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Posts tagged ‘Terrorist’

Hamas Ready to Negotiate Over UN Cease-Fire Plan

Tuesday, 11 June 2024 06:50 AM EDT


Hamas accepts a U.N. Security Council ceasefire resolution and is ready to negotiate over the details, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday, adding that it was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it.

Hamas accepts the UN security council resolution in regard to the ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli troops and swap of hostages for detainees held by Israel, he said.

“The U.S. administration is facing a real test to carry out its commitments in compelling the occupation to immediately end the war in an implementation of the UN Security Council resolution,” Abu Zuhri said.

© 2024 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

Read more: Hamas Ready to Negotiate Over UN Cease-Fire Plan |

Trump: My Admin Would Defend Israel Against Iran

By Charlie McCarthy    |   Tuesday, 30 April 2024 10:49 AM EDT


The U.S. under a second Trump administration would “be there” to help Israel defend itself against Iran, former President Donald Trump told Time magazine in an exclusive interview.

Despite promoting what Time termed an overall foreign policy based on “transactional isolationism,” Trump made it clear he would back Israel against Iran.

“If they attack Israel, yes, we would be there,” Trump told Time.

The former president added he now believes a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state neighboring Israel in peace, is increasingly unlikely after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and massacre and Israel’s retaliatory war.

“There was a time when I thought two-state could work,” he said. “Now I think two-state is going to be very, very tough.”

Trump, running to unseat President Joe Biden in November’s general election, criticized Israel’s handling of its war against the Hamas terrorists, who also took nearly 250 hostages  Oct. 7.

He called for Israel to “get it over with.”

The former president appeared to levy criticism on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for failing to prevent Hamas’ attack.

“It happened on his watch,” Trump said.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, once a close ally with Netanyahu, also told Time that he “had a bad experience with Bibi.”

According to Trump, a January 2020 U.S. operation to kill a top Iranian general was supposed to be a joint attack until Netanyahu backed out at the last minute.

“That was something I never forgot,” Trump told the magazine.

Charlie McCarthy 

Charlie McCarthy, a writer/editor at Newsmax, has nearly 40 years of experience covering news, sports, and politics.

Defiant Houthis Will Only Reassess Red Sea Attacks If Israeli ‘Aggression’ Stops

Tuesday, 27 February 2024 08:23 AM EST


Yemen’s Houthi spokesperson told Reuters on Tuesday that the group’s operations in the Red Sea, where its missiles and drones have been threatening international shipping, will only stop when Israeli “aggression” on Gaza ends and the siege is lifted.

Asked if the attacks on ships would seize if a ceasefire deal was reached for Gaza, Mohammed Abdulsalam said the situation would be reassessed if the siege ended and humanitarian aid was free to enter.

© 2024 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

Read more: Yemen’s Houthis Say Red Sea Attacks Will Only be Reassessed If Israeli “aggression” Stops |

Hamas survivor refutes progressives downplaying terrorists’ sexual violence

Houston Keene By Houston Keene Fox News | Published December 13, 2023 12:14pm EST


A recently released Hamas hostage’s revelation of sexual violence against her fellow captives appears to refute anti-Israel progressives who tend to downplay or dismiss terrorists’ atrocities. Chen Goldstein-Almog, 48, was held hostage by Hamas with three of her children for 51 days following the Palestinian terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israelis. Her husband and eldest daughter were murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the attack.


Hamas terrorists inside Israel during attack
Chen Goldstein-Almog, 48, was held hostage with three of her children by Hamas for 51 days following the Palestinian terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on innocent Israelis. (Israel Defense Forces via AP)

Goldstein-Almog and her children were released by the terror group, and the wife and mother gave an interview with the Israeli press on Dec. 11 about her time as a hostage. During her interview, Goldstein-Almog revealed she heard firsthand accounts of sexual violence from other female hostages by their Hamas captors.

“I heard the testimony directly from girls and heard things second hand,” Goldstein-Almog said. “Some of the sexual violence happened well into our time in Gaza, not in the first week.”

“But the way their bodies were desecrated, they don’t know how they will deal with that. It happened weeks into their time in Gaza,” she said.

“If they were released earlier, they would’ve been saved from experiencing sexual violence,” Goldstein-Almog added.

Goldstein-Almog said they “heard three stories firsthand of women saying they were sexually abused and we heard an additional story.” She added that “presumably, there are more instances” of sexual violence by Hamas.

Bernie Sanders during hearing
Briahna Joy Gray, a former spokesperson for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, tweeted, “‘Believe all women’ was always an absurd overreach: woman should be heard, claims should be investigated, but evidence is required.” (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

The former hostage also said she “was threatened once when they thought I was wandering around and looking free” in the first apartment they were taken to and that “there was a threat that” she would “be handcuffed, but it didn’t happen.”

“I said I have kids and nothing happened to me,” Goldstein-Almog said. “It was the only time I felt under threat [of sexual violence].”

A spokesperson for the Biden administration State Department noted earlier this month that one of the reasons Hamas does not want to release women hostages is because “they don’t want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them.”

Many American progressives have been largely silent on Hamas’ sexual violence against Israelis, while some have downplayed or dismissed the reports of sexual assault.

Briahna Joy Gray, a former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, tweeted earlier this month, “‘Believe all women’ was always an absurd overreach: woman should be heard, claims should be investigated, but evidence is required.”

“The same is true of the allegations out of Israel,” Gray wrote in a Dec. 4 tweet. “But also, this isn’t a ‘believe women’ scenario bc no female victims have offered testimony.”

“Zionists are asking that we believe the uncorroborated eyewitness account of *men* who describe alleged rape victims in odd, fetishistic terms,” Gray continued in a subsequent tweet.

“Shame on Israel for not seriously investigating claims of rape and collecting rape kits,” she added.

Progressive Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., was torched after she clashed with CNN’s Dana Bash over the lack of widespread condemnation of Hamas’ use of sexual violence against Israeli women during the Oct. 7 attacks. The Washington state Democrat suggested that wasn’t true and claimed she had already condemned Hamas’ treatment of women, before quickly turning the conversation back to Israel.

“But I think we have to remember Israel is a democracy. That is why they’re a strong ally of ours. And if they do not comply with international humanitarian law, they are bringing themselves to a place that makes it much more difficult strategically for them to be able to build allies, to keep public opinion with them, and frankly, morally, we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. That is not what international humanitarian law says,” Jayapal said.

“With respect, I was just asking about the women, and you turned it back to Israel. I’m asking you about Hamas,” Bash said.

Jayapal on House Judiciary hearing
Rep. Pramila Jayapal was torched after she clashed with CNN’s Dana Bash over the lack of widespread condemnation of Hamas’ use of sexual violence against Israeli women during the Oct. 7 attacks. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The lawmaker said she had already answered the question and added, “We have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians. Fifteen thousand Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes, three-quarters of whom are women and children.” 

“And it’s horrible,” Bash said. “But you don’t see Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women.”

“I don’t want this to be the hierarchies of oppressions,” Jayapal said.

Jayapal has since issued a statement “unequivocally” condemning “Hamas’ use of rape and sexual violence as an act of war.”

“This is horrific and across the world, we must stand with our sisters, families, and survivors of rape and sexual assault everywhere to condemn this violence and hold perpetrators accountable,” Jayapal said.

Neither Jayapal nor Gray immediately responded to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

Fox News Digital’s Hanna Panreck contributed reporting.

Houston Keene is a politics writer for Fox News Digital.  Story tips can be sent to and on Twitter: @HoustonKeene 

Media Corruption on Full Display as NYT Tries To Justify Publishing Terrorist Propaganda as News




Corrupt corporate media outlets like The New York Times scrambled on Thursday to justify their role in disseminating terrorist talking points to the world without scrutiny.

“After Hospital Blast, Headlines Shift With Changing Claims,” one of the outlet’s Thursday headlines reads.

NYT acknowledges that it was one of the “many Western news organizations” that regurgitated the unsubstantiated lie (sourced directly from the Hamas-controlled Gaza strip) that Israel killed hundreds by bombing a Gaza hospital.

Even though there was plenty of evidence absolving the Jewish state of the alleged war crime, the publication made no effort to issue retractions, print corrections, or even apologize for its role in the American press’s collective amplification of the propaganda.

Instead, NYT blames its feckless participation in the rumor mill — that incited violence against European and American embassies across the globe — on “fast-moving events” and “the difficulty of covering the war.”

NYT’s original coverage of the so-called blast, which was the result of a misfired jihadist rocket that landed in a parking lot near the hospital, featured a photo of a destroyed building that had nothing to do with the hospital in question.

When evidence mounted that jihadis, not Israel, were responsible for the destruction, both of which were far less than what original reports suggested, NYT covertly modified its original headline at least three times in an attempt to cover up its reckless role in the information war.

By Thursday, the feature image on the Times’ breaking news article pinning blame on Israel was replaced with a nondescript photo of a Middle Eastern man being transported into an intact medical facility on a gurney.

NYT further tried to absolve itself of accountability by noting that it sent out a news alert about a “misfired Palestinian rocket” once Israel’s internal investigations revealed it was not the perpetrator. That little news alert hours after NYT first blamed Israel did nothing, especially since dozens of corporate media outlets merely pivoted their coverage to indicate that Israel and terrorists were “trading blame” for the blast.

In a continued attempt to build its case, NYT quoted a former executive editor of The Associated Press, the same outlet that hired a terrorist sympathizer to be its Gaza correspondent and even shared office space with Hamas at one point. The AP veteran lamented that it’s not easy for media outlets to get “firsthand or verified accounts” of the war easily.

NYT used the ex-editor’s quote as a springboard to suggest that the Israel and Hamas war caused “vast amounts of misleading and false information online.”

The tone-deaf statement came mere sentences after the outlet feigned shock that, after dozens of headlines purported Israel was in the wrong, “much of the Arab world united in support of Palestinians.”

“It takes time to independently verify the claims from all sides,” NYT insisted, less than 24 hours after it failed to verify terrorists’ claims before publishing them as facts.

War propaganda is tough to sift through, but it takes deliberate stupidity to think that the word of the same guys who just raped and murdered 1,400 people and counting is worth splaying across breaking news banners and above-the-fold stories. Trusting the people who use women and children as human shields and stockpile weaponry and munitions near schools and hospitals was NYT’s first mistake, if you can call it that.

As Federalist Senior Editor David Harasanyi pointed out on Wednesday, the Times has a long track record of “spreading similar disinformation.”

“The paper’s editorial board and its op-ed pages are teeming with Hamas apologists — as are its news pages,” Harsanyi warned.

The NYT’s terrible track record is the product of unchecked corruption that plagues every corporate media outlet in the U.S.

Terrorists know outlets like NYT are corrupt. That is why they pitch their latest public relations campaigns to newsrooms with full confidence that their talking points will dominate front pages. A majority of Americans know the media is a corrupt threat to democracy because most outlets are run by partisans who want to divide the country.

The latest NYT article even proves that the media know they are corrupt. They simply aren’t sorry about it.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Blackshirts

So-called anti-fascist Antifa is acting like what they say they are against, fascist Blackshirts of Mussolini’s Italy.

Antifa are TerroristCartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.
Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated –  $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and has had his toons tweeted by President Trump.

Terrorist Group Vows to Get 30 Muslims Elected to Congress and 1 Supreme Court Justice


URL of the original posting site:

While the United States hasn’t officially recognized CAIR as a terrorist organization yet, other countries have. And this may shock you, but Islamic countries have even label CAIR as a terrorist organization.

Last year, the news came out that the United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet declared the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to be one of more than 80 terrorist organizations putting them in the group with other organizations that we easily recognize as being terrorist organizations such as the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

If they did it and they’re Muslims, why can’t we do it here? I’m sure it has something to do with not wanted to offend anyone, even terrorists.

America needs to recognize this before it gets too late because they’re already at work infiltrating our government. Look no further than Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and how much they hate America and how anti-Semitic they are.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), recently hosted its 25th Annual Gala in Washington, D.C. During the event, the organization’s co-founder and executive director, Nihad Awad told the crowd: “So I’m telling you tonight we are going to work in the next years, Inshallah (God willing], to elect at least 30 Muslims in the Congress”.. CAIR is listed as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates as well as other Muslim Brotherhood organizations.

Below is the full context of Awad’s statement:

“A strong CAIR equals a strong community. A strong community will produce a strong and confident and successful Muslim … “So I’m telling you tonight we are going to work in the next years, inshallah (God willing], to elect at least 30 Muslims in the Congress. This number is equivalent to our size and our potential as American Muslims. Including at least two [U.S.] senator Muslims.” (BIN)

If you have any doubt that CAIR is a terrorist organization, take a look at the video below:

<iframe title=”EXPOSED: Insider Proves CAIR is a Terror Group! | Louder With Crowder” width=”1000″ height=”563″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – America’s Most Wanted

The people who endorse millions of abortions (early and late-term), create sanctuary cities that have harbored Murderers and have excused Antifa are calling the NRA terrorist.
03 NRA Terror LI 600Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.
An adult children’s Book for all ages APOCALI NOW! brilliantly lampoons the left. ODER >  HERE

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated –  $1.00 – $5.00 – $10 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. – THANK YOU!

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Some People

What does Omar have to say about the over 300 Christians murdered in Sri Lanka by Islamic Terrorists?

Sri Lanka and OmarPolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Open Says-Me

There is no Collusion or any Obstruction of justice but if there may have been obstruction against the Deep State.

Obstructing the Deep StatePolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.
More A.F. Branco cartoons at FlagAnd here.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated –  $1.00 – $5.00 – $10 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, the great El Rushbo, and has had his toons tweeted by President Trump.

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  • Should incarcerated criminals have the right to vote?

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Monday February 19, 2018

Video: Why Are Suspected Terrorists Allowed to Buy Guns?9  0% of those on terror watch lists succeed in buying guns; the other 10% are blocked, but not for terror reasons  Watch
News: Unrepentant Mall of America Stabber Gets Light Sentence  Even though he confessed that he acted for ISIS, terrorism charges were not brought against him  Read More
News: Compulsory Hijab Rampant in UK Schools  The requirement even applies in some publicly-funded schools  Read More
News: Violence Against Women Bill Passes; Excludes Wives  The new legislation in Morocco also criminalizes sex outside of marriage  Read More
News: Iranian Wrestler Banned For Throwing Match  The wrestler was ordered to throw the match in order to avoid facing Israel. Read
Readers Write
ISIS Flag Replaces US Flag at Utah High School

“’We do not believe this was perpetrated by the Islamic state.’ Why not? Take them at their word. They’ve pretty much done what they said they’d do so far.”


Youth Prison Counselor Suspected of Joining Jihad in Syria

“Don’t tell Trudeau this, or he want to hire all the Canadians that fought with ISIS as counselors for our prisons and perhaps for some schools for wayward boys, too.”


More Politically INCORRECT Cartoons

Welcome to Jihadi Britain

Reported By Clarion Project Tuesday, October 10, 2017

URL of the original posting site: 

The Clarion Project Newsletter for January 18, 2017 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 377


How US Charities Fund Terror -- Some With Your Tax DollarsHow US Charities Fund Terror — Some With Your Tax Dollars

The past eight years of a more permissive attitude toward ‘charity’ funding has afforded Islamist groups the chance for a resurgence. learn more



From the Clarion Project film The Third Jihad



Veedu Vidz: Beating Bigotry With A Smile Veedu Vidz: Beating Bigotry With A Smile

Waleed Wain, the creator of the satirical series Veedu Vidz sat down with us to explain his satirical take on Islam, extremism and anti-Muslim bigotry. learn more


Should Clarion Share ISIS Videos? Facebook Says ‘No’

After Facebook shut us down for a week for publishing an ISIS video, we asked our readers their opinion on this question. Here are your responses.

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Should Clarion Share ISIS Videos? Facebook Says 'No'

GIRL POWER! Meet the Women Who Are Fighting Back

Afghani women take up arms against the Taliban; Kurdish and Yazidi women fight ISIS; Saudi and Iranian women oppose repression.

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GIRL POWER! Meet the Women Who Are Fighting Back

Pop Singer Saves Concertgoer From Groping

Famous singer Atif Aslam stopped his concert in Karachi to prevent an ongoing molesting attack on a woman in the crowd.

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Pop Singer Saves Concertgoer From Groping

Who Exactly Has Obama Been Releasing From Gitmo?

As outgoing US President Barack Obama announces he will not be able to close the prison facility, we look at prisoners who went on to commit acts of terror.

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Who Exactly Has Obama Been Releasing From Gitmo?

‘Patriots Day’ Critics: Are the ‘Good Guys” Now Bad?

The newly-released movie Patriots Day recounts the events of the Boston Marathon bombing and the race to apprehend the culprits.

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‘Patriots Day’ Critics: Are the ‘Good Guys” Now Bad?


'These Ideas Raise Within Every Child a Little ISIS Member' ‘These Ideas Raise Within Every Child a Little ISIS Member’

Egyptian researcher Tareq Abu Al-Saad says the official Islamic institutions in Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Mauritania, and elsewhere ‘create fertile ground’ for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis to plant the ‘ideological seeds’ of extremism.



Young Blood Bound to Get Excited -- Mohammad Nurur R Barkati

Young blood is bound to get excited if girls are not properly dressed.

– Mohammad Nurur R. Barkati
Imam in Calcutta, India


W.G. [Re: ‘Syrian Women Go To Work, Get Divorced’]: What great, understanding supportive husbands they are. Cream of the crop!


D.R. [Re: ‘Morocco Bans the Burqa’]: Too bad it has come down to this but just think of what a person could be hiding under there. They could actually be hiding their own identity especially if they are a wanted criminal. They could be hiding any number of weapons, or bombs strapped to themselves. Sadly with the present day terrorism, they should be illegal.




The Clarion Project is a registered 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible.

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Clarion Project I 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC 20006‏

The Clarion Project Newsletter for January 16, 2017 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 376


Teen Sharia Patrol Behind Savage Beatings in AustriaTeen Sharia Patrol Behind Savage Beatings in Austria

The gang, made of up six young people, is responsible for a brutal beating of a 15-year old Polish girl caught on tape as well as other attacks. learn more


Muslim Students Gain Group Prayer Rights in Canadian Schools

In addition, the students won the right to deliver their own sermons without screening even after some sermons were previously found to be problematic.

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Muslim Students Gain Group Prayer Rights in Canadian Schools

Church Slammed For ‘Offfensive’ Quran Reading in Service

The passages selected included verses specifically refuting the divinity of Jesus and calling on Muslims not to worship him.

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Church Slammed For 'Offfensive' Quran Reading in Service

Women Detonates Suicide Bomb With Baby Strapped to Back

The woman was part of three suicide bombers targeting an open market in Nigeria. Due to alert security, they blew up at a checkpoint instead.

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Women Detonates Suicide Bomb With Baby Strapped to Back

Tribal Group Fights Radical Islam in Unique Way

A group of angry indigenous people stopped a racial Islamist from deplaning on the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo.

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Tribal Group Fights Radical Islam in Unique Way

German Court Rules Setting Synagogue on Fire Legit Protest

The perpetrators received suspended sentences after the court ruled that the blaze was only intended to draw ‘attention to the Gaza conflict.’

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German Court Rules Setting Synagogue on Fire Legit Protest

ISIS Using Drones To Kill Civilians and Soldiers in Mosul

The Islamic State’s innovative early adoption of emerging technologies shows that it’s not the tech we should be worried about but the ideology.

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ISIS Using Drones To Kill Civilians and Soldiers in Mosul

Seattle Mosque Torched in Arson Attack

Police have confirmed the attack was arson but say they have not yet determined the motive for the crime.

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Seattle Mosque Torched in Arson Attack


Inspiration From the Censored Women's Film Festival Inspiration From the Censored Women’s Film Festival

An inspiring recap from the festival, which was organized and hosted by Honor Diaries, a Clarion Project film. The German newspaper Bild joined as co-host of the event.



S.M.M. [Re: ‘Morocco Bans the Burqa’]: Common sense land


K.L.D. [Re:’WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: ISIS Drowns Man in Aquarium’]: Nations are choosing to look the other way or are more offended by the images rather than the savages. The Clarion Project is unveiling the atrocities that are occurring daily. We must awaken to fight our enemy.




The Clarion Project is a registered 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible.

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Clarion Project I 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC 20006‏

SHE MADE IT UP: NYPD Arrests Muslim Girl Who Claimed Attack by Trump Supporters

waving flagAuthored by William Hicks | Heat Street  |  published on December 16, 2016

URL of the original posting site:

2016-12-15_6-50-14New York City college student Yasmin Seweid who claimed to be the victim of a hate crime by Trump supporters is under arrest and charged with filing a false report, a police source told The New York Daily News.

The 18-year-old Seweid caused quite the media stir with her sensationalized account of Trump supporters attacking her on the subway. She claimed three men attempted to pull off her hijab while calling her a terrorist and yelling Trump’s name. All this happened, she said, while New Yorkers sat idly by and watched her get assaulted.

The police source told The News that police gave Seweid numerous opportunities to recant her story but she kept sticking to it. Finally, on Wednesday, she admitted she made the whole thing up, citing “family problems.”

Police say there were many inconsistencies in her story initially, but at first they assumed that could be a typical sign of being traumatized. They also claim the investigation into the false hate crime required “a lot” of resources.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Friday November 25, 2016 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 364


Iran Threatens U.S. With Retaliations If Sanctions Extended

Iran Threatens U.S. With Retaliations If Sanctions Extended

Although Iran says new sanctions would be a violation of the nuclear pact, Iran itself has violated the agreement, says the IAEA. learn more


These Five Muslim Countries Discriminate Against Muslims

Here are five Muslim countries with laws that discriminate against minority sects of Islam.

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These Five Muslim Countries Discriminate Against Muslims

Special Bus Service for Women in Post-Coup Istanbul

The UN has designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

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Special Bus Service for Women in Post-Coup Istanbul

Verdict in Christian Burning Case: Ray of Hope for Minorities

A Pakistani court announced convictions in the horrific case of the lynching and burning alive of a Christian couple on false charges of blasphemy.

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Verdict in Christian Burning Case: Ray of Hope for Minorities


Washington, DC Imam Says Muslims Have to Rescue 'Poor, Dumb Americans' Washington, DC Imam Says Muslims Have to Rescue ‘Poor, Dumb Americans’

Washington, D.C. Imam Abdul Alim Musa says Zionists brought Trump — like Hitler — to power, and Muslims have to rescue the ‘poor, dumb Americans.’



Why Egypt Needs a Ministry of Women’s Affairs

Egyptian human rights lawyer Reda el-Danbouki lays out the case for a Ministry of Womens Affairs in Egypt.

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Why Egypt Needs a Ministry of Women’s Affairs


Twilight Warriors: The Soldiers, Spies, and Special Agents Who Are Revolutionizing the American Way of War

Twilight Warriors: The Soldiers, Spies, and Special Agents Who Are Revolutionizing the American Way of War

By James Kitfield

Twilight Warriors is the untold story of the tight-knit brotherhood that changed the way America fights. James Kitfield reveals how brilliant innovators in the U.S. military, special forces, and the intelligence and law enforcement communities forged close operational bonds in the crucibles of Iraq and Afghanistan, breaking down institutional barriers to create a relentless, intelligence-driven style of operations. The result of their collaborations is a globe-spanning network that is elegant in its simplicity and terrifying in its lethality. As Kitfield argues, this style of operations represents our best hope for defending the nation in an age of asymmetric warfare. Twilight Warriors is an unprecedented account of the American way of war—and the iconoclasts who have brought it into the 21st century.

Buy Now


E.B.L. [Re: ‘Butterball Turkeys Funding Terror?’]: I’ll kick their butterballs from here to Tehran.


R.M. [Re: ‘Woolworths in German Town Cancels Christmas’]: And so it starts.




The Clarion Project is a registered 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible.

Donate now!

Clarion Project I 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC 20006‏

QUESTION: Liberals & Islam HATE ‘Mad Dog Mattis’ – Does That Mean He’s PERFECT For Sec Of Defense?

Published on November 21, 2016

URL of the original posting site:

Is this guy — so thoroughly anti-pc and packing a badass resume — exactly the man we need serving in the role today?

Retired Marine Gen. James “Jim” Mattis has emerged as a strong candidate for secretary of defense, according to reports out of New York City…

…The outspoken general, born in Washington State, has a plethora of experiences in the Marines, and served in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. His military resume was so impressive, he was floated as a possible presidential candidate in 2016…

…Mattis is seen as being very experienced with Islamic terrorists and insurgents. He once told a group of surrendered Iraqi officers that if they messed with him, he would kill them all.

This is the Mattis mystique. It’s why his nickname is “Mad Dog.” It’s also why another nickname he has is the “warrior monk.”

With Mattis, Trump supporters get an updated version of another four-star general, George Patton, the Army legend who helped drive the Germans out of North Africa, Sicily and France during WWII.

Patton was known for his salty language, his colorful rhetoric, and his occasionally politically incorrect behavior, such as slapping a soldier.

Mattis, 66, is far less controversial, but his quotes are just as compelling. According to the Daily Beast, Marines even have a Twitter hashtag for them: #Mattisisms.
Read more: Lifezette

Here’s a selection:

terr01 terr02 terr03 terr04 terr05

Sounds like one HELL of a man to nominate for the role.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Monday August 15, 2016 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 320


Burkini Versus Bikini Round Two: Showdown in Corsica

Burkini Versus Bikini Round Two: Showdown in Corsica

A huge fight broke out between Muslim immigrants and native Corsicans after women wearing burkinis were photographed by a tourist. learn more


Biden to Visit Turkey; What Message Will He Bring?

The United States’ vice president is slated to visit Ankara on August 24. Relations between the countries are cool following July’s failed coup attempt.

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Biden to Visit Turkey; What Message Will He Bring?

Jordanian Satirist Arrested For Cartoon Mocking ISIS

Eminent Jordanian satirist and political cartoonist Nahed Hattar posted the cartoon to Facebook, featuring Allah talking to a jihadist in paradise.

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Jordanian Satirist Arrested For Cartoon Mocking ISIS

Every Month This Incredible Protest Takes Place in Pakistan

Tamina Mirza, a schoolteacher, has been leading anti-terror protests against the Taliban in Lahore, Pakistan, on every 16th of the month.

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Every Month This Incredible Protest Takes Place in Pakistan

Iranian Civilian Nuclear Program ‘Vigorously Progressing’

The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization says Iran has not slowed down its civilian nuclear program. The question remains why the oil-rich country needs such a program.

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Iranian Civilian Nuclear Program ‘Vigorously Progressing’

Burkini Ban Goes Into Effect in Cannes, France

The city is concerned that violence could break out as burkini wearing may lead to scuffles. Anyone breaching the ban will face a fine.

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Burkini Ban Goes Into Effect in Cannes, France


Liberating Forces in Syria Reveal ISIS Torture Chambers Liberating Forces in Syria Reveal ISIS Torture Chambers

As the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (comprised mainly of Kurds along with Christian, Arab and other militias) regained the city of Manbij, instruments of torture were revealed for crimes as little as a woman wearing makeup or uncovering her face. 



Who Is a ‘Moderate Muslim’?

I get it from both sides. The right is suspicious that I am a stealth jihadist and the left accuse me of being a traitor. A friend told me that if I am being bashed then it means I must be making a difference!

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Who Is a 'Moderate Muslim'?


S.M. [Re: ‘Biden to Visit Turkey; What Message Will He Bring?’]: The U.S. should get their nukes back before any thing else or they will find their way to ISIS.


L.O. [Re:’Collective Feminist Activity Now Deemed Criminal in Iran’]: Very scared men in Iran, terrified a woman can think for themselves




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Obama Touts UN Agenda as Solution to Terror

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Written by   Saturday, 30 July 2016 

URL of the original posting site:

Obama Touts UN Agenda as Solution to Terror / Photo of President Obama: AP Images

Because this particular terrorist used a truck instead of a firearm to murder close to 100 victims, Obama’s standard propaganda pushing more gun control was obviously inappropriate for the occasion. So, on July 15, responding to the terror attack in Nice, France, Obama pushed a different but related agenda, instead arguing that the solution to terrorism, violence, and other problems is actually globalism. If you disagree with his radical prescription, Obama suggested you are with the terrorists.

Specifically, Obama told a room full of ambassadors that the world needed more global “institutions” to promote “common humanity” and fight against people’s “impulses” to remain loyal to their tribes, nations, and religions ahead of the globalist mechanisms being imposed on them. As part of the push for what top administration officials call the “New World Order,” Obama also touted the United Nations Agenda 2030 and his deals with communist dictatorships. The controversial remarks came just two weeks after Obama, standing alongside fellow North American leaders, warned yet again that the “international order” was here to stay.

Critics, though, were quick to pounce on the bizarre ramblings as further evidence of Obama’s radical agenda and out-of-touch extremism. Indeed, opponents of the Obama agenda expressed outrage. Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, for example, responding to Obama’s speech, told WND that Obama was pushing his “fantasy political agenda” to “fundamentally transform the world into global submission of humankind to a global political/economic elite.” The reality of those fantasy schemes, she said, would prove to be “as cruel as Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc. were in the last century.”

Obama’s globalist comments, made at the Diplomatic Corps reception in Washington, D.C., not so subtly implied that anyone not on board the globalist bandwagon was a supporter of violence and terrorism. Indeed, the Obama administration has made its position on the issue clear since taking power. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal bureaucracies, for example, have been repeatedly caught disgorging a steady stream of outlandish propaganda painting hundreds of millions of Americans with mainstream views and religious faiths as potential terrorists and extremists.

Among other victims targeted by the propaganda: Evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews, Catholics, activists opposed to open borders, world government, centralized political authority, and more, along with pro-lifers, opponents of what globalists call their “New World Order,” and more.  of domenstic terrorist

He reiterated those sentiments in his post-Nice speech. “All of us — whatever nations [governments] we represent here — I think have to step back and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence,” Obama said after Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel slaughtered more than 84 people with a truck in Nice. “It’s been a difficult several weeks in the United States. But the divide that exists is not between races and ethnicities and religions; it is between people who recognize the common humanity of all people and are willing to build institutions that promote that common humanity, and those who do not — those who would suggest that somebody is less than them because of their tribe, or their ethnicity, or their faith, or their color.”Leftist Propagandist

In other words, there are only two classes of people in Obama’s world: those who support globalism, on one side, and racists, terrorists, haters, and people like Lahouaiej-Bouhlel on the other. According to Obama, those “impulses” to be patriotic and loyal to one’s church ahead of the UN and other global outfits, “exist in all our countries.” And they are dangerous, Obama said. “Those impulses, when we do not speak out against them and build strong institutions to protect people from those impulses, they can take over, they can be unleashed — so that all of us have responsibilities, not just a few,” he told the assembled diplomats from around the world.

Breitbart reporter Neil Munro saw right through Obama’s carefully selected language. “For Obama, everyone — jihadis and cops, Catholics and capitalists, atheists and Australians — must subordinate their political, religious and legal affiliations to the greater authority of a single globalist power,” Munro wrote in an article about “globalist” Obama’s speech about how “terrorists and racist cops” needed to be defeated by global elites. “They can’t compete, fight, defend themselves, intermarry, argue, compromise on principles, form their own countries, convert their rivals, or even campaign for political gains, because then they’re just expressing primitive supremacist ‘impulses’ that must be suppressed by international organizations, according to Obama.”tyrants

Munro also touched on the endgame. “And once their ‘impulses’ are suppressed, then there will be nothing — no religion, no nations, no states, no races, no ethnicities — that can unite peoples against their rulers in the global government,” he said.

Somehow, though, while attacking those who refuse to bow before global institutions as the scum of the earth, Obama found time to praise Islam as a religion of peace, justice, and compassion. “In contrast to these terrorists who only know how to kill and destroy, we’re going to win this fight by building,” he said without a hint of irony in his voice. A key part of the plan will be “working with partners around the world, including Muslim communities, to push back against hateful ideologies that twist and distort Islam — a religion that teaches peace and justice and compassion.”muslim-obama

Islam is NOTThose ideologies, he promised, would be defeated by “offering a better vision of development and economic progress, so people, especially young people, have more hope and opportunity and are less susceptible to extremism and violence in the first place.” And indeed, under the guise of stopping terror, the Obama administration, the UN, and globalist politicians around the world have made the war on unapproved “ideologies” and “anti-Muslim bigotry” a centerpiece of their campaign, alongside the building of global institutions for “development and economic progress.”  Imperial President Obama

As for what kind of globalist institutions and systems he has in mind, Obama also offered some major clues. Touting what he viewed as positive achievements concocted with foreign governments and global organizations, Obama specifically pointed to the UN’s deeply controversial Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals. Calling the psuedo-treaty “progress,” Obama celebrated the UN’s “new sustainable development set of goals to end extreme poverty and promote health and education and equality for all people, including women.”Bull

In reality, instead of ending poverty or educating children, the controversial UN Agenda 2030 is really an undisguised road-map to global tyranny. It demands, among other things, national and international wealth redistribution, indoctrination of children to turn them into “agents of change” in support of the UN agenda, and vast new powers for the UN and its bureaucracies. Described by top globalists and socialists as the next “Great Leap Forward” (Chairman Mao, call your office!), the plan, expected to cost as mush as $175 trillion, repeatedly pledges not to leave a single human being out of the planetary transformation. The communist dictatorship ruling China boasted of playing a “crucial role” in establishing the dangerous agenda, while genocidal Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe gushed about the “Brave New World” it was going to usher in.

Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, seized on the recent Obama speech as more evidence of the agenda being pushed by Obama and the forces behind him. “Obama simply reflects his globalist handlers when he suggests that the solution to the world’s problems will be found in everyone’s submission to a single globalist power,” Wood explained, citing Obama’s demands for renewed global attacks on nationalism and cultural pride by global institutions. “In other words, all Americans should stop being so selfish and self-centered and surrender themselves to the global ‘common good’.”burke

Wood also pointed to Obama’s promotion of UN Agenda 2030, which is being painted as “the answer to all of mankind’s problems,” in the president’s latest terror speech. “The Technocrats behind Obama may well be invisible to the general public, but they are there,” Wood concluded. “For the sake of implementing Technocracy, Obama is merely one of their many ‘useful idiots’ who spew propaganda about things they know little about.” Whether Obama is a knowing participant or a “useful idiot,” a term developed by Soviet mass murderer Vladimir Lenin to describe his self-interested minions, remains unclear. But there can be little doubt that he is working fiendishly to impose globalism and attack liberty.

Apparently unaware that America is a constitutional republic governed by the rule of law, Obama also said that part of fighting terror would be promoting “democracy” around the world. The Founders, of course, abhorred democracy, or mob rule, as a terrible and unstable form of government that is incompatible with individual liberty and property rights. Instead, they wanted rule of law, so they created a constitutional republic to protect the God-given rights of individuals.

Obama also misrepresented Bastille Day, held in honor of one of the most terrifying and bloody events in Western history, the start of a revolution orchestrated by shadowy forces in secret societies that led to, among other horrors, the savage beheading of tens of thousands of innocent people, if not more. By contrast, Obama said the day supposedly represented the “values of pluralism and rule of law and diversity and freedoms, like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly.”Leftist Propagandist

In the speech, Obama also celebrated his efforts to legitimize communist dictatorships. He thanked the assembled diplomats for their help in what he called “forging a new partnership with Vietnam.” He was referring to, among other schemes, the recent lifting of the arms embargo on that nation’s brutal communist overlords masterminded by the White House. Obama also celebrated “deepening our new chapter of engagement with the Cuban people,” presumably a reference to his throwing a desperately needed lifeline to the mass-murdering dictatorship in Havana so it could continue to brutally oppress the Cuban people.

Without any hint of irony, Obama said Agenda 2030 and the partnerships with mass-murdering extremists in Havana and Hanoi, among other supposed progress, represented a major “contrast to the death and nihilism that terrorists offer.” Obama did not mention, of course, that his political career began in the home of his friend, Castro-backed communist terrorist Bill Ayers, whose deadly terror group Weather Underground was plotting to murder millions of Americans in camps, according to the FBI agent who infiltrated the outfit. The terror group bombed the Pentagon, the State Department, the Capitol, and more, in addition to murdering numerous police officers.  

For years, Obama has been touting what he refers to as the “international order,” a planetary system often described by other globalists such as Vice President Joe Biden or former presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton as the “New World Order.” And late last month, Obama made clear that whether the people want it or not, it is here to stay as far as he is concerned. “The integration of national economies into a global economy, that’s here. That’s done,” he said at an event with the leaders of the Mexican and Canadian governments, a reference to the pseudo-“free trade” deals such as NAFTA that are being used around the world to shred national sovereignty and impose transnational governing institutions on humanity under the guise of trade. “We’re going to keep on pushing hard to shape an international order that works for our people.”Tyrant Obama

For the sake of national sovereignty, self-government, diversity, religion, liberty, and America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, Americans must oppose the dangerous “international order” being marketed by Obama and his globalist allies. That begins with stopping the UN and its Agenda 2030, along with extricating America from the entangling alliances created by global “trade” deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and NAFTA. With the movement for an American exit from the UN, or an Amexit, gaining steam, the globalist agenda can still be stopped, and the globalists know it. But absent divine intervention, it will take lots of hard work by the American people.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at

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The Clarion Project for Wednesday July 20 2016 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 309


US-Backed Syrian Rebel Group Beheads Child

US-Backed Syrian Rebel Group Beheads Child

Syrian rebel fighters from the US-backed rebel group Nour-al-din el-Zanki have beheaded a child who they accused of being a spy in a shocking video. learn more


Exclusive: From the Iraqi Front Lines

Clarion’s Kurdish affairs correspondent visits the Iraqi Army command post at Makhmour. The post is at the fringe of the Kurdish Peshmerga’s reach.

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Exclusive: From the Iraqi Front Lines

Did Erdogan Stage the Coup?

Since the coup, Erdogan has launched a brutally efficient purge against his political enemies leading many to question the coup’s bizarre events.

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Did Erdogan Stage the Coup?

Brazilian ISIS Threatens ‘Martyrdom’ Ahead of Olympics

The jihadis, calling themselves Ansar al-Khilafah Brazil, are the first South American group to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State.

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Brazilian ISIS Threatens 'Martyrdom' Ahead of Olympics

Giuliani at RNC: ‘We Must Not Be Afraid to Define Our Enemy’

Failure to call Islamist terror by name, he said, is ‘why our enemies see us as weak and vulnerable’ and ‘maligns decent Muslims around the world.’

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Giuliani at RNC: 'We Must Not Be Afraid to Define Our Enemy'

Declassified Pages of 9/11 Report Link Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Terror Network

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Declassified Pages of 9/11 Report Link Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Terror Network


German Axe Attacker Pledges Allegiance to the Islamic State German Axe Attacker Pledges Allegiance to the Islamic State

A video has surfaced of the 17-year-old, who injured four people with an axe on a train in Germany, pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. Speaking about the attack, the bishop of Würzburg, Friedhelm Hofmann, said, ‘One is speechless at such a moment. This fact can not be understood.’



G.W. [Re:’Giuliani at RNC: ‘We Must Not Be Afraid to Define Our Enemy”]: Bout time someone in power stated saying what we already know, hello HELLO you listening yet?


M.N. [Re:”]: Please don’t tell POTUS what he was screaming.




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Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagTrump ISIS

Hillary calls Trump ISIS’s best recruitment tool. Maybe so.

Trump Recruiter for ISIS / Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.

More A.F. Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

A.F.Branco Coffee Table Book <—- Order Here!

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The Clarion Project Newsletter for Monday July 11, 2016 Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 305


Defense Intel Head: I Was Sacked for Calling Out Radical Islam

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Forensic Psychiatrist: Fascinating Insights Into Orlando Shooting

Virginia Man Accused of Casing D.C. for Lone Wolf Attacks

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Virginia Man Accused of Casing D.C. for Lone Wolf Attacks

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Dallas Shooting: Time to Hold Nation of Islam Accountable

Iran: Twelve and a Half Years in Prison for a Joke on Facebook

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Iran: Twelve and a Half Years in Prison for a Joke on Facebook


Temple Mount Preacher: US Behind All Terrorism in Muslim World Temple Mount Preacher: US Behind All Terrorism in Muslim World

From Palestinian Media Watch: Sheikh Al-Abu Ahmad, preacher at the Al-Aqsa Mosque asserts: “Any operation in which a Muslim is killed in Muslim countries, America stands behind it, together with the infidel West that hates Islam and Muslims. It doesn’t matter who takes responsibility for the crime and who announces it. We will never believe it.”



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The Sorrow of a Black Eid


The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies

The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies

By Michael T. Flynn and Michael Ledeen

The Field of Fight succinctly lays out why we have failed to stop terrorist groups from growing, and what we must do to stop them. The core message is that if you understand your enemies, it’s a lot easier to defeat them―but because our government has concealed the actions of terrorists like bin Laden and groups like ISIS, and the role of Iran in the rise of radical Islam, we don’t fully understand the enormity of the threat they pose against us. A call to action that is sensible, informed, and original, The Field of Fight asserts that we must find a way to not only fight better, but to win.

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M.J.A. [Re: “Graphic Video: ISIS Executes ‘Spies,’ Puts Heads on Spikes”]: Our stupid leaders do nothing and tell us to fight them with love. God help us.


D.S. [Re: ‘Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers’]: All you people who think animals are more important than human lives, how does this strike you?


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Ann Coulter Letter: This Hidden Fact Predicts Terrorism

waving flagCommentary by  Ann Coulter  | 

URL of the original posting site:

This Hidden Fact Predicts Terrorism

How’d you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It’s getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban, as long as Muslims keep blowing things up and shooting people.

I’m assuming here that The Washington Post has not already ruled the Muslims who blew up the Istanbul Airport to be self-hating gays infected by America’s culture of homophobia. 

It turns out, Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter, also wasn’t a self-hating gay, despite media excitement over that rumor. The FBI has now run down every alleged gay partner of Omar’s, searched his phone and computers, and the alleged gay lovers either had the wrong guy or were lying, and there’s no evidence he was on any gay websites or apps.

As a Muslim immigrant explained in a curbside interview videotaped by Tony Vera at the Los Angeles International Airport recently — before she was arrested — “that’s what we do, we bomb people.”

With impeccable timing, three days before the Istanbul bombing, the liberal Guardian (UK) ran an article sneering at Brexit supporters for wanting out of the European Union before Turkey became a member and the door was thrown open to unlimited migration from this Muslim country that shares a border with Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The article by Liz Cookman was titled, “Turkey, the Brexit bogeyman, is not so different from the UK.”

Liz had a lot of fun with the Brexit-supporting ninnies, so relieved that “the Turks are no longer coming.” She referred to Turkey as “the country whose people Britons are apparently petrified of,” despite the fact that “it turns out Britain and Turkey are not so different after all.”Do you want

One way they’re a little different is that Britain has fewer Muslims on hand to blow things up. The attack this Tuesday, which left dozens dead and more than 100 wounded, is the seventh major terrorist bombing in Turkey so far this year, with a total death count in the hundreds.

As with the British media, the American media keep telling us that all these Muslim terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Muslims, and Donald Trump’s suggestion that we impose a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration is madness, bigoted, racist.

Thank God Hitler didn’t claim “Mein Kampf” was a holy book and the Fuhrerbunker a mosque.

Western governments have devoted incalculable resources to developing some diagnostic test other than “Muslim” to predict terrorism. As the New York Times reported earlier this year:

“What turns people toward violence — and whether they can be steered away from it — are questions that have bedeviled governments around the world for generations. Those questions have taken on fresh urgency with the rise of the Islamic State and the string of attacks in Europe and the United States. Despite millions of dollars of government-sponsored research, and a much-publicized White House pledge to find answers, there is still nothing close to a consensus on why someone becomes a terrorist.”

I have a possible indicator! M-U-S-L- …culture of deceit and lies

After the July 7, 2005, London subway bombing by Muslim terrorists that killed 52 people, the British MI5 undertook its own highly sophisticated study, examining hundreds of cases. But the UK’s security agency discovered that terrorists are a wildly diverse lot. They worshipped at a variety of different mosques, for example. Some terrorists were very religious Muslims and some barely practicing. Most were men, but some were women. There were young and old terrorists, highly educated as well as uneducated, some loners and some married with children. So, according to MI5, the predictive power of every factor is very low — other than: Is a Muslim.American women respond

The researchers claimed their work would “challenge the stereotypes” about who becomes a terrorist, but it pretty much confirmed mine.

Republicans who are furious with Trump for proposing that we hit the pause button on this one category of Third World mass immigration have nothing at all to say about the census report this week showing Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act has so transformed the country that a majority of babies born in the United States today are not white.

The only thing Republicans can do is denounce Obama for not using the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” (As long as they brought up Words Politicians Refuse to Use, when will the eunuchs work up the nerve to say “illegal alien,” “anchor baby” and “amnesty”?)no more rinos

Obama is a hapless fool, but what is so special about the words “radical Islam”? Maybe it’s not radical Islam. Maybe it’s just “Islam.”

The reason Republicans obsess over Obama’s language is that they can’t go on TV and say nothing, and no one but Trump will say anything useful. To wit: Let’s stop dumping a million Muslim immigrants on the country every year, some percentage of whom we know will commit mass murder.

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Clarion Project Newsletter Facebook Twitter Youtube issue 300


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Al-Qaeda: Kill Whites or US Won't Think Its Jihad

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Hamas Thanks Turkey After Israel-Reconciliation Deal


Qatari Professor: Something is Wrong With Our Culture Qatari Professor: Something is Wrong With Our Culture

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– Hassan Nasrallah
Leader of Hezbollah


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Diary of A Muslim Activist: The Day I Met David Cameron


J.C.M. [Re:’FBI Fails to Inform Citizens They Are on an ISIS Kill List’]: Every American should assume they are on an ISIS kill list…and an Al Qaeda kill list…and the kill list of every other Radical Jihadist organization.


J.V.E. [Re:’Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers’] This ideology is not compatible with even basic standard of civilization where you respect women’s & animals’ rights


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Ann Coulter Letter: How Does Immigration Reduce Mass Shootings?

waving flagCommentary by  Ann Coulter  | 

How Does Immigration Reduce Mass Shootings?

With the media frantically hiding the content of Donald Trump’s terrorism speech from last week, he should respond to every question with the central point of that speech: How does this kind of immigration make our country better? How does it make the country safer?

Media: Show us your tax returns! 

Trump: Show me how our immigration policies are good for the people who already live here.

Media: Tell us why you fired Corey Lewandowski!

Trump: Tell me how our immigration policies are making the country safer for the people who already live here.

Media: How are you going to match Hillary’s corporate fundraising?

Trump: How are our immigration policies helping the people who already live here?

Sooner or later people will say, “That’s a good question — why is this necessary?”

When the Third World immigrants admitted under Sen. Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act — as well as their children — commit mass murder, the government and media tell us it’s a gun problem. Or it’s “our” culture. Or it’s “homophobia.” Or we have to keep admitting millions of Muslims because otherwise the ones already here will REALLY hate us.

Isn’t that extortion? We’ve already admitted millions of Muslim immigrants, but if we don’t take in millions more, the ones we’ve admitted will go on killing sprees?

How did we get in the position where we’re screwed if we’re not in the good graces of the Muslim community? Maybe we should stop doing that.

As any competent health professional will tell you, prevention is always better than a cure. No one says, Go ahead and have sex with that syphilitic whore — we’ve got a cure! You don’t need to worry about a leaky roof — we’ve got mops!

They know that’s not a good argument, which is why the media refuse to tell you what Trump actually said in his terrorism speech.

Like defendants with a losing case being forced to cough up bits of discovery, it took the FBI a week to release a redacted transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 call pledging allegiance to ISIS. Even then, the first version came from George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth: “I pledge allegiance to (omitted), may God protect him (in Arabic), on behalf of (omitted).”

That was too much even for Speaker Paul “That’s Not Who We Are” Ryan, prompting the FBI to produce the full version of at least one of Omar’s calls. (It turns out, he wasn’t pledging allegiance to Wayne LaPierre or Phyllis Schlafly.)

To hide the epidemic of immigrant mass murders, all the lists have to include massacres from a time when there weren’t many immigrants here — before Kennedy’s Immigration Act had fully kicked in and overwhelmed our country with the Third World. Fox News ran a chart compiled by Mother Jones magazine that includes mass shootings from the 1980s. Why not the 1960s? Why not include Bonnie and Clyde?

Could we look at mass murders from the last decade?

Those include:

2016: Orlando, Florida, second-generation Afghan immigrant Omar Mateen — 49 dead;

2015: San Bernardino, California, first- and second-generation Pakistani immigrants Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook — 14 dead;

2015: Chattanooga, Tennessee, Kuwaiti immigrant Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez — 5 dead;

2014: Isla Vista, California, half-Malaysian immigrant from England, Elliot Rodger — 6 dead;

2013: The Boston Marathon, Chechen immigrants Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — 4 dead;

2009: Fort Hood, Texas, Palestinian second-generation immigrant Nidal Hasan — 13 dead;

2009: Binghamton, New York, Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong — 13 dead;

2007: Virginia Tech, South Korean immigrant Seung-Hui Cho — 32 dead.

In the same time period, about a half-dozen mass murders were committed by American white men in their own country, where — despite Teddy Kennedy’s best efforts — they far outnumber Vietnamese, Pakistanis and Afghans.

All the American shooters were visible nut cases who never should have been let out of a straitjacket. Their psychotic episodes wouldn’t even count as mass shootings if committed by immigrants. Pakistani Naveed Haq’s 2006 mass shooting at the Seattle Jewish Federation, for example, isn’t generally included on lists of terrorist attacks because, according to his parents, he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was on lithium.

Why do we need this? How are our current immigration policies helping the people who already live here? How are they making our country better, stronger, safer?

The operation to remake our country began with lies and has been sustained with lies ever since. Teddy Kennedy swore up and down that his 1965 Immigration Act would preserve America’s traditional “ethnic mix” and would not “inundate” our country with people from “deprived nations.”

In fact, his law brought in the poorest of the poor, from the most dysfunctional cultures in the world, and effected the most dramatic demographic transformation of any nation in all of human history.

But today, you’re Hitler if you support Teddy Kennedy’s original claims about his own bill.

When tolerance becomes a one way street Prayer for revival Picture1 true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagDisarming America

Hillary’s plan against terror is Disarming America so the only the criminals and terrorists among us will have access to assault weapons.

Hillary Disarming America / Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.

More A.F. Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

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Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagChristianophobia

Media Muslim Bias would have us believe Christians and guns are the problem above radical Islam when it comes to terrorism.

Media Muslim Bias / Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.

To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.

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Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagBush’s Legacy vs. Obama’s Legacy

REPORT: Evidence Found on Brussels Bomber’s Computer… What They Discovered is Shocking

waving flagPosted on March 30, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 9.29.36 AMThe plan to attack was far bigger than officials anticipated. Hopefully there aren’t sleeper cells waiting to attack using the same strategy.

Pictures and plans of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel’s residence and offices were found on a computer discovered after a raid on a flat used by the men suspected of carrying out last week’s deadly bombings in Brussels, Belgian media reported.

The laptop was found in a bin outside the flat in the Brussels district of Schaerbeek, which investigators say was used by the Brussels Airport suicide bombers, Belgian business daily De Tijd wrote on Wednesday.

Do you want America Never Forget Die true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagPresent Arms

Belgium PC Victims – Policies of these European countries are playing right into the hands of those who wish their destruction.

Belgium PC Victim / Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.

Makes sitting ducks Disarmed Citizenry Armed Criminals and Dictators Hey Leftist Die true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

BRUSSELS JIHADISTS: Were Planning to Attack Nuclear Plant as Officials Uncover Some Chilling Details

waving flagPosted on March 24, 2016

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Imagine if these terrorists got what they wanted? A very scary thought.

The Brussels terrorists were preparing an attack on a nuclear power plant and had recorded 12 hours of reconnaissance footage, it has been reported. The ISIS cell were spying on Belgium’s nuclear power chief, possibly as part of a kidnap plan to force him to let them into an atomic facility, according to newspaper Derniere Heure. Hours of film of the home of the Research and Development Director of the Belgian Nuclear Programme were discovered in an apartment in Brussels raided by anti-terrorist police following the attack in Paris.

The footage confounded investigators at first – as it showed the entrance to the director’s home in Flanders, an area outside the capital. But detectives made the chilling deduction that the group was attempting to gain entry to an atomic facility after watching all 12 hours of footage, which included images of a local bus.

Armed troops were sent to defend French and Belgian nuclear facilities following the discovery and both countries nuclear programmes were put on the highest state of alert.Do you want

Die true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

‘NO BORDERS’ ACTIVISTS: Brussels Bombings a ‘Good Thing’, Encourage MORE Violence from Migrants

waving flagPosted on March 24, 2016

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Who else but terrorists claim terrorism is a good thing? ‘No Borders’ you should be arrested for encouraging terrorism if you’re going to talk like that.Picture1

Activists on the No Borders / Calais Migrant Solidarity Facebook page have been discussing how Tuesday’s bombing in Brussels was a “good thing,” as the chaos it caused will have enabled illegal immigrants to cross into the UK. One activist urged others to exploit the situation, saying: “Tell your friends in the jungle.”

Their prediction has proved correct as, hours after the Home Office announced extra security measures at Channel cross-border crossings, a lorry-load of illegal immigrants was discovered in Kent.

The discussion was prompted by Chiara Lauvergnac, a self-described “freelance troublemaker”, who wrote: “Eurostar to Brussels suspended, Lille airport is taking some of the planes due to land in Brussel[s] airport. It could mean some chaos and good chance some people will go to UK! Sorry there is a good side to everything,” and posted the comment to the Calais Migrant Solidarity Facebook page.

Good Side

Gemma Rourke questioned “Sorry a good side to people being killed this morning?” to which fellow activist ‘Rojo Red’ replied: “Whether it’s a “good side” to people being killed is really irrelevant to me.”definetly

He added: “Brussels Eurostar traffic suspended, thus a real possibility of increased traffic at Calais Eurostar. Tell your friends in the Jungle!”

Lauvergnac has also used her personal Facebook page to link to two articles suggesting that yesterday’s Islamic terrorist atrocity was a “false flag” operation fabricated by Western leaders, designed to increase support among the public for higher governmental security measures. Another post is of an image which reads: “My heart truly bleeds for what happened in Belgium… But Palestinians have faced attacks for almost 70 years from Israeli terrorists and the world is still silent.”Keys taken

American women respond Die true battle Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

The Clarion Project News Letter for Today



Brussels: What We Can Learn From Today’s Attacks

Today, terrorists attacked Brussels both the airport and a metro station in the center of the city. Here’s what we can learn from the attacks. learn more


Int’l Advertising Group Helped Whitewash Saudi Crimes

A U.S. advertising powerhouse worked with Saudi Arabia for 10 years to whitewash the Saudi’s human rights record, the UK’s Independent says.

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Int'l Advertising Group Helped Whitewash Saudi Crimes

Iranian-Backed Shiite Militia Vows to Attack U.S. Forces in Iraq

Never mind that the militia’s enemy is also ISIS. In the tangled web of the Middle East, the “enemy of my enemy” is not necessarily my friend.

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Iranian-Backed Shiite Militia Vows to Attack U.S. Forces in Iraq

Girls at UK Trojan Horse School Barred From Tennis

As administrators and staff tried to Islamisize UK public schools, girls were banned from tennis so that male teachers would not be exposed to ‘jiggling.’

learn more

Girls at UK Trojan Horse School Barred From Tennis

Salah Abdeslam: The Face of Europe’s New Jihadis

In the past, radicalization occurred from religious indoctrination. Today, it is enough today to be a secular rebel.

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Salah Abdeslam: The Face of Europe's New Jihadis

Bill to Designate Brotherhood as Terror Org Gaining Support

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act now has bipartisan support. Over 50 members of Congress are now in favor it.

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Bill to Designate Brotherhood as Terror Org Gaining Support

ISIS Targets Isolated Kaka’i Religious Minority in Iraq

The Kaka’i/Yarsan religion combines Islam and Zoroastrianism. Members are now under threat from ISIS jihadis who are threatening to kill them.

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ISIS Targets Isolated Kaka'i Religious Minority in Iraq
90 More Suicide Bombers Ready to Attack Europe 90 More Suicide Bombers Ready to Attack Europe

A chilling internal French police report has revealed that as many as 90 ‘kamikazes’ may be roaming the EU ready to attack. An officials also reveals that although borders are open, European countries are not sharing intelligence.




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‘IF I WERE PRESIDENT’: Young Boy Has A GREAT Answer To This HEAVY Question

waving flagPublished on March 4, 2016

URL of the original posting site:

This kid knows what to do if he were President: “Keep Terrorists Out”.


Share if you would vote for this kid!

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Muslim Man on Terror Watch List Murders Four, Proving Just How Dangerous it is to Accept Muslim Refugees

waving flagBy / 28 January 2016

This past week Ali Muhammad Brown was sentenced to 36 years in prison after being found guilty of armed robbery in New Jersey. However, Brown’s case isn’t one of simple violence. The Seattle Muslim has also been accused of four separate counts of murder and of a charge of terrorism.Do you want

A Seattle man charged with killing four people in Washington and New Jersey in 2014 to protest U.S. foreign policy was on a federal terrorism watch list and wrote in his journal that he planned to follow the Islamic State group and “learn the ways of jihadis,” a New Jersey state prosecutor said Wednesday.

The details came out before Ali Muhammad Brown was sentenced to 36½ years in prison on an unrelated armed-robbery case.

The armed robbery occurred during the same time period as four killings now linked to Brown, three in Washington and one in New Jersey. Brown is still awaiting trial in all four slayings. He also faces a charge of terrorism, the first and only time New Jersey’s state terrorism statute has been used…

Authorities in Seattle have said that Brown described himself to detectives as a strict Muslim who was angry with the U.S. government’s role in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan because of the deaths of innocent civilians and children.American women respond

What makes Brown’s case interesting as a case study in modern American law, is that he is a perfect example of the dangers we face in allowing unvetted Muslim migration from Syria and Iraq (and other Muslim nations). 

While Brown was not a migrant, he was already known to our government and even being monitored as a possible terrorist supporter. Even with this extra level of scrutiny, observation and watchfulness, our government could not stop this man from committing terrible violence on two different sides of the country! If the government is unable to even monitor the actions of one “known” terrorist sympathizer, how can we expect them to be able to protect us from the tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands if President Obama and John Kerry get their way) of unvetted Muslim refugees?How is Trump Looking Now

Our intelligence agencies have made it clear that they cannot vet every single refugee (See the FBI saying it here and Homeland Security saying it here) being allowed entrance into our nation, but still the Obama administration continues down this dangerous road. The Brown case is simply one more example of how liberals callously endanger American lives with government incompetence.

Brendan-Tevlin Ali Muhammad Brown

Opinion: Obama’s Dangerous Terrorism Delusion

waving flagOpinion/Commentary by Jamie Weinstein, Senior Editor, 01/13/2016

President Barack Obama views the threat posed by Islamist terrorism in a dangerously stupid way.

The day before Obama’s State of the Union address, New York Times reporter Peter Baker gave some insight into the way Obama thinks about the terrorism threat.

“Here is what he probably will not say, at least not this bluntly: Americans are more likely to die in a car crash, drown in a bathtub or be struck by lightning than be killed by a terrorist,” Baker wrote. “The news media is complicit in inflating the sense of danger. The Islamic State does not pose an existential threat to the United States. “

Baker, one of the most connected reporters in Washington, likely got that insight into Obama’s thinking from those close to the president, if not from a background briefing by President Obama himself. True to Baker’s prediction, Obama did not lay out his view of the terrorism threat as bluntly in the State of the Union, but he did dance around the theme.

muslim-obama“But as we focus on destroying ISIL, over-the-top claims that this is World War III just play into their hands,” the president said during a speech he promised wouldn’t be long, but clocked in at just under an hour. “Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence. “dangerously delisional

This type of thinking about terrorism is not new. You can find proponents of the “lightening is more dangerous than terrorism” school of thought on both the libertarian right and the Barack Obama left. In November, Princeton Professor Andrew Shaver wrote an article in The Washington Post provocatively entitled, You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist.”

“But despite unremitting coverage of the Paris attacks, an objective examination of the facts shows that terrorism is an insignificant danger to the vast majority of people in the West,” Shaver declared.definetly

“Consider, for instance, that since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have been no more likely to die at the hands of terrorists than being crushed to death by unstable televisions and furniture,” he went on.

The only problem with this way of thinking is my desk chair isn’t part of an international conspiracy actively trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction in order to inflict a mass casualty attack on American soil. And the United States government doesn’t have to spend billions of dollars a year in order to ensure the death toll from lightening strikes doesn’t drastically increase.against America

Yes, we are fortunate that successful terror attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11 have so far been relatively rare and have killed far fewer people collectively than various other threats we never even think about. But Islamist terrorists are actively planning and plotting to increase the numbers of American infidels they kill, and are seeking the deadliest weapons to inflict such carnage. My armoire is not.

This type of thinking has consequences. If you view the terrorism threat the same way you view the bathtub drowning threat, you’re probably not taking the risk of Islamist terrorists acquiring weapons of mass destruction as seriously as you should. It’s the type of delusional way of looking the world that might make a president mistake the most sophisticated terror group in human history for a “J.V. team” — or a nation who captures American sailors and humiliates them on national television as a country who will uphold its end of a nuclear treaty.

America are you really paying attention RAPE American women respond In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

waving flagby Stephen K. Bannon & Julia Hahn 16 Dec 2015Washington D.C.

(1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA

Though much of the public attention has surrounded the President’s 2014 executive amnesty, the President’s 2012 amnesty quietly continues to churn out work permits and federal benefits for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Paul Ryan’s bill funds entirely this 2012 executive amnesty for “DREAMers”—or illegal immigrants who came to the country as minors.

Specifically, Division F of Ryan’s omnibus bill contains no language that would prohibit the use of funds to continue the President’s unconstitutional program. Obama’s executive action, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), has granted around 700,000 illegal aliens with work permits, as well as the ability to receive tax credits and federal entitlement programs. A recent GAO report documented how this illegal amnesty program for alien youth is, in large part, responsible for the illegal alien minor surge on our southern border.

In 2013, Paul Ryan said that it is his job as a U.S. lawmaker to put himself in the shoes of “the DREAMer who is waiting” and work to find legislative solutions to his or her problems.illegalalienvoters-300x300

(2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities

Five months ago, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was bleeding to death in her father’s arms. She was gunned down in broad daylight by a five-time deported criminal alien whose presence in the country was the direct result of San Francisco’s refusal to comply with U.S. immigration law—yet Paul Ryan’s omnibus rewards these lawless Sanctuary Cities with federal grants. Division B Title II of Ryan’s omnibus funds various grant programs for the Department of Justice (pages 167, 168, and 169) and contains no language that would restrict the provision of such grants to sanctuary jurisdictions.

In a Congressional hearing, Steinle’s father demanded Congressional action and recalled his daughter’s dying words: “Help me, Dad.”

(3) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All Refugee Programs

Despite broad support amongst Republican lawmakers for a proposal introduced by Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) to halt all refugee resettlement, Ryan’s appropriations bill will fund President Obama’s refugee resettlement operation and will allow for the admission of tens of thousands of refugees with access to federal benefits. Division H Title II of Ryan’s bill contains appropriations of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and contains no language that would restrict the program. Nor are there any restrictions for the program in Division K of Ryan’s bill, which provides funding for the Department of State, which oversees refugee admissions.

Ryan is not one of the 84 cosponsors of Babin’s bill to halt the refugee operation, and he recently told Sean Hannity that he does not support halting resettlement because, “We’re a compassionate country. The refugees laws are important laws.” Similarly, this outcome represents a legislative win for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who told Sean Hannity he’d “hate to use” Congress’s power of the purse to deny funding for Obama’s resettlement operation. no more rinos

(4) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All of the Mideast Immigration Programs That Have Been Exploited by Terrorists in Recent Years 

Although multiple immigrant and visa programs in recent years have been exploited by terrorists (such as the F-1 “student” visa, the K-1 “fiancée” visa, and our green card and refugee programs), Ryan’s proposal does nothing to limit admissions from jihadist-prone regions. As Senators Shelby and Sessions of Alabama noted in a joint statement: “The omnibus would put the U.S. on a path to approve admission for hundreds of thousands of migrants from a broad range of countries with jihadists movements over the next 12 months, on top of all the other autopilot annual immigration.”

(5) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Alien Resettlement

On page 917 of Ryan’s omnibus a section titled “Refugee and Entrant Assistance” funds the President’s resettlement of illegal immigrant border crossers.

(6) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds the Release of Criminal Aliens

Senior legislative aides tell Breitbart News that Ryan’s bill does not do anything to change the enforcement priorities that Jeh Johnson established a little over a year ago that would shield entire categories of criminal aliens from immigration law, nor does it include language recommended by Sessions and Shelby to “deny the expenditure of funds to issue visas to countries that refuse to repatriate criminal aliens.”

(7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas 

Despite Ryan’s pledge not to move an immigration compromise with President Obama, tucked 700 pages into BrokeRyan’s spending bill is language that would resuscitate and expand a controversial provision of the Schumer-Rubio Gang of Eight plan to increase the H-2B visa program.

The provision “would quadruple the number of H-2B visas for unskilled guest workers, for a total of more than 250,000,” writes immigration attorney Ian Smith. The Americans who fill these jobs are typically “society’s most vulnerable — including single women, the disabled, the elderly, minorities, teenagers, students, and first-generation immigrants,”  Smith explains.

A recent BuzzFeed exposé revealed how this program allows businesses to discriminate against American workers and “deliberately den[y] jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.” As one GOP aide told Breitbart News, “This provision is a knife in the heart of the working class, and African Americans.”

(8) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Tax Credits for Illegal Aliens

Ryan’s bill preserves the expansion of the President’s expiring child tax credits without any accompanying language to prevent illegal aliens from receiving those tax credits. While Sen. Sessions attempted to include language in the bill that would prevent illegal immigrants from receiving tax credits, his recommendation was rejected.

(9) Ryan’s Omnibus Locks-In Huge Spending Increases

The bill funds the Obama-Boehner budget deal, which eliminated spending caps, and will increase both defense and non-defense spending next year by $25 billion more each.

(10) Ryan’s Omnibus Fails to Allocate Funds to Complete the 700-Mile Double-Layer Border Fence That Congress Promised the American People

Nearly a decade ago with the passage of the 2006 Secure Fence Act, the American people were promised a 700-mile double-layer border fence. However, funding for the fence was later gutted and, as a result, its construction was never completed. Despite heightened media focus over the past six months about Americans’ desire for this barrier to illegal entry, Ryan’s bill does not require that funds be allocated to finish the construction of the 700-mile double-layer fence.

A vote could occur as early as Thursday after midnight, giving lawmakers and the public only one full business day to review the 2,242 page package. The Ryan-Pelosi package represents nothing short of a complete and total betrayal of the American people.

Yet Ryan’s omnibus serves a second and equally chilling purpose. By locking in the President’s refugee, immigration, and spending priorities, Ryan’s bill is designed to keep these fights out of Congress by getting them off the table for good. Delivering Obama these wins–and pushing these issues beyond the purview of Congress–will suppress public attention to the issues and, in so doing, will boost the candidacy of the Republican establishment’s preferred presidential contenders, who favor President Obama’s immigration agenda.death

What may prove most discouraging of all to Americans is that recent reports reveal that conservatives in the so-called House Freedom Caucus are praising Ryan even as he permanently locks in these irreversible and anti-American immigration policies. According to Politico, the House Freedom Caucus will “give Ryan a pass” even as he funds disastrous policies that prioritize the interests of foreign nationals and global corporatists above the needs of the American people whom lawmakers are supposed to represent.

In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagRefugee-O-Phobia

YESTERDAY’s and Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons

waving flagMain Course

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagThe End Game

Obama Vs. Reagan: “How to Handle a Terrorist”

how to handle terrorist

It’s clear from this video the difference between a leader and President Obama.

Obama, wearing his tan vacation suit walks on stage to tell the people of America that he doesn’t have a strategy.

Counter to Obama, Reagan had this to say:

“…when our citizens are abused or attacked, anywhere in the world on the direct orders of a hostile regime, we will respond so long as I am in this Oval Office. Self defense is not only our right, it is our duty.

And he continues,

“I warned that there should be no place on earth where terrorists can rest and train and practice their deadly skills. I meant it. I said that we would act with others if possible and alone if necessary to ensure that terrorists have no sanctuary anywhere tonight.”

A true leader is decisive, direct, and someone who commands attention.

was In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Stretched FBI braces for Islamic State holiday terror attacks

– The Washington Times – Tuesday, November 17, 2015

America Never Forget

In the wee hours of July 4, FBI counterterrorism agents in the Boston area scrambled to thwart the last of a string of Islamic State terror plots they feared could be conducted during the patriotic holiday or soon after. Just weeks earlier, an agent and Boston officers had shot and killed an ISIS sympathizer on the same streets, right before he boarded a bus armed with a military-style knife and plans to attack cops and behead a woman.

Now, an undercover operative set up a weapons buy on the streets with a young Massachusetts man, the son of a respected cop but now someone who had been radicalized by the Islamic State. Agents believed he was plotting to shoot or blow up students at an out-of-state campus with bombs laced with Styrofoam, which sticks to skin and worsens the burns.

The buy went down, the young man was arrested and a search of his apartment quickly confirmed agents’ fears.

The harrowing ending to the two Boston cases this summer seemed ripped from a Hollywood movie script — except the threats were real and the consequences of stumbling could have been lethal.

This undated evidence photo released by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston shows weapons seized when Alexander Ciccolo was arrested in Adams, Mass. Ciccolo is charged in a federal complaint with possessing firearms after being previously convicted of a felony, and is accused of plotting to commit terrorist acts in support of extremists. (U.S. Attorney's Office via AP)

This undated evidence photo released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston … more >

With another round of holidays fast approaching in the shadows of last Friday’s Paris attacks, FBI officials on the front lines of the war on terrorism see a new round of threats rising and worry they don’t have all the tools to cope, according to interviews with The Washington Times.

Officials familiar with the bureau’s preparations, speaking only on condition of anonymity, said Director James Comey has put a brave public face on the bureau’s fight against ISIS that masks significant tensions behind the scenes with the Obama administration.

Bureau officials are deeply worried they don’t have enough resources to track a growing number of radicalized Americans inspired by the Islamic State, with more possibly entering as President Obama opens the borders to thousands of Syrian refugees.Do you want

muslim-obamaThose fears are also shared in Congress, where support is building for a measure by House Speaker Paul Ryan to temporarily halt any new refugees from entering the country.

Rep. Blake Farenthold, Texas Republican and a member of both of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform Committees, told a Washington Times radio show Tuesday that the U.S. government does not have the resources to screen a new wave of Syrian refugees for terror ties as the administration has promised.

“They’re basically lying to you saying, ‘oh we’ve got this vetting process to make sure that they’re safe.’ But you had the FBI director testify before Congress, under oath saying that if they have no information on someone they have nothing to vet them against,” Mr. Farenthold said on the “Capitol Hill Show” with Tim Constantine.

“We have testimony saying, and I think common sense also dictates that in a failed state like Syria you don’t have any government information, police reports to rely on to vet somebody,” the congressman added. “So there’s no way to do a background check from somebody coming out of Syria. There’s no way we can find out whether they’re safe or not.”

Likewise, the bureau is frustrated that the White House and Justice Department have not pressured Congress to act more quickly to force technology companies to help break the encrypted communications of suspects, fearing political appointees have been too deferential to a politically connected, well-monied industry.

“We have suspects we’ve been tracking that have gone dark, because we can no longer follow their encrypted activities. Physical surveillance can only take us so far and the urgency to solve that gap in the political realm isn’t there,” one official said, speaking only on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak to the media.

Added another official: “The administration has a calming public storyline that we have this all under control and life can go on as normal. But we’re one crack in the sidewalk away from a tragedy, and that crack could be an encrypted message we can’t follow, a lead we couldn’t resource or a refugee who slips in like we saw in Paris.”against America

FBI officials have seen a spike in Islamic State supporters in the U.S. switching to mobile and gaming apps with deep encryption to carry out their communications, suddenly cutting off the FBI’s ability to monitor them.

One official told the Times the U.S. has credible evidence that the Paris attackers used a PlayStation 4 to plan the attacks and talk with plotters through encrypted means.

“These apps and games have encryption we currently can’t penetrate,” the official said. “A legislative solution isn’t even possible with the time we have left with the potential threats in the U.S. for these holidays.”

A senior FBI official in headquarters, speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that agents on the front lines have frustrations with the speed of a policy or legislative solution, but that officials in headquarters were working hard to strike a short-term deal with technology companies to improve the FBI’s access in terror cases.

“We continue to have productive conversations with communications providers, based on a shared belief of safety and security on the internet, the benefits of strong encryption, and the need for reasonable access pursuant to court orders,” the official said.

Adding to the concern is that the activity among Islamic State recruits in the U.S. has slowed since July when the FBI announced it had disrupted multiple plots and arrested at least 10 U.S.-based sympathizers.

“While it has reduced the load a bit this fall, there are some in the intelligence community who fear it may be a sign that the sleeper cells are already here or that the arrests and publicity this summer tipped off ISIL to change its tactics and communication patterns,” one counterterrorism official said.

Mohammad-contest-piece-4-small-1_zpsr4tzeyvq-630x1024Mr. Comey, who conducted a classified briefing Tuesday evening with House members, has been candid in his open testimonies with Congress about the concerns with encryption and the lack of resources for vetting a wave of new refugees.

But at the same time, he has also been diplomatic.

A few days before the disrupted plots were announced, the FBI director pressed Congress but also made clear he appreciated the privacy benefits of encryption software and wasn’t picking a fight with the technology companies.

“I am not here to fight a war,” he told senators.

Unfortunately, the Islamic State is fighting a war and put a new bull’s eye on Washington D.C. and other American cities this week with a videotaped threat after the Paris attacks.

CIA Director John Brennan on Monday acknowledged that more attacks and plots are likely already in the “pipeline.” And Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, unequivocally disputed Mr. Obama’s claims this week that the Islamic State is “contained” and said she had “never been more concerned.”

FBI officials see a high terror threat over the next seven weeks through the New Year’s holiday, fearing such attacks could have been plotted months ago in Syria to be carried out by Islamic State trained fighters using small arms, suicide bombers, grenades and other conventional means on soft targets like sporting events, hotel parties, restaurants or entertainment venues.

The FBI also has growing evidence that the Islamic State has advanced its bomb making skills in places like Brussels — the staging location for the Paris attacks — and disseminated that lethal knowledge to sleeper cells or home-grown terrorists radicalized across the Internet.

“The attackers could look and act just like everyday Americans until they strike with weapons we haven’t seen in terror attacks here,” one official said, summarizing current threat assessments.

The Boston case thwarted on the Fourth of July offered that perfect storm: an unlikely suspect who used the Internet to become radicalized, advance his plot and learn about explosives.

Alexander Ciccolo, a recent convert to Islam who took the name Ali Al-Amriki, is the son of a respected Boston police captain who tipped off the bureau to his son’s ill intentions. He was arrested on the street after, according to authorities, trying to buy semiautomatic weapons from an FBI undercover operative on the morning of Independence Day.

A raid of his apartment turned up a pressure cooker, explosives and other materials confirming the FBI’s suspicions he was plotting an attack that he planned to broadcast live on the Internet, according to court records.

In his confession to the FBI, the younger Mr. Ciccolo detailed his hatred for non-Muslim Americans and the violence he was indoctrinated by the Islamic State to carry out via the Internet, according to court records.

His Facebook account under his alias divulged both his allegiance and his intent: “Thank you Islamic State. Now we won’t have to deal with these kafir (non-Muslims) back in America,” the young man wrote in one post in fall 2014 showing a dead American soldier.

He has trained in the woods for an attack with a machete, the account shows.

By June, authorities claim, Mr. Ciccolo had graduated to meeting with an undercover informant and describing his plans to attack two bars and a police station with pressure cooker bombs. He later changed those plans to carrying out a more massive strike on a state university campus in which students were to be executed by guns and explosives while the attacks were being broadcast live across the internet, according to an FBI agent’s affidavit.

The FBI kept Mr. Ciccolo under constant surveillance as he developed his plot, buying a pressure cooker, arranging to buy an arsenal of weapons and carefully constructing “firebombs” to cause the maximum pain to the students, the FBI affidavit says.

Those bombs found “contained what appeared to be shredded Styrofoam soaked in motor oil which CICCOLO told CW-1 (undercover operative) would cause the fire from the exploded devices to stick to people’s skin and make it harder to put the fire out,” the FBI affidavit said.ISIS is contained

Mr. Ciccolo’s violent intentions didn’t stop with his arrest, according to court documents that state he stabbed a nurse in the head with a pen after his detention.

He is being held without bail after pleading not guilty to a weapons charge related to the transaction with the undercover operative and an assault charge related to the attack on the nurse. His lawyer has said he is uncertain whether terrorism charges will be added at a later date.

Most Americans went to firework celebrations and picnics on July 4 never knowing of the threat, or the other nine radicalized suspects rounded up in the days before the Independence Day festivities in connection with other terror plots.

America are you paying attention In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Media Reportage Serves to Support Palestinian Terrorism

waving flagBy Meira Svirsky Mon, October 19, 2015

Recent headlines from mainstream media sources

Wars are not fought exclusively on the battlefield. They are fought and supported through ideology – ideas that flow through society originating from politicians to professors, from powerful interest group to grassroots activists. But in today’s age, none of these ideas has a chance of competing in our fast-paced marketplace for attention except the ones chosen to be significant by the most important arbiters of the battlefield: the media.

In theory, journalists report the “facts,” roughly recognized as the compilation of the actual happenings of any given event. Subjective distillation is, of course, always a factor, as all journalists are forced by necessity into choosing the most salient points and leaving out what they deem insignificant details.

But to consciously choose to distort the facts or skew the facts in a way that distorts them takes the writer out of the realm of journalism and into that of propaganda. When propaganda bandied about as journalism is used to support terrorists, journalists become the terrorists’ “willing executioners” – complicit in bloodshed and murder.

The current terrorist onslaught in Israel has seen some of the worst reportage by the world’s conventional media outlets. Over the past three weeks, Israelis have faced murderous Islamists intent on killing them through a variety of means from knifing, shooting or running them over with vehicles. In the course of these attacks, most of the terrorists have been killed — by police, soldiers or armed citizens defending themselves.

Yet, the headlines ring out through world declaring

(from the Independent):

(from NPR, with a full-size picture of a relative crying over and kissing the body of a dead terorist):

(from USA Today):

(and from the Irish Independent, simply):

When Palestinians set the Tomb of the Patriarch Joseph, a revered Jewish holy site, ablaze on Saturday night, CNN reported:

CNN later updated to headline to:

Another recent article on CNN actually writes a dual report of the news of the day under the headline:

The dual report was introduced with the following subhead:

Never mind that Palestinian Authority sources, as spearheaded by Mahmoud Abbas, have a history of lying. What CNN was calling “incidents” happened to be three stabbings and two attempted stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians. One can only imagine the same dual reporting of the West’s battle against ISIS — “incidents” (let’s say, beheadings and stonings of civilians) reported from both the West’s perspective and that of ISIS.

For journalists, the Internet has made fact-checking remarkably easy, however, the Internet’s advent in the world of news has also been a Catch -22. News must now compete with social media, which can provide up-to-the-minute, first-hand reports. Decreasing revenues combined with rolling deadlines means there are fewer resources available with more pressure to get the story out.

Yet, the reportage of the current terror war against Israel goes beyond all fair journalist standards and excuses. As such, media complicity in terror is another battle all fair-minded people need to fight.

Meira Svirsky is the editor of

In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

waving flagIn Hillary World

White House unveils hostage policy review, takes heat for opening door to terror ransoms

waving flagPublished by June 24, 2015


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The Obama administration was accused Wednesday of giving terrorists an incentive to kidnap as it unveiled a hostage policy overhaul allowing families of U.S. hostages to pay ransom — and allowing the U.S. government to help families communicate with captors. “This doesn’t fix anything,” Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a leading critic of the administration’s hostage policy, told Fox News. “The money that we’re going to be paying ISIS is going to be used to buy arms and to buy equipment to fight Americans and to fight the Iraqis.” 

But the White House said the changes are being unveiled with the families and victims in mind. “We’re not going to abandon you. We’re going to stand by you,” Obama said of hostages’ families, speaking at the White House on Wednesday. The policy review was formally released shortly before noon, and includes a host of changes beyond the clarifications on ransom discussions — notably, the creation of a new bureaucratic structure for handling hostage cases.  The White House plans to establish a Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell responsible for coordinating the recovery of hostages; a Hostage Response Group responsible for coordinating hostage policies; and the position of “special presidential envoy for hostage affairs.” Obama said this is being done to sync up various efforts, citing past coordination problems. Picture3 crazy talk

This framework is also being met with mixed reviews, but much of the attention is on the newly clarified policies for communicating with terrorists. The White House sought the policy review last fall after the deaths of Americans held hostage by Islamic State militants. The families of some of those killed complained about their dealings with the administration, saying they were threatened with criminal prosecution if they pursued paying ransom in exchange for their loved ones’ release. 

In response, the administration made clear Wednesday that officials will no longer threaten hostages’ families with prosecution for dealing with and paying ransoms to terrorist captors.  The Justice Department said in a written statement: “The department does not intend to add to families’ pain in such cases by suggesting that they could face criminal prosecution.” There is not expected to be any formal change to the law. However, the administration made clear that the Justice Department has never prosecuted anyone for paying ransom and that will continue to be the case. The White House said in a statement that the government still takes a “no concessions” approach, and it continues to be U.S. policy to “deny hostage-takers the benefits of ransom.” But the same statement says this policy does not “preclude engaging in communications with hostage-takers.” muslim-obama

The White House made clear the U.S. government may, then, help facilitate communications with terrorists on behalf of the families. The directive said the U.S. “may assist private efforts” to communicate with hostage-takers, and may even “itself communicate with hostage-takers” to try to rescue hostages. White House counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco said the U.S. government, though, would not specifically facilitate ransom payments. 

The announcements still amount to a shift in the U.S. approach to hostages. It was considered a major break from past practice last year when the Obama administration traded five Taliban leaders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The latest policy changes could open the door to more deals, even if they are only struck with families of hostages. 

Critics worry they could also encourage more kidnappings, while effectively aiding the enemy. AMEN

“The concern that I have is that by lifting that long-held principle [of not paying ransoms], you could be endangering more Americans here and overseas,” House Speaker John Boehner said. “You’re going to have to have the government now facilitating payments from the families here to the terrorists there while at the same time we have troops on the ground … fighting the same people that we’re paying money to,” Hunter said Wednesday. “You’re worth more captured now than you would be otherwise.” Former House intelligence committee chairman Mike Rogers also voiced concern on a local talk radio station Tuesday evening that this would encourage more hostage-taking and ransom demands. 

Obama, though, stressed Wednesday that the U.S. government itself would not be paying ransoms. 

Four Americans have been killed by the Islamic State since last summer: journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Peter Kassig and Kayla Mueller. After the release of gruesome videos showing the beheadings of some hostages, Obama approved an airstrike campaign against the Islamic State in both Iraq and Syria. 

The families’ anguish has been deepened by the fact that European governments routinely pay ransom for hostages and win their release. The U.S. says its prohibitions against the government and private individuals making any concessions to terrorist demands are aimed both at preventing more kidnappings and blocking more income for terror groups. However, the Obama administration did negotiate with the Taliban last year to win the release of Bergdahl. White House officials say those negotiations were permissible because Obama sees a special responsibility to leave no American service member behind on the battlefield. Bull

Elaine Weinstein, whose husband Warren Weinstein was accidentally killed by a U.S. drone strike in April while being held hostage by Al Qaeda, argued Tuesday against the government making such distinctions between U.S. citizens. “The people who take American citizens working abroad as hostages do not discriminate based on their job or employer, and neither should our government,” Weinstein said in a statement. 

The White House invited the families of 82 Americans held hostage since 2001 to participate in the review, and 24 agreed to do so. The National Counterterrorism Center, which oversaw the review, also consulted with hostage experts from the U.S. and other countries. As part of the review’s findings, the White House announced the creation of a hostage recovery “fusion cell” that will coordinate the multiple government agencies involved in such issues. The new office aims to address family frustrations about getting contradictory information from different agencies by creating a single point of contact. 

The administration is not acquiescing to the requests of some families to house the fusion cell in the White House’s National Security Council. Instead, the office will be at the FBI, and the director will be affiliated with the FBI. The cell will include representatives from the State Department, Treasury Department, CIA and other key agencies.  

Obama also announced the creation of a State Department special envoy post that will head the administration’s dealings with foreign governments on hostage matters. 

Fox News’ James Rosen and Doug McKelway and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

freedom combo 2

Islamists Promise ‘Kuffar Blood’ Will Spill at Phoenix ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest

by AWR Hawkins29 May 2015

GP shows screenshots of various tweets from @DAWLATNAH–some with an ISIS flag avatar and others with an Islamic cleric avatar. One tweet, sent May 28 at 10:14 pm from an account that has since been suspended, says, “WARNING IF U LOVE UR CHILDREN DONT BRING THEM IN THE EVENT TODAY THE WILL SPLIT OF BLOOD IN THE EVENT OF MUHAMMAD SAW DRAWINGS.”

Another tweet that was sent on May 28 from an acount that has also been suspended says, “WHO EVER LOVE HER OR HIS CHILD DONT TAKE THEM IN THE EVENT WE PROMISE U WE WILL DRINK UR BLOOD.”

A separate Twitter account named Shariah Will Rule tweeted, “If an attack happens at that contest and loads of people die you brought upon yourselves, I won’t care in the slightest.” And from that same account: “You stupid kuffar clearly did not take from the Charlie Hebdo attacks. You guys are truly deaf, dumb & blind.”free speech

Rally organizer Jon Ritzheimer’s home address has been published and his family threatened.


Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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CAIR Officials on Memorial Day: Do U.S. Troops Merit Honor?

waving flagBy Ryan Mauro, Mon, May 26, 2014

URL of the Original Posting Site:

against America

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group labeled by the Justice Department as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism-financing trial, disingenuously claims that it is a moderate organization.

Yet, on May 23, Zahra Billoo, the radical executive-director of CAIR’s San Francisco Bay Area chapter, tweeted that she “struggles with Memorial Day each year” about whether to honor American soldiers who died in wars:

She also quoted another CAIR official, Dawud Walid, the executive-director of CAIR’s Michigan chapter, as questioning whether they should honor American soldiers that died in “unjust” wars and occupations. That’s a direct insult to American soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan and those that have returned from Iraq, as CAIR officials consistently describe those wars with that terminology. Billoo quoted Walid as saying:

Billoo did, however, find one “soldier” she felt comfortably honoring. On May 26, she promoted an article from the anti-Semitic and anti-American Nation of Islam that asked for help for a “black liberation soldier” named Imam Jamil al-Amin:

Al-Amin was a member of the Black Panthers terrorist group and was convicted of murdering a police officer in 2000. He is also anti-American, stating “if America doesn’t come around, we’re gonna burn it down,” and “I say violence is necessary. It is as American as cherry pie.”

Al-Amin also said, “When we begin to look critically at the Constitution of the United States . . . we see that in its main essence it is diametrically opposed to what Allah has commanded.”

Al-Amin is considered to be a political prisoner by radical groups like the Nation of Islam, the Sankore Institute of Islamic African Studies International and now, at least one CAIR leader. The extremist cleric viewed America as intrinsically evil from its very foundation. Al-Amin’s theme is similar to other tweets written by Billoo and Walid over Memorial Day Weekend. On May 24, as Memorial Day Weekend was beginning, Walid shared his thoughts that America is a fundamentally racist country:

On May 4, Billoo re-tweeted two opinions that America is inherently murderous:

The tweets are offensive and disturbing, but they are not unprecedented. In March, the Clarion Project reported on how Billoo and Imraan Siddiqi, chairman of the board for CAIR’s Arizona chapter, were sending out tweets depicting the U.S. military as “occupiers” and “murderers.” The tweets outraged the American-Islamic Forum on Democracy (AIFD), a Muslim group opposed to Islamist extremism. Its leader, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, served in the U.S. Navy. “It is plain to see, however, that they [the CAIR officials] have nothing but disdain for our armed forces. We do hope that Muslim members of the U.S. military realize that CAIR sees you as ‘occupiers,’ not patriots protecting the freest nation on earth,” the AIFD said.

This is what some CAIR officials are saying publicly. If these are the views they feel comfortable expressing openly, then how extreme are the views expressed privately?

Update: 05/27/2014 – Zahra Billo has since deleted her tweet about struggling with Memorial Day. Screenshots of the original tweets are provided in this article.freedom combo 2

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Looney Tune Strategy

Ann Coulter Letter: “Knowing What We Know Now, Would You Say Jeb Bush Is Retarded?”

waving flagWritten by Ann Coulter  | 

URL of the Original Posting Site:

Knowing What We Know Now, Would You Say Jeb Bush Is Retarded?

Was Jeb Bush too busy watching telenovelas during his brother’s presidency to remember the Iraq War?

We went to war at such breakneck speed after 9/11, that, before the invasion, I was able to write approximately 30 columns about it, give five dozen speeches on it, discuss it on TV a hundred times and read 1,089 New York Times editorials denouncing the “rush to war.” 

So I remember the arguments.

Contrary to the fairy tale the left has told itself since Obama truculently gave away America’s victory in Iraq, our argument wasn’t that we had to invade Iraq because of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. And the left’s argument certainly was not: “He doesn’t have any WMDs!”

Our argument was: There were lots of reasons to get rid of Saddam Hussein, and none to keep him.

Indeed, after Bush’s State of the Union address laying out the case for war with Iraq, The New York Times complained that he had given too many reasons: “Even the rationale for war seems to change from day to day. Mr. Bush ticked off a litany of accusations against Iraq in his State of the Union address …” (New York Times, Feb. 2, 2003)

Among the reasons we invaded Iraq were:

(1) Saddam had given shelter to terrorists who killed Americans. After 9/11, it was time for him to pay the price:

– The mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, Abu Abbas, who murdered a wheelchair-bound American citizen, Leon Klinghoffer, then forced the passengers to throw his body overboard, was living happily in Iraq. (Captured by U.S. forces in Baghdad less than a month after our invasion.)

– The terrorist who orchestrated the murder of American diplomat Laurence Foley in October 2002, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also took refuge in Saddam’s Iraq. (Killed by U.S. forces in Iraq on June 7, 2006.)

– The one terrorist behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who got away, Abdul Rahman Yasin, fled to Iraq, where he was given money and lived without fear of being extradited to the United States. (Whereabouts unknown. Possibly being groomed for a prime-time show on MSNBC.)

– Czech intelligence reported that Mohammed Atta, 9/11 mastermind, met with Iraqi agents in Prague shortly before the attack.

We’re not supposed to mention the Prague meeting on penalty of liberals yelling at us. Apparently, our CIA discounts that report. On the other hand, the CIA didn’t see the 1993 World Trade Center bombing coming, didn’t see 9/11 coming, didn’t see the Fort Hood massacre coming and didn’t see the Times Square bombing coming. No one tell liberals, but our CIA knows NOTHING — although they’re pretty sure something bad happened at Pearl Harbor a while back.

(2) Saddam had attempted to assassinate a former president of the United States. Liberals complained that it was a family feud because that president happened to be Bush’s father, but, again, he was also a FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. (Does being a relative of the president make you fair game for assassination attempts? Bill Clinton, please pick up the white courtesy phone.)

(3) Saddam not only had WMDs, he had used them — far more prodigiously than Syria’s Bashar al-Assad did when Obama masterfully backed down from his “red line” threat if Assad ever used chemical weapons. (Assad’s WMDs killed about a thousand civilians — 350 according to French intelligence, which is a lot better than ours. Saddam’s WMDs killed an estimated 100,000 civilians. That’s according to everyone — the United Nations, Human Rights Watch and Clinton-era ambassador Peter Galbraith.)

(4) We needed to smash some Muslim strongman after the 9/11 attack, and Saddam was as good as any other — at least as good as the Taliban primitives who had allowed Osama bin Laden to pitch his tent in their godforsaken country.

It worked: Moammar Gadhafi, terrified that Bush would attack Libya next, invited U.N. inspectors in, gave up his WMDs, and paid the families of his Lockerbie bombing victims $8 million apiece.

(5) Saddam had committed atrocities on a far greater scale than our current bogeyman, ISIS. He tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis — removing their teeth with pliers, applying electric shocks to men’s genitals, drilling holes in their ankles and forcing them to watch as their wives were raped — as reported by USA Today, among others. There was no risk that we were accidentally taking out the Arab George Washington.

(6) Saddam was a dangerous and disruptive force in a crucial oil-producing region of the world. We need oil. Why not go to war for oil?

(7) The Iraqi people were a relatively sane, civilized and educated populace with a monstrous ruler. Removing that leader would provide a golden opportunity for an actual functioning Arab democracy — an Arab Israel.

That worked, too. In under two years, Iraqis were waving their purple fingers to symbolize having voted in their first democratic election. A few years after that, young Iranians were demanding their own democracy in another good people/bad rulers country.

But then an innocent 26-year-old girl, Neda, was gunned down in Tehran by the Iranian military. President Obama responded forcefully by going out for an ice cream cone. And thus ended the democratic movement in the Muslim world.

The least important reason to invade Iraq — the one that was tacked on for the sole purpose of taunting liberals over their goofy reverence for the United Nations — was that Saddam had refused to allow U.N. weapons inspectors in, leaving the strong impression that Iraq was chock-a-bloc with WMDs. It was the equivalent of asking where the feminists were when we invaded Afghanistan — although technically, we didn’t invade because the Taliban were mean to women.

In fact, the only time The New York Times got testy with Saddam was after the “powerful case” made by Secretary of State Colin Powell, “that Saddam Hussein stands in defiance of Security Council resolutions.” (Who cares?)

Liberals didn’t mind Saddam’s sheltering terrorists, using poison gas, invading his neighbors or attempting to assassinate a former U.S. president. But Saddam had disrespected the U.N.!

Far from claiming that estimates of Saddam’s WMDs were overblown, liberals cited those very WMDs to warn America that any invasion would result in catastrophe for the Great Satan. Thus, for example:

– The New York Times cautioned in an editorial that an invasion might create chaotic conditions, allowing “terrorists to grab biological or chemical weapons.” (New York Times, Feb. 2, 2003)

– Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg predicted that Saddam would “use poison gas against U.S. troops.” (Jane Sutton, “Pentagon Papers’ Ellsberg Sees Deja Vu in Iraq,” Reuters, Nov. 25, 2002)

– In the Chicago Tribune, Steve Chapman warned: “Once American troops set foot on Iraqi soil, they may be bombarded with poison gas.” (Steve Chapman, “What Could Go Wrong in the War With Iraq,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 17, 2002)

– The Times’ Nicholas Kristof wrote that if we invaded Iraq, “Saddam may well launch missiles with chemical warheads at Tel Aviv.” (Nicholas Kristof, “Flirting With Disaster,” Feb. 14, 2003)

This is why all six of Jeb Bush’s answers to Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly — as well as Marco Rubio’s premeditated answer a week later — were ridiculous. It’s annoying enough having liberals invent these historical fantasies. Do our fearsome Republicans have to keep retelling them, too? If they don’t follow the news, can’t they read?

Kelly asked Bush: “Knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?”

The correct answer is:

Now that we know that a half-century of Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act would result in a country where a man like Barack Obama could be elected president, and then, purely out of antipathy to America, would withdraw every last troop from Iraq, nullifying America’s victory and plunging the entire region into chaos, no, I would not bother removing dangerous despots in order to make America safer.

Instead, I would dedicate myself to overturning our immigration laws, ending the anchor-baby scam and building a triple-layer fence on the border, so that some future Republican president could invade Iraq without worrying about a foreign-elected president like Obama coming in and giving it away.

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Former terror suspect well known to the FBI is named as one of two gunmen shot dead by cops after attack on anti-Islam ‘draw Muhammad’ art contest near Dallas

waving flagBy Wills Robinson and Ted Thornhill and Lydia Warren For

A former terror suspect has been named as one of the gunmen shot dead by police after the two attackers blasted an unarmed security guard in the ankle during an anti-Islam art contest in Texas on Sunday night.

Elton Simpson, 30, who was previously the subject of a terror investigation, and his roommate Nadir Soofi, 34, were armed with assault rifles when they were killed by a quick-thinking traffic officer after opening fire outside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Dallas, at around 7pm.

The shooting unfolded as the American Freedom Defense Initiative held an event inside the building where caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad were being displayed. Followers of Islam deem that any physical depiction of the prophet – even a positive one – is blasphemous.

Simpson, identified in court papers as an American Muslim, had been convicted of lying to federal agents about his plans to travel to Somalia five years ago, but a judge ultimately ruled it could not be proved that he was heading there to join a terror group. He was placed on probation.

Soofi, named as the second gunman by the Washington Post, shared an apartment with Simpson at the Autumn Ridge complex in Phoenix.

On Monday morning, FBI agents and investigators could be seen cordoning off and searching the apartment, as well as a white van believed to belong to Simpson. Investigators are also reviewing computer records from materials found at the home.

Shot dead: Elton Simpson, pictured left, and Nadir Soofi, right, opened fire outside an anti-Islam event on Sunday evening in Texas

Killed: FBI crime scene investigators look at the bodies of the two killed gunmen outside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on Monday. Police killed the two men after they opened fire at an anti-Islam event on Sunday
Killed: FBI crime scene investigators look at the bodies of the two killed gunmen outside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on Monday. Police killed the two men after they opened fire at an anti-Islam event on Sunday
ISIS supporters claimed on Twitter that one of the gunmen was a man calling himself Shariah Is Light on the social media site
ISIS supporters claimed on Twitter that one of the gunmen was a man calling himself Shariah Is Light on the social media site

On Monday, Simpson’s father said that he believes his son, who had worked in a dentist’s office, ‘made a bad choice’.

‘We are Americans and we believe in America,’ Dunston Simpson told ABC News. ‘What my son did reflects very badly on my family.’

Ahead of the attack on Sunday evening, several Twitter messages were sent out, and authorities believe Simpson was behind them. The last one was shared just half an hour before the shooting.

Followers of ISIS had been calling for an attack online for more than a week after learning that the competition in Garland would feature a ‘draw Muhammad’ art contest, with a prize of $10,000 for the best caricature.After the attack, the SITE Intelligence Group reported that an Islamic State fighter claimed on Twitter that the shooting was carried out by two pro-Isis individuals.

In a series of tweets and links, a jihadist named as Abu Hussain AlBritani, which SITE said was British IS fighter Junaid Hussain, claimed that ‘2 of our brothers just opened fire’ at the Prophet Muhammad exhibition in Texas.

‘They Thought They Was Safe In Texas From The Soldiers of The Islamic State,’ added the tweet.

Other ISIS supporters claimed on Twitter that one of the gunmen was a man calling himself Shariah Is Light on the social media site, using the now-suspended account name @atawaakul, according to New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi.

He had posted a message earlier that said ‘the bro with me and myself have given bay’ah [oath] to Amirul Mu’mineen [ISIS leader Al Baghdadi]. May Allah accept us as mujahideen #texasattack’.

The contest was just minutes from finishing when multiple gunshots were heard.

The two suspects had pulled up in a vehicle before getting out and firing at a security officer, 57-year-old Bruce Joiner, who was employed by the independent school district. He was later taken to hospital in a stable condition and was released on Sunday evening.

Attack: The bodies of shooting suspects are seen next to their vehicle as it is searched for explosives at an anti-Muslim event in Texas on Sunday. The two men had got out the vehicle and opened fire, wounding a security guard in the leg, before they were shot by police

Attack: The bodies of shooting suspects are seen next to their vehicle as it is searched for explosives at an anti-Muslim event in Texas on Sunday. The two men had got out the vehicle and opened fire, wounding a security guard in the leg, before they were shot by police

Elton Simpson was well known to the FBI. In 2010, he was convicted of lying to federal agents about his plans to travel to Somalia – although a judge ultimately ruled it could not be proved that he was heading there to join a terror group.

During the investigation, an FBI informant recorded their conversations, which showed Simpson talking about his intentions to fight for the Muslim way of life.

Court documents state: ‘Mr. Simpson said that the reward is high because “If you get shot, or you get killed, it’s [heaven] straight away”…. “[Heaven] that’s what we here for…so why not take that route?”‘

He added that in countries, such as Palestine, Iraq and Somalia, ‘they trying to bring democracy over there man, they’re trying to make them live by man-made laws, not by Allah’s laws’.

He went on: ‘That’s why they get fought. You try to make us become slaves to man? No we slave to Allah, we going to fight you to the death.’

In a recording from 2009, he told the informant that it was time they went to Somalia.

‘It’s time,’ he said. ‘I’m tellin’ you man. We gonna make it to the battlefield… It’s time to roll…

‘People fighting and killing your kids, and dropping bombs on people that have nothing to do with nothing. You got to fight back you can’t be just sitting down… smiling at each other…’

As the gunmen got out of their car with their weapons, one police officer – a tenured traffic cop – shot both men dead, Garland Police officer Joe Harn said at a press conference on Monday. The officer used his service pistol to shoot the men, who were carrying assault weapons.

‘With what he was faced with and his reaction and his shooting with a pistol, he did a good job,’ Harn said of the officer.

‘He did what he was trained to do, and under the fire that he was put under, he did a very good job and probably saved lives. We think their strategy was to get into the events center and they were not able to get past that outer perimeter.’

Randy Potts, a contributor for The Daily Beast, recalled how he was watching the speeches wrap up when a man wearing camouflage shouted: ‘Get inside the conference room now!’

‘The room was oddly quiet,’ he said. ‘A hush fell over the crowd of about 150, as if we were listening for something outside. Then a camo-clad security guard with a rifle got up on stage and announced that a cop and two suspects had been shot.’

He described how security surrounding the event was evident even as he drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center. The parking lot was surrounded by yellow tape and his ID was checked twice before he was allowed to enter.

Johnny Roby of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, had also been attending the conference. He said he was outside the building when he heard around 20 shots that appeared to be coming from the direction of a passing car.

Roby said he then heard two single shots before officers yelled that they had the car before he was sent inside the building.

The building, which had about 100 people inside, and surrounding areas were placed on lockdown by SWAT teams.

FBI bomb squad robots were then sent in to check the suspects’ vehicle, as the two bodies of the gunmen lay on the road beside it. The bodies were not immediately taken from the scene because they were too close to the car, which police feared had incendiary devices inside.

Shortly before midnight, police alerted media that a strong electronic pulse would be activated near the scene, presumably as part of the bomb squad’s work, and a loud boom was heard moments later, though police did not comment further on what was carried out.

The art event had been condemned by critics as an attack on Islam, but the organizers insisted they were exercising free speech.

Some Twitter users began posting about the shooting using a #JeSuisGarland hashtag, mirroring the #JesuisCharlie hashtag that became popular after January’s jihadist attacks in France. In that incident, gunmen killed 12 people in the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in revenge for its cartoons of the prophet.

After the gunfire in Garland, those inside the building started to sing patriotic songs, including the national anthem and God Bless America, and said a prayer for the injured security guard after one woman pulled out an American flag from her bag.

Garland Police officer Joe Harn said on Sunday evening they had been monitoring the build-up to the event and had not received any credible threats.

During a press conference, he described how the shootout lasted only seconds. A large area around the Center remained blocked off late into the night.

Update: On Monday, Garland Police spokesperson Joe Harn praised the traffic officer who took down both of the attackers
Update: On Monday, Garland Police spokesperson Joe Harn praised the traffic officer who took down both of the attackers

Texas Governor Greg Abbott described the incident as a ‘senseless attack’ and praised the ‘swift action’ of Garland law enforcement.

Security guard Bruce Joiner was shot in the leg while standing outside the building. His injuries were not life-threatening
Security guard Bruce Joiner was shot in the leg while standing outside the building. His injuries were not life-threatening

The attack unfolded shortly after Dutch member of parliament and leader of the far-right Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, had delivered his keynote speech. There had been calls by members of Congress for him to be stopped at the border so he would not be able to speak.

‘We are here in defiance of Islam to stand for our rights and freedom of speech,’ he said during his speech shortly before the building was shut down. ‘That is our duty… Our message today is very simple: we will never allow barbarism, never allow Islam, to rob us of our freedom of speech.’

His remarks were met with a standing ovation. He then told the audience that most terrorists are Muslims, and ‘the less Islam the better’.

In 2009, he sparked controversy for showing a controversial film which linked the Koran to terrorism and has previously said the Netherlands is being taken over by a ‘tsunami of Islamisation’.

Pamela Geller, the organizer of the event and the leader of Stop Islamisation of America, wrote on her personal website after the attack: ‘This is a war. This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?’

In a post in late March, she insisted that the event was necessary to fight back against what she described as ‘the jihad against freedom’.

It was set up by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and had been described by opponents as an attack on Islam. They booked the center a little more than a week after Islamic militants in France killed 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The Garland Independent School district, who own the cultural center, allowed the event to go ahead despite criticism from residents and local Muslims that it was a risk to public safety.

The group spent $10,000 on 40 additional security officers, aware of potential threats they may attract, while Garland Police officers were fully prepared to deal with any issues that arose.

Before the event, the New York-based organisation made the headlines for its sponsorship of anti-Islamic adverts which it paid to run on transit systems in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and San Francisco.

A picture taken from inside the event just before the attack showed Geller giving a check for $12,500 to Bosch Fawtin who won the event.

He told the Dallas Morning News he believed there would be no danger because of the high levels of security surrounding the event.

‘I had known it would be secure, but seeing it is a whole new thing,’ he said before the shootings.

Locals in Garland said they were upset with the exhibit being held in their town, and tried to convince the city council to intervene.

One resident, Dorothy Brooks, said that the event was like shouting ‘fire!’ in a theater – an oft-cited example of freedom of speech taken too far.

She continued: ‘I understand that participants have a right to express themselves with cartoons, but I regret that this will be happening in our city.’

Another, Lena Griffin, asked at a city council meeting: ‘Do we want to be involved with this type of rhetoric?’ It is not an issue of free speech but clearly one of public safety.’

Winner: Artist Bosh Fawstin (left) is presented with a check for $12,500 by Dutch politician Geert Wilders (center) and Pamela Geller (right) during a ceremony at the Curtis Culwell Center just before the shootings occurred 

Winner: Artist Bosh Fawstin (left) is presented with a check for $12,500 by Dutch politician Geert Wilders (center) and Pamela Geller (right) during a ceremony at the Curtis Culwell Center just before the shootings occurred

The site obtained a letter from congressmen Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) and André Carson (D-Indiana) sent to John Kerry and Homeland Security asking them to bar a speaker for the event from entering the United Statescropped-different-free-speech-ideologies.jpg

Caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed have triggered violent protests in the past, including when the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten published 12 satirical cartoons in 2005, triggering deadly protests in some Muslim countries.

In January, just weeks after the Paris attacks, an event called Stand with the Prophet was held in the same center. Muslim leaders from across the world gathered to try and combat ‘Islamophobes in America’ who had turned Muhammad into an ‘object of hate’.

Geller spearheaded about 1,000 picketers at the event. One chanted: ‘Go back to your own countries! We don’t want you here!’ Others held signs with messages such as, ‘Insult those who behead others,’ an apparent reference to recent beheadings by the militant group Islamic State.

Mr Abbott said state officials are investigating, and Dallas FBI spokeswoman Katherine Chaumont said that the agency is providing investigative and bomb technician assistance.

The Charlie Hebdo attack was followed by another a month later in Europe. A masked gunman sprayed bullets into a Copenhagen meeting in February attended by a Swedish artist who had been threatened with death for his cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.

A civilian was killed and three police officers were injured in the attack, aimed at artist Lars Vilks, who stirred controversy in 2007 with published drawings depicting the Prophet Mohammad as a dog.

Denmark itself became a target 10 years ago after the publication of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammad. The images led to sometimes fatal protests in the Muslim world.


It’s not mentioned in Islam’s holy book, the Quran, but the religion’s ban on depicting the Prophet Muhammad — even favorably — has run firm through the centuries.

Religious traditions built over the years have prohibited such depictions out of respect for Muhammad and to discourage idolatry, according to Muslim scholars and clerics. The ban is further rooted in a wider prohibition against images or statues of human beings.

There have been exceptions. A rich tradition of depicting Muhammad emerged in miniatures and illustrations for manuscripts from around 1200 to 1700. The art is mainly from Turkey and Iran, where pictorial traditions were stronger than in the Arab world. The paintings often show traditional stories from Muhammad’s life, such as his journey to heaven, though in some the prophet’s face is obscured by a veil or a plume of flame.

Shiites also differ from Sunnis by depicting Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali, revered by Shiites who see him as the prophet’s rightful successor. His image — and those of his sons Hassan and Hussein — are plentiful among Shiites, adorning posters, banners, jewelry and even keychains. For Sunnis, the ban on depictions extends beyond the prophet to his close companions and wives.

‘The Prophet Muhammad enjoys sublime and supreme status among Muslims and it is impossible to let a normal person depict or act the role of the prophet,’ said Iraqi Shiite cleric Fadhil al-Saadi. ‘There is no confirmed information about the shape or the features of the Prophet … So nobody should come up with a painting or an image of him. That would represent an insult to the status of the prophet.’

With no explicit text against depictions — or against images of humans in general — the prohibition comes from deduction by Muslim scholars and interpreters over the centuries from the collections of Hadeeth, or sayings and actions of Muhammad.

The prohibition against depicting humans and other living beings, which emerged from scholars as early as the 9th century, came from reported sayings of Muhammad, in some of which he refused to enter a room with such depictions or challenged their creators to breathe life into them. The presumption was that such art would suggest man can emulate God’s powers of creation — and there were worries that statues in particular could encourage idolatry.

Islamic tradition is full of written descriptions of Muhammad and his qualities — describing him as the ideal human being. But clerics have generally agreed that trying to depict that ideal is forbidden. That puts satirical — and obscene — depictions like those in the French magazing Charlie Hebdo far beyond the pale.

While no one knows Muhammad’s true appearance, followers of the relatively modern, ultraconservative Salafi movement in Islam seek to emulate him as closely as possible — including in what they believe to be his physical features and dress. Hardcore Salafis wear a beard without a moustache, let their hair grow long, line their eyes with kohl or wear robes stopping around mid-shin, contending that was the prophet’s manner.

The ban also extends to his wives, daughters, sons-in-law, the first caliphs who succeeded him and his closest companions. In fact, Egypt’s al-Azhar mosque, the Sunni world’s foremost seat of religious learning, has complained when ‘Mohammed, Messenger of God,’ an epic 1970s Hollywood production, depicted the prophet’s camel.

There is a thriving production of religious TV series in the Arab world depicting the times of the prophet. But Muhammad and his companions are never themselves shown. At times, a white light stands in for Muhammad in the films or in movie posters — and when they are meant to be addressing Muhammad, the actors usually speak into the camera. 

My Own Two Cents………New WhatDidYouSay Logo

Regardless of how you feel about the event, there is one fact that must remain absolutely clear. The event was about FREE SPEECH, organized by, and conducted by, people who are fed up with all the Islamification of America. Anytime you have one group of people controlling what all other groups can, and cannot say, is a form of tyranny that can never be tolerated. How they expressed this with the cartoons is objected to by people from all political sides. I understand. Still, killing people because you don’t like their speech can never be accepted.

We are Americans. Our freedoms have been eroded since the Wilson administration. What you are hearing are the voices of patriots refusing to give up quietly, and without a fight. I am one person who is tired of all the talk. and with this blog, and other activities, I am trying to wake up Americans to action (not violence).

I leave you with the following image I just created. Get ready. You are going to see it a lot in the coming days.

Free Speech Definition

freedom OARLogo Picture6


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