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Posts tagged ‘Tucker Carlson’

Tucker Carlson asserts ‘demonic’ forces at work, World War III ‘really close’

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Wednesday | June 05, 2024


Journalist Tucker Carlson explained during a recent podcast with Shawn Ryan that he believes humanity is engulfed in a spiritual war. | Screenshot: YouTube/Shawn Ryan Show

Journalist Tucker Carlson explained during a recent podcast with former U.S. Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan that he believes humanity is engulfed in a spiritual war and that World War III could be on the horizon as the final spiritual dividing lines are being drawn.

During a wide-ranging discussion that spanned more than three hours, Carlson spoke to Ryan at length about the spiritual warfare he discerns is taking place in the world, which he believes includes UFOs or so-called “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” also known as UAPs.

When Ryan asked him if he believes the world is approaching World War III, Carlson said, “We’re really close to it, as you know. Really, really, really close.”

“The fact that anyone would even consider getting within a thousand miles of f—ing around with a nuclear exchange just shows you that the core impulse here is suicide,” he said. “That’s what all of this is. And that’s why I personally think it’s spiritual. The word ‘demonic’ is suddenly being overused, it’s everywhere, because it’s real.”

“If you see a human movement that’s anti-human — the push toward nuclear war for its own sake is, by definition, anti-human. I would say AI is anti-human, by definition. Transgenderism is anti-human, by definition. Transhumanism is anti-human. Do people act against their own long-term interest? Probably not, actually, so it’s probably not human.”

“Did dogs act against their own collective interest? Do caribou? Do porcupines? Do single-cell amoeba? Do sea cucumbers? No, none of them do. No animal does that, because it’s not natural. Animals are part of nature, they do natural things. People are subject to the supernatural, so they do things that are not natural, like kill themselves.”

“That’s why we’re the only species that kills itself, right?” Carlson continued. “So when you kill yourself, whether slowly or all at once, you’re being acted on by forces outside of you — spiritual forces, obviously.”

The two went on to discuss UAPs, which Carlson has previously suggested are demonic entities that have a relationship with the U.S. government.

Carlson cited Genesis 6, which some biblical commentators have suggested teaches that fallen angels and humans procreated before the Flood, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Conceding that he is a devout Christian who believes other religions are false, Carlson noted that most belief systems teach that supernatural beings can take physical form, a doctrine he said would include the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

“If every culture in the world that we know about has left any kind of written or physical record is reaching the same conclusions about something, maybe there’s something there,” he said. “And maybe it’s not so crazy to think what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time, which is that there is this combination in cases of human beings and the spiritual realm, whatever that is.”

“I don’t understand the specifics of it, but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing,” Carlson added, noting that modern man seemingly stopped believing in the supernatural largely after 1945, when they proved they were capable of destroying the world.

After Ryan observed that there is seemingly a deepening cultural divide between Christians and overt satanists that might suggest the end of the world is approaching, Carlson predicted religious revival.

“I don’t have too many great insights into things or prophetic feelings,” he said. “I’m very conventional, but the one thing that I really felt strongly a couple of years ago — really strongly, I felt it overwhelmingly like from outside me — was that there’s some form of religious revival coming. I felt that really strongly.”

Carlson said he receives reams of information about the End Times from friends. While he is reticent to formulate a firm opinion on the topic, he said he believes mankind is unmistakably moving toward a crisis point.

“I think history ends, I think we all sort of sense history ends,” he said. “But it’s also really clear that we don’t know when it ends, so I kind of resent that a little bit, because it’s like, ‘What are you? God? You know the future?'”

Acknowledging that humans are incapable of knowing the future, he also said, “We are clearly moving towards something big.”

“Who doesn’t feel that? Everybody feels it, and the divide is spiritual,” he added.

Since his ouster from Fox News in 2023, Carlson has become more open about his beliefs regarding the spiritual nature of the battles afflicting the world. During a speech to members of the Tarrant County GOP in Texas in March, he exhorted his audience to keep the country’s increasingly evident spiritual war in mind amid the approaching election.

“This is not flesh and blood at all. If you’re offended by prayer, you’re taking orders, OK? I don’t see another rational explanation for it,” he said.

“You can reduce all these debates about climate, crime, all the weird sex stuff — I’m not going to dignify it with a name, I’m just gonna call it that ‘weird sex stuff’ — but, if they’re promising you the opportunity to castrate your children, what are they really promising? No grandchildren. The end of your line,” he continued.

“And Solomon [and] David would like instantly recognize that as an act of total war against you and your people, period,” he added. “Because that’s what that is.”

Jon Brown is a reporter for The Christian Post. Send news tips to

Government-Backed Censors Who Rigged The 2020 Election Are Now Stealing 2024



Mike Benz and Tucker Carlson talk censorship in the past and 2024 election

Author John Daniel Davidson profile




If you didn’t see Tucker Carlson’s interview last week with Mike Benz, you need to take an hour and watch the whole thing. In a mind-bending narrative about the emergence of what Benz calls “military rule” through an online censorship industry in the U.S., he lays out in startling detail just how corrupt and tyrannical the U.S. defense and foreign policy establishment has become. 

Most importantly, Benz, the executive director of the Foundation For Freedom Online, explains how a constellation of federal agencies and publicly funded institutions, under the pretext of countering “misinformation,” rigged the 2020 election and are right now smothering the First Amendment and rigging the 2024 election through massive state-sponsored censorship online. The 2020 election and the Covid-19 pandemic, says Benz, were the “two most censored events in human history.” And 2024 is shaping up to be the same, thanks to the emergence of a federal censorship-industrial complex.

The problem here is profound, with deep historical roots that go back to the aftermath of World War II and the creation of the CIA along with a host of U.S.-funded international institutions. But for our purposes, it suffices to understand the problem in its two most recent stages: the period from 1991 to 2014, and from 2014 to the present.

At the outset of internet privatization in 1991, free speech online was seen as an instrument of statecraft. At that time, says Benz, internet free speech was championed by the U.S. foreign policy and defense establishments as a way to support dissident groups around the world in their efforts to overthrow authoritarian or disfavored regimes. It allowed the U.S. to conduct what Benz calls “insta-regime change operations,” in service of the State Department’s foreign policy agenda. 

The plan worked really well. Among other things, free speech on the internet allowed U.S.-backed groups to assert control over state-run media in foreign countries, making it much easier to overthrow governments. The high-water mark of this way of deploying free speech online, Benz explains, was the Arab Spring in 2011 and 2012, when governments the Obama administration considered problematic — Egypt, Tunisia, Libya — all began falling in so-called Facebook and Twitter revolutions. During that time, the State Department worked closely with these social media companies to keep them up and running in those countries, to be used as tools for protesters and dissident groups that were trying to circumvent state censorship.  

But all of that changed in 2014 after the U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine toppled the government of Viktor Yanukovych and there was an unexpected pro-Russia counter-coup in Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine. Later that same year, says Benz, when the people of Crimea voted to be annexed into the Russian Federation, “that was the last straw for the concept of free speech on the internet in the eyes of NATO.”

Thereafter, NATO, the CIA, and the State Department, together with the intelligence agencies of our European allies, did an about-face on internet free speech. They began instead to engage in what amounted to hybrid or information warfare to censor what they saw as Russian propaganda online. These efforts quickly spread beyond Ukraine and Eastern Europe to include the censorship of populist groups on the right that were emerging across the EU as a response to the Syrian migrant crisis.

By the time Brexit emerged in the summer of 2016, explains Benz, NATO and the foreign policy establishment felt there was a real crisis afoot; the problem was spreading west from Central and Eastern Europe, and it had to be stopped. If it wasn’t, then Brexit might trigger the collapse of the entire EU, along with NATO and the entire constellation of supranational institutions that relied on NATO. The entire postwar architecture of institutions might come crashing down, all because the hearts and minds of the people were being swayed. So went the thinking, anyway. As far as the national security establishment was concerned, citizens were being swayed by Russian and far-right propaganda, and we can’t have that.

Under these circumstances, free speech was the last thing that could be allowed to flourish online. Censorship became the order of the day. As Carlson put it, these NATO and EU leaders identified their new enemy as democracy within their own countries — their own voters, in other words: “They feared that their people, the citizens of their own countries, would get their way. And they went to war against that.”

And then Trump was elected. From that moment — and indeed, as we know from the Russia-collusion hoax, even before Trump was elected in November 2016 — the U.S. foreign policy and defense establishments, which had done so much to censor and weaponize the internet overseas, turned their attention to American citizens.

Initially, their predicate for domestic surveillance was Crossfire Hurricane, the fatuous notion that Russia had infiltrated the Trump campaign and that Trump was a Russian asset. Once that collapsed, they needed another excuse to spy on and censor Americans who held disfavored opinions or who spread “misinformation,” to put it in the parlance of the censorship-industrial complex. To do that, they had to get around the prohibition against the CIA operating on American soil.

Since they couldn’t very well get away with openly spying on and censoring American citizens, they decided to house the bulk of their censorship operations inside the Department of Homeland Security, specifically in a part of DHS tasked with reducing and eliminating threats to U.S. critical physical and cyber infrastructure. Hence “domestic misinformation” — which is really just a term for opinions and information that the national security state doesn’t like or that run counter to State Department policy — was classified as an attack on “critical cognitive infrastructure,” and could therefore be censored. What it amounted to was an end-run around the First Amendment.

But even DHS couldn’t do this directly, so it outsourced online censorship operations to third parties like the Election Integrity Partnership, or EIP, which consisted of four separate organizations: the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and a firm called Graphika. These private-sector “partners” did the nitty-gritty work of mapping out entire online networks of people who helped spread certain disfavored opinions, or what the censors called “false narratives.” Essentially they were deputized to censor Americans on behalf of the government. 

It should come as no surprise that the people behind the EIP censorship network are leftists who hate Donald Trump, despise his supporters, and love censorship. For example, former Facebook executive Alex Stamos is the director of the Stanford Internet Observatory. He has compared “over half of the Republicans in Congress” to ISIS, called for Newsmax and OANN to be kicked off the air, and said, “We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences.” His views are typical among the managers of the censorship industry.

These managers and their partners inside the U.S. government went about their task with gusto, including a seven-month pre-censorship campaign ahead of the 2020 election. Any content challenging public faith in mail-in ballots, early voting, and ballot drop boxes was flagged for violating new rules about “delegitimizing elections.” The censors, along with the government, had strong-armed the social media companies into adopting these rules, as documented in great detail last year with the release of the “Twitter Files.” 

Indeed, the “Twitter Files” exposed a massive effort by the federal government to deputize Twitter and other social media companies to do what it could not, at least not legally. But in some ways, the “Twitter Files” just revealed the tip of the censorship iceberg.

We at The Federalist were caught up in all this during the 2020 election. As detailed in a recent lawsuit filed in December by The Federalist, The Daily Wire, and the state of Texas, the State Department illegally used a counterterrorism center intended to fight foreign “disinformation” to censor Americans.

The State Department, through grants and product development assistance to private entities like the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) and NewsGuard, was “actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable by funding the infrastructure, development, and marketing and promotion of censorship technology and private censorship enterprises to covertly suppress speech of a segment of the American press,” according to the lawsuit.

In our case, it meant the federal government was using cutouts like NewsGuard to throttle our reporting and commentary on the 2020 election and its chaotic aftermath. Both the GDI and the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) developed censorship tools that included “supposed fact-checking technologies, media literacy tools, media intelligence platforms, social network mapping, and machine learning/artificial intelligence technology,” the lawsuit says. The State Department then gave these tools to companies like Facebook and LinkedIn to target disfavored media outlets, including The Federalist.

Through these and other methods, during the 2020 election cycle and the Covid pandemic, the government-backed censorship-industrial complex throttled millions of online posts, suppressing traffic to news sites, and undermined revenue streams for a host of outlets and influencers with disfavored or dissident views.

But this isn’t a thing of the past. All of the censorship infrastructure described above is still intact, still functioning, and is firing on all cylinders right now ahead of the 2024 election. If anything, the censorship-industrial complex is more robust than it was four years ago. Just last week, Meta’s President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg boasted on CNBC that he currently has some 40,000 employees, which is nearly 60 percent of Meta’s entire workforce, tasked with censoring speech on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Clegg also claimed Meta has spent about $20 billion, including $5 billion in the last year, on its censorship efforts — or what he euphemistically called “election integrity.”

What does that mean in practice? We don’t have to guess. Remember that Facebook infamously censored the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020 at the behest of the FBI. With 40,000 employees now charged with censoring “hate speech” and ensuring “election integrity,” we can be fairly certain that if another Hunter Biden laptop story comes along this election cycle, it too will be quashed by the censors.

Why exactly is our government doing this? It’s not merely a partisan preference for ensuring Democrats stay in power, but something deeper and more insidious. To circle back to Carlson’s interview with Benz, it’s because the national security state has come to regard “democracy” not as the will of the people expressed through elections, but as the constellation of government agencies, government-backed institutions, corporations, media outlets, and nonprofit groups. Protecting democracy, in this view, means protecting these institutions from the people they were putatively meant to serve.

As Benz says at one point in the interview, “The relationship between the managers of the American empire and the citizens of the American homeland has broken down, and that has played itself out in the story of the censorship industry.”

All of this seems rather complex and dense, at least in the details of how it works. But at root it’s very simple: Those who have power don’t want to be held accountable by the unwashed masses, by “populism,” and certainly not by the results of free and fair elections. They will not tolerate anyone, not even a duly elected president, going against the “interagency consensus” — that famous phrase of Alexander Vindman’s from the first Trump impeachment. They don’t think the people have that right, and they intend to use every tool they have to protect their power and privilege.

The stark truth is that if we don’t defeat and dismantle this censorship-industrial complex, it means the end of our republic and the rise of tyrannical military rule in the United States.

If you think that’s an overstatement, go watch the entire Benz interview and consider it in the context of what we have all seen play out in America over the past half-decade or so. There is no language alarmist enough to convey the gravity of what’s happening here. This is a hybrid war being fought mostly online but with real-world consequences that are every day becoming more obvious. We have to win the war to save our country, but we can’t even fight if we don’t know what’s happening, or how, or why.

About 15 minutes into the interview, I was again reminded of something I once heard the late, great Angelo Codevilla say in a lecture. He said our response to 9/11 was fundamentally flawed because it took a “law enforcement” approach to terrorism that required the creation of a vast state security and surveillance apparatus to detect and stop terrorist attacks. Once the terrorist threat subsided, Codevilla explained, this surveillance apparatus would be turned on the American people and destroy the republic it was supposedly designed to protect.

That lecture was in 2013. Codevilla was right. It’s all happened exactly as he said it would. What happens next is up to us.

John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Claremont Review of Books, The New York Post, and elsewhere. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Pagan America: the Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come, to be published in March 2024. Follow him on Twitter, @johnddavidson.

EU Lawmakers Warn Sanctions Could Be Imposed on Tucker Carlson for Putin Interview

By: Jake Smith / February 08, 2024


Tucker Carlson may be threatened with sanctions by the European Union after traveling to Moscow to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pictured: Carlson speaks at a Turning Point Action USA conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 15, 2023. (Photo: Giorgio Viera/AFP/Getty Images)

Daily Caller News Foundation co-founder Tucker Carlson could be threatened with sanctions by the European Union over his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to current and former members of the European Parliament.

Carlson traveled to Moscow and met with Putin for a yet-to-be-released interview about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and its global perception. Carlson could face sanctions or a travel ban to Europe from the EU governing bodies over his interview with Putin, former and current parliamentary members told Newsweek.

dailycallerlogo“As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examines [Carlson’s] case as well,” Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian prime minister and current EU Parliament member who has called for a travel ban to be imposed on Carlson, told Newsweek.

“Carlson is not being a real journalist since he has clearly expressed his sympathy for the Russian regime and Putin and has constantly disparaged Ukraine, the victim of Russian aggression,” Urmas Paet, former Estonia foreign minister and current Parliament member, told Newsweek. “So, for such propaganda for a criminal regime, you can end up on the list of sanctions. This concerns primarily travel ban to EU countries.”

In order to impose sanctions on Carlson, the EU External Action Service must consider the available evidence and then turn the case over to the European Council, made up of the bloc’s leaders, for a final decision, according to Newsweek; Members of Parliament cannot impose sanctions on an individual at their sole discretion.

One EU official told Newsweek that it would be necessary to implicate Carlson for his ties to Russia’s war effort, which would be “difficult and hard to prove.” Still, other former and current EU Parliament members insist Carlson is aiding in Russia’s hostilities and needs to face consequences for it.

“He is no longer a newsman, but a propagandist for the most heinous regime on European soil and the one which is most dangerous to our peace and security,” Luis Garicano, a former Parliament member, told Newsweek.

Carlson said on Wednesday he did not interview Putin out of support for the dictator but rather because he felt the need to show the U.S. and the West aspects of the war. Carlson feels that Western media has left important aspects of the war out of their coverage and said most people are either misinformed or not informed at all about the issue.

Carlson also warned that the war in Ukraine has “reshaped the global military and trade alliances” that have “upended the world economy.” He criticized Western media for positively portraying Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s “demand that the U.S. enter more deeply into a war in Eastern Europe and pay for it.”

The EU External Action Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

Tucker Carlson frames cultural battles in spiritual terms, claims ‘dark force’ trying to destroy US

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Tucker Carlson delivers an address at Turning Point USA’s America Fest 2023 in Phoenix, Ariz., on Dec. 18, 2023. | Screengrab/YouTube/Turning Point USA

Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson framed the cultural and political battles of the United States in theological terms during an address Monday at Turning Point USA’s America Fest 2023 in Arizona.

“The evidence unmistakably shows an acceleration in whatever this dark force is in this country whose only impulse is to destroy, not to improve or create, but to destroy, and it’s all around us,” Carlson told the large audience assembled in the Phoenix Convention Center. “And the only way to stop it is with [moral strength].”

Carlson, who last week launched his own streaming service, argued that political leaders in the U.S. and other Western nations have become increasingly irrational with their policies and that while corruption has always riddled politicians in Washington, D.C., their end goal has shifted in recent decades from selfish enrichment to the destruction of their own country.

“If you live in a society where the people in charge just want to sell you out to get rich, that’s bad,” he said. “But that’s not what we’re watching. We’re watching something much darker than that.”

Carlson believes the tactics of the Biden administration “and their enablers in the Republican Party” indicate their intention is to destroy the U.S., which he noted is inexplicable in rational terms.

“It’s a little bit like burning your own house down,” he said. “So why would you do that? That’s not just an act of destruction. It’s an act of self-destruction. So, is that a political program? No. A political program is designed to help the people who institute it and their voters and donors. Their program helps nobody.”

By implementing policies that hurt the economy, flood the country with unsustainable illegal immigration and effectively discourage young people from having families, Carlson thinks many elected officials are serving as “a conduit of evil,” which he defined as a spiritual force that predates humans, works through them, and destroys its unwitting perpetrators after rendering them miserable.

“If you’re channeling actual evil; if you’re trying to destroy people for the sake of destroying them; if you are lying for the sake of lying, for the thrill of telling a lie; and if you are hurting people for the sin of telling the truth, and you’re offended simply because it is true; if the idea that somebody somewhere might be saying a true thing enrages you, that’s not politics,” he said. “That’s theology.”

Carlson claimed that collective guilt and punishment based on increasingly prevalent identity politics is antithetical to Christianity and Western civilization, which he said emerged from a Christian worldview.

“But you are seeing a leadership class in this country on both sides who are starting to think that way,” he said. “And that is a massive threat to you. So just remember, what threatens you is not a political movement; it’s a spiritual movement. The plan can only end in true sadness and tears and weeping and gnashing of teeth. There’s no happy ending to the story that they are telling.”

Carlson said the political volatility in the U.S. has reached an unprecedented fever pitch and urged his listeners to exhibit “moral strength” in the face of spiritual evil.

“You can only fight back — in fact, maybe you can only survive — not by changing them because you can’t, but by changing yourself,” he concluded, “and by becoming more impressive, more honest, and as a result of that, stronger.”

During a subsequent question-and-answer session, Carlson maintained his belief that “countries, like people, suffer consequences for immorality” and that promoting abortion, prostitution and gender surgeries for children “is a very dangerous thing to do, and we are doing it.”

“And again, I’m not a theologian; don’t ask me if [it’s] the End Times,” he said. “I have no idea.”

In recent months, Carlson has frequently used theological language to explain cultural battles, arguing that much of the current political discourse transcends politics.

Days before Fox News canceled his top-rated primetime show in April, Carlson delivered an address at The Heritage Foundation that similarly presented the political debate over transgenderism and abortion as part of a spiritual war.

“When people […] decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, ‘hey let’s tear it down,’ what you’re watching is not a political movement, it’s evil,” he said at the time.

Rather than Christians getting caught up in “totally fraudulent debates” over cultural issues, Carlson proposed a commitment to prayer instead.

‘Political revolution’ approaching in US, Steve Bannon tells Tucker Carlson

By CP Staff, Thursday, November 30, 2023


Steve Bannon (R) speaks with Tucker Carlson (L) in an interviewed aired on Nov. 27, 2023. | YouTube/Tucker Carlson

“War Room” host Steve Bannon warned Tucker Carlson on Monday that the critical tensions afflicting Ireland over unrestrained illegal immigration and other issues are also simmering in the United States and could lead to political upheaval.

Bannon spoke to Carlson on the recent episode of the former Fox News host’s show on X to discuss the unrest in Dublin, where riots erupted last week after an Algerian immigrant stabbed three children and one adult care worker outside a Catholic primary school.

A 5-year-old girl remains in a serious but stable condition as of Tuesday, according to the BBC.

The suspect in the stabbing, whom Irish police have yet to identify, is a man of French Algerian origin in his 50s who has lived in Ireland for 23 years and was previously arrested in 2003, according to the Sunday Times. He reportedly became a naturalized Irish citizen in 2008 after his deportation order was revoked following a review by Ireland’s High Court.

Carlson opened his interview with Bannon by noting that The Washington Post suggested the Algerian man was not an immigrant because he had lived in Ireland for over 20 years. The outlet also quoted police who blamed the riots that flared after the attack on a “lunatic faction driven by a far-right ideology.”

The host said that the suspect has been living in Ireland for 23 years “at public expense.”

“He has never had a job, and then last week, he stabbed children,” Carlson said.  

Carlson also claimed that Irish authorities are using hate crime legislation to crack down on anyone “who questions government policy.” MMA fighter Conor McGregor and a “large number” of other people are being investigated for allegedly inciting people to hatred by their speech, according to The Irish Independent.

Carlson and Bannon agreed that profound resentment among native citizens toward the effects of mass illegal immigration is seething not just Ireland, which Bannon described as a “powder keg,” but throughout the Western world, including the U.S.

Bannon, who served as an adviser to former President Donald Trump, predicted that the U.S. is also headed toward “political revolution” in the coming years as younger Americans realize they are “Russian serfs” who effectively own nothing and never will because of the nation’s ruinous financial situation.

“We are beyond broke,” Bannon said. “We are technically at bankruptcy right now.”

Citing Center for Immigration Studies statistics that suggest an additional 6 million illegal immigrants are slated to cross the border before the next presidential election, Bannon predicted that the country’s political situation is “only going to get worse in the confrontation with the invasion of this nation by illegal aliens, exacerbated by radicals and globalists.”

Carlson questioned how the average American could not be radicalized as elites encourage things that drive people to despair and give up on reproducing while simultaneously pushing for millions of immigrants to pour in.

Bannon replied that “every Maoist, every Marxist revolution [focuses] on breaking down the nuclear family” and that the corporate class wants unrestrained immigration “because they want to drive down wages at the lowest possible level and, quite frankly, they want bigger markets. They want more consumers.”

“And so, this situation is going to cause a political revolution in this country,” Bannon predicted, claiming that the financial and immigration situations are “five times worse” than when Trump ran in 2016.

The two also discussed the potential crackdown against dissenting opinion amid political unrest.

“If you have a different opinion from the state, they’re trying to criminalize that,” Bannon said. “They’re trying to do that every day here in the United States. If they can’t criminalize it to actually use the courts and the police state like the FBI to come after, they’ll basically partner with Big Tech, either deplatform you or to ‘other’ you. We’re seeing this here in the United States.”

Bannon concluded by reflecting on how the “complexity” and “viciousness” of the political problems afflicting the U.S. have increased in recent years.

“People have to understand this is like Damocles’ sword over the head of this nation,” he said. “It is going to take at least a decade of tough decisions, tough people — tough, but fair people — to sort this out.”

Tucker Carlson asks Argentina’s new president what advice he’d give to Trump, and his answer is applause-worthy



Javier Milei, Argentina’s newly elected president, is making headlines everywhere. He’s anti-establishment, he’s anti-woke, and he’s absolutely fearless when it comes to speaking his mind.

Dave Rubin explains how Milei is a breath of fresh air, considering Argentina has seen “massive government growth, complete devaluation of their currency … creeping socialism for a long time, [and] craziness with gender stuff and all of the woke stuff.”

Luckily, Milei “has come in to absolutely obliterate it.”

In a recent interview, Tucker Carlson asked the Argentine if he had advice for Donald Trump, who many hope will do the same thing for the United States.

“Donald Trump is running for president again in the United States, as you know,” said Tucker. “What advice would you give him?”

“He should continue his fight against socialism because he is one of the few who truly understood that we are fighting socialism, that we are fighting the statists. He understood perfectly that the generation of wealth comes from the private sector. The state does not create wealth; the state destroys it. The state can give you nothing because it produces nothing, and when it attempts it, it does so poorly,” Milei answered.

“So I’d say, if I could humbly offer advice, all I could say would be to double down on his efforts in the same direction: defending the ideals of freedom and refusing to give an inch to the socialists.”

*Insert applause*

“Argentina, after 20 years of this nonsense, is pushing back,” says Dave. “Donald Trump was pushing back; there are pockets — places like Florida — that are pushing back. You should be pushing back, and might I suggest that we all go a bit more on offense?”

Want more from Dave Rubin?

To enjoy more honest conversations, free speech, and big ideas with Dave Rubin, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Spaniards Aren’t Afraid to Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?



Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded city streets across Spain since October in sustained demonstrations opposing a socialist takeover of the Spanish government. Protesters are showing their opposition toward an amnesty deal between Spain’s socialist President Pedro Sánchez and treasonous Catalan separatists, who violated the Spanish constitution in 2017 by attempting to secede from Spain. By striking a deal to free incarcerated and exiled Spanish criminals, Sánchez was able to secure a third term in power.

The protests are organized by Spain’s conservative People’s Party and Vox, its further right, populist party. In an interview between Vox President Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson last week, Abascal explained that the amnesty deal is a crime “against the constitution” and “national unity.”

But the massive demonstrations are not just in defense of the Spanish Constitution, Abascal explained; they’re about what an illegal third Sánchez term means for Spain, namely a failing Spanish economy, two-tier justice, mass illegal immigration from Muslim countries, speech policing, globalism, the demonization of Spanish history, and loss of Spanish identity.

Where Are the American Demonstrations? 

The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans. The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer. Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.

The Biden administration’s disregard for border security encourages mass illegal immigration at the Southern Border, exposing the public to dangerous criminals and additional economic burdens while the middle class struggles to stay afloat amid increasing taxes, inflation, and gas prices. And despite the public’s rapidly increasing suffering, Biden prioritizes sending billions of tax dollars to foreign wars and international green energy projects.

All these things, but particularly the federal government’s targeting of conservatives and its assault on election integrity, should be sparking massive protests. Yet they aren’t. Unlike Spain, America was founded on the idea that human beings have God-given, inalienable rights. Freedom of speech and assembly are not just First Amendment givens in the United States, but part of our culture. So why aren’t conservatives protesting?

Using fear and intimidation, the left is scaring conservatives into giving up their freedom to assemble. One of the primary fear tactics is to severely punish those who, on Jan. 6, 2021, opted to protest Democrat’s election-rigging practices, such as mass mail-in balloting and Big Tech censorship. As newly-released Jan. 6 footage further reveals, many of the Jan. 6 protesters accused of rioting were peaceful.

Yet federal courts openly admitted to making examples out of peaceful protesters in order to “deter others.” J6 demonstrators have been harassed by federal agents, held in solitary confinement, and demonized by the Jan. 6 Committee, Biden, and the corporate media. 

The American people have also been further scared into silence and compliance by FBI agents who terrorized pro-life activists, attempted to infiltrate traditional Catholic communities, labeled parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, and covertly categorized Trump supporters as “extremists.”

Conservatives aren’t just afraid — they’re also hopeless. After witnessing the Marxist race riots of 2020 and the erasure of their civil liberties during Covid, many Americans no longer recognize their homeland. A recent Harvard Harris poll shows that 80 percent of GOP voters feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. Meanwhile, a July 2023 poll reported that 86.92 million Americans find “somewhat” or “very” difficult to pay their household expenses, with the middle class being the most affected income bracket.

How many times have we heard friends and family members say, “The country is lost?” This fear and despair are understandable, but the stakes have never been higher. Bravery and self-sacrifice are necessary to defend a nation against forces wishing to destroy it. As Abascal explained to Tucker:

“The nation isn’t just made up of all the Spaniards here today, it’s not just the people you can see walking down the street. Our nation is our history. It’s in the cemeteries where our forebears rest. The nation is the sum of the living, the dead, and those yet to be born… I think that what we do today, even if we aren’t victorious as we hope, can make it so that others in the future, our children, future generations, can achieve that victory. [Then] it will have all been worthwhile.”

Spain Understands The Stakes

Spain has first-hand experience with communism. When communists controlled Spain, both in the lead-up to and during the civil war in the 1930s, it resulted in the persecution of Spanish intellectuals, clerics, and Christian laypeople. Spanish communists began their anti-Christian hate by banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from classrooms, and deeming all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Eventually, they started burning Catholic Churches and mass executing Catholic religious and laypeople. Property rights were thrown out, and conservatives were unjustly convicted in kangaroo courts and executed. By the end of the war, a reported “13 bishops, 4,172 priests, 2,364 monks and friars and 283 nuns and sisters,” and an unknown number of laypeople were killed.

The wounds inflicted by Spanish communists are still raw. The memory has not died. So, in 2022, Spain implemented its “Democratic Memory” law, an Orwellian piece of legislation that mandates a pro-leftist view of the Spanish Civil War and the post-war period. Through “criminal and economic sanctions for dissidents,” the law effectively eradicates “academic freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of education,” writes Hermann Tertsch, a Vox Member of the European Parliament.

Like in America, Spanish leftists brand anyone who contradicts their history narratives as thought criminals. According to Abascal, leftists have also created a two-tier justice system and “are now arresting young people for protest[ing] … saying they don’t have permits.” Unfortunately for the left, these fear tactics have not been entirely effective, as the ongoing protests demonstrate, perhaps because too many Spaniards know what communist control looks like.

In America, we are blessed not to know. However, that blessing is also a curse. We don’t appreciate how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny. Unable to oppose or even recognize tyranny, younger generations have lost touch with the American revolutionary spirit after sending generations of Americans to spend their formative years in reeducation camps run by cultural Marxists (aka public school and the university system).

Perhaps a way to regain America’s lost fortitude is by watching conservative freedom fighters in Spain. We may not have the national memory of communists burying priests alive or defiling and decapitating nuns, but we can look to Spain for motivation.

Indeed, the Spanish protests should inspire Americans, and Spanish history should be a warning. If we resign ourselves to failure or allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence, the consequences will be nothing short of complete national destruction.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

More Released J6 Tapes Show Police Escorting and Fist-Bumping Protesters at the Capitol



Capitol riot

More footage from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, further contradicts the left-wing narrative that the day’s events constituted a “violent insurrection” wherein democracy itself was placed in jeopardy at the hands of virulent demonstrators.

Last week, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana began releasing tapes containing more than 40,000 hours of footage from the Capitol, which were buried for three years while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and lawmakers on the partisan Jan. 6 Committee worked to dramatize the riot with prime-time show trials.

“When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical,” Johnson said in a statement. “This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.”

With a bulk of the footage made available by Friday, the rest of the tapes will be made public on a rolling basis. Cameras captured demonstrators peacefully marching through the halls of the Capitol while police officers stood by.

In another clip, a Capitol police officer is seen removing restraints on one demonstrator after walking him down a hallway out of sight from the crowd — before another officer bizarrely congratulates him with a fist bump.

The footage corroborates what was shared by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in March before his abrupt exit from the network. Johnson’s Republican predecessor, Kevin McCarthy, gave Carlson’s producers access to the footage that had been kept under seal by the Democrat majority.

“That video,” Carlson said, “tells a very different story about what happened on Jan. 6.”

[READ: Everything You Need To Know About Tucker Carlson’s J6 Tapes]

The tapes aired by Carlson showed Jacob Chansley, the infamous “QAnon Shaman,” being escorted by police around the complex; revealed deceased Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick “healthy and vigorous” after allegedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher; and unearthed new contradictions in Ray Epps’ testimony. The tapes also exposed outright fabrications by the House Select Committee on Jan. 6, which was established by House Speaker Pelosi ostensibly to probe the Capitol turmoil while concealing her own failures.

Democrat Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the partisan Select Committee, bizarrely conceded that over the course of the panel’s two-year investigation, lawmakers never reviewed the blockbuster footage that was later published by Fox News.

“I’m not actually aware of any member of the committee who had access,” Thompson said. “We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video.”

Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, meanwhile, who was vice chair of the Select Committee before an overwhelming primary defeat by Rep. Harriet Hageman, tried to downplay Friday’s release by resharing some of the panel’s carefully selected footage of the mob.

“Here’s some January 6th video for you,” she wrote on X, previously known as Twitter.

Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee, whom Cheney’s Soviet-style committee sought to frame as a collaborator in an apparent insurrection, pushed back on Cheney’s narrative.

“Liz, we’ve seen footage like that a million times. You made sure we saw that — and nothing else,” Lee wrote on X. “It’s the other stuff — what you deliberately hid from us — that we find so upsetting.”

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




Tucker Carlson: Corrupt Intel Agencies and the D.C. Uniparty Are Ushering in the Real ‘End of Democracy’



Tucker Carlson on “The Adam Carolla Show”

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Tucker Carlson admitted on Wednesday that he’s “never been this worried about anything” as much as he is about where the country is headed under a deep state that repeatedly targets its political enemies and “rigs” elections instead of acting on voters’ desires.

Carlson made his anxieties about the state of our constitutional republic known in an interview with Adam Carolla, who asked the former Fox News host to weigh in on the coordinated effort by intelligence agencies and political elites to keep former President Donald Trump from taking back the White House. To kick off the question, Carolla showed Carlson a clip of now-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer telling MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in January 2017 that it was “dumb” for Trump to “take on the intelligence community” because “they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

“From what I am told, they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them. And we need the intelligence community,” Schumer said.

Carlson said that every time he hears Schumer’s words in that clip, “it renders me speechless.”

“That’s the end of democracy,” Carlson remarked. “I don’t know how you can in the same sentence say ‘I’m for democracy’ and then say ‘actually, our country is run by a shadowy intel agency no one elected and no one has oversight over.”

Carlson said there’s no such thing as a “democratic republic if the CIA can punish you as an elected president for doing things that they don’t like.” Outside of the authority of the president, Carlson continued, intelligence agencies like the CIA “have no constitutional legitimacy.”

“Our system is super simple. The people who are elected by the public have all the power. They have employees to whom they delegate that power to get things done, but those employees have no independent power at all and no independent legitimacy,” he said. “The CIA is a totally illegitimate criminal organization unless it is following precisely the orders of the elected president. Democrat or Republican, doesn’t matter.”

Carlson said that Schumer, in the 2017 interview, is “describing a crime.”

“The people committing that crime in the CIA should be in prison for long terms. That’s the great threat to democracy right there. And the fact that no one on that set could even see that tells you how deeply corrupted they are. That’s terrifying and it’s true,” Carlson added.

Unless the rampant corruption and coverups by agencies like the CIA are addressed and punished, Carlson said the U.S. will continue to “decline” and see its “democratic institutions weaken.”

Carolla asked if Carlson believes these agencies, which participated in the Russia collusion hoax and subdued information about Biden family corruption, will let Trump win re-election.

“No of course [not],” Carlson replied, listing off Demcorat’s failed attempts to protest, impeach, and now indict Trump out of the 2024 race.

“We’re speeding toward assassination, obviously, and no one will say that, but I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion,” Carlson said. “They have decided, permanent Washington, both parties, have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

Earlier in the interview, Carlson identified Trump as “a threat to the whole ecosystem of bullsh-t that makes Washington the richest city in the world and its suburbs, the richest suburbs.”

Democrats’ latest indictment scheme, Carlson said, is an attempt to send Trump “to prison for life for complaining about the last election,” which he is well within his First Amendment rights to do.

Carlson asked Trump during their sitdown earlier this month whether he feared for his life.

“Indictment is not working, your poll numbers go up,” Carlson said. “What’s next? Trying to put you in prison for the rest of your life, that’s not working. Don’t they have to kill you now?”

“I think the people of our country don’t get enough credit for how smart they are. But they get it, they really get it,” Trump replied. 

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

7 Revelations From Ex-Capitol Police Chief That Explode Democrats’ Jan. 6 Narrative



Steven Sund




Ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund is determined to set the record straight on what happened at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot more than two years ago.

After writing a book that challenged the groupthink of corporate media and the partisan Jan. 6 Committee, Sund sat down for an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. According to Carlson, the interview with Sund was scheduled to air on the network April 24, the same day Fox News announced the anchor’s termination. (Another already-taped interview, with a Federalist senior contributor, was also stifled). Fox News refused to release the footage of Sund’s conversation with Carlson, so the pair recorded another sit-down published on Twitter Thursday.

“[Sund] knew more about what happened than virtually anyone else in the United States,” Carlson said. “Yet congressional investigators weren’t interested in talking to him. The media, not interested in talking to him. But we were.”

[RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Tucker Carlson’s J6 Tapes]

1. DHS, FBI Hid Intelligence From Capitol Police

Sund went on to make explosive allegations of federal misconduct related to the Capitol chaos that raised more questions than answers about how and why the complex was left vulnerable. The Capitol Police, Sund said, were left in the dark about a cascade of intelligence gathered by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security that warned about the rally turning violent.

The intelligence that Capitol Police gathered, Sund said, indicated a level of political activity similar to previous rallies that featured “limited skirmishes” with counter-protesters.

“Coming into it,” Sund said, Capitol Police received “absolutely zero” of the “intelligence that we know now existed talking about attacking the Capitol, killing my police officers, attacking members of Congress, and killing members of Congress.”

“None of that was included in the intelligence coming up,” Sund said. “We now know FBI, DHS was swimming in that intelligence. We also know now that the military seemed to have some very concerning intelligence as well. “

“None of the intelligence,” Sund said, was shared with the Capitol Police chief.

“I’ve done many national security events and this was handled differently,” Sund added. “No intelligence, no [Joint Intelligence Bulletin], no coordination, no discussion in advance.”

2. Milley Wanted to Shut Down D.C. Ahead Of Jan. 6

Military officials were so concerned about the intelligence that warned of an explosive riot that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mark Milley, considered preemptively shutting down the city.

“Acting Secretary of Defense [Christopher] Miller and General Milley had both discussed locking down the city of Washington D.C. because they were so worried about violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6,” Sund said.

According to Sund, the two Pentagon leaders discussed even revoking permits on Capitol Hill out of concern for violence.

“You know who issues the permits on Capitol Hill for demonstrations?” Sund said. “I do. You know who wasn’t told? Me.”

On Jan. 4, however, Miller signed a memo “restricting the National Guard from carrying the various weapons, any weapons, any civil disobedience equipment that would be utilized for the very demonstrations or violence he sees coming.”

3. Congressional Leadership Denied National Guard Requests Before and During Riot

Despite federal intelligence warning of mass upheaval amid the joint session of Congress, Sund explained how he was denied preemptive deployment of the National Guard twice in the days leading up to the riot. On Jan. 3, 2021, Sund sought approval from congressional leadership for guard deployment as was still required by law.

“I was denied twice because of optics and because the intelligence didn’t support us,” Sund said. “I was denied by Paul Irving, House sergeant-at-arms, and also Mike Stenger, Senate sergeant-at-arms.”

Irving served under the direction of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Stenger reported to GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The former Capitol Police chief said he was forced to beg for National Guard assistance as the turmoil escalated. While the riot grew, Sund said he called House Sergeant-at-Arms Irving to demand reinforcements from the nearby Guard troops.

“I’m told by Paul Irving, ‘I’m gonna run it up the chain, I’ll get back to you,’” Sund said. “His chain would be up to Nancy Pelosi. He didn’t have to do that but he wouldn’t give me authorization.”

Irving was allowed to authorize the deployment without Pelosi’s approval in the event of an emergency, Sund said. The former speaker’s office confirmed to The New York Times that Pelosi herself was asked to dispatch the National Guard.

Sund said Stenger was called next, who in turn said, “Let’s wait to hear what we hear from Paul [Irving].”

“For the next 71 minutes I make 32 calls,” Sund said, with no help from congressional leadership.

4. Secret Service Turned Over One Text to J6 Committee

While Sund made dozens of calls from the Capitol command center, the first agency to come to the police chief’s assistance was the Secret Service.

“One of the first people to offer assistance was United States Secret Service,” Sund said. “By law, I shouldn’t have requested their assistance … until I had approval. But I’m looking at my men and women having their asses handed to them and my first thought was ‘f-ck it, I will take whatever discipline there is. Send me whatever you got.’”

“That was the one text Secret Service turned over,” Sund added.

The agency had apparently deleted text messages from Jan. 5-6, 2021, that were subpoenaed by the House select committee probing the riot last summer. The only message turned over was Sund’s out-of-order request for support.

5. New Jersey State Police Arrived to Help Before National Guard

While Sund was begging congressional leaders to greenlight assistance from the National Guard, New Jersey State Police were on their way to reinforce Capitol Police.

The 150 to 180 National Guard troops who were “within eyesight” of the Capitol, Sund told Carlson, were put in vehicles and driven around the complex back to the D.C. Armory. Instead, Sund received the evening troops, who didn’t arrive on the scene until 6 p.m. By that point, according to Sund, the Capitol was under control.

“While I’m begging for assistance,” Sund said, “the Pentagon sent in resources to generals’ houses to protect their homes but not me.”

By the time the National Guard finally showed up, Sund noted, “New Jersey State Police [had] beat them to the Capitol.”

National Guardsmen were then positioned in front of the Capitol to take “pictures for military magazines” as “heroes” of Jan. 6.

6. Sund Wasn’t Told About Federal Informants Present at the Capitol

In the fall of 2021, The New York Times confirmed the presence of at least one federal informant at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot after the paper dismissed such claims as a conspiracy theory. The former Capitol police chief, however, was kept in the dark on undercover operations with “no idea” how many were in the crowd. The Justice Department had even deployed special commandos with “shoot to kill authority” at the Capitol, according to Newsweek.

“Not to share that in the intelligence,” Sund said, “that’s concerning.”

7. Lawmakers Didn’t Want Sund to Testify

In the aftermath of the Capitol riot, lawmakers began to schedule hearings on the security failures while the fever grew to launch a snap impeachment of the outgoing president.

“I fought to testify,” Sund said, but “they didn’t want me to testify in the Senate hearing.”

The hearing in the upper chamber was initially limited to current Capitol employees. Sund was excluded from the lineup because he was immediately dismissed from his job as chief of police after the riot. Irving and Stenger would have also initially been excluded. The trio of security officers eventually testified in the upper chamber after Trump’s acquittal in February 2021, with Sund the only one to appear in person.

Meanwhile Pelosi, who was in charge of the Capitol as speaker of the House, was “off limits” to investigation — leaving open questions such as whether the speaker was briefed on the potential for violence from other agencies. The House speaker even blocked Republican access to relevant documents ignored by the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Committee.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Republicans Investigating J6 Committee Suggest Dems Destroyed Evidence In Apparent Cover Up




In November, the leader of the incoming House Republican majority, Kevin McCarthy, sent a letter to the Select Committee on Jan. 6 reminding lawmakers they were required to “preserve all records” related to the panel’s work. Nine months later, however, Republicans in charge of investigating the committee’s work say the probe failed to comply with House rules.

GOP Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, who became the target of the since-disbanded committee’s salacious attacks last summer, is leading the Republican probe into the Jan. 6 Committee as chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight for the Committee on House Administration. Loudermilk told Fox News on Tuesday his team has struggled to locate the leftover material required to review the Select Committee’s work under Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. The partisan probe spent 18 months prosecuting political opponents and was complete with Soviet-style show trials presented with fabricated evidence while lawmakers sought to portray the Capitol riot as a “deadly insurrection.”

“Nothing was indexed. There was no table of contents index. Usually when you conduct this level of investigation, you use a database system and everything is digitized, indexed. We got nothing like that,” Loudermilk said. “So it took us a long time going through it and one thing I started realizing is we don’t have anything much at all from the Blue Team.”

The “Blue Team” refers to the investigative staff on the committee in charge of probing the Capitol security failures, all of which point to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. After then-Fox News prime-time host Tucker Carlson aired footage undermining central narratives of the Jan. 6 Committee in March, Chairman Thompson admitted the Select Committee didn’t actually review Capitol surveillance video.

[READ: Everything You Need To Know About Tucker Carlson’s J6 Tapes]

“We’ve got lots of depositions, we’ve got lots of subpoenas, we’ve got video and other documents provided through subpoenas by individuals,” Loudermilk told Fox. “But we’re not seeing anything from the Blue Team as far as reports on the investigation they did looking into the actual breach itself.”

“What we also realized we didn’t have was the videos of all the depositions,” said the congressman.

Fox News reported on a series of exchanges between Thompson and Loudermilk, the latter of whom was defamed by the committee as giving “reconnaissance” tours of the Capitol on the eve of the riot. The Jan. 6 tapes aired by Carlson, however, show the Georgia Republican was giving a routine tour of the complex to constituents.

Loudermilk told Fox News his committee was only given 2.5 terabytes of data, contrary to Thompson’s initial claim the Select Committee handed over 4. A letter from the former chairman of the Democrats’ probe this summer conceded the Select Committee failed to maintain records that the probe was required to preserve.

“Consistent with guidance from the Office of the Clerk and other authorities, the Select Committee did not archive temporary committee records that were not elevated by the Committee’s actions, such as use in hearings or official publications, or those that did not further its investigative activities,” Thompson wrote.

“He’s saying they decided they didn’t have to,” Loudermilk told Fox News. “The more we go in the more we’re realizing that there’s things that we don’t have. We don’t have anything about security failures at the Capitol, we don’t have the videos of the depositions.”

McCarthy sent the letter demanding records preservation after reporting from The Washington Post raised concerns that the Select Committee was prepared to omit key details of the investigation.

“It is imperative that all information collected be preserved not just for institutional prerogatives but for transparency to the American people,” McCarthy wrote last fall. “The American people have a right to know that the allegations you have made are supported by the facts and to be able to view the transcripts with an eye towards encouraged enforcement of 18 USC 1001.”

California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa threatened members who served on the Jan. 6 Committee with censure over the destruction of records.

“The ones that are still in Congress might very well face a censure for what they participated in,” Issa said.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.




Devon Archer: Joe’s Speakerphone Calls With Hunter’s Business Associates Were ‘An Abuse Of Soft Power’



Devon Archer interview with Tucker Carlson
Former Biden business associate Devon Archer




President Joe Biden abused his vice-presidential authority by joining speakerphone calls with his son’s business associates, former Biden business associate Devon Archer confirmed to Tucker Carlson in an interview on Wednesday.

In an attempt to build what Archer called “the Biden brand” and sell access to the then-vice president, Hunter Biden put his dad on speakerphone two dozen times in the presence of his various financial partners. Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman claimed mere minutes after House GOP investigators heard Archer’s testimony on Tuesday that Joe simply phoned into his son’s business meetings to discuss the “weather.” This proved to be a strong pivot from Democrats’ insistence that Joe, as he repeated in 2019202020212022, and 2023, had nothing to do with Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Goldman’s claims were also strongly contradicted by Archer’s confirmation that Joe’s phone calls did influence the people in Hunter’s meetings.

“To be completely clear on the calls, I don’t know if it was an orchestrated call or not. It certainly was powerful, though, because if you’re sitting with a foreign business person and you hear the vice president’s voice, that’s prized enough. That’s pretty impactful stuff for anyone,” Archer confessed.

At the time, Archer appreciated the leg up he and Hunter’s company had because of its close relationship with the VP. But he later admitted that “In the rearview, it’s an abuse of soft power.”

“The power to have that access in that conversation, and it’s not in a scheduled conference call, and it’s a part of your family, that’s like the pinnacle of power in DC,” Archer said.

Phone calls weren’t the only means Joe used to contact Biden family associates. In addition to meeting Archer at least “20 times,” Joe penned the businessman a letter thanking him for partnering with Hunter.

“He was thanking me and thanking Hunter, I think, at the end of the day for bringing this idea of this government regulatory, strategic advisory business into the private equity world,” Archer said. “I think he was excited about the prospects for Hunter, and he was just thanking me; I think it was a nice gesture.”

“It was a nice gesture, for sure. Very polite,” Carlson said. “It gets a 10 on the etiquette scale. But he’s the vice president United States, and he’s talking about foreign business deals with you and thanking you for that.”

Archer admitted that “at the time, I think I hit the jackpot in finding the regulatory environment or company that can navigate right to the top” but eventually recognized the problems with the arrangement.

“Being a little bit too close to the sun ends up burning you,” Archer continued.

According to Archer, Hunter entered the world of influence peddling under the guise of private equity, a “complex business that takes years of training,” and “regulatory issues that you might have at the corporate level.” Hunter may not have personally had experience in this field, but Archer assured Carlson that “he led a team that had a sophisticated understanding of regulation.”

“You’ve got to be an expert in knowing the guy, and he was the guy that was the expert in knowing the guy,” Archer said, noting Hunter’s “brother, his father, some of his father’s siblings” made that list.

Archer admitted that it didn’t matter whether Hunter had experience in the field or not because “the brand of Biden adds a lot of power when your dad’s vice president.”

Carlson explained that Washington D.C., where Hunter often operated, is not known as a “money town” but a “selling access” city.

“That’s what it looked like to me,” Archer agreed. “I think that’s one of the core misconceptions. I mean, it seems like understanding a regulatory environment means selling access at the end of the day. That’s how I interpreted it. I think that’s how most people in Wall Street, whether they admit it or not, interpreted it.”

Archer said Hunter’s vast interconnectedness with government officials did benefit their company significantly.

“There are very like tactical elements that are regulatory and compliance and governance that you have to go through, and you’ve got to know the guy that worked at the old agency that now has a lobbying firm that can go back to the agency and get things put to the front of the line,” Archer explained.

“At the end of the day, he had the best advantage to do that because of where he was,” Archer added.

Hutner’s wheeling and dealing under the Biden brand, Archer admitted, was a sweet deal but deserved scrutiny.

“There are people that maybe were sons or relatives or brother-in-law’s of other high-ranking officials, but I think what we ran into and with what Hunter ran into was almost like an Icarus issue,” Archer explained. “He got a little, it was too close to the sun. It was too good to be true. And the connections were too close and the scrutiny too much. And it ended up destroying, left a wake of a lot of destruction and business over a number of years.”

Carlson said he understands why a business guy like Archer would “use every advantage” to advance financial goals but explained that the Bidens “are not business guys.”

“This is the vice president United States. He’s not allowed to be working on businesses with foreign governments while he’s vice president, I don’t think,” Carlson concluded.

“Not that I know of,” Archer replied.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Republicans Deserve a Senate Leader Willing to Defend Their Interests Over Democrats’



Mitch McConnell

While the Biden administration faces escalating calls for impeachment, either of the homeland security secretary, the attorney general, or even the president himself as evidence mounts over myriad scandals, Republicans’ top Senate lawmaker is distracted.

Instead of directing his ire at President Joe Biden for his influence-peddling schemes with corrupt overseas actors, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell piled onto the media onslaught against a freshman representative from Wisconsin who cussed out some teenagers at the Capitol. GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden stirred up controversy last week when he went on a tirade against some interns with the Senate page program who were lying in the Capitol rotunda, which the congressman says he considered disrespectful.

“Wake the fuck up you little sh-ts. … What the f-ck are you all doing? Get the f-ck out of here,” Van Orden said, telling the group they were “defiling the space,” according to one page’s recollection of the incident. The Wisconsin lawmaker was defiant, explaining on a local radio show, “The people who have brought this up are not serious people.”

Nor are the Republicans who have remained silent on the administration’s series of scandals but have been quick to get behind the Democrats’ latest outrage circus.

The Van Orden outburst drew swift condemnation from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York. “I was shocked when I heard about it, and I am further shocked at his refusal to apologize to these young people,” Schumer said.

McConnell didn’t hesitate to make the outrage bipartisan. According to Politico, McConnell was clear to “associate myself with the remarks of the majority leader.”

“Everybody on this side of the aisle feels exactly the same way,” McConnell added.

If only Republicans had a leader in the upper chamber who dared stand up for Republicans. The problem is not that Van Orden’s eruption at a couple of teenagers is excusable. The problem is McConnell’s regular participation in Democrats’ smear campaigns against other Republicans while the GOP Senate leader remains silent on the administration’s corruption scandals. Last week, McConnell declined to comment at all on House Republicans’ impeachment push.

It’s far from the first time the Republican Senate leader has peddled the Democrats’ latest political narratives. In March, McConnell condemned Fox News for the network airing the Jan. 6 tapes presented by Tucker Carlson. The tapes undermined the Democrats’ narratives of a “deadly insurrection,” the basis for their snap impeachment of outgoing President Donald Trump.

“With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6,” McConnell told reporters on Capitol Hill following Carlson’s first installment of the J6 tapes. Hours earlier, Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger had sent a memo to his department that called Carlson’s coverage “filled with offensive and misleading conclusions.”

The comments led even Elon Musk to begin to question whether McConnell was actually a Republican. “I keep forgetting which party he belongs to,” Musk wrote on Twitter.

After the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence at Mar-a-Lago, McConnell didn’t condemn the weaponization of federal law enforcement. Instead, the Republican Senate leader endorsed more funding for the federal bureau. This followed the octogenarian lawmaker sabotaging Republicans’ midterm efforts to reclaim the Senate. McConnell was more interested in maintaining an establishment minority he could control than in achieving a GOP majority that aligned more with Trump’s vision for the party.

Republicans have a right to expect far better from their No. 1 leader in the Senate. Considering McConnell’s recent health problems, new leadership could come sooner rather than later. His successor would be wise to adopt a new approach that puts voters first.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




‘You’re Going to See More of Tucker’: Biographer, Executive Producer Tease What’s Next for Carlson

By: Rob Bluey @RobertBluey / July 21, 2023


Tucker Carlson speaks to guests at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa. Carlson interviewed six Republican presidential candidates at the July 14 event. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The swanky Metropolitan Club in downtown Washington, D.C., might be the last place you’d expect to find Tucker Carlson’s biggest fans. But that’s exactly where they gathered Wednesday night for a party celebrating the forthcoming Carlson biography, “Tucker,” by Chadwick Moore.

Carlson was a regular at the club when he ran the Daily Caller with longtime friend and business partner Neil Patel. Although the former Fox News star wasn’t present at the party, it featured a who’s who of conservatives, including Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala. Attendees were treated to a candid conversation between author Moore and Carlson’s longtime executive producer, Justin Wells.

Moore, who appeared on the final episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on April 21, began working on the Carlson biography long before Fox News shocked the world by canceling its top-rated show April 24. The author spent hundreds of hours interviewing Carlson and others who have influenced Carlson’s life. The timing of the “Tucker” biography is fortuitous: It’s set to publish Aug. 1.

Wednesday’s party celebrated not only Carlson’s accomplishments, but also offered some hints about what he is planning next. Wells wouldn’t speculate on reasons for the show’s cancellation and his own firing, preferring instead to focus on the future and what Carlson has planned for his “Tucker on Twitter” show.

“You’re going to see more of Tucker, and you’re going to see many different formats,” Wells said.

He added that “there is a very, very big interview” coming soon, but didn’t reveal any details when asked by Moore to tease what to expect.

Wells, who joined Carlson in Iowa for last week’s Family Leadership Summit, explained how the moderator approached his interviews with Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson; former Vice President Mike Pence; former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley; entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy; and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“He listens to people, and he talks to them,” Wells said. “He’s very big on words. There’s nobody who has a better mastery of words than Tucker. And when the candidates are up on stage, and they say things that don’t make sense, he zeros in on that. There are very few people who can do that. That was demonstrated in Iowa.”

Wells added, “Being away for a little bit, he has more clarity than ever. … I think they were a little nervous because Tucker’s a no B.S. guy.”

Of the six candidates, Carlson sparred most with Hutchinson and Pence. “I don’t think they knew that they were going to struggle that badly,” said Wells, who noted that Pence and Carlson spoke afterward.

When Moore asked about Carlson’s outlook on life after 14 years at Fox News, including the last seven as host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Wells said, “He’s having too much fun. He’s hunting and fishing and doing all the things that he wants to do. But he’s also had a lot of time to think.”

Shortly after Fox News canceled his show, Carlson announced he would distribute his monologues and interviews on Twitter. Elon Musk bought the social media company for $44 billion in 2022, radically transforming Twitter from a platform that routinely censored conservatives in the past to one that champions free speech today. Musk recently hired media executive Linda Yaccarino to be its CEO.

Wells acknowledged that “Twitter and all platforms have a long way to go,” but it was moving in the right direction as a platform committed to free speech.

“It’s not just Elon, but Linda and others there who oversee the future of Twitter. They all believe in that,” Wells said. “Any time we’ve run into an issue in our very short period of distributing from Twitter, we’ve worked with Twitter on the problem. I would hope over time that we blaze that trail so that others can be heard by as many people as possible.”

With the “Tucker” biography debuting Aug. 1, Americans are about to get a behind-the-scenes look at Carlson. Moore was granted unprecedented access to him, interviewing Carlson as well as his family, co-workers, and adversaries. Wells was among those who contributed to Moore’s book.

Wells said Carlson remains as motivated—and cheerful—today as he’s ever seen him.

“There’s nobody sticking up for average Americans, and that’s what’s driving him,” Wells said. “He brings something to the American public that’s different.”

Rob Bluey
Rob Bluey is executive editor of The Daily Signal, the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. Send an email to Rob.

Top 3 Things Tucker Carlson Says the Regime Doesn’t Want You Talking About



Tucker Carlson discusses three things

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




“If you want to know what really, really matters, to [the regime], and to you, and to the future of the country, consider the things that you are not allowed to say,” Tucker Carlson told his audience of young people during a Turning Point USA speech on the heels of his interviews with Republican primary candidates in Iowa.

These unsayable things, Carlson said, are easy to pinpoint because wrong-think seems to be the only “crime” that’s consistently and seriously penalized in contemporary America. Rapists and murderers go unprosecuted in American blue cities. “[B]urning down buildings, impoverishing people, starting totally counterproductive wars we can’t win that kill a lot of our citizens, [and] leaving the border open so 7 million people can walk across” are “never punished.” 

So what are the three topics Carlson says have been deemed forbidden speech by the media, White House, and virtually every member of the American gentry class? “One of them’s the war in Ukraine, another’s Covid, and, of course, the third is Jan. 6.” 

War in Ukraine 

Every uniparty politician, corporate media outlet, and mega-corporation insists that if you don’t “hate” Russia and support America funneling billions of dollars to defend a nation ruled by a corrupt, oligarchical government, you must love Vladimir Putin and oppose “democracy.” 

“It’s not a criminal act not to hate somebody,” Carlson said. He pointed out that the number of Americans murdered by Russians is in the “range” of “zero.” Meanwhile, more than 100,000 Americans die every year at the hands of Mexican cartels and the drugs they smuggle into our country. Yet the media and our government want us to be more preoccupied with a foreign war than the deaths of American citizens here at home. 

Carlson explained that so far, America has utterly failed to be a leader in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, encouraging the war instead of facilitating peace. “If you’re the leader, the last thing you do is sow more chaos,” Carlson said. Yet the White House “with the full participation of the Republican Party” has fueled and prolonged a bloody war — and you had better not question it.

“Foreign policy is the one big thing” that’s not subject to “voter control,” Carlson said. Americans have a right to weigh in on things like the war in Ukraine and tell the federal government: “This is my country and you’re doing this in my name, with my money, and potentially my children.” 

Washington, however, doesn’t believe in “the public [signing] off on wars … and that’s exactly why they like it,” Carlson added. If you try to question Washington’s lucrative wars, you’re told to “shut up.” And you, “an American citizen who loves your country [and] whose ancestors fought to defend it,” are accused of disloyalty by people who don’t care about America at all.


During and following the years of Covid tyranny, Big Tech companies (often at the behest of the federal government) censored anyone, including doctors and sitting members of Congress, who discussed the numerous civil liberties violations, the highly plausible lab-leak theory, the devastation of lockdowns, failed vaccines, the inefficacy of cloth masks, and vaccine injuries. 

“Every organization in American life … from your government, to the entire media, [and] in some cases, your church,” told Americans that if you want to be a “good person” you’ll follow the Covid rules, Carlson said. In the case of the Covid shots, you had to pipe down and take it — without really knowing what was in it or what the long-term outlook would be.

Now we know the staggering number of people who appear to be vaccine injured, as Carlson pointed out. Yet the powers that be continue to gaslight the public anytime someone tries to discuss adverse reactions to any of the Covid shots.

“This [was] a moral test, and if you want[ed] to pass, you obey[ed],” said Carlson, adding that those who stood against Covid authoritarianism were persecuted and labeled societal “outlaws.” 

Jan. 6 

Carlson recalled how shortly after Jan. 6, 2021 people began claiming the demonstration was a “racist insurrection.” At the time, Carlson pointed out it neither had anything to do with race nor involved “armed people try[ing] to overthrow the government,” but he was told, yet again, to “shut up.” He even found himself labeled a “racist insurrectionist.” 

The people who protested on Jan. 6, were, in Carlson’s words, “grandmas with diabetes and a lot of debt.” Why were these everyday Americans so angry? Well, the American gentry class refused to allow the country to talk honestly about why a massive swath of the populace was so enraged that they took a “bus from Tennessee to go jump up and down in front of the Capitol.” 

We were never allowed to consider how “Biden won by 81 million votes — 15 million more than Barack Obama, which seems like a lot considering [Biden] didn’t campaign and he can’t talk.” We also weren’t allowed to consider whether electronic voting machines or unmonitored ballot drop boxes were compromised, Carlson added. Those who tried to raise concerns about the 2020 election, which sparked Jan. 6, were “deplatformed,” “debanked,” “bankrupted,” “fired,” and essentially “hounded out of public life in America.”  

Thought Criminals Are Our ‘North Star’

Carlson warned of distractions in the news cycle. While we must push back against things like radical transgender theory, stories related to that and other hot-topic issues can also be used by the left to manipulate our priorities, he said. “I don’t think there’s a single Democratic member of Congress who cares at all about trans rights,” Carlson explained, theorizing that many of these daily news stories are “designed to take people like me and send us off into a screaming fit.” 

Instead, “look around and ask … what are the topics that no one’s even pushing back on?” If you are really interested in truth-seeking and you want to locate “the North Star” in confusing, disordered, post-industrial America, then you need to look for the “thought criminals.” 

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Tucker Carlson’s return to television and live interviews with presidential candidates may spark fireworks

By: MICHELE BLOOD | July 13, 2023


Photo by Jason Koerner/Getty Images

Tucker Carlson may spark fireworks Friday as he goes head to head with presidential nominees live on stage at the FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa.

The former Fox News Channel personality has a history of holding nothing back and has conducted heated interviews with some of this year’s summit participants in the past. His individual on-stage interviews with presidential candidates at this year’s summit in the run-up to the 2024 election may well prove to be extra spicy.

In a preview of what may be in store for viewers, at last year’s summit, Tucker was adamant about voters holding would-be political leaders’ feet to the fire.

“If you continue to get leaders, leaders that you vote for, whose campaigns you fund, who can look directly into a camera and say the single most important thing in the world is, in a material sense, totally unrelated to your life or the life of any of the other 350 million people who live here, that’s a huge problem,” Carlson said during a speech at the 2022 FAMiLY Leadership Summit.

Prior to leaving Fox News, Carlson openly shared pointed opinions on conservative political figures, regularly raising some Republican viewers’ hackles.

“In all the ways that matter, Nikki Haley is a member in good standing of the most protected class of all — upper income, liberal white ladies with fashionable political views. She may be running to be the Republican nominee, but she is fundamentally indistinguishable from the neoliberal donor base of the Democratic Party,” Carlson said of former Governor Nikki Haley in February.

Haley is among the confirmed participants at this year’s summit.

“Nikki Haley believes in collective racial guilt. She thinks Ukraine’s borders are more important than our own. She believes identity politics is our future,” Carlson also said of the former South Carolina governor.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, another summit interviewee, condemned Carlson’s coverage of the January 6 riot at the Gridiron Club dinner in March without calling Carlson out by name. Pence rebuked Carlson’s portrayal of rioters as sightseers or tourists.

Carlson, an outspoken critic of surgery and chemical interventions on children with gender dysphoria, was devastatingly blunt in an interview with then Governor Asa Hutchinson two years ago. Hutchinson had just vetoed a bill that would have prevented physicians from prescribing puberty blockers and/or surgically castrating children who believe they are transgender.

“I think of you as a conservative. Here you’ve come out publicly as pro-choice on the question of chemical castration of children. What changed? … We’re talking about minors, children here … why do you think it’s important for conservatives to make certain that children can block their puberty? Why is that a conservative value?”

One issue almost certain to be on the table during the conference is the United States’ involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Carlson is openly opposed to the war, while some of the Republican nominees he will be interviewing at the summit appear openly hawkish.

Whether it is the Russia-Ukraine war, January 6, transgender surgery for kids, abortion, or other controversial topics, one thing is certain: Carlson will not shy away from pressing this year’s slate of Republican candidates to defend their positions. Voters will surely be the wiser for it.

Interviews of presidential candidates at the FAMiLY Leadership Summit have sparked controversy in the past. In the run-up to the 2016 election, pollster Frank Luntz interviewed then-nominee Trump at the summit along with several other Republican presidential candidates. Trump made a remark about Sen. John McCain during the interview, saying McCain was a war hero, but that he, Trump, liked “people that weren’t captured.”

“The FAMiLY Leader is thrilled to partner with BlazeTV to bring this unique content to a national audience looking for a better vision for America’s future. BlazeTV brings insightful and inspiring voices to Americans, and we are grateful that commitment will continue with the FAMiLY Leadership Summit,” FAMiLY Leader president and CEO Bob Vander Plaats told TheBlaze Monday.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), former Vice President Mike Pence (R), Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (R), former United Nations Amb. and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) have all confirmed their attendance at the 2023 FAMiLY Leadership Summit: Principle over Politics.

Former President Donald Trump (R), though invited, will not be participating in the summit, Vander Plaats confirmed Tuesday morning in a tweet finalizing the lineup. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R), President Joe Biden (D), and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were also invited, but will not be participating.

Glenn Beck will be interviewing Tucker Carlson after the summit.

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Tucker Carlson: ‘Don’t Know’ Why Fired by Fox

By Solange Reyner    |   Friday, 07 July 2023 04:29 PM EDT


Tucker Carlson says he “doesn’t know” why he was fired by Fox News but that he isn’t angry about it.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Carlson said during an appearance Friday on actor Russell Brand’s podcast, “Stay Free,” the TV host’s first public interview since being fired by Fox in April. “They didn’t agree with me, of course, I don’t think.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve been fired … when you say what you think there’s an expectation you can get fired. I didn’t expect to get fired that morning at all, so I was shocked. But I wasn’t really shocked … I wasn’t mad,” he added.

“The only thing that bothers me? I’m 54. When you get a little bit older … you can lose your drive … It’s a little bit too nice,” he said of his extended vacation in Maine filled with fishing and late breakfasts. “My only fear has been … being a little bit too happy.”

Carlson during the wide-ranging interview also discussed the 2024 presidential election, electronic voting machines, the Jan. 6 Capitol incident, President Joe Biden’s immigration policies, and his new broadcasts on Twitter.

“Trump is the only person … who is saying: ‘Wait a second. You know, why are we supporting an endless war in Ukraine?'” he said of Trump’s criticism of the U.S.’s involvement.

“All I can say at this point is I’m so grateful that he has that position. He’s right. And everyone in Washington is wrong, everyone,” Carlson continued. 

“Trump is right on that question … the war is reshaping the world. It’s reshaping the economy of the world. It’s reshaping populations,” he went on. “Later, Carlson said that U.S. had an unique power to force a peace in the conflict, but the powers that be refuse to do so.”

On immigration, Carlson said the Biden administration’s approach to the issue is “designed to wreck the country and make it unstable.”

“I’m not against immigrants, that’s insane. The way the U.S. is doing immigration is designed to wreck the country … and add to racial division which I hate because it’s not solvable. Our leaders not only want racial conflict but are stoking it,” he said.

He also said he was “hurt” the first time he was called a white supremacist.

The interview comes a week after Fox News paid $12 million to settle a former producer’s lawsuit claiming that Carlson’s show was an abusive place to work.

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‘America’s medical establishment has beclowned itself’: Tucker Carlson drops new episode on Twitter

By: ALEX NITZBERG | June 22, 2023


Screenshot taken from video on the @TuckerCarlson Twitter account

During a new episode of his show, Tucker Carlson declared that the nation’s “medical establishment has beclowned itself for all time.”

“Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning,” the tweet containing Carlson’s new episode reads. Carlson opened the program by claiming that there has never been a presidential candidate the media loathed more than Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Carlson said that “Trump got a gentle scalp massage by comparison when he announced.”

Carlson described an imaginary scenario in which an airplane cabin is filling with smoke but nobody is talking about it. When someone mentions the smoke to a flight attendant, she replies, “Shut up racist!” adding, “That’s a dangerous Russian conspiracy theory. Stop spreading misinformation or I’ll call TSA and have you arrested when we land.” After laying out that scenario, Carlson suggested that it serves as a parallel to modern American society. He said that while people can sense that there is “something very bad going on,” leaders will not acknowledge it and insist that nothing is amiss.

Kennedy will not stop asking questions, Carlson said, claiming that because of this, the Democratic figure is hated. Carlson claimed that while Kennedy’s views on vaccines may be correct, partially correct, or completely incorrect, it is certain the country’s “medical establishment has beclowned itself for all time. Its official positions on vaccines, psychiatric drugs, puberty blockers, reassignment surgeries … have no connection whatsoever to legitimate science. It’s all effectively witchcraft,” Carlson declared.

The tweet containing Carlson’s video has amassed more than 2 million views so far.

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Chadwick Moore to Newsmax: Fox Doesn’t Care It ‘Offended Core Audience’

By Eric Mack    |   Thursday, 22 June 2023 12:55 PM EDT


Tucker Carlson might privately know why his leading Fox News program was canceled, but he is not being told officially, leaving “offended” viewers left to guess and go elsewhere, “Tucker” biographer Chadwick Moore told Newsmax.

“No, they have not told anyone, and it’s looking like they’re just happy to keep it a mystery,” Moore told Wednesday’s “Eric Bolling The Balance.” “The closest they came was somebody from Fox told The New York Times it was because of a racist text message he sent to one of his colleagues, which, of course, wasn’t racist at all. It was actually quite a heartwarming text message.

“That’s the closest they’ve given to an explanation. They still have not told Tucker, which is sort of amazing. They’ve still left him to guess.

“Tucker suspects he knows what’s going on. Of course, there are people at Fox who do know why, and people on the board. I’m sure that they have spoken to Tucker about it privately, but he has not gotten an official explanation from Fox News.

“Just like the rest of us.”

It’s just one more reason why viewers are tuning out of Fox News, as former President Donald Trump got in a “dig” during his Brett Baier interview this week, Moore noted, saying, “I don’t really see how they can” get the disenchanted viewers back.

“I think the whole network kind of outstayed its welcome,” Moore said. “They’ve continually offended their core audience, and they seem to not care.”

The move away from Trump is not unlike the dismissal of Carlson, as a top-down directive, according to Moore, who details Tucker Carlson in his biography “Tucker,” to be released next month, which is available now for preorder.

“They really didn’t like Donald Trump in 2016 — I’m not speaking of the rank and file; plenty of them are wonderful people who certainly like Donald Trump — but it seems that the head honchos really didn’t like him, and then they kind of sucked up to him when he got into power, and now it looks like they want someone else in that role, and they’re being hostile to him,” Moore said.

But Trump “got some good digs in at Fox during that Brett Baier interview.”

“Tucker was bringing so many people to that whole network and propping up the entire prime-time lineup,” Moore said. “They’re not coming back with him gone. It’s been long enough.”

Also, with employees at Fox News rumored to be disenchanted and fearing for their jobs, FoxNation might go the way of CNN’s now-defunct streaming service, Moore said.

“That wouldn’t surprise me one bit because Tucker was really the only reason anyone signed up for that,” Moore said. “I can’t think of any other reason that they would have signed up. … Fox did sort of victory lap when CNN-plus went out of business, and now it looks like that same thing might happen to FoxNation.”

For now, as Moore writes in “Tucker,” Carlson will be exercising his First Amendment right to free speech on Twitter, while shackled to a Fox News contract but silenced under it through the 2024 presidential election.

“Twitter is launching a new video platform that is supposed to be a rival to YouTube, and that’s eventually where these longer shows are going to live,” Moore said. “I don’t think the show is always going to be these 10-minute things. I believe that’s probably contractual.

“I think he’s probably doing what he can get away with in his contract because, of course, Fox doesn’t want him speaking right now, which is incredible. The network that built its reputation on defending free speech is trying to shut him up and now threatening legal action.”

This is ostensibly “corporate censorship” as Fox News has issued a cease-and-desist letter to Carlson, according to Moore.

“Fox would be the first one to talk about corporations compelling or restricting speech and the fear, the chill that would have in our national discourse when private companies silence people, and now look what’s happened to Tucker,” Moore said.

“And their cease-and-desist seemed pretty hollow. I don’t really think they have much of a case.

“In fact, it seems like in many ways Fox could be one in violation of their agreement with Tucker, especially if they tried to disparage him during this process.”

The disparagement and Carlson’s disappointment in how he has been attacked is all detailed in Moore’s upcoming book “Tucker.”

Tucker Carlson incinerates Hunter Biden plea deal in newest Twitter episode: ‘A lifetime of sins just washed away in an instant’

By: CARLOS GARCIA | June 20, 2023


Image Source: Tucker Carlson Twitter video screenshot

Tucker Carlson released another scathing episode of his Twitter show and took aim straight at Hunter Biden after he agreed to a plea deal and got a slap on the wrist.

The president’s son reportedly agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and will receive probation and have to pay the taxes he owes. He will also enter into a diversion program over charges related to lying on a federal form when applying for a gun license.

“As in most of the developing world, it’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent,” wrote Carlson in the description of his latest Twitter episode.

“This morning Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to pretty much nothing. Biden pled to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges then entered a diversion on a federal gun charge. That’s it. As far as Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is concerned Hunter Biden is done,” said Carlson on the show.

“There was no pre-dawn raid carried out live simultaneously on CNN, there was no perp walk, no handcuffs, no press conference. Above all there was no felony. Hunter Biden who broke federal gun laws can still carry a gun. It’s like it all never happened,” he added.

“In fact the Justice Department just baptized Hunter Biden. A lifetime of sins washed away in an instant,” Carlson said. “It was a secular miracle!”

He went on to emphasize that Hunter Biden got special treatment because he’s a son of President Joe Biden and mocked the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Carlson left Fox News in April and began publishing his own version of his very popular show on Twitter. He received tens of millions of views while Fox News has struggled to fill his time slot and has suffered in ratings without him.

He later accused Fox News of fraud and breach of contract over the circumstances surrounding his exit from the cable news network.

Hunter Biden is expected in federal court in the next few days over the plea deal.

Here’s the video from Tucker Carlson:

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The Latest from Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson On Twitter- episode 2!!!!

Tucker Carlson on Twitter… episode 3! Talks on Trumps Indictment

Tucker Carlson’s attorney responds defiantly after Fox reportedly sends cease-and-desist letter seeking to shut down Twitter show

MICHELE BLOOD | June 12, 2023


Photo by Janos Kummer/Getty Images

Fox News has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Tucker Carlson amid the popular broadcaster releasing two monologue-type commentary videos on Twitter, Axios reported Monday.

“My friend and client @TuckerCarlson will not be silenced by the far left or Fox News,” attorney Harmeet Dhillon tweeted Monday morning, appending a link to the piece on Axios covering a cease-and-desist letter sent to Carlson by the network.

Axios did not include the text of the cease-and-desist letter, saying that the letter has “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” in bold at the top.

Dhillon went on to explain that Fox News is “not a place” for her until the network “stops trying to silence Tucker.” She added she has friends still under contract at Fox and that she feels for them.

“I am passionately committed to free speech and a free flow of information necessary for a free society,” Dhillon said.

The popular liberty-minded lawyer was not done there, however. She urged Congress, influencers, and GOP officials to carefully consider decisions about appearing on the network she says has “caved into pressure to silence Tucker Carlson.”

“Do you really want to air your views on a network that spits on its viewers, leaks oppo on its own talent, and even threatens former talent for speaking, for free, on @Twitter?”

“You have free will!”

“What you are seeing on Fox today is a censored version of the news,” Dhillon also said in the multi-part tweet thread.

Tucker Carlson and Fox News Channel parted ways April 21. After Carlson’s departure, the network suffered deeply plummeting ratings, as TheBlaze reported.

Carlson re-emerged on Twitter April 26, in a short video calling out the faults of major media outlets. A June 6 video Carlson posted to the platform as “Episode 1” amassed more than 114.8 million views. Episode 2, released June 8, has nearly 55 million views. The second installment’s video was emblazoned with a “Tucker on Twitter” typographical logo.

Elon Musk noted May 9 that Twitter had “not signed any deal of any kind whatsoever” with the broadcaster, as TheBlaze reported.

Tucker Carlson Tonight’s former executive producer Justin Wells tweeted Sunday that the next episode of “Tucker on Twitter” will be released Tuesday. The content will reportedly cover former President Donald Trump’s indictment in the federal classified documents probe.

Fox News did not respond to a request for comment from Axios.

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Tucker Carlson drops new video on Twitter: ‘Don’t let them rationalize away your intuitive moral sense’

By: ALEX NITZBERG | June 08, 2023


Screenshot taken from video on the @TuckerCarlson Twitter account

Tucker Carlson posted a second episode of his new Twitter show on Thursday after dropping an enormously successful inaugural episode on Tuesday.

“Cling to your taboos!” the tweet containing Carlson’s new video declared.

In the new episode, Carlson said that American society is “governed by taboos” and that those taboos have been changing, but not naturally. “What we’re allowed to dislike is being dictated to us from above, sometimes by force,” he said.

He went on to say that while it was previously taboo to target people based on their race, punishing individuals on the basis of skin color is now “mandatory” in the realms of business, government, and higher education, provided that “the victims are white.”

He claimed that adultery was once a serious liability in politics that would be viewed as “disqualifying,” but said this is no longer the case. Carlson claimed that “Barack Obama had a strange” as well as “highly creepy personal life.”

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“One by one, with increasing speed, our old taboos have been struck down. Those that remain have lost their moral force. Stealing, flaunting your wealth, striking women, smoking marijuana on the street, shameless public hypocrisy, taking other people’s money for not working — all of these things” were previously viewed as “unacceptable in America,” Carlson said. “Not anymore.”

Carlson said that child molestation is now “teetering on the edge of acceptability.”

“Don’t let them rationalize away your intuitive moral sense. Cling to your taboos like your life depends on them, because it does. Cherish and protect them like family heirlooms. That’s exactly what they are,” he said.

So far, the tweet containing the video has garnered more than 15 million views.

The tweet containing the first episode of Carlson’s show has racked up more than 108 million views.

Axios reported that after Carlson released the first episode of his new show on Twitter, Fox News told the media personality’s lawyers that he had breached his contract. The outlet said a breach-of-contract claim positions Fox News to explore possible legal action against the media figure.

“Fox defends its very existence on freedom of speech grounds. Now they want to take Tucker Carlson’s right to speak freely away from him because he took to social media to share his thoughts on current events,” Carlson’s lawyer Bryan Freedman said in a statement, according to Axios.

Carlson’s decision to drop a second episode indicates that he remains undeterred.

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In New Video, Tucker Carlson Announces Upcoming Show on Twitter



Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News prime-time host who was ripped from the airwaves last month, announced Tuesday he will be taking his show to Twitter.

“There aren’t many platforms left that allow free speech,” Carlson said in a three-minute video he tweeted. “The last big one remaining in the world, the only one, is Twitter, where we are now.”

Carlson gave few details about the “new version” of his former Fox program but added, “We’ll be bringing some other things too, which we’ll tell you about.”

“But for now we’re just grateful to be here,” Carlson said. As of Wednesday morning, the clip has racked up 78 million views.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk clarified the platform signed no official agreement with Carlson, which could have potentially violated the cable news host’s contract with Fox. The network sidelined its No. 1 prime-time host two years before the expiration of Carlson’s employment agreement, meaning they will be paying him $20 million a year not to do his show.

“On this platform, unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever is said,” Musk wrote in a tweeted statement. “I also want to be clear that we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever.”

The exact reasons for Carlson’s abrupt departure remain unknown. Carlson’s last public appearance before going off the air was in the outskirts of Washington, D.C. The 53-year-old broadcaster gave the keynote speech for the Heritage Foundation’s 50th-anniversary gala. Carlson criticized Big Tech’s influence over public opinion by way of censorship.

[READ: Tucker Carlson: ‘Information Control’ Via Internet Censorship Is A Huge Problem For Democracy]

Twitter, however, “has long served as a place where our national conversation incubates and develops,” Carlson said in his Tuesday video. “Twitter is not a partisan site, everybody’s allowed here, and we think that’s a good thing.”

Carlson’s ouster from Fox News last month triggered an immediate nosedive in network ratings. Meanwhile, leftists celebrated, and a far-left member of Congress cheered “deplatforming works.”

“Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy,” New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her 8.6 million followers on Instagram. “Deplatforming works and it is important, and there you go. Good things can happen.”

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




Breaking: Tucker Carlson accuses Fox News of fraud and breach of contract

By: CARLOS GARCIA | May 09, 2023


Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A letter from attorneys representing Tucker Carlson accused Fox News of fraud and breach of contract weeks after he left the cable news channel.

Sources told Axios that the letter was sent to Fox News before Carlson posted an announcement on Twitter that he would be continuing his show in a new format on the popular social media platform.

Carlson’s attorneys argued that Fox News promised not to settle with Dominion Voting Systems in a way that would “indicate wrongdoing” on his part. They also accused the network of leaking “his private communications to the media.”

Accusing Fox News of breach of contract would allow Carlson to argue that his announcement to broadcast a show on Twitter would not be breaking the contract.

“Starting soon, we’ll be bringing a new version of the show we’ve been doing for the last six and a half years to Twitter,” he said in the video posted to Twitter.

“We’ll be bringing some other things too, which we’ll tell you about. But for now we’re just grateful to be here. Free speech is the main right that you have,” he added. “Without it, you have no others.”

Carlson’s contract with Fox News runs until January 2025, which would prevent him from any new media endeavor. He has already received numerous offers from other media outlets.

A separate report said that Carlson was floating the idea of moderating a presidential debate and that he had already talked to former President Donald Trump about the possibility.

Dominion Voting Systems told Axios that it did not insist on Carlson’s firing as a part of the settlement made with Fox News worth about $787.5 million.

Here’s more about Carlson leaving Fox News:

Tucker Carlson’s POWERFUL message after leaving Fox News

[Ed. Note: This article has been updated with additional information.]

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JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON Op-ed: The Culture War Isn’t The Most Important Issue Of 2024, It’s The Only Issue



Trans protest

Author John Daniel Davidson profile




The more obvious it becomes that our domestic political struggles are actually part of a much larger spiritual war over the fate of western civilization, that we are today engaged not so much in a political fight as a religious battle between good and evil, the stronger the urge seems to be among Republican politicians to deny this reality and take refuge in the comforting political narratives of the past.

A perfect case in point was a tweet last week from Kari Lake’s permanent campaign, which managed in one fell swoop to channel the deeply misguided political analysis of the entire neocon Washington establishment: “No one is saying not to fight the culture war. But it’s simply not the most critical issue heading into 2024.”

“The GOP must show the country how it plans to turn the economy around & prevent World War 3,” she added. “We need to take this country back from @JoeBiden before we can take our culture back from his friends.”

Ah, yes. The comforting fiction that if we can just show voters how we plan to turn the economy around, surely then we’ll regain power, surely then we’ll have a mandate from the people — and then (and only then) we can “take our culture back.”

With apologies to Lake, who before the midterms seemed to have a bright political future in the emerging populist GOP, this is absolute nonsense. On the one hand, it’s a desperate cope, the embodiment of the stale, low-energy politics that have kept conservatives out of power in Washington for most of the last three decades. On the other, it’s a textbook neocon talking point, pretending the culture war is a distraction when in fact it’s the only war whose outcome really will decide the fate of our country.

Ironically, it’s also an example of the kind of politics that Lake herself purported to defy. She made a name for herself during the midterm cycle by taking on the political establishment and attacking the corporate media’s false narratives about 2020 and much else. Lake isn’t the politician you’d think would fall into this trap, yet she did. Why?

The best explanation has nothing to do with Lake in particular but with the tendency of all politicians to want to explain the problems we face and offer practical solutions. The economy is bad, here’s how we fix it. The cities are filled with dangerous lunatics, here’s how we make our streets safe again. The border is overrun with illegal immigration, here’s how we crack down and secure it.

Republicans are more naturally susceptible to this way of thinking because, unlike Democrats, they tend to be less rabidly ideological and less committed to fundamentally altering America and bringing about political and social revolution. But this way of thinking — that our most pressing problems just need common-sense policy fixes that normal people support! — is woefully inadequate for our current moment. 

Put simply, the big mistake in thinking the culture war isn’t the most critical issue heading into 2024 is that all of American politics is now one big culture war. The culture war is the only issue because the cultural war is everything now. When one side stakes its claim to political power on offering abortion up until birth and transgender operations for 8-year-olds, and holds out these policies as proof of its moral authority, we’re way past arguing over how to get the economy back on track. There’s no going back to that kind of politics.

Tucker Carlson hit on this at the end of his big speech at Heritage recently. He compared the values of the political left to the values of the Aztecs, who sacrificed children to their bloodthirsty gods — and he wasn’t wrong. Our politics, he argued, have shifted profoundly in a relatively short period of time. Instead of arguing over the best means to bring about an agreed-upon common good, we no longer agree about what the common good is. Forget about whether Republicans or Democrats are right about the ideal marginal tax rate. We can’t even agree on whether men and women exist as meaningful categories. And if we don’t get that question right, you can forget about economic prosperity, much less anything like a republic or a constitutional system of government. 

What the neocons and establishment politicians don’t seem to understand is that the culture war has become a grinding war of attrition that will end with the complete destruction of one side. There is no way to reconcile the vision of the common good espoused by the transgender movement, on the one hand, and orthodox Christians, on the other.

The culture war in America is not some luxury good that Republican politicians can sample now and then. It has consumed our politics by revealing deep, uncrossable chasms in our national life. So, we now find ourselves in a different kind of struggle. Call it a culture war, a religious war, a battle between good and evil, or all of the above. It’s a war for survival between two competing and irreconcilable visions of what America should be.

Any politician on the right that doesn’t understand that, who thinks we just need to show voters our plan for getting the economy back on track, needs to step aside and make room for leaders who know what time it is, that the hour is late, the day now far spent, and the time for fighting has come. The culture war is now the big tent. Those who embrace it, who delve into the fray without apology, will be the next crop of leaders on both the right and the left.

Keep this in mind as we march toward the 2024 election cycle. The cast of buffoons and egomaniacs on the Republican side will feature mostly candidates who don’t understand or don’t want to admit what’s happening. They will say things like, “No one is saying not to fight the culture war. But it’s simply not the most critical issue heading into 2024.” And when they say that, they’ll be doing you a favor. You can then safely ignore whatever else they say because you’ll know at that point they’re either a fool or a coward, and all they have to offer is defeat. 

John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Claremont Review of Books, The New York Post, and elsewhere. Follow him on Twitter, @johnddavidson.

Megyn Kelly Warns Tucker: Fox Trying to Destroy You

By Eric Mack    |   Tuesday, 02 May 2023 03:07 PM EDT


She could not have been more blunt about it.

Megyn Kelly is warning Tucker Carlson that Fox News’ head of public relations is running “an orchestrated hit job” to smear him. Kelly, a former Fox host, took to her podcast and said Fox’s PR department is working overtime to stop Carlson’s future employment and keep his 3.5 million viewers from following him to a new network.

“This is all an orchestrated hit job, in my opinion, and it’s not a subtle one,” Kelly claimed on Monday night’s “The Megyn Kelly Show.”

“It’s not enough to fire you,” Kelly said on her highly rated podcast.

“You must be destroyed, and it doesn’t matter how nice a guy you were, how many points you put on the board for the channel, that you brought us through the Trump years, that you were No. 1 in your time slot, that you haven’t said one negative word about us.”

Kelly laid the blame not at the feet of the company’s controlling shareholders, the Murdoch family, but Fox’s notorious public relations department headed by Irena Briganti, the network’s senior vice president for communication.

“You will be destroyed to settle some angry, bitter internal PR hack’s personal vendetta against you,” Kelly said. “And, if she managed to convince the bosses, the Murdochs, that he’s not good for them either, that he may have called them a name or two: So much the better.

“That’s what I think’s going on here.”

Carlson has already been hit with a barrage of leaks to tarnish his image, including a report in Fox’s sister company newspaper The Wall Street Journal claiming he was abusive and used crude language with his colleagues.

Another leak included a studio video of Carlson badmouthing Fox Nation, blasting the company for making them work “like animals” for an online product that “nobody watches” because the “site sucks.”

Kelly said she believes the leak of the video somewhat critical of their own network’s offering is clever, since it signals to future employers, including its fiercest rival Newsmax: “So, you see: He’s a hassle; he’s a difficult employee; he’s not a team player; he rips on you from the inside.”

Kelly added Fox’s smear campaign comes as its “basement, toilet numbers” have the network fearing another destination might not only get Carlson back in primetime but get all his 3.5 million viewers with him.

Kelly was once a Fox News prime-time host, still has contacts at the network, and now shares a lawyer with Carlson, Bryan Freedman. Reportedly Freedman is representing Carlson as the host negotiates the settlement of the remaining years on his Fox contract.

Kelly said it is getting ugly for Carlson because viewers are clearly fleeing the network, especially for Newsmax.

“It’s not going well for Fox News at 8 p.m., at all, which is the understatement of the year,” Kelly said.

Earlier in the show, Kelly suggested she knew the nexus of the anti-Carlson campaign at Fox News.

“So, they first leaked to The New York Times: This is my supposition, for the record, because it hasn’t been yet confirmed, but I know it’s them,” Kelly said.

“And I know it’s Irena Briganti, who runs coms and f*****g hates Tucker. Sorry. She hates his guts. And it’s mutual. He doesn’t like her, either. None of us do. Nobody likes Irena.”

Briganti has been one of the major executives to survive Roger Ailes leadership, as numerous women came forward to allege improprieties at the network only to find themselves being attacked in the press through “leaks.”

New York magazine reported shortly after Ailes 2016 ouster that “Fox anchors and producers live in fear of crossing Briganti, who is known for leaking damaging personal stories about Fox employees to journalists.

“Several Fox women told me that one of the reasons they did not speak up about sexual harassment in the past was that they were terrified Briganti would find out and smear them in the press,” New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman wrote.

Newsmax reached out to Fox News’ Briganti via email for a request for comment but has not immediately heard back.

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Today’s Politically INCORRECT Media Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Footloose

A.F. BRANCO | on May 2, 2023 |

Bud Light shoots themselves in the foot and Fox News says “Hold my Beer”. Get woke, go Broke.

Bud Light and Fox News
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Presiden

Biden: ‘Free Press Is A Pillar Of Free Society,’ Unless Your Name Is Tucker Carlson

BY: JORDAN BOYD | MAY 01, 2023


President Joe Biden speaks at 2023 White House Correspondent Dinner
Biden’s ‘joke’ about Tucker Carlson may have been hilarious to people who hate the pundit, but it didn’t land with the American people.

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Less than one week after Fox News abruptly ousted its most popular host, Tucker Carlson, President Joe Biden joined in the chorus of corporate media, Democrats, and celebrities praising the exit as a victory for the left.

Biden began his speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night with a tribute to the press and the First Amendment that keeps them in business.

“The free press is a pillar — maybe the pillar — of a free society, not the enemy,” he said in his opening comments.

Minutes later, after he quoted Thomas Jefferson’s letter about preferring “newspapers without government” over a “government without newspapers,” the Democrat took a moment to toot his own horn and relish in Tucker Carlson’s abrupt departure from Fox News at the same time.

‘Well, the truth is we really have a record to be proud of,” Biden started. “Vaccinated the nation. Transformed the economy. Earned historic legislative victories and midterm results. But the job isn’t finished. I mean — it is finished for Tucker Carlson.”

Biden’s jab was met with an “oooh” and laughter from the crowd.

“What are you wooing about like that?” Biden said between laughs. “Like you think that’s not reasonable? Give me a break. Just give me a break.”

It’s hauntingly ironic that the president and his allies in the corporate media spent their weekend laughing at the dismissal of one of their top political enemies while regular Americans mourn the loss of the nation’s most influential critic of the corrupt ruling class.

Ever since the Murdochs decided to yank “Tucker Carlson Tonight” from the air, disenfranchised viewers committed to divorcing the network in droves.

[RELATED: I Taped A Show With Tucker On Censorship Right Before He Was Fired]

At the end of the day, however, neither Biden nor the corporate media care that the man whose show consistently ranked as the highest-rated cable news programming, including among young Democrat viewers, is no longer on screens all over the nation.

It’s been clear for years now that the same First Amendment rights the media’s preferred candidates like Biden pretend to affirm are not afforded to commentators like Carlson or anyone else who questions The Narrative™.

Carlson admitted this during his last public address before news of his departure broke.

“No, we have a First Amendment. That can’t happen here, but it has,” Carlson said at The Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala celebration.

It is easy for Biden to sing the praises of the press when all he gets from them are fawningoptimistic attention, and cover that caters to his every request. For those like Carlson who expose the cozy relationship between Democrats and media, only condemnation awaits.

Because Carlson reports on issues that the president’s allies refuse to — like Biden family corruption, election maladministration, and Democrats’ Jan. 6 show trial — the Biden White House has repeatedly sought to discredit the host and his former employer.

Biden pretends, like at the Correspondents’ Dinner, that the journos who gladly help Biden use cheat sheets at his few and far between press conferences are not “the enemy” of society and democracy — though Americans overwhelmingly know better. At the same time, he gloats that one of his personal enemies, a member of the press, could potentially stay off of cable news for good.

Biden’s “joke” about the former Fox News host may have been hilarious to a room full of people who rooted for the death of Carlson’s career for years, but it didn’t land with the American people. If anything, Biden’s Carlson crack further confirms that the regime only plans to recognize the constitutional rights of its allies.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

AUGUSTE MEYRAT Op-ed: Tucker Carlson’s Fox Departure Signals The End For Corporate Media 



Tucker Carlson
When he could have stayed on script and let his popularity carry him along, he instead continued taking ever-larger risks and angering powerful people.

Author Auguste Meyrat profile




Considering his popularity and relevance, it is still mysterious that Fox News decided to fire Tucker Carlson.  

Was it something that emerged in the devastating Dominion lawsuit? Did a coworker file a serious complaint about him? Did the executives at Fox decide the risks he took were more of a liability than an asset? Was it a combination of all these things, or something else altogether?

Whatever the reason, most people agree that Fox lost more than Carlson. While he can take his massive following and start fresh, Fox can hardly avoid looking like a domesticated conservative media company.

For many, Carlson was the only reason to watch cable television, let alone Fox. He was the one authentic person who challenged the Democrat and Republican party lines. As Daily Wire host Matt Walsh recently noted on his show, Carlson’s monologues were news events in themselves because they resonated so well with many Americans. Besides making him popular, Carlson’s authenticity and independence made him unique and likely irreplaceable.

Some people have compared his departure to that of Bill O’Reilly, who also commanded large audiences, but O’Reilly was a pundit for a different time. His brand differed entirely from Carlson’s. He cheered for the right’s old priorities: fighting terrorists, expanding global trade, and lowering the corporate tax rate. By contrast, Carlson voiced populist, anti-establishment, and non-interventionist opinions.

While O’Reilly is a relic of “Conservatism Inc.,” Carlson is emblematic of what conservative media has become: a wide diversity of voices on a variety of platforms that all oppose the leftist narrative propagated by legacy media outlets. By dumping Carlson, Fox’s leaders are deciding to return to the good ol’ days of Conservative Inc. From now on, news and opinion broadcasts will be safe, filtered, and milquetoast.

In the short term, this might protect Fox from more lawsuits and harassment, but in the long term, this assures that Fox will fade into oblivion along with the rest of cable television as alternative online media takes over. 

Rather than treating this as a loss, conservatives should welcome the change. This might push more people, especially older generations, to abandon cable news altogether. Conservatives can leave the insipid programming of cable news for the leftist midwits who pride themselves on being (mis)informed. 

Frankly, Carlson could not stay at Fox forever. Though he excelled as a cable broadcaster, his commentary, intelligence, and willingness to explore controversies fit new styles of conservative media too. When he could have stayed on script and let his popularity carry him along, he instead continued taking ever-larger risks and angering powerful people. In many ways, he had a stronger counter-cultural and anti-establishment bent than the typical punk rocker, which admittedly is not saying much these days.  

As such, it is fitting that he can move into a medium that allows him to work on his own terms. Not only will this allow him more freedom to express himself and to amplify important voices and arguments, but it will also be more profoundly American. 

Whereas state-run media controls information and thought in some foreign nations, Americans can listen to different voices all arguing and competing with one another to grow their audiences. Doubtless, American leftists hope to follow suit and destroy all alternative media and abolish free speech. Quite understandably, they see that only gadflies like Carlson, who dissent from their agenda, hold them back from complete cultural, political, and economic supremacy. This is why they devote extensive energy and resources to controlling all social media and cable media platforms. And it looks like they finally succeeded in taking down Fox.  

Fortunately, leftist attempts to censor and control online public discourse have mostly played out like a clumsy game of whack-a-mole. They will silence one dissenter only to have 10 more pop up and say something even more “dangerous.”

Moreover, they cannot help but look like fascists and hypocrites every time they play this game, even angering those in the old guard like Bill Maher who at least try to be principled. 

That does not mean their failures should make anyone comfortable with the assault on free speech and alternative media in America. People who are committed to the truth and a marketplace of ideas should continue to call out censorship and corporate monopolies.

Even if Carlson rebounds and Fox collapses, it is still outrageous that he was ousted in the first place. To turn this setback into a win, conservatives must see the intentions behind his exit, support alternative media, and (as Tucker Carlson said in a video after his termination) speak out against the falsehoods as confidently and frequently as possible. 

Auguste Meyrat is an English teacher in the Dallas area. He holds an MA in humanities and an MEd in educational leadership. He is the senior editor of The Everyman and has written essays for The Federalist, The American Conservative, and The Imaginative Conservative, as well as the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. Follow him on Twitter.

Bill Donohue Op-ed: If Media Deems Tucker Too far Right, Who Is Too far Left?

closeup of tucker carlson
(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Bill Donohue By Bill Donohue | Wednesday, 26 April 2023


The terms “far left” and “far right” have historically been used by social scientists to refer to communists and fascists, respectively. Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler epitomize the labels. But in today’s polarized society, the mainstream media — which is left-of-center — is dubbing Tucker Carlson “far right.” Which means he allegedly has more in common with Nazis than conservatives.

This is a bastardization of the terms.

During the French Revolution, the National Assembly organized to write a new constitution. Those who wanted the king to hold power sat to the right of the president of the assembly; those who wanted a revolution sat to the left. Hence, the terms right and left refer to traditionalists and radicals.

Today, these terms have lost their meaning. The lead story in today’s New York Times is: “Fox News Ousts Carlson, a Voice Of the Far Right.” What did Carlson do to merit this invidious tag? The news story says he took “far-right positions on issues like border policy and race relations.”

Carlson believes that people who break the law by crashing our border and entering the country illegally should be prosecuted. The surveys show so do most Americans.

Carlson also believes that critical race theory, which teaches that every white person is a racist, is irresponsible. The surveys show most Americans agree with him. In other words, according to the New York Times, most Americans are Nazi-like creatures.

Most fair-minded observers would say that Carlson is to the right of center the way Don Lemon is to the left of center. Accordingly, if The New York Times were fair, it would brand Lemon “far left.” But that is not what they called him recently: He is called a “fiery political commentator.”

This could also be said of Carlson, but that is not what they say about him. He is an extremist.

The New York Times is not alone in its biased reporting.

We did a study earlier this week about how the media are responding to the ousters of Carlson and Lemon. We found over 200 examples of Carlson being called “far right,” but only a few instances of Lemon being called “far left.” PBS, NBC and MSNBC referred to Carlson as “far right” but none referred to Lemon as “far left.”

No media outlet we checked was more unprofessional than The New York Times. It recently had a news story on Dong Yuyu, the “longtime writer and editor at a top Chinese Communist Party newspaper.” If anyone merits being called “far left” it would be him. But, no, he is said to have written “liberal-leaning commentaries.”

In other words, Communist Party leaders are not even “liberals,” never mind “left-wingers” — and they most certainly are not “far-left wingers.” They just “lean” to the liberal side.

To top things off, The New York Times issued an obituary on Harry Belafonte; the entertainer died at age 96. In a lengthy account, the only reference to his politics was that as a noble civil rights crusader. The paper lied.

Belafonte loved Stalin. According to Ronald Radosh, who spent his academic life writing about communists, Belafonte was an “unreconstructed Stalinist.” Mr. “Calypso” was very upset with whites who discriminated against Blacks in the United States, yet he never had anything bad to say about Fidel Castro’s oppressive communist regime.

Worse, Belafonte went to the wall defending, Mengistu Haile Mariam, in Ethiopia, the communist who instituted the “Red Terror.”

None of this was reported by The New York Times. According to “the newspaper of record,” Belafonte, like Dong, was a liberal, not a communist. But Tucker is akin to the Nazis. Got that?

Dr. Bill Donohue is president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. A former Heritage Foundation Bradley Resident Scholar, he has authored 10 books on civil liberties, social issues and religion. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from New York University. Read Bill Donohue’s Reports — More Here.

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Fox News Ratings Collapse by 50% as Newsmax Soars

By Newsmax Wires | Friday, 28 April 2023 01:47 PM EDT


After Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News this past Monday, the network has witnessed a collapse in ratings — especially in its 8 p.m. ET prime-time slot. For years Tucker Carlson owned this prime time for Fox, drawing an average 3.2 million viewers a night.

Not anymore.

This week, Fox News Channel saw its audience during the Carlson hour plummet, with 2.6 million tuning in Monday to watch. Things got even worse for Fox on Tuesday, with 1.7 million viewers tuning in. But Wednesday, Fox saw a catastrophic drop to just 1.3 million viewers — a 59% drop from Carlson’s average rating.

Fox has not announced a new host for the slot and appears to be rotating popular network figures such as Brian Kilmeade.

While Fox is hemorrhaging viewers, Newsmax is the primary beneficiary. Within the cable universe, Newsmax saw its average audience at 8 p.m. with “Eric Bolling The Balance” soar by 261% to an average 534,000 viewers. But Newsmax notes that it’s available in 24 million fewer cable homes than Fox, making its viewership even more impressive for its cable distribution.

Nielsen data indicates that Newsmax was drawing 57% of Fox’s audience on a proportional basis Wednesday at 8 p.m. And Newsmax is free currently on most major OTT (over the top) platforms, giving it a boost of 400,000 additional viewers at the 8 p.m. hour not counted by Nielsen. Newsmax even beat CNN based on proportional viewership with a .43 share against “Anderson Cooper 360” at just .37.

MSNBC, however, was also a winner Wednesday, with “All in With Chris Hayes” topping Fox with close to 1.34 million viewers.

Fox’s decision to remove Carlson appears to have been shortsighted, with little planning for a replacement. Carlson’s departure came after Fox’s startling $787 million settlement made two weeks ago with Dominion Voting Systems. While some have pointed to Carlson’s involvement in the case, neither Fox nor Carlson has disclosed the reason for his dismissal.

On Wednesday, Fox’s sister company, SkyNews Australia, offered a lengthy editorial slamming the former host claiming he was “sacked essentially for thinking that he was bigger than Fox News.”

Carlson himself has not criticized Fox, but in a Twitter video released earlier this week he decried woke culture and said, “At the same time the liars, who are trying to silence them, honest people, shrink. They become weaker.”

Fox’s ratings this week suggest that reality.

Tucker Carlson ousted at Fox over speech stressing the importance of prayer and the evil nature of the forces besetting America, claims insider

By: JOSEPH MACKINNON | April 26, 2023


Image source: YouTube video, The Heritage Foundation – Screenshot

Tucker Carlson may have been given the boot at Fox News over his emphasis on the importance of prayer and his suggestion that America is not presently afflicted by bad politics, but rather by the forces of evil.

Carlson gave a keynote speech Friday at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala in Maryland wherein he stressed that the old political binary fails to account for the division presently afflicting America. Instead, it can be better understood in theological or spiritual terms as a battle of good versus evil, suggested the 53-year-old.

An unnamed source reportedly briefed on Fox Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch’s decision-making told Vanity Fair that Carlson was ousted largely over the speech on account of its religious overtones.

“That stuff freaks Rupert out,” said the insider. “He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk.”

The offending speech

Carlson, whose journalism career started at the Heritage Foundation, told a crowd of around 2,000 that recent trends — such as the DEI and ESG initiatives that have swept big business or the medical tyranny that swept the nation along with COVID-19 — exposed not just cowardice but the strength of the herd instinct.

“The herd instinct is maybe the strongest instinct,” said Carlson. “It may be stronger than the hunger and sex instincts, actually. The instinct, which again is inherent, to be like everybody else and not to be cast out of the group, not to be shunned — that’s a very strong impulse in all of us from birth. And it takes over, unfortunately, in moments like this, and it’s harnessed, in fact, by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity.”

The former Fox News host cited the LGBT movement’s incoherent speech codes and the efforts by many to contort to satisfy them as an example of herd instinct trumping rational and independent thinking.

Many Americans have surmounted this instinct, however, argued Carlson.

“There is a countervailing force at work always. There is a counterbalance to the badness. It’s called goodness. And you see it in people,” he said. “So for every ten people who are putting ‘he and him’ in their electronic JPMorgan email signatures, there’s one person who’s like, ‘No, I’m not doing that. Sorry, I don’t want to fight but I’m not, like, doing that. That’s a betrayal of what I think is true. It’s a betrayal of my conscience, of my faith, of my sense of myself, of my dignity as a human being, of my autonomy – I am not a slave, I am a free citizen, and I’m not doing that. And there’s nothing that you can do to me to make me do it. And I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does come to that, here I am.Here I am. It’s Paul on trial. Here I am.’”

Carlson noted that during COVID and in the face of other recent “herd” events, there was no predicting who would ultimately stand up, but sure enough, people of various makeups and political persuasions ultimately did. When they did stand up to defend one truth, Carlson suggested the defiant frequently found themselves aggregating and defending additional truths.

“The truth is contagious,” said Carlson. “And the second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this – I don’t want to get supernatural on you – but you are filled with this power from somewhere else. Try it. Tell the truth about something. … The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become.”

He added that the reverse is also true: “The more you lie, the weaker and more terrified you become.”

Carlson took a more explicit theological view toward the end of his speech, when he suggested that whatever coherent binary that may have existed that was centered on a common vision of America is far gone, rendering useless the analytical framework that many still use to try to make sense of it.

“There is no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement with that mindset. Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea: Let’s castrate the next generation. Let’s sexually mutilate children.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate … but the weight of the government [and] a lot of corporate interests are behind that.”

Carlson intimated that the irrationality of leftist politics puts it outside the realm of politics and into the realm of spiritual warfare.

“If you’re telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying? Well, you’re arguing for child sacrifice, obviously. … When the treasury secretary stands up and says, ‘You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion.’ Well, that’s like an Aztec principle, actually.”

Carlson stressed that abortion zealotry, like the transgenderist movement, is a theological phenomenon.

“None of this makes sense in conventional political terms. When people or crowds of people … decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake – hey, let’s tear it down – what you’re watching is not a political movement; it’s evil.”

“I’m merely calling for an acknowledgment of what we’re watching,” said Carlson.

The former Fox News host ended the speech the way he began: imploring his audience to pray: “Maybe we should all take just like ten minutes a day to say a prayer about it … and I hope you will.”

The offended sensibilities

The insider suggested that Murdoch “was perhaps unnerved by Carlson’s messianism because it echoed the end-times worldview of Murdoch’s ex-fiancée Ann Lesley Smith.”

Vanity Fair previously reported that Murdoch and Smith, originally slated to marry this summer, allegedly called it off because the 92-year-old had grown “increasingly uncomfortable with Smith’s outspoken evangelical views.”

In March, Murdoch, Smith, and Carlson reportedly had dinner together, during which Smith and Carlson discussed religion. At one point, Murdoch’s then-fiancée opened the Bible and read passages from the book of Exodus.

A source close to the Fox Corp. chair said, “Rupert just sat there and stared.”

According the source, Smith “said Tucker Carlson is a messenger from God, and [Murdoch] said nope.”

Just days after the dinner with Carlson, Murdoch kicked Smith to the curb.

Gabriel Sherman, writing for Vanity Fair, noted that this was just one of many “erratic decisions [Murdoch] has made of late that raises questions about Murdoch’s leadership of his media empire.”

Claremont fellow Megan Basham responded to the allegation that Carlson’s religious overtones had something to do with his firing, writing, “The world is fine with talk of faith when it is soft and toothless. It is the faith that recognizes acts of good and evil that offends them.”

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh tweeted, “Fox hired Caitlyn Jenner because he’s trans and fired Tucker Carlson because he’s religious. That’s your ‘conservative’ news network.”

FULL SPEECH: Tucker Carlson’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News at #Heritage50

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SAMUEL MANGOLD-LENETT Op-ed: Tucker Carlson’s Ability to Break Through Calcified Conservatism with Fresh Ideas is Indispensable



Tucker Carlson and Raw Egg Nationalist

One of the most understated yet important aspects of Tucker Carlson’s tenure at Fox News was his unique ability to bridge a seemingly unbridgeable generational divide. Whether he was exploring more complicated topics via long-form documentaries, interviewing the world’s wealthiest man, or simply telling the Republican Party to get its act together, people of all ages tuned in. Grandparents and grandkids alike genuinely love him. 

And perhaps this, in part, is why he was able to so easily mainstream the thoughts, theories, and brands of pseudonymous Twitter users who historically have been relegated to the dark corners of the internet with the rest of the weirdos. If a voice has utility, he gives it a platform; people trust him to discern who is worth listening to. 

Tucker routinely used his platform to amplify people like Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok), which undeniably helped her gain traction and expose more people to the insanity of leftism. And to be sure, this was great, but people would likely be able to understand that sort of thing for themselves, even if they hadn’t encountered LibsofTikTok. We instinctively know when something is out of sync with the natural law and metaphysically disordered, as leftism inherently is.

Arguably some of his finest moments as a communicator were when he embraced the more esoteric, if you will, thoughts being grappled with in the nuanced essays of people like Peachy Keenan and translated them into modern English so the masses, who likely don’t have time to ponder these things on a regular basis, can also participate in the intellectual exercise.

Take, for instance, Tucker’s opening monologue from three weeks ago, in which he described the state of New York as existing in a state of anarcho-tyranny. He explained how this is a framework of  “state-sponsored anarchy accompanied by political tyranny” and described how Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump and general apathy toward crime embodies it. Anarcho-tyranny, being introduced into the lexicon of paleoconservatives several decades ago, is not a term many people would be familiar with despite being uncomfortably familiar with the concept. Nevertheless, Tucker brought them up to speed.

Or take an example from July 2021, when he read a tweet thread from Darryl Cooper (MartyrMade) providing great insight and clarity as to why conservatives remain skeptical about the outcome of the 2020 election and no longer have faith in institutions like the corporate media or national intelligence apparatus.

But he didn’t only highlight academics. Sometimes he highlighted skeptics for the sake of highlighting skepticism and to prove to us that the “experts” are idiots — as was the case in this past fall’s “The End of Men.” The documentary takes the food and health industries to task and explores the, frankly, dual existential crisis of plummeting male fertility and lack of nutritional sustenance. The documentary features a man by the name of “Raw Egg Nationalist” — a sworn enemy of soy globalism and an advocate for maximizing nutritional intake by slonking raw eggs — and another individual who goes by “Benjamin Braddock” and who believes the key to boosting testosterone is exposing his crotch to redlight.

Similar to how Rush Limbaugh mainstreamed Michael Anton’s “Flight 93” essay by reading it in its entirety on air, Tucker made a lot more voices — who really ought to be heard — and a lot more content accessible by providing a platform that wouldn’t otherwise have been available purely because of unsavory optics.

The conservative movement needs someone like Tucker, who is willing to push the limit and unwilling to pull his punches.

Samuel Mangold-Lenett is a staff editor at The Federalist. His writing has been featured in the Daily Wire, Townhall, The American Spectator, and other outlets. He is a 2022 Claremont Institute Publius Fellow. Follow him on Twitter @smlenett.

Author Samuel Mangold-Lenett profile




Jason Whitlock Op-ed: Tucker Carlson and the rise of matriarchal Marxism

JASON WHITLOCK | April 25, 2023


Icon Sportswire / Contributor | Getty Images

The matriarchy can fly the “mission accomplished” flag across America. It toppled the man-made meritocracy that imperfectly defined American culture for 200+ years.

The fall of Tucker Carlson at Fox News symbolizes the matriarchy’s prioritizing of message over merit. Performance could not shield Carlson from the consequence of America’s adoption of a feminized culture that levels the playing field by castrating men, reimagining traditional standards, and embracing a false reality.

Monday morning, Fox News cut ties with the most popular host on cable television. According to the Los Angeles Times and other so-called news outlets, Rupert Murdoch, the founder of Fox News, decided to oust Carlson partially because of a discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, a former talent booker on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Grossberg claims she was bullied and subjected to anti-Semitic remarks while working for Carlson.

It’s a familiar pattern at Fox News and across corporate media and America. From Roger Ailes to Tavis Smiley to Bill O’Reilly, the misbehavior of men and/or allegations of disgruntled female employees are used to dislodge men from positions of influence.

Let me state this for clarity and transparency. I was a frequent guest on Carlson’s program. I consider Carlson a friend. I find him smart, authentic, and reasonable. I have not spoken to him since he and Fox News parted ways. Nor have I spoken with Bryan Freedman, the brilliant lawyer reportedly representing Carlson in his dispute with Fox. Freedman previously negotiated my settlement with a media outlet.

Now, I don’t buy the allegations against Carlson. According to the L.A. Times, Grossberg worked on Carlson’s show for a short time after being reassigned from a different Fox News show. She was fired.

It’s difficult to fire any employee. Many of them – man or woman – claim they were harassed, bullied, treated unfairly. They’re always reluctant to admit their shortcomings. You catch an employee stealing, and he will instantly claim you overlooked a co-worker committing murder.

Firing a woman is more difficult than open heart surgery. Every communication can be reformulated into an example of sexual harassment or misogyny.

I’m aloof, distant, and measured with all co-workers. It’s the only way I know to protect myself. Media workplaces are minefields. Super attractive women form an obstacle course a Navy SEAL would find difficult to navigate without detonating a blonde, brunette, or red-headed bombshell. For white men, they face the added threat of being charged with racism or anti-Semitism.

The workplace playing field isn’t level. Women have outsized power and control. So do the LGBTQ and people of color who see themselves as perpetual victims of white supremacy. These special-interest groups have used their power and leverage to remake workplace culture. They’ve turned human resources departments into the most powerful force within any company. Managing easily triggered sensibilities takes precedence over maximizing production. Workplaces are day-cares filled with crying babies masquerading as employees.

Over the last 20 years, diversity, inclusion, equity, and other subjective standards unseated performance as king of the workforce. MSNBC’s ratings-deficient Joy Reid has every bit as much job security as Carlson, the highest-rated cable host. So does CNN’s Anderson Cooper. And the ensemble of dimwits hosting ABC’s “The View.”

Reid is black. Cooper is gay. Whoopi (Caryn Elaine Johnson) is black and “identifies” as Jewish. Sunny Hostin is Puerto-Halfrican American. Joy Behar wants to be Bette Midler.

Tucker Carlson is a white man who used his platform to promote Judeo-Christian culture and the patriarchy. There was a time when his dominant ratings would have protected him from the special-interest groups. Ratings used to be the box hosts were required to check.

That time has passed. Message is king. Drawing an audience is optional in the matriarchy matrix. What a host tells his or her audience matters far more than the size of it.

Comedian Steve Harvey is the gold standard for heterosexual Christian men on TV. I like Steve Harvey. He’s funny. He’s likable. He’s also harmless. He bows to the matriarchy. He preaches a homespun prosperity gospel.

He has his own daily talk show. He hosts “Family Feud.” He’s the star of “Judge Steve Harvey.” Corporate America is pouring millions of dollars into Steve Harvey to set him up as the role model for all Christian male influencers.

Be harmless. Bow to the matriarchy. Stay on message.

And the message is simple: The key to improving America is emasculating men and eliminating merit.

You earn only what the prevailing power grants you for your service to the prevailing power.

Tucker Carlson challenged the prevailing power, the matriarchal ideology promoted by leftists. He platformed pundits and experts who challenged Big Pharma on the COVID vaccine, Democrats on the laughable January 6 insurrection narrative, the Alphabet Mafia on transgenderism and drag queens, and the military-industrial complex on the war in Ukraine.

His courageous, afflict-the-powerful, populist style attracted a massive audience. His competitors lack his talent or courage. They conspired to bring him down. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for the government to censor Carlson. Chuck Schumer demanded that Rupert Murdoch stop Carlson from showing the January 6 tapes. The ladies on “The View” celebrated his demise.

Women and emasculated men rule. The matriarchy has taken over the patriarchy. Merit has no place here. The order spelled out in the Bible carries no weight in America.

In pursuit of power and influence, the biblically described “weaker vessel” eradicated competition and emphasized a handful of identities. Diversity, inclusion, and equity killed performance, merit, and Christianity.

The Worst People on Earth Are All Celebrating Tucker’s Ousting



“The View” hosts celebrate Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News
The usual suspects are celebrating Tucker Carlson’s ousting from Fox News, which tells us everything we need to know.

Author Jordan Boyd profile




Moments after Fox News abruptly announced that it “mutually agreed to part ways” with the host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday, leftists and their allies in the corporate media began gloating about the ousting of one of the nation’s most influential critics of the corrupt ruling class.

While some, like former CNN talking head Brian Stelter, penned “fan fiction” gleefully theorizing about the reason for the split, others joined the hundreds of Twitter trolls celebrating Carlson’s exit as a win for their political agendas.


Mere weeks after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries demanded Fox News silence hosts like Carlson who discuss election inconsistencies, congressional Democrats cheered at their political enemy’s downfall.

“Don’t know for sure if the firing of Tucker Carlson is connected to the lies & accusations of voter fraud perpetrated by Fox News, Trump, & his sycophants against you, Dominion Voting Systems,” Rep. Maxine Waters tweeted. “Thank you for your fight and your lawsuit, you beat the hell out of them, bye-bye.”

“Glad to hear that one of the most divisive, racist and destructive forces on television is off his prime time show. Tucker Carlson will not be missed,” Rep. Robert Garcia wrote.

Reps. Mark PocanChuy GarciaBill Pascrell Jr.Barbara Lee, and Seth Moulton similarly tweeted their optimism about the host’s abrupt exit.

Leftist Squad member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram and Facebook followers that Carlson’s departure is proof that “Deplatforming works and it is important.” She also used the news to fundraise.

The View

The harpies-er-ladies at ABC’s “The View” paused their regularly scheduled programming on Monday to triumphantly recognize Tucker’s exit. Host Whoopi Goldberg started a wave in the audience that was closely followed by an Ana Navarro-led acapella chorus of “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.”

“He is responsible for the degradation that we see somewhat of our democracy in this country,” co-host Sunny Hostin said.

The View women previously called on the Biden administration to investigate and potentially arrest Carlson for “shilling for [Vladimir] Putin.”

The Daily Show

Desi Lydic said she’s “glad” Carlson is gone after trying to “topple America’s democracy.”

“You know that stupid look that’s always on Tucker Carlson’s face?” The Daily Show correspondent quipped on Monday night. “Today, he has a good reason for it. I can’t believe that a network that is so opposed to gender-affirming surgery just cut off their own d-ck.”

Maren Morris

The female country singer and drag queen enthusiast, who called Jason Aldean’s wife an “Insurrection Barbie” after she criticized the mutilation of children, also celebrated the personality’s unemployment.

“Happy Monday, MotherTucker,” Morris wrote in her Instagram story on Monday.

The story features a picture of Morris with a chyron from “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” labeling her a “lunatic country music person.”

Some Guy Named Steve

Facebook Censorship partner Stephen Hayes, who took a contributor role with NBC after leaving Fox News to protest Carlson’s programming, told the New York Times on Monday that he hopes Carlson’s leave “signals some kind of broader institutional change” at the right-leaning network.

“On a lot of the mainstream channels, there was a race to be first to condemn Trump to celebrate his problems,” Hayes said. “And on Fox, in prime time especially, there was this over-the-top effort to defend him and amplify his lies.”

A Star Trek Actor

“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out, you horrid, soulless man. #TuckerCarlson,” raging leftist activist George Takei tweeted.

Fox News Staffers

“Fox News Staffers Celebrate Tucker Carlson’s Departure: ‘Pure Joy,’” a Rolling Stone headline excitedly blared on Monday night.

The article lists several unnamed “staffers” who were apparently overjoyed that the biggest source of their employer’s views was finally gone.

“Pure joy. No one is untouchable. It’s a great day for America, and for the real journalists who work hard every day to deliver the news at Fox,” one of the sources allegedly said.

“Good riddance,” another remarked.

Perhaps these are the same staffers who offended their entire viewership base when they greenlit an on-air segment promoting child gender experiments.

National Review

“These are the consequences that Carlson’s own actions inspired, and they are owed only to best business practices,” National Review’s senior writer Noah Rothman claimed in an article, completely ignoring the fact that Fox News is on track to lose the audience of its most popular show.

Washington Examiner Editor

“RIP to a fashy, sh-tty show no more than one percent of Americans watched on a good night, including more Democrats than MSNBC, thus making it hard to argue it had a large influence on American electoral politics except in driving loud people nuts,” Nick Clairmont, the Washington Examiner’s life and arts editor tweeted on Monday.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

Tucker Carlson: ‘Information Control’ Via Internet Censorship Is A Huge Problem For Democracy



Tucker Carlson speaks at The Heritage Foundation’s 50th celebration

Tucker Carlson told attendees at The Heritage Foundation’s 50th-anniversary gala that the biggest variable changing everyday Americans’ lives in recent years is the ruling class’ monopoly on information.

“What do you think over the last 10 or 20 years — whatever timeline you think is appropriate —has changed the most?” Roberts asked. “I mean that socially and culturally, I don’t mean that politically, although you can go there if you want, that has affected everyday Americans’ lives?”

“The lack of information,” Carlson quickly replied.

Despite living in a digital world where data and details are available to everyone with access to the internet, Carlson said normal Americans’ access to the information pipeline is significantly hampered.

“The core promise of the internet was as much information as we’ve ever had at your fingertips, and the result has been a centralization of information. This is deliberate, needless to say, but unnoticed by most people. That results in more controlled information than we could even have imagined more than 20 years ago,” he said. “A lot of information just is not available because it’s digital and it’s controlled by a small number of companies.”

Carlson said “hundreds of millions” of Americans “have no idea what’s going on” because the ruling class does not want them to know the facts.

“It’s not just because they’re dumb or they’re distracted on their iPhones. The whole point of the iPhone was to inform you, and the net effect has been to make people completely ignorant of the core, the actual facts, like the non-disputed facts about a lot of different things. And you saw this, certainly, during covid,” Carlson remarked.

Keeping Americans clueless, Carlson said, is advantageous to those who control information pipelines because it “challenges the idea of democracy, which rests on the notion of an informed voting public, of a citizenry.”

“We don’t have that, and that really, I never would have expected that at all,” Carlson said.

Next, Carlson warned listeners not to throw away hardcopy books and to consider buying “gold and ammo.”

“Definitely don’t throw away your books because they can’t be disappeared, because they exist physically,” Carlson repeated.

Similarly, Carlson said Americans should be keen not to throw away “relationships with other people because they can’t be disappeared either.”

“The material, the physical, things that you can smell, those are the things that you can trust,” Carlson said between a smattering of applause. “Your spouse, your dogs, your children, especially your dogs, but your actual friendships, your college roommates, people in person. As the world becomes more digitized and people live in this kind of this realm that’s disconnected from physical reality, I think the only way to stay sane is to cling more tightly to the things that you can smell.”

Carlson said that he’s “gotten to the point where if I can’t smell it, I’m not dealing with it.”

“Books, relationships, and ammo: Tucker Carlson’s guide to the universe,” Roberts remarked.

“Yes!” Tucker replied.

During the more lighthearted portion of the q-and-a session, Roberts joked that “if things go south for you at Fox News, there’s always a job for your Heritage.”

Mere days after the event and Roberts’ teasing, Fox News abruptly announced that it “mutually agreed to part ways” with the host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” which is consistently ranked the highest-rated cable news show. Carlson has yet to announce his plans for the future.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.




FOX News Media, Tucker Carlson part ways

By Brian Flood | Fox News | Published April 24, 2023 11:52am EDT



Tucker Carlson, Fox News Media agree to part ways

Harris Faulkner announces Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News. FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways, the network announced on Monday. 

“We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor,” a FOX News Media spokesperson said in a statement. 

An interim program, “Fox News Tonight,” will air at 8 p.m. ET until a permanent replacement for Carlson is named. “Fox News Tonight” will be hosted by a rotation of various Fox News personalities. 

The last edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” aired on Friday, April 21. The show began airing in 2016.

Tucker Carlson
FOX News media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways, the network announced on Monday.  (Fox News)

Before the launch of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Carlson was co-host of “FOX & Friends Weekend” from 2012 through 2016. 

Carlson previously served as an MSNBC host from 2005-2008 and also appeared on CNN earlier in his career. He founded The Daily Caller in 2010, but sold his stake in the political news website in 2020. 

Brian Flood is a media reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to and on Twitter: @briansflood. 

Sam Brinton Avoids Jail Time For Stealing Women’s Luggage While Meme Creator Faces 10 Years Behind Bars



Sam Brinton

Nearly 80 percent of Americans believe there is a two-tiered justice system. Last week’s courtroom episodes only validate the public’s perception.

On Friday, President Joe Biden’s allegedly “non-binary” nuclear waste expert, Sam Brinton, was sentenced in a grand larceny case over stealing women’s luggage from U.S. airports. Police say Brinton stole a bag from Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas with an estimated worth of around $3,670. Authorities also charged Brinton with stealing luggage at a second airport in Minnesota.

The former Energy Department official took a plea deal over the Las Vegas bag theft Friday, agreeing to pay a $3,670 fine to the victim and a $500 criminal fee — no jail time required. The Minnesota theft remains an open case, with the next hearing scheduled for Monday, according to Fox News.

Contrast Brinton’s slap on the wrist to a pro-Trump meme creator convicted of illegal election influencing last month, and it’s no wonder Americans see a two-tiered justice system. Douglass Mackey faces 10 years behind bars over a 2016 post mocking how low Democrats want to set barriers to the ballot box.

“Save time Avoid the line Vote from home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925 and we’ll make history together This November 8th,” the post read. Fine print at the bottom added, “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by Hillary For President 2016.” 

Federal prosecutors didn’t care that most online users played into the prank by texting the number “Hillary for Prison.” The DOJ indicted Mackey in January last year, 74 months after the 2016 presidential contest.

Brinton’s crime, meanwhile, inflicted real harm on those who lost their luggage.

Asya Idarous Khamsin is a Houston-based Tanzanian fashion designer whose luggage was allegedly stolen by Brinton in 2018. Khamsin went on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” three weeks ago to discuss what happened after her bag went missing. Khamsin said she and her husband saw Brinton wearing clothes resembling the custom-made designs matching the apparel in her lost bag when the pair turned on Fox News in December.

“Oh my God, I was shocked,” Khamsin said. “For more than 40 years, I work[ed] hard. All my work, it’s very paining.”

“I was asking myself how this person got my custom-made designs because it’s one of a kind, and wear them without fear and display in public,” Khamsin added. “I don’t accuse him as a thief, but there is [a] question to be answered here.”

The Texas-based fashion designer went on to share how the lost luggage caused her to miss a show and “let down my people.”

Mackey, on the other hand, is faced with a decade in prison over an online joke.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




QAnon Shaman released from prison just weeks after Tucker Carlson airs footage of January 6

By: CORTNEY WEIL | March 30, 2023


Composite screenshot of Fox News YouTube video (Featured: Jacob Chansley, aka the QAnon Shaman)

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Jacob Chansley, better known as the QAnon Shaman, who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021, wearing patriot-themed face paint and horns but no shirt, has been released from prison early.

As of Thursday, reports from the Bureau of Prisons indicate that Chansley, 35, has been moved from federal prison to a halfway house in Phoenix, Arizona. In September 2021, Chansley pled guilty to civil disorder and violent entry to the Capitol. He and his attorney even signed a statement claiming that he entered the building through a broken door, that he “was not lawfully authorized to enter or remain in the building,” and that he “entered the Gallery of the Senate alone.”

However, Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy recently released tens of thousands of hours of unedited footage of the events of January 6 to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. In turn, Carlson aired just a brief portion of that footage a few weeks ago. That footage contradicted the claim that Chansley violently entered the Capitol and that he entered the gallery alone. Rather, Capitol police appeared to escort the unarmed Chansley throughout his time in the Capitol. When Chansley eventually entered the Gallery of the Senate, he prayed for the police who “allowed” them into “this building.”


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Now, just weeks after that footage was released to the public through Tucker Carlson’s program, Chansley has been released from federal prison after serving 27 months in prison, 11 of them in solitary confinement. His attorney, Albert S. Watkins, praised the decision to release Chansley, who had been sentenced to serve three and a half years behind bars.

“After serving eleven months in solitary prior to his sentence being imposed, and only 16 months of his sentence thereafter, it is appropriate this gentle and intelligent young man be permitted to move forward with the next stage of what undoubtedly will be a law abiding and enriching life,” Watkins said in a statement.

Though the announcement of Chansley’s release to a halfway house came just weeks after Carlson aired what he described as “clearly exculpatory” footage of Chansley in the Capitol, others claim that the timing is merely coincidental.

“I don’t think it has anything to do with media [or] public pressure,” said former federal prosecutor Neama Ramani, who is not affiliated with the case. “Despite the violent nature of the Capitol riots, most of the rioters had little to no criminal history.”

According to the Daily Mail, federal inmates may be given a 15% reduction in their sentences at the discretion of the BOP. They can also be transferred to a halfway house for the final 12 months of their sentence. The BOP did not respond to requests for comment from several outlets.

Chansley, who is from Arizona, is scheduled to be released from the halfway house on May 25.

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Mike Pence Pandering to D.C. Media Is Pathetic and Disqualifying



Mike Pence talks to reporter
Any candidate who is playing footsie with the propaganda press, in an incomprehensible ploy to curry favor with them, disqualifies himself from contention.

Author Mollie Hemingway profile




On Saturday night, former Vice President Mike Pence addressed the annual Gridiron Club dinner, a white-tie gathering of Beltway media and political insiders. He took the opportunity to praise the D.C. media, attack Tucker Carlson, and condemn Donald Trump.

“History will hold Donald Trump accountable for Jan. 6,” Pence said. “Make no mistake about it: What happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way,” Pence said of Tucker Carlson’s journalism, which is at odds with the official narrative.

Pence praised the corporate media as well, saying, “We were able to stay at our post in part because you stayed at your post. The American people know what happened that day because you never stopped reporting.”

As if Pence’s views on the virtues of the propaganda press weren’t disappointing enough, his handlers bragged to the same media that he had lavished them with praise and attacked Trump and Carlson as part of his long-shot campaign to win the Republican nomination for president.

Really. According to a new Politico article, the Pence team intentionally crafted their remarks because they “believed it would help Pence win over his most skeptical audience these days: Washington insiders and journalists.”

No offense, but how are these people political professionals? How many decades of political history have taught everyone with a pulse that Republican pandering to the media is a fool’s errand? In what world does this strategy make sense?

The strategy has never worked and will never work.

Consider the media’s most beloved Republican presidential contender, 2008 nominee Sen. John McCain. The Arizona senator was treated so well by the media for his self-styled “straight-talk” and attacks on fellow Republicans that he used to refer to them jokingly as his “base.” It’s true that their support of him did help him obtain the nomination. But the moment he posed even a tiny threat to Sen. Barack Obama, the true object of their devotion and affection, they turned on him in a heartbeat. He might as well have been Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, or Mitt Romney.

Nothing about Pence suggests he would receive even a short honeymoon of the type McCain benefited from. He should have learned this lesson when, as governor of Indiana, he caved to media demands that he decrease religious freedom in his state. His cowardice did not result in favorable media coverage then or while he was vice president. They loathe every single thing about him. They even mock him for how he and his wife protect their marriage!

It’s true that attacking fellow conservatives or Republicans will always generate some favorable media coverage. It’s the only way a non-leftist can be published in The New York Times, for instance. It’s the primary way to get airtime on NBC or CNN. It’s self-abasing and a dereliction of duty to your voters, but, hey, a fleeting moment of non-hostility from the corporate press is worth it, right?

Contrast Pence’s effort with how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis handles corporate media. He treats them as if he understands they are Republicans’ most steadfast political opponents. In press conferences, he points out the flaws in their assumptions and lies in their questions. He does not give them breaking news in the futile hope that they will be nicer to him later. He treats non-leftist press the same as or better than he treats the corrupt propaganda press. His communications team publicly posts the ridiculous questions they’re asked, and how they answer those questions. He refuses to treat requests as legitimate if they come from media who have lied about him.

The only thing worse than a Republican who impotently complains about “media bias” instead of understanding that the country is in the midst of an all-out information war is a Republican who actually praises the press for its war on Republican voters.

Substantively Wrong

The other main problem with Pence’s pandering to the corporate press is that it was substantively in error. It rewrites his own history in the chaos and drama of the 2020 election. Here is Mike Pence in December of 2020, for example:

And as our election contest continues, I’ll make you a promise: We are going to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted. We are going to keep fighting until every illegal vote is thrown out! We are going to win Georgia, we are going to save America, and we will never stop fighting to Make America Great Again!

And here is Mike Pence on Jan. 4, 2021, just two days prior to the big rally and subsequent riot at the Capitol:

I share the concerns of millions of Americans about voting irregularities. I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections, we’ll hear the evidence!

Moments before that “day in Congress” began, Pence issued his letter to Congress saying he believed his role that day would be only ceremonial. However justified, it was something of a shock to the voters who had supported him and the president in their battle over election irregularities. If he wants to blame third parties for riling up the masses, he may want to consider his own role.

Pence is also wrong to attack Carlson for showing video footage of the riot at odds with the official narrative put forth by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies in the press. Tucker’s footage did not deny the violence that Pelosi and her fellow Democrats showed day after day for years for partisan gain. But it did show that Jacob Chansley was given something of a tour of the Capitol that day and was not viewed as violent by any of the many police officers he encountered. It showed that mysterious witness Ray Epps gave testimony about his whereabouts that contrasted with video evidence. And it showed that the Jan. 6 Committee’s show-trial had lied by omission when it falsely conveyed Sen. Josh Hawley’s behavior as the riot unfolded.

Calling these journalistic revelations a “disgrace” to reporters who lack Carlson’s independence and courage is shameful and reprehensible.

Finally, Pence was wrong to effusively praise the corporate press for its behavior in the aftermath of Jan. 6. The media never “reported” or covered the event or its circumstances so much as it exploited them for political purposes. The very same media that excused and vociferously defended the violent and deadly Black Lives Matter riots that besieged the White House, a federal courthouse, and police precincts, turned on a dime to treat the Jan. 6 riot as a literal insurrection, an absolutely absurd claim. The same media that reacted with abject horror and hysteria to the suggestion that order should be restored in cities across America as violent rioters terrified the citizens suddenly decided in the case of Trump supporters that First Amendment protections of speech, press, and assembly were negotiable, constitutional rights to a defense were unimportant, and certain citizens didn’t deserve speedy trials or due process.

No American should praise such behavior from the propaganda press. And no man seeking the votes of Republicans should pander to the propaganda press for political reasons, even if it weren’t delusional to think it would work.

The country is in the midst of an information war. The corporate media are a more formidable political opponent of Republicans than any Democrat running for office. Any candidate for the Republican nomination had better have a plan to protect and defend Republican voters and their goals. And any candidate who is playing footsie with these political opponents, in an incomprehensible ploy to curry favor with them, disqualifies himself from contention.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is the Editor-in-Chief of The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor. She is the co-author of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court. She is the author of “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.” Reach her at

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Bipartisan

A.F. BRANCO | on March 10, 2023 |

McConnell and Schumer of the Uniparty call for censorship of the whole complete truth of January 6th.

McConnell and Schumer Call for Censorship
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Donald Trump.

Top Democrat On J6 Committee: We Actually Didn’t Review Any Of The Surveillance Video



Bennie Thompson

After Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired Capitol surveillance footage this week exposing yet more falsehood from the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 and leaving Democrats and their media allies irate, the committee chair on Wednesday said the panel never actually analyzed the crucial footage.

On Monday’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News aired the footage of the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, undermining the select committee’s narrative of a “deadly insurrection.” Given access to the video by Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Carlson’s team reviewed over 40,000 hours of footage, which offered proof the committee manipulated audio and video to dramatize the riot for its made-for-TV hearings in an election year.

But in a Wednesday night statement to CNN, select committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., claimed the panel never analyzed the blockbuster footage Fox News aired this week.

“I’m not actually aware of any member of the committee who had access,” Thompson said. “We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video.”

Hiring investigators who “kind of went through the video” doesn’t sound like a very thorough investigation.

However, Thompson’s admission that his committee lacked due diligence makes no sense. Since when do lawmakers have no access to the same material as their own staffers? Did none of the nine panel members view the footage that was played for the cameras? Does Thompson not know who had access to the tapes? Was it just the former television executives they hired to produce their show trials? Either Thompson is lying and knows exactly who had access, or he handed the key to Vice Chair Liz Cheney and had nothing to do with it while the committee leaked exclusives to CNN.

Thompson’s office did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s inquiries.

The committee clearly had access to the footage Carlson aired this week that contradicted the panel’s key narratives. After all, members of the committee endlessly bragged about how many documents, more than 35,000, investigators reviewed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who used the committee to dodge responsibility for her own failure to secure the Capitol, just refused to make the tapes public — and after Carlson’s revelations, it’s clear why.

Carlson’s program showed that the man who became the face of the “insurrection,” known as the “QAnon Shaman,” was given VIP treatment by police. The tapes showed since-deceased Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick walking around “vigorously” after altercations with protesters who had allegedly murdered him. The footage also showed that mysterious rioter Ray Epps lied to congressional investigators about his whereabouts the day of the riot, yet the committee protected the “insurrectionist.”

On Monday, Carlson announced his team discovered proof that Democrats on Pelosi’s probe came across the same footage Fox made public.

“We can be sure because the footage contains an electronic bookmark that is still archived in the Capitol’s computer system,” said Carlson. “That means that investigators working for the Democratic Party saw this tape. They saw it, but they refused to release the tape to the public.”

Committee staffers even used some of the footage to show Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., allegedly fleeing the Capitol. All Carlson did was extend the footage a few seconds longer than what was televised in the committee’s show-trial hearings, and it became clear Hawley departed the Capitol along with other members of Congress. The clip published by the committee was always demonstrably dishonest.

[WATCH: J6 Tapes Part 1Part 2Part 3]

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




We Wouldn’t Need Tucker Carlson If The Jan. 6 Committee Hadn’t Put On A Partisan Show Trial



Tucker Carlson
If we had transparency and a functioning press, people wouldn’t need to turn elsewhere.

Author David Harsanyi profile




Thanks to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Fox News host Tucker Carlson now has access to more than 40,000 hours of unreleased surveillance video from the Jan. 6 riot. It’s created quite a bit of consternation and anger in the media. Of course, if the Select Committee on the Jan. 6 Attack, handpicked by Nancy Pelosi, hadn’t withheld inconvenient evidence from the public in the first place, then McCarthy wouldn’t have had the chance to give the Fox News host anything. Republicans have Fox. The Jan. 6 committee has virtually every other outlet.

Mitch McConnell is also outraged by Carlson’s framing of the surveillance video. Perhaps if the Kentucky senator had voiced outrage when the committee handed unfettered access to a former producer of “Good Morning America” and “Nightline,” so he could create a slick, selectively edited program that made Jan. 6 look like the September Massacres of the French Revolution, we wouldn’t be here. It says a lot about McConnell that he’s more upset by a media personality sharing videos than he is about Chuck Schumer, a government official, demanding a private company censor journalism.  

[RELATED: Dear Mitch McConnell: You Were Not Elected To Do The Bidding Of Chuck Schumer And CNN]

“I could take footage from World War II, find a little piece of it, and convince somebody it’s the moon landing,” former Jan. 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger told CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night. “There’s footage of soldiers [in Vietnam] at their bases hanging out in Saigon,” Cooper responded. “… You can take video of anybody in the course of a day.”

You can. And you can also take footage showing soldiers in Vietnam abusing civilians to create the perception that most servicemen abused civilians. The “mostly peaceful” formulation, typically used by liberals to whitewash leftist violence, is shameful. And so is the partisan fearmongering surrounding Jan. 6.

It’s difficult for me to muster any sympathy for the nutjobs who entered the Capitol building. It’s implausible that most of them didn’t understand what they were doing was wrong, dangerous, or illegal, whether they were just milling about or banging on doors or vandalizing offices. Many, of course, acted in threatening and violent ways. It was a national embarrassment.  

None of that makes the dishonest political revisionism of the Jan. 6 committee any truer. It’s clear the QAnon Shaman wasn’t moments away from overthrowing the republic and declaring Donald Trump the king of America. It wasn’t anywhere close to “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” or the new Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Which is why Democrats conflate the actions of rioters with those of the thousands of people who protested the election results outside, the president who enflamed the crowd with conspiratorial rhetoric, and the politicians who were inside voting on certification. Wrong or right, conspiracists or not, the latter people did not do anything illegal.

Put it this way, the central difference between Jan 6, 2021, and the last day or two of May 2020, when Secret Service agents had to stick Donald Trump into a bunker for hours as a throng of “protesters” began overwhelming security at the White House, some throwing rocks and bottles and trying to break down barricades, was the effectiveness of the police.  

Then again, QAnon Shaman, like anyone else accused of rioting, deserves a fair trial. If his lawyer is telling the truth, the defense had no access to video of cops peacefully escorting the man around the Capitol. We have no clue if that footage is exculpatory, but it is clearly relevant. QAnon Shaman was sentenced to over three years in prison, with another nearly three years of probation.

If Cooper were a member of a functioning press, he would have been grilling Kinzinger about his committee’s lack of transparency and denial of basic due process. Pelosi blocked members who could have asked for answers regarding security breakdowns or demanded the release of countervailing evidence or tempered the hyperbole and grandstanding that dominated the hearings.

Cooper knows that journalists “selectively” edit and cherry-pick video all the time. He knows that the Jan. 6 committee “selectively” edited and cherry-picked video, as well. Maybe seeing both narratives gives us a far better sense of what happened that day. There was a riot, not a coup d’etat. And the media should be elated that we have more footage for the historical record. Then again, that was never the point, was it?

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. He has appeared on Fox News, C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News and radio talk shows across the country. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

Schumer: To Protect Democracy, I Need the One Network I Don’t Control to Stop Airing Raw Footage of Congress



Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer complaining about Tucker airing J6 footage

Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer is calling on the owner of Fox News to prevent network host Tucker Carlson from releasing any more footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol that House Democrats hid from the public for two years. Carlson’s team reviewed more than 40,000 hours of video from that day and on Monday aired previously unseen footage that contradicts numerous falsehoods peddled by Democrat politicos and corporate media.

On Tuesday, Schumer melodramatically told reporters that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch “has a special obligation” to bar Carlson from airing more unedited footage from Jan. 6 “because our democracy depends on it.”

The comments echo remarks Schumer gave during a temper tantrum on the Senate floor earlier in the day, in which he accused Carlson’s Monday night program of being “one of the most shameful hours … ever seen on cable television” and similarly called on Murdoch to prohibit the release of more Jan. 6 footage.

Why the demand for censorship? According to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Jan. 6 was supposedly “the worst attack on [American] democracy since the Civil War.” If the country were as close to forfeiting democracy as Democrats often claim, don’t the American people deserve to see as much footage as possible from that day? Not according to Democrats. That’s because the footage Carlson released shows their J6 narrative was not only overblown but in some instances completely false.

[READ: Tapes Show Ray Epps Lied To Congress About Whereabouts During Jan. 6 Protests]

Within the footage Carlson released on Monday night were clips showing Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died of natural causes the day following the J6 riot, walking around the complex “after Democrats and the media claimed he was brutally murdered” by supporters of then-President Donald Trump. The New York Times, for example, claimed in its original report on Sicknick’s death that he died — right there, big and bold in its headline — “From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage.”

As The Federalist’s Tristan Justice reported, Democrats’ House select committee, which was used as a political show trial to their benefit, also helped fuel such conspiracies over Sicknick’s death.

In addition to surveillance footage of Sicknick, Carlson also released clips showing Capitol law enforcement giving VIP treatment to Jacob Chansley, known as the “Q-Anon Shaman.” As The Federalist separately reported, the footage shows Chansley being escorted by Capitol Police officers “to multiple entrances throughout the building,” with some clips appearing to show officers checking “for unlocked doors.”

“They helped him. They acted as his tour guides,” Carlson said. “We counted at least nine officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley. Not one of them tried to slow him down.”

Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

Author Shawn Fleetwood profile




TUCKER CARLSON: The January 6 videos touch a nerve because they threaten Dems’ lies

Tucker Carlson

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News | Published March 7, 2023 9:53pm EST


Tucker Carlson: The Jan. 6 videos touch a nerve

Last night, we aired video from surveillance cameras on Capitol Hill. That video was recorded 26 months to the day before January 6, 2021, and for 26 months, that footage was held from the American public. The January 6 Committee made certain. Now, the Justice Department also kept a lid on that video footage and in fact, in some cases, DOJ did not share it with criminal defendants who had been charged on January 6 in violation of their constitutional rights. 

We felt it was a public service to bring what we could to you. There was no justification for keeping the secret any longer and a powerful argument to be made that sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant and in fact, because it was video evidence, it is to some extent self-explanatory.  

Anyone could look at the tape and decide what he or she thinks of it. The tape we showed last night indicated very clearly that Capitol Hill police in some cases escorted protesters through the Capitol as if they were giving a tour. They did that with Jacob Chansley, the so-called QAnon Shaman. At one point, they even tried to open locked doors on Chansley’s behalf. 

Chansley was sentenced to four years in prison for his crimes in the Capitol on January 6 and the video we showed you last night raises the obvious question: Why? On what grounds? The video we showed you last night also showed that Officer Brian Sicknick was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by protesters on January 6 as the media and Liz Cheney so often claimed. The video shows Sicknick walking around the building, apparently in good health, after he was supposedly killed. We showed you that video. You can make of it what you will. We also showed you video that proves Ray Epps, the mysterious protester who encouraged others to breach the Capitol, lied to the January 6 Committee about where he was on that day, but for some reason, the committee protected him anyway. He was not considered an insurrectionist. He was their ally. 


Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, speaks during a hearing of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, speaks during a hearing of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

So, once again, you can draw whatever conclusions you like from that video. We have ours and we shared them with you, but it’s really beyond debate that it is good for this country for Americans to be able to see it. The media and politicians, the people in charge, have talked about January 6 every day since it happened for 26 months and so at some point, the evidence should be presented to the public. In free countries, governments do not lie about protests as a pretext to gain more power for themselves. They don’t selectively edit videos for propaganda services and then lie about them and fake hearings and show trials, but that’s exactly what happened and every member of Congress should ask why that happened, but Democrats in the Senate, the Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, is not asking why. Instead, Chuck Schumer went on the Senate floor today to explode and to say that showing that video evidence of wrongdoing by the federal government, including the security forces, the police department, that Nancy Pelosi personally controlled, letting the public see any of that is a threat to democracy. 

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: Last night, millions of Americans tuned in to one of the most shameful hours we have ever seen on cable television. Fox News host Tucker Carlson ran a lengthy segment last night arguing the January 6 Capitol attack was not a violent insurrection. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a primetime cable news anchor manipulate his viewers the way Mr. Carlson did last night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anchor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain.  

“There’s nothing that shameful that has ever appeared on American television in the history of the media,” and so on the basis of that, the self-evident outrage of showing the public video that it paid for and has a right to see, Chuck Schumer called for the censorship of that video — any information, and he did not dispute that it was accurate — the damage is a storyline his party constructed and used must be squelched. And Schumer’s explicit on that point. Because that video contradicted lies told by the Democratic Party — Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Chuck Schumer demanded that our bosses pull this show off the air. 


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., walks on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in Washington.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., walks on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

SCHUMER: He’s going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. Fox News, Rupert Murdoch — tell Carlson not to run a second segment of lies. I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth — the truth behind the efforts to mislead the public. Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6 to happen.  

“It’s a threat to democracy. Pull him off the air.” A couple of obvious observations: You don’t often see the Senate majority leader openly call for censorship on the floor of the Senate as if that was totally normal and didn’t contradict the spirit and the letter of the First Amendment, but of course it does, but what’s really happening here? What you’re seeing is hysteria, the overstatement, the crazed hyperbole, the red-in-the-face anger. What is that? Well, it’s not outrage, of course. It’s fear. It’s panic.  

Those videos, which we did not retouch, which we brought to you after running everyone by the Capitol Police to make certain that we didn’t imperil anybody, and we told you that last night, those videos touch a nerve because they’re a threat to the lies that Chuck Schumer has been telling for the last 26 months, and not just Chuck Schumer. We should also tell you that Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, was joined in this outrage by the Senate minority leader and that would be a Republican, Mitch McConnell, and they were joined by a cascade of other Republicans — Thom Tillis from North Carolina, Mitt Romney from Utah — all sharing the same outrage, and from this, we learn two things. 

One: You’re getting close to what they really care about, and you have to ask yourself why? Why is it so important that they would degrade themselves by telling such obvious lies and calling for censorship? Why? What are they trying to protect? That might be worth exploring, and we plan to, and the second thing that we learn from this is that they’re on the same side. The Senate majority leader joins the Senate minority leader — Thom Tillis, Mitt Romney. They’re all on the same side. So, it’s actually not about left and right. It’s not about Republican and Democrat. Here you have people with shared interests, the open borders people, the people like Mitch McConnell, who are living in splendor on Chinese money, the people who underneath it all have everything in common are all aligned against everyone else, and that would include almost all news organizations in this country as well. 


So, if you’re watching, this might be kind of interesting to keep a list, because one thing we learned today is that they’re all in agreement with each other. They kind of outed themselves. They sort of showed their membership cards and whatever club this is to the public, so keep a list. If you want to know who’s actually aligned, despite the illusion of partisanship, we found out today. We have a little more tape for you tonight. If you take three steps back, you may notice that the one person really who was never blamed for anything that happened on January 6 was the very same person who was in charge of the police force, the Capitol Hill police, that was charged with securing safety on January 6, and that person was Nancy Pelosi.  

If there was a security failure on January 6, and demonstrably there was, it was probably Nancy Pelosi’s fault, and after looking at thousands of hours of footage, we came to the conclusion that many others have reached, which is the Capitol Police were not prepared for what happened, and that’s fascinating when you think about it, because there was ample warning. The federal intel and law enforcement agencies knew perfectly well there could be a massive disturbance at the Capitol, but the frontline officers on duty that day didn’t know and yet the people who kept that information from the frontline officers were overwhelmed by thousands of people milling around the Capitol building? The people who fell down on the job, who didn’t do their job, they were not punished. They were rewarded, and you have to ask yourself, why is that? 

Tucker Carlson currently serves as the host of FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Tucker Carlson Tonight (weekdays 8PM/ET). He joined the network in 2009 as a contributor.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – When Lies Crumble

A.F. BRANCO | on March 8, 2023 |

Schumer and the Democrats are in a panic over Tucker Carlson showing unseen exculpatory J6 videos.

Tucker Carlson J6 Video
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Donald Trump.

Tucker Carlson releases exclusive Jan. 6 footage, says politicians, media lied about Sicknick, ‘QAnon Shaman’

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News | Published March 6, 2023 10:22pm EST


Fox News host Tucker Carlson says Democrats used Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick’s death for their political agenda on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ 

Tucker Carlson released never-before-seen footage from the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at Capitol Hill that appear to dispel several narratives pushed by the Democrat-controlled House Select Committee and the legacy media. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy granted “Tucker Carlson Tonight” an exclusive first look to over 40,000 hours of security camera footage from the Capitol Building that were hidden from the public for over two years. On Monday, Carlson offered the first glimpses of footage involving key figures from that day. 

Carlson concluded the footage proves that lawmakers and the media were “lying” about the events that took place on Jan. 6. 

Footage from Jan. 6 released exclusively by "Tucker Carlson Tonight" dispel multiple narratives pushed by politicians and the media about the events that occurred that day.
Footage from Jan. 6 released exclusively by “Tucker Carlson Tonight” dispel multiple narratives pushed by politicians and the media about the events that occurred that day. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

The first batch of footage showed Trump supporters peacefully touring the building, “sightseers” as Carlson put it, but the footage of the rioters overwhelmingly consumed the news coverage of Jan. 6, which many in D.C. have compared to 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. 


Capitol police officers were seen escorting Jacob Chansley, a Navy veteran widely referred to in the liberal media as the “QAnon Shaman,” around the building without incident. Carlson reported that officers were seen showing Chansley around, even trying to open locked doors for him. At one point, at least nine police officers were seen in close proximity to Chansley, and none of them slowed him down, as Carlson noted. 


Chansley was later arrested and federally charged for “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.” He was sentenced to nearly four years in prison

“If he was in fact committing such a grave crime, why didn’t the officers who were standing right next to him place him under arrest?” Carlson asked. 

Jacob Chansley, who became the face of the Jan. 6 riot in the media, was seen in Capitol footage being guided around by police officers without incident.
Jacob Chansley, who became the face of the Jan. 6 riot in the media, was seen in Capitol footage being guided around by police officers without incident. (SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine called the charges against Chansley “very sad,” saying that the footage proves that he was “harmless.” 

“You can see the way those people were walking through the Capitol… they are walking meekly, politely queuing, very peaceable. They don’t mean any harm. They are treating the Capitol with reverence,” Devine told Carlson. “That doesn’t excuse the others, the minority of the protesters who did break windows and fight police and injure police and cause mayhem. But the people who are now being picked up and some of them have been jailed without trial for months, even years on end, did not commit violence. They walked through open doors, they were escorted by police, they felt that this was okay. And I think Jacob Chansley is a classic example of that.”


The second batch of footage addressed the widely promoted narrative by Democrats and the media that the events of Jan. 6 was a “deadly insurrection,” often citing the death of police officers, most of whom who died by suicide after the riot, while others died of natural causes. Only one person, an Air Force veteran and Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer. 


However, the one person who became a household name was Officer Brian Sicknick, whom the media alleged was “attacked” by the mob and once falsely claimed was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Sicknick was seen walking normally while guiding Trump supporters out of the building as he wore a helmet, which appears to contradict the media narrative that he died of a head injury. 

“This tape overturns the single most powerful and politically useful lie that Democrats told us about January 6th,” Carlson told viewers. 

As Carlson noted, the footage of Sicknick had an electronic bookmark in the Capitol archives, alleging the Jan. 6 House Select Committee had reviewed it and chose not to include it in its widely publicized hearings and the final report. 

“They lied about the police officer they claimed to revere,” Carlson said. “If they were willing to do that, then their dishonesty knew no limits.”

Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was widely portrayed by the media as being the victim of an assault on Jan. 6. 
Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was widely portrayed by the media as being the victim of an assault on Jan. 6.  (US Capitol Police)

Washington Times opinion editor Charlie Hurt called the politicians and the press who peddled the Sicknick narrative “very sick.”

The third batch of footage showed Ray Epps, the man caught urging Trump supporters to go into the Capitol the night before the Jan. 6 riot, seen on the grounds at least 30 minutes after the time he told House Select Committee regarding a text he sent to his nephew, claiming he was already heading back in his hotel. As Carlson noted, that false claim to congressional investigators is itself a crime.

The lack of any criminal charges against Epps has fueled suspicion from critics that he had coordinated with the FBI leading up to the riot. 


Democratic lawmakers pushed the narrative that some of their GOP colleagues aided rioters ahead of Jan. 6, singling out Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., of leading a “reconnaissance mission” through the Capitol building the day before. In reality, Loudermilk was seen in footage giving a tour in a congressional building down the street to constituents, none of whom were linked to the so-called “insurrection.” 


Carlson also refuted the viral footage singling out Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who the House Select Committee claimed “fled” from the mob in a cowardly manner when in reality the full footage shows he was among several lawmakers who were rushed away from the Capitol by police with him on the tail end of the group.

“The clip was propaganda, not evidence,” Carlson said.

The Jan. 6 House Select Committee targeted Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who it accused of cowardly fleeing the mob based on a short clip Tucker Carlson concluded was "propaganda."
The Jan. 6 House Select Committee targeted Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who it accused of cowardly fleeing the mob based on a short clip Tucker Carlson concluded was “propaganda.” (January 6 Committee/Youtube)

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., said the footage shown by Carlson has changed his perception of Jan. 6, noting that he was at the Capitol that day.

Massie cited a poll showing an overwhelming majority of Americans, including most Democrats, want all the Jan. 6 footage released. He also called for a “complete catalog of all the feds who were there” in order to get to the bottom of their involvement in the riot. 

Carlson teased that more footage from Jan. 6 will be shared Tuesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Joseph A. Wulfsohn is a media reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to and on Twitter: @JosephWulfsohn.

Tucker Carlson Calls Out ‘Professional Christians’ Who Don’t Speak Up For Religious Freedom



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Screenshot/Rumble/Fox News

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out “professional Christians” Thursday, saying they did not speak up for religious freedom when “Christians are arrested for being Christians.”

“You have to wonder when you see a tape like that where are so-called Christian leaders?” Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller and honorary board member of the Daily Caller News Foundation, said after discussing the legal ordeal of Mark Houck, who was charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in 2022 before being acquitted in January. “Where is Russell Moore and all the other breastfeeding Christians as that happens, as the U.S. government cracks down on Christianity and prayer? Silent.” 


Carlson noted that the Biden administration dropped charges against some rioters in Portland, while others were sentenced to community service in contrast to the prosecutions of Houck and Paul Vaughn, who was one of 11 pro-life activists arrested over a March 2021 protest at an abortion clinic. Video showed heavily armed FBI agents taking Vaughn into custody in October.

Carlson also mocked Attorney General Merrick Garland over his explanation during a Wednesday hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee about why more pro-life protesters were arrested than alleged perpetrators of attacks on crisis pregnancy centers.

Carlson then discussed the ordeal of Canadian pastor Derek Reimer, who was arrested by Calgary police Thursday on charges of “mischief” and “causing a disturbance,” after he was forcibly removed while protesting an “all ages” drag show, the Post-Millennial reported.

“Where all the professional Christians? You have to wonder that again,” Carlson said. “Where’s David French and Beth Moore and Tim Keller and all these people who were defending Christianity when actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians? Not a word.”

Biden White House Hounded Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson, New Emails Show



Tucker Carlson giving a speech at Turning Point USA event
The Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson for criticizing the Covid shots, according to newly released White House emails.

Author Shawn Fleetwood profile




President Joe Biden’s administration actively pressured Facebook to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson for criticizing the Covid shots, according to internal White House communication records obtained by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana.

In an email dated April 14, 2021, then-senior adviser to the president’s Covid response team, Andrew Slavitt, voiced dissatisfaction to a Facebook official that a video of Carlson questioning the left’s universal demand that people get the Covid jab was “Number one” on the platform, to which said official responded that they’d look into the matter. Later that same day, the Facebook representative informed the White House that while the “Tucker Carlson video does not qualify for removal under [Facebook’s] policies,” the company would label the clip with “a pointer to more authoritative COVID information” and work to limit its reach on the platform.

Facebook’s efforts did not meet the administration’s demands for greater censorship, however. In response to the representative, White House Director of Digital Strategy Robert Flaherty questioned how Carlson’s video didn’t violate Facebook’s existing policies and pressured the company to turn over information on the efficacy of its censorship practices.

How was this not violative? The second half of the segment is raising conspiracy theories about the government hiding that all vaccines aren’t effective,” Flaherty claimed. “Moreover, you say reduced and demoted. What does that mean? There’s 40,000 shares on the video. Who is seeing it now? How many? How effective is that?

Not for nothing but last time we did this dance, it ended in an insurrection,” Flaherty added in an apparent reference to the platform’s handling of claims pertaining to the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and subsequent riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

But the Biden White House’s habit of using Big Tech to silence dissenting voices on Covid-related information didn’t just stop at Carlson. A separate batch of emails released by the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general reveals a concentrated endeavor between the administration and Facebook to reduce the “virality of vaccine hesitancy content,” even if such posts contained factually accurate information.

As you know, in addition to removing vaccine misinformation, we have been focused on reducing the virality of content discouraging vaccines that does not contain actionable misinformation,” a Facebook representative told Slavitt in a March 21, 2021, email. “This is often-true content, which we allow at the post level … but it can be framed as sensation, alarmist, or shocking. We’ll remove these Groups, Pages, and Accounts when they are disproportionately promoting this sensationalized content.

In addition to Facebook, Twitter was also a major player in the collusion efforts between the federal government and Big Tech to further squash free speech online. In an email dated August 11, 2022, Flaherty admonished Twitter for allowing posts contradicting White House claims to circulate on the platform, writing that “if your product is appending misinformation to our tweets[,] that seems like a pretty fundamental issue.”

Flaherty separately accused Twitter in a December 2021 email of “Total Calvinball” and “bending over backwards” to tolerate disfavored speech after the company refused to comply with demands from the administration to censor a video.

“This case is about the Biden Administration’s blatant disregard for the First Amendment and its collusion with social media companies [to] suppress speech it disagrees with,” said Missouri AG Andrew Bailey in a statement. “I will always fight back against unelected bureaucrats who seek to indoctrinate the people of this state by violating our constitutional right to free and open debate.”

The bombshell emails come as a result of an investigation launched last year by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and then-Missouri AG and now-U.S. Senator Eric Schmitt to uncover collusion efforts between the federal government and Big Tech companies to censor Covid-related posts they deemed misinformation. In addition to obtaining communication records unveiling such corruption, the investigation has scored numerous legal wins allowing Louisiana and Missouri to depose high-ranking administration officials such as Anthony Fauci under oath about their role in these efforts.

According to a transcript of Fauci’s November testimony, the man claiming to “represent science” somehow couldn’t recall relevant information about his role in the federal government’s disastrous Covid response “at least 174 times.” The deposition ranged from topics such as Fauci’s bid to smear authors of “The Great Barrington Declaration,” to his role in attempting to “discredit any theory” that Covid resulted from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.

Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

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