athletic settings. The chaos ensued mere hours after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre encouraged radical gender ideologues to ā€œfight backā€ against people who called for sex-specific spaces.

Footage of the attack on SFSUā€™s campus shows the former NCAA swimmer being chased by a crowd yelling ā€œtrans rights are human rightsā€ and calling the swimmer a ā€œtransphobic b-itch.ā€

Gaines reported that, during the chaos, she was assaulted by at least one man and trapped in a room for three hours. The mob also attempted to extort money from her in exchange for her freedom before she was finally able to escape. Gaines said neither campus police nor attending school administrators took steps to stop the violence.

ā€œThis is proof that women need sex-protected spaces,ā€ Gaines tweeted.

Instead of punishing the hysterical students who ā€œambushedā€ Gaines, the school and alumni cheered on the angry mob.

Shortly after Gaines was attacked, SFSUā€™s Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Jamillah Moore released an official statement encouraging the students who harassed the speaker.

ā€œToday, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression. Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University,ā€ she wrote.

Moore also claimed that the students that are seen on footage roughhousing Gaines chose to ā€œprotest peacefully.ā€

ā€œThank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday eveningā€™s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. I am proud of the moments when we listened and asked insightful questions. I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully,ā€ Moore said.

Gaines quickly condemned Mooreā€™s statement and confirmed that she plans to sue the school for failing to protect her from violence.

ā€œIā€™m sorry did this just say PEACEFULā€¦.,ā€ Gaines replied. ā€œI was assaulted. I was extorted and held for ran[s]om. The protestors demanded I pay them if I wanted to make it home safely. I missed my flight home because I was barricaded in a classroomā€¦ We must have different definitions of peaceful.ā€

Just last month, an angry mob of Stanford law students shut down a talk led by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan with profane insults and threats of violence and death. Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez eventually apologized but the students and administrators who participated in the chaos were left largely unpunished.

Stanford Law Schoolā€™s Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach, who confronted Duncan about the ā€œharmā€ she claimed he caused to students, doubled down on their defiant challenge and refused to apologize even after she was put on administrative leave.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

The Rapidly Expanding Transgender Cult is the Product of Cultural Marxism



country music star singing on stage with drag queens and confetti falling
Cultural Marxism is dystopia peddling utopia through grievance narratives and rank emotionalism, the hallmarks of transgenderism.

Author Jeff Goldstein profile



In a surreal moment at the Country Music Awards last week, co-host Kelsea Ballerini joined with several drag performers to belt out a campy version of her single, ā€œIf You Go Down (Iā€™m Goinā€™ Down Too),ā€ an anthem taking aim at Tennessee laws denying wrongly named ā€œgender-affirming careā€ for children. 

The performance was steeped in queerness, both in the pretend ā€œoppressionā€ of performers literally center stage at a nationally-broadcast awards show and in the academic sense, where drag serves as a kind of postmodern harlequin dance. Choreographed to confront its audience, the unspoken subtext of the number was that itā€™s time for you to pick a side, and you had better be careful which side you pick.

This was a brazen show of strength. Think ā€œshock and awe,ā€ only with lots of bedazzling.

A Vicious Activist Cult

The left picked their side. And the side they picked was the side of a school shooter who became for them an emblem of their cultural movement: Cast as a victim of ā€œhatefulā€ traditional religious values, a tragic figure broken by her desire to ā€œbe seen,ā€ the shooter was sainted, her death a kind of religious redemption play. The narrative coalesced around her supposed suffering because the left was never going to surrender its stranglehold on politicized victimhood. Thatā€™s where all the power is.

At the tip of the cultural Marxist spear today is the trans cult. Just a year ago, it was the racialist cult of Black Lives Matter. Their presence is smothering in cultural spaces by design. In fact, their defiance of norms is predictable. After all, over the last seven years or so weā€™ve seen veneers of civil comradery peeled back, or else worn so thin as to become transparent.

A public pause to mouth the platitudes of togetherness is no longer required in a society so clearly divided along ideological lines. Indeed, such niceties areĀ ridiculedĀ as a sign of weakness or inauthenticity. ā€œWhere was your Christian god that day?ā€ the left sneered. ā€œGuess your church canā€™t protect you, after all.ā€

In glib taunts that displayed their misunderstanding of Godā€™s earthly role in traditional religions, they laid their ideology raw before the bodies of three 9-year-olds were even cold. And that ideology, like the martyr it created when it embraced the killing of Christians as a blasĆ© bump on the road to their utopia, now wants to be seen. The devil wants his due.Ā There can be no other explanation for the leftist urge to celebrate the ā€œvisibilityā€ of aĀ viciousĀ activist cult, or toĀ claimĀ ā€œtransgender Americans shape our Nationā€™s soul,ā€ especially in the immediate wake of the slaughter of Christians by a trans person. Their ostentatious obeisance to these damaged people was a liturgy performed with rapturous audacity on the American stage. It, too, was meant to ā€œbe seen.ā€

Whether itā€™s a country music drag act, a trans-identified light beer, a trans-allied wizard, or a march by college students demanding the surrender of natural rights to the state, the memetics of cultural Marxism is performative, phony Maoist struggle sessions delivered in swarms to project strength and to dispirit opponents by displaying the inevitability of the mob and its power. Itā€™s a cultural troll. Itā€™s their way of telling you that they are in charge and that you are helpless. You will conform. You must. What else is there?

It was in response to this attempted coup against Western liberal culture and the Enlightenment itself that Iā€™ve written what I believe to be a clarion call for the individualist; but it, too, was something of a performance: It proclaimed, but it didnā€™t explain.

Cultural Marxism Demands Cultural Hegemony

Briefly, we must reject the premises of the cultural Marxist because cultural Marxism itself cannot live peaceably with federal republicanism or individual autonomy. In fact, it demands the opposite: All things are constrained by the state and its desires. Rule must be universal. Governing individuals is like herding cats, whereas ruling over a collective molded by both state pressures (law, force) and social forces (shame, shunning) is a more gratifying task, especially because the molding, if done well, creates a populace that reflects back the will of the state to itself. The state is now God, and its citizens, made in the stateā€™s image, are its supplicants.

The whole of the cultural Marxist project is to create and maintain cultural hegemony. Itā€™s that sameness we saw in the uniformed Maoists with identical haircuts, and the sameness we see in our own social justice Red Guard with their ubiquitous cotton-candy hair and tribal piercings. There can be no deviation from the new standards, built atop the rubble of old traditions the Marxists seek to destroy. To create the New Man, you must kill off the Olds. To arrive at Year Zero, you must erase all those years that came before it. To save the culture, you must first destroy it completely.

Cultural Marxism is dystopia peddling utopia through grievance narratives and rank emotionalism. It grants the self-styled dispossessed enormous power over those it casts as oppressors, which is itself determined by an intersectional calculus among victim groups.

Yet this power is temporary. Because what its authors seek, ultimately, is authoritarian. The useful idiots will soon be replaced by a ministerial elite, who will guide the filthies during The Great Reset. With policed conformity. Asceticism. Sameness. Every thought you think, every word you utter, and every move you make, must be approved by the state. And youā€™ll beg them for that privilege.

Blinded By ā€˜Being Seenā€™

The useful idiots enjoy wielding power, but they never seem to recognize that once theyā€™ve ground down all opposition and extirpated all difference, once theyā€™ve rooted out every intolerance they can conjure, there are no more battles to fight, no more ideas to be born, no more purpose left to live. To speak in a language they understand, their project reduces us to the means of production, slaves to the most successful oligarchs, earthly deities who delight in our serfdom, providing us safety and sustenance in exchange for conformity, and a surrender of self to a greater good they determine. Enlightened feudalism, in short. And weā€™re tilling their fields.

But thatā€™s the endgame, and those whoā€™ve embraced the cultural Marxist paradigm canā€™t see it coming. Their identity politics and the power their ā€œoppressionā€ yields appeal to their egos. They are blinded by the narcissism of ā€œbeing seen,ā€ and by the thrill of cultural control, however temporary. They revel in bullying.

All of our major institutions have taken up the trans cause for the same reasons they took up the cause of BLM: to gather power, destroy norms, attack traditions, and create the conditions of tribalism that must exist before the collective comes together out of the ruins of universal cancellation. The last man standing is the New Man, the perfect servant to a benevolent master.

Where we once were conceived of statist authoritarianism as an iron boot forever pressing on our necks, today itā€™s a Christian Louboutin red-bottomed pump, worn by a dude in a lace dress and zebra thong, stomping on our faces forever. Only weā€™re compelled to dig the kink.

The revolution will be accessorized, and youā€™ll learn to like it, or else.

Jeff Goldstein is a lapsed academic and writer living in Colorado. He likes tacos, ā€™79 Cabernets, and his favorite color is magenta.

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ A Gift for Budweiser

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 4, 2023 |

A Gift to Budweiser for endorsing a mental health condition called gender dysphoria over real heroes like out military veterans.

Budweiser Transgenter
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Election Interference

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ April 5, 2023 |

DA Bragg and the Democrats have weaponized the legal system against Trump to interfere with the 2024 election.

Democrat Election Interference
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023.

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

Study: Free Speech On Twitter Worse Under Elon MuskĀ 



Study: Free Speech On Twitter Worse Under Elon MuskĀ 
A new study from the Media Research Center found Twitter is more oppressiveĀ since Elon Musk acquired the platform.

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




Following theĀ Twitter censorshipĀ of Federalist CEO Sean Davis, several journalists, and a sitting member of Congress who all reported on the ā€œTrans Day Of Vengeanceā€ after the Nashville Shooting, the Media Research Center (MRC) published a shocking study about ā€œfree speechā€ on Twitter. Despite many claims to the contrary, the MRC found the company has becomeĀ moreĀ oppressiveĀ since Elon Musk acquired the platform.Ā Ā 

According to data from the MRCā€™s Free Speech Americaā€™sĀ CensorTrack.orgĀ database, there have been 293 cases of documented censorship since Musk took over from Nov. 4, 2022, through Mar. 4, 2023. This is 67 more cases than the 226 instances reported by from pre-Musk Twitter during the same time last year.Ā 

The Media Research Center also found Twitterā€™s methods of censorship recently became more severe. ā€œIn 245 of the 293 (84%) documented cases of censorship on, Twitter locked usersā€™ accounts, and in nearly all cases users were required to delete the content to regain access to their accounts,ā€ reports the MRC. ā€œUnder the old Twitter regime, by contrast, only 136 of the 226 (60%) documented cases of censorship consisted of locked accounts.ā€

An astounding 62 percent of the censorship cases under Muskā€™s leadership involved tweets critical of transgenderism. ā€œAt least 182 of the 293 (62%) documented cases of censorship recorded in the database for Twitter under Musk involved users being censored for speech critical of the leftā€™s woke ā€˜transgenderā€™ narrative,ā€ writes the MRC.

On Tuesday, Federalist CEO Sean Davis, other journalists, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene were locked out of Twitter for reporting on the ā€œTrans Day Of Vengeanceā€ following the deaths of three children and three staff members at a Christian school in Tennessee at the hands of a transgender shooter.

Twitter claimed Davisā€™ objectively true tweet reporting on the panned ā€œTrans Day Of Vengeanceā€ violated the appā€™s rules ā€œagainst violent speech.ā€ Not only did Twitter lock Davis out of his account, but it also defamed him by falsely claiming he had ā€œthreatened, incited, glorified, or expressed a desire for violence.ā€ ā€œTwitter has a right to ban me for whatever reason it wants, but it doesnā€™t have a right to viciously lie about me,ā€ Davis wrote, addressing the ban. 

Davis has also been subjected to Twitterā€™s insidious shadow banning that carried over from the platformā€™s previous regime. And Federalist Senior Editor John Davidson has been locked out of his account for a full year because he tweeted the biological fact that Rachel Levine, the Biden administrationā€™s transgender assistant secretary for health, is a man. Both Davis and Davidson have made appeals since Musk purchased the company over, but both remain censored on Twitter.

A year ago, Musk claimed he saw Twitter as the ā€œde facto town squareā€ and that ā€œfailing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.ā€ Unfortunately, as the anecdotal evidence and data from MRC show, Muskā€™s ā€œfree speech absolutistā€ Twitter rebrand has failed to live up to the hype.

ā€œNo amount of lofty rhetoric or grandiose plans from Musk about his love of free speech and facts can compete with the cold, hard reality that the service he owns doesnā€™t just oppose free speech; Twitter detests it,ā€ wrote Davis. 

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Ann Coulter Op-ed: Transgender Nation

March 29, 2023Ā by Ann Coulter


Talk about bad luck! What are the odds of the Nashville school shooter being a transgendered person who is ALSO mentally ill?

Arguably, there were hints.

In a form of modern Lysenkoism, young transgenders overwhelmingly come from homes with signs that say: ā€œIn This House, We Believe: Black Lives Matter, Womenā€™s Rights Are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science Is Real, Love Is Love, Kindness Is Everything.ā€

Specifically, a study of adolescent and young adult transgenders found that the adults in the home who identify as ā€œparentsā€ were 91.4% white; 70.9% had a bachelorā€™s degree or higher and 85.9% favored gay marriage. Parent respondents were 91.7% female.

This is a weirdly specific profile. Only about a third of Americans have B.A.s; a third of the population is white and female, and about a third supported gay marriage (until it was made a capital offense to oppose it ā€” changing even Barack Obamaā€™s mind!)

How many other biological conditions are correlated with political ideology?

I guess thereā€™s ā€œlong-haul COVID.ā€ So there are two biological FACTS where the main vector is: Liberal White Women. And of course, innumerable studies have shown that mental illness is far more prevalent in liberals than conservatives, which may be the umbrella condition.

On the other hand, counterfactual self-identifications are popping up all over. For example, the media are currently self-identifying as purveyors of information, and Trump is self-identifying as a bad-ass tough guy who can get the job done.

For nearly two weeks now, the media have produced wall-to-wall coverage of ā€¦ a rumor started by Trump himself. On March 18, he posted on his social media site: ā€œTHE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE & FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!ā€

Tuesday came and went without his supposed antagonist, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, making any arrest, but the media canā€™t stop talking about Trump. (You ever get the impression that Trump and the media are working together?)

In response to the pressā€™s flood-the-zone coverage of a rumor started by someone they call a liar, Trump has been self-identifying as a total stud, the hero who built the wall and kept the country open while others quaked in the face of COVID!

Last week, he posted a picture of himself ā€” carefully selected for its bad-assedness ā€” swinging a baseball bat next to a photo of Bragg.

What justifies this tough-guy image?

I agree 100% with the issues Trump ran on in 2016, but this is the guy who claimed to have a bone spur in his foot to avoid actual military service.

The complete opposite of his image on ā€œThe Apprentice,ā€ barking ā€œYouā€™re fired!ā€ at hapless employees, the real Trump couldnā€™t fire anyone. He asked former campaign aide-turned-lobbyist Corey Lewandowski to fire his attorney general, Jeff Sessions.

A slew of other Trump administration employees were fired by tweet ā€” just the way George Patton did! These include: White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. He fired his FBI director, James Comey, by handing the dismissal letter to the White House press corps before telling Comey, who found out by watching TV (in this one case, style points to Trump).

Sitting with Democrats and Republicans at the White House, Trump wimped out on the Second Amendment, announcing that he supported a whole laundry list of anti-gun proposals, including taking arms away without due process. He even mocked Republicans for being ā€œafraid of the NRAā€ ā€” unlike him, the tough guy willing to swing a baseball bat at a photo. The NRA, he said, has ā€œpower over you people, but they have less power with me.ā€

A few days later, the NRA stopped by the Oval Office ā€” and Trump retracted it all, tweeting out his unwavering support for the Second Amendment.

He released prisoners because Kim Kardashian told him to, bombed Syria because his daughter told him to, and shut down the country because a scaredy-cat cable news host told him to.

This is the guy who sells superhero NFTs of himself? Where does he get the idea that people see him as a macho fighter, as opposed to a spaghetti-spined nitwit who couldnā€™t stand up to girls like Ivanka and Paul Ryan? (Hey, whatever happened to that wall?)

As soon as there was blowback on the ridiculous baseball bat meme, here was Trump, backpedaling as fast as his bone-spurred feet would let him. He told some cockamamie story about how he never even noticed the picture! (Because Trump isnā€™t at all obsessed with his own image.)

Iā€™m not allowed to offer a professional opinion without conducting an examination, but based on the symptoms, thereā€™s a good chance that Trump is a liberal white woman.


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon ā€“ Our Kidsā€™ Lives Matter

A.F. BRANCO |Ā onĀ March 30, 2023 |

Biden and the Democrats have a huge appetite for sending billions to Ukraine but none for securing our schools.

09 Mo Money DT 1080
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco Ā©2023

DONATEĀ to A.F.Branco Cartoons ā€“ Tips accepted and appreciatedĀ ā€“ $1.00 ā€“ $5.00 ā€“ $25.00 ā€“ $50.00 ā€“ $100 ā€“ it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco ā€“ THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and ā€œThe Washington Post.ā€ He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh Dā€™Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

Here Are Leftistsā€™ Disgusting Reactions to the Horrific Nashville Christian School Shooting



Police chief providing an update on the Nashville school shooting
Leftists rushed to politicize Mondayā€™s horrific shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee.

Author Shawn Fleetwood profile




Itā€™s no secret many on the left love to politicize tragedies, but the reaction from some to Mondayā€™s deadly shooting at a Christian school in Nashville has reached a whole new level of malevolent. Local authorities have identified the shooter as Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old woman who pretended to be male and had reportedly attended the school years prior. After entering the Covenant School shortly after 10 a.m., the shooter killed six people before being gunned down and killed by police. Among the victims are three 9-year-old children and three school staff members.

Nashville Police Chief John DrakeĀ characterizedĀ the shooting as a ā€œtargeted attackā€ and said authorities discovered ā€œa manifestoā€ and detailed maps of the school showing points of entry. Drake alsoĀ confirmedĀ ā€œthere is some theoryā€ to the idea that Haleā€™s transgender identity contributed to her decision to target the school but that authorities are still investigating the motive. Police said Hale was considering ā€œanother locationā€ to target, but after ā€œa threat assessment by the suspect [and] too much security, [she] decided not to.ā€

Immediately following the attack, leftists began using the horrific tragedy as an opportunity to promote their radical agenda and spew insensitive remarks.

Joe Biden

During moments of crisis, Americans should be able to count on their president to put aside politics and bring the country together. But not when that president is Joe Biden. AfterĀ talkingĀ about how much he loves chocolate chip ice cream on Monday, Biden used the Nashville shooting to push for more gun control.

ā€œThe shooter ā€¦ reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol. ā€¦ So, I call on Congress again to pass my assault weapons ban,ā€ Biden said.

Karine Jean-Pierre

During her remarks in Mondayā€™s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre not only used the shooting to call for increased gun control, but appeared to blame the tragedy on Republicans.

ā€œHow many more children have to be murdered before Republicans in Congress will step up and act to pass the assault-weapons ban?ā€ she asked.

Terry Moran

ABC News Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran wasted no time in seemingly tying the shooting to Tennessee Republicans, who recently passed legislation protecting minors from experimental transgender surgeries, wrong-sex hormones, and drag shows. After providing viewers with details on the shooting, Moran immediately segued into discussing the legislation Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee approved earlier this month.

Mike Wise

Washington Post contributor and former New York Times columnistĀ Mike WiseĀ went out of his way to thank a Twitter user, who referred to Tennessee as ā€œan intolerant state that brainwashes children through religious indoctrination.ā€

ā€œThis is as deep and real as it gets. Thank you,ā€ Wise wrote.

Rep. Don Beyer

The Virginia Democrat blasted Republicans with an unserious and bad-faith attack, saying the GOP thinks drag shows pose a greater physical danger to children than guns do.

Benjamin Ryan

In a now-deleted tweet, independent reporter and NBC News contributor Benjamin Ryan attempted to correlate the shooting with the fact that The Daily Wire, a conservative news outlet, is based in Nashville.

ā€œNashville is home to the Daily Wire, a hub of anti-trans activity by @MattWalshBlog, @BenShapiro, and @MichaelJKnowles,ā€ Ryan wrote.

Anna Skinner

Newsweek Senior Writer Anna Skinner spent her Monday afternoon writing an article titled, ā€œTennessee Republicansā€™ Ban on Drag Shows Mocked After Mass Shooting,ā€ in which she spun the news to be about bashing Tennessee Republicans and lamented that so-called ā€œassault weaponsā€ are still legal in the state.

ā€œTennessee Republican legislators are getting slammed afterĀ at least three children and three adults were killedĀ in a mass shooting at a Nashville private school on Monday,ā€ Skinner wrote. ā€œTwitterĀ users assailed state GOP officials in the wake of the bloodshed.ā€

Kyle Griffin

MSNBC Executive Producer Kyle Griffin published a tweet evoking similar absurdity.

Hayes Brown

MSNBC Opinion Writer Hayes Brown took a page from Griffinā€™s playbook and politicize the tragedy. In hisĀ column, Hayes bizarrely argued that ā€œmuch of [Americaā€™s] gun policy is presaged on the idea that guns areĀ cool,ā€ and ā€œ[t]hat was the unspoken understanding behind the rapid spread of the AR-15.ā€

Republicans ā€œthink that their toys, their totems of masculinity, their props for playing the hero, are more important than the lives lost,ā€ he wrote.

While now titled, ā€œThe gap between GOP gun rights fantasy and Nashvilleā€™s reality,ā€ the article originally displayed the headline, ā€œ6 are dead in Nashville. Letā€™s revisit how much the Tennessee GOP loves guns.ā€

Josephine Harvey

In a so-called ā€œnewsā€ article titled, ā€œGun-Loving GOP Congressman From Nashville Torched For Response To School Shooting,ā€ Huffington Post Senior Reporter Josephine Harvey attempted to create a controversy surrounding GOP Rep. Andy Ogles ā€” who represents the district that includes the Covenant School ā€” by bringing up a 2021 Christmas photo of Oglesā€™ family holding firearms.

In her article, Harvey claimed the picture is a ā€œgun-glorifying Christmas photoā€ and went on to cite tweets from leftists attacking Ogles for posting it on Facebook well over a year ago.

Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

Nashville Tragedy Shows Why It Isnā€™t Compassionate To Fuel Mental Illness



kids walking past a banner at Nashville Covenant School
Behind all the partisanship of the shooting story is an unavoidable reality: Our modern mental-health crisis is out of control.

Author Kylee Griswold profile




Itā€™s difficult to fathom that several families started their day with one less precious child around the breakfast table this morning. Itā€™s also hard to fathom responding to that reality ā€” caused by a transgender mass shooter who left three 9-year-olds and several adults dead in a ā€œtargeted attackā€ at a Christian elementary school ā€” by confessing you misgendered the murderer and blasting your political opponents over the same tired gun-control talking points.

But behind all the partisan smoke and mirrors of the Nashville story is an unmistakable and unavoidable reality: Our modern mental health crisis is out of control.

You donā€™t even have to dig into the glaring transgender element of the case to acknowledge this fact. No mentally healthy person blasts their way into a building of defenseless children to murder them in cold blood, much less devises a detailed plan literally mapping out how to make it happen. Transgender perpetrator or not, this sick pattern has repeated itself with unsettling frequency.

And though President Joe Biden, his press secretary, and other politicians disgustingly spun the attack to blame so-called ā€œassault weaponsā€ and imply conservatives are complicit in mass murder, the simple reality is that over the past handful of decades, firearms have changed very little. Meanwhile, mental illness has proliferated and our cultureā€™s conception of it dangerously evolved.

Thatā€™s why the transgender identity of the shooter canā€™t be fully ignored ā€” not for those who truly care to understand the gnarly roots of this violence. Despite the protestations of LGBT apologists, gender dysphoria and trans-related narcissism are inextricable from Americaā€™s broader mental health emergency.

A Celebration of Sickness

The psychological pendulum has swung woefully far: Illness that was once stigmatized, often to the unhelpful point of suppressing it instead of encouraging the sufferers to seek help, is now celebrated and socially encouraged. If it isnā€™t teachers brainwashing impressionable kids with sexual confusion and instructing them to keep it secret from their parents, itā€™s parents catechizing their own children in fallacies. Spend just a few minutes on TikTok, and youā€™ll get a glimpse of the affected masses ā€” self-loathing, split personalities, nonsensical pronouns and sexual identities, desperate androgyny, narcissism, bipolar outbursts, and more.

Examples of encouraged mental illness abound ā€” even medical doctors fuel delusion by pretending sex is ā€œassignedā€ and asking for patientsā€™ preferred pronouns ā€” but hereā€™s one directly in response to the shooting. A group called the Trans Resistance Network made the shooter out to be a victim,Ā blamingĀ the ā€œavalancheā€ of legislation seeking to protect minors from chemical and surgical castration and accusing conservatives of ā€œnothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society.ā€ Many trans-identifying people suffer from ā€œanxiety, depression, [and] thoughts of suicide,ā€ the group correctly noted, but then associated these struggles not with broader mental unhealth but with ā€œlack of acceptanceā€ of gender dysphoria from ā€œreligious institutions.ā€

Note the groupā€™s promotion of mental instability:

It is a testament to the inner strength and beauty of transgender people, that despite the ā€¦ constant anti-trans bigotry and violence, so many of us continue to persevere, survive, and even thrive. We will not be eradicated or erased.

The same canā€™t be said for the innocent lives that were snuffed out in an instant in the Nashville shooting. Where derangement is considered ā€œinner strength and beauty,ā€ mental sickness thrives, and now children, not angry activists, are the ones who have been erased.

At least in part. Thereā€™s more to the story for these Christian families, who can cling to the assurance that for a follower of Jesus to be absent from his body is to be present with the Lord. This violent and sin-marred world is not our home, and itā€™s the closest to hell Christians will ever get. No religious hatred, mental affliction, or targeted attack can eradicate that sure hope.

A Call to Action

Those truths arenā€™t just a comfort for the broken-hearted, however. Theyā€™re a call to action for redeemed sinners. With a focus on eternity, weā€™re still sojourners here, surrounded by tormented souls with not only deep spiritual needs but physical and mental ones. And so we must fight.

We must fightĀ againstĀ theĀ spiritual forcesĀ that discourage us and tempt us to doubt and deny truth, and against agents of the devil who seduce our children with sexual fantasies. We must fightĀ forĀ the beauty and sacredness of human life.Ā ForĀ the mental and physical health of those within our care. AndĀ forĀ the glorious truth of the gospel and the immutable nature of the sexes that leads to human flourishing.

This fight requires compassion. But it also requires that we donā€™t forfeit the definition of that word to medical professionals who profit from carving up children, or to Marxist ideologues, or to a bad-faith press. Instead, follow the only perfect example: When Jesus saw the ā€œhelplessā€ crowds, ā€œlike sheep without a shepherd,ā€ He was ā€œmovedĀ with compassionā€ toward them. He engaged. He healed.

May He be the source of our compassion as we engage our modern mental affliction, and may He provide the healing we desperately need.

Kylee Griswold is the editorial director of The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religion, and the media. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

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