Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

About “Mr B”

You might be curious as to the URL of this Blog. “What did you say?”, is a phrase you hear in various places of our society. I have found that phrase to be one of several that can change it’s meaning based on how it’s asked, or stated. Four simple words, expressed four different ways;

  • WHAT did you say?”
  • “What DID you say?”
  • “What did YOU say?”
  • “What did you SAY?”

Four phrases, each wanting a different answer, all with varying degrees of urgency, in some uses, hysteria. We want this blog to reflect the full range of reactions to what you’ve heard people say. Maybe it’s something you can’t believe an intelligent human could possible utter. It might be something a political person said that just does not make sense, or is a provable lie.

Some of that is what has motivated me to starts this blog. I welcome you here and hope we can get to know each other.

Now a little about me;

Several years ago, a sales rep that worked for me coined the nickname for me, as “Mr. B”. He had become a very good friend, as well as a fantastic salesperson. Because my last name was a challenge to some, the nickname stuck, and has always been used in an endearing way.

My Name is Benny Gerald Broussard. Because my dad and I share the same first name, I’ve always been called, “Jerry” to distinguish us apart. I was born, and raised, in Whittier, California, and am still in that general area. I married a wonderful  woman, Jill, and together we’ve raised 4 children, and now 2 grandsons. She has spent her working years in education, while mine has been in sales, marketing and training/development.

In 1984 I was ordained and have served the Lord as a Pastor-Teacher. I’ve Pastured 2 different churches, conducted multiple speaking engagements, developed teaching series, and taught teachers. Presently I have no assignment. Available as requested.

Currently I have renewed a consulting company I formed in 1983, Success Factor.

The Four Foundation Stones of Success Factor:M = Marketing. Telling the marketplace why you are the best to do business with.
P = Performance. Doing what you promised without compromise.
M = Management. Everyone working toward the same goals and dreams.
S = Service. Exceeding every customers expectation.Over 41 years of Marketing, Training, Developing, Advertising and Graphics work gives me the experience to help you;
> Market your product or service,
> Training your Management team, Sales team and Staff
> Grow your business
> Provide consultation on keeping your customers satisfied.Over the years my clients have ranged from;
* An International Tire Company
* A National Real Estate Corporation
* A National Chemical Corporation
* Four Major Competitors in the Copier Industry
* Many other smaller companies.I have been educated, trained, and developed as a public speaker conducting multiple seminars on various subjects, including motivational speaking.Please email me for further information

Comments on: "About “Mr B”" (15)

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    • Thank you. One of the reasons for this blog is to help people. I always want to be a source of help, encouragement, teaching or speaking your mind.

      Thank You Again for your comment.
      Jerry Broussard


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