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Posts tagged ‘Taliban’

US Government Left As Many As 9,000 American Citizens In Afghanistan After Withdrawal, Senate Report Reveals



US And European Defence Forces Assist In Evacuations From Afghanistan Following Taliban Takeover
(Photo by Sgt. Isaiah Campbell / U.S. Marine Corps via Getty Images)

As many as 9,000 American citizens were left in Afghanistan when the U.S. military withdrew from the country Aug. 31, according to a report released Thursday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In public statements, Biden administration officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, claimed that only 100-150 Americans remained in Afghanistan and had contacted the U.S. government with a desire to leave. The State Department and Defense Department officials stuck to that number, even as the government publicly admitted that large numbers of American citizens were still leaving the country.

The report, signed by Foreign Relations ranking member Jim Risch of Idaho, reveals that State Department officials believed that between 10,000 and 15,000 Americans were in Afghanistan as late as Aug. 17. In the next two weeks, only 6,000 Americans were able to escape the country ahead of the Taliban takeover. In testimony in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, however, Blinken claimed that “approximately 100-150 remained in Afghanistan who still wished to depart.”

Estimating the number of Americans residing or visiting a country like Afghanistan is “50% art and 50% science and educated guesswork,” staffers of the former Kabul Embassy reportedly said, since Americans are encouraged but not required to register with the State Department when they enter a country. The staffers noted that host countries are generally able to provide better estimates than the embassy, but that Afghanistan was not capable of doing so.

Officials like Blinken and U.S. Central Command leader Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth McKenzie frequently qualified their statements about the number of Americans remaining in-country by saying that they were in contact with smaller numbers who “want to leave.”

Contributing the failure was the Biden administration’s lack of preparation for the execution of the withdrawal. National security officials were still working to formulate a withdrawal plan a day before Kabul fell to the Taliban, despite the fact that Biden announced that American forces would withdraw from Afghanistan four months before the collapse of the U.S.-allied government. The National Security Council failed to coordinate withdrawal operations between the State and Defense departments, and rapid troop withdrawals exacerbated the failed evacuation process, according to the report. 

After Kabul fell to the Taliban, the Biden administration was still slow to organize contingency responses for withdrawal. The Transportation Department waited five days to issue an order allowing foreign airlines to deliver evacuees to American airports, and seven days to activate the Civil Reserve Aircraft Fleet (CRAF). The CRAF is a private airline fleet that can aid the U.S. military in a crisis, but “was barely used and did little to impact evacuation operations.”

Government officials had warned as early as 2007 that plans for withdrawal from unsafe and hostile nations would need a significant overhaul, particularly the reporting requirements for American citizens in those countries. A key factor in those plans is the reliance on the host government in providing an accurate number of Americans in need of evacuation. This issue has not been corrected across four presidential administrations.

“The lack of host nation accounting for Americans is likely not unique to Afghanistan and will be a persistent feature in countries with weak central governments and inefficient accounting systems,” the report notes. “It is exactly these countries that are most prone to rapid onsets of instability requiring the evacuation of Americans.”

Despite these logistical failures, as well as the death of 13 American service members in an ISIS-K terrorist attack, the Biden administration has claimed its withdrawal efforts a success.

“We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history. With more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety, that number is more than double what most experts thought was possible. No nation – no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history,” Biden said in a speech marking the final withdrawal of American forces and embassy officials.

“The bottom line: 90% of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave,” he added.

Taliban Vows to Overrun DC with 2,000 Suicide Bombers, Biden Admin Silent as the Grave

Reported By C. Douglas Golden | January 11, 2022


Remember how, after the fall of Kabul, we were promised Taliban 2.0? It was going to be a softer, gentler theocracy — one which was going to include a multitude of voices in government and which definitely wouldn’t be embracing terrorism like it did during its first tenure running the country of Afghanistan.

Yes, well, about that: A report states the group, currently the de facto government of Afghanistan, has now threatened to send 2,000 suicide bombers to Washington, D.C. And yet, there’s nary a peep out of President Joe Biden’s administration.

It’s not that we couldn’t have seen this coming. Since the Biden administration’s capitulation in Afghanistan this summer, the Taliban has made it clear through their actions they’re still the same extremists they were when we chased them from power. The Western Journal has been bringing readers the truth about just how bad the situation in Afghanistan is — and why the president is directly responsible. You can help us bring America the facts by subscribing today.

The suicide-bombing threat was first reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a watchdog which keeps an eye on communications from extremist groups and media sources.

According to a December report, during ongoing talks in Doha, Qatar — where the Taliban government seeks international recognition — Maulvi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, Afghanistan’s acting defense minister, said that if America wanted troops in Afghanistan to reopen its embassy there, the Taliban wanted an equivalent number of terrorists in our capital.

“If America wants 2,000 English [i.e., American] troops at its embassy in Afghanistan, we also want 2,000 Fidayeen Mujahideen [i.e., suicide bombers] from the Fateh Force at the embassy of Afghanistan in America,” a Dec. 11 tweet from Yaqoob read.

MEMRI noted that “Fidayeen” is another term used by jihadi groups for their suicide bombers.

“‘Fateh Force,’ or ‘victorious force,’ is a ‘martyrdom force’ within the Badri 313 unit of the Islamic Emirate,” the group reported. “Badri 313 is named after the Ghazwa-e-Badr, the first Islamic battle led by Islam’s founder Muhammad in which 313 Muslims defeated thousands of non-Muslim tribesmen.”

It’s not like we couldn’t have seen this coming, either. Yaqoob is the son of Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid, the deceased co-founder and spiritual leader of the Taliban. When the acting defense minister of Taliban 2.0 is from the family line of the extremist originator of Taliban 1.0, you can bet it’s not exactly an upgrade.

The threat isn’t an idle one, either. Last week, MEMRI reported that Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told a Pashtu-language radio station the Taliban is readying units of suicide attackers.

“Our mujahideen in the Ishtishhadi Kandaks [martyrdom-seeking battalions] will be part of the army and [they] will be Special Forces and organized under the defense ministry,” Mujahid said.

“The Special Forces will be established in a specific number and used for special operations.”

One assumes that no matter where the talks between the U.S. and Taliban envoys in Doha go, there won’t be an agreement by which we’re allowed 2,000 troops to open our embassy in Kabul if 2,000 members of the Ishtishhadi Kandaks are stationed in the District of Columbia. However, Yaqoob’s tweet came during the latest round of talks in Doha — and, if the threat was made as reported, it wasn’t anything that fazed the Biden administration.

In October, the Biden administration agreed to send humanitarian aid to Afghanistan after talks in Qatar but refused to recognize the government there. Furthermore, The Associated Press reported the U.S. delegation “made it clear that the talks were in no way a preamble to recognition of the Taliban, who swept into power Aug. 15 after the U.S.-allied government collapsed.”

The Taliban said those talks “went well.” State Department spokesman Ned Price, meanwhile, said they were “candid and professional” and gave the same line the Biden administration has been giving since the beginning: The Taliban’s actions, not its words, would determine how things went going forward.

During a further round of talks in November, Voice of America reported, the Taliban pressed the United States to end sanctions and unfreeze assets as remedies to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

Taliban Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi tweeted that their side “urged immediate unconditional unfreezing of Afghan reserves, ending of sanctions & blacklists, & disconnecting humanitarian issues from political considerations … Overall the sessions were positive and both sides agreed to continue such meetings moving forward.”

Price, meanwhile, said our side “remains committed to ensuring that U.S. sanctions do not limit the ability of Afghan civilians to receive humanitarian support from the U.S. government and international community while denying assets to sanctioned entities and individuals.”

However, to the extent Afghanistan is in a dire humanitarian state, the Taliban are the authors of that mess and bear the brunt of the responsibility for the devastation. Even if they won’t accept it publicly, they need to negotiate that way if they expect aid from Western powers. Instead, we see credible reports Taliban 2.0 is the same as Taliban 1.0, threatening the United States with a wave of suicide attackers and promising to spend some of the country’s meager resources on establishing a suicide-attacker unit within its army.

It’s difficult to imagine any other president — in particular, former President Donald Trump — letting this go unanswered. Just like during the fall of Kabul, however, the Biden administration seems unconcerned with the ugly optics or grim realities their policies have created in Afghanistan.

C. Douglas Golden, Contributor,

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.@CillianZealFacebook

US Officials Call Talks With Taliban ‘Candid and Professional’

Reuters • October 11, 2021


FILE PHOTO: Taliban delegates stand in front of a Qatar Airways plane in an unidentified location in Afghanistan, in this handout photo uploaded to social media on October 8, 2021. Picture uploaded on on October 8, 2021. Social media handout/via REUTERS

WASHINGTON (Reuters)—The United States said on Sunday the first face-to-face meeting between senior U.S. and Taliban officials since the hardline group retook power in Afghanistan was “candid and professional” and that the U.S. side reiterated that the Taliban would be judged on their actions, not just their words.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said the U.S. delegation at the weekend talks in Doha, Qatar, focused on security and terrorism concerns and safe passage for U.S. citizens, other foreign nationals and Afghans, as well as on human rights, including the meaningful participation of women and girls in all aspects of Afghan society. He said the two sides also discussed “the United States’ provision of robust humanitarian assistance, directly to the Afghan people.”

“The discussions were candid and professional with the U.S. delegation reiterating that the Taliban will be judged on its actions, not only its words,” Price said in a statement.

It did not say if any agreements were reached.

The foreign ministry in Kabul said the two-day meeting went well. It welcomed the U.S. offer of humanitarian assistance and said local authorities would facilitate delivery and cooperate with aid groups but said such assistance “should not be linked to political issues”.

“Detailed discussions were held during the meeting about all relevant issues. And efforts should be exerted to restore diplomatic relations to a better state,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that similar meetings would be held in future if required.

On Saturday, Qatar-based Al Jazeera television quoted Afghanistan’s acting foreign minister as saying that Taliban representatives asked the U.S. side to lift a ban on Afghan central bank reserves. It said the minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, also said Washington would offer Afghans coronavirus vaccines and that the two sides discussed “opening a new page” between the two countries.

Biden administration officials told Reuters on Friday the U.S. delegation would press the Taliban to release kidnapped American Mark Frerichs. Another top priority would be to hold the Taliban to their commitment not to allow Afghanistan to again become a hotbed for al Qaeda or other extremists.

The Taliban took back power in Afghanistan in August, almost 20 years after they were ousted in a U.S.-led invasion for refusing to hand over al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

The U.S. officials said the weekend meeting was a continuation of “pragmatic engagements” with the Taliban and “not about granting recognition or conferring legitimacy” to the group. U.S. officials say they are in contact with dozens of Americans and legal permanent residents who wish to leave Afghanistan and there are thousands of U.S.-allied Afghans at risk of Taliban persecution still in the country.

Washington and other Western countries are grappling with difficult choices as a severe humanitarian crisis looms large in Afghanistan. They are trying to work out how to engage with the Taliban without granting the group the legitimacy it seeks, while ensuring humanitarian aid flows into the country.

(Reporting by David Brunnstrom; Additional reporting by Moataz Abdelrahiem in Cairo, James Mackenzie in Islamabad; Editing by Ross Colvin, Peter Cooney and Raju Gopalakrishnan)

REPORT: US Cash Is Being Airlifted Into Afghanistan



Afghan Refugees Desperate for Food and Aid
(Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

U.S. and international officials are preparing to airlift U.S. cash into Afghanistan for humanitarian assistance while “denying assets” for the Taliban government and its leaders, according to Reuters. Emergency funding for Afghanistan, aimed at preventing a humanitarian crisis amid food shortages and political upheaval, would see U.S. cash flown into Kabul for distribution through banks, Reuters reported. Officials reportedly plan to send $200 in direct cash to Afghans without involving the Taliban.

The U.S. and Europe have reportedly discussed creating an international trust fund to bypass the Taliban government and fund local services. International groups such as the World Food Program and the United Nations are also considering flying in U.S. cash, officials said, according to Reuters.

A U.S. Treasury official said the department would allow humanitarian assistance through international and non-governmental organizations, Reuters reported.

On the international level, one approach could see the World Food Program airlift U.S. dollars and distribute them to people to purchase essentials such as food. A second approach could see the U.N. send cash currently held in banks, according to internal policy documents obtained by Reuters.

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and departure of U.S. troops has led foreign donors and investors to pull billions from the country.

The International Monetary Fund suspended Afghanistan’s access to its resources, including $460 million in emergency reserves on Aug. 18. The World Bank halted aid to Afghanistan one week later due to concerns about “development prospects, especially for women,” the BBC reported

The U.S. also froze billions of dollars in assets from accounts held in Afghanistan’s central bank, a Biden administration official told Axios. The move has prevented the Taliban government from accessing an estimated $9.4 billion in international reserves.

Around 75% of public spending in Afghanistan had been financed by foreign grants prior to the Taliban takeover, according to the World Bank. International groups warn that 14 million Afghans are facing hunger and the country’s economy could collapse amid a major cash shortage.

“If the country collapses, we will all pay the consequences,” a senior European Union official said, according to Reuters. “No one wants to rush into a recognition of the Taliban, but we need to deal with them. The question is not if … but how.”

Today’s TWO Politically INCORECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Oh, the Terror

A.F. BRANCO on September 15, 2021 |

G.W. Bush spoke out against Trump supporters at the 9/11 ceremony lumping them in with Islamic Terrorism.

America’s Taliban
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Chief of Shaft

A.F. BRANCO on September 16, 2021 |

If General Milley went behind Trump’s back to China and his officers to undermine him, that is treason.

General Milley Insubordination
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Michael Austin Op-ed: Taliban Thrilled: Psaki Confirms Biden Will Not Speak on 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Commentary By Michael Austin  September 9, 2021


There’s little doubt President Joe Biden has been planning his 9/11 anniversary speech for some time now. After all, the main cause of the entire Afghanistan withdrawal disaster was Biden’s insistence on an artificial deadline — Aug. 31 — so that, when the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks rolled around, he could presumably boast all about how he did what no other post-9/11 president before him could. He could say he ended the war in Afghanistan.

Things didn’t work out quite as Biden hoped — the overly hasty nature of the withdrawal resulted in a terrorist takeover of the country, a result that many intelligence officials predicted and warned the president would happen, despite his assurances to the American people.

And now, as his approval rating plummets, the president will not address the nation live on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

“[White House press secretary] Jen Psaki confirms Joe Biden will not deliver a live speech on 20th anniversary of 9/11,” Breitbart News’ White House correspondent Charlie Spiering revealed on Twitter on Thursday.

Spiering then quoted Psaki as saying “You will hear from [Biden] in the form of a video in advance — or if that will be available that day, I should say.”

Reuters reported the president, instead of addressing the nation live on Saturday, plans to visit the three memorial sites of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, ignoring the family members of 9/11 victims who have asked Biden not to show his face.

In a prerecorded video, should he choose to film one, there’s still a good chance Biden will use the opportunity to brag about his “success” in Afghanistan.

He may do so, despite leaving hundreds of Americans stranded in the terrorist-controlled country, despite handing over billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban and despite the fact that his actions indirectly led to the deaths of 13 service members in Afghanistan.

On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Americans will be mourning the devastating loss of those brave men and women, some of whom weren’t even old enough to buy alcohol.

And also on 9/11, thanks directly to Biden’s actions, the Taliban will be celebrating. In fact, the terrorist group reportedly plans to have an inauguration ceremony for its new government on that very day.

“Speaking about the symbolism of the War on Terror, the Taliban are planning to have their interim government inauguration ceremony on Saturday, September 11th, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11,” former U.S. State Department adviser and Afghan native Arash Yaqin revealed on Tuesday.

If Biden does release a video on Saturday in honor of the 9/11 anniversary, it is likely he will ignore all the facts, as he usually does. He’s too cowardly to face up to the consequences of his actions. Otherwise, he’d be addressing the nation live.

Michael Austin

Michael Austin joined The Western Journal as a staff reporter in 2020. Since then, he has authored hundreds of stories, including several original reports. He also co-hosts the outlet’s video podcast, “WJ Live.”


Ann Coulter Op-ed” 9/11

Commentary by Ann Coulter | Posted: Sep 08, 2021

Read more at—p–n2595560/

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of, and


Source: AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

In honor of the 20-year marker of the 9/11 attacks, I thought I’d run excerpts from a few of my post-9/11 columns.

One point I politely refrained from making 20 years ago: Why was the president of the United States reading “The Pet Goat” to a class of second-graders at the moment our nation was attacked?

I think the “Attack France” column (Dec. 20, 2001) holds up well, mostly because I’d rather be bringing in hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen right now than hundreds of thousands of Afghans. (Who knew the golden ticket to U.S. citizenship was being the country that hosted Osama bin Laden?)

But that column didn’t make the cut. In 2007, the magnificent Gallic made Nicolas Sarkozy the new president of France, and now we’re friends again.

Finally, for the sub-literate: After the defeat of Japan in World War II, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, leader of the occupation, put out a call to American Christians: “Send missionaries and Bibles!” Thousands of missionaries poured in. The same thing happened after the Korean War, with greater success than in Japan.

On this point, there was surprising unanimity. Even President Truman agreed with his nemesis MacArthur, who said: “[Democracy] will endure when it rests firmly on the Christian conception of the individual and society.”

Today, not even a Republican would say that. Good luck, America!

— “This Is War,” Sept. 12, 2001

[T]he nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or “religious” profiling. People who want our country destroyed live here, work for our airlines, and are submitted to the exact same airport shakedown as a lumberman from Idaho. This would be like having the Wehrmacht immigrate to America and work for our airlines during World War II. Except the Wehrmacht was not so bloodthirsty.

“All of our lives” don’t need to change, as they keep prattling on TV. Every single time there is a terrorist attack — or a plane crashes because of pilot error — Americans allow their rights to be contracted for no purpose whatsoever.

The airport kabuki theater of magnetometers, asinine questions about whether passengers “packed their own bags” … somehow allowed over a dozen armed hijackers to board four American planes almost simultaneously on Bloody Tuesday. Did those fabulous security procedures stop a single hijacker anyplace in America that day?

Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac.

We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren’t punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That’s war. And this is war.

— “Future Widows of America: Write Your Congressman,” Sept. 27, 2001

After the World Trade Center was bombed by Islamic fundamentalists in 1993, the country quickly chalked it up to a zany one-time attack and five minutes later decided we were all safe again. We weren’t. We aren’t now …

Congress has authority to pass a law tomorrow requiring aliens from suspect countries to leave. As far as the Constitution is concerned, aliens, which is to say non-citizens, are here at this country’s pleasure …

[T]he very nature of the enemy is that they have infiltrated this country and pass themselves off as law-abiding, peaceful immigrants. Their modus operandi is to smuggle mass murderers to our shores. But the country refuses to respond rationally. Rather, Congress is busily contemplating a series of “anti-terrorism” measures most notable for their utter irrelevance to the threat. …

Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., has proposed that we take the aggressive step of asking aliens in the country to register periodically with the government so we know where they are. That’s already the law in Germany. Several of the hijackers in this attack lived in Hamburg, and they obediently complied.

The mastermind of the most vicious terrorist attack in the history of the world, Mohamed Atta, was in Florida on a “vocational status” visa — in order to attend flight school. Let’s say Atta had registered. Now what, Joe?

— “Build Them Back,” June 7, 2002

The reason liberals prefer a park to luminous skyscrapers [on the site of the World Trade Center] is that they are not angry. Liberals express sympathy for the victims, but they’re not angry. Instead of longing to crush and humiliate the enemy, they believe true patriotism consists of redoubled efforts to expand the welfare state.

Sen. Hillary Clinton proposed a school for the World Trade Center site and Sen. Charles Schumer, a park. Yeah, that’ll show ’em!

Meanwhile, the construction workers clearing away the rubble vowed they would work without pay to rebuild the World Trade Center. Of course, now that we have 14 cows, that shouldn’t be necessary. (In a genuinely touching story, a tiny cow-herding village in Kenya only recently got word of the attack on America and, this week, made a special present of 14 cows to the United States.)

The attack on the World Trade Center ripped America’s soul not only for the thousands of lives it snuffed out. Even if the towers had been empty, the destruction of those buildings would have been heart-wrenching. Skyscrapers are the hallmark of civilization, monuments to human brilliance and creativity. …

Mohamed Atta loathed skyscrapers. Newsweek reported that he viewed the emergence of tall buildings in Egypt as an odious surrender to Western values. The most fitting memorial to the victims of the World Trade Center attack is to build the most breathtaking skyscraper in the world on top of Mohamed Atta’s corpse.

— “This Whistleblower They Like,” June 13, 2002

In their enthusiasm to bash the Bush administration for its handling of the war — which Democrats consider an annoying distraction from the real business of government, which is redistributing income — the left has embraced FBI agent Coleen Rowley as a modern Joan of Arc …

[T]he gravamen of Rowley’s 13-page memo is essentially that FBI headquarters botched the Zacarias Moussaoui case (the 20th hijacker) by refusing to racially profile Muslims. …

[Specifically] she condemned FBI brass for refusing to authorize a search warrant for Moussaoui based on the following information: 1) he refused to consent to a search of his computer; 2) he was in flight school; 3) he had overstayed his visa; and 4) he was a Muslim.

Let’s see, which of these factors constitutes probable cause?

— Refusal to consent to a search? It is your right to refuse. Any other rule would allow cops to bootstrap their way into a warrant. “Hi, Zacarias, may we search your computer? No? That’s suspicious! Grounds for a warrant!” I don’t think so.

— In flight school? NO.

— Overstayed visa? NO.

— Is a Muslim? NOT ALLOWED. …

I happen to agree with her, but liberals don’t. So how did Rowley become the left’s new Norma Rae? … FBI headquarters rebuffed Rowley’s callous insensitivity to Muslims and denied a warrant request to search Moussaoui’s computer — and thus failed to uncover the Sept. 11 plot.

The FBI allowed thousands of Americans to be slaughtered on the altar of political correctness. What more could liberals ask for?

The Taliban is holding hostage six planes chartered by Glenn Beck charity to rescue Americans left behind by Biden admin

Reported by CARLOS GARCIA | September 06, 2021


Six planes on a mission to rescue more than a hundred Americans wanting to leave Afghanistan were grounded by the Taliban as negotiations continued with the State Department Monday.

The evacuation effort was a part of a mission chartered by Mercury One, the charity founded by conservative media personality and TheBlaze founder Glenn Beck.

Newsweek confirmed the details through an NGO working on the evacuation.

According to the report, at least 1,000 people were waiting to board the planes at an airport in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

“The planes are currently empty and its passengers are still waiting in their safe houses for clearance for takeoff from the Taliban,” said one NGO official to Newsweek. “I have more than 1,000 people on the master manifest that want to fly, of which 123 are Americans and the rest are Special Immigration Visas.”

Earlier on Sunday, the State Department sent an email to members of Congress to alert them about the negotiations with the Taliban. The email reportedly said that the planes had permission to land in Doha, Qatar, but only after the Taliban allowed them to leave.

“The Taliban is basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans,” said a congressional source to CBS News.

Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas said Sunday on Fox News that the Taliban had the Americans in a hostage situation.

“In fact we have six airplanes at Mazar-i-Sharif airport, six airplanes, with American citizens on them as I speak, also with these interpreters, and the Taliban is holding them hostage for demands right now,” McCaul said. “State has cleared these flights, and the Taliban will not let them leave the airport.”

A spokesperson told Newsweek they were not able to confirm whether Americans were waiting to board the planes to escape.

“We do not have personnel on the ground, we do not have air assets in the country, we do not control the airspace — whether over Afghanistan or elsewhere in the region,” the unidentified official said.

Glenn Beck had raised more than $22 million from donors and his radio audience to fund the mission to rescue Christians, Americans, and Afghan allies from the Taliban-controlled nation.

Here’s more about the effort to rescue Americans from Afghanistan:

‘Hostage situation’: Taliban refusing to let Americans, Afghan translators leave Afghanistan

Reported by By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor| Monday, September 06, 2021


Taliban, Afghanistan
Taliban fighters stand guard along a road near the site of an Ashura procession which is held to mark the death of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Mohammad, along a road in Herat on August 19, 2021, amid the Taliban’s military takeover of Afghanistan. | AREF KARIMI/AFP via Getty Images

Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, a ranking member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Sunday that the Taliban are not letting flights ready to evacuate American civilians and allies leave Afghanistan and are “holding them hostage for demands.”

The Taliban is preventing Americans and allies from leaving the country on six charter planes at Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport in northern Afghanistan and making demands of the U.S., McCaul told Fox News on Sunday.

“In fact, we have six airplanes at Mazar-i-Sharif airport, six airplanes, with American citizens on them as I speak, also with these interpreters, and the Taliban is holding them hostage for demands right now,” McCaul said.

“The Taliban wants something in exchange. This is really … turning into a hostage situation where they are not going to allow American citizens to leave until they get full recognition from the United States of America,” he added.

When “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace asked how many Americans have been evacuated out of Afghanistan since the withdrawal deadline on Aug. 31, McCaul said, “I understand, zero.” The flights have permission to land in Doha “if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff,” according to an email from the State Department to members of Congress, CBS News reported, quoting sources as saying that the planes are not currently loaded and the passengers are being held nearby.

In response to McCaul’s claim that Americans are essentially being held as hostages, a State Department spokesperson told The Hill on Sunday that since the U.S. no longer has an embassy or staff in Afghanistan, it cannot confirm the veracity of those reports.

“Given these constraints, we also do not have a reliable means to confirm the basic details of charter flights, including who may be organizing them, the number of U.S. citizens and other priority groups on-board, the accuracy of the rest of the manifest, and where they plan to land, among many other issues,” the spokesperson said.

“We understand the concern that many people are feeling as they try to facilitate further charter and other passage out of Afghanistan,” the spokesperson added, noting that the Biden administration will “hold the Taliban to its pledge to let people freely depart Afghanistan.”

Ascend, a group committed to developing young women as leaders through athletics, was quoted by CBS News as saying that they’ve had two flights waiting for six days to take between 600 and 1,200 people — including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents.

Following the drawing down of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Taliban quickly seized control of much of the country, eventually taking the capital Kabul last month and forcing the government to flee. In response to the unexpected speed at which the terrorist group retook the nation, tens of thousands of Americans, Afghan allies, and others desperately tried to leave the country.

In its email, the State Department advised members of Congress to warn people seeking to evacuate out of Mazar-i-Sharif that the U.S.: “does not have personnel on the ground in Mazar, we do not have air assets in the country, and we do not control the airspace. … It is a Taliban decision to ground flights in Mazar-i-Sharif. We are, however, providing guidance and assistance to the extent possible — and with an emphasis on safety — to private entities working out of Mazar.”

Politico reporter Daniel Lippman posted a photo from Maxar Technologies showing the grounded planes on Twitter. “Newly released satellite images show six commercial airplanes at Mazar-i-Sharif airport in northern Afghanistan that are not being allowed to depart by the Taliban.” 

In his interview with Fox News, McCaul said Biden has “blood on his hands.”

“I’ve said all along this president has blood on his hands, and this week, this last week, we had 13 servicemen and women come home, flag-draped coffins at Dover Air Base. This problem is going to get worse, not better, and we have left them behind. That’s the basic creed of the military.”

On Aug. 26, a suicide bombing outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul killed 10 U.S. Marines, two Army soldiers and one Navy Corpsman, along with as many as 170 civilians, most of whom were awaiting their evacuation.

McCaul also said those who have helped the U.S. military in Afghanistan are being persecuted.

“You have stories of interpreters being taken home to their families and watching their wives and families being beheaded, executed before they execute the interpreter,” he said. “This is not a new and improved Taliban. This is the same old Taliban. They are reverting back to with the same brutal practices.”

In an exclusive interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier on Friday, Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma said the Taliban was charging between $500 to $4,000 as a “tax” to get past each checkpoint to reach the Kabul airport, which is one reason why the French and British special forces carried out rescue missions to extricate their citizens who were stranded or had been turned away at checkpoints.

Former Israeli Agent and Researcher: “Kabul is Phase One on the Way to Conquering the World”

Reported By Richard Abelson | Published September 2, 2021


Mordechai Kedar was a member of  IDF intelligence  for 25 years. The Researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, internationally known scholar, columnist and lecturer, spoke to Italian journalist Giulio Meotti about the fall of Kabul.

“Kabul is pumping new blood into the arteries of the jihad and the results are seen all over the world. We must understand that the Islamic mentality is a ‘zero sum game’. When Islam wins, Christianity loses and the ‘crusaders’ lose. They always see a connection between what happened in the 10th century and what happens in the 21st century”, said Kedar.

“Islam progresses, state by state, continent by continent. Today they speak of conquering Rome after Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Church, while Rome is the capital of the Western Church. Having conquered the Eastern Church in 1453, they are now marching on Rome. We hear this clearly from radical Islam. Kabul is only one phase of a global plan. They think it is proof that their path is the right one. They think they have defeated Western culture, embodied by America, which wanted to spread Westernism in the Islamic world. The battle is always cultural, before one for the land or for people”.

Now in Kabul the battle is between the Taliban and the Islamic State, Kedar says. “I think the Taliban will win because they have a stronger tribal base. There is no Afghanistan, it is just a name that the British gave it. There is also no Afghan language. The Taliban may be more cautious in supporting al Qaeda against America. September 11 was the Pearl Harbor of the Islamic world. But the Islamic State survived the defeat in Syria and Iraq, it is now an idea, present in Sinai, Nigeria, Libya, Yemen, the Philippines, Khorasan … They will try to take advantage of it”.

Hegira: Immigration Jihad

“It is the very nature of Jihad, which is not only a military war, but also a ‘strenuous effort’. And this includes both the military aspect, and also economic jihad: Like Qatar providing money to Islamists in the Middle East such as Hamas. Then there is a media jihad, like Al Jazeera. There is a political jihad, in which Islamists enter European parliaments, to fight those countries from within. And there is the ‘Hegira’ jihad, the Jihad of immigration, which is another manifestation. And we see it very well in Italy. The largest mosque in Europe is in Rome. And what they do in the streets of France, burning churches and physically attacking priests, praying en masse in the open. All they do is strengthen Islam at the expense of other cultures. There is a verse from the Koran, ‘Allah is with those who have patience”.

Europe, Kedar explains , is the final spoils. “The conquest of Europe by mostly illegal immigration and with a higher birth rate than the European peoples. And then the imposition of halal food on schools in the West, the attempts to silence church bells and the imposition of sharia law on public spaces in immigrant neighborhoods in Western Europe. It’s time to wake up, understand and take the necessary steps, before it’s too late”.

It’s time to wake up, before it’s too late

August 15, Kedar concludes, will be remembered in the Islamic world for decades. “Muslims have a great historical memory. It was no coincidence that September 11 was chosen as the date to attack New York, because on September 11, 1683, the Turkish armies were defeated at the gates of Vienna. And since then the Western world has grown stronger and stronger against Islam. September 11 was chosen for a great historical revenge.”

In June 1983, interviewed by Austrian TV, Pope John Paul II said, recalling the enterprise of the Polish king Jan Sòbieski who joined the Duke Charles of Lorraine: “You will commemorate the hour of destiny when, exactly 300 years ago, the city of Vienna was saved from the conquest that was looming, thanks to the joint efforts of Christianity … This very important event will remind today’s Christians of their common responsibility towards Europe ”.

Who today – which Pope, intellectual or politician – would deliver such a speech without incurring, not only an Islamic fatwa, but also Western ex-communication for islamophobia?

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Israel National News, where this article first appeared.

Richard Abelson is Gateway Pundit international correspondent. Follow him on Parler or GETTR.

Wasn’t Trump Impeached Over a Call? Biden Coerced Afghan Pres to Lie About Taliban Winning in Leaked Call: Report

By Taylor Penley | September 1, 2021


Remember when House Democrats accused former President Donald Trump of pressuring Ukraine to investigate then-candidate Joe Biden while leveraging military aid as collateral during a phone call with Ukraine’s president in 2019? I do. The accusation prompted Trump’s first impeachment on the grounds of “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress” that December, according to the U.S. Sun.

Now, two years later, it’s President Joe Biden who’s responsible for talks with world leaders, talks like the one House Democrats used to attack Trump. And, to afford Biden similar scrutiny to what Trump received, one particular aspect of Biden’s last call with now-former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani seems especially interesting.

Biden’s final call with Ghani came on July 23 — three weeks before Kabul fell to Taliban forces and Islamic extremism toppled 20 years of democratic progress in the country. The two discussed “military aid, political strategy and messaging” for approximately 14 minutes, Reuters reported on Tuesday after reviewing what it said was a transcript and audio of the exchange provided by an anonymous source. One particular aspect of the leaked transcript appears especially damning for Biden, as the New York Post pointed out.

The Post noted the transcript shows Biden “pressured” Ghani to “‘create the perception’ that the Taliban weren’t winning, ‘whether it is true or not.’”

“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said during the call, according to Reuters.

“And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

Biden’s pressuring went a step further, however, according to Reuters.

If Ghani could successfully fool the public into thinking the Afghan government had plans to control what Reuters called the “spiraling situation” of the Taliban’s resurgence, Biden would offer aid.

“We will continue to provide close air support, if we know what the plan is,” Biden said, according to Reuters.

The outlet added that, just days before the call, the U.S. supported Afghan security forces with air strikes against the Taliban. The Taliban maintained that these air strikes violated the Doha peace agreement signed under the Trump administration.

To provide some context, the Taliban had already advanced into approximately half of Afghanistan’s district centers at the time of the phone call, the Post noted. Just three weeks later, the nation’s capital would be directly threatened by Taliban forces. Ghani fled just before the city fell. But before that would happen, Biden advised Ghani during their exchange to employ prominent Afghan political and military figures — including former Afghan President Hamid Karzai — to further generate the sense of security, the Post added.

“That will change perception, and that will change an awful lot, I think,” Biden said, according to Reuters.

At another point in the conversation, Biden said a change in the Afghan government’s strategy would do more than help “on the ground,” Reuters reported. It would generate support for the Ghani regime internationally.

“I’m not a military guy, so I’m not telling you what that plan should precisely look like, you’re going to get not only more help, but you’re going to get a perception that is going to change,” he said, according to Reuters.

It was never OK to give Afghans or our allies a false sense of security in light of the danger steadily progressing across the country.

Afghan civilians and U.S. allies alike (particularly those in Europe) have since succumbed to a grim reality in one way or another — either being forced to flee their homes, scramble to return to their home countries (if residing there on behalf of another nation) or stay behind in the Taliban’s wake.

And it makes our president look like a liar.

Now, as September begins, the aftermath of the U.S.’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan seems clearer every day.

Our allies are furious with us, Gold Star families mourn the loss of our 13 heroes killed in action during an ISIS suicide bombing outside of Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport and several Americans and U.S. allies have since been left behind in the region.

We can only expect things to get worse from here.

Amid the bombshell leaked transcript of Biden and Ghani’s exchange that’s likely to make headway in the news, it’s reasonable to wonder whether Biden’s coercion and deception will stick to his image or roll off his shoulders as if he’s covered in Teflon.

Considering the establishment media’s — and our elected officials’ — histories of handling Biden with kid gloves, the likely answer is already clear.

Taylor Penley, Contributor

Taylor Penley is a political commentator residing in Northwest Georgia. She holds a BA in English with minors in rhetoric/writing and global studies from Dalton State College. As a student, she worked in government relations and interned for Georgia’s 14th congressional district. She previously published an article with Future Female Leaders and published her rhetorical analysis of President Reagan’s Berlin Wall Speech in a collegiate journal. She seeks to study journalism or communication in graduate school.

C. Douglas Golden Op-ed: Fury Erupts Over ‘Cargo’ Put on a Plane Escaping Afghanistan

Commentary By C. Douglas Golden  August 30, 2021 at 8:19am


There is a time and a place for animal rescue. That time and place isn’t Kabul, Afghanistan, in August 2021.

In the capital of a failed state, citizens of Western countries — as well as the Afghans who worked with them and likely face severe retribution at the hands of the Taliban — are trying to flee the country the only way they can: through Hamid Karzai International Airport.

The airport has seen one terror attack that killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 169 Afghans, according to The Associated Press. A drone strike that U.S. authorities say prevented another suicide bombing at the airport on Sunday has claimed the lives of numerous innocent civilians in Kabul, CNN reported, including at least six children.

Amid all this, a former British Royal Marine who ran an animal shelter in Afghanistan organized an effort to have his animals airlifted out of the country with the assistance of the U.K. military, which got the rescued pets through the airport in Kabul on Friday, according to the BBC.

Paul “Pen” Farthing, the Royal Marine behind the effort, arrived back at London’s Heathrow Airport on Sunday with 90 to 100 dogs and 60 to 70 cats. The effort was dubbed “Operation Ark” and was initially intended to airlift the shelter’s staff and their families — along with 140 dogs and 60 cats — out of Kabul.

Farthing called Operation Ark a “partial success” in a tweet.

That “partial success” didn’t include airlifting the staff out of Kabul; Farthing’s charity confirmed it had to leave Afghanistan without them. Dr. Iain McGill, a veterinarian who traveled back on the plane chartered by Farthing, said the former Royal Marine was “very concerned for his staff and for all the other people suffering in Afghanistan.”

Farthing’s charity said it was a “devastating blow” their “wonderful team” was forced to remain in Afghanistan.

Yes, one might say so.

Farthing’s defenders, including comedian Ricky Gervais, argued the animals traveled in the plane’s cargo hold and therefore didn’t take up any space that would have been used to transport those fleeing the Taliban, according to Bloomberg Quint.

However, the controversy isn’t so much where Farthing’s rescue animals were carried so much as it is one of British resource usage.

According to The Guardian, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace told members of Parliament during a Wednesday conference call that Operation Ark had “diverted” the military’s focus somewhat from saving human lives, adding that the affair was “not something I would be proud of.”

While supporters of Farthing’s charity privately chartered an Airbus A330 to make the flight, Wallace said this wasn’t a “magic wand,” given the logistical difficulties involved with getting people into and through Hamid Karzai International Airport. This call, mind you, took place two days before the suicide bomb attack on the airport complicated things significantly.

Instead, Wallace said the A330 would “block the airfield” and “sit there empty” as the evacuation of people was prioritized.

“What I was not prepared to do is prioritize pets over people. I’m afraid you may dislike me for that but that’s my view. There are some very, very desperate people under threat,” he said.

The BBC also reported Wallace had complained Farthing’s supporters had “taken up too much time of my senior commanders dealing with this issue when they should be focused on dealing with the humanitarian crisis.”

Early on Wednesday, Wallace tweeted that “if [Farthing] arrives with his animals we will seek a slot for his plane … I have been consistent all along, ensuring those most at risk are processed first and that the limiting factor has been flow THROUGH to airside NOT airplane capacity. No one has the right in this humanitarian crisis to jump the queue.”

British Army head Maj. Gen. Nick Carter also didn’t express unalloyed support for the mission to airlift animals out of Afghanistan when grilled about it on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday morning.

“Our priority has been to evacuate human beings,” Carter said, according to Bloomberg Quint. “We obviously worry about everything that needs to be evacuated, but of course these are very difficult times, and there are very difficult judgments to be made.”

However, in an interview with LBC Radio on Saturday, Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the U.K. Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee, was a bit more blunt.

“The difficulty is getting people into and out of the airport, and we’ve just used a lot of troops to bring in 200 dogs, meanwhile my interpreter’s family are likely to be killed,” said Tugendhat, according to the BBC.

“As one interpreter asked me a few days ago, ‘Why is my 5-year-old worth less than your dog?’”

However, is Farthing the one to blame? Sam Ashworth-Hayes, writing in the conservative British publication The Spectator, doesn’t think so. Instead, in a piece published Sunday, he said the issue was a government too willing to give into Farthing’s cause instead of focusing on evacuating Britons.

“We can try to spin this as a heart-warming effort as much as we like. I’m sure some politicians will. But the job of government is to make difficult decisions, and ours caved in under pressure from an animal-loving mob,” he wrote.

“If you asked the public tomorrow if the government should set up a National Veterinary Service with a budget equal to the NHS, you would be laughed out of town. Basing policy on what people say in the heat of the moment rather than trying to understand their long-term preferences is a terrible idea. But weak leadership means that we spend far too much time worrying about cute animals on the front pages.

“We’ve left behind 150 Britons and a thousand Afghan support staff. Now consider that for some paratroopers ‘the last thing they do before leaving themselves is putting Pen Farthing’s cats and dogs on a plane,’ and tell me this was still a heroic and noble act.”

But at least there’s a happy ending for the dogs and cats, right? “As you can imagine they’re not short of homes for these animals,” McGill told the BBC.

Shame about Farthing’s staff and Tugendhat’s translator, though.

C. Douglas Golden, Contributor,

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.@CillianZeal

VIDEO: Afghan TV anchor tells residents ‘don’t be afraid’ as Taliban fighters stand behind him with guns

Reported by PHIL SHIVER | August 30, 2021


With Taliban fighters standing behind him brandishing guns, an Afghan news anchor nervously urged viewers over the weekend not to be “afraid” amid the fall of the Afghan government and the formation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

The bizarre scene demonstrates the danger that Afghan journalists are likely to face under Taliban rule and foreshadows the end of journalistic freedom in the country.

Armed Taliban militants stormed into the building of Afghan television network Peace Studio during a live recording on Sunday, proceeding to hold the anchor hostage while he granted favorable coverage to the new regime, Republic World reported.

“Don’t be afraid,” the anchor reportedly said during the broadcast.

“With the Taliban militants breathing down his neck, the TV anchor addressed the news bulletin, talking about the collapse of the Ashraf Ghani-led government and the formation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,” the news outlet reported. “Visibly afraid and uncomfortable, the presenter then went on to tell the nation to not be scared of the Taliban.”

Video of the incident has since gone viral, having been viewed more than one million times on social media.

“Afghanistan TV – surreal,” tweeted BBC World News anchor Yalda Hakim along with a video of the incident.

“This is what a political debate now looks like on Afghan TV, Taliban foot soldiers watching over the host,” she added. “The presenter talks about the collapse of the Ghani govt & says the Islamic Emirate says the Afghan people should not be afraid.”

A subsequent photo posted on Twitter by Afghan journalist Zaki Daryabi shows that at least eight Taliban fighters were involved in the news station storming.

This is what [we] can’t accept,” she tweeted along with the image. “If so, we will stop our work.”

Amid its takeover of Afghanistan in recent weeks, Taliban leaders promised a “lenient” government and “amnesty” for individuals who worked with Western governments and organizations over the last 20 years of U.S. military occupation. But their promises have been empty ones. In reality, Taliban fighters have been “hunting down” journalists and persecuting women and religious minorities, including Christians. The bloodthirsty militants reportedly murdered the relative of an Afghan journalist partnered with German news outlet Deutsche Welle last week. They also killed a 33-year-old Afghan who had translated for U.S. Special Forces and who worked with newspaper Die Zeit.

Republic World added that “the Taliban barred two women journalists … who worked with the public broadcaster Radio Television Afghanistan” and “also attacked two other members of the press for covering the anti-Taliban protests taking place in the eastern Nangarhar province.”

Their actions have reportedly caused many journalists and activists to flee the nation in fear.

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Victor Gets The Spoils

A.F. BRANCO on August 28, 2021 |

Biden’s plan of “Built Back Better” has come true,  but only for the Taliban terrorists.

American Blood and Treasure
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – No Man’s Plan

A.F. BRANCO on August 30, 2021 |

Biden says he used Trump’s evac plan. Some say minus a few putting Americans first details.

Biden Evac Plan

Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.


US Special Ops Veterans Form Their Own Squad, Travel to Kabul for Extremely Dangerous Rescue Mission

Reported By Dillon Burroughs | August 27, 2021


A volunteer group of American veterans launched a final mission on Wednesday night, dubbed “Pineapple Express,” to reportedly help hundreds of members of Afghan elite forces and their families reach safety. The group, dubbed Task Force Pineapple, operated in darkness to help those at risk.

“As of Thursday morning, the group said it had brought as many as 500 Afghan special operators, assets and enablers and their families into the airport in Kabul overnight, handing them each over to the protective custody of the U.S. military,” ABC News reported.

“That number added to more than 130 others over the past 10 days who had been smuggled into the airport encircled by Taliban fighters since the capital fell to the extremists on Aug. 16 by Task Force Pineapple, an ad hoc groups of current and former U.S. special operators, aid workers, intelligence officers and others with experience in Afghanistan who banded together to save as many Afghan allies as they could.”

The group was led by Army Lt. Col. Scott Mann, who leads an organization called Rooftop Leadership. Mann is a retired Green Beret commander.

“We made a commitment to get them out and this is our chance to do the right thing. And I’m telling you if we don’t, Brianna, it’s going to haunt us for a very, very long time,” Mann said during a CNN interview on Monday.

GoFundMe page offered supporters an opportunity to donate to the group’s expenses. A video from Mann also explained the purpose behind the group’s effort.

More than $68,000 had been donated as of Friday morning.

The news comes as more than 100 people were killed in Kabul on Thursday. A total of 13 U.S. military personnel were killed, with more injured.

The U.S. continued evacuation flights from the Kabul airport on Thursday. The Hill reported 12,500 people were evacuated from Afghanistan between early Thursday to early Friday morning.

“Of the 12,500 evacuees, roughly 8,500 of them were on 35 U.S. military flights out of Kabul, which included 29 C-17 planes and six C-130 planes. Another 4,000 people were carried on 54 coalition flights out of Kabul,” The Hill reported.

“White House officials said that since Aug. 14, the U.S. has evacuated and facilitated the evacuation of about 105,000 people out of Afghanistan.’

“Since the end of July, approximately 110,600 people have been relocated.”

Dillon Burroughs, Breaking News/Media Reporter

Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books.@dillonburroughs

Congressmen Across The Board Demand Biden Respond To ‘Murderous’ Terrorist Attack, Keep Americans Safe



Senators Meet For Weekly Policy Luncheons On Capitol Hill
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Members of Congress in both parties are demanding that President Joe Biden respond to the ISIS-Khorasan Province terrorist attack that has killed at least 12 Americans.

The attack outside Hamid Karzai International Airport made Thursday the deadliest day for Americans in Afghanistan since Aug. 6, 2011, and the third-deadliest day throughout the 20-year-long war. Two ISIS-Khorasan Province suicide bombers detonated explosive vests before gunmen opened fire on a crowd, U.S. Central Command Commander Gen. Kenneth McKenzie told reporters.

“This murderous attack offers the clearest possible reminder that terrorists will not stop fighting the United States just because our politicians grow tired of fighting them,” Senate Minority Leader and Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell said in a statement. “I remain concerned that terrorists worldwide will be emboldened by our retreat, by this attack, and by the establishment of a radical Islamic terror state in Afghanistan. We need to redouble our global efforts to confront these barbarian enemies who want to kill Americans and attack our homeland.”

McConnell’s counterpart, Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, declared that “it must be made clear to the world that the terrorists who perpetrated this will be sought and be brought to justice.”

“The U.S. cannot and will not be silent in the face of these attacks – we must bring to justice the terrorists who committed these heinous acts as we work to extract others from harm’s way,” Democratic Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen added. “We must work to establish stability on the ground and remain focused on securing the safety of U.S. citizens, our troops, and our Afghan partners.”

House Minority Leader and Republican California Rep. Kevin McCarthy called on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to “bring Congress back before Aug. 31 so we can be briefed thoroughly by the Administration and prohibit the withdrawal of our troops until every American is safely out.”

House Republicans were briefed by Biden administration officials on Tuesday. 

Pelosi did not commit to bringing the House back from recess, but she did say that “Committees of Jurisdiction will continue to hold briefings on Afghanistan.”

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez appeared to take a shot at the Biden administration’s withdrawal policy, declaring, “We can’t trust the Taliban with Americans’ security.”

Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse urged Biden to “rip up the Aug. 31 [withdrawal] deadline and defend evacuation routes by expanding the perimeter around the Kabul airport or by retaking Bagram” Air Force Base.

Four Republicans, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Georgia Rep. Mark Green and North Carolina Rep. Mark Walker called on Biden to resign.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Dirty Jobs

A.F. BRANCO on August 25, 2021 |

It’s going to take more than democrats expert media wordsmiths to clean up Biden’s mess in Afghanistan.

Biden Created a Mess
Political cartoon A.F. Branco Cartoon ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Surrender In Chief

A.F. BRANCO on August 26, 2021 |

Biden’s surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan has put blood on his hands.

08 Biden Surren LI 1080
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Taliban declares it will no longer allow Afghans to leave the country, will not extend deadline for Americans to get out

Reported by PHIL SHIVER | August 24, 2021


The Taliban announced Tuesday that it will no longer allow Afghan nationals to go to the Kabul airport in order to flee the country.

“We are not in favor of allowing Afghans to leave,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told reporters during a news conference Tuesday morning, according to BBC News. It’s a new development that comes just one week before the U.S. and other NATO forces are slated to fully depart Afghanistan. Mujahid reiterated that Americans can continue evacuations until the Aug. 31 deadline, but made clear that Afghan nationals are not to be a part of that process.

“They [the Americans] have the opportunity, they have all the resources, they can take all the people that belong to them but we are not going to allow Afghans to leave and we will not extend the deadline,” he stated.

Mujahid said that evacuating foreign nationals beyond the Aug. 31 deadline would be a “violation” of the agreement the U.S. established with the militant regime.

“The way to the airport has been closed now,” the spokesman continued. “Afghans are not allowed to go there now. Foreigners are allowed to go, but we have stopped Afghan nationals to go because the crowd is more, there is danger that people will lose their lives, there might be a stampede.”

The news comes as President Joe Biden considers pushing back the end date for withdrawals as an unknown number of Americans and Afghan nationals who worked with the U.S. government remain trapped inside the country. Those individuals are believed to be in imminent danger. Several reports have surfaced in recent days indicating that Taliban fighters are executing door-to-door searches and carrying out execution campaigns on womenChristians, and those who worked with the West during the last 20 years of U.S. military occupation.

Yet with the deadline quickly approaching, the Taliban has warned that the U.S. could face “consequences” should they fail to depart the country by the end of the month.

“It’s a red line,” Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said this week. “President Biden announced that on Aug. 31 they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it, that means they are extending occupation.”

Nevertheless, Biden is set to raise the topic of extending the evacuation date with foreign leaders Tuesday at the G-7 summit.

It’s Worse Than We Thought: Complete List of Armaments US Is Leaving to Taliban and Islamist Groups — Enough to Fortify Them for Years – Secret Warehouse of US Equipment Captured?

Reported By Jim Hoft | Published August 23, 2021


Taliban fighters in US military uniformsI

t’s worse than we thought. Joe Biden has supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with several years worth of US armaments.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday — Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program. This more complete list was created with public information and help from other intelligence sources. The list does not include all the extra kinds of nonlethal equipment, everything from MRE’s, Medical Equipment, and even energy drinks.


The big story might be the pallets of cash the Taliban have been posting videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized.

Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment list now controlled by Taliban:

-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
-75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130’s
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft 
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Communications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Reconnaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators

Much of the information included in the above list is public record.

One example is below:

There are also rumblings of a warehouse of high-level US equipment left behind for the Taliban.
From our source:

Some of my sources are from my previous work background as private agency contractor etc. so can’t direct quote. But I can assure you those numbers are correct and if anything are low.

I have one friend on the ground in Kabul right now.  He is with UK SRR they are trying to track and account for quantities of US Military and Russian Military Equipment now in the hands of Taliban. I spoke with him last night and tonight.

What’s really disturbing is a rumor circulating about some secured warehouses that only highest levels of security clearance US military staff had access to.  No one seems to know what was in them. Taliban is in full control of those warehouses now. And those warehouses were full of equipment whatever it was.

He’s trying to confirm but believes that the Taliban also secured US military drone jamming equipment which is disastrous if true.

CCP has people on the ground right now negotiating on any US technology they see of value. Dealing directly with Taliban based on what he told me tonight.

Not sure if that is any help. I’ll keep you posted if anything else pops up of value.

Hat Tip Lance at @LanceMigliaccio on Gab and GETTR

Jim Hoft

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

Watch: Harris’ Face During Biden’s Afghanistan Presser Tells Us Everything We Need to Know About State of USA

 By Isa Cox  August 20, 2021 at 4:40pm

Earlier this week, as President Joe Biden’s administration scrambled to spin its disastrously botched withdrawal from Afghanistan following the fall of Kabul to Taliban forces, Vice President Kamala Harris was suspiciously absent from the public eye. Suddenly, the “Harris” part of “Biden-Harris” was nowhere to be found and poor old Joe was forced to face the nation alone.

They apparently managed to briefly get Harris out of hiding on Friday, however, and she appeared loyally by Biden’s side as he addressed the nation for a second time on the crisis in Afghanistan and vowed to evacuate the untold number of Americans who are still stranded in the now-fallen nation. As it turns out, the administration may have done better to just let Harris remain in hiding.

Twitter users were quick to notice that while they may have convinced her to show her face in public with the president to demonstrate unity, it was her face that said it all.

“[L]et me be clear,” Biden said at the White House on Friday, flanked by his clearly uncomfortable vice president. “Any American [who] wants to come home, we will get you home.”

Biden said his administration has been in “constant contact with the Taliban, working to ensure civilians have safe passage to the airport” amid reports the insurgent forces are beating Americans who try to enter the Kabul airport.

“[W]e’ve made clear to the Taliban that any attack — any attack on our forces or disruption of our operations at the airport will be met with a swift and forceful response,” Biden said, according to a White House transcript.

“We have no indication that they haven’t been able to get — in Kabul — through the airport,” he added. “We’ve made an agreement with the — with the Taliban. Thus far, they’ve allowed them to go through. It’s in their interest for them to go through.’

“So, we know of no circumstance where American citizens are — carrying an American passport — are trying to get through to the airport. But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to it they get to the airport.”

Harris, who was wearing a face mask, probably should have worn sunglasses — because her eyes alone spoke louder than any words could have.

Before a clutch of journalists and Biden’s own defense secretary later refuted his lies about the situation at the Kabul airport, Harris’ face betrayed the falsehood outright.

After Biden’s address, Harris promptly departed the country on a pre-planned trip to Asia to visit Singapore and Vietnam (the latter visit couldn’t have been more poorly nor ironically timed considering the parallels between the fall of Kabul on Sunday and the 1975 fall of Saigon).

Amazingly, she’s just about the only person who isn’t calling out Biden’s lies, and by the look on her face on Friday, it appears even that was a struggle for her.

Biden’s claim that the administration knows of “no circumstance ” in which Americans are having a difficult time getting to the airport in Kabul was hotly contested by establishment media reporters.

Meanwhile, Politico reported Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told House lawmakers during a call on Friday that indeed, multiple Americans had been beaten by Taliban fighters as they tried to reach the airport.

“We’re also aware that some people including Americans have been harassed; even beaten by the Taliban,” Austin said, according to multiple sources on the call. “This is unacceptable and [we] made it clear to the designated Taliban leader.”

Considering how horribly Biden is bungling this thing as our countrymen are subjected to violent assault at the hands of Islamic extremist fighters who just made him look like a fool, one certainly understands why Harris had such a hard time appearing the least bit confident in our commander-in-chief. It’s her job to have his back, and she seemingly couldn’t even do that. Our country is in the hands of these people.

Does anyone in the administration have faith in Biden right now? Or anyone anywhere for that matter?

Isa Cox, Contributor

Isa grew up in San Francisco, where she was briefly a far-left socialist before finding Jesus and her husband in Hawaii. She now homeschools their two boys and freelances in the Ozarks.@crunchyconmama

Taliban fighters are ‘hunting down’ journalists, carrying out revenge executions against Afghans who worked with the West

Reported by PHIL SHIVER | August 20, 2021


Despite promising “amnesty” to Afghan residents who worked with Western governments and organizations during the last 20 years of U.S. military occupation, Taliban forces in Afghanistan are now reportedly hunting downjournalists and other supposed dissidents in order to execute them.

According to German news outlet Deutsche Welle, bloodthirsty militants on Thursday shot and killed a family member of an Afghan journalist who works with the Western media organization.

DW director general Peter Limbourg said the heinous attack was carried out during a house-to-house revenge search, during which another one of the unnamed journalist’s family members was seriously injured. The journalist is reportedly safe, having escaped to Germany.

In a statement, Limbourg called on the German government to take action, exclaiming, “We are running out of time!”

“The killing of a close relative of one of our editors by the Taliban yesterday is inconceivably tragic, and testifies to the acute danger in which all our employees and their families in Afghanistan find themselves,” Limbourg said. “It is evident that the Taliban are already carrying out organized searches for journalists, both in Kabul and in the provinces.”

The New York Times on Friday detailed several other reports of the Taliban carrying out violence against Afghan journalists over the last several days:

Amdullah Hamdard, 33, who learned English as a teenager and translated for U.S. Special Forces — they gave him the nickname “Huggy Bear” — had spent the last four years working with Die Zeit newspaper. He was murdered by Taliban fighters on the street near his home in Jalalabad, the paper reported …

… On Thursday, Taliban fighters beat two Afghan journalists while violently dispersing a protest in the eastern city of Jalalabad.

The Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based watchdog group, noted other attacks against journalists in recent days, including the fatal shooting on Aug. 9 of a radio station manager in Kabul, and the kidnapping of a reporter in Helmand Province. Afghan press freedom groups blamed the Taliban for both incidents.

An American journalist, Wesley Morgan, tweeted this week, “Taliban searching my former interpreter’s house (he’s hiding out elsewhere and can see it via the app on his phone from his home security cameras).”

The violence is in direct contradiction to the public messaging espoused by Taliban leadership since taking control of the country in recent days.

“I must remind you that we forgive everyone because it is in the interest of peace and stability in Afghanistan,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid announced during a news conference on Tuesday. “All the groups that were confronting us are all forgiven.”

However, it is revenge — not forgiveness — that has been observed, and not only against journalists. Taliban fighters have descended on communities to hunt down women and Christians, as well.

The worldview of the Taliban

Reported By John StonestreetTimothy Padget


Taliban fighters
File photo of Taliban fighters posing with weapons in an undisclosed location in Afghanistan in this undated photo. | Reuters

After seeing the images out of Kabul in recent days, Maajid Nawaz, a former radical Muslim, said, “Barefoot Taliban conquered a palace. They believed in something and fought for nothing. I have lived with men like this in prison. It is difficult to describe just how seriously they take their cause. There is a lesson here for us in the West, if we are humble enough to see it.”

We hear the terror from Afghan women who now wonder what the lives of their daughters will be like, worried that 20 years of progress in women’s rights have disappeared overnight. We see the desperation of men so afraid of what might come next that they’re literally clinging to the wheels of American aircraft as they depart. Yet, we struggle to have a category for what they actually fear. Many Westerners don’t have the categories to understand the realities of Islamic fundamentalism.

Much of the world has long struggled to understand the worldview that is driving the Taliban conquerors today, or the ISIS fanatics from a few years ago, or the al Qaeda terrorists that struck on 9/11. These groups are driven by their own internal logic, their own worldview.

I’m not going to try to explain the entirety of radical Islam. However, there are a few key points about this worldview that can give us clarity in understanding what’s happening in Afghanistan and what we might expect in the days ahead. 

First, for radical Islam, this isn’t about this particular American president or the last American president or any particular foreign policy decision. This is seen as part of a war that’s been going on for over 1,000 years. 

In the wake of 9/11, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the second in command of al Qaeda, and in many ways the strategic planner for Osama bin Laden, spoke about his group’s goals for this war with the West. In repeated statements to the press, he referred to waging war until all Muslim lands were restored, connecting the conflict in Afghanistan and the battle for Palestine to a worldwide conflict that spans from Iraq to Spain. Yes, Spain. 

To American ears, it doesn’t make any sense. Iraq, Israel, we can follow. Palestine, sure. Spain? You see, what he knew and what many Westerners have forgotten is that the mostly Catholic country of Spain was once the heartland of the Muslim world. Centuries before the Turks or Indonesians followed Islam, Spain was the base of operations for a potential invasion of Europe. It wasn’t until 1492 that Spain was retaken for the Cross.

For radical Islam, once lands have come under the sway of Islam, it is vital that good Muslims do whatever it takes to return those regions to the House of Islam; places where Islamic law and teaching is practiced. Whether we’re talking about Catholics in Spain or Israelis in Palestine, these people are merely occupying what’s rightfully a Muslim land.

This connects to another element of this worldview that we often miss. For Islamists, the West is not the primary enemy. We’re merely in the way of where history’s headed. What they seek is the overthrow of false Muslim rulers who have been corrupted by the wiles of Western influence. These are, as Al-Zawahiri put it, the “near enemy,” and they must be cast down. Only then can true Muslims take control and implement the fullness of Sharia. 

In other words, what we’ve seen on the ground in Afghanistan and what we’ve seen in the Middle East for a long time is the working out of a worldview. None of the happenings of the last 20 years, or the last 20 days, can be understood without understanding the worldview. 

Now, every worldview answers questions. Among these questions are those that ask, what is wrong with the world, and what must be done to make it right? For Christians, the problem is sin and all of its myriad manifestations. The solution is conversion: the conversions of individuals, as well as the restoration of culture through the grace and work of Christ, and through His Church, the restoration of the goodness of His creation. 

For secularists and much of contemporary Western culture, the problem is ignorance. Through education and science, and by becoming aware of the perspectives of others, we can hope to improve the structural failings that have plagued our world. 

But the problem is seen differently in radical Islam. The problem is seen as the internal corruption of the Islamic states and the unwillingness of the rest of the world to bow to what is ultimately true. 

Here’s how Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis described it:

“For Usama bin Laden and those who share in his views, and there are many of them, the object of the struggle is the elimination of the intrusive Western power and corrupting Western influence from all the lands of Islam, and the restoration of Islamic authority in these lands. When this has been accomplished, the stage will be set for the final struggle to bring God’s message to all mankind in all the world.”

Now, I hope one of the things that you notice is that for a true Muslim, Islam is not a point of personal and private belief. Islam describes the actual condition of the world. It describes what’s happening and where history is going. And for radicals, whatever needs to be done to accomplish that mission is justified. Whatever atrocities are committed along the way will find their purpose in this overriding goal. 

For this goal, they are willing to sacrifice themselves by the thousands. Radical Islamic leaders are willing to be incredibly patient to see this goal accomplished, because they are fully assured that one day their work will indeed bear fruit. The brutality, the absolutism, and the unyielding determination that we see in radical Islam are driven by a worldview. Without a true and accurate understanding of the world, they’ll continue to pursue their ends by any means necessary. 

We are right to oppose these ideals because lives are at stake. Ideas have consequences. Bad ideas, like the bad ideas of radical Islam, have victims. How we push back on these forces will take many different forms, sometimes even force, but here’s what’s clear. We will never make headway if we fail to understand the worldview that animates the whole thing in the first place.

Originally published at BreakPoint

John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He’s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture, theology, worldview, education and apologetics.  

Timothy D. Padgett (PhD) is the Managing Editor of with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. His focus is on cultural engagement, living out the Christian worldview, and the way Christians argue for diverse viewpoints while sharing a common biblical foundation, particularly regarding the relationship between church and state, Christ and culture, and war and peace.

Shocking videos show just how many US military weapons are now in the hands of Taliban terrorists

Reported by CHRIS ENLOE | August 18, 2021


Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to President Joe Biden, admitted Tuesday that “a fair amount” of United States military weapons fell into the hands of Taliban terrorists when they swiftly took control of Afghanistan.

But what, quantitatively speaking, is a “fair amount”? New videos suggest that Sullivan may have been understating just how many American arms the Taliban seized.

With the American military presence now limited to the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, billions of dollars’ worth of military arms were left behind as American forces were ordered to leave their installations and Afghan security forces, which were armed in part by American tax dollars, collapsed.

Videos circulating on social media show Taliban forces seizing thousands of firearms and ammunition.

One video showed thousands of various rifles, a seemingly endless number; body armor; and other assorted military equipment — all now in the hands of Taliban terrorists.

Another video showed Taliban terrorists raiding a weapons depot, putting hundreds of rifles into the back of a truck.

Other videos showed:

As it has already been reported, Taliban terrorists have also seized U.S. drones and military vehicles.

How did this happen?

The Washington Post detailed the Afghan government corruption that helped facilitate the Taliban’s swift victory and also explains how so many American arms fell into the hands of terrorists.

From the Post:

The spectacular collapse of Afghanistan’s military that allowed Taliban fighters to walk into the Afghan capital Sunday despite 20 years of training and billions of dollars in American aid began with a series of deals brokered in rural villages between the militant group and some of the Afghan government’s lowest-ranking officials.

The deals, initially offered early last year, were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and a U.S. official.

Over the next year and a half, the meetings advanced to the district level and then rapidly on to provincial capitals, culminating in a breathtaking series of negotiated surrenders by government forces, according to interviews with more than a dozen Afghan officers, police, special operations troops and other soldiers.

By all accounts, the amount of American military equipment seized by the Taliban cost billions of taxpayer dollars. Still, neither the Biden administration nor the military have given any indication that U.S. firepower will be recovered.

When asked by a reporter on Monday what steps the U.S. military was taking to recovery U.S. military assets, Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor said, “I don’t have the answer to that question.”

Shot, stabbed Afghan woman whose eyes were knifed out by Taliban says they ‘torture us,’ feed remains to dogs

Reported by SARAH TAYLOR | August 19, 2021


An Afghani woman by the name of Khatera says that the Taliban will not respect or honor women’s rights despite the terrorist group’s assertions otherwise.

In a Monday interview with India’s News18, Khatera, 33, recalled the horrific attack that took place in 2020 when her father — a former Taliban fighter — tipped off the Islamist militant group that his daughter was employed.

Women, under Sharia law, are not permitted to work.

In October, Khatera said that her father, who remains unnamed at the time of this reporting, purportedly conspired with the Taliban to stage an attack on her as she returned home from work one day.

During the attack, Khatera — who worked for the police at the time — was shot at least eight times, stabbed, and had her eyes knifed out of their sockets before Taliban fighters left her for dead.

She was pregnant during the horrific attack.

“It’s tough for the world to imagine what we built in the past 20 years,” she told the outlet. “We built dreams. Now they are gone. It’s all over for us. Women who work with the government or police were being hunted and threatened even before the Taliban had taken over the country. Now, the concern has gone beyond letting women work. At this point, I am scared if they would leave these women alive. They don’t just kill women — they make animals feed on their bodies. They are a blot on Islam.”

Khatera said that the Taliban does not view women as “living, breathing human beings,” but “merely some meat and flesh to be battered.”

“[The Taliban] first torture us and then discard our bodies to show as a specimen of punishment,” she said. “Sometimes our bodies are fed to dogs. I was lucky I survived it. One has to live in Afghanistan under the Taliban to even imagine what hell has befallen on women, children, and minorities here.”

After the attack, Khatera fled with her husband and child to Delhi, where she continues to be treated for injuries sustained in the attack.

“The Taliban don’t allow women to visit male doctors, and at the same time, don’t let women study and work,” she told the outlet. “So then what is left for a woman? Left to die? Even if you think we are just reproductive machines, there is not common sense but pure hate. How does a woman deliver her child according to the dictum of these men with guns without medical care?”

Today’s THREE Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Burning Man

A.F. BRANCO on August 17, 2021 |

Biden is a disaster with Afghanistan, the Border, Law & order, and the economy while blaming Trump.

Biden is a Disaster
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Service With A Smile

A.F. BRANCO on August 18, 2021 |

China is looking at how easily Biden gave up Afghanistan and now thinking hard about Taiwan.

Biden Give Afghanistan to Taliban
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – General Oblivious

A.F. BRANCO on August 19, 2021 |

Woke General Milley says he didn’t see the Taliban overrunning the Afghan army coming.

Woke General Milley

Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Taliban Frees Thousands of Terrorist Prisoners from Facility US Forces Recently Handed Over to Afghanistan

Reported By Jack Davis  August 16, 2021


Terrorists who had been rounded up across Afghanistan are now on the loose.

One prize in the total collapse of the former government and military of Afghanistan was that the Taliban were able to overrun Bagram Air Base on Sunday, where, according to the BBC, occupying forces began to set free inmates there at Pul-e-Charkhi prison.

In early July, when the U.S. handed control of the base to Afghan forces, CNN reported that between 5,000 and 7,000 prisoners were housed there, including “senior al Qaeda and Taliban figures.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley noted Sunday in a call with senators that instead of the original estimate] that terrorist groups could use Afghanistan as a base to rebuild within the next two years, the new timeline could be sooner.


Taliban Tells Joe Biden to Withdraw All US Troops from Afghanistan by September 11 – The 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks

Reported By Jim Hoft | Published August 17, 2021


This is what victory looks like — You get to call the shots. The Taliban is now telling Joe Biden and Democrats what the new rulers expect in the next four weeks. Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen says the US should “withdraw all their forces” by 11 September. The 9-11 Anniversary out to be a special day this year for the Biden regime, globalists, New York liberals, and Taliban leadership.

A senior spokesperson for the Taliban has warned that the US military personnel in Afghanistan must be gone by September 11, after Washington redeployed soldiers to watch over the evacuation. The US must remove all its troops from Afghanistan by September 11, Suhail Shaheen, a member of the Taliban’s political office and negotiation team in Qatar, told Sky News.

Shaheen said the militants remain committed to not attacking US servicemen, and their immediate goal is to maintain security and prevent incidents around Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

The group’s spokesperson previously said that foreign diplomats and aid workers will not be harmed.

The US planned to withdraw its troops by August 31, but was forced to dispatch around 5,000 additional soldiers to facilitate the evacuation of American diplomatic personnel and their allies from Kabul, as Afghanistan’s capital and largest city was swiftly seized by the Taliban on Sunday.

The sudden arrival of the militants sparked panic, with locals swarming the airport in the hope of catching a flight from Afghanistan. According to reports, several people died during the ensuing chaos and US troops reportedly fired in the air to prevent desperate Afghans from flooding the runway.

Jim Hoft

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

Video Reportedly Shows Taliban Executing 22 Afghan Commandos As US Troops Withdraw

Reported by KAYLEE GREENLEE, REPORTER | July 13, 2021


(Photo by JAVED TANVEER/AFP via Getty Images)

Video reportedly shows Taliban insurgents executing 22 commandos with the Afghan Special Forces on June 16, CNN reported Tuesday.

Several unarmed men came out of a building after they were told to “surrender, commandos, surrender,” video shows, according to CNN. At least a dozen people were shot by Taliban insurgents yelling “Allahu Akhbar” in the Faryab province town of Dawlat Abad, near the border of Turkmenistan, CNN reported.

CNN obtained several videos of the shooting and spoke with multiple witnesses to the incident. The Taliban reportedly told CNN that the videos were fake and made by the government to encourage people not to surrender to the insurgents.

Taliban spokesperson said the insurgents were holding 24 Afghan commandos captured in Faryab, according to CNN. The Red Cross confirmed 22 bodies were recovered after the shooting and the Afghan Ministry of Defense told CNN the Taliban killed the commandos.

The Taliban told CNN, “fake videos and footage of years-old video showing activities of Daesh [ISIS] militias are also passed off as recent actions committed by the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.”

Thousands of people have been displaced since U.S. forces began withdrawing from Afghanistan and Taliban insurgents started taking over the country’s districts, CNN reported. The insurgents say they’ve seized nearly 200 districts across the country though only 76 districts were confirmed to have fallen, according to the Long War Journal.

The Afghan fighters ran out of ammunition and were reportedly surrounded by Taliban insurgents, according to CNN. The Afghan forces bodies were found across an outdoor market, videos show, CNN reported.

“Don’t shoot them, don’t shoot them, I beg you don’t shoot them,” a bystander reportedly said in Pashto, according to CNN. The witness asked the gunmen how they, of the main ethnic group in the country, were killing Afghans, CNN reported. Another voice told the Taliban insurgents to “take everything off them,” in a separate video.

A man told an insurgent to “open his [an Afghan commando’s] body armor,” and they gathered their equipment, another video reportedly shows, according to CNN. 

One witness said the Afghan commandos had tanks and were surrounded by the Taliban, CNN reported. “Then they [the taliban] brought them into the middle of the street and shot them all,” the witness said, according to CNN.

The first witness and a shopkeeper both said the insurgents sounded foreign and that they couldn’t understand what they said to each other, CNN reported.

The Afghan commandos “were not fighting. They all put their hands up and surrendered, and (the Taliban) were just shooting,” the shopkeeper said, according to CNN.

Another shopkeeper who witnessed the shooting through a hole in the wall said, “I was so scared when the Taliban started shooting the commandos. On that day everyone was scared. I was hiding in my shop,” CNN reported.

The Afghan Special Forces were trained and supported by U.S. forces, though since the troop withdrawal the forces haven’t had access to U.S. intelligence or air support, according to CNN.

Trump Unleashes CIA Kill Teams In Afghanistan

Reported by Photo of Saagar Enjeti Saagar Enjeti | Reporter | 2:58 PM 10/22/2017

CIA paramilitary forces are expanding partner operations in Afghanistan to hunt and kill high level Taliban operatives, The New York Times reports. These CIA missions will reportedly include both paramilitary personnel of the CIA along with U.S. special operations forces detailed to the agency for specific missions. The use of special operations forces allows hunter killer teams to call in air support, if necessary, as they hunt Taliban bomb-makers across the country.

The loosening of restrictions on CIA ground operations in Afghanistan is part of a broader push by President Donald Trump’s administration to accelerate pressure on Taliban militants. Trump previously loosened CIA drone strike rules in Afghanistan that will now allow for some civilian casualties relative to the importance of the target.

The U.S. will adopt a conditions not timeline based approach in Afghanistan with an overall strategy to push Taliban militants to the negotiating table with the Afghan national government, Trump declared in an Aug 21 address. The Taliban, however, have little reason to negotiate after banner years in the Afghan war. The group controls more territory than at any time since the U.S. invasion in 2001 along with nearly a third of the Afghan population.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis authorized the deployment of an additional 3,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan after Trump’s speech and the U.S. is dropping a record number of bombs to try to demoralize the group.

“We’ll be here as long as it takes until you change your mind,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said recently in a message to the Taliban. He delivered a similar message to the Taliban in the wake of Trump’s August speech, telling the State Department press corps: “You will not win a battlefield victory. We may not win one, but neither will you.”

Unimpressed Trump Sends Pentagon Back to the Drawing Board on Afghanistan

Reported by Edwin Mora | 20 Jul 2017

URL of the original posting site:

The meeting came as the Pentagon briefed lawmakers about plans to increase the U.S. military footprint in the country.

Contrary to mainstream media claims that the president has taken a completely hands-off approach to the 16-year-old conflict in Afghanistan, Trump presided over Wednesday’s meeting primarily aimed at discussing the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan, a Trump administration official familiar with the deliberations told Breitbart News on condition of anonymity.

President Trump indicated that he is not satisfied with the strategy as it currently stands.

The Pentagon and White House National Security Council (NSC) declined to provide specifics about the developing plan.

President Trump demanded that his team go back to square one if necessary and create a realistic plan that ensures Afghanistan is ultimately able to stand on its own as a country, said the administration official, noting that the meeting served as a sort of wake up call for those involved in developing the strategy.

It appears that besides the Pentagon, the NSC has at least some authority in setting the strategy.

Asked about the meeting, the Pentagon did not confirm nor deny that the President asked officials to go back to the drawing board.

“We’re not going to discuss White House meetings or direction,” said Adam Stump, a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spokesman, when Breitbart News asked whether or not it has been forced to start developing the Afghanistan war strategy from scratch and when it expects to present the plan to Trump.

The NSC did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Defense Secretary James Mattis told reporters last Friday a decision on the new plan would be unveiled around “mid-July” or “somewhere around there. We are driven by the maturity of the discussion, and where we’re at, we are not going to meet some timeline if we are not ready, but we are pretty close.” 

Trump has granted the Pentagon the authority to decide how many additional troops to deploy to the war-ravaged country. Currently, Mattis may increase that number of troops by between 3,000 and 5,000, from the 8,400 already there. Mattis noted on Friday that the number of additional troops has not been “finalized yet,” adding that the Pentagon is waiting from input from the U.S. State Department.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, CNN reports that as it currently stands, the strategy:

Encompasses a way ahead in Afghanistan, including the possibility of sending more troops, but also a look at new ideas for dealing with Pakistan, which the US believes is supporting or turning a blind eye to a number of terror groups operating inside the country.

The president made it clear he is not interested in any approach that resembles the strategies used by his predecessors and will not accept anything less than a dramatic overhaul, the official told Breitbart News.

Directly dealing with Pakistan’s support for terrorists fighting the U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan would mark a significant departure from what America has done in the past.

Most of the 2,255 U.S. military fatalities and 20,245 injury incidents have taken place in provinces that border Pakistan.

The Pentagon spokesman defined what victory in Afghanistan means for the Trump administration, saying it ultimately involves a settlement with the Taliban and terrorists laying down their arms.

Stump told Breitbart News:

The U.S. strategy in Afghanistan remains centered on working with NATO allies, operational partners, and the international community to defeat the remnants of core al Qaeda and to defeat other violent extremist organizations and terrorist groups, such as ISIS-K [Islamic State], to ensure that Afghanistan does not again become a safe-haven for groups to plan and execute attacks against the United States, U.S. persons overseas, or allies and partners; and continuing efforts to provide financial and advisory support to the Afghan Government and to enable a well-trained, equipped, and sustainable ANDSF [Afghan National Defense and Security Force] that provides security in Afghanistan.

The U.S. and Afghan Governments agree that the best way to ensure lasting peace and security in Afghanistan is through reconciliation and a political settlement with the Taliban. The United States supports an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned reconciliation process and supports any process that includes violent extremist groups laying down their arms.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, the Washington Post (WaPo) reports that the current U.S.-Afghan war is framed around a four-year plan to degrade the Taliban this is unlikely to “yield significant results until its later stages.”

In recently issued reports, the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon have accused Pakistan of willingly serving as a safe-haven for the Taliban and its affiliates, including the deadly Haqqani Network.

The Taliban affirmed its relationship with al-Qaeda in December 2016.

Taliban Video Shows Kidnapped U.S.-Canadian Family

waving flagAuthored by John Hayward / 20 Dec 2016

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“We understand both sides hate us and are content to leave us and our two surviving children in these problems,” Coleman says in the video, as reported by Reuters. “But we can only ask and pray that somebody will recognize the atrocities these men carry out against us as so-called retaliation in their ingratitude and hypocrisy.”

“My children have seen their mother defiled,” she added ominously, as the children sat in Boyle’s lap. Also ominous: she referred to the boys as her “surviving children.”

“They want money, power, friends. You must give them these things before progress can be made,” she said of her captors in the Haqqani Network, a notorious hostage-taking criminal gang allied with the Taliban. Reuters explains that the “friends” she referred to are three senior Haqqani members held by the Afghan government.

The UK Daily Mail adds that Boyle said his captors are “frightened by the idea of further execution” of Taliban and Haqqani prisoners by the government in Kabul.

“Because of their fear they are willing to kill us, willing to kill women, to kill children, to kill whomever, in order to get these policies reversed or take revenge,” Boyle said in the video.

Coleman then buttressed her husband’s remarks by pleading, “I ask if my government can do anything to change the policies of the Afghan government to stop their policy of executing men before these men start executing their prisoners.”

At another point in the video, she more explicitly states that the Haqqanis will “retaliate against our family,” “do us harm,” and “punish us” if their demands are not met.

“We have waited since 2012 for somebody to understand our problems. We can only ask and pray that somebody will recognize the atrocities these men carry out against us as so-called retaliation in their ingratitude and hypocrisy,” Coleman said, evidently reading from a script, as the UK Guardian notes.


Image added by

The New York Times quotes Coleman appealing directly to President Obama for help before he leaves office: “Please don’t become the next Jimmy Carter. Just give the offenders something so they and you can save face, so we can leave the region permanently.”

As the Daily Mail notes, Coleman is wearing a burka in the video, with the veil pulled back to expose her face. Boyle is described as “pale and tired.” Coleman was forced to wear a burka in previous hostage videos, while her mother also donned a Muslim headscarf in a video appeal for her daughter’s release sent by the family to Taliban leaders last year.

Taliban officials confirmed the authenticity of the video, which they said was recorded several months ago. (Coleman specifically states it is December 3rd at the beginning of the tape, but that might not be accurate.) It was delivered to U.S. and Canadian authorities, as well as uploaded to YouTube for public display on Monday night after one of the Haqqani prisoners was sentenced to death.

According to the Daily Mail, the Canadian government almost had a deal for Boyle’s release in place, but he refused to leave Coleman and the children. The New York Times speculates efforts to secure the couple’s release were harmed by the U.S. drone-strike killing of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour in May.

“Certainly when Americans are taken captive, this becomes an immediate priority for us. We are paying extraordinarily close attention to that. We always do. I won’t get into too many details with that. But I am satisfied that we are doing everything we can at this juncture to understand who took them and try to bring them back,” said U.S. Army General Joseph Votel, head of Central Command, at a Pentagon briefing on Tuesday.

“We are deeply concerned for the safety and wellbeing of Joshua Boyle, Caitlan Coleman and their young children and call for their unconditional release,” said Canadian Department of Global Affairs spokesman Michael O’Shaughnessy.

The Guardian notes that the U.S. State Department “did not respond to a request for comment.”Why

As for why a man and his pregnant wife would be backpacking through Afghanistan in 2012, the Daily Mail quotes some relatives describing them as “well-intentioned but naive adventure seekers.” They had already trekked through Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan before arriving in Afghanistan.culture of deceit and lies

House report: Obama officials misled public on Bergdahl swap

waving flagBy Kristina Wong12/10/15

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Getty Images


A yearlong investigation by the House Armed Services Committee has concluded that the Obama administration broke the law in swapping five Taliban members for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — and went out of its way to hide the negotiations as they were happening. The report said the administration broke a law requiring it to give members of Congress 30 days’ advance notice of any detainee transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, where the senior Taliban leaders were held.


It also found that it misled reporters and lawmakers about a potential prisoner exchange. Congress was instead notified just hours before the May 2014 transfer took place.

Bergdahl, who is facing charges of desertion, had left his base in Afghanistan in 2009, and was subsequently captured and held hostage for five years.  “At the time, there were rumors that on-again, off-again talks about a prisoner exchange, which had broken down several years earlier, might be underway again, but the administration repeatedly suggested to reporters and to Congress that nothing significant was going on,” the report found.

The report also found that the administration kept some defense officials who would normally work on transfers out of the loop. The administration has said it feared a leak of the swap would scuttle the deal and could endanger Bergdahl’s life.

“Our report finds that the Administration clearly broke the law in not notifying Congress of the transfer,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas).

“Leading up to the transfer, DOD officials misled Congress as to the status of negotiations. Pentagon officials best positioned to assess the national security risks were left out of the process, which increases the chances of dangerous consequences from the transfer,” he said.

“It is irresponsible to put these terrorists that much closer to the battlefield to settle a campaign promise and unconscionable to mislead Congress in the process,” he added.

The White House said Thursday it “absolutely” stands by its decision to exchange the Taliban prisoners for Bergdahl, describing it in line with its principle to leave no U.S. service member behind. “There was a unique opportunity that was presented to rescue Sgt. Bergdahl and that is exactly what we did,” Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said.Lies Lies and More Lies

muslim-obamaThe lack of notification angered both Republican and Democratic lawmakers at the time. Critics of the swap also argued that it went against U.S. policy not to negotiate with terrorists, and could incentivize more hostage-taking. Critics were further angered that Bergdahl was swapped for five high-ranking Taliban members who were on a list of those not eligible for transfer.

The report suggests the administration hid the swap in order to advance the president’s goal to fulfill a campaign promise to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility. While Democrats on the committee agreed that the administration broke the law, they strongly objected in a dissenting report to the broader conclusions that the administration kept the swap secret for a political motive.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), chairwoman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, said the “most disturbing” finding of the report “are the calculated decisions and plans to mislead Congress and the American people as to the details and necessity of this transfer.” If his mouth is open he must be lying

“After rigorous investigation, there are still some unknowns. We still do not know if we negotiated for less than five detainees. We do not know how five was determined to be the ‘right’ number in this exchange,” she said. “However, we now know to what extent this Administration is willing to go to achieve political goals.”

—Jordan Fabian contributed. Last updated at 1:33 p.m.

Indenification of Obama unfit dangerously delisional In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Extortion 17 Bombshell: America’s Special Forces are Under Command of Foreign Entities

waving flagReported by 3 hours ago

Obama Muslim collection

muslim-obamaExtortion 17 was the call sign of a chinook helicopter carrying 17 Navy SEALs, who were a part of SEAL team six (who allegedly took out Osama bin Laden), along with a few Army Rangers, National Guard Pilots and at least 7 unknown Afghan soldiers. In a recent book, author and former Navy JAG officer Don Brown had outlined things about the largest one-day loss of life in the Afghan ware that many simply refuse to report on. In an exclusive interview, Brown, told Freedom Outpost that is looking at all of the relevant evidence that his conclusion is that American Special Forces in Afghanistan have, in essence, been under the command of the Afghan government.

Don Brown confirms the interview that I conducted in August of 2012 with Billy Vaughn, father of fallen Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, who told me that the Obama administration had an agreement with the Afghanistan government to allow them to see everything that was going on with US troops, including Special Forces.Head in Hands 01

The group in Afghanistan who oversee US operations is called Operational Coordination Group (OCG). The group is comprised of Afghanis, who are involved in all the intelligence that the Special Ops do and are involved in the planning and even carrying out of missions. A major problem in all of this is the fact that not one person that is a part of the OCG is properly vetted. In fact, the military has confirmed that Pakistanis have even infiltrated the OCG. This is also part of the same problem US troops are facing in a growing number of green-on-blue attacks that have left many of our men dead.

“This OCG group actually has the authority to squash a mission that our military needs to have performed, if they want to,” Vaughn said. “So in theory, we’ve placed our men under the authority of the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It’s treacherous and it’s treasonous for our government and this administration to allow this to go on.”

At the time of our interview, Vaughn told me that when the Special Operations missions were being conducted in Afghanistan there were a mere 56 missions occurring each month. However, by the time that Obama took command of the situation in 2010 that number had tripled to 186 missions per month. Just prior to the downing of Extortion 17, Special Forces were force to conduct 335 missions… per month!

“We have forced our special operators and our general purpose aviation into very compromising situations by placing them together and having to do these missions together,” Vaughn told Freedom Outpost. “It limits the special operators in what they are able to do and what they have been trained to do and endangers their live. Obviously, it endangers the lives of the general purpose forces, who were never trained to fly special operations missions.”insane

Obviously, this puts a tremendous amount of unnecessary pressure upon our most elite forces in the US military. But there’s more.

At the time, Vaughn told us that there were not only Afghans embedded with our Special Forces, but that that Afghan government also had oversight into all of their missions.

Brown points out in his book Call Sign Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six that exhibit 1 of the Colt Report, regarding the involvement of Afghanistan in US mission planning, demonstrated that there was a particular testimony by the J3 officer in which he said, “Likewise you see on the left there the OCG. We made some real money with the OCG; they are the Operations Coordination Group and they assist us with the planning, and the vetting, and de-confliction of our operation. Likewise once we are done executing the operation they are able to send the results report, the result of the operations up through their various administrates. They are made up of the ANA, Afghan National Army, the National Director for Security, as well as the National Police Force. They are here on site.’ (pg. 259)Liberalism a mental disorder 2

The J3 officer’s testimony in exhibit 1 affirms that the Afghans have visibility on every operation conducted in their country, thus putting our men at risk.

IO-DEP: So, they have visibility on every operation?

TFJ3: Every operation.

IO-DEP: So they knew about the operations. 

TFJ3: Oh yeah.

IO-DEP: And they were briefed on it.

From pages 6 and 7 of the Colt report:

IO-DEP: So they have the ability, do they have approval authority on that, to cancel an operation?

TFJ3: Technically they do, they don’t exercise it, but technically they do have authority.

IO_DEP: So they either task or approve the operation.

TFJ3: Yep. So again another critical enabler as we move more towards Afghanization, as we move towards empowering Afghans, it will be a critical player as well, and we have- that we’re figuring those two units as well as the Task Force, those are our primary concerns with transition forward.

Keep in mind that Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had made major national security breaches by revealing the identity of SEAL Team 6 in the raid on the bin Laden compound.

Brown points out on page 261 of his book the oddity in all of this.

“You have an invading power, the United States, conquering a country, Afghanistan. Then, after conquering, the country and deposing of the Taliban-supported government, while its forces still occupy the country (Afghanistan), and when the country is still the conquering power, at a time when the country is full of enemy insurgents anxious to kill forces from the conquering power, the conquering power cedes control and information over to the native forces of the conquering power, simply trusting, blindly that there will be no breaches of security from the native forces. That’s what the United States did – foolishly ceded control and access to Top Secret information to the Afghan government.” (pg. 261)

The problem in all of this is that the US attacked country it claimed was behind the 9/11 attacks and at the heart of those attacks was Islam. We know now that the current Karzai government, along with the Obama administration, wants to befriend and welcome the Taliban as part of the new government. Does any of this strike Americans as not only odd, but treasonous? Furthermore, does it not endanger the lives of America’s finest in foreign lands and is this transfer of power unconstitutional, making the commander-in-chief guilty of yet another impeachable offense?

freedom combo 2

Delusional: U.S. military will no longer target Taliban – even though they just murdered 3 American contractors

Written by Allen West on February 2, 2015

URL of the Original Posting Site:

Treason: Obama Aids the Enemy

Authored by avatarMatt Barber, on 31 January, 2015

URL of the Original Posting Site:

treason-obamaWell, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s biggest threat to national security. He is ‘an enemy within.’”

By striking this Faustian bargain with the devil, not only did Obama unilaterally trash the U.S. government’s long-standing policy never to negotiate with terrorists, he brazenly violated a 2013 national defense bill that unambiguously requires he give Congress 30-days notice before releasing any Guantanamo Bay prisoners, much less five of its most deadly.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution defines the crime of treason – dare I say the “high crime” of treason – as “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”Obama Muslim collection

Whether Obama is intentionally trying to overthrow his own government is open for debate. But that he is, “adhering to [America’s] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,” is without question.

“There is no doubt that Americans will die as a direct result of Obama’s demonstrably illegal actions here,” I wrote back in June. “With most of these monsters in their 40s, they’ve got decades to kill as many Americans as they can get their blood-soaked hands on.”

The National Enquirer, of all publications, interviewed me on my analysis, publishing a feature article that largely echoed my sentiments and concluded, “Meanwhile, D.C. insiders say that the only way the Bergdahl fiasco will ‘disappear’ is if the U.S. gets involved in an ongoing crisis elsewhere, which will allow President Obama to ‘redeem himself’ in not only the eyes of his critics but the world.”

While the Obama administration has, no doubt, manufactured many a crisis elsewhere, no such redemption has been forthcoming. Neither has the Bergdahl scandal disappeared. Instead, that which even hard-left Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., feared has, in a few short months, and quite predictably so, become reality. We now learn from a reluctant Obama media that at least one of the “Taliban Five” – one of these faithful followers of Muhammad – intends to kill more American citizens.

Reports CNN:

“The U.S. military and intelligence community now suspect that one of the five Taliban detainees released from Guantanamo Bay in return for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May of last year has attempted to return to militant activity. …

“It comes at a politically sensitive time as the administration has quickened the pace of prisoner release in an effort to encourage the closure of Guantanamo, and the Army must decide in the coming weeks whether and how to punish Bergdahl for leaving his post. [It’s called wartime desertion, CNN. Until recently it got you lined up and shot.]”

According to a September congressional report, “about 17 percent of detainees transferred out of Guantanamo Bay are confirmed by the U.S. to have returned to militant activity. About 12 percent are in the suspected category,” noted CNN.

And so as Barack Obama recklessly sows the seeds of a foolish, politically driven campaign promise, we begin to reap the poisonous fruit of his incompetence. As intelligence concludes that nearly one-third (probably more) of these rabid jihadi dogs will return to their rabid jihadi ways, Obama yet races to loose them from their chains. (Hey, I hear ISIS has several openings in HR [Head Removal]. Perhaps our Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief can whip-up a quick batch of reference letters.)Islam is NOT

I wish it could be said that this man is simply an incompetent fool, but I fear it’s much more complicated than all that. At best, Barack Hussein Obama is a full-blown dhimmi (one who surrenders to Muslim dominance). At worst, he shares with Muslims the sworn enemies of both the Quran and “progressivism,” namely Israel and Christianity.Wake up America

Regrettably, I believe the latter to be true. I believe that this president’s well-established propensity to give aid and comfort to our Islamic enemies stems from an attitude best described, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Long gone are the days when calling an American president a tyrant and accusing him of treason amounted to political hyperbole. Just a few short decades ago this anti-American Marxist would not only have been accused of treason, he would have been tried for it.

But alas, inaction and injustice are the lawless hallmarks of today’s political milieu.

We’ve become “fundamentally transformed,” all right.

Remember the now infamous Rose Garden presser? The shameful images are forever etched in the annals of American history: Obama, standing side-by-side with, and even embracing, Robert Bergdahl, the father of an American traitor and apparent Muslim convert himself. When he took to the podium, among the first words from the elder Bergdahl’s mouth were, in Arabic, “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim,” which means, “In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.” This, according to a number of Islamic scholars and CIA experts, was a “Muslim victory call” intended to “claim the White House for Islam.”

Hmm: to claim the White House for Islam. So it would seem.

Meanwhile, Rose Garden honoree Bowe Bergdahl, a man the Obama administration says “served the United States with honor and distinction,” faces likely court-martial for desertion.

While Barack Obama faces another round of golf.



Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).

Freedom with Prayer


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon


more evidenceObama Muslim collection

Freedom with Prayer

Freed Gitmo Captive Opens ISIS Base in Afghanistan

Posted by Judicial Watch, JANUARY 15, 2015

URL Of the Original Posting Site:

Wake up America

As President Obama frees droves of terrorists—including five Yemenis this week—from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo news reports confirm that a Gitmo alum who once led a Taliban unit has established the first Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) base in Afghanistan.Really with logo

His name is Mullah Abdul Rauf and international and domestic media reports say he’s operating in Helmand province, actively recruiting fighters for ISIS. Citing local sources, a British newspaper writes that Rauf set up a base and is offering good wages to anyone willing to fight for the Islamic State. Rauf was a corps commander during the Taliban’s 1996-2001 rule of Afghanistan, according to intelligence reports. After getting captured by U.S. forces, he was sent to Gitmo in southeast Cuba but was released in 2007.

Rauf’s Department of Defense Joint Task Force Guantanamo file describes him as being closely associated with several senior level Taliban commanders and leaders. It also says that Rauf admitted involvement in the production and sales of opium as well as associations with criminal elements within the Taliban and the Northern Alliance. From the file: “Due to recent findings that detainee may have had a more important role within the Taliban than previously thought detainee’s intelligence value has been updated from low to medium due to his possible knowledge of: (1) Taliban leadership, (2) Taliban command and control.”Obama Muslim collection

Rauf is one of a number of Gitmo terrorists who have returned to the fight after getting released, yet Obama continues freeing captives to keep his campaign promise of closing the prison. Just this week he let four Yemenis go, despite the risk that they will likely join Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemen-based terror group that claimed responsibility for last week’s attack in France. In fact, dozens of freed Gitmo detainees have rejoined Al Qaeda in Yemen, the country where the 2009 Christmas Day airline bomber proudly trained. In 2010 Judicial Watch reported that a number of high-ranking Al Qaeda militants in Yemen—once held at Gitmo—may have been involved in a sophisticated scheme to send bombs on a U.S.-bound cargo plane.

Just a few weeks ago JW uncovered an embarrassing gaffe involving an Al Qaeda operative liberated from Gitmo years ago. Turns out the U.S. government has now put him on a global terrorist list and offered $5 million for information on his whereabouts! That disturbing news came during a week when Obama freed four more longtime Gitmo captives to Afghanistan. Shutting the compound down will be tough because it still houses about 120 of the world’s most dangerous jihadists, including 9/11 masterminds Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi as well as USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.Islam is NOT

Since the Guantanamo military tribunals commenced in 2008, JW has traveled regularly to the Naval base in Cuba to monitor and report them to the public. Over the last few years JW has covered various hearings and proceedings involving al-Nashiri, KSM, Binalshibh, Ali, and Hawsawi. Each time JW representatives have witnessed a deep commitment to justice by military lawyers and judges as well as the topnotch civilian attorneys (financed by American taxpayers) vigorously defending every one of the terrorists being tried.

Freedom with Prayer

Obama secretly extends US combat operation in Afghanistan


by RT | November 22, 2014

URL of Original Posting Site:

Obama secretly extends US combat operation in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has secretly signed an order that expands the United States’ direct combat role in Afghanistan throughout 2015, the New York Times reported.

Signed over the last few weeks, the secret order permits American forces to continue to battle the Taliban and other militants that pose a threat to either the Afghan government or US personnel. According to the Times, US jets, bombers, and drones will be able to aid ground troops – be they Afghan or US forces – in whatever mission they undertake.

Under the order, ground troops could join Afghan troops on missions, and airstrikes could be carried out in their support.

If true, this marks a significant expansion of America’s role in Afghanistan in 2015. Previously, President Obama said US forces would not be involved in combat operations once the new year begins. He did say troops would continue training Afghan forces and track down remaining Al-Qaeda members.

culture of decietObama signed the secret order after tense debates within the administration. The military reportedly argued that it would allow the US to keep the pressure on the Taliban and other groups should details emerge that they are planning to attack American troops. Civilian aides, meanwhile, said the role of combat troops should be limited to counter-terror missions against Al-Qaeda.

The Times said an administration official painted the secret order’s authorization as a win for the military, but another said the US would not carry out “offensive missions” against the Taliban in 2015.

“We will no longer target belligerents solely because they are members of the Taliban,” the official said. “To the extent that Taliban members directly threaten the United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan or provide direct support to Al Qaeda, however, we will take appropriate measures to keep Americans safe.”

The change in direction came as the administration faces pointed criticism from those who say the US withdrew from Iraq too quickly, allowing the so-called Islamic State to make rapid gains in a country whose military proved to be easily intimidated and defeated. Heart

Meanwhile, new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has a much softer position on the US presence in his country compared to his predecessor Hamid Karzai. Ghani reportedly asked the US to keep battling the Taliban into 2015. He also removed restrictions against US airstrikes and joint raids that were implemented by Karzai.

It appears that the number of troops that will be operating in Afghanistan next year will remain unchanged from previous plans. There will be 9,800 soldiers left throughout next year, and that number will be cut in half by the end of the year.

By the end of 2016, the remaining troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan, ending the US military presence in the country.





The Real Miss America



The Real Miss America

This 19 year old ex-cheerleader (now an Air Force Security Forces Sniper) was watching a road in Pakistan that led to a NATO military base. She observed a man digging by the road. She engaged the target (she shot him).

It turned out he was a bomb maker for the Taliban, and he was burying an IED that was to be detonated
when a U.S. patrol walked by 30 minutes later. It would have certainly killed and wounded several soldiers.

The interesting fact of this story is the shot was measured at 725 yards. She shot him as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot went through his rectum and into the bomb which detonated; he was blown to pieces.

The Air Force made a motivational poster of her. (Folks, that’s a shot 25 yards longer than seven football fields) and the last thing that came out of his mouth was his ass!

If You Can Not Stand Behind Our Troops, please feel Free to Stand In Front of Them!

Article collective closing

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

US District Court Put on Notice of Obama’s Treason Following Bergdahl Trade

Investigated and Reported by

On Friday, California Attorney Orly Taitz put US District Court Judge Ellen L. Hollander on notice of Barack Hussein Obama’s treason following the release of five top Taliban jihadists in an illegal prisoner trade for an American deserter, Bowe Bergdahl.

Attorney Taitz has been involved with Judge Hollander in a case to expose the fraudulent use of a Social Security number by Barack Obama. Many question whether Judge Hollander will pursue this matter seriously, considering that she was appointed by Obama in 2010.

On Friday, Taitz not only filed the notice (civil docket #: 1:13-cv-01878-ELH) in the District of Maryland, but also talked about the issue on KABC radio, explaining how Social Security number 042-68-4425, which is from Connecticut and belongs to Harry Bounel, but has been used by Obama to file his tax returns. This, in conjunction with the use of fraudulent ID’s and the appeasement of America’s enemies, indicates that there is a usurper in the White House and that his actions are not in the interests of the United States.

In her emergency motion, Orly Taitz stated:






Taitz defined treason as 18 U.S. Code § 2381 does:

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

I have previously defined treason, using merely the US Constitution and provided the evidence as to Obama’s treason on the basis of his aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood jihadist organization.

ConfusedIn her motion, Taitz provided the background of Khairulla Khairkhwa as a top Taliban leader, who was transferred to the control of Qatar along with five others earlier this month. She then wrote in her notice, “So, if the US District Court Senior Judge, Royce C. Lambeth, who was overseeing the case after resignation of Judge Urbina, wanted to stay this release due to prior finding of threat to national security, this could not have been done, since Obama notified the court four days after he sent the detainee to sunbathe in Qatar. Similarly, Obama did not provide 30 day notification to the US Congress, which was required under 2014 NDAA, so the two co-equal branches of the US government were not able to stop this egregious act of treason and this transfer which greatly endangered US National security. Consequently, Taliban commanders made statements that this release was equal to gaining 10,000 Taliban fighters.”

“It is further noteworthy that Obama did not title the document as a release from GITMO, but titled is as a transfer,” Taitz continued. “Further, the name of the detainee was written differently from the name in the caption in the case, which made it difficult to find the document. In the caption the first name of the detainee is Khairulla. In the release, titled as transfer, the first name was divided into two names: ‘KHAI ULLA.’ Moreover, two middle names, which were not in the original caption were inserted: ‘SAID WALI.’ So the original name from the caption in the case ‘Khairulla Khairkhwa’ looked completely different ‘KHAIR ULLA SAID WALI KHAIRKHWA.’ Plaintiff believes that it was done to obfuscate the record.”

Who is better offMrs. Taitz also informed the court that the actions of Obama, “greatly encouraged and invigorated jihadists and Taliban fighters took over the airport in Karachi and murdered 12. Five US soldiers were killed reportedly with stinger missile, jihadists groups went into offensive and took over the whole area between central Syria to central Iraq and took over Mosul and Tiqrit. This caused fleeing by 500,000 refuges and the jihadist army is now rapidly closing in on the capital of Iraq, Bagdad. Based on all of the above over 4,000 lives of the US soldiers lost in operation ‘Iraqi Freedom,’ were lost in vain, not mentioning 68,000 soldiers, who were severely wounded, paralyzed, lost limbs and became disabled for life.”

Therefore, Taitz has requested that the court expedite a motion for reconsideration and release of the information pertinent to the Social Security number of Harry Bounel that has been assumed by Obama, and to forward to the federal grand jury, under 18 USC 3332 the evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen Connecticut Social Security number, as well as bogus IDs.

Acting Director of the Social Security Administration Carolyn Colvin, is the defendant in the case and apparently is unwilling to deal with the apparent fraud in her federal agency, with regard to the occupant of the White House.

obama-liar4-266x189Mrs. Taitz’s case has been so compelling, it has led California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher to question why Obama doesn’t have valid IDs and Social Security number. Meanwhile, Taitz also joined others on Saturday in protesting Obama during his commencement speech at Anaheim stadium for University of California at Irvine students.

While Taitz works the legal angle, most of the members of Congress have failed to do their do their duty, and in some cases quite arrogantly. There are even claims that have surfaced by members of the media that claim conservatives even kept a lid on Obama’s ineligibility out of fear of their government and some politicians who wouldn’t pursue the matter because of “future political aspirations.”

UPDATE: A Reader provided the court’s ruling in the matter, which I did not previously have. Here is Judge Hollander’s ruling.

In it, she writes:

“Plaintiff’s “Emergency Motion” and the various forms of relief requested therein will be denied. It has literally no relation to plaintiff’s case in this Court. Instead, plaintiff uses the motion to attack President Obama for recent actions he has taken in his capacity as President of the United States. Needless to say, plaintiff’s disagreement with President Obama’s presidential decision-making does not provide support for her allegation that the SSA’s response to her FOIA request was inadequate.”

She then concludes, “For the reasons stated previously, and for the reasons expressed here, the Court will grant the Motion to Expedite, will deny the “Emergency Motion” in all other respects, and will deny the Motion for Reconsideration. A separate Order follows.”

Hollander seems to show some prejudice in the matter as she claims Taitz took the time to attack Obama in his capacity as President. However, everyone knows, including those in his own party that the transfer of top Taliban leaders, apart from notifying Congress, is not “in his capacity as President,” but is a violation of law. What does that have to do with the case of the Social Security number? To be fair they are two different things. However, consider that if Obama is willing to break the law in aiding and abetting the enemies of America, does anyone seriously think he would have an issue with falsifying documents in order to obtain the highest office in the land? I think not.

About Tim Brown

Husband to my wife. Father of 10. Jack of All Trades. Christian and lover of liberty. Residing in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Follow Tim on Twitter.
Article collective closing

How the Taliban got their hands on modern US missiles

By Kenneth R. Timmerman

June 8, 2014 | 3:55am

In his new book, “Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Ben­ghazi” (Broadside Books), writer Kenneth R. Timmerman explains how the US government’s efforts to arm the Libyan rebels backfired, flooding weapons into Syria, and as he ­reveals here, Afghanistan:

The Obama administration isn’t only giving the Taliban back its commanders — it’s giving them weapons.

Miliary records and sources reveal that on July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters in Kunar province successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a new generation Stinger missile.

They thought they had a surefire kill. But instead of bursting into flames, the Chinook just disappeared into the darkness as the American pilot recovered control of the aircraft and brought it to the ground in a hard landing.

The assault team jumped out the open doors and ran clear in case it exploded. Less than 30 seconds later, the Taliban gunner and his comrade erupted into flames as an American gunship overhead locked onto their position and opened fire.

The next day, an explosive ordnance disposal team arrived to pick through the wreckage and found unexploded pieces of a missile casing that could only belong to a Stinger missile.

Lodged in the right nacelle, they found one fragment that contained an entire serial number.

The investigation took time. Arms were twisted, noses put out of joint. But when the results came back, they were stunning: The Stinger tracked back to a lot that had been signed out by the CIA recently, not during the anti-Soviet ­jihad.

Reports of the Stinger reached the highest echelons of the US command in Afghanistan and became a source of intense speculation, but no action.

Everyone knew the war was winding down. Revealing that the Taliban had US-made Stingers risked demoralizing coalition troops. Because there were no coalition casualties, government officials made no public announcement of the attack.

My sources in the US Special Operations community believe the Stinger fired against the Chinook was part of the same lot the CIA turned over to the ­Qataris in early 2011, weapons Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Khadafy forces in Libya.

“And she wants to be PRESIDENT!?!?!?!?!” JB

Modal Trigger U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Luis Trochez demonstrates how to use a Stinger on the National Mall in 2005.Photo: Getty Images

They believe the Qataris delivered between 50 and 60 of those same Stingers to the Taliban in early 2012, and an additional 200 SA-24 Igla-S surface-to-air missiles.

Qatar now is expected to hold five Taliban commanders released from Guantanamo for a year before allowing them to go to Afghanistan.

But if we can’t trust the Qataris not to give our weapons to the Taliban, how can we trust them with this?

CNN: Intercepted Radio Chatter Indicated Bergdahl Sought Contact With Taliban

Guy Benson | Jun 04, 2014

Guy Benson

CNN landed the interview, but the dramatic allegation comes from Sgt. Evan Buetow — Bowe Bergdahl’s team leader. To briefly recap what we’ve learned today, according to Fox News, “many” US intelligence officials have harbored concerns that Bergdahl may have “actively collaborated” with the Taliban enemy. The New York Times and Fox both published scoops regarding Bergdahl’s desertion note, which may have suggested (whatever that means) a desire to abandon his American citizenship. And now this:

Within days of his disappearance, says Buetow, teams monitoring radio chatter and cell phone communications intercepted an alarming message: The American is in Yahya Khel (a village two miles away). He’s looking for someone who speaks English so he can talk to the Taliban. “I heard it straight from the interpreter’s lips as he heard it over the radio,” said Buetow. “There’s a lot more to this story than a soldier walking away.” … “For 60 days or more, I remember, just straight, all we did was search for Bergdahl,” said Buetow, “essentially chasing a ghost because we never came up with anything.” At least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for him, according to soldiers involved in those operations…Many soldiers in Bergdahl’s platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance. “Following his disappearance, IEDs started going off directly under the trucks. They were getting perfect hits every time. Their ambushes were very calculated, very methodical,” said Buetow. It was “very suspicious,” says Buetow, noting that Bergdahl knew sensitive information about the movement of U.S. trucks, the weaponry on those trucks, and how soldiers would react to attacks. “We were incredibly worried” that Bergdahl was giving up information, either under torture, or otherwise, says Buetow.

Honor and distinction.” This is deadly serious stuff, literally. Bergdahl’s unit leader on the night he evidently deserted claims that intercepted communications from shortly after Bergdahl’s disappearance indicated that he may have been proactively seeking out the Taliban. The kindest explanation is that Bergdahl was already being held against his will in some fashion and was desperate to communicate with his captors as a means of self-preservation. But it’s pretty clear that Buetow doesn’t believe that. He takes things a step further, theorizing that Bergdahl may have lent his expertise to the enemy in order to improve the effectiveness of their ambushes and IEDs. If your instinct is to wave that theory away as extreme, consider two factors: (1) Wikileaks cables appear to corroborate a major part of Buetow’s account, and (2) the UK Daily Mail printed this all the way back in 2010:

A captured American soldier is training Taliban fighters bomb-making and ambush skills, according to one of his captors and Afghan intelligence officials. Private Bowe Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan and is thought to be the only U.S. serviceman in captivity. The 24-year-old has converted to Islam and now has the Muslim name Abdullah, one of his captors told The Sunday Times.

In a vacuum, I wouldn’t necessarily put too much stock in the word of the Taliban, or Afghan intelligence officials. But now we have Buetow’s accusations to add into the equation, and people on both sides of this conflict have told a hauntingly similar story. These fears look more realistic than ever. The president must have known Bergdahl’s case was a minefield, but some combination of arrogance and tone-deafness led him to disregard internal concerns from the defense and intel communities, and to convince himself that this news would be met with euphoric celebrations. In case you were curious, Obama is “unapologetic” over the decision, of course. The same can’t be said of many Senate Democrats who’ve suddenly gone, well, AWOL on this story. I wonder why. Could it be that unlawfully releasing five hardened Taliban commanders from US custody with loose (if any) security precautions in place in exchange for an apparent deserter and alleged enemy collaborator might be…politically toxic? As you know, I’ve been scratching my head over this whole thing for days now. Finally, some pieces seem to be falling into place. Between the “expected euphoria” report, the Guantanamo Bay closure experiment angle, and the crucial detail that Team Obama was reportedly itching to relieve themselves of these particular jihadists for some reason before Bergdahl became a hostage, I suspectAllahpunditmay be right on the money:

allah“Could this be President’s Obama attempt at empting GITMO in order to shut it down? Could he be depending on his Muslim buddies kidnapping Americans (anywhere) and holding them for GITMO detainees exchange? Sounds credible given President Obama’s conduct over the last 6 years. SORRY YET?” JB

The simple calculation came to a halt when the public, press, and Bergdahl’s former brothers didn’t react the way the White House anticipated.

Sorry YetRemember

HeartVOTE 02



Hagel Hopes Terrorist Swap will Help ‘Peace Process,’ Taliban Laughs


This Administration is a joke. An absolute joke.

As a supposed defense of the decision to release five terrorists to gain one American who at best was a deserter and at worst was a Taliban sympathizer, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel pointed to the release of these prisoners as hopeful sign that terrorist will now engage in the peace process. Really 01No, seriously, Really 01

They won’t. They’re terrorists.

The five high-ranking terrorists were held in Guantanamo Bay as they were “high-risk” terrorists who posed a threat to the United States. However, seemingly favoring a terrorist catch-and-release policy, the weakest administration in history traded the five terrorists in exchange for an American who had been held since 2009 after he deserted his post and wandered off into Afghanistan.
On Sunday, Hagel defended the decision on Meet the Press and claimed, “So maybe this will be a new opening that can produce an agreement” between the Taliban and the United States. 
“Maybe, just maybe if we give the terrorists what they want, they won’t hurt us.” This is the most cowardly foreign policy this nation has ever seen, and that includes Jimmy Carter.

Obama defending muslimsWithin hours of Hagel’s cowardly optimism, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid dismissed Hagel’s belief that this will earn goodwill, saying, “It won’t help the peace process in any way, because we don’t believe in the peace process.”

 Again- they’re terrorists. That’s how this works.

It’s nothing new; the White House has been pleading, begging the Taliban and other terrorist organizations to negotiate. Repeatedly, the terrorists have refused, noting that they do not seek peace, but victory.

After the release of the five terrorists, Taliban emir Mullah Mohammed Omar hailed the release as a “great victory” for their cause and stated, “This huge accomplishment brings the glad tidings of liberation of the whole country and reassures us that our aspirations are on the verge of fulfillment.” 

Not only was this a remarkably stupid move that rewards terrorism, but we don’t even know what we got in return; all initial information about Sgt. Bergdahl seems to indicate that he was a defector who hated Americans.
If we are going to fight a war on terror, we should fight to win. What we have is a weak leader surrounded by weak advisers that advocate cowardice and appeasement as a means of making the rest of the world like us.  
Wake up America
Sorry Yet

Prisoner swap: Did Hillary know?

 By Alexander Bolton 06/03/14 06:00 AM EDT

645X363 – No Companion – Full Sharing – Additional videos are suggested

Republicans are raising questions about whether Hillary Clinton knew about the White House plan to release senior Taliban commanders in exchange for the last U.S. prisoner of war.

President Obama met with his former secretary of State for lunch on Thursday, two days before it was announced that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl had been released from captivity in exchange for five high-profile Taliban prisoners.

Republicans are furious that they were not told of the deal in advance and argue that this broke U.S. law.

 obama cvlinton meetinmg

They are also suspicious Obama might have informed Clinton, the likely Democratic front-runner for the White House in 2016.

The White House has said it would not give a read out of Obama’s lunch with Clinton, calling it a private event.

But that has only made Republicans more curious about the timing between the lunch, and the controversial prisoner swap.

“If Mrs. Clinton remains politically active, people will want to know what her advice was on the subject,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), a senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Hillary ClintonSen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said questions about the meeting are fair game.

“It’s fair game to ask her, “Did she know about this, what does she think about it, does she agree with the decision to withdraw troops in 2016?” he said. “These are all really good questions potential candidates for president need to answer.’

“These are major policy decisions. This has ramifications long term for the U.S., this prisoner swap,” he added.

Patrick Ventrell, a spokesman for the National Security Council, declined to comment on the Obama-Clinton meeting.

“We’re not reading out their private lunch,” he said.

A spokesman for Clinton did not respond to a request for comment.  

Some Republicans said Monday that a congressional probe could seek to find out whether Obama told Clinton about the exchange.

“It appears that they consciously moved forward without notifying Congress over an extended period of time. Republicans think it’s fair for the White House to come clean about who was told what when, including former Secretary of State Clinton,” said a senior GOP aide.

The administration has said they had to keep the secret from Congress to preserve the Bergdahl’s safety, but that hasn’t satisfied Republicans.


House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) has promised hearings. He said he was not alerted of the prisoner exchange until this past weekend and that this violates the National Defense Authorization Act, which required the administration give Congress 30 days advance notice.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) has told Senate Republican colleagues that his panel will hold a closed-door hearing on the prisoner swap on June 10. Graham is pressing for a public hearing.

He also wants an independent probe into allegations Bergdahl deserted his post.

“I want a professional independent investigation by the appropriate military authorities with no interference by the Congress or the White House to find out what labels apply to Sgt. Bergdahl,” Graham said.

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said Monday that senior lawmakers were informed months ago that the administration was negotiating for Bergdahl.


“We’ve been consulting with members of Congress about this effort, including the potential transfer of five Gitmo detainees, for years” he said. “So this should not have been a surprise to any of the members of Congress who’ve been … commenting about it.”

“Not according to the Republican House. Today they have said they were NOT informed. More Obama Whitehouse lies.” JB

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said critics should view Bergdahl’s release as a standard prisoner exchange instead of negotiating with terrorists, which the United States declines to do as a matter of policy.

He expressed hope it could lay the groundwork for a broader peace deal with the Taliban, one of Obama’s highest priorities in Afghanistan.

“Could this embolden terrorists? Again, I remind you this was a prisoner of war exchange. He was a prisoner,” Hagel told reporters in a briefing. “Maybe this could provide some possible new bridge for new negotiations.”

In 2011, Israel and Hamas announced a deal to swap 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for Staff Sgt. Gilad Shalit, who was held prisoner in Gaza for five years.

Is Hillary to blameClinton, then the secretary of State, praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his “courage and leadership” after winning Shalit’s freedom.

Peace talks with the Taliban broke off in 2012, after the United States rebuffed demands to free senior militants, which Taliban leaders said showed a lack of seriousness from American negotiators.

The exchange in Bergdahl’s case has also been controversial because of charges that he deserted his duties in walking off base before his capture.

Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl’s platoon, told CNN Bergdahl was captured after going absent without leave.

“Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him,” he said.

Other members of Bergdahl’s platoon have corroborated that account.

Administration officials say they want to give Bergdahl time to recover from his captivity before delving into the circumstances of his capture. But national security adviser Susan Rice rebutted charges he was a deserter during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

“Certainly, anybody who has been held in those conditions, in captivity for five years has paid an extraordinary price. But that is really not the point. The point is that he is back,” she said.

Obama Sending $1.6 Billion To Aid The Taliban in Pakistan


Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Administration is “quietly” releasing $1.6 billion to aid the Taliban in Pakistan. Under the guise of an “improved” relationship with the country, which is headed by a mere puppet in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, this is nothing more than giving the money directly to the Islamic terrorists. In September, a church bombing killed nearly 100 people, and scores of terrorists attacks have occurred recently in the country. This means one thing: Obama is openly aiding the enemies of America.



C7CD2327-1B5E-461E-AACD-62D5979FEE50_w640_r1_sOpen aid to the enemy is President Obama’s bread and butter. This is the one thing he does best. Pakistan was Osama bin Laden’s safe haven for years, and when he was killed (supposedly) in 2011, Pakistani officials were outraged over the covert operation. The “relationship” between the two countries turned frosty. Now, there has been a miraculous breakthrough. In another Obama Administration joke, this is one of the best.

On October 23rd, Obama will meet with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the White House. This is the first time in years that this has happened. Surely, this meeting will be an Obama apology meeting; an apology for the airstrikes that killed Pakistani soldiers, an apology for the raid that killed bin Laden, and a renewed cooperation for fighting “terrorism” in Pakistan through mutual cooperation.

This is deliberately giving billions in aid to the Taliban in Pakistan. Nothing more, nothing less. The sham government, led by the Prime Minister, has done nothing to stop the Taliban’s terror, nor will they ever do anything to stop it.

The Pakistanis do not like being seen as dependent on their heavy-handed partners. The Americans are uncomfortable highlighting the billions provided to a government that is plagued by corruption and perceived as often duplicitous in fighting terrorism. Last week, the Pakistan Taliban insisted U.S. drone strikes in the country’s northwest must stop before they will consider peace talks with the government.”

Pakistan is not fighting terrorism, nor is any other Islamic country in the Middle East, but it does prove one thing. Obama will provide aid to any Sunni Muslim controlled government in the Middle East, or “rebel” forces.

Obama cut off aid to Egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood was taken down by the Egyptian military, and now Egypt is looking to Russia for aid. That $1.5 billion in missing aid is going to create a huge headache for the Egyptians this year. The Administration is actively aiding Al-Qaeda led Syrian rebels in their efforts to take down President Bashir al-Assad. Less anyone forget, Al-Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This is a move that should be considered treasonous.

When it comes to Pakistan, the Peshawar church bombing last month should be enough to keep any aid from coming into the country. A splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the church attack, blaming the U.S. program of drone strikes in tribal areas of Pakistan.

pakistan-articleLargeDid the government do anything? No.

The U.S. will end major military operations in Afghanistan in 2014, and with the Pakistani Taliban actively aiding the Afghan forces, the situation in both countries is only likely to get worse. Western style government will never be compatible with Islam.

Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are virtually synonymous. The U.S. State Department announced today that it has designated a terrorist who has fought for the Taliban since the late 1990s and continues to support al Qaeda. “Since 2006, CNG has run training camps, dispatched suicide bombers, provided safe haven for al Qaeda fighters, and conducted cross-border operations in Afghanistan against the United States and its allies,” the State Department said in a press release. “In addition to its attacks against international forces in Afghanistan, CNG is also responsible for assassinations and intimidation operations against civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Sunni Muslim terrorists stick together. And no one should know this any better than Obama.

State Department officials said the renewal of aid wasn’t determined by any single event.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to talk publicly about the aid relationship ahead of Sharif’s visit. They said the money would start reaching Pakistan in 2014 but take several years to disburse fully.

Pakistan’s long-term stability is of critical national security interest to the U.S., so we remain committed to helping achieve a more secure, democratic and prosperous state, including through continued civilian and military assistance,” said Dan Feldman, the State Department’s deputy special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said the assistance plan will deliver results for both countries and enhance Pakistan’s ability to fight terrorism.

Wow, this sounds so comfy cozy. No “improvements” will ever be made. The Taliban will pocket the aid money and continue to wreak havoc on Christians and fellow Muslims in the area. Nothing changes. The enemy just gets stronger.

President Obama is a wolf aiding and abetting America’s moral enemy, but the reality is that he is the enemy, and he’s not being forced to hide it.


Christian Minority In Pakistan Pounded By Islamists In Brutal Suicide Bombing

 By Janna Brock

Sunday has been the single deadliest day for the Christian minority in Pakistan. A pair of suicide bombers detonated bombs outside a historic church in Peshwar killing at least 78 innocent people and wounding hundreds. The Islamic war on Christians is in full force all over the Middle East. With each passing day it intensifies. Where is the international outrage? Where is President Obama? He’s busy arming Al-Qaeda in Syria, and the rest of the world is busy praising Islam for it’s peacefulness.  SEE VIDEO:

Pakistani Christians are under siege. In an unprecedented attack on the Christian minority in Pakistan, at least 78 people were killed in a suicide bombing outside a church in Peshwar. The number of casualties will surely increase. With an attack of this magnitude, knowing the official death toll will take some time.

What cowards, what heartless savages. Islamists continue to prove their soullessness. And instead of condemning these attacks, government officials cater. They attacked as worshippers were leaving the church in the city’s Kohati Gate district. Church goers were expecting to get a meal of free rice on the church lawn when the bombs went off.

Instead, they got body parts blown off, or completely obliterated. What was to be a peaceful Lord’s day turned into terror. Death on the Lord’s Day came for Pakistani Christians at the hands of the merciless Taliban militants, determined to kill as many Christians as possible.

“There were blasts and there was hell for all of us,” said Nazir John, who was at the church with at least 400 other worshippers. “When I got my senses back, I found nothing but smoke, dust, blood and screaming people. I saw severed body parts and blood all around”

Survivors could only stand shell shocked in the horror. And all the while, trying to find survivors and identifying the dead becomes an impossible job. But knowing who committed the attack is more than obvious.

“All the indications suggest that this was an attack by the Taliban,” said the government official who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists. The official said at least 600 people were present in the church when the attack took place.

Now it all makes sense. Hospitals have been overrun with victims of the attack, to the point to where they cannot keep up with the influx. They are running out of caskets for the dead and beds for survivors.

This isn’t the first horrific attack on the Christian minority in Pakistan, but it is the deadliest. Islamic jihadists have been responsible for countless attacks on Christians and other minorities in the past, but this is the worst of them all.

Why? It’s Islam, and it’s because the government is only trying to “talk” with the Pakistani Taliban. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who took office in June, is attempting to negotiate a peace agreement with the Pakistani Taliban. The Taliban wants a release of prisoners and other “preconditions” before agreeing to a “peace settlement.”

This is laughable. How many times does it take for history to repeat itself before the message becomes clear? There is NO peace with Islam in any form of fashion, except in submitting.

Sharif condemned the church attack in a statement sent to reporters, saying, “the terrorists have no religion and targeting innocent people is against the teachings of Islam and all religions.”

It’s the same broken record playing the same song of “Islam is the religion of peace,” but when the same lie works so beautifully, why change it up? Keep playing the broken record. There’s no need to change the song.

Naturally, the Obama Administration has insisted the Pakistani government crack down on “Islamic militants.” Just like they have in Syria, right? Never mind, wrong country. The worst part is that members of the Afghan Taliban’s role in this. The Afghan Taliban use Pakistan as a “base” to carry out their attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. So, who’s side is Pakistan on? Again, this is Islam. There aren’t “sides.”

But with the U.S. ending its military operations in Afghanistan in 2014, attacks of this magnitude will only increase. Not that they would be stopped. Violence and carnage will continue. The dead bodies will continue to pile up and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Islam wins. The “religion of peace” will continue doing what it does best and world leaders will turn the other cheek.

About the Author:

 Janna Brock . “I am a Christian and a staunch conservative. I am very interested in civil liberties and also arts and entertainment from a conservative point of view. I am interested in a wide variety of topics that have to do with the liberal war against conservatives. Christians are being attacked on all fronts, be it the gay agenda, abortion issues, and other forms of persecution. It is time to stand for Christ in a sin sick world. Janna Brock also contributes to The

Pentagon Has Awarded Contracts To Al-Qaeda In Afghanistan

Obama is the global head of terrorist network

Steve Watson

Image: Report suggests al Qaeda militants are being awarded US contracts

A new independent report reveals that lucrative U.S. military contracts have been granted to militant groups in Afghanistan with direct connections to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

The report, submitted to Congress by the U.S. Army Suspension and Debarment Office, states that American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements with the extremists.

A Bloomberg article quotes John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, who notes:

“I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack, and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract,”

The report continues:

An audit showed that after 16 months, none of the agency’s essential program objectives have been reached and the money spent has mostly financed workshops and training sessions. The project is aimed at bolstering Afghanistan’s government before troop withdrawals planned for next year.

“It’s troubling that after 16 months, this program has not issued its first community grant,” Sopko said. “Rather, it has spent almost $50 million, about a quarter of the total program budget, on conferences, overhead and workshops.”

Regarding the 43 cases of contractors with militant connections, Sopko said the Army should “enforce the rule of common sense” in its suspension and debarment program.

“They may be enemies of the United States but that is not enough to keep them from getting government contracts,” according to the agency’s report.

So there you have it, while the Obama administration is funding, equipping, and training al Qaeda extremists in Syria to overthrow the Assad government, it is also awarding contracts to al Qaeda after a decade plus long war against “the terrorists” in Afghanistan.

Obama truly is the global head of Al Qaeda – bankrolling, arming and equipping terrorists around the world in order to achieve his administration’s geopolitical objectives – while simultaneously invoking the threat of terrorists domestically to destroy the bill of rights.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

US Ready To Enter Negotiations With Taliban?


Joyce Brothers said: “Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.”

Unquestionably, there is merit in trust. Having trust in other people is a basic and necessary part of life. Without trust, we would remain isolated; never able to form relationships with other people. However, just as important as holding trust in someone else, is holding trust in yourself; in your own instincts. In politics, sometimes, trusting your own instincts is all you have.

 There are certainly those in the world with whom you should not deal, or negotiate. There is a basic understanding—at least I have a basic understanding—that one should not trust someone who has not proven worthy of trust. Simple, right? Apparently not. According to, the United States, in conjunction with Afghanistan, is prepared to enter negotiations with the Taliban. Yes, you read that correctly…negotiating with the TALIBAN.

Taliban Spokesman Mohammad Naim has announced that the Taliban will not accept the use of Afghan soil as a base for military operations, and supports negotiations. The Obama administration stated that US representatives will start bilateral negotiations with the Taliban…Marine General Joseph Dunford, the top US commander in Afghanistan, also celebrated the beginning of talks: ‘My perspective has always been that this war is going to have to end with political reconciliation and so I frankly would be supportive of any positive movement in terms of reconciliation…that would bring reconciliation between the afghan people and the Taliban.’

So, a terrorist organization is suddenly—with seemingly abundant enthusiasm–willing to enter “peace talks?” Something doesn’t smell right. Actually, that’s generous. This is totally bogus. This is the same organization that called the Karzai administration “stooges” of the West.

I can’t ask much beyond these basic questions: Why would anyone enter negotiations with the Taliban? More than that, why would the Taliban suddenly decide that now is the time to negotiate?

No answer?

An ideologically-driven group of people, a people who want nothing more than to exterminate those who don’t agree with them, cannot be negotiated with. Is it just me, or is this not absolutely, hands down crazy?

However, the part that baffles me the most is the willingness on the part of Afghanistan and the US to deal with these maniacs. Do they actually believe that the Taliban can be trusted; or is this a small move in a much larger game? Is it a fake out?

I am trusting my instincts, and leaning toward the belief that this is a chess move in a much larger game. But I wonder; in the end, which side is actually benefitting? Is this move worth the risk of legitimizing psychopaths? I say no.

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