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Archive for March, 2017

Swedish Feminists Flee Suburbs Due to Islamic Fundamentalists

Reported by Chris Tomlinson | 31 Mar 2017

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Nalin Pekgul is a self-described feminist and former member of parliament for the left wing Swedish Social Democrats. For over 30 years, she lived in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta but says that she no longer feels safe there. She claims Muslim fundamentalists have taken over and she doesn’t feel she can visit the centre of Tensta without being harassed, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

According to Ms. Pekgul, the situation for women in public life in the area has deteriorated over the past several years. She noted that there has been a rise in religious fundamentalism amongst the men in the area, many of whom come from migrant backgrounds. Pekgul attempted to combat the trend by organising coffee shop meetings but soon abandoned the idea.

“In Tensta I am a known face and I have no desire to stir up trouble when I get harassed,” Pekgul said explaining why she no longer goes into the centre of the suburb. When asked if she will remain in the suburb, she said: “I always hope that it will blow over. One should never forget that the vast majority here are cursing the fundamentalists.” 

Zeliha Dagli, a former Left Party politician, did end up moving from the no-go suburb of Husby. Dagli described Husby as having self-appointed “morality police” who attempt to control women’s behaviour in the area. Aggression toward feminists, in particular, became an issue she said. “There were rumours that we wanted to take away women’s veils,” she said. “They said that I should keep myself, and then I did not feel so safe anymore.” Dagli now lives in the inner city area of Stockholm and says she is happier that she can wear or say what she wants without fearing for her safety. She said she would consider returning to Husby, but only if the area became safer for her. 

Husby, like the no-go suburb of Rinkeby, is heavily populated by migrants, many of them from countries in Africa and the Middle East and many of them Muslim.  In May of last year, a Norwegian film crew was attacked by a group of locals in Husby while they were attempting to interview Swedish economist and author Tino Sanandaji.

Sanandaji, a Kurdish Iranian immigrant, has been slammed by many in Sweden for his new book Mass Challenge which describes the problems Sweden has faced because of mass migration. One library in Stockholm even refused to stock the book accusing it of being racist.

American filmmaker Ari Horowitz was also attacked in Husby last year during an investigation into Swedish no-go zones.

 Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at

The Clarion Project Newsletter for March 31 2017


Drone Video Shows ISIS Using Human Shield The Islamic State is holding 197 children as human shields in Mosul Watch


Normalizing the Hijab Islamism hits fashion in the West to affect a cultural shift. Share Your Views


Focus Efforts on Assimilation, Not Integration The difference between the two and the impact on fighting radical Islam. Join the Conversation


ISIS Threatens Iran This Islamic republic is the latest name of ISIS’ hit list Watch

Readers Write

Jailed for a Painting

“She is Kurd, female and her picture is taken as a criticism of Turkey. Three strikes against her, so she had to be jailed. This is life in Turkey.”


Normalizing the Hijab

“It isn’t that they choose to wear these things, it’s what happens to a Muslim woman when she doesn’t.”

-A.C. Pro-Life News Report

Friday, March 31, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Top Stories
• 20 Pro-Abortion Celebrities Pro-Life People Should Boycott
• Mother Held Her 22-Week-Old Premature Baby for an Hour Until He Died After Doctors Refused Care
• California Allows Animal Rights Activists to Release Secretly-Recorded Undercover Videos, But Not Pro-Lifers
• Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards: Women Need Birth Control to Compete With Men

More Pro-Life News
• 21-Week Unborn Baby Had Life-Saving Heart Surgery While He Was in the Womb
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Faces Protests After Killing a Woman in Botched Abortion
• This Catholic University Has Suspended a Pro-Life Lecturer for Opposing Abortion
• Pro-Lifers Believe Women are Smart. Abortion Activists Think Women are Stupid. Here’s Why
• United Nations Staffers Partnered With Pro-Abortion Groups to Promote Their Abortion Agenda
• Country Singer Charlie Daniels Suggest “Sanctuary Cities” Protecting Unborn Babies From Abortion
• Tear-Jerking Ad Attracts 1.5 Million Views with Pro-Life Message
• They Told Her Parents She Would Die at Birth, Look at Her 25 Years Later
• Kentucky Could Become the First Abortion-Free State if This Law-Breaking Abortion Clinic is Closed
• Judge Stops Governor From Ordering the Last Abortion Clinic in Kentucky to Shut Down
• Pro-Life Hero: Senator Recovering From Surgery Used Walker Get to Vote for Defunding Planned Parenthood
• Dutch Doctors Won’t Euthanize Healthy Patients Who Just Think They’re “At the End of Life”

20 Pro-Abortion Celebrities Pro-Life People Should Boycott
Planned Parenthood boasts a long, friendly history with celebrities. And, as the abortion giant faces defunding and new scandal, Hollywood is only becoming more stubborn in its support.

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Mother Held Her 22-Week-Old Premature Baby for an Hour Until He Died After Doctors Refused Care
A British mother wants to see a change in medical care for very premature babies after her newborn son was denied treatment and died in her arms.

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Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards: Women Need Birth Control to Compete With Men
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards upset quite a few women this week after she attributed women’s success to the birth control pill rather than women’s own abilities.

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21-Week Unborn Baby Had Life-Saving Heart Surgery While He Was in the Womb
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is world-renowned for developing innovative new surgical procedures to help save babies’ lives before they are born.

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Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Faces Protests After Killing a Woman in Botched Abortion
Local residents engaged in a protest outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Michigan today that was responsible for the death of a young woman in a botched abortion.

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This Catholic University Has Suspended a Pro-Life Lecturer for Opposing Abortion
A Catholic university lecturer in Belgium was suspended earlier this month after he angered pro-abortion feminists by distributing a pro-life paper to his students.

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Pro-Lifers Believe Women are Smart. Abortion Activists Think Women are Stupid. Here’s Why
Mulling over NARAL’s latest attacks on pregnancy help ministries, I’m reminded of a major difference we have with the abortion industry. This one is fundamental. Key. Vital. And Simple.

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Judge Stops Governor From Ordering the Last Abortion Clinic in Kentucky to Shut Down

Pro-Life Hero: Senator Recovering From Surgery Used Walker Get to Vote for Defunding Planned Parenthood

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Trump Team Uncovers a Mole: Leak of Whistleblowers leads to Shakeup of White House Staff

Reported By Onan Coca |  March 31, 2017

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Katie Walsh

It was only hearsay being questioned on conservative websites yesterday, but today Breitbart News says it has confirmed with several sources inside the White House that the move to reassign deputy Chief of Staff Katie Walsh was directly related to White House concerns that she was leaking information to the press!

On Thursday, pro-Trump website Conservative Treehouse wrote that the leak of Devin Nunes’ “whistleblowers” was actually an elaborate ploy to smoke out who in the White House was leaking information to the press. Just a short while after the New York Times broke the story, Katie Walsh announced that she would be moving on to help lead a pro-Trump organization outside of the administration. However, conservative rumor mongers argued that this was actually the White House ridding itself of a dangerous leak.

White House Deputy Chief-of-Staff Katie Walsh was fired today immediately following a New York Times report which outed two National Security Council members as the source for Devin Nunes “tip” to review a specific batch of President Obama’s executive intelligence. The transparent sequence of events reveals that Walsh was the source of NYT reporter Maggie Haberman’s article; (Walsh and Haberman are “friends”).

Now, yesterday’s gossip has become today’s news story.

More from Breitbart:

Multiple senior White House sources tell Breitbart News that discussions to replace now former Deputy Chief of Staff Katie Walsh—an ally of Chief of Staff Reince Priebus who was removed from her position on Thursday—center on who has been leaking information out of the White House.

Walsh was suspected of being a leaker, White House sources tell Breitbart News. They specifically say that a story first reported on Charles Johnson’s Got News weeks ago led to her ultimate demise. Walsh has been reassigned to an outside organization to support the Trump agenda, and White House senior officials presented the news on Thursday as a reassignment, not a termination.

But two sources with direct knowledge of these matters—one inside the White House and one outside—told Breitbart News on Thursday that it was Walsh’s suspected leaking that led to her removal.

The man that the White House is eyeing to replace Walsh also speaks volumes of why the change may be taking place.

David Urban is the frontrunner to replace Walsh and he is a man that is as trusted in Trump world as anyone can be.

So now the question becomes, was the New York Times piece outing Nunes’ whistleblowers really just an elaborate ruse to help the administration identify who in their midst was leaking their secrets to the media? It seems more and more likely that it was.

Illegal Alien Causes Firestorm After Bragging About Filing Her Taxes in Social Media Post

Reported By Warner Todd Huston |  March 31, 2017

An illegal alien living in Arizona caused a stir, Thursday, when she jumped to her Facebook page to brag about sending in her tax returns. As Belén Sisa wrote about her filing, she also noted that she is an illegal.

Sisa posted the following to her Facebook account:

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school, I cannot benefit from unemployment, a reduced healthcare plan, or a retirement fund. I think I’m a pretty good citizen. Oh and there are MILLIONS just like me who pay into a system they will never receive anything from. Wanna tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the 1% wealthiest people in this country steal from you everyday? How about you show me yours Donald J. Trump? #HereToStay.

Her post quickly went viral getting over 6,500 shares.

Sisa is an Obama “DREAMER” and is still protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created by Obama.

The Arizona State student notes that her parents came here from Argentina when she was a six-year-old and then illegally overstayed their visas. She has grown up here and said she wants to stay whether she is illegal or not.

According to her social media accounts she is also a political activist and supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during the past election. She was even involved enough to be able to get a photo with the self-avowed socialist from Vermont.

Sisa claims that she was “shocked” when the hate mail and messages began appearing on her social media accounts and later went on CBSN to reply to her detractors saying she wanted to “bust the myth” that illegals contribute nothing to America.

But there are several lies packed into Belén Sisa’s claims that she and those like her “pay taxes.”

If we are to take her Facebook post as proof that she really paid $300 in taxes — and there is no real reason to doubt it — the truth is she has used far, far more in services paid for by our taxes than a mere $300 would cover.

Let’s take her tuition to Arizona State University, for example. It is likely that she is enjoying in-state tuition meaning she is going to college at a cut rate. She is also likely getting a government funded school loan on top of that.

And that is just the problem. There may be a day when she is a productive member of society, but thus far she isn’t there yet and in the mean time she is sucking up government resources that legal citizens could be using.

One of the girl’s contentions is true, at least to a degree. Many illegals pay axes into the system (including withholding from their paychecks) that they ostensibly “won’t get back” because they are illegal. Indeed, last year during the presidential election Sen. Hillary Clinton insisted that millions of illegals pay taxes, so that means, she contended, they can’t be said to be a drag on our system.

But, there is a major problem with this claim. While it is true that many illegals lose some of their income to taxes, the fact is that most who file tax returns actually don’t end up paying any federal tax at all. Worse, they get money back that they didn’t pay in. And the loss to the federal treasury measures in the billions, according to CNSNews.

Additionally, thanks to the reign of Obama, our government began to do all it could to make sure illegals got even more of our money. In 2015, Obama’s amnesty program was set to give up to 4 million illegal aliens brand new Social Security Numbers they were able to use to apply for a tax refunds despite that they haven’t paid a penny in taxes.

Opponents of Obama’s plan said these tax “refunds” would be awarded due to the Earned Income Tax Credit.

The news broke in February of 2015 when IRS Commissioner John Koskinen was testifying before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, testimony that contradicted a statement he’d made the week before, the Washington Times then reported. Koskinen told the Senate that illegals who had previously filed returns using a special taxpayer identification number would be eligible to claim refunds under the Earned Income Tax Credit once they receive a Social Security number. Not only did Obama want to give illegals free healthcare, unearned citizenship, and free work permits, he also planned to give them YOUR tax dollars in unearned tax “refunds.”

This wasn’t the only outrageous thing Koskinen admitted during his testimony. He also admitted that the IRS doesn’t bother to investigate tax refunds to see if they are being filed legally. They simply take them at face value and pay out any refunds that are claimed.mIn April of 2016, Koskinen admitted that they also don’t bother to tell legal American citizens when their information was fraudulently used to file a false tax return. Indeed, Koskinen even claimed it is a good thing, that illegals are engaging in the tax system.

“They are undocumented aliens. … They’re paying taxes. It’s in everybody’s interest to have them pay the taxes they owe,” Koskinen said. He then added that the IRS doesn’t inform Americans when their social security number has been used for a fraudulent tax return.

So, when all is said and done, while Belén Sisa’s claim was a great sound bite for liberals, the facts are that her claims of being a useful member of society because she paid in a whopping $300 in taxes is mostly just spin.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago-based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s and along with all Breitbart News sites,,, and many, many others. He has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs across the country to discuss his news stories and current events and has appeared on TV networks such as CNN, Fox News, Fox Business Network, and various Chicago-based news programs. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on He is the owner and operator of Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

More Political INCORRECTNESS from the Artist at TOWNHALL.COM

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Statue Of Lunacy

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Sanctuary city mayors across the country demonstrate a reckless disregard for the law and the safety their own citizens for political correctness and more votes.

Report: Growing Islamic Extremism In Latin America Poses ‘Major Security Threat’ To US

Reported by Photo of Peter Hasson Peter Hasson | Associate Editor | 12:02 AM 03/30/2017

The ISIS flag is held up by demonstrators. (Getty Images)

Growing Islamic extremism in Latin America constitutes a “major security threat” to the United States, according to an analysis published this month by the National Center for Policy Analysis.

“The threat from Islamic extremists in Latin America remains an overlooked aspect of U.S. national security strategy,” NCPA senior fellow David Grantham argued.

Grantham noted thatSaudi Arabia has invested millions to construct mosques and cultural centers in South America and Central America that expand the reach of its rigid version of Islam, known as Wahhabism.”

“The international spread of Saudi dogma, which the State Department’s first special representative to Muslim communities worldwide, Farah Pandith, called ‘insidious,’ has laid the foundation for likeminded radicals to thrive in other areas of Latin America,” he explained.

Later in the brief, Grantham noted that the “threats to U.S. security in the Greater Caribbean region are even more alarming in Trinidad and Tobago. The small island nation off the coast of Venezuela, once the target of an overthrow by Islamic militants, has also become a breeding ground for ISIS — 70 of the 100 Latin Americans known to have joined ISIS originated from the small country.”

The ease of mobility Islamic extremists have in Latin America is also cause for concern.

“Islamic extremism thrives where there is illicit finance and relative ease of movement across national and international borders. The mobility of terrorists throughout Latin America poses a serious problem,” Grantham stated.

Perhaps the greatest Islamic extremist threat in Latin America, though, is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which Grantham said could potentially strike the US from Latin America as a retaliatory act.

“The Islamic Republic has the capability and infrastructure to strike the United States from Latin America, but experts disagree over whether it would take that risk,” Grantham writes. “Experts consistently discuss the likelihood of a preemptive or first strike attack on the United States, though, which creates too high a standard. Instead, the argument should focus on the prospect of retaliatory attack.”

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton also warned of Iranian sponsored terrorism through Latin American “proxies” during a 2013 off-the-record speech to Goldman Sachs employees that was made public by WikiLeaks.

“If we had a map up behind us you would be able to see Iranian sponsored terrorism directly delivered by Iranians themselves, mostly through the Revolutionary Guard Corps, the operatives, or through Islah or other proxies from to Latin American to Southeast Asia,” Clinton said.

“The growth of extremist activity in Latin America is a major security threat. The prospects of retaliation from Iran, in particular, should not discourage action against Iran where necessary but should heighten awareness regarding the high probability of revenge attacks,” Grantham concluded. “Iran’s influence in Latin America and extremists, in general, demand new national security strategies in the region. Such an approach could begin with U.S. support to allied governments that improves their intelligence capabilities, and with targeted financial interdiction strategies.”

The brief can be read in its entirety here.

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Illegal Immigrant Charged With Voter Fraud

Reported by Photo of Alex Pfeiffer Alex Pfeiffer | Reporter | 8:23 PM 03/29/2017

An election worker sets up a voting booth in the library of Spring Hill Elementary School, which is being used as a polling station in McLean, Va., Nov. 5, 2013. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)

An election worker sets up a voting booth in the library of Spring Hill Elementary School, which is being used as a polling station in McLean, Va., Nov. 5, 2013. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)   

A Nigerian citizen was indicted by a federal grand jury Wednesday for allegedly illegally reentering the U.S. after being deported and subsequently committing both tax and voter fraud.

The federal indictment says that Kevin Kunlay Williams voted in both the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections. Williams was deported from the U.S. in 1995, and illegally returned in 1999. The Nigerian illegal immigrant allegedly became registered to vote in 2012 in local, state and federal elections by claiming he was a U.S. citizen.

He allegedly stole public school employees’ identification information and used it to file more than 2000 false tax returns, seeking $12 million in refunds. The Nigerian illegal immigrant also allegedly stole Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFINs), which allowed him to print refund checks to send to the IRS.

Williams, a St. Louis resident, also allegedly owned an illegal weapon. He faces charges of mail fraud, aggravated identity theft, voter fraud, illegal reentry, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. His indictment comes more than a month after President Trump alleged massive voter fraud in the presidential election.

Report: Obama Admin Blocked FBI Director’s Offer To Reveal Russian Meddling

Reported by Photo of Chuck Ross Chuck Ross | Reporter | 9:32 PM 03/29/2017

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FBI Director James Comey planned to write an op-ed early last summer making the case that Russia was meddling in the U.S. election, but other top Obama administration officials vetoed the idea. That’s according to a report from Newsweek magazine.

“The White House shut it down,” one source told the magazine of Comey’s op-ed offer. “They did their usual — nothing.”

The revelation, if accurate, would appear to suggest that the Obama administration did not take Russia’s meddling in the presidential campaign as seriously as many Democrats would have liked. Comey, who took over the FBI in 2013, proposed the op-ed during a meeting in June or July in the situation room of the White House in which Sec. of State John Kerry, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Sec. of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson were also present, according to Newsweek.

“He had a draft of it or an outline. He held up a piece of paper in a meeting and said, ‘I want to go forward, what do people think of this?’” a source with knowledge of the meeting told Newsweek of Comey.

According to Newsweek’s source, Comey’s op-ed would have laid out some of the evidence showing that the Kremlin was attempting to influence the presidential election. The Obama administration would not make a similar public accusation until Oct. 7, when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security alleged that Russia was involved in cyber attacks against Democrats.

The piece, which likely would have been placed at an outlet like The New York Times, would not have revealed anything about an investigation into possible ties between the Russian government and Trump campaign. Comey said earlier this month that the FBI opened that probe in early July.

The other Obama administration officials opposed the idea, Newsweek reports, because they preferred a more coordinated message.

“An op-ed doesn’t have the same stature, it comes from one person,” Newsweek’s source said.

Democrats have blamed the Obama administration for failing to address Russian meddling early enough in the campaign cycle. Comey has been one of the biggest targets for criticism, largely because of his public involvement in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

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Trump threatens to ‘fight’ Freedom Caucus in midterms


President Trump on Thursday launched an attack against the conservative House Freedom Caucus, vowing to “fight” them in the 2018 midterm elections. Trump warned that the group could “hurt the entire Republican agenda” if its members clash with party leaders, lumping them together with Democrats on a list of his top political targets.

“The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!” the president tweeted.


The president is escalating an internal party feud that could have grave consequences for the rest of his legislative agenda. He appeared to hint at the possibility of encouraging primary challenges against Freedom Caucus members, the vast majority of whom represent solid Republican districts.Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), a vocal Freedom Caucus member, fired back at the president in a tweet of his own.

“It didn’t take long for the swamp to drain @realDonaldTrump. No shame, Mr. President. Almost everyone succumbs to the D.C. Establishment.

Another ally of the group, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), echoed those comments, telling Trump on Twitter that “it’s a swamp not a hot tub. We both came here to drain it. #SwampCare polls 17%. Sad!”

Trump has taken repeated shots at the group of hard-liners for their role in torpedoing the GOP plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The president lobbied them repeatedly to get on board with the proposal, but the effort was unsuccessful. Caucus members said the measure did not go far enough in rolling back the Affordable Care Act, even after changes were made to satisfy their concerns.

The president on Monday tweeted that the “Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” on healthcare.

“Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!” he tweeted on Sunday.

The president has openly mused about working with Democrats on an alternative healthcare plan. But it will be difficult for Trump to persuade Democrats to get on board with significant changes to former President Obama’s signature domestic achievement.

With his poll numbers sitting at historic lows, Democrats also have little incentive to work with him on tax reform on a major infrastructure package, especially after he pledged to fight them in next year’s elections. The infighting within the House Republican conference, meanwhile, could pose challenges for those items as well as a must-pass spending bill to keep the government open beyond the April 29 funding deadline.

The schism also has also sparked internal divisions within the Freedom Caucus. Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) quit the group over the healthcare bill, and Brian Babin (R-Texas) has said publicly he’s considering doing the same.

“It’s something that will be a decision in the future, OK?” Babin told The Hill.

–This report was updated at 10:28 a.m.

Ann Coulter Letter: A Health Care Plan So Simple, Even A Republican Can Understand!

Commentary by  Ann Coulter | 

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It’s always impossible to repeal laws that require Ann to pay for greedy people, because the greedy run out on the streets wailing that the Republicans are murdering them.

Obamacare is uniquely awful because the free stuff isn’t paid for through income taxes: It’s paid for through MY health insurance premiums. This is unfortunate because I wanted to buy health insurance.

Perhaps you’re not aware — SINCE YOU EXEMPTED YOURSELVES FROM OBAMACARE, CONGRESS — but buying or selling health insurance is illegal in America.

Right now, there’s no free market because insurance is insanely regulated not only by Obamacare, but also by the most corrupt organizations in America: state insurance commissions. (I’m talking to you, New York!)

Federal and state laws make it illegal to sell health insurance that doesn’t cover a laughable array of supposedly vital services based on bureaucrats’ medical opinions of which providers have the best lobbyists. As a result, it’s illegal to sell health insurance that covers any of the medical problems I’d like to insure against. Why can’t the GOP keep Obamacare for the greedy — but make it legal for Ann to buy health insurance?

This is how it works today:

ME: I’m perfectly healthy, but I’d like to buy health insurance for heart disease, broken bones, cancer, and everything else that a normal person would ever need, but no more.

INSURANCE COMPANY: That will be $700 a month, the deductible is $35,000, no decent hospital will take it, and you have to pay for doctor’s visits yourself. But your plan covers shrinks, infertility treatments, sex change operations, autism spectrum disorder treatment, drug rehab and 67 other things you will never need.

INSURANCE COMPANY UNDER ANN’S PLAN: That will be $50 a month, the deductible is $1,000, you can see any doctor you’d like, and you have full coverage for any important medical problems you could conceivably have in a million years.

Mine is a two-step plan (and you don’t have to do the second step, so it’s really a one-step plan).

STEP 1: Congress doesn’t repeal Obamacare! Instead, Congress passes a law, pursuant to its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce, that says: “In America, it shall be legal to sell health insurance on the free market. This law supersedes all other laws, taxes, mandates, coverage requirements, regulations or prohibitions, state or federal.”

The end. Love, Ann.

There will be no whining single mothers storming Congress with their pre-printed placards. People who want to stay on Obamacare can. No one is taking away anything. They can still have health insurance with free pony rides. It just won’t be paid for with Ann’s premiums anymore, because Ann will now be allowed to buy health insurance on the free market. Americans will be free to choose among a variety of health insurance plans offered by willing sellers, competing with one another to provide the best plans at the lowest price. A nationwide market in health insurance will drive down costs and improve access — just like everything else we buy here in America!

Within a year, most Americans will be buying health insurance on the free market (and half of the rest will be illegal aliens). We’ll have TV ads with cute little geckos hawking amazing plans and young couples bragging about their broad coverage and great prices from this or that insurance company. The Obamacare plans will still have the “essential benefits” (free pony rides) that are so important to NPR’s Mara Liasson, but the free market plans will have whatever plans consumers agree to buy and insurance companies agree to sell — again, just like every other product we buy here in America.

Some free market plans will offer all the “essential benefits” mandated by Obamacare, but the difference will be: Instead of forcing me to pay a premium that covers Mara Liasson’s special needs, she’ll have to pay for that coverage herself. I won’t be compelled to buy health insurance that covers everyone else’s gambling addiction, drug rehab, pregnancies, marital counseling, social workers, contact lenses and rotten kids — simply to have insurance for what doctors call “serious medical problems.” Then, we’ll see how many people really need free health care.

Until the welfare program is decoupled from the insurance market, nothing will work. Otherwise, it’s like forcing grocery stores to pay for everyone to have a house. A carton of milk would suddenly cost $10,000. That’s what Obamacare did to health insurance. Paul Ryan’s solution was to cut taxes on businesses — and make the milk watery. But he still wouldn’t allow milk to be sold on the free market.

Democrats will be in the position of blocking American companies from selling a product that people want to buy. How will they explain that to voters?

Perhaps Democrats will come out and admit that they need to fund health insurance for the poor by forcing middle-class Americans to pay for it through their insurance premiums — because otherwise, they’d have to raise taxes, and they want to keep their Wall Street buddies’ income taxes low.

Good luck with that!

STEP 2: Next year, Congress formulates a better way of delivering health care to the welfare cases, which will be much easier since there will be a LOT fewer of them. No actual money-making business is going to survive by taking the welfare cases — the ones that will cover illegal aliens and Mara Liasson’s talk therapy — so the greedy will get government plans. But by then, only a minority of Americans will be on the “free” plans. (Incidentally, this will be a huge money-saver — if anyone cares about the federal budget.) Eighty percent of Americans will already have good health plans sold to them by insurance companies competing for their business. With cheap plans available, a lot of the greedy will go ahead and buy a free market plan. Who wants to stand in line at the DMV to see a doctor when your neighbors have great health care plans for $50 a month?

We will have separated the truly unfortunate from the loudmouthed bullies who simply enjoy forcing other people to pay for their shrinks and aromatherapy. And if the Democrats vote against a sane method of delivering health care to the welfare cases, who cares? We have lots of wasteful government programs — take it out of Lockheed Martin’s contract. But at least the government won’t be depriving the rest of us of a crucial product just because we are middle class and the Democrats hate us.

There’s your health care bill, GOP!


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Saving The Middle Class

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Trump’s agenda includes reviving the middle class from the damage of the last 8 years, but not if Schumer can stop him. Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

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• After Court Won’t Let Her Abort Her Disabled 27-Week-Old Baby Woman Says “I Hope He Dies After Birth”
• Safety Crisis: Planned Parenthood in St. Louis Hospitalizes 65th Patient From Botched Abortion
• #PinkOut: Planned Parenthood Gets $553 Million of Your Tax Dollars as It Kills 324,000 Babies in Abortion
• China Admits to Killing 336 Million Unborn Babies in Abortions
• Canadian Surgeons Harvesting The Organs of Euthanized Patients
• Amazing March for Life in Peru Sees Thousands of People Help Victims of Tragic Floods
• Council of Europe Calls for Legalizing Abortion in Ireland
• 100 Pro-Life Protesters Oppose No Parking Ordinance Targeting Their Free Speech Outside Abortion Clinic

Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Director Caught Admitting Babies Born Alive After Abortion are Killed
A shocking new undercover video exposes a Planned Parenthood medical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed.

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Pro-Abortion California AG Files 15 Felony Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood
The California attorney general slammed pro-life undercover investigator David Daleiden with 15 felony charges on Tuesday, claiming he illegally recorded Planned Parenthood abortion workers and groups that distribute aborted babies’ body parts.

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Planned Parenthood Abortion Doc: We Shoot Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them
The new Center for Medical Progress video shows a conversation between two undercover journalists and an abortion practitioner, Dr. DeShawn Taylor.

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Attorney General Who Charged David Daleiden With 15 Felonies Received Thousands From Planned Parenthood
The Attorney General in California has charged pro-life activist David Daleiden with 15 felonies for his investigative work exposing the Planned Parenthood abortion business and its sales of aborted baby parts.

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Facebook Censors New Video Exposing Planned Parenthood Doc Admitting Babies Born Alive are Killed
The social media giant Facebook is censoring an advertisement from promoting our news story about a shocking new undercover a video that exposes a Planned Parenthood medical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed.

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Court Zaps Pro-Life Free Speech, Blocks More Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
In another blow to the Center for Medical Progress this week, a U.S. appeals court let stand a gag order that blocks the group from releasing more undercover videos.

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Media Spin: Videos Show Pro-Lifers “Trying to Buy Human Material,” Not Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts
Just in time for Planned Parenthood’s “Pink Out Day,” the networks are twisting the news surrounding California charges against pro-life activists.

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Arkansas Becomes 10th State to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions Targeting Girl Babies
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson today signed into law a bill to prohibit sex-selection abortions on unborn babies.

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Amazing March for Life in Peru Sees Thousands of People Help Victims of Tragic Floods

Council of Europe Calls for Legalizing Abortion in Ireland

100 Pro-Life Protesters Oppose No Parking Ordinance Targeting Their Free Speech Outside Abortion Clinic

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President Trump declares National Vietnam War Veterans Day in new law

Posted 5:58 pm, March 29, 2017, by

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On Tuesday President Trump signed a law recognizing Vietnam Veterans. A White House press release said Trump signed S. 305, the “Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017” into law. The act encourages the display of the U.S. flag on March 29 which is National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Military Times reported that the bill was sponsored by Sen Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania and Sen. Joe Donnelly from Indiana. The bill passed the Senate in February and passed in the House last week.

Former President Barack Obama declared March 29 Vietnam Veterans Day in 2012. This new law will make the date a commemoration of Vietnam veterans every year.

The Vietnam war ended in 1973 with the withdraw of U.S. forces. Vietnam was unified under Communist rule two years later, according to

The site said more that three million people, including 58,000 Americans lost their lives during the war.

Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Director Caught Admitting Babies Born Alive After Abortion are Killed

Reported by Steven Ertelt  |  Mar 29, 2017   |   9:05AM  |  Washington, DC

A shocking new undercover video exposes a Planned Parenthood medical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed. The top Planned Parenthood official is caught on video essentially admitting that it “depends on who is in the room” as to whether or not a baby who is born alive after a failed abortion is taken to the hospital or left to die.

The new undercover video shows DeShawn Taylor, previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Arizona and longtime abortion practitioner at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, graphically describing how to deliver intact fetuses in late-term abortions to harvest high-quality body parts, and indicating possible cover-up of infanticide.

The footage is never-before-released material obtained by The Center for Medical Progress, whose undercover videos recorded top-level Planned Parenthood leaders negotiating the harvesting and sale of the hearts, lungs, livers, and brains of aborted fetuses for financial benefit.

At a networking reception at a Planned Parenthood conference, CMP investigators posing as buyers from a biotech company are introduced to Dr. Taylor by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services.

Taylor explains to the investigators, “In Arizona, if the fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed to transport it. To the hospital.” When one investigator then asks, “Is there any standard procedure for verifying signs of of life?”

Taylor replies, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”

Taylor then laughs as she repeats what the Arizona law requires, and says, “It’s a mess. It’s a mess.”

The Planned Parenthood medical director also admits that Planned Parenthood does its best to obtain intact fetal organs to sell essentially the body parts of aborted babies.

Taylor confirms she does elective abortions on healthy fetuses and pregnant women up to 24 weeks. When the investigators ask her about obtaining intact fetal organs, Dr. Taylor replies, “It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact, but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby.”

Additionally, the Planned Parenthood official says she doesn’t like it when people call and born children babies because she considers that “creepy.”

She continues, “We have the people who do our paperwork for the fetal death certificates, they email us calling them ‘babies’. Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m like, that’s creepy!”

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Taylor acknowledges that the feticidal chemical digoxin cannot be used in an abortion where fetal body parts will be harvested for sale, but she remarks that in a standard dismemberment dilation and evacuation abortion, “My biceps appreciate when the dig[oxin] works,” to kill the fetus before the procedure. “I remember when I was a [Family Planning] Fellow and I was training, I was like, Oh, I have to hit the gym for this,” she says, describing the force she feels in her biceps when performing a dismemberment abortion with forceps.

Dr. Taylor also mentions she was trained by Dr. Nucatola. In CMP’s first-released video in July 2015, Dr. Nucatola discussed the per-specimen pricing of fetal tissue and harvesting intact hearts, lungs, livers, and brains using partial-birth abortions.

CMP Project Lead David Daleiden notes, “This footage shows a longtime Planned Parenthood abortion doctor willing to sell baby parts for profit, use criminal abortion methods to get more intact body parts, and even cover up infanticide. This doctor was trained by Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, and encouraged by her to participate in the fetal body parts market. This footage is just a preview of the damning and incriminating admissions of Planned Parenthood leaders on our further unreleased tapes, being censored by an unconstitutional gag order from a federal judge in San Francisco.”

Daleiden continues, “The only difference between Planned Parenthood’s barbaric abortion business, and that of the notorious Dr. Kermit Gosnell, is that Gosnell was not so careful as to ‘pay attention to who’s in the room.’ Elected officials must stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize Planned Parenthood’s criminal abortion business, and the Department of Justice must immediately open a full investigation and prosecute Planned Parenthood to the fullest extent of the law.”

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). In December, after over a year of comprehensive, nationwide investigation, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America, several of the largest Planned Parenthood affiliates in the country, and three of their fetal parts business associates to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.


Feminists Silent on Illegal Alien Violence Against Women. Female activist groups mute on horrific Rockville rape, danger posed to women by sanctuary policies

Reported by Jim Stinson | Updated 29 Mar 2017 at 6:32 AM

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The rape of a 14-year-old teenager in Maryland by at least one illegal immigrant has caused outrage throughout the nation, but generated surprisingly little outcry from feminist activists. Guatemalan Henry E. Sanchez-Milian, 18, and a 17-year-old male were charged with raping their classmate in Rockville High School. Authorities confirmed that Sanchez-Milian was an illegal immigrant who was being considered for deportation prior to the assault.

Sanchez-Milian’s father, Adolfo Sanchez-Reyes, 43, was also arrested on Friday after authorities discovered he was in the United States illegally.

The girl was raped in a Rockville High School bathroom earlier this month, but the report of the alleged crime began to reverberate last week. The reaction on the Left and in the media has been largely mutedeven given the brutalization of a young girl.

“ABC, NBC, CBS did not cover it on their nightly news broadcasts,” said Bill O’Reilly on “The O’Reilly Factor” on March 22. “CNN did not cover the Maryland story in prime time last night. Ditto MSNBC. That is beyond anything I have ever seen in my 40 years-plus of journalism.”

But surprisingly, even many feminist and domestic violence activists have remained mum on addressing the issue, a week after the news hit. 



The official web page for the National Organization for Women, the longtime feminist group, doesn’t mention the Rockville High School case. Instead, it urges members to “#StopGorsuch,” President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, as part of an effort to preserve reproductive rights.

On the Feminist Majority Foundation’s website, no mention of the alleged crime has been made. The site features a number to call regarding violence against women. It also has an article entitled, “No more excuses: Rape is rape.” The article calls for a reduction in the backlog of rape kits collected by police. The group’s news blog makes no mention of the Rockville High incident, instead updating the page on Tuesday with an article, “GOP Healthcare Bill Fails, But Could Be Reintroduced.”

The official website for the Women’s March on Washington, which turned out tens of thousands of women on Jan. 21, makes no mention of the issue. But the site has been updated on another issue — a controversy over missing black and Latina girls in Washington, D.C.

At Latina magazine, the consequences of President Trump’s immigration policies are pondered, without reference to Rockville.

In a Monday article by Nichole Fratangelo, Latina writes, “Undocumented immigrants aren’t exactly feeling comfortable in Trump’s America, so much so that women are keeping quiet about their assault cases. According to NPR, four women in Colorado have dropped their cases of domestic abuse due to fear of being deported.”

And the Rockville City Council heard citizen testimony on Monday about making the Maryland city a “sanctuary city.” Just days earlier, the Maryland State House of Delegates approved a bill to make Maryland a sanctuary state.

Maria Espinoza, director of the The Remembrance Project, which advocates for families whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens, told LifeZette Tuesday she was disappointed feminists have been silent on the Rockville case. Too often organizations that purport to advocate for women allow their liberal tendencies to keep them silent when women are the victims of illegal immigrant crime, Espinoza said.

“It’s obvious they’re placing their very liberal agenda ahead of our safety,” said Espinoza. “Here they stand down when a little girl is raped.”

Sanctuary policies came into sharp focus on Monday, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned the Department of Justice was serious about withholding federal grants to localities that pursue such policies.

Hans van Spakovsky, a legal analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said the government’s own data shows millions of crimes are committed by the sizable segment of the illegal alien community, who keep getting released in sanctuary jurisdictions.

It’s totally preventable,” said Espinoza. “It’s a shame they’re putting our children at risk.”

The Clarion Project for March 29, 2017


Suspended for Challenging Radical Islam A Christian college student was banned for challenging his radical Islamist professor. Join Our Campus Campaign


Whip or Be Whipped ISIS’ cruelty knows no bounds Watch


Jailed for a Painting A young, Turkish artist was sentenced to almost 3 years for a painting of Turkish forces destroying a Kurdish village. Challenge Islamism Now


13 States Ask for Revised Travel Ban The states say Trump’s order is not religious discrimination but rather necessary security. Read

Readers Write
Suspended for Challenging Radical Islam

“Why in the hell are our colleges hiring these radical professors that teach our kids? Does anybody do background checks on these people? Universities appear to be going to hell in a hand basket.”


Why Does Europe Have High Numbers of Jihadis Compared to America?

“They are waiting to pounce, but using Europe as a test to see how far they can go. More bleeding hearts in Europe. God help us in Canada. Trudeau just passed an anti-islamaphobia law that threatens our free speech about Islam.”


Memes Found on Pinterest


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Full Steam Ahead

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Obama’s anemic economic plan of the pass eight yeas in already looking pathetic compared to Trump aggressive approach to the economy and jobs.

Trump vs Obama Economy / Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017.

More A.F. Branco cartoons at Patriot Update here.

A.F.Branco Coffee Table Book <—- Order Here! Pro-Life News Report

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Top Stories
• Senate Votes Thursday on Bill to Overturn Obama Rule Forcing States to Fund Planned Parenthood
• Speaker Paul Ryan Committed to Defund Planned Parenthood: We Want to “Get It in the Law”
• Republicans Hold Unity Meeting to Craft New Bill to Repeal Obamacare and Defund Planned Parenthood
• Woman Who Had 10 Abortions Was Headed to Planned Parenthood for Her 11th. But Something Happened

More Pro-Life News
• Jane Fonda Turns Killing Babies Into a Fashion Statement With Planned Parenthood Pin
• Catholic College Representative: “We Defend the Fundamental Right to Abortion”
• Actress Kathleen Turner Will Headline Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Abortion Clinic Director Slams Neil Gorsuch: He Will “Oppress Women” and Hates Planned Parenthood
• Denmark Wants Total Elimination of People With Down Syndrome, Aborts 98% of Babies
• Abortion Advocates Tell Me I Have a “Horrible Life” Because I Have Spina Bifida. They’re Wrong
• Texas Senate Passes Bill to Stop Health Insurance Programs From Funding Abortions With Your Premiums
• Tennessee House Committee Passes Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks
• West Virginia House Passes Bill for Parental Notification Before Teen Can Have an Abortion
• Missouri House Approves Pro-Life Bill to Stop Sanctuary Cities for Abortion
• Indiana House Committee Passes Pro-Life Bill Increasing Parental Rights Before Teen Abortions

Senate Votes Thursday on Bill to Overturn Obama Rule Forcing States to Fund Planned Parenthood
The Senate will vote Thursday on a bill to overturn a rule pro-abortion President Barack Obama put in place preventing states from defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

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Speaker Paul Ryan Committed to Defund Planned Parenthood: We Want to “Get It in the Law”
In an interview today, Speaker Paul Ryan said he is committed to defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business and wants to use the reconciliation method to make sure it becomes federal law.

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Republicans Hold Unity Meeting to Craft New Bill to Repeal Obamacare and Defund Planned Parenthood
Republicans in the House are putting together another attempt at repealing Obamacare and defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

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Woman Who Had 10 Abortions Was Headed to Planned Parenthood for Her 11th. But Something Happened
God uses little actions to save lives. He did it recently in Houston, Texas where a baby was just saved from an abortion … and all it took to change a young woman’s mind was seeing one prayer volunteer holding a sign.

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Jane Fonda Turns Killing Babies Into a Fashion Statement With Planned Parenthood Pin
When it comes to business, Planned Parenthood is for Hollywood and diapers are for Trump, according to two liberal activist celebrities.

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Catholic College Representative: “We Defend the Fundamental Right to Abortion”
A lecturer at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium is under fire for calling abortion “murder” in a document to about 100 students.

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Actress Kathleen Turner Will Headline Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
Supporting the abortion chain Planned Parenthood has become somewhat of a trend among celebrities recently.

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Abortion Clinic Director Slams Neil Gorsuch: He Will “Oppress Women” and Hates Planned Parenthood
When members of the Senate cast their votes on the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch, the head of the only abortion clinic in the state of North Dakota hopes they will vote no.

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Missouri House Approves Pro-Life Bill to Stop Sanctuary Cities for Abortion

Indiana House Committee Passes Pro-Life Bill Increasing Parental Rights Before Teen Abortions

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EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

Reported by Photo of Richard Pollock Richard Pollock | Reporter | 9:46 PM 03/27/2017

Tony Podesta (Youtube screen grab)

Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,” according to the DOJ.

The Department of Commerce also released other documents showing ZTE executives had “ongoing projects in all five major embargoed countries — Iran, Sudan, North Korea, Syria and Cuba.”

“We are putting the world on notice: The games are over,” said Commerce Secretary Wilbur L. Ross when the guilty plea settlement was announced. “Those who flout our economic sanctions and export control laws will not go unpunished — they will suffer the harshest of consequences.”

The ZTE equipment included network servers, optical devices and other telecommunication equipment, but also shipped surveillance software that could be used to spy on Iranian dissidents, DOJ said.

While Podesta was lobbying the Obama administration, his brother, John Podesta, was campaign chairman of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run. The brothers’ relationship meant Tony had special clout within the Obama administration as ZTE’s negotiations with DOJ progressed.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms. Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC). Podesta did not report his representation of ZTE to DOJ under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), and reports to the Senate clerk are much less detailed than those required under FARA. Last year, Podesta also avoided FARA regulations with another foreign-based client, Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank. Podesta received $170,000 for six months of work as he sought to lift U.S. economic sanctions then weighing on the Russian bank, but did not report it under FARA, as reported by TheDCNF on March 6 and March 7.

ZTE’s problems did not occur overnight but have been known throughout the nation’s capital since 2012. The case broke that year when the House Intelligence Committee released a scathing report that criticized the national security risks posed by ZTE and its Chinese competitor Huawei. The House Intelligence Committee concluded that “Huawei and ZTE have failed to assuage the committee’s significant security concerns presented by their continued expansion into the US … In fact, given their obstructionist behavior, the committee believes addressing these concerns have become an imperative for the country.” Huawei eventually abandoned the U.S. market after intelligence officials alleged it was a national security threat to the United States as a potential cyber mole for the Chinese government.

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016.

Podesta organized a team in January 2016 comprised of 11 lobbyists to defend ZTE in the criminal investigation. Ten members of the team previously worked at either the departments of State, Defense or Commerce, or the NSC, including David Adams, who was the assistant secretary of state under Hillary Clinton. Another team member was Mark Tavlarides, who served as a special assistant for international security affairs at the Defense Department and at NSC under former President Bill Clinton.

ZTE’s stonewalling of federal agencies has been considered legendary. The UK’s Guardian, which covered the case, reported the company “refused to provide any documents on its activities in Iran, but did provide a list of 19 individuals who serve on the Chinese Communist Party committee within the company.” ZTE tried to keep documents from federal prosecutors by citing China’s secrecy laws. The DOJ reported that “ZTE’s most senior managers constructed an elaborate scheme to evade detection by U.S. authorities.”

Matthew Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney who founded the nonprofit government watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), told TheDCNF, “ZTE clearly understood what they were doing.  The extreme level of deception of their lawyers and their consultants is why the U.S. Government used such a heavy hand.”

Another lawyer who represented one of the U.S. companies affected by ZTE’s illegal activities told TheDCNF that they are persona non-grata within the government because of the intelligence concerns that have been raised in the past.”

The attorney, who requested anonymity, said he wasn’t surprised by ZTE’s hiring of Podesta. “When you have a desperate client, a desperate client goes to desperate means. And Podesta was so close to the prior administration,” he said.

TheDCNF sought comments from ZTE, its attorneys and the Podesta Group but none were received.

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Rep. Mo Brooks files bill to repeal Obamacare

Reported By Paul Gattis Paul Gattis | | |  The Huntsville Times | on March 27, 2017 at 3:23 PM, | updated March 28, 2017 at 9:53 AM

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, introduced the bill Friday. “This Act may be cited as the ‘Obamacare Repeal Act,'” the bill states. And the bill uses just one sentence to do it.

“Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted,” the bill states.

And that’s it – one sentence.

Mo Brooks sticks to plan, opposes GOP health care plan

Mo Brooks sticks to plan, opposes GOP health care plan

Brooks has long been critical of the bill and last-ditch negotiations between House leaders, Trump and the conservative House Freedom Caucus – of which Brooks is a member – failed to sway his position.

Another bill signed into law by former President Barack Obama – the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 – would also be repealed under Brooks’ bill. The health care aspect of the law is also considered a part of Obamacare.

In a statement on Friday announcing he would oppose the Republican health care plan, which was eventually pulled from a vote because of a lack of support, Brooks said he had plans to introduce the bill to repeal Obamacare.

Present Trump asked House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to halt debate without a vote.

Brooks challenged his fellow lawmakers in Washington to sign the discharge petition that would bring the bill out of committee, where it otherwise could be left to die. Brooks’ bill has no co-sponsors at this point.

“If the American people want to repeal Obamacare, this is their last, best chance during the 115th Congress,” Brooks said. “Those Congressmen who are sincere about repealing Obamacare may prove it by signing the discharge petition.”

“At a minimum, the discharge petition will, like the sun burning away the fog, show American voters who really wants to repeal Obamacare and who merely acts that way during election time.”

Obamacare Repeal Act by pgattis7719 on Scribd

Trump AG targets LA over immigration: You better not be a ‘sanctuary city’ or no fed grants for you

Posted by on March 27, 2017

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

Photo via Wikimedia Commons


Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday local jurisdictions seeking U.S. Department of Justice grants must first demonstrate they are not sanctuary cities — a threat that could potentially apply to Los Angeles and other local municipalities. Sessions said jurisdictions must prove they are in compliance with Section 1373 of U.S. Code Title 8, which requires notification of federal officials about the immigration status of people in local custody. The policy was issued under the Barack Obama administration in 2016, but was not enforced.

“The American people know that when cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe,” Sessions said.

Sessions noted that the Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs and Community Oriented Policing Services expect to issue about $4.1 billion in grants during the current fiscal year. Sessions’ comments were in line with an executive order issued by President Donald Trump in January that threatened to cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities. The potential financial impact to local jurisdictions deemed to be uncooperative with federal immigration authorities was not immediately clear. The city of Los Angeles received $1.4 million from the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program this fiscal year, according to the Justice Department’s website.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Los Angeles County received $3.4 million in 2015 from the DOJ’s State Criminal Alien Assistance Program — an amount that represents about one-tenth of 1 percent of the sheriff’s department’s budget.

While there is no specific definition of a sanctuary city or jurisdiction, it often refers to a city or county that refuses to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that is has an immigrant in the country illegally in its custody. Federal law requires the notification, even if the person has not been convicted of a crime, but many jurisdictions ignore the law.

Los Angeles’ leaders have resisted officially labeling the city as a sanctuary city, although many others cities, including San Francisco and Portland, have taken on the label. The policy of the Los Angeles Police Department is to only hold a person for ICE if there is a federal criminal warrant out for their arrest.

Mayor Eric Garcetti signed an executive order March 21 directing the city’s harbor and airport police to follow Los Angeles Police Department Special Order 40, which has been in place since 1979. It prohibits officers from initiating any police activity for the sole purpose of identifying someone’s immigration status. The executive order also bars any city employee from assisting any federal agency when the primary purpose is federal civil immigration enforcement.

“All residents must feel safe and supported when accessing the vast array of city facilities, programs, and services available to them,” the order states.

Rep. Tony Cardenas, D-Panorama City, called Sessions’ remarks “unwarranted and misguided.”

“As the facts have shown time and time again, sanctuary cities are both safer and better off economically,” Cardenas said. “This administration’s backwards policies will make life worse for the millions of Americans that live in these cities.”

Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, echoed those remarks, saying cooperation between police and residents in “immigrant-welcoming” cities leads to safer communities.

“The A.G. is needlessly threatening to cut funding to cities for doing what every jurisdiction across the country should do — welcome diversity and ensure their local law enforcement builds strong bonds of trust and communication with all communities,” she said.

— City News Service


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Repeal and Repaste

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Repealing A new entitlement such as Obamacare is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube once it’s out. Pro-Life News Report

Monday, March 27, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Top Stories
• Democrats Force Delay on Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Confirmation Vote, Plan Filibuster on Senate Floor
• Trump Blasts Republicans Who Voted Against Defunding Planned Parenthood, “They Saved Planned Parenthood”
• Newborn Baby Girl Rescued After She Was Buried Alive by Her Parents Who Wanted a Boy
• 3-Month-Old Unborn Baby Found Buried in the Mud

More Pro-Life News
• Baby’s Birth at the Legal Abortion Limit Should Change The Abortion Debate
• Court Stops Woman From Aborting Her 27-Week-Old Unborn Baby Who May be Disabled
• This Conservative Was Banned After She Promoted Abortion and Trashed Pro-Lifers as “Hypocrites”
• Utah Gov Signs Bill to Save Babies From the Abortion Pill After It Has Already Started
• 251 Babies Saved From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign
• Abortionist Who Killed a Woman in a Botched Abortion Injures Another in Abortion at 17 Weeks
• When Her Water Broke at 22 Weeks, Doctors Said Her Baby Had Just a 5% Chance to Live
• What if Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Were as Bad as Big Abortion Says They Are?
• The Painful Reality of Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off a Baby’s Limbs
• Minnesota Pro-Abortion Legislator Tim Walz Launches Campaign for Governor
• Kansas House Committee Passes Pro-Life Simon’s Law to Protect Babies From DNR Orders

Democrats Force Delay on Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Confirmation Vote, Plan Filibuster on Senate Floor
Senate Democrats have forced a delay on the committee vote for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

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Trump Blasts Republicans Who Voted Against Defunding Planned Parenthood, “They Saved Planned Parenthood”
President Donald Trump is blasting those Republicans who voted on Friday against the measure to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal portions of Obamacare.

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Newborn Baby Girl Rescued After She Was Buried Alive by Her Parents Who Wanted a Boy
President Donald Trump is pushing the bill to defund Planned Parenthood today saying that funding for the abortion business will continue if opponents of the measure stop it.

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3-Month-Old Unborn Baby Found Buried in the Mud
Authorities are investigating what happened to a very premature baby whose body was found buried in the mud recently in South Delhi, India.

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Baby’s Birth at the Legal Abortion Limit Should Change The Abortion Debate
When Peyton Keir was born 16 weeks early last July, doctors warned her parents that she may not survive.

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Court Stops Woman From Aborting Her 27-Week-Old Unborn Baby Who May be Disabled
The Supreme Court of India rejected on Monday a woman’s request for permission to abort her late-term unborn baby because of physical abnormalities.

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This Conservative Was Banned After She Promoted Abortion and Trashed Pro-Lifers as “Hypocrites”
Popular conservative commentator Tomi Lahren reportedly is gone from The Blaze after she spoke up in support of abortion earlier this month.

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Utah Gov Signs Bill to Save Babies From the Abortion Pill After It Has Already Started
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert signed a law on Saturday that will require abortion clinics to tell women about an abortion pill reversal process that potentially could save their baby’s life.

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Minnesota Pro-Abortion Legislator Tim Walz Launches Campaign for Governor

Kansas House Committee Passes Pro-Life Simon’s Law to Protect Babies From DNR Orders

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Nationwide String of Violent Crimes Involving Illegal Aliens. Four-time deported MS-13 gangster rapes toddler, stabs two women

Reported by Edmund Kozak | Updated 27 Mar 2017 at 7:23 AM

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An MS-13 gang member who was previously deported four times was arrested on Long Island, New York, last week for sexually assaulting a two-year-old girl and stabbing two women. Police suspect 31-year-old Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, an illegal alien from El Salvador, sexually assaulted his victim on Tuesday night while her mother was at work.

After the assault, the suspect is said to have gone to a bar where he stabbed a woman over a dispute about marijuana. Upon returning home early Wednesday morning, the two-year-old victim’s mother noticed injuries to her daughter and confronted Alvarado-Ventura, who then stabbed her as well. Alvarado-Ventura plead not guilty to the crimes Thursday.

The crime is “probably the most heinous criminal act I’ve ever seen. It really is nauseating,” acting Nassau County Police Commissioner Thomas Krumpter said at a news conference Thursday.

Alvarado-Ventura was deported to El Salvador four times between 2006 and 2011, police confirmed, and had a record which included arrests for assault, contempt of court, drunk driving, disorderly conduct, and false impersonation.

The horrific crime comes on the heels of news that illegal alien Henry Sanchez-Millian, an 18-year-old Guatemalan, and Jose Montano, a 17-year-old from El Salvador, brutally raped a 14-year-old classmate during school hours in Rockville, Maryland.

The pair of incidents follow a spate of recent heinous sex crimes involving illegal aliens, forcing increased press attention nationwide.


In early March, 19-year-old Guatemalan Douglas Hus-Flores was arrested in Stamford, Connecticut, after sexually assaulting a three-year-old girl. That same week, 29-year-old Jorge Zapata-Rosas was arrested in Texas for raping a seven-year-old girl.

19-year-old illegal alien Kevin Cisneros was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Trenton, New Jersey, for the sexual assault of a 14-year-old and 44-year-old illegal alien Mateo Campos-Garcia was arrested in Rowan County, North Carolina, for indecent liberties with a child and a first-degree sexual offense.

Also, in March, Border Patrol agents apprehended at least three convicted illegal alien sex offenders trying to re-enter the United States. Zeferino Galindo-Lopes, 32, Francisco Bravo-Ruelas, 38, and Rene Murillo-Almansa, 46, were arrested in Arizona. All three had convictions for serious sexual offenses involving children.

In just January and February of this year, North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE), which tracks sex crimes committed by illegal aliens, identified 40 illegal aliens charged with over 85 sexual offenses in just the Tar Heel State.

An NYPD report titled “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” from 2015, the latest year for which one is publicly available, shows Hispanics accounted for 31.2 percent of murder arrests, 30.1 percent of robbery arrests, 33.7 percent of felonious assault arrests, 28.7 percent of grand larceny arrests, and 28.1 percent of shooting arrests respectively.

These numbers align relatively closely to the city’s Hispanic population — which according to the Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey was 29 percent of its inhabitants. However, of the arrests for various sexual offenses, Hispanics made up a significantly higher percentage. Hispanics accounted for 41 percent of misdemeanor sex crime arrests, 42.6 percent of rape arrests, and nearly half — 47.3 percent — of other felonious sex crime arrests, the NYPD report shows.

In addition to being a child rapist, Alvarado-Ventura is a suspected member of the brutal MS-13 gang, whose increased violent activities have been reported on in various parts of the nation.

On March 2, 13 MS-13 gang members, 10 of whom are illegal aliens, were indicted for a string of crimes including the murders of two area teenagers. That same week, two MS-13 gang members in Houston, Texas were arrested for murdering a teenage girl during asatanic ritual.

Three weeks ago, Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued detainers for six MS-13 members in Virginia involved in the January killing of 15-year-old Damaris Alexandra Reyes Rivas of Gaithersburg, Maryland. Two other bodies, suspected victims of the vicious gang, were discovered in Virginia only days before the detainers were issued.

Scientists Plan to Block The Sun With Geo-Engineering to Combat Climate Change?

Reported By Andrew West March 27, 2017

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The absurdity of the climate change hoaxers has taken a full step further into the bizarre as scientists from Harvard are planning a ridiculous stunt.

That the climate change hoax has persisted for this long, in the face of hard scientific evidence debunking the entire agenda, is a testament to the stubborn ignorance of the left.  By perpetuating the fallacy that we are on an unstoppable path to global destruction based on our own habits is the only way that some of these cockamamy liberals can legislate anything.  It’s their doom and gloom fear mongering that has helped to prolong the inevitable demise of their hoax.

Now, spurred on by these asinine ideas that have been allowed to fester, scientists from Harvard are moving forward with their insane plan to spray the sky with geo-engineered materials aimed at blocking the sun, all in the hopes of preventing the mythical global warming.

“Sometime next year, Harvard professors David Keith and Frank Keutsch hope to launch a high-altitude balloon, tethered to a gondola equipped with propellers and sensors, from a site in Tucson, Arizona. After initial engineering tests, the “Strato Cruiser” would spray a fine mist of materials such as sulfur dioxide, alumina, or calcium carbonate into the stratosphere. The sensors would then measure the reflectivity of the particles, the degree to which they disperse or coalesce, and the way they interact with other compounds in the atmosphere.

“The researchers first proposed these balloon experiments in a 2014 paper. But at a geoengineering conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Keith said they have begun engineering design work with Arizona test balloon company World View Enterprises. They’ve also started discussions about the appropriate governance structure for such an experiment, and they plan to set up an independent body to review their proposals.

“’We would like to have the first flights next year,’ he said at the Forum on U.S. Solar Geoengineering Research, held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.”

The idea of spraying our atmosphere with heavy chemicals such as these is akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater, in terms of the safety of all Americans.  While global warming has yet to cause a single fatality, the possibility of these experiments affecting a large swatch of humanity is very real.

Leave it to the left to come up with such a plan.

CA Sen. Kamala Harris: No on Gorsuch, because he rules on law & not feelings

Posted by  | Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 8:00pm | 3/26/2017 – 8:00pm

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Californians don’t know what to make of Harris, either. I wrote that California’s junior U.S. Senator was probably going to be worse than Barbara “Call me Senator” Boxer, little did I realize how quickly I would be proven right. She recently promoted an op-ed she prepared explaining why she wasn’t going to vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court with the silliest tweet since Charlie Sheen’s #Winning.

In other words, Harris has problems with Gorsuch because he believes in the rule of law and wants to follow the U.S. Constitution.

Her actual op-ed was also a real treat. After stating Gorsuch was impressive, she offers the same trite and thin analysis of his rulings that has been provided by progressive, social justice advocates.

…The rest of Judge Gorsuch’s record also shows he’s willing to favor corporations over the American people. He believes companies can impose their religious views on employees and deny women birth-control coverage. And he has been hostile toward federal agencies that protect American workers and consumers.

Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the civil rights hero who argued Brown and inspired my career, once bluntly defined his judicial philosophy, saying, “You do what you think is right and let the law catch up.” In simple terms, Justice Marshall appreciated that the ultimate goal of the law was justice. By stark contrast, Judge Gorsuch has consistently valued narrow legalisms over real lives. I must do what’s right. I cannot support his nomination.

Interestingly, A Public Policy Institute of California poll shows that the confirmation process has not been kind to either of our senators. Dianne Feinstein’s numbers have plummeted, and Californian’s simply don’t know what to make of Harris.

…30 percent of Californians – including 20 percent of Democrats – say they don’t know how to rate Harris’ performance, according to the poll, which is the PPIC’s first post-election measure of Harris’ job approval.

Feinstein, who has served in the Senate for 25 years and is expected to seek re-election in 2018, saw her job approval rating among California adults fall seven percentage points from early 2016, to 49 percent. Thirty-two percent of Californians disapprove of the job she is doing.

Feinstein is currently 83 years old. Though she would be 90 at the conclusion of the next term, if she prevails in the election, I dread the thought of Harris being the senior senator from this state.


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Readers Write
French PM Launches Plan to Integrate Returning Children of Jihadis

“Depends on the age. The younger they are, the better the chances of actual rehabilitation to a “normal” sense. IMHO…..but who knows. I refuse to give up on the little ones.”


Send Your Condolences to Family of Murdered Police Officer

“May God uphold you and comfort you at this tragic time. We thank you for the bravery of your husband/ father/ son who was killed doing his job of protecting the public. We should always be grateful for the courage of our police force.”


Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

Reported | Morning Mix | March 27 at 7:14 AM

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Veteran broadcast journalist Ted Koppel has long railed against news shows that wear their politics on their sleeves. And on Sunday, he pulled no punches with Sean Hannity. In a tense exchange on CBS Sunday Morning, Koppel told the Fox News host and staunch supporter of President Trump that his brand of opinion-based journalism was harming the country.

The segment focused on the political divide in America and the role partisan news programming played in driving liberals and conservatives further apart. During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.

Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity was accused of going soft on Donald Trump – even by his coworker, anchor Megyn Kelly. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity was accused of going soft on Donald Trump – even by his coworker, anchor Megyn Kelly. Is Sean Hannity too friendly with Donald Trump? (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)

After the segment aired, Hannity responded with a series of tweets calling the show “Fake Edited News” and accusing CBS of leaving out parts of his answers that discussed media bias. He asked CBS to release the raw recording of the interview, which he said ran about 45 minutes.

In the decade-plus since he stepped down as host of ABC’s “Nightline” after 25 years, Koppel has lamented a changing media landscape that he sayscelebrates the opinions of overtly partisan news hosts at the expense of neutral reporting. He has criticized journalists on the right and the left for biased coverage, particularly those at Fox News and its liberal-leaning rival MSNBC.

“The commercial success of both Fox News and MSNBC is a source of nonpartisan sadness for me. While I can appreciate the financial logic of drowning television viewers in a flood of opinions designed to confirm their own biases, the trend is not good for the republic,” Koppel wrote in a Washington Post column in 2010.

“Beginning, perhaps, from the reasonable perspective that absolute objectivity is unattainable, Fox News and MSNBC no longer even attempt it,” he said. “They show us the world not as it is, but as partisans (and loyal viewers) at either end of the political spectrum would like it to be. This is to journalism what Bernie Madoff was to investment: He told his customers what they wanted to hear, and by the time they learned the truth, their money was gone.”

In the same column, Koppel called then-MSNBC host Keith Olbermann the “most opinionated” among the network’s “left-leaning, Fox-baiting, money-generating hosts. More than a million viewers flocked to his nightly program because Olbermann was “unabashedly and monotonously partisan,” he said.

Koppel lumped MSNBC host Rachel Maddow into the same category, along with Glenn Beck, who was a Fox News host at the time.

He waded into the issue of media partisanship during the 2016 election as well. In a March 2016 appearance on Fox News’s “O’Reilly Factor”, Koppel scolded host Bill O’Reilly about the political debate surrounding then-candidate Trump, who had just triumphed in the Super Tuesday primaries. O’Reilly told Koppel he had interviewed Trump on many occasions. “Not an easy interview,” he said. “How would you do it?”

“It’s irrelevant how I would do it,” Koppel fired back. “And you know who made it irrelevant? You did.”

O’Reilly, seemingly unfazed, asked him to elaborate. And Koppel did — in an exchange not unlike his discussion with Hannity on Sunday.

“You have changed the television landscape over the past 20 years. You took it from being objective and dull to being subjective and entertaining,” Koppel told O’Reilly. “And in this current climate, it doesn’t matter what the interviewer asks him. Mr. Trump is going to say whatever he wants to say, as outrageous as it may be.”


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Collateral Damage

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After eight years, the GOP cost of attempting to repeal and replace may be their own demise while Obamacare remains intact..

Political INCORRECTNESS from the Pen of Jerry Holbert Pro-Life News Report

Friday, March 24, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Top Stories
• House Pulls Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood After Conservatives Say Obamacare Not Repealed Enough
• House Rules Committee Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
• President Trump Pushes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood: “P.P. Will Continue if They Stop This Plan”
• New Analysis: Obamacare Regulations Drove Up Health Insurance Premium Costs By Up to 68%

More Pro-Life News
• Abortion Biz CEO Cecile Richards: Women Will “Lose Their Lives” if Planned Parenthod Defunded
• Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Slams Ivanka Trump for Not Defending Abortion
• Woman’s Heartwarming Letter About Son With Down Syndrome: “He Taught Me to Live in the Joy of the Moment”
• Man Stabs His Girlfriend More Than Two Dozen Times Because She Refused an Abortion
• At Planned Parenthood Women are 160 Times More Likely to be Sold an Abortion Than Helped With Adoption
• Planned Parenthood Cartoon Draws Unborn Baby as a Merely a Dot
• This Woman is Going to Dance Around in a Giant Birth Control Packet to Promote Abortion
• Media Trashes Pregnancy Centers for Advertising Abortion Alternatives
• ACLU Waging All-Out War to Prevent Women From Seeing Ultrasound of Their Baby Before an Abortion
• Paramedics Forced to Wheel Woman Injured in Botched Abortion Through Back Alley of Trash and Dumpsters
• Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Pro-Life Advocates Outside Abortion Clinic
• Hawaii Defeats Dangerous Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide
• Hong Kong Adoption Agency Has Served 53,000 Women, Saving Thousands of Babies From Abortion

House Pulls Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood After Conservatives Say Obamacare Not Repealed Enough
Republicans in the House of Representatives have pulled the bill to defund Planned Parenthood after conservative Republicans said the legislation did not go far enough in repealing ObamaCare.

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House Rules Committee Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
The House Rules Committee this morning passed a bill that would defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business and repeal major parts of Obamacare.

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President Trump Pushes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood: “P.P. Will Continue if They Stop This Plan”
President Donald Trump is pushing the bill to defund Planned Parenthood today saying that funding for the abortion business will continue if opponents of the measure stop it.

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New Analysis: Obamacare Regulations Drove Up Health Insurance Premium Costs By Up to 68%
Obamacare caused premiums to rise for various reasons, chief among them being the vast new regulations the law imposed on insurance markets.

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Abortion Biz CEO Cecile Richards: Women Will “Lose Their Lives” if Planned Parenthod Defunded
Women will “lose their lives” with the new GOP healthcare bill, according to the president of Planned Parenthood.

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Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Slams Ivanka Trump for Not Defending Abortion
The president of Planned Parenthood criticized President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka on Friday for not speaking up for the abortion chain’s taxpayer funding.

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Woman’s Heartwarming Letter About Son With Down Syndrome: “He Taught Me to Live in the Joy of the Moment”
British mom Molly Macleod said raising a son with Down syndrome is not what she expected.

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Man Stabs His Girlfriend More Than Two Dozen Times Because She Refused an Abortion
Hydrocephalus is a disease where fluid collects in the brain of an unborn baby. the prognosis varies, but many children with hydrocephalus go on to live normal lives.

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Paramedics Forced to Wheel Woman Injured in Botched Abortion Through Back Alley of Trash and Dumpsters

Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Pro-Life Advocates Outside Abortion Clinic

Hawaii Defeats Dangerous Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide

Hong Kong Adoption Agency Has Served 53,000 Women, Saving Thousands of Babies From Abortion

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Judge Sides With Trump Administration, Refuses To Block Travel Ban

Reported by Photo of Alex Pfeiffer Alex Pfeiffer | Reporter | 12:27 PM 03/24/2017

U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee at the White House in Washington, DC, U.S., March 22, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee at the White House in Washington, DC, U.S., March 22, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

A federal judge in Virginia ruled Friday against blocking President Trump’s executive order that called for temporarily stopping the entry of immigrants from six majority-Muslim nations and refugee admittance overall. The decision against the injunction comes after federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii blocked the implementation of Trump’s executive order nationwide. The ruling in Maryland is set to be heard before an appeals court in May. These two past decisions keep the order at bay.

Judge Anthony Trenga of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia found that Trump was within his legal rights to impose the travel ban and that it was not discriminatory toward Muslims. The injunction had been brought forward by Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour, who was represented by an attorney from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Trenga, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote in his opinion that “the President has unqualified authority to bar physical entry to the United States at the border.” He said that the executive order makes no mention of religion and has a “state secular purpose” of protecting U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks.

The Hawaiian federal judge who knocked down the executive order cited past statements from Trump on the campaign trail talking about a “Muslim ban.” Judge Trenga, however, wrote, “In that regard, the Supreme Court has held that ‘past actions [do not] forever taint any effort on [the government’s] part to deal with the subject matter.’”

A Department of Justice spokeswoman said in a statement, “The Department of Justice is pleased with the ruling. As the Court correctly explains, the President’s Executive Order falls well within his authority to safeguard the nation’s security.”

The Associated Press reported that Sarsour’s attorney is expected to appeal the ruling.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in ‘refugee welcome baskets’

NDP Refugee Welcome Basket / screenshot | Nebraska Democratic Party

The Nebraska Democratic Party is welcoming refugees with open arms, welcome baskets … and voter registration forms.

The inclusion of a voter registration form in a “welcome” gift basket designed for refugee families is eyebrow-raising. Individuals with refugee status in the United States are only allowed to naturalize after they spend a minimum of five years in the U.S. and obtain permanent residence (a green card). But presumably, individuals who accept a “welcome” basket are new arrivals to the U.S. and have not met the requirements to become citizens. They would be ineligible to register to vote. Unfortunately, these requirements do not always stop voter fraud from occurring

Reached for comment, NDP Chairwoman Kleeb categorically denied any wrongdoing, stressing that “it is not illegal to be handing out voter registration forms so folks start to get familiar with the forms.”

When asked what the NDP expects refugees will do with voter registration forms, Kleeb said “Once they become citizens, it is our hope, like back in the day you would hear these stories of the Democrats in Ellis Island welcoming the Irish with food and a voter registration form, so it’s really that same concept.”

“We also just wanted them to know – the letter is from me as chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party – that they are welcomed in our state and that they can come to our events, and that we have an active Facebook page.”

“I put in my business card in those letters, and a bumper sticker for their cars just to make sure they knew that we, as the Democratic Party, welcomed them,” she added.

According to Kleeb, the purpose of sending voter registration forms to newly arrived refugees was so “they start to get familiar with democracy and how you become a voter in our country.”

“I registered individuals from Somalia and Sudan this election cycle that have recently become citizens, and this is a very new process for them. We had to sit down with them and really help them understand how to fill out their name and where to put in their birthdate because it’s just a whole new process for them than what they had in their home country,” Kleeb said.

When asked if the letter signed by Chairwoman Kleeb made clear that any non-citizen refugee who received the voter registration form would break the law by completing and submitting that form, Kleeb replied “I can look at our letter, I’m not sure I said, you know, ‘you have to fill out this form.’”

“Can I just be very clear that on the voter registration form it says that you have to be a U.S. citizen, so I don’t think that I said that in the letter, but on the voter registration form it talks about that,” she clarified.

Conservative Review requested a copy of the letter from the chairwoman, but did not receive it before publication. Advising a non-citizen to file a voter registration form would potentially violate Nebraska election law. There is no evidence to suggest that the Nebraska Democratic Party or its chairwoman violated the law.

According to Nebraska Secretary of State John Gale (R), anyone ”who purposely states a falsehood under oath, lawfully administered or in a statement made under penalty of election falsification ‘including a statement required for verifying or filing a voter registration application’, among other things, would be subject to a Class IV felony/ This would include a false statement that the person is a citizen of the United States. ( NE Rev 32-1502 ).”

“At the same time, under NE Rev 32-1503, subsection 11, any person who would aid, counsel, procure or advise any person to do any act forbidden by this section or to omit to do any act by law directed to be done shall be guilty of a Class IV felony,” he told CR in a statement.

A person guilty of committing a Class IV felony in Nebraska is subject up to a maximum two years imprisonment and twelve months post-release supervision and/or a ten thousand dollar fine.

Despite the Nebraska Democratic Party’s attempts to “familiarize” refugees with voter registration forms, the refugees who ultimately receive the donated supplies probably will not receive the voter registration forms.

According to Amelia Rosser, the Interim Assistant Director for the Refugee Empowerment Center, the items donated in each welcome basket will be sorted in the center’s donation area, then distributed to refugee families and those seeking help from the Refugee Empowerment Center based on need. When asked about the presence of voter registration forms in the donated baskets, Rosser said she “could neither confirm, nor deny” their inclusion, adding that “the voter registration cards would not be distributed” to refugees that had just arrived in the United States.

“As we will be sorting the donations, to be putting them to their like supplies that we have, to be given out to refugees based upon need, the voter registration cards would not likely be distributed,” Rosser said.

What the Nebraska Democratic Party has done with these welcome baskets is not illegal, but it may seem unusual, perhaps even improper. During her interview with CR, Chairwoman Kleeb was defensive and hostile at times, noting the “pretty right wing” views of CR Senior Editor Michelle Malkin. Kleeb told CR she thought it was “shameful” that “you guys are trying to make something like this into something bad.”

The full video posted to the Nebraska Democratic Party’s verified Facebook page is available below.


Chris Pandolfo is a staff writer and type-shouter for Conservative Review. He holds a B.A. in Politics and Economics from Hillsdale College. His interests are Conservative Political Philosophy, the American Founding, and Progressive Rock. Follow him on Twitter for doom-saying and great album recommendations @ChrisCPandolfo.

Potential ‘smoking gun’ showing Obama administration spied on Trump team, source says

Reported by James Rosen| Published March 23, 2017 |

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Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News.

Classified intelligence showing incidental collection of Trump team communications, purportedly seen by committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and described by him in vague terms at a bombshell Wednesday afternoon news conference, came from multiple sources, Capitol Hill sources told Fox News. The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretapped him in a series of now-infamous tweets posted on March 4.

The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources. The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration.

The FBI hasn’t been responsive to the House Intelligence Committee’s request for documents, but the National Security Agency is expected to produce documents to the committee by Friday. The NSA document production is expected to produce more intelligence than Nunes has so far seen or described – including what one source described as a potential “smoking gun” establishing the spying.

Some time will be needed to properly assess the materials, with the likely result being that congressional investigators and attorneys won’t have a solid handle on the contents of the documents – and their implications – until next week.

Because Nunes’s intelligence came from multiple sources during a span of several weeks, and he has not shared the actual materials with his committee colleagues, he will be the only member of the panel in a position to know whether the NSA has turned over some or all of the intelligence he is citing. However, Fox News was told Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had been briefed on the basic contents of the intelligence described by Nunes.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo is also sympathetic to the effort to determine, with documentary evidence, the extent of any alleged Obama administration spying on the Trump team, sources said. At a dramatic Wednesday news conference, Nunes claimed to have seen evidence that members of the Trump transition team, possibly including the president-elect, were subjected to “incidental surveillance” collection that Nunes characterized as legal but troubling.

“What I’ve read bothers me,” he told reporters, “and I think it should bother the president himself, and his team because I think some of it seems to be inappropriate.”

Schiff blasted Nunes for not coming first to the Intelligence Committee with the information.

“If accurate, this information should have been shared with members of the committee, but it has not been,” Schiff said in a Wednesday statement.


James Rosen joined Fox News Channel (FNC) in 1999. He currently serves as the chief Washington correspondent and hosts the online show “The Foxhole.” His latest book is “A Torch Kept Lit: Great Lives of the Twentieth Century” (Crown Forum, October 4, 2016).

Trump approves Keystone pipeline


The Trump administration gave the Keystone XL pipeline its key federal permit Friday, clearing a major hurdle for the project that former President Obama rejected in 2015. The State Department announced Friday morning that its undersecretary for political affairs, Tom Shannon, issued the permit, two months after President Trump signed a memorandum to revive the project after Obama’s rejection.

“In making his determination that issuance of this permit would serve the national interest, the under secretary considered a range of factors, including but not limited to foreign policy; energy security; environmental, cultural, and economic impacts; and compliance with applicable law and policy,” State said.


The decision closes a significant chapter in the long-running saga over the controversial oil sands pipeline, which has been a flashpoint in the debate surrounding climate change and dependence on foreign oil. Obama rejected the application in November 2015, arguing, in part, that it would harm the United States’ standing in the world as a leader in fighting climate change.

Ultimately, if we’re going to prevent large parts of this Earth from becoming not only inhospitable but uninhabitable in our lifetimes, we’re going to have to keep some fossil fuels in the ground rather than burn them and release more dangerous pollution into the sky,” he said at the time.

The approval fulfills a major campaign promise of Trump’s and a top priority that congressional Republicans and the oil industry have had for years.

“This is a significant milestone for the Keystone XL project,” Russ Girling, president of Keystone’s developer, Canada-based TransCanada Corp., said in a statement. “We greatly appreciate President Trump’s Administration for reviewing and approving this important initiative and we look forward to working with them as we continue to invest in and strengthen North America’s energy infrastructure.”

The 875-mile line would carry up to 830,000 barrels a day of heavy oil sands petroleum from Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska. From there, the oil would continue through existing lines to the Gulf Coast to be refined.

Despite the president’s promises, the $8 billion project is not subject to Trump’s promise that oil pipelines built in the United States would have to use American steel. The White House announced earlier this month that that would only apply to pipelines with new applications. TransCanada has already bought the pipe for the project. About half came from an Arkansas plant owned by an Indian company, a quarter from a plant in Canada owned by a Russian company and the remainder from Italy and India.

TransCanada needed a presidential permit to build the line because it is planned to cross an international border. The company first started applying to build Keystone XL in 2008. But in the ensuing years, it became a central point in the debate between weaning the United States off fossil fuels and increasing the use of energy from friendly allies.

Trump’s permit is not the final hurdle for the project. State officials in Nebraska still have to approve the line’s route through that state, something that could take another six months.

Environmentalists might also sue to stop the construction.

“The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline was a terrible idea when it was first proposed nearly ten years ago, and it’s an even worse idea today. This dirty and dangerous export pipeline would run right through America’s heartland, threatening our water, our land, and our climate — all to pad the profits of a foreign oil company,” said Tiernan Sittenfeld, senior vice president of government affairs at the League of Conservation Voters.

“This pipeline is all risk and no reward, and we will continue to fight it every step of the way,” she said.

The business community welcomed the approval.

“After many years of unfortunate delays and partisan posturing, Keystone XL pipeline finally got the green light it has long deserved,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue said in a statement. “This pipeline, and countless other projects around the nation, will improve America’s energy security, create jobs, and help get the economy back on track.”

The State Department previous estimated that the project would create 42,100 jobs. The vast majority of them would be temporary jobs related to Keystone’s construction, and about 35 would be permanent jobs operating it. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson would usually have been in charge of considering the permit. But he recused himself from the process, due to his previous position as the CEO of Exxon Mobil Corp., the country’s largest oil company.

Updated at 8:22 a.m.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for March 24, 2017


London Attack: ISIS’ Blueprint for Murder The Clarion team examines the ramifications. Listen

Send Your Condolences to Family of Murdered Police Officer Your letter will be forwarded to the London police. Send Letter


Should Media Include Terrorists In Casualty Figures?S ome media outlets include terrorists killed while carrying out their attacks when providing figures. Vote


Salafists Control All Mosques in Brussels: Mayor Mayor Yvan Mayeur said this must change. Read


The Abuse of Two ISIS Child Soldiers Children are used and abused by ISIS Watch


Muslim Reform Movement Needs Our Support Clarion’s Jennifer Breedon explains why Watch


Turkey’s Extremism: What You Said & What You Can Do We asked readers to sign a petition asking Washington to stop Turkey from becoming another radical Islamic state. Take Action


Kosovo Turns to Women to Help Fight Radicalization Counterterrorism experts in Kosovo now think women are the key to stopping radicalization. Read

Readers Write
What Makes Girls Get Radical?

“Catch them young – is the dictum of Love Jihadis who catch hold of immature teen aged girls with low self esteem.”


London Attack: ISIS’ Blueprint for Murder

The families should sue the politicians responsible for these policies allowing terrorist into the country.”


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, March 23, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Top Stories
• House Expected to Vote Friday on Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Democrats Will Filibuster Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch
• Cecile Richards: Women Members of Congress Who Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood Aren’t Real Women
• Neil Gorsuch Defends His Opposition to Assisted Suicide: “Intentionally” Causing Someone’s Death is Wrong

More Pro-Life News
• Abortion Activist Wants to “Humanize” How She Aborted Her Baby
• Woman Pregnant With 4 Babies After IVF Regrets “Selective Reduction” Abortion of One Baby
• Melanie and Madeline, Two Young Women With Down Syndrome Changing the Face of Beauty
• Three Different Doctors Told Mom Seven Times to Abort Her Baby Because He Would be Disabled
• MSNBC Gripes That Neil Gorsuch Believes “Human Life is Fundamentally and Inherently Valuable”
• Woman Died From Botched 23-Week Abortion After She Lost So Much Blood She Went Into Shock
• Study Shows Breast Cancer Rates Steadily Increasing After the UK Legalized Abortion
• Pro-Life Legislator Under Fire for Saying a Baby Resulting From Rape is “Beauty From Ashes”
• California Legislator Pushes Bill to Force College Health Centers to Sell Abortion Pills
• Drug Marketed as a Pregnancy Test May Have Caused Abortions
• Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions

House Expected to Vote Friday on Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
The House of Representatives it’s expected to vote on Friday on legislation that will defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business as well as repeal major parts of Obamacare, which funds abortions.

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Democrats Will Filibuster Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, an abortion advocate announced today that Democrats will filibuster the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

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Cecile Richards: Women Members of Congress Who Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood Aren’t Real Women
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards issued a scathing criticism of pro-life female lawmakers on Thursday ahead of a scheduled vote to defund Richards’ abortion chain.

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Neil Gorsuch Defends His Opposition to Assisted Suicide: “Intentionally” Causing Someone’s Death is Wrong
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch defended his opposition to assisted suicide yesterday during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

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Abortion Activist Wants to “Humanize” How She Aborted Her Baby
When abortion activists talk about “humanizing” abortion, they are not talking about unborn babies. They mean getting rid of anything that makes abortion seem bad.

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Woman Pregnant With 4 Babies After IVF Regrets “Selective Reduction” Abortion of One Baby
A woman who had In Vitro Fertilization done and conceived four babies had a “selective reduction” where one baby was aborted.

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Melanie and Madeline, Two Young Women With Down Syndrome Changing the Face of Beauty
Two beautiful young girls – one in France and the other from Australia – are showing the world a new face of Down syndrome.

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Three Different Doctors Told Mom Seven Times to Abort Her Baby Because He Would be Disabled
Hydrocephalus is a disease where fluid collects in the brain of an unborn baby. the prognosis varies, but many children with hydrocephalus go on to live normal lives.

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Drug Marketed as a Pregnancy Test May Have Caused Abortions

Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions

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We Have Now Hit Full-On Crazy

Commentary by Ann Coulter Ann Coulter | Posted: Mar 22, 2017 8:09 PM

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We Have Now Hit Full-On Crazy

Liberals are ecstatic that a judge in Hawaii is writing immigration policy for the entire country, and that policy is: We have no right to tell anyone that he can’t live in America. (Unless they’re Christians — those guys we can keep out.)

As subtly alluded to in the subtitle of “Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third-World Hellhole,” the goal of liberals is for the poor of the world to have a constitutional right to come here whenever they want.

I can’t help but notice that the Third Worlders aren’t moving to liberals’ neighborhoods.

After nearly 1 million Rwandans were murdered by other Rwandans in 1994, our government asked itself: Why not bring more of this fascinating Rwandan culture to America? Ten thousand of them poured in. So far, nearly 400 have been convicted in the United States of lying on visa applications about their role in the genocide.

And that’s why we have to tighten our belt, America! Massive international investigations don’t come cheap.

Almost every immigration case is a con, something we find out every time there’s a San Bernardino shooting and half the family turns out to have scammed our immigration officials. One hundred percent of the “humanitarian” cases are frauds.

Earlier this month, Rwanda’s Gervais Ngombwa was convicted for lying on his immigration application by claiming to have been a victim of the 1994 genocide. In fact, he was a well-known perpetrator — even featured in Rwandan newspaper articles as a leader of the genocide.

For most of the last two decades, Ngombwa has been living in Iowa with his wife and eight children in a house built by Habitat for Humanity — because no Americans need houses. He came to the authorities’ attention a couple years ago by setting that house on fire after a domestic dispute, then filing a fraudulent $75,000 insurance claim.

Another Rwandan genocidalist living in America was featured in “Adios, America”: Beatrice Munyenyezi, granted refugee status as an alleged victim of the genocide, even though she, too, had helped orchestrate it.

Munyenyezi was living safely in Kenya when she applied for a refugee visa to America. The welfare is way better here. And, luckily for us, she had a “chronic medical condition” that required constant attention from a New Hampshire hospital.

Hesham Mohamed Hadayet arrived in the U.S. on a tourist visa, then immediately applied for “asylum” on the grounds that he was persecuted in Egypt — for being a member of an Islamic terrorist group.

Being a member of a noted terrorist group cannot be used to block you from coming to America, thanks to Barney Frank’s 1989 amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act, because liberals love this country so very, very much. Being a talented neurosurgeon from Switzerland, however, is disqualifying.

Hadayet’s refugee application wasn’t denied until he’d already been living here for three years. When he was called in for a visa overstay hearing, he didn’t show up, and the INS didn’t bother looking for him. After allowing Hadayet to mill about America for another year, our government granted him permanent residency and a work permit.

On the Fourth of July following the 9/11 attack, Hadayet shot up the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles International Airport. I guess the Egyptians were right!

As bodies were being cleared away from the ticket counter, including Hadayet’s, his wife blamed America for the attack, denying her husband had anything to do with it. “He is a victim of injustice,” she explained. “In America, they hate Islam and Arabs after Sept. 11.”

At least immigrants are grateful.

Immigration bureaucrats are so determined to transform America without anyone seeing what they’re doing that the INS initially refused to release Hadayet’s file to congressional investigators, in order to protect his “privacy.”

Of course, anybody could miss Egypt’s designating someone a terrorist. And maybe the INS’s test for Rwandan “refugees” is: Would this person be able to convince Rolling Stone magazine that “Haven Monahan” raped her?

How about Rasmea Yousef Odeh? She waltzed into America after having been convicted and imprisoned in Israel for a supermarket bombing that left two Hebrew University students dead, and also for the attempted bombing of the British consulate in Israel.

She was released in a prisoner exchange — whereupon Odeh made a beeline for the U.S.

True, Odeh wasn’t subjected to the Inquisition-like vetting accorded the humanitarian cases, like the Boston Marathon bombers (we were warned by Russia), Hadayet (we were warned by Egypt) or the Blind Sheik (same).

But how did our immigration authorities miss a CONVICTION FOR BOMBING IN ISRAEL?

Apart from the terrorism, welfare and fraud, what great things did any of them do for our country?

Ngombwa was a custodian at the Cedar Rapids Community School District in Iowa, a job that, evidently, no American would do. Munyenyezi had a job as an advocate for refugees — just one of the many jobs being created by immigrants. Hadayet ran a failing limousine company and was $10,000 in debt. Odeh was an unemployed waitress and a Palestinian grievance activist. Recently, she’s been heavily involved in anti-Trump, anti-white male protests, because who doesn’t like incessant Third World unrest?

In 1960, 75 percent of the foreign-born in America were from Europe. Today only about 10 percent are. More than a third of all post-Teddy Kennedy act immigrants — not just the wretched humanitarian cases — don’t even have a high school diploma.

What is the affirmative case for this? How is it making America better? Improving the schools? The job market? Crime? The likelihood of terrorism?

Can the liberals doing cartwheels over a district judge’s announcement that everyone in the world has a right to come here (except Europeans and Christians), give us the cost-benefit analysis they’re using? Twenty million Third World immigrants give us ( ) terrorists, ( ) welfare recipients, ( ) uncompensated medical costs, ( ) discrimination lawsuits, but it’s all worth it because ( )?

Ann Coulter Letter: Let’s Make Russia Our Sister Country!

Commentary by  Ann Coulter  

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The more hysterical liberals become about Russia, the more your antennae should go up. Their selective misgivings with Russia are just like their selective alarm with (our ally) Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the nationalist Chinese government, and (our ally) Ngo Dinh Diem, president of South Vietnam.

As explained in lavish detail in Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, liberals instinctively lunge toward treason. They say Putin is a “thug” and a “bully” who kills journalists. Liberals never used to mind Russian leaders killing journalists. Nor millions of scientists, writers, Christians, Jews, kulaks, Ukrainians and so on.

Have you guys heard of the Evil Empire? Now Democrats are hypersensitive to a Russian leader’s flaws?

Liberals were cool with the show trials, the alliance with Hitler, the gulags, the forced starvations, the shooting down of American planes and goose-stepping through Eastern Europe. But that was when the Russian leader was Joseph Stalin or Nikita Khrushchev — not the beast Putin!

Back then, liberals were spying for Stalin (Julius Rosenberg’s code name: “Liberal”), the U.S. president was calling the bloodthirsty dictator “Uncle Joe,” and The New York Times was covering up Stalin’s infamous crimes. In the storied history of fake news, the Times’ Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for his false reports denying the Ukrainian famine, in which more than 7 million people were deliberately starved to death.

As far as the Times is concerned, those were Russia’s halcyon days!

Back when Russia was actually threatening America with nuclear annihilation, Jimmy Carter warned Americans about their “inordinate fear of communism.” Sting sang that “the Russians love their children, too.” But now liberals are hopping mad with Putin. They could never forgive Russia for giving up communism.

To add insult to injury, Putin embraced the Russian Orthodox Church! This was deeply offensive to fiercely Christophobic liberals.

Russia’s descent into insanity and madness was clear when Putin refused to allow LGBTQ marches through Red Square. For having the same position on gays as Obama did, circa 2008, Russkies were walking on the fighting side of liberals!

Trump’s election victory was the capstone of the left’s rage with Putin. To explain the inexplicable, Putin was made the center of liberals’ axis of evil, the mastermind of a malevolent plot to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. That’s how liberals became born-again John Birchers, seeing Russians under every bed. Now, no fear of Russia is inordinate. The Russians do NOT love their children, too.

We really could have used some of this fighting spirit about 50 years ago when the Soviet Union sought total world domination and Stalin’s spies were crawling through the U.S. government. But back then, liberals were blackening the names of Whittaker Chambers, Richard Nixon and Sen. Joe McCarthy. (Later proved 100 percent correct by the top-secret Venona Project.)

Russia’s loss of the left’s esteem happened very quickly. In 2008, The New York Times editorial page demanded that Obama “signal to the Russians that he wants better relations,” and complained of the “alarming” deterioration of “Russian-American relations” under Bush.

It was considered the height of statesmanship when Obama was caught on a hot-mic in 2012, telling Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility. I understand you.”

To hoots of laughter at the Democratic National Convention, Obama said: “You don’t call Russia our number one enemy — not Al-Qaida, Russia — unless you’re still stuck in a Cold War mind warp.”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow couldn’t contain her hilarity over the GOP offering “an extra bonus of threatening Russia.”

But today, Democrats (and two especially showboating Republicans) are horrified that Trump wants to get along with Russia. Tonight, the threatening evil of Vladamir Putin will be the top issue on Rachel Maddow’s show, assuming she still has a show. (Maybe she can get a copy of Putin’s tax returns!)

When the same people who hailed Stalin as a beloved American ally are happy to threaten Putin with thermonuclear war, we may deduce that the left’s newfound Russia-phobia has some seditious objective. Historically, liberals show their manliness by demanding war with our friends and allies, while methodically undermining America’s ability to fight the wars it’s already in.

The No. 1 enemy of Western civilization today isn’t non-communist Russia. It’s Islam.

And who is a key ally in that fight? Russia has been dealing with these troublesome Muslims for centuries. It was Russian officials who tried in vain to warn our blind, incompetent government about the Boston Marathon bombers.

The left’s hysteria about Russia isn’t just an attempt to delegitimize Trump. It’s the usual Christophobic fifth column rooting for the Islamization of the West.


Posted by CLASHDAILY.COM | Published on March 21, 2017

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Hey James, are you ready to put your accuracy record up against Wikileaks?

Comey stood up and said that emails on Republicans were not released during 2016.


He’s being called out as a liar. And Wikileaks is offering proof. And whatever you think of Wikileaks’ practices — they’ve not been proven wrong yet.

Comey, on the other hand, has been SPECTACULARLY wrong.

When you follow that link, you’ll see something that looks like this:


And if you look WAAAAAY up in the top corner, you’ll see this:


Don’t take our word for it. There’s a lot of fake news out there. Follow the link yourself. Either the one in the tweet, or (if you prefer) this one here. And then decide for yourself which one is fake.

Does anyone know whether someone in Comey’s position is permitted to lie to Congress?

The Question WE would love to get to the bottom of is this: Is Comey that Arrogantly dishonest?  Or is he a superior breed of incompetent?  Or is he actually Corrupt?

HEY NEVER-TRUMPERS: That Wall You Hate … Guess Who’s BIDDING To BUILD It?

Posted by CLASHDAILY.COM Published on March 15, 2017

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We’ve heard Trump throw red meat to his rallies… “Who will pay for it?” But were ANY of his critics expecting this plot twist?

Mario Burgos owns the Albuquerque-based professional services firm, Burgos Group. He is just one of about 60 Hispanic business owners who are now bidding for contracts with the federal government as it seeks to fulfill Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall. Burgos conducts business in seven states and employs around 120 people, according to CNN.

But Burgos isn’t the only Hispanic business owner looking to take advantage of the president’s proposal. About 600 private businesses have tossed their names into the hat, in hopes of landing one of the lucrative deals. Of the 600 companies, about 60 — or 10 percent — are Hispanic-owned.

“It’s not an anti-immigrant thing for me,” Burgos told CNN. “It’s about creating jobs. And honestly [it’s] like any other job.” —Blaze

Which brings up a good question. When did Liberals start opposing infrastructure jobs? And how do their UNION backers feel about it? Well, maybe the collapse that ‘Blue Wall’ in the Electoral College settles that question. But that doesn’t stop Democrat knee-jerk opposition to all things Republican.

What next? Will Democrats try to shut down the government just to oppose the wall? Actually, they MIGHT! But THAT would be EVIL. And HEARTLESS. (We know this because that’s what they called Republicans when REPUBLICANS wanted to shut down the government.)

That tells us one of two things. Either they are lying, opportunistic pieces of something unprintableOr… They THEMSELVES were the evil ones all along.

Come to think of it, these options are NOT mutually exclusive.

WATCH: ‘Activist Mommy’ SLAMS Pro-Abortion ‘Constitutional’, Tomi Lahren, And It’s LMAO Brutal!

Published on March 21, 2017

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The ‘Activist Mommy’ does it again! She says what many Conservatives want to say to Tomi Lahren. And she even brings up the Constitution!

ClashDaily has covered Lahren’s controversial statement on The View here.

As well as Lahren’s subsequent suspension from The Blaze.


That. Was. Amazing.


It’s a matter of what is considered life. And that’s the discussion the Left refuses to have. Because it’s so much easier to justify removing a ‘clump of cells’ that is in the woman’s body than recognizing the innocent life that is dependent on the woman for continuing to exist. That would make abortion the same as murder. Which is the position that the Pro-Lifers take.

It’s funny that it was progressive Dr. Seuss — who filled his books with political messages — that captured the Pro-Life position so simply and beautifully: ‘Even though you can’t see them at all, a person’s a person no matter how small.’

If you don’t get it, go back and read ‘Horton Hears A Who’.

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