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Posts tagged ‘Syria’

Deadly drone attack hits training ground at Syrian base housing US troops

By Lawrence Richard Fox News | Published February 5, 2024 8:16am EST | Updated February 5, 2024 10:42am EST


A drone attack late Sunday evening that struck a military base in eastern Syria, where U.S. troops are stationed, left at least six allied Kurdish soldiers dead, officials said.

The attack hit a training ground at al-Omar base in Syria’s eastern province of Deir el-Zour, the U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said in a statement Monday. According to the statement, the drone attack struck an area where the forces’ commando units were being trained.

No U.S. troops were killed or injured in the attack, they said.

The strike was the first significant attack in Syria or Iraq since the U.S. launched strikes over the weekend against Iran-backed militias. Militia fighters have been carrying out assaults on U.S. forces and civilian targets in the region since the breakout of the Israel-Hamas war in October.


A parked fighter jet
This photo issued by the Ministry of Defence on Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024, shows an RAF Typhoon FGR4 aircraft returning to the base, following strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen. (AS1 Leah Jones/RAF via AP)

The SDF initially blamed “Syrian regime-backed mercenaries” for Sunday’s attack, but after investigating the attack, they accused “Iran-backed militias.”

The Islamic Resistance, an umbrella group of all Iran-backed Iraqi militias in the country, claimed responsibility for Sunday’s attack and released a video they claim showed them launching the drone used in the attack.

Map shows attacks on US forces in the Middle East since Oct. 17
A map shows there have been at least 168 attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East since Oct. 17, 2023, as of Feb. 5, 2024. (Fox News)

Sunday’s attack came after the U.S. military carried out strikes against Houthi militant targets in Yemen over the weekend. U.S. Central Command forces said Sunday they conducted a “self-defense” strike against a Houthi land attack cruise missile at approximately 5:30 a.m. Sanaa time.

Later, at approximately 10:30 a.m., U.S. forces struck four anti-ship cruise missiles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, which they determined “presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels” in the Red Sea.


Sunday’s strikes also came a day after the U.S. and Britain launched a wave of strikes against 36 Houthi targets, meant to degrade their capabilities.

Soldier standing next to a plane
The U.S. and Great Britain struck 36 Houthi sites in Yemen in a second wave of assaults meant to further disable Iran-backed groups that have relentlessly attacked American and international interests in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. (AS1 Jake Green/RAF via AP)

Houthi rebels vowed “escalation” in reaction to the strikes, with a spokesman for the group vowing to continue its own attacks “no matter the sacrifices it costs us.”

“The US-British coalition’s bombing of a number of Yemeni provinces will not change our position, and we affirm that our military operations against Israel will continue until the crimes of genocide in Gaza are stopped and the siege on its residents is lifted, no matter the sacrifices it costs us,” Houthi spokesman Mohammed al-Bukhaiti wrote on X.

The Houthi spokesman also called such attacks “ineffective,” and predicted a wider war would end the U.S. presence in the region.

“If the regional war breaks out, it equals the end of US hegemony in the region,” he said.

The Islamic Resistance was responsible for the January drone attack on Tower 22 of the logistics support base in Jordan that left three U.S. service members dead and wounded 40 others.

A plane in a hangar
In addition to the strikes on Saturday, U.S. Central Command says it conducted an additional “self-defense” strike on Sunday against a Houthi anti-ship cruise missile. (AS1 Jake Green/RAF via AP)

The U.S. Defense Department identified the three deceased soldiers as Sgt. William Jerome Rivers of Carrollton, Georgia; Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders of Waycross, Georgia; and Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett of Savannah, Georgia.

They were assigned to the 718th Engineer Company, 926th Engineer Battalion, 926th Engineer Brigade, Fort Moore, Georgia.


“I am outraged and deeply saddened by the deaths of three of our U.S. service members and the wounding of other American troops in an attack last night against U.S. and coalition forces, who were deployed to a site in northeastern Jordan near the Syrian border to work for the lasting defeat of ISIS,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said after the attack. “These brave Americans and their families are in my prayers, and the entire Department of Defense mourns their loss.”

The umbrella group has launched dozens of attacks, primarily using drones, against U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria. They have repeatedly called for American forces to withdraw from the region.

Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom, Liz Friden and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Reports: US Begins Retaliatory Strikes, Other Actions Against Iran

Friday, 02 February 2024 04:17 PM EST


The U.S. military has begun striking targets linked to Iranian proxy groups after a drone attack killed three American soldiers in Jordan this past weekend, Newsmax and other outlets are reporting. The strike reports were confirmed to Newsmax by a U.S. official at the Pentagon, who said airstrikes were ongoing against Iran proxy groups in both Iraq and Syria.

The attacks began a little more than an hour after the conclusion of a dignified transfer ceremony honoring the three soldiers at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware Friday afternoon. That was attended by President Joe Biden. The U.S. has blamed the Islamic Resistance in Iraq umbrella group for the weekend attack that killed Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, 46, Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, and Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23, and wounded roughly 40 other American service members. With nearly a week passing between the attack and the U.S. response, critics of the Biden administration have warned that the delay has given Iranian military officials and members of Tehran-backed militia groups ample time to go into hiding.

Other actions

The reported military actions came as the United States announced terrorism and sanctions-evasion charges and seizures linked to a billion-dollar oil trafficking network that it says finances Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other militant groups.

The cases are in response to the drone strike and other aggressive actions by Iran over several years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said. In August of 2022, for example, the U.S. charged an IRGC member with plotting to murder John Bolton, who served as U.S. national security adviser under former President Donald Trump.

Actions by Iran-backed militants, including the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by the Palestinian group Hamas and the attack over the weekend in Jordan, have increased the focus on Iran’s oil trade, the DOJ said.

“The Justice Department will continue to use every authority we have to cut off the illegal financing and enabling of Iran’s malicious activities, which have become even more evident in recent months,” U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

The DOJ seized more than $108 million that it said China Oil & Petroleum Company Limited attempted to launder through accounts at U.S. financial institutions. The DOJ said China Oil & Petroleum is an IRGC front company.

The DOJ said it also seized more than 520,000 barrels of Iran’s oil aboard the crude tanker Abyss that were covered by U.S. sanctions.

Seven defendants, including Sitki Ayan, who is a Turkish national and chairman of the ASB Group, Morteza Rostam Ghasemi, who is the son of a former IRGC commander and Iranian petroleum minister, and Behnam Shahriyari, who is an IRGC Quds Force official, were charged in the Southern District of New York federal court in connection with the seizure of the money.

The DOJ also charged a Chinese woman, Shaoyun Wang, and an Omani man Mahmood Rashid Amur Al Habsi, with Iran sanctions evasion and money laundering in connection with the trafficking and selling of Iranian oil to Chinese government-owned refineries in a case in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Iran’s crude exports and oil output hit new highs in 2023 despite U.S. sanctions over Tehran’s nuclear program. Tehran says the program is for peaceful purposes. In January, China’s oil trade with Iran stalled as Tehran withheld shipments and demanded higher prices from its top client, tightening cheap supply for the world’s biggest crude importer. Iranian oil makes up some 10% of China’s crude imports.

Newsmax contributed to this report.

© 2024 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

Read more: Reports: US Begins Retaliatory Strikes, Other Actions Against Iran |

Iran-Backed Forces Have Attacked US Positions and Allies 23 Times in Past Two Weeks, Pentagon Says

By: Adam Kredo | October 30, 2023


(Reuters/Alaa Al-Marjani)

Iran-backed forces across the Middle East have attacked American positions and allies at least 23 times in the last two weeks, the Pentagon said Monday, adding that a U.S. military response will occur “at a time and place of our choosing, and we’re going to continue to do so.”

Since October 17, in the wake of Hamas’s war on Israel, Iranian terror forces have launched 14 attacks on American assets in Iraq and nine in Syria “through a mix of one-way attack drones and rockets,” a senior Defense Department official told reporters during a press briefing. The U.S. military responded last Thursday to these strikes by bombing Iranian positions in Syria, and American forces will continue to target Tehran’s proxy groups at will, the official said. Iran, the Pentagon assesses, is targeting American forces, threatening to drag the United States into a larger regional war.

“It’s about Iran and the [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps], who use infrastructure, militants, and proxies on the ground across the Middle East to include both Iraq and Syria,” the Defense Department official said, speaking only on background. “We reserve the right to respond at a time and place of our choosing, and we’re going to continue to do so.”

“Let me be clear,” the official added: “We’re going to continue to respond when the president decides that’s necessary for U.S. force protection.”

In the weeks since the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400, Tehran’s allies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have stepped up their terrorism activities. These activities include rocket fire and shelling on Israel from areas in both Syria and Lebanon, where Hezbollah forces are stationed.

Iran’s assets in Iraq have also increased their strikes on American forces in the country, resulting in last week’s military response by the United States. The Pentagon also said that Hamas militants are using hospitals and other civilian structures to conduct their terrorism operations against Israel.

The Israeli military’s foray into civilian areas of the Gaza Strip has fueled accusations that the country is intentionally targeting innocents, claims that have been amplified by anti-Israel U.S. lawmakers such as Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.). The Pentagon, however, says it has seen evidence that Hamas is using civilian structures as command centers.

“What I would say about Hamas is [its] use of civilian structures for command-and-control facilities and to hide weapons,” the official said. “There is an abundance of public reporting about the ways in which Hamas uses civilians as human shields and civilian structures to hide and obfuscate tunnels, as well as weapons.”

This includes “Hamas’s use of hospitals to emplace command-and-control infrastructure or other weapons that can be used against Israeli civilians.”

As of Monday afternoon, the Pentagon said it has no plans to facilitate “military-assisted departures” for American citizens stuck in the region.

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Speechless

A.F. WHITE | on October 29, 2023 |

Democrats appear to be sticking by Joe Biden as their only presidential candidate for 2024 and don’t seem interested in any debates involving Robert F Kennedy or Dean Phillips of Minnesota. How’s that for upholding democracy? Shouldn’t voters have the ability to hear the opposition in order to make an informed choice within their own party?

There’s a lot of rigorous debating going on within the Republican Party that more closely resembles what democracy actually looks like, as opposed to the Democrats running their party like a communist politburo out of the former Soviet Union or Communist China. Democrats always seem to be in lockstep with each other, especially when it comes to policies that hurt Americans and their constitutional freedoms at large.

Silencing Dean Phillips
A.F. White Cartoon ©2023

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Surrounded

A.F. BRANCO |  on October 30, 2023 |

Israel is totally surrounded by the Muslim world and is constantly threatened with genocidal rhetoric, along with rockets being constantly fired on their innocent citizens every day from Gaza. The threat is instigated primarily by the Islamic Republic of Iran, a well-funded state sponsoring terrorism across the globe with the help of their branches, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Sadly, whenever Israel acts to defend their population against this barbarism surrounding them, the left in America and much of the world defend Hamas and these bloody acts of Terrorism. Many of the LGBTQ-XYZ groups are also protesting against Israel and defending the Hamas attacks against innocent civilians without any understanding that they themselves would be killed for being gay, lesbian, or trans in Gaza or in much of the Muslim world.

Israel Is Surrounded
Cartoon by A.F. Branco

US Conducts Airstrikes In Iraq, Syria Against Iran-Backed Militia Groups



Photo by ALEX BRANDON/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

The U.S. military conducted airstrikes against Iran-backed militias near the Iraq-Syria border Sunday.

The strikes targeted “operational and weapons storage facilities” in Syria and Iraq, according to a press release from Pentagon press secretary John Kirby. The facilities were used by Iranian militia groups including Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), according to the press release.

“As demonstrated by this evening’s strikes, President Biden has been clear that he will act to protect U.S. personnel,” Kirby said.

Iran-backed militias were targeted in the strikes as a result of the militias’ ongoing attacks against U.S. interests in the region.

“The strikes were both necessary to address the threat and appropriately limited in scope,” Kirby went on to say. (RELATED: Biden Reportedly Called Off Second Syria Airstrike After Woman, Children Spotted At Site)

The Pentagon sought approval from Biden in May and were delayed twice prior to Sunday’s announcement, a source familiar with the situation told the Daily Caller. The airstrikes occurred following reported attacks against U.S. forces at bases in Iraq, the source added. These recent attacks reportedly included a “bomb-laden drone” and rocket attacks, The Jerusalem Post previously reported.

Pentagon spokesperson Commander Jessica McNulty told the Daily Caller that President Joe Biden determined the airstrikes “would protect U.S personnel.” She called the strikes “necessary” and “appropriate.”

“We always reserve the right to respond at a time and place of our choosing to protect and defend our people; today was the right moment to act,” McNulty said. “The President determined that taking this action would protect U.S. personnel, and that these strikes were both necessary to address the threat and appropriately limited in scope.”

“The strikes were necessary, appropriate, and deliberate action designed to limit the risk of escalation,” she added. “Through these and other means, we seek to make clear to Iran and Iran-backed militia groups that there will be serious consequences if they continue to attack, or to arm, fund, and train militia groups that attack our people. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to defend U.S. personnel, partners, and allies in the region.”

McNulty also confirmed recent reported attacks against facilities used by U.S. personnel – the reason behind Sunday’s airstrike.

“Iran-backed militias have conducted at least five one-way UAV attacks against facilities used by U.S. and Coalition personnel in Iraq since April as well as ongoing rocket attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces,” she said in a statement.

Biden has previously been criticized for targeting Iranian-backed militias in airstrikes back in February. “We ran on ending war, not escalating conflicts in the Middle East. Our foreign policy needs to be rooted in diplomacy & the rule of law, not retaliatory airstrikes without Congressional authorization,” Democratic California Rep. Ro Khanna tweeted in February.

Americans Voted To End War In Syria, But This Unelected Bureaucrat Lied To Overrule Them

Reported by Willis L. Krumholz  18, 2020

Americans Voted To End War In Syria, But This Unelected Bureaucrat Lied To Overrule Them

Defense One, a subsidiary of The Atlantic, came out with a story last week about a man named Jim Jeffrey. If you haven’t heard of him, don’t feel bad, but he’s pretty important in Washington, D.C. Under his fancy title, he’s been appointed to oversee the U.S. fight against ISIS and what are supposed to be the limited operations of the American troops who still remain in Syria.

Jeffrey is now also a hero in D.C., because in the interview with Defense One he bragged about how he misled President Donald Trump and other top White House officials about the real number of U.S. troops in Syria. “We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” Jeffrey told the Defense One reporter.

The Establishment Wants War in Syria

To say that the D.C. foreign policy establishment wants a U.S. ground presence in Syria is an understatement. During the Obama administration, partisan former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan spent $1 billion from taxpayers per year trying to arm “moderate” rebels in Syria. What Brennan got was loads of American weapons in the hands of jihadists, including ISIS affiliates. In one example, a particular program trained 15,000 rebels in Jordan and returned them to Syria. Only “four or five” recruits out of the 15,000 turned up to fight. The rest either joined jihadist forces, including ISIS, or sold their American weapons to these forces.

The futility of regime change efforts didn’t deter official Washington, however. Western media raved about “the white helmets.” They also glossed over the fact that there were few moderate rebels and that many of America’s preferred rebels to take on the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad were guilty of unspeakable brutalities.

Meanwhile, a civil war pitting Muslim Sunnis against Shias — which was partly fueled by American money and weapons and certainly fueled by weapons and money from Gulf Sunni states, including Saudi Arabia — caused a humanitarian crisis. Millions of refugees flooded Europe. Into this chaos and power vacuum stepped ISIS, which at its pinnacle had amassed a huge amount of territory in Iraq and Syria.

On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump repeatedly promised to destroy ISIS and then get U.S. troops out of Syria. This was a large difference between Trump and his Republican primary opponents and then later Hillary Clinton, who argued that U.S. involvement in Syria should not be limited to destroying the Islamic State and that the United States should topple Assad.

Trump’s view was that if Assad was toppled, the power vacuum would be greater, and the jihadist problem would worsen. He also argued that such a move was not in America’s interest, had no clear exit strategy, and would cause an even greater humanitarian disaster, including thousands of dead American troops.

As president, Trump routinely called Syria a place of “sand and death.” Multiple times he attempted to pull the United States out of Syria, only to be met with Assad allegedly striking civilians and official Washington clamoring for a response. Finally, in December 2018, Trump gave a withdrawal order. This led to the resignation (or firing) of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, along with Brett McGurk, the former special envoy for Syria. Trump repeated that order in October 2019.

Jeffrey called Trump’s decision to fulfill his campaign promise and remove U.S. troops from Syria “the most controversial thing in my fifty years in government.” Each time Trump gave the withdrawal order, according to Jeffrey, Trump was “convinced to leave a residual force in Syria and the fight continued.” In reality, officials kept troops behind far above the “residual force,” unbeknownst to the president.

“What Syria withdrawal? There was never a Syria withdrawal,” Jeffrey bragged. “When the situation in northeast Syria had been fairly stable after we defeated ISIS, [Trump] was inclined to pull out. In each case, we then decided to come up with five better arguments for why we needed to stay. And we succeeded both times. That’s the story.”

Officially, America has 200 to 400 troops on the ground in northeast Syria, ostensibly to guard the oil fields in that area held by U.S. Kurdish allies. Anonymous officials say the number is more like 900 today, however, and Jeffrey told Defense One that the number of troops in Syria is “a lot more than” the roughly 200 troops that Trump agreed to leave behind there in October 2019.

Defense One concluded its story by noting that Jeffrey didn’t support Trump but agrees with Trump’s “realpolitik” Middle East foreign policy and efforts to make North Atlantic Treaty Organization members pay more for defense. Jeffrey also said he views Joe Biden favorably. In fact, after signing a letter in 2016 that said Trump was unfit for the presidency, it appears as if Jeffrey still opposes Trump: “I know what I did in 2016, I do not disagree with that,” Jeffrey said.

While Defense One quoted colleagues who said Jeffrey is a “consummate apolitical public servant,” many others were upset by Jeffrey’s admissions. Republican Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, is furious and called for Jeffrey to be “punished.”

Who Has the Power in America?

People in Middle America should be enraged by Jeffrey’s interview. Washington, D.C., should be terrified that the American people might realize people like Jeffrey are only the tip of the iceberg. Jeffrey might be completely right about his view of the world and probably thinks he was doing the right thing, but that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make Jeffrey’s behavior any less abhorrent.

People didn’t elect Jeffrey to anything. They elected Trump in 2016, and one factor in a bunch of working-class Americans opting for Trump was his promise not to start a new war in the Middle East. A large majority of Americans don’t want U.S. ground troops in Syria. Even a large chunk of Democrats who abhor Trump technically agree with his Syria policy. Labeling Jeffrey a “public servant” is a sick joke. Jeffrey is serving himself, or at least serving his ideology — and he does have an ideology.

Yes, it was Trump’s fault he hired people like John Bolton, a neoconservative ideologue who thought it was his job to stop Trump from following through with his campaign promises. Yet Trump isn’t ideological, and he often filled positions based on the recommendations of those around him, many of whom were card-carrying members of the Republican establishment.

Either way, Trump took a lot of heat for his order to pull troops out of Syria. Mattis resigned, and Democrats, media outlets, and Republicans such as Liz Cheney attacked Trump. Detractors hurled constant accusations that Trump wanting to get U.S. troops out of Syria was yet further proof he was a stooge of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump’s differences on foreign policy compared to the D.C. establishment, including over Syria policy, was even a significant factor in the FBI’s decision to legitimize baseless conspiracy theories that Trump was an agent of Russia.

Let’s step back for a second. Millions of working-class Americans, who also voted for Barack Obama, voted for Trump in 2016 because they wanted a change to policy. Now assume Trump is gone, and, truthfully, not much has changed on a fundamental level for many of these working-class citizens. What will happen when a large chunk of the American people realize their votes don’t affect policy?

Trump was considered norm-breaking and obnoxious to these D.C. insiders. Have these insiders not considered that the same people who sent Trump to the White House to shake things up might eventually opt for someone even more norm-breaking than Trump?

Willis L. Krumholz holds a JD and MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas. The views expressed are those of the author only. You can follow Willis on Twitter @WillKrumholz.

Rand Paul Blocks Vote on House Measure Condemning Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

Written by Joshua Caplan | 

URL of the original posting site:

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., walks to the Senate as an 11th-hour Republican rescue mission to keep President Donald Trump from a Senate defeat on his signature issue of building barriers along the southwest border seems near collapse, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, March 13, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), one of Congress’s most prominent non-interventionists, blocked a move on Thursday to bring a House-approved measure formally condemning President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) attempted to gain consent to introduce the measure to the upper chamber’s floor, but because it requires unanimous consent, any senator has the ability to thwart it.

“The most important thing we can do right now is send President Trump a message that Congress, the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans, demand he reverse course,”Schumer said.

Paul argued Schumer was attempting to circumvent the U.S. Constitution by bringing the measure to a vote.

“He should come to the floor and say that we are ready to declare war. We are ready to authorize force, and we are going to stick our troops in the middle of this messy, messy, five-sided civil war where we would be ostensibly opposed to the Turkish government that has made an incursion,” he said.

The House had passed a resolution Wednesday condemning President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria in a 354-60 vote.

The move by Paul comes as U.S. officials said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to stop its offensive in Syria, signaling an end to a military campaign that has so far killed dozens of Kurdish fighters and drawn international condemnation.

Vice President Mike Pence announced the agreement for a five-day cease-fire after hours of bilateral meetings in Ankara among U.S. and Turkish officials — which included Erdogan and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The situation will be re-evaluated at the end of the five-day deal.

Erdogan’s forces began Operation Peace Spring a week ago in northeast Syria, to clear border territories of Kurdish fighters so Ankara can send back Syrian refugees who fled to Turkey. The Turkish leader has previously insisted he would accept no cease-fire.

“The United States and Turkey have both mutually committed to a peaceful resolution and future for the safe zone, working on an international basis to ensure that peace and security defines this border region with Syria,” Pence stated.

The UPI contributed to this report. 

Today’s THREE Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Democracy Dies in Darkness

No due process – The secret impeachment hearings are designed to hide the truth and to shape the information the public receives.
Secret Impeachment HearingsPolitical cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

‘Nobody Will Go Back’: Christians Flee Middle East After Fall of Islamic State

Reported by EDWIN MORA |

Iranian Christian worshippers attend the Christmas mass at the Saint Joseph Chaldean-Assyrian Catholic church, in Tehran, Iran, Monday, Dec. 25, 2017. Iranian Christians are a minority and recognized by the constitution in the Muslim country and are represented in the parliament. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

The number of Christians in the birthplace of their faith, the greater Middle East, continues to plummet months after the Islamic State, which waged a genocidal campaign against Christians, lost its “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria, Breitbart News learned from various experts, including an archbishop.

“Unfortunately, it can be stated that the Islamic State group’s anti-Christian campaign was very successful in Iraq, and to a certain extent, successful in Syria,” John Hajjar, the co-chair of the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy (AMCD) and co-director of the Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC), told Breitbart News.

“I think we have no more hope,”Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the diocesan legate in America’s capital and ecumenical director for the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Orthodox Church of America, also told Breitbart News, referring to the future of Christianity in its Middle East cradle. “Middle East Christians have no nation that protects them openly.”

The number of Christians in Middle East-North Africa (MENA), as a component of the overall Muslim-majority population, has dropped substantially — from about ten percent in 1900 to between two and four percent now.

There are different estimates for the overall number of Christians that vary from about 12 million in the Middle East alone to about 20 million in MENA, Breitbart News learned from the experts and data from U.S. government and independent sources.

“The future for Christians right now is terrible — a Middle East without Christians. We are going to have churches without Christians as museums for tourists. There will be no Christians left,” the archbishop warned, echoing other analysts who have constantly cautioned that Christianity is on the verge of extinction in the Middle East.

“The number of Christians in the Middle East has already dropped extensively,” he further declared, accusing church leaders of inflating the actual numbers of Christ followers in the region to minimize the fact that Christianity is on the brink of extinction.

The bishop urged U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration to do even more to help Middle East Christians.

Contradicting assertions by the Trump administration, the Church leader said, “People are not coming back. I can assure you that nobody will go back.”

The Trump administration has disbursed billions in funding to help victims of ISIS genocide, namely Christians and Yazidis, but the bishop told Breitbart News it is “not enough.”

“Trump is going to be a hero for the Christians in the Middle East if he takes more action,” he said.

Addressing President Trump, Archbishop Aykazian added, “Please help the Christians. They need your help and once you move one of your fingers the entire Arabic world will thank you. If he does such a thing, it is going to change everything. If he doesn’t, they will suffer.”

“The ball is in Trump’s court,” he further said.

In Iraq, which experts say has experienced the most dramatic drop in Christians due to jihadis and Iran-allied groups, Aykazian told Breitbart News that number has decreased from 1.6 million to less than 100,000, marking a drop of more than 90 percent.

“A similar situation is taking place in Syria’s Aleppo where there has also been a drop of more than 90 percent in Christians, from 360,000 to about 25,000 now,” he said, noting, “The church leaders don’t want to say those statements because they fear their followers will be disillusioned.”

ISIS’s genocide campaign targeted religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, primarily Christians and Yazidis, killing tens of thousands of them and taking some hostages as sex slaves.

“They [Christians] realized just how insecure they are,” Nina Shea, a religious freedom expert at the Hudson Institute, told Breitbart News. “Their own governments fail to protect them, and ISIS gained popular support within some neighboring major Sunni areas, like Mosul.”

Archbishop Aykazian said Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi “so far has been the best leader in the Middle East for defending Christians.” he said, adding, “The biggest Christian majorities are in Egypt.”

Shea pointed out, “Egypt retains ten million Coptic Christians. That is the only place where I see a certain future for them [Christians].”

“In a generation, Egypt may be the only remaining country with a robust Christian community that traces its roots to the earliest Christian church,” Shea added. “Elsewhere in the Middle East, only remnants of these ancient communities may survive.”

Nevertheless, Shea and the bishop acknowledged that, even in Egypt, Christians are confronting the spread of Sunni extremism and anti-Christian bigotry. The ongoing war against Islamic terrorism continues to kill, wound, and push Christians out of their historical homelands in the greater Middle East, even in Egypt.

“More recently, after the Arab Spring and with the rise of ISIS, tens of thousands of Christians were killed in Iraq and Syria,” Hajjar said. “Close to 1 million Christians in the region have gone into exile.”

“Following multiple terrorist attacks in Egypt against the Copts, many Christian Egyptians also emigrated from their country,” Hajjar continued. “We can estimate that more than 25-30 percent of Christians in the Middle East have been affected by the recent wars and conflicts.”

The experts also attributed the ongoing demise of Christianity in the Middle East to certain governments’ disdain towards followers of Christianity and their refusal to protect them.

In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reportedly designated Christians as “enemies of the state.” In Iraq, the country that experienced the sharpest drop in the number of Christ followers in recent years, Baghdad-sanctioned Iran-allied Shiite militias have reportedly taken Christian lands and are harassing them.

Referring to the countries that have experienced the largest decline in Christians, Hajjar named Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Lebanon. Similar to Hajjar’s list, the bishop said, “Iraq is number one, Lebanon is number two, and Syria is number three.”

The experts conceded that the Trump administration had done more to help Middle East Christians than his predecessor, but they argued that Christians are far from protected and more can be done.


Watch: Where These Bad@ss Preachers Are Ministering, Airstrikes Are An Occupational Hazard

Written by Wes Walker on April 8, 2019

When Jesus said ‘go into ALL the world’ these gutsy Christians took him at his word. As it turns out, the military really does bring transferrable skills into the ministry.

It’s got that ‘sensitive material’ warning because some of the people they’ve been ministering to have been injured in the fighting between ISIS and the forces wiping ISIS out.

This is filmed near Bagouz, the last ISIS stronghold in Syria — Hence ‘the last stronghold’ title.

These guys got word that there are about 1000 civilians trapped in the village where ISIS was making their last stand. They are helping people trapped in the conflict — especially women and children — flee to safety.

So “Free Burma Rangers” brought food, water and the love of Christ to them.

How is it possible to bring the love of Christ to people who hate you?

Haven’t you read your Bible?

The apostle Paul was on a campaign of persecuting Christ’s Church when God knocked him off his horse on the Damascus road.

And just look at what God did with him after that.

What would prevent Him from doing the same with one of these guys?

Opinion | Trump Shuts Down Assad, Shows Obama How a Real Leader Handles Chemical Warfare

Reported By Jared Harris | September 10, 2018 at


Chemical weapons are some of the nastiest things to come out of war. They can’t tell the difference between a soldier and a child. Depending on the level of exposure, death can come after a few agonizing minutes. Those that do survive often live with neurological, physiological, and mental wounds for the rest of their life.

It’s no wonder this was a “red line” for former President Barack Obama in the Syrian Civil War. When chemical weapons were used, however, the United States of America was nowhere to be found.

Obama’s excuse? Chlorine gas, used in the attack, isn’t a chemical weapon.

“Chlorine itself has not been listed as a chemical weapon,” the former president stated.

Chemical weapon or not, chlorine gas isn’t pretty. I won’t list the effects here, but accounts from the First World War paint a grisly picture of chlorine’s gruesome interaction with human skin, eyes, and organs.

Let’s give Obama a pass and let him play around with semantics. President Donald Trump operates by a different standard.

Syria attempted to test Trump’s red line with chemical weapons, possibly expecting the same response as Obama. Within a week, Trump had U.S. warships parked on the coast. A few missile salvos made his position on the matter painfully clear.

Now, apparently not done with poking the sleeping giant, Syria has doubled down on chemical weapons. Syrian President Bashar Assad has given the green light for use of chlorine in what is expected to be the last true battle of the Syrian Civil War.

Idlib province is the last remaining rebel holdout, and the target of Assad’s chemical ambitions.

The remaining rebels are a motley crew — the survivors include al-Qaeda allies and the Turkistan Islamic Party, an Islamic terrorist group that was founded in China. Unfortunately, the area is also crawling with civilians.

The province of Idlib had a population of 1.5 million in 2011, giving it roughly the same population as modern-day Hawaii. Although international treaties forbid use of force against civilian targets, the Syrian Civil War is already rife with humanitarian crimes.

Trump leveled a stark warning against Assad, telling him to play fair — or else.

“If it’s a slaughter, the world is going to get very, very angry, and the United States is going to get very angry too,” President Trump said.

A new initiative approved by the Commander-in-Chief would see 2,000 U.S. troops stationed in Syria indefinitely. The purpose is to ensure the total eradication of ISIS as well as the return of Iranian forces to their home country.

The Middle East has ultimately been a quagmire for the United States military. Every insurgent force we fight is an expert in asymmetrical warfare, draining our economy while giving us no real gains. We have nothing to show in the almost 17 years we have spent engaged in Afghanistan. Our time in Iraq did unseat a dictator, but our exit gave ISIS a playground full of abandoned U.S. equipment.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore evil in the world. Trump was right to act once his red line had been violated. Assad knows to tread carefully now — the second lesson from the United States is sure to be more painful than the first.

As for the best Syria policy? Donald Trump himself hinted at it in 2013.

If they want a war, we’re always ready to give them one. But let’s hope they don’t.


Jared is a husband, dad, and aspiring farmer. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard. If he’s not with his wife and son, then he’s either shooting guns or working on his motorcycle.

Exclusive: Iran moves missiles to Iraq in warning to enemies

PARIS/BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Iran has given ballistic missiles to Shi’ite proxies in Iraq and is developing the capacity to build more there to deter attacks on its interests in the Middle East and to give it the means to hit regional foes, Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources said.

FILE PHOTO: A display featuring missiles and a portrait of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is seen at Baharestan Square in Tehran, Iran September 27, 2017. Nazanin Tabatabaee Yazdi/TIMA via REUTERS

Any sign that Iran is preparing a more aggressive missile policy in Iraq will exacerbate tensions between Tehran and Washington, already heightened by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. It would also embarrass France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the three European signatories to the nuclear deal, as they have been trying to salvage the agreement despite new U.S. sanctions against Tehran.

According to three Iranian officials, two Iraqi intelligence sources and two Western intelligence sources, Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to allies in Iraq over the last few months. Five of the officials said it was helping those groups to start making their own.

“The logic was to have a backup plan if Iran was attacked,” one senior Iranian official told Reuters. “The number of missiles is not high, just a couple of dozen, but it can be increased if necessary.”

Iran has previously said its ballistic missile activities are purely defensive in nature. Iranian officials declined to comment when asked about the latest moves.

The Iraqi government and military both declined to comment.

The Zelzal, Fateh-110 and Zolfaqar missiles in question have ranges of about 200 km to 700 km, putting Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh or the Israeli city of Tel Aviv within striking distance if the weapons were deployed in southern or western Iraq.

The Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has bases in both those areas. Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani is overseeing the program, three of the sources said.

Western countries have already accused Iran of transferring missiles and technology to Syria and other allies of Tehran, such as Houthi rebels in Yemen and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Iran’s Sunni Muslim Gulf neighbors and its arch-enemy Israel have expressed concerns about Tehran’s regional activities, seeing it as a threat to their security. Israeli officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the missile transfers. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that anybody that threatened to wipe Israel out “would put themselves in a similar danger”.


The Western source said the number of missiles was in the 10s and that the transfers were designed to send a warning to the United States and Israel, especially after air raids on Iranian troops in Syria. The United States has a significant military presence in Iraq.

“It seems Iran has been turning Iraq into its forward missile base, the Western source said.

The Iranian sources and one Iraqi intelligence source said a decision was made some 18 months ago to use militias to produce missiles in Iraq, but activity had ramped up in the last few months, including with the arrival of missile launchers.

“We have bases like that in many places and Iraq is one of them. If America attacks us, our friends will attack America’s interests and its allies in the region,” said a senior IRGC commander who served during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

The Western source and the Iraqi source said the factories being used to develop missiles in Iraq were in al-Zafaraniya, east of Baghdad, and Jurf al-Sakhar, north of Kerbala. One Iranian source said there was also a factory in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The areas are controlled by Shi’ite militias, including Kata’ib Hezbollah, one of the closest to Iran. Three sources said Iraqis had been trained in Iran as missile operators. The Iraqi intelligence source said the al-Zafaraniya factory produced warheads and the ceramic of missile moulds under former President Saddam Hussein. It was reactivated by local Shi’ite groups in 2016 with Iranian assistance, the source said. A team of Shi’ite engineers who used to work at the facility under Saddam were brought in, after being screened, to make it operational, the source said. He also said missiles had been tested near Jurf al-Sakhar.

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon declined to comment.

One U.S official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Tehran over the last few months has transferred missiles to groups in Iraq but could not confirm that those missiles had any launch capability from their current positions.

Washington has been pushing its allies to adopt a tough anti-Iran policy since it reimposed sanctions this month.

While the European signatories to the nuclear deal have so far balked at U.S. pressure, they have grown increasingly impatient over Iran’s ballistic missile program. France in particular has bemoaned Iranian “frenzy” in developing and propagating missiles and wants Tehran to open negotiations over its ballistic weapons.

Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Thursday that Iran was arming regional allies with rockets and allowing ballistic proliferation. “Iran needs to avoid the temptation to be the (regional) hegemon,” he said.

In March, the three nations proposed fresh EU sanctions on Iran over its missile activity, although they failed to push them through after opposition from some member states.

“Such a proliferation of Iranian missile capabilities throughout the region is an additional and serious source of concern,” a document from the three European countries said at the time.


A regional intelligence source also said Iran was storing a number of ballistic missiles in areas of Iraq that were under effective Shi’ite control and had the capacity to launch them. The source could not confirm that Iran has a missile production capacity in Iraq.

A second Iraqi intelligence official said Baghdad had been aware of the flow of Iranian missiles to Shi’ite militias to help fight Islamic State militants, but that shipments had continued after the hardline Sunni militant group was defeated.

“It was clear to Iraqi intelligence that such a missile arsenal sent by Iran was not meant to fight Daesh (Islamic State) militants but as a pressure card Iran can use once involved in regional conflict,” the official said.

The Iraqi source said it was difficult for the Iraqi government to stop or persuade the groups to go against Tehran.

“We can’t restrain militias from firing Iranian rockets because simply the firing button is not in our hands, it’s with Iranians who control the push button,” he said.

“Iran will definitely use the missiles it handed over to Iraqi militia it supports to send a strong message to its foes in the region and the United States that it has the ability to use Iraqi territories as a launch pad for its missiles to strike anywhere and anytime it decides, the Iraqi official said.

Iraq’s parliament passed a law in 2016 to bring an assortment of Shi’ite militia groups known collectively as the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) into the state apparatus. The militias report to Iraq’s prime minister, who is a Shi’ite under the country’s unofficial governance system. However, Iran still has a clear hand in coordinating the PMF leadership, which frequently meets and consults with Soleimani.

Additional reporting by Phil Stewart and Jonathan Landay in Washington; editing by David Clarke

Iran moves ballistic missiles to Iraq

Tehran’s move likely to exacerbate tensions with Washington

Published: 16:37 August 31, 2018 Gulf News



Iran has given ballistic missiles to Shiite proxies in Iraq and is developing the capacity to build more there to deter attacks on its interests in the Middle East and to give it the means to hit regional foes, Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources said.

Any sign that Iran is preparing a more aggressive missile policy in Iraq will exacerbate tensions between Tehran and Washington, already heightened by US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

It would also embarrass France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the three European signatories to the nuclear deal, as they have been trying to salvage the agreement despite new US sanctions against Tehran.

According to three Iranian officials, two Iraqi intelligence sources and two Western intelligence sources, Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to allies in Iraq over the last few months. Five of the officials said it was helping those groups to start making their own.

“The logic was to have a backup plan if Iran was attacked,” one senior Iranian official said. “The number of missiles is not high, just a couple of dozen, but it can be increased if necessary.” Iran has previously said its ballistic missile activities are purely defensive in nature. Iranian officials declined to comment when asked about the latest moves.

The Iraqi government and military both declined to comment.

The Zelzal, Fateh-110 and Zolfaqar missiles in question have ranges of about 200 km to 700 km,.

The Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has bases in both those areas.

Quds Force commander Qassem Sulaimani is overseeing the programme, three of the sources said.

Western countries have already accused Iran of transferring missiles and technology to Syria and other allies of Tehran, such as Al Houthis in Yemen and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Gulf neighbours and its arch-enemy Israel have expressed concerns about Tehran’s regional activities, seeing it as a threat to their security.

The Western source said the number of missiles was in the 10s and that the transfers were designed to send a warning to the United States and Israel, especially after air raids on Iranian troops in Syria. The United States has a significant military presence in Iraq.

“It seems Iran has been turning Iraq into its forward missile base,” the Western source said.

The Iranian sources and one Iraqi intelligence source said a decision was made some 18 months ago to use militias to produce missiles in Iraq, but activity had ramped up in the last few months, including with the arrival of missile launchers.

“We have bases like that in many places and Iraq is one of them. If America attacks us, our friends will attack America’s interests and its allies in the region,” said a senior IRGC commander who served during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

The Western source and the Iraqi source said the factories being used to develop missiles in Iraq were in Al Zafaraniya, east of Baghdad, and Jurf Al Sakhar, north of Karbala. One Iranian source said there was also a factory in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The areas are controlled by Shiite militias, including Kata’ib Hezbollah, one of the closest to Iran. Three sources said Iraqis had been trained in Iran as missile operators.

The Iraqi intelligence source said the Al Zafaraniya factory produced warheads and the ceramic of missile moulds under former president Saddam Hussain. It was reactivated by local Shiite groups in 2016 with Iranian assistance, the source said.

A team of Shiite engineers who used to work at the facility under Saddam were brought in, after being screened, to make it operational, the source said. He also said missiles had been tested near Jurf Al Sakhar.

The US Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon declined to comment.

One US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Tehran over the last few months has transferred missiles to groups in Iraq but could not confirm that those missiles had any launch capability from their current positions.

Washington has been pushing its allies to adopt a tough anti-Iran policy since it reimposed sanctions this month.

While the European signatories to the nuclear deal have so far baulked at US pressure, they have grown increasingly impatient over Iran’s ballistic missile programme.

France in particular has bemoaned Iranian “frenzy” in developing and propagating missiles and wants Tehran to open negotiations over its ballistic weapons.

Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Thursday that Iran was arming regional allies with rockets and allowing ballistic proliferation. “Iran needs to avoid the temptation to be the [regional] hegemon,” he said.

In March, the three nations proposed fresh EU sanctions on Iran over its missile activity, although they failed to push them through after opposition from some member states.

“Such a proliferation of Iranian missile capabilities throughout the region is an additional and serious source of concern,” a document from the three European countries said at the time.

A regional intelligence source also said Iran was storing a number of ballistic missiles in areas of Iraq that were under effective Shiite control and had the capacity to launch them.

The source could not confirm that Iran has a missile production capacity in Iraq.

A second Iraqi intelligence official said Baghdad had been aware of the flow of Iranian missiles to Shiite militias to help fight Daesh militants, but that shipments had continued after the group was defeated.

“It was clear to Iraqi intelligence that such a missile arsenal sent by Iran was not meant to fight Daesh militants but as a pressure card Iran can use once involved in regional conflict,” the official said.

The Iraqi source said it was difficult for the Iraqi government to stop or persuade the groups to go against Tehran.

“We can’t restrain militias from firing Iranian rockets because simply the firing button is not in our hands, it’s with Iranians who control the push button,” he said.

“Iran will definitely use the missiles it handed over to Iraqi militia it supports to send a strong message to its foes in the region and the United States that it has the ability to use Iraqi territories as a launch pad for its missiles to strike anywhere and anytime it decides, the Iraqi official said.

Iraq’s parliament passed a law in 2016 to bring an assortment of Shiite militia groups known collectively as the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) into the state apparatus. The militias report to Iraq’s prime minister, who is a Shiite under the country’s unofficial governance system.

However, Iran still has a clear hand in coordinating the PMF leadership, which frequently meets and consults with Sulaimani.

Report: Airstrikes Continue to Rain Down in Syria… Air Defense Deployed

Reported By Chris Agee | April 17, 2018 at 1:09pm

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Syria has reportedly been hit with another air raid in the days since the government’s latest alleged use of chemical weapons against its own citizens. A trilateral airstrike earlier this month was led by U.S., British and French forces with the support of the other 26 NATO member nations. Days later, the Jerusalem Post cited media reports within Syria that another round of air raids were reported Tuesday morning over specific military sites.

Early Tuesday morning, the strikes were reported near the areas of Damascus, Homs and the Al-Sayrat airbase. A specific target reportedly included in the raid was Dumair airport, which is believed to be the site of Syrian and Russian military coordination. Shortly after the latest round of bombing, locals said Syria’s air defense system was engaged, launching rockets with the intent of intercepting incoming missiles.

Some strikes, including one allegedly targeting the Shayrat airbase, have since been disputed by sources online. It was also unclear which military force or forces were responsible for the latest round of bombings.

Officials at the Pentagon denied the U.S. played any role in continued Syrian air raids following Saturday’s campaign.

President Donald Trump thanked partner nations in a tweet declaring a “perfectly executed strike” just hours after it began early Saturday morning.

The Pentagon confirmed U.S. involvement in the strikes on three strategic targets. A statement indicated the mission was a “one-time shot” in direct response to the latest reports of Syrian citizens poisoned by chemical weapons.

Early social media reports, particularly from sources within Syria, suggested the Israeli military staged Tuesday morning’s strikes. Israeli forces were also linked to another Syrian airstrike on April 9, days before the U.S.-led mission and just two days after the latest alleged round of chemical weapons use.

As the U.K. Telegraph reported, recent warnings have surfaced that the earlier attack blamed on Israel, in which seven Iranians were killed at a Syrian air base, could result in retaliation against the Jewish nation. (SEE BELOW) Israel said it targeted the T4 air base as part of its ongoing effort to prevent Iran from gaining a permanent position of influence within Syria’s volatile military.

Military officials in Israel were reportedly on high alert Tuesday as a senior adviser to Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei pledged the deaths “would not stand without a response.”

Israel had specifically identified the threat of an airstrike launched out of Syria by Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces.

One official confirmed that the military was focusing on the that military force as “most likely to be the designated unit that will try to wage an attack against Israel.”

Iran Responds to Israeli Syria Strike, Says ‘Date Has Been Set’ for Their Destruction

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Following reports of an Israeli strike on Iranian targets at Syria’s T4 airbase last Monday, Iran warned of Israel’s future destruction. The Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday that Iranian Army Ground Forces commander Brig.-Gen Kiumars Heidari said Iran’s military is “much more powerful than before” and warned that “the date has been set” for Israel’s destruction, according to official news agency Mehr.

An Israeli Defense Force official confirmed Monday that Israel was behind the attack on the Iranian air base. The strike was reportedly part of Israel’s ongoing effort to prevent Iran from gaining a permanent position of influence within Syria’s military.

“Israeli officials have repeatedly voiced concerns over the growing Iranian entrenchment on its borders and the smuggling of sophisticated weaponry to Hezbollah, from Tehran to Lebanon via Syria, stressing that both are redlines for the Jewish state,” the Post reported.

The strike also followed an attempted attack from Iran on Feb. 10, “when an Iranian drone launched by a Revolutionary Guards Quds Force unit operating out of Syria’s T4 air base, east of Homs in central Syria, was shot down with a missile from an Israeli Apache helicopter that was following it after it penetrated Israeli airspace,” The New York Times reported.

IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis, said the drone’s flight path and Israel’s intelligence analysis indicated that its mission was “an act of sabotage in Israeli territory.”

“It was the first time we saw Iran do something against Israel — not by proxy,” a senior IDF official told the Times, adding that the strike on the T-4 airbase “was the first time we attacked live Iranian targets — both facilities and people.”

According to the Post, Iranian Gen. Heidari “taunted others in the region by saying that — unlike countries such as Saudi Arabia which imports its arms from the West — the armed forces of Iran were produced locally.”

Iranian Defense Minister Brig.- Gen. Amir Hatami had a similar message Sunday, saying that Iran had reached a point of “self sufficiency” in producing, supplying and exporting Iranian-made weapons. Iran’s military budget in 2017 was 15.9 billion, up almost 65 percent from 2014, the Post reported.

Besides Israel’s concern about Iran’s influence on Syria, it is also worried that the country is “trying to build advanced weapons factories in Lebanon in order to manufacture more accurate missiles which are GPS-guided and could hit targets within a 50 meter radius.”

In response to Heidari’s threat, a senior IDF official told Sky News in Arabic that “Israel will react strongly to any Iranian action from inside Syria.”

Israel’s strike on the Iranian targets were largely overshadowed by the United States’ strike on Syria on Friday, but as noted by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, tensions between Israel and Iran could lead to an even more dangerous conflict.

“Syria is going to explode. I know, you have heard that one before, but this time I mean really explode. Because the U.S., British and French attack on Syria to punish its regime for its vile use of chemical weapons — and Russia’s vow to respond — is actually just the second-most dangerous confrontation unfolding in that country,” Friedman wrote. 

“Israel and Iran are now a hair-trigger away from going to the next level — and if that happens, the U.S. and Russia may find it difficult to stay out.”

More Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for Tuesday April 17, 2018

MORE Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for April 10, 2018

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Friday October 6, 2017

News: ‘Muslim Brotherhood Has $100b. International Budget’  Members donate 8% of their salary  Read
Feature: Modern-Day Hero: Free Mobile Legal Advice  If the poor won’t come to me, I’ll go to them  Read and Help
Interview: Radicalization in the Workplace  An upcoming conference addresses this issue for the first time  Read
Opinion: ‘Education Is My Fundamental Right’  The Iranian regime denies basic rights to its Ahwazi minority  Read
Readers Write
Sarsour Claims Trump Travel Restrictions Are ‘Muslim Ban 3.0’

“Go to Iran and protest, oh that’s right, they would kill you!”


Danish PM Warns of No-Go Zones

“They need to STOP WELFARE PAYMENTS to any no go zone. If the taxpayer can not go there, the tax payer does not fund anything in them.”


North Korea Caught Trying To Aid Syria’s Chemical Weapons Program


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North Korea has been caught twice in recent months trying to send Syria the materials needed to make chemical weapons, according to a United Nations report.

“The panel is investigating reported prohibited chemical, ballistic missile and conventional arms cooperation between Syria and the DPRK (North Korea),” the United Nations committee reported.

“Two member states interdicted shipments destined for Syria. Another member state informed the panel that it had reasons to believe that the goods were part of a KOMID contract with Syria,” the report stated, using the acronym for the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation, which has been blacklisted by the Security Council for arms dealing.

The report did not say when the weapons were intercepted. The intercepted shipments were bound for Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, which has overseen Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former head of the British military’s chemical, biological and radiological weapons program, said North Korea has been selling its chemical stockpile.

“Syria’s chemical weapons program was basically built up by Iran and Russia,” he said. “But the North Koreans have been desperate for currency and have been happy to sell technology to anyone. It has always been a real concern that they would sell their chemical and nuclear expertise.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t speak to a wider involvement in the (chemical weapons) sphere, especially by the jihadis,” he said.

An organization called the Nuclear Threat Initiative said North Korea “may possess between 2,500 and 5,000 tons of (chemical warfare) agents.

“The South Korean government assesses that North Korea is able to produce most types of chemical weapons indigenously, although it must import some precursors to produce nerve agents, which it has done in the past,” the site said.

“At maximum capacity, North Korea is estimated to be capable of producing up to 12,000 tons of CW. Nerve agents such as Sarin and VX are thought to be the focus of North Korean production,” it said.

In April, Syria used chemical weapons to attack a rebel-held village, prompting an armed response form the United States.

NATO ‘Ally’ Turkey Is NOT Our Friend … Reveals US Troop Positions

Published by | July 22, 2017

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With friends like these, who needs enemies?

(To be fair, most Turks assume — rightly or wrongly — that Obama’s administration backed the failed coup attempt in Turkey last year, so any ‘friendship’ we have with them is somewhat strained.)

Things have been changing in Turkey in the last year or so since the coup attempt. They’ve become less secular and more Islamist since then.

Our supposed ‘NATO Ally’ isn’t quite the friend we thought they were.

Turkey’s state-owned media outlet has published the locations of U.S. military bases inside Syria, showing a stunningly betrayal to the national security of a supposed ally.

The report contained the locations of 10 American bases and outposts in Kurdish-held northern Syria, which is under the control of the YPG (Kurdish) militia. Turkish security sources confirmed the details of the story, which even included specific troop numbers and details of the capacity of some of the bases, according to Al-Monitor.

The report also revealed the locations of some French forces in the region.

Turkey has for some time been angry with America for its support of the Kurdish YPG forces. The YPG is the militia of the Kurdish regions of Syria and is a partner with the United States in the battle against the Islamic State terrorist group. However, they are also affiliated with the PKK, a Kurdish separatist militia and political party which fights for self-rule in the Kurdish areas of Turkey. Therefore Turkey regards the YPG as a terrorist group and as a national security threat.

The U.S. government is understandably angry about the leaks. — Clarion Project

There are other changes as well…

Turkey has been heading in a more radical direction for some time. Since March they have prevented humanitarian aid from being transported into Kurdish areas across the Turkish border. They accuse humanitarian organizations of secretly supplying the YPG.

Turkey has also made alarming changes domestically. The new school curriculum for the 2017-2018 school year will no longer teach evolution, but teaching the concept of jihad has been added to the curriculum. Clarion Project

Evolution and Jihad? Culture can have whatever origin story they want, and still get along with the world just fine. (See Hindus or native religions for example.) But teaching Jihad? That’s a big deal. 

Add to that, overtures from Russia (who still want a warm-water port) and a possible relationship with Iran, and you’ll see the regional balance of power tipping in a new direction.

What should we make of that? What about the political instability 10,000 immigrants a day are causing in Italy? Ranging in discussions of Austria’s army lining up on Italy’s border, to Czech calls for attacking Libya, the source of the immigrant influx and we have a destabilization of Europe.

There’s a discussion about why partnership with Iran is a big deal here.

Yo, Liberal Dumbasses: Which ‘Collusion’ Story Is The Greatest Threat To Democracy?

Published by | July 20, 2017

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It looks like all of the ‘journalists’ in The Media (D) completely forgot about THESE stories amidst the Don Jr.-Russia Hysteria.

ClashDaily has already pointed out the Hillary-Russia connection that the Media (D) ignores.

And of course, there’s the Hillary camp’s ‘collusion’ with the Ukraine that the Media (D) ignores.

Instead, we’ve all heard about Don Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer and several others during the campaign to get dirt on Hillary.

It’s driving the ratings of the Media (D) these days, but even they know it’s B.S.

As one CNN producer said, ‘It’s business’.

Besides, we’re not actively hostile with Russia, are we? Obama and Hillary did a ‘reset’ and everything.

The Don Jr. story has been thoroughly covered, so we won’t get into all the nitty-gritty. If you need catching up, watch CNN for 5 minutes and you’ll be up to speed. It’s like 90 percent of their coverage.

If you don’t want to subject yourself to CNN for any length of time (which is understandable), here are Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson doing a great job summing up:

Instead, we’ll take the ‘Way Back Machine’ and check out some other ‘collusion’ stories that The Media (D) seem to forget about.

Ted Kenned And The KGB

Moscow. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev meets with US senator Edward Kennedy.

In 1991, a reporter for the London Times, Tim Sebastian, found a memo while he was searching through Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had opened up. He found something that was shocking. A memo from 1983 from the head of the KGB.

Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”
Source: Forbes 

Kennedy had some specific proposals for Andropov. He suggested:

– he would visit Moscow

– he would assist the Soviets in brushing up their propaganda against Reagan

– he would give Soviet leaders arguments against nuclear disarmament so they would be more convincing to Americans

– he would make arrangements for Andropov to be interviewed by the Media (D) to be aired on American TV

– he insisted the interviews look as though they were initiated by the American media, and would ‘rig’ them to look like ‘honest journalism’

Why did he do it? The memo says because of his ‘concern’ for the rising tensions between the US and the USSR. Oh, and he wanted to run for President in 1988.

But that’s a minor factor, amirite?

When President Reagan chose to confront the Soviet Union, calling it the evil empire that it was, Sen. Edward Kennedy chose to offer aid and comfort to General Secretary Andropov. On the Cold War, the greatest issue of his lifetime, Kennedy got it wrong.

Just think of what would have happened if had Kennedy succeeded.

Nancy Pelosi And Bashir al-Assad

I’m old enough to remember when Bashar al-Assad was viewed as a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad man. But not to Nancy Pelosi in 2007.


Pelosi, who was Speaker at the time, decided to go to Syria and chat with Assad herself — because it was time to negotiate. She did so against the wishes of President Bush. Here she is showing her full denture smile as she meets the barbaric murderer that gasses his own people and gives ‘safe passage’ to terrorists Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (R) shakes hands with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in Damascus April 4, 2007. REUTERS/SANA (SYRIA)

“The road to Damascus is a road to peace.” Those were damning words. When Nancy Pelosi embraced Bashar al-Assad in April 2007, she wasn’t simply challenging the commander-in-chief during a war; she was propagandizing for a dictator who was killing Americans

…With the tacit approval of the Syrian regime, between 2005 and 2008, foreign jihadists flooded along the arterial highways that connect eastern Syria and western Iraq. Once in Iraq, they joined up with facilitators from the Islamic State’s precursor, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). The zealots were then assigned to murder American soldiers and Marines. And AQI was responsible for particularly gruesome crimes…

…Granting AQI safe haven and supply routes, Mr. Assad was complicit in their crimes. As speaker (entitled to near-highest level intelligence), Pelosi knew this

President Bush was (for the reasons outlined) firmly against Pelosi’s trip. Second, State Department briefings do not signify endorsement of travel. They simply reflect State’s rightful need to inform U.S. representatives and ensure their safety. Nothing changes the fact that Speaker Pelosi — third in line to the presidency — praised an American enemy while he was helping to murder Americans and attack U.S. interests.
Source: National Review

Pelosi has continued with her bizarre behavior and is shockingly still holding public office despite her strange press conferences and near-constant messing up of the language. Half the time she refers to President Trump as President Bush.

Seriously, folks, there’s got to be somebody in California that can run against her. She’s a mess!

Looks like the Media (D) has amnesia about these incidents of ‘collusion’.

Maybe they need a reminder.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Friday June 23, 2017

Video: Watch Former Special Ops Soldier’s Daring Rescue in Iraq  Amid heavy sniper fire, this hero saves a 5-year-old girl.  Watch
News: Woman Slugged for Wearing Shorts During Ramadan  While riding a bus in Turkey, the woman was attacked by an outraged man.  Read
News: Hero’s Family Threatened  Terrorists are going after the family of a teenager who stopped a terror attack on his school.  Read
Video: Flint Attack: Anything But ‘Isolated’ Attack  Mauro on Fox on how ISIS has latched onto anti-police bigotry.  Watch
Take Action: Take Action on Muslim Brotherhood Bill  There are still members of Congress that need to be pushed to designate the Brotherhood as terrorists.  Act Now
In-Depth: 4 Policy Takeaways for the U.S. From a Month in Kurdish Syria & Iraq   The Kurds represent a turning point in the quest for stability in the Middle East.  In-Depth
News: Saudi Advisers to King Condemn Muslim Brotherhood  Egypt, Yemen and Mauritania join the Saudis in condemning the Brotherhood.  Read
Opinion: What Are British Muslim Politicians Doing About Islamism?  Why have Britain’s Muslim MPs seemingly been loth to act to counter Islamism? Read
Readers Write
Why Did the US Senate Ignore Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani?

“Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani don’t fit into the narrative the Left has created for them.”


Pentagon Warns Russia After Their Threat to Shoot Down U.S. Jets

URL of the original posting site:

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Over the weekend, the situation in Syria between the United States, the Russians and the Syrians took a very serious turn after an American fighter jet shot a Syrian aircraft out of the sky. The United States has defended its actions by stating that the Syrian plane was warned, but continued to bomb the Syrian Defense Force — a Syrian rebel group backed by the United States.

Russia in particular was outraged over this action, and issued a statement on Monday morning stating that they would “track” any United States planes that flew west of the Euphrates River. On Monday afternoon, the United States responded, The Washington Examiner reported.

“We are aware of the Russian statements,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said in a statement. “We do not seek conflict with any party in Syria other than ISIS, but we will not hesitate to defend ourselves or our partners if threatened.”

That’s a pretty strong response, and it was definitely called for. While Russia’s statement did not specifically use the words “shoot down,” it clearly described aircraft flying in some areas as “targets” for destruction.

“From now on, in areas where Russian aviation performs combat missions in the skies of Syria, any airborne objects found west of the Euphrates River, including aircraft and unmanned vehicles belonging to the international coalition, tracked by means of Russian land and air anti-aircraft defense, will be considered air targets,” read the Russian Defense Ministry statement, according to CNN.

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Russia was essentially trying to dictate where America can and cannot fly in the Middle East — and Defense Secretary James Mattis’ Pentagon wasn’t going to let that happen.

CNN noted that Australia decided to take a slightly different approach. Rather than stand up to the Russian thugs, Australia suspended all air operations over Syria as a “precautionary measure.” Way to stand up for your right to fight terrorists, Australia. As soon as the anti-islamic State coalition hits a little snag, Australia bails on it. Sad.

The situation between Russia and the United States in Syria isn’t likely to go away anytime soon. The Russians have drawn their red line in the sand, and we have drawn ours.

President Donald Trump isn’t one to back down from a fight — especially when another country is trying to limit our ability to conduct airstrikes against terror groups in Syria.

The Hill noted that as the Islamic State terror group loses territory in Syria, tensions between Russia and the United States are likely to rise as each will want to grab onto the territory that was once held by the terror group. The United States will support the moderate rebels who have helped us defeat the terrorists, and the Russians and their Syrian counterparts will want to exterminate all the rebels and take over all the territory.

Obviously we would hope that tensions between the United States and Russia don’t boil over into actual violence, but the United States cannot allow Russia to dictate foreign policy in the Middle East (or anywhere else.).

President Barack Obama wasn’t the best at projecting American strength (actually he was the worst), so the Russians probably have the wrong impression about how far they can push us. If push comes to shove, Trump won’t hesitate to strike back against the Russians. While we would all love for there to be peace in this world, we aren’t going to sacrifice our sovereignty just to appease a bunch of former communist thugs.

H/T Hannity

Putin Goes to Brink of WW3 With New “Red Line” Against US

URL of the original posting site:

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In the wake of the United States shooting down a Syrian regime fighter jet, the Kremlin seemed to be teetering on the brink of war, drawing a red line against America.

ABC News reported that the Russian Defense Ministry warned Monday that it would now treat U.S.-led coalition jets flying west of the Euphrates River in Syria as targets after a U.S. Navy fighter jet shot down a Syrian fighter jet that had dropped bombs on Syrian rebel forces Sunday. “(I)t it stopped short of saying it would shoot any down,” Reuters reported.

According to Sputnik News, the ministry warned that Russian missile defense “would intercept any aircraft in the area of operations of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.”

“In areas where Russian aviation is conducting combat missions in the Syrian skies, any flying objects, including jets and unmanned aerial vehicles of the international coalition discovered west of the Euphrates River will be followed by Russian air and ground defenses as air targets,” the ministry announced.

Additionally, Russia claimed the U.S. did not use the de-confliction hotline to warn them before the downing of the jet. In the statement, the ministry said it would no longer participate in the de-confliction hotline.

Reuters reported that U.S. military officials confirmed that a US F/A-18E Super Hornet fighter jet had shot down a Syrian SU-22 aircraft after the Syrian jet reportedly dropped bombs near fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is backed by the U.S. The SDF is an alliance of Kurdish and Arab soldiers fighting Islamic State group terrorists in Raqqa.

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Russia is backing the Syrian government in its civil war against rebel forces, and it criticized the U.S. Navy fighter jet’s action as a violation of Syria’s sovereignty.

This is the first incident between U.S. warplanes and Syria’s air force since the country’s civil war began six years ago.

If Putin decides to follow through on these threats, he may learn the hard way that the Trump administration’s red lines are less flexible than those of former President Barack Obama.

H/T Breitbart

The Clarion Project: 5 Lessons From the Manchester Bombing


5 Lessons From the Manchester Bombing Clarion’s Ryan Mauro takes an in-depth look at the takeaways for the U.S. and the West in this special report. Learn

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Tuesday May 30, 2017

News Analysis

Michigan Doctor Accused of Performing FGM to Claim Freedom of Religion DefenseLawyers will argue the MD is persecuted because of her religion. Learn More


Why Won’t the Washington Post Tell the Truth About FGM?The Post falsely claims FGM is not linked to Islam and is rare in Muslim countries.Learn


EXCLUSIVE: Kurdish General Responds to Building Iranian Proxy ThreatThru its militias in Iraq, Iran hopes its expansionist aspirations will be realized.In-Depth


Burkini Battle in France Kicks off Summer 2017A French-Algerian millionaire businessman and political activist has started the fireworks.Read


Teddy Bears and Hashtags — the Best We can Do About Islamist Terror?We are our own sickness if this is what the West comes up with to fight terror.Read


Manchester Bombing: Who’s to Blame?Salman Abedi was reported to the government, so what happened?Read


Mauro on Fox: Ramadan and TerrorWhy it’s important to broadcast how we are defeating ISIS.Watch

Readers Write
23,000 Potential Jihadis in Britain: MI5

“They tolerated the self segregation and a state within the state as ‘multiculturalism’ and now they are facing the consequences.”

Iran is Now Pro-American? Ask the BBC

“The definition of delusional.”


ISIS Bombed Same Day as Manchester Attack

Reported By John Falkenberg | May 25, 2017 at 4:11pm

URL of the original posting site:

On the same day a suicide bomber committed a horrific attack in Manchester, England, American-led military fighters conducted 27 air strikes against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, the U.K. Daily Express reported.

The suicide bombing in the U.K. killed 22 and injured dozens of others, including young children. Unfortunately, those lives can never be brought back but our military made sure that Islamic State group fighters are paying dearly.

“Coalition military fighters hammered 37 ISIS targets with 18 strikes in Syria — obliterating oil supplies, vehicles and weapons caches,” the U.K. Daily Star reported.

Nine strikes hit 62 ISIS targets in Iraq,” the Daily Star reported, “destroying an array of deadly weapons including rocket systems, vehicle bombs, machine guns and grenade launches.”

Hopefully, these strikes will severely limit the capability of the Islamic state group fighting machine for some time.

Were these strikes ordered directly because of the attacks in Manchester? Unlikely. These were clearly well-planned, well-coordinated attacks. However, it’s a reminder that the fight against Islamic extremism and terror is being waged with a vengeance — finally.

President Donald Trump delivered a message from Bethlehem during his first international trip, calling the Manchester perpetrators “evil losers.”

“I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name,” the president said. “I will call them from now on losers because that is what they are, they are losers.”

Trump seems to acknowledge this is a psychological battle as well as one against flesh and blood. Let’s hope the next four years of Trump’s presidency prove victorious on both fronts against these terrorist savages.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for Friday May 26, 2017


Trump: Call Terrorists Losers Not MonstersDo you agree? Take our poll.Vote


US Plan: Drive a Stake Through Heart of ISISBut US fears homegrown terror.Read more


Erdogan’s AK Party Adopts Brotherhood SymbolThe iconic Brotherhood “Rabia” symbol is now the official sign of Erdogan’s Islamist party.Read


‘Canadian’ ISIS Member on Suicide MissionThe truck bomber speaks in English before launching his attack.Watch


Philippines Boils as ISIS Insurrection Leads to Martial LawPresident Duterte promisesan iron fist against terrorism.Read


Israel Detains Jews For Praying At Judaism’s Holiest Site15 people were detained to avoid provoking Muslim sensibilities.Read

Readers Write
Troops on the Streets as UK Ups Threat Level to Critical

Too tolerant of intolerance out of fear of being called racist, with some leftover feelings of guilt from the colonial era.

Iran is Now Pro-American? Ask the BBC

They’ve obviously had a drastic change of heart in the last few months….


The Clarion Project Newslleter for Wednesday May 24, 2017


Troops on the Streets as UK Ups Threat Level to CriticalThe prime minister deploys 5,000 soldiers to guard key sites.Read


VIDEO: ISIS Threatens US; Boasts New WeaponsSend us your reactions to this video.Watch


Navy SEALS Kill 7 Al-Qaeda Operatives in YemenThe operation was the deepest U.S. special forces have gone into Yemeni territory.Read

News Analysis

White Supremacist Converts to Islam, Kills Nazi FriendsHis neo-nazi friends objected to his conversion.Read


Iran is Now Pro-American? Ask the BBCBBC World News anchor Katty Kay worries Trump’s trip will antagonize Iran.Opinion

Readers Write
Iran is Now Pro-American? Ask the BBC

Oh, that is rich.

White Supremacist Converts to Islam, Kills Nazi Friends

Both ideologies have similar supremacist tendencies if you go too fundamental. There really isn’t that much of a difference between (true) nazis and islamists.


The Clarion Project Newsletter for Friday, May 19, 2017


5 Things Trump Should Say in Saudi Arabia. Trump says he doesn’t care about political correctness. This is what he should tell King Salman. Read


Exclusive: Join a CIA Terror-Classification Meeting. Attend our imaginary gathering of spooks Listen


Erdogan Thugs Attack Turkish Minority Protesters in DC. Peaceful protesters feel the brutal arm of Erdogan. Watch


‘Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS Are Connected.’A former ISIS fighter speaks out. Get Informed


Convert or Die: Iraqi Shiite Leader to Christians. Iraqi Christian families file lawsuit in response. News


Loophole in Law Incentive for Honor Killing. Palestinian women’s rights groups protest. Get Informed


Muslim Brotherhood Lobbies Congress. The lobbying came from an innocent-sounding NJ-based organization called Egyptian Americans for Freedom and Justice. Get Informed

Readers Write
Palestinians Elect Terrorist Mayor of Hebron

“They voted their values!”

How Tough Is ‘Too Tough’ When Fighting Radical Islam?

“How can you be too tough on terrorists? Getting rid of them is the only way to negotiate with them.”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 17, 2017


Watch Shocking Testimonies of ISIS’ Victims. Clarion’s latest film Faithkeepers brings unique footage as a genocide unfurls. Watch


Standing Up to FGM in America. Opinion in the wake of the Michigan scandal. Watch


What We Think Trump Really Said to Erdogan. Clarion’s take on how the conversation went. Read


EXCLUSIVE Interview with Yazidi Leader: West to Blame for Our Genocide. West is funding Muslims and Kurds, but stood by when the Yazidis asked for help. Learn More

News Analysis

What Iran Fears Most. Protests and uprising are brewing in response to Friday’s presidential election sham. Read


Son of Bin Laden – Next-Gen Evil. Hamza bin Laden calls on Islamists to kill Americans and others. Watch

Readers Write
Son of Bin Laden – Next-Gen Evil

“Won’t stop US and UK selling arms to these Saudi Wahabbists nutcases though! Get real people”

Standing Up to FGM in America

“What a horrible procedure to mutilate another human being. Disgusting traditions that need to be stopped!”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 15, 2017


The Rape of Joanna Exclusive clip from our new Film Faithkeepers Watch


How Tough Is ‘Too Tough’ When Fighting Radical Islam? How far do states need to go to defeat totalitarian ideologies? Vote


ISIS, Al-Qaeda to Merge? Rumors abound of talks on a merger between the groups’ leaders. Listen


O Canada: Muslim Accommodation Gone Too Far? Canada seems to be heading in a direction that our native Pakistan is recovering from. What gives? Get Informed


Palestinians Elect Terrorist Mayor of Hebron Tayseer Abu Sneineh attacked a group of Jewish students in 1980 killing 6. Read

Readers Write
O Canada: Muslim Accommodation Gone Too Far?

“Only in Canada would you not only give a convicted terrorist citizenship but rights. You made your bed and they will kill you in it.”

The Rape of Joanna

“The worst thing about this is NOT that they did these vile and vicious things to innocent women and children but that they sincerely and honestly BELIEVE that what they are doing is Right and Appropriate!”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 12, 2017


Flying Is Getting Worse: Thank You Terrorists The United States is set to introduce a ban on laptops on aircraft. Listen

News Analysis

Muslim Brotherhood Insists Hamas Is Still Part of the Movement Join our campaign to ban the Muslim Brotherhood Write Your Elected Official


3 Things You Should Know About Indonesia’s Growing Radicalization Jakarta’s Christian governor was just convicted of blasphemy; non-Muslims are subject to sharia law in Aceh province. Learn More


Iran: Destabilizing the Middle East Through Proxy Allies From Yemen to Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the influence of the mullahs can be felt. Get Informed


How the Muslim Brotherhood Persecutes ChristiansT he Muslim Brotherhood’s supremacist worldview leaves no room for minorities Understand

Readers Write
Former UN Adviser Argues for FGM on ‘Tucker Carlson’ Show

“Shame on the U.N. for having anything to do with this woman.”

Muslim Brotherhood in Desperate Campaign in US

“About time!!! Illegal, terrorist organization in many Muslim countries and should be here, as well! They must go!!!”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 10, 2017


NY Public Schools Promote Course Justifying Suicide BombingsThe course has been offered for a decade. It disappeared from the list after it was exposed.Get Informed


Muslim Brotherhood in AmericaHow much of a threat does the Muslim Brotherhood pose in America?Read


Despite Turkish Threats, Trump Arms Kurds for Showdown Against ISISThe U.S. is arming the most effective force: the Kurds.Read


EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Kurd Leading the Fight Against ISISHe’s Maj.-Gen. Aziz Weysi Bani, commander of the Zerevani Peshmerga.Watch


When an Iraqi Christian Returns HomeJoin Rita as she returns to her church and home in Telskuf.Watch


Where Does France’s New President Stand on Radical Islam?Macron firmly believes that Islam is fully compatible with France’s secular values.Learn More


Delaware State Trooper Shot Dead by ‘Budding Jihadist’  During a standoff with police, the murderer recited verses from the Quran.Read

Readers Write
Former UN Adviser Argues for FGM on ‘Tucker Carlson’ Show

“Where is the outrage from the feminists that march in streets?”
Muslim Brotherhood in Desperate Campaign in US

“Has there ever been a group in the history of mankind with the word “Brotherhood” in the name that isn’t full of extremists and bigots?”

The Clarion Project Newsletter from May 8, 2017


Former UN Adviser Argues for FGM on ‘Tucker Carlson’ ShowShe outrageously defended the barbaric practice as ‘gender equality surgery.’ Watch Video

News Analysis

US Judge Rules Assad Helped Al-Qaeda Kill AmericansFew people on earth have done more to kill and maim American soldiers than Assad and his regime.Get Informed


NJ Convert Stabs Dog, Plans Suicide Bombing in ManhattanHe was tracked down after trying to butcher the family dog for being ‘dirty.’Read

News Analysis

US FGM Investigation WidensMeanwhile, US media dances around the issues.Get Informed

News Analysis

‘Reformist’ Rouhani Fights Hardliners in 2nd Iranian Presidential DebateRouhani also shockingly admitted he has no control of the IRGCLearn More


What Does The Muslim Brotherhood Do?What does one of the world’s most powerful Islamist groups actually do?Write Your Representative

Readers Write
Muslim Brotherhood in Desperate Campaign in US

“I can’t stand Trump but I’m glad he’s doing this. Next up CAIR”

The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 5, 2017

News Analysis

Muslim Brotherhood in Desperate Campaign in USThe group’s greatest fear is being designated as a terror org.Write Your Representative

News Analysis

Al-Qaeda in Yemen Confirms Muslim Brotherhood TiesAnother proof of the Brotherhood’s terrorist linksRead


Middle Eastern Men Say We Want to Control WomenA new study on what men really think of gender equality.Read


Courts Save Girl, 14, Abducted and Converted to IslamHowever, the story isn’t over. In Pakistan, it rarely is.Read Now


Hospital Reportedly Forces Christians to Attend Muslim Morning AssemblyThe hospital reportedly forces paramedic staff to participate in Quran reading or be marked absent.Read


A Dying Breed – The Fate of Iraq’s AnimalsBut the survivors help humans through the cost of war.Read

Readers Write
Meet the Counterterror Canines

“Love this. These dogs have saved countless lives of our soldiers. They are our unsung heroes of war.”
How the Media Glorifies Palestinian Female Terrorists

“They are simply cold blooded murderers”

The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 3, 2017

News: Why Did An FBI Translator Marry an ISIS Rapper? A CNN investigation reveals the shocking affair. Read
News: Cufflink-Jihadist Gets Eight Years for ‘James-Bond-Style’ Device He stored bomb making instructions on a USB-cufflink Read
News Analysis:  Radical Group’s Chicago Conference Attended by 400 Imams and Students Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, a particularly radical Salafist group, cannot be dismissed as fringe. Get Informed
Analysis:  U.S.-Based Jihadi Cult Praises Terror Group The group has training camps across the United States. Learn More
Video:  ISIS’ Latest Horrific Video – As Children Watch Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Watch
News Analysis:  3 Things You Need to Know About Marine Le Pen Le Pen promises to fight a formidable fight against radical Islam in France, but some of her plans are highly controversial. Read
Feature:  Who Killed Saeed Karimian? The CEO of a TV Company critical of the Iranian regime was found dead in Istanbul Investigate
Feature:  Newly-Immigrated Muslim Women Honor Killed in Sweden ‘We came here far from oppression, but some people have difficulty living freely.’ Get Informed
Readers Write

Meet the Counterterror Canines:  “Bless the boots and the paws that step into harms way on our behalf ♡ warriors all”

– A.C.
Boared to Death: ISIS Fighters Trampled in Pig Attack

“GREAT tactic, with high Psyops potential and a built-in GARBAGE DISPOSAL!” – B.H.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for May 1, 2017


Mauro: US, Turkey Now in Proxy War Turkey aids terrorists and enemies of the United States. Watch


Meet the Counterterror Canines Dogs play a key role in the US military’s fight against terrorism. Watch


Terror Attack on Elton John Concert Foiled The 19-year-old terrorist was nabbed through a sting operation. Read


Iran’s Presidential Candidates’ Crimes Against Humanity The two front-runners are both implicated in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. Read how. Get Informed


American Soldier Killed in Iraq Named Lieutenant Weston C. Lee was killed by an IED while on patrol Remember

Readers Write
How the Media Glorifies Palestinian Female Terrorists

“That is the mainstream media. It’s weird how the same people who tell you not to believe everything you read on the internet turn on the news like robots and fall for everything they see.”

– A.M.M.
Boared to Death: ISIS Fighters Trampled in Pig Attack

““Wow, this would be the coolest thing since…..well…. :) ever!””

– W.G.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 26, 2017


Al-Qaeda Chief Warns of Attacks on US ‘1,000 Times 9/11 ‘In retaliation for American ‘aggression’ Watch



Boared to Death: ISIS Fighters Trampled in Pig Attack A herd of wild boar rooted out an ISIS militia force Read



Open Letter to Mike Pence: Stop Saudis From Steamrolling Indonesian Islam Vice-President Mike Pence praised Indonesian Islam, but is turning a blind eye to its eradication. Read



What the Pope Should Know Before He Visits Egypt This Week Christians in Egypt face rising persecution. Read



Faithkeepers – Be Your Brothers’ Keeper Watch exclusive video from Clarion’s new film. Host a Screening


Readers Write

Saudi Arabia Appointed to UN Commission on Women

“Beyond parody.. but then what else to expect from UN? The largest bloc is the Muslim one in the UN, over 50 Islamic states, and Saudi Arabia is their standard-bearer. How can anyone think the medieval kingdom is fit to speak on women’s issues???” -C.C.

Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY

“Well that makes sense … George Orwell would be proud. “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” If you can’t indoctrinate them during their college graduation – you’ve lost them…”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 24, 2017


Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY Linda Sarsour was selected by the university, which is funded by tax-payer money. Read

News Analysis

Iranian Opposition Reveals Alleged Secret Nuke Activity The revelations followed the State Dept.’s determination that Iran was in compliance with the nuclear deal. Get Informed


Commemorating the Armenian Genocide 5 Facts About How and Why the Turks Slaughtered 1.5 Armenians Be Informed


Life Insurance for Terrorists’ Families? A law banning life terrorist insurance payouts passed the Minnesota House without the vote of Minnesota’s first Muslim legislator. Read


Who Will Win the French Election? After Sunday’s first round of voting they’ve whittled the field down to two candidates. Find out now


FGM in US: Second Doctor Charged The doctor was charged along with his wife. Read


Christian Mother’s Last Appeal Asia Bibi, framed for blasphemy in Pakistan, appeals once again to the Supreme Court. Sign Petition

Readers Write
Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY

“Look at the fuss they made about Milo Yiannopoulos , they wouldn’t let a gay guy speak at Berkeley, but this woman can speak at CUNY!!?? God help American kids they will truly be messed up”


Five Americans Who Are Standing Up Against Radical Islam

“wonderful article! I love to learn about the brave people working to promote a sane, intelligent response to problems associated with Islamic religion and associated societies. These folks are today’s heroes.”


The Clarion Projecty Newsletter for April 21, 2017


Five Americans Who Are Standing Up Against Radical Islam These five people are on the frontlines of challenging extremism. Read


Choosing Oppression is NOT Freedom The burqa, hijab and Harriet Tubman Read


Violated! Act Now To Speak Out Against Injustice Four horrific tragedies that deserve your attention. Protest Now

Readers Write

“The vicious circle of abuse repeats itself until eventually it becomes a custom of life in these barbaric countries.”


Why Don’t Police Care About “Allahu Akbar” in Fresno?

“If they are radicalized, then it’s a TERRORIST ATTACK, not just a hate crime”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 19, 2017


Why Don’t Police Care About “Allahu Akbar” in Fresno? Police say the slaying of three people was racial violence not Islamist terrorism. Write


Shocking Cases of FGM in Michigan A doctor was charged with performing the procedure on girls as young as seven. Read


Penis Severed For Allegedly Having a Girlfriend The 14-year old was suspected of having a sexual relationship with a girl Protest Now


Dragged Back to Saudi Arabia Kicking and Screaming A 24-year-old Saudi woman dared to dream of a new and free life. Protest Now


Iran’s Fingers on North Korea’s Nukes Trump should declassify info that links Iran to North Korea’s nuclear program. Watch


France Foils Election-Eve Terror Attack Two men were caught with weapons and an Islamic-State flag. Read

Readers Write
As Turks Vote…

“Turkey becoming an Islamic Caliphate under the rule of Erdogan…say goodbye to their secular democracy.”


Exclusive From the Front: How 10 Villagers Held Off 70 ISIS Jihadis

“I repeat the written words ” but we were fighting for our people….our village…..our homes…It’s a fight I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but we had heart “….” It was time to rebuild ” May this be an inspiration on the European people to renewal their lost spirit.”


The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 14, 2017


Why is the Dept. of Education Promoting Islam to School Kids? The federally-funded program is directed at children in grades 5 through 12. Get Informed


Firsthand Account: My Life as a Saudi Woman Hind, a Saudi woman, gives the readers a glimpse into life as a Saudi woman.Learn

Readers Write
Canada: The Niqab Enters the Nursery

“I for one Canadian male am completely offended. The idea of covering for Islamists is assuming all men are rapists and woman need to hide so as to not provoke them. In Canada we men pride ourselves on our civilized behavior and are in control of our carnal desires.”
Would Syria Be Better With or Without Assad?

“Iraq had a dictator, we killed him, look at that country after that and still today. Libya had a dictator, we killed him, look at that country now. I’m not praising dictators, omg no! But there seems to be a pattern here.”

Syrians Have A New Nickname For Trump

waving flagdisclaimerReported by Photo of Rachel Stoltzfoos Rachel Stoltzfoos | Reporter | 9:50 AM 04/11/2017

Syrians have a new nickname for President Donald Trump following his punishing strike against the Assad regime. People across the Arab world are referring to Trump as “Abu Ivanka al-Amriki,” or “Father of Ivanka, the American,” on social media, reports The Telegraph. The nickname is a term of admiration and respect for the president, following his decisive action in response to the chemical weapons U.S. officials believe President Bashar al-Assad ordered.

“One Syrian tells me the new nom de guerre for President Trump on the ground in Northern Syria is Abu Ivanka al-Amriki,” a CNN international correspondent tweeted.


Syrians in the U.S., too, praised Trump for the punishing strike, expressing relief that the U.S. finally acted against Assad, who has been brutally slaughtering civilians for years in an attempt to suppress the uprising against him. Many have expressed frustration over former President Barack Obama’s policy of avoiding direct action against the regime, despite repeated words of compassion and statements of condemnation for Assad’s brutal actions.end of obama legacy

“When I saw President Trump and the United States taking action for the first time after six years of calling for help, we felt happy and grateful,” Kassen Eid, a Syrian refugee who survived a 2013 chemical weapons attack told Fox News following the strike. He, like many other Syrian refugees, hopes Trump’s policy change will eventually result in a safer Syria that will allow them to return home.

Some restaurant owners in Syria have gone so far as to change the name of their shop in honor of Trump, reports The Telegraph. One Syrian man who opposes Assad told the outlet he wants to name his first son after Trump.

“Maybe you in the West hate Trump, but he has already done far more for us than Obama,” Najim Hassan, a Syrian who lives in a city occupied by rebels against Assad, told The Telegraph. “We love him because he does more than he says, he’s a man of action and at least he gives us something to hope for.”

The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 12, 2017

News | Arrested for a Kiss A young couple in Algeria recently lived through a nightmare. Learn More
Analysis | What Do the Jihadis Really Want? Why do the motives go unexplained? In-Depth
Feature | What A New Exhibit Reveals About Britain’s Relationship With Islam What does an exhibition about a British Imperialist designer reveal about integration and extremism in the British Muslim community? Read
In-Depth | Turkey: Historic Armenian Church Now Used as a Stable The on-going cultural genocide follows the slaughter of millions over the last centuries. In-Depth
Readers Write

Canada: The Niqab Enters the Nursery | “I’ll bet he/she or whatever the hell is under there scares most of the kids.” -A.G.

Disguised as Police, ISIS Goes on Slaughter Rampage | “It does not surprise me but it is gruesome , and to think of whom they killed yo get these uniforms….” -C.R.

US Special Forces Obliterate ISIS Fighters Trying To Assault Base

waving flag

Reported by Photo of Jonah Bennett Jonah Bennett | National Security/Politics Reporter | 5:36 PM 04/10/2017

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U.S. special forces obliterated an entire Islamic State attack team assaulting a base Saturday in southern Syria,, military officials said.

“The enemy got crushed,” a U.S. military official told NBC News.

ISIS fighters launched an assault on the al-Tanf military base in southern Syria, according to the two officials who spoke to NBC News. Approximately 20-30 ISIS fighters, some with suicide vests, were following behind a vehicle that was carrying an improvised explosive device.

American forces are stationed at the base, which is used to train Syrian rebels. Other American troops on a nearby patrol responded after hearing about the attack to provide assistance. U.S. and coalition forces killed the ISIS fighters through direct fire and airstrikes, leaving zero survivors. No Americans were killed in the fight.

The ISIS attack on the base near the Syrian border with Jordan comes days after two American warships in the eastern Mediterranean fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at the al-Shayrat air base in response to a Syrian chemical weapons attack in Idlib.

A U.S. defense official insisted Thursday evening that the strike on the Syrian military base was a “one-off” event.

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Official: Russia Knew in Advance of Syrian Chemical Attack

Posted by NEWSMAX.COM | Monday, 10 Apr 2017 07:45 PM

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Image: Official: Russia Knew in Advance of Syrian Chemical Attack

The United States has concluded Russia knew in advance of Syria’s chemical weapons attack last week, a senior U.S. official said Monday. The official said a drone operated by Russians was flying over a hospital as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment. Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons.

The senior official said the U.S. has no proof of Russian involvement in the actual chemical attack in northern Syria. But the official said the presence of the surveillance drone over the hospital couldn’t have been a coincidence, and that Russia must have known the chemical weapons attack was coming and that victims were seeking treatment.

The official, who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly on intelligence matters and demanded anonymity, didn’t give precise timing for when the drone was in the area, where more than 80 people were killed. The official also didn’t provide details for the military and intelligence information that form the basis of what the Pentagon now believes.

Another U.S. official cautioned that no final American determination has been made that Russia knew ahead of time that chemical weapons would be used. That official wasn’t authorized to speak about internal administration deliberations and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The allegation of Russian foreknowledge is grave, even by the standards of the currently dismal U.S.-Russian relations. Although Russia has steadfastly supported Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, and they’ve coordinated military attacks together, Washington has never previously accused Moscow of complicity in any attack that involved the gassing of innocent civilians, including children. The former Cold War foes even worked together in 2013 to remove and destroy more than 1,300 tons of Syrian chemical weapons and agents.

Until Monday, U.S. officials had said they weren’t sure whether Russia or Syria operated the drone. The official said the U.S. is now convinced Russia controlled the drone. The official said it still isn’t clear who was flying the jet that bombed the hospital, because the Syrians also fly Russian-made aircraft. 

U.S. officials previously have said Russians routinely work with Syrians at the Shayrat air base where the attack is supposed to have originated. U.S. officials say the chemical weapons were stored there and that those elements add to the conclusion that Russia was complicit in the attack.

Last Thursday 59 Tomahawk missiles were fired on the government-controlled base in the United States’ first direct military action against Assad’s forces. The U.S. has been focusing its military action in Syria on defeating the Islamic State group.

On Monday, Col. John J. Thomas, a U.S. military spokesman, said the U.S. has taken extra defensive precautions in Syria in case of possible retaliation against American forces for the cruise missile attack. Thomas told reporters at the Pentagon that the increased emphasis on defensive measures to protect U.S. troops on the ground in Syria led to a slight and temporary decline in offensive U.S. airstrikes against IS in Syria.

There has been no Syrian retaliation so far for the cruise missile attack, which destroyed or rendered inoperable more than 20 Syria air force planes, he said.

Thomas said the U.S. intends to return to full offensive air operations against IS as soon as possible. 

© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The Clarion Project Newsletter for April 10, 2017


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“”Moderate rebels,” also known as Al Qaeda in Syria. They are known for possessing and using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians. I doubt it was Syrian government who conducted these attacks.”

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Leading From the Front

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Unlike Obama, Trump followed through striking Syria when it crossed the red. ISIS, N.Korea and the world take heed.

Trump: Syria’s Assad ‘crossed a lot of lines’ with gas attack


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President Trump is signaling a more aggressive approach toward Syria, saying on Wednesday reports of a deadly gas attack by forces loyal to  Bashar Assad had “crossed a lot of lines” and moved him to rethink his strategy.

At a joint press conference on Wednesday at the White House with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Trump indicated that the Syrian leader had gone too far with an attack this week that killed dozens of his own people and injured scores more, including women and children.

“It crossed a lot of lines for me,” Trump said. “When you kill innocent children, innocent babies, little babies with a chemical gas that is so lethal that people were shocked to hear what gas it was, that crosses many lines beyond the red line. Many, many lines.”

“I will tell you, what happened yesterday is unacceptable to me,” Trump added.


The strike on the rebel-held province of Idlib is being described as the worst chemical weapons attack in years, with human rights groups estimating that 72 people have died, including 20 children. The attack is believed to have been carried out by forces loyal to Assad, although the Syrian military has denied using chemical weapons.

Gruesome video footage has emerged showing Syrian children struggling to breathe from exposure to what is believed to be the nerve agent Sarin. Those images have provoked international outrage and an emergency meeting by the United Nations Security Council.

Trump has in the past warned that the U.S. should not get involved in the Syrian civil war, even while he has hammered former President Obama for backing away from his “red line” over Assad’s use of chemical weapons.  

For example, Trump tweeted in 2013 that it would be “foolish” to intervene in the civil war and would bring nothing to the U.S. “President Obama, do not attack Syria,” Trump tweeted. “There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your ‘powder’ for another (and more important) day!”

But the president on Wednesday struck an emotional tone at the Rose Garden press conference, saying the reports of women and children who had died had a “big impact” on him and caused him to rethink his strategy toward Assad.

“I do change. I am flexible. I am proud of that flexibility,” Trump said. “I will tell you that attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me. Big impact. It was a horrible, horrible thing. I’ve been watching it and seeing it, and it does not get any worse than that. I have that flexibility. And it is very, very possible, and I will tell you it is already happened, that my attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.”

Trump declined to outline what his new approach to Syria might entail.

The developments pose a vexing challenge for the administration, which would prefer to keep its focus on fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, rather than meddling in a foreign civil war.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has called on Assad’s allies in Russia and Iran to intervene and discourage the Syrian leader from using chemical weapons on his own people. Tillerson has given no indication that the U.S. might play a role in Assad’s removal, saying days ago that his “longer term status…will be decided by the Syrian people.”

“We call upon Russia and Iran, yet again, to exercise their influence over the Syrian regime and to guarantee that this sort of horrific attack never happens again,” Tillerson said in a statement. “Russia and Iran also bear great moral responsibility for these deaths.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that Assad’s removal from power is “in the best interest of the Syrian people,” but Tillerson’s remarks “speak to the political realities of the situation.”

Trump on Wednesday also continued to cast blame on his predecessor for the instability, accusing former President Obama of creating the conditions that led to the gas attack by backing away from his “red line” threat against Assad for the use of chemical weapons.

“I think the Obama admission had a great opportunity to solve this crisis a long time ago when he said the red line in the sand,” Trump said. “When he did not cross that line after making the threat, I think that set us back a long ways, not only in Syria but in many other parts of the world because it was a blank threat. I think it was something that was not one of our better days as a country.”

Trump said , however,  that the responsibility for Syria is now his own.

“I now have responsibility, and I will have that responsibility and carry it very proudly,” he said. “I will tell you that. It is now my responsibility.”

–This report was updated at 3:00 p.m.

Trump hits Obama after Syrian gas attack

President Trump on Tuesday said a deadly gas attack in Syria carried out by forces loyal to Syrian leader Bashar Assad is a “consequence” of former President Obama’s approach to the country’s civil war. 

“Today’s chemical attack in Syria against innocent people, including women and children, is reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world,” Trump said in a statement.


The president faulted his predecessor for helping create the conditions for the attack when he backed away from his 2012 “red line” on Assad’s use of chemical weapons. 

“These heinous actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution,” Trump said.

Trump criticized Obama’s approach, even though he personally urged his predecessor not to intervene in the Syrian civil war on numerous occasions.


“President Obama, do not attack Syria,” he tweeted days later. “There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your ‘powder’ for another (and more important) day!”

Trump did not say how the U.S. would respond to the attack, which is considered the worst chemical weapons strike in years in Syria.  The strike, which was carried out in rebel-held area of Idlib Province, killed dozens of people, including children, and injured more. 

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Russia and Iran, both allies of Assad, to discourage him from using chemical weapons on his own people.

“We call upon Russia and Iran, yet again, to exercise their influence over the Syrian regime and to guarantee that this sort of horrific attack never happens again,” Tillerson said in a statement. “Russia and Iran also bear great moral responsibility for these deaths.”

Syrian military forces have denied using chemical weapons in the attack, according to Reuters.

The attack posed a sharp challenge to the Trump administration, which has said it wants to shift its focus away from the civil war and onto the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Tillerson just days ago said that the “longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that the secretary’s comments “speak to the political realities of the situation in Syria” but said that Assad’s exit as leader is “in the best interest of the Syrian people.”

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