Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

Archive for July, 2012

A Look Inside the Minds of the Left

I am perplexed with the mixture of the news today. The Left claiming they didn’t say what we heard them say, but actually what they said is not what they meant. Unfortunately, that has been the standard operating procedure for many years. They say something, get the feedback and then claim they are misquoted, misunderstood (because we are not bright enough to understand them) or taken out of context. Then they over talk anyone who tries to interview them about what they said, refusing to answer any direct questions. Of course, the Left has been interviewing that way all along, except on CNN and MSNBC.

What kind of thinking, and what kind of mindset, makes a group of people like the Left deliberately, with detailed planning, demonize anyone who disagrees with them? What goes on in a mind that would demonize a woman who uses a horse therapeutically treating the MS she is suffering to keep it under control? How dark are the recesses of the thinking are those that never own up to the things they say, especially when they use their distorted lies to hurt and destroy people who oppose them? How can any thinking person associate themselves with a group of people who claim to be the party of tolerance, when they are so intolerant of anyone who does not walk in lockstep with their ideology?

Have you noticed how the Left has surrounded itself with the minority groups of people who they have determined needs their helping hands? Groups like the Homosexual Lobby, Abortion Advocates, Anti-Death Penalty Lobby, the Poor Lobby and the Illegal Alien Lobby. They complain about the lobbyist of the Right, when they have far more lobbyist with self-appointed “Pot Stirring” leaders/antagonist. Each is marched out when they want to use them to beat the Right over the head with phony guilt, and then put them away for another day.

  • The Homosexual Community. Here is a group of people who have made deliberate life choices that are not harmonious with the rest of society. The Left works hard to force all of us to accept their choices, and accept their lifestyle, even to the point of normalizing their lifestyle.
  • The Poor. The Poor are still the Poor. There are just more of them. The Poor have risen generations of Poor thinking children with the mindset that they are OWED the dole they collect. They hate anyone who has earned their wealth, and have been brained washed that those that have,owe what they have to give to the have-nots.
  • Illegal Aliens. Five to six generations of people from all over the world have come here illegally under the encouragement of the Left. However, the only real reason they seem to care is that these illegals tend to vote illegally Democrat. Now the Left wants us to give them even more than what they have already taken illegally. What part of “illegal” does the Left not understand?

All I’m left with is more questions. They are a people who abuse and misuse the truth, calculates attacks on people designed to demonize them instead of just disagreeing with them. They deliberately, with great calculated planning, lie about anything, disavow anything they said, when it is determined not elevate them. They refuse to answer any question directly by an interviewer and will over-talk everyone to make sure their “talking-points” are broadcasted. This is an unscrupulous people with no conscious, no regrets, no honor and no regard for any other way of thought.

Does that sound familiar? How about the U.S.S.R., and any other like thinking governments?

You Said WHAT?

“I know you think you understand what you think I said, but what I said is not what I meant.”

That sounds like the explanation President Obama has given about his, “You didn’t build that” statement.  Of course, those of us who actually do think for ourselves know he meant it when he said it, and still does. He was hit with enough negative feedback, even from his own party that he has tried to “walk-back” his “Speaking-Without-Teleprompters” speech. Interesting what you hear when politicians go off script.

Only those dependent on the Democratic Party for their subsistence will support such ridiculous attempts at trying to hide his real commitments to Socialistic-Collectivism ideology and rule. All other Americans can see his duplicity.

Have you also noticed how his own party is backing away from him? Senator Diane Feinstein said she knows that the leaks about national security came from the White House. She never said whom, but evidently got spanked, based on her “walk-back” today. You get the feeling that President Obama’s reelection team is getting very nervous. I hope that they are seeing that most Americans are not buying their lies anymore.

One example of the Left running away from him is his attacks on Romney about Bain Capital. A growing number of Congress People and Senators are asking them to back off from the attack on capitalism and self-made wealth. Perhaps they have heard from their past contributors who are refusing to give to their reelection campaigns.

If I could make any suggestions to the Romney Campaign it would be to stop attacking President Obama, treat him like he does not exist. Instead focus on ANSWER, ANSWER, ANSWER, SOLUTION, SOLUTION, SOLUTION. Wouldn’t that be refreshing?

Please Join Me in Prayer

In Times of Trouble and Darkness, Jesus is Always There. He Watches Over His People and Never Leaves Us or Forsakes Us.

“Heavenly Father, in the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray for the victims of this morning’s tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. I pray that you flood the family and friends of those that were killed with Your abundant comfort, love and grace. I pray you move on your people in that area to surround them with overflowing volumes of love, compassion and any form of assistance they need.’

“In Jesus Name I pray for the Fire Department and the Bomb experts. Please give them your perspective on how to safely deactivate the apartment of the shooter. Please Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name; please put a hedge of protection around them that no one gets hurt in any way.’

“In Jesus Name I pray that You pour out Your grace on the investigators, making sure they honor the shooters rights, and collect the necessary, honest, evidence to bring this shooter to justice.”

“In Jesus Name I pray for those that are wounded. Jesus, You are still our healer. I pray that You work through the doctors and nurses to bring about Your great grace of healing and restoration.’

“In Jesus Name I pray for the others that were there at the movie. Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name I pray your great grace be upon them in their soul and spirit to deal with all they experienced today. Surround them with Your people to love and help them in their recovery.’

“In Jesus Name I lift up our nation. May You use this sobering event to bring us all the sobriety of mind necessary to realize, again, those things that are the most important; Family, friends and our relationship with You. Our nation is in desperate need of healing. Please heal our divided nation created by those that only want confrontation, and open the eyes of all Americans as to the manipulation of those that will do anything, say anything, even deliberately lie, in order to be in power. Please Father, in Jesus Name, defeat them, unmask them and drive them from America’s citizens.’

“I praise You and give you the glory due You. Thank You for all the grace You have poured out on our lives. Thank You for hearing our prayers and thank You for Your abundant grace you are giving to Aurora Colorado right now.”



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All the commentaries, all the pundit debates and all the “talking-Heads” spin has finally been unmasked to reveal the Left for what they are; Extreme Leftist Collectivist Socialist.

What we have said for a long time now has been exposed when President Obama went “off monitor”. Using his best “Black-Gospel-Preacher” style, while being stirred on by his audience of screaming followers, he didn’t stick to the script, spoke from the heart, and said;

  • Not anyone who started and developed a business did so without the aid of the government in one form or another.
    • In reality, no politicians would have the position they have without the people they are supposed to serve elect them to office. “How about giving back to the ones that put you there?”That aid came in the form of streets, highways, rail and other transportation/shipping avenues.
  • The business you invested time (many times sleepless nights and 40 plus hours a week), effort and your own money to build could not have happened without the government.
  • Because the government and the collective population of taxpayers provided all this so you could build your business, you need to give the collective more of your earnings and profits.
    • So does God. He created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. Yet they are trying their best to exclude Him from society, drive Him out of all national discussions and revoke His will established in the creation of The United States of America.
  • In summary, “We the Leftist government, ruling over the collective, will take from you whatever we believe fair to give more ‘gimmies’ to the people who won’t work. As a result, we will have a permanent voting block greater than those who are working because we will have over 50% of the collective dependent on the government. Therefore, we will always stay in power and all other political parties can cease to exist.”

That is NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they prayerfully created our government and wrote the Constitution;

  • They did not want the government to rule the people, but to be an extension of the citizens wills and desires.
  • They designed a government that SERVED the citizens and not the people serving government.
  • They designed the government to have as little effect on the citizens’ lives as possible.
  • They designed a government to provide the protection necessary against attack from foreign enemies.
  • They designed a government to serve the people by aiding them in their lives and commerce by building roads and transportation systems.
  • They designed a nation of laws to punish violence against society, the corrupt and swindlers. This served the citizens by setting up a structure that was comfortable for the pursuit of life, liberty and property.
  • They designed a Representative Republic (NOT a democracy) so the citizens could send to Washington, and their states, those who  would work on their behalf according to the will of those citizens.
  • They restricted the powers of the three parts of the government so that no one could make changes in our government and nation without the citizen’s approval.
  • They created a government the people would own, operate by representatives, and submit to the laws established, and the forces approved, to adjudicate those laws.
  • They designed a government that would NOT take from the people their liberty, freedom and property.

According to the perspective of the “Obama Gang”, the original intent and design of the government does not matter. They want to recreate the United States of America in their Collective Socialist mindsets and the hell with freedom they do not approve. Listening to them as they try to explain their positions tells you how stupid and incapable THEY THINK the citizens of the United States of America are. They are convinced they are smarter that everyone outside of their Collective and therefore, can do what they want, lie to you about their actions, and force you to obey.

Their demonic hunger for power has corrupted every aspect of the Left. If they continue to win every election, they will have the insurmountable control of all aspects of government and the supporting organizations as well. They will have taken over the nation without firing a shot, redesign the government that has nothing to do with the original Constitution, and we will have a Socialist pretend democracy like Western Europe.

Everyone I listen to agrees that this election is the most important of our nation’s history. We must continue to unmask the Left and let everyone see how horrible The Left  really is. I do not know that it will take another revolution. I do wonder how many patriots we do have that are willing to give their lives to regain the freedom our Founding Fathers fought to give us, in the event we do need to fight another revolution?

“What Did You Say President Obama?”

Have you noticed the arrogance meter has reached it’s critical mass and the Left is actually speaking so truth as “arrogance pot” overflows. Yesterday, President Obama said, complete with video coverage, what he considered a failing in his first term of office. The economy, unemployment and record spending were not at the top of the list. His confession was that he was not a better story-teller to the American people. “STORY-TELLER?” Along with his conviction that he is the Messiah, King and smartest man on the planet, he now thinks he can talk away the many failings of His Presidency by telling better stories.

His “Talking-Points Choir” has been out today claiming he was referring the President not explaining his programs better and how he believes they will benefit the American people. This is a running theme of the Left saying that we are not smart enough to understand the proposals and just have to wait until we see how it benefits us after it is in law, and affecting our lives.

Either they are convinced that we are the most ignorant people in the world, or as I said, the “arrogance-pot” has overflowed.

In 2008, Candidate Obama exclaimed that when your opponent has no plan or answers of their own, they resort to making you seem to be someone to run away from, instead of explaining why you should run to them. Now they are accusing Mitt Romney of being a felon with Bain Capital, cheating and doing something criminal because of off shore bank accounts (notice the man who advertised the advantages of off shore banking to his customers while he was the head of a major bank, is now advising the President). Once again the Left has pulled out it’s well used play book of making accusations without ever being able to prove the accusations. (See Ann Coulter’s latest column on “Fast and Furious is not a D.C. law firm” )

Once again, I will say that we have to use whatever means available to us to make the Left prove their “claims, accusations or surveys quoted”. Until their feet are held to the fire, they will continue to go along deliberately lying to the American people, and in almost half of the nation, get away with their felonious conduct.

Say It Long Enough

I am among a growing number of people who are getting real tired of the Left spewing lies as the quote their daily required talking-points. No matter what the question, the Lefty Puppet will say what they are programmed. Of course the answer has nothing to do with the subject at hand, the question being asked or any form of sense. The Talking Points have to be repeated ad nauseam, no matter what.

Case in point: SCOTUS (Chief Justice Roberts) pulls the mask off the monster and identifies Obama-Care as a tax. That day, the Left ran around all the talk shows celebrating that SCOTUS found the Affordable Health Care Act constitutional, when in fact SCOTUS did not. However, the next day, and up to this point, they determined that all the American people, not just their mind numbed robots, forgot at the tax celebration, and now insist it is a penalty for not buying health insurance. No matter who is asking any questions about the ruling, the answers are the same canned pomposity. When challenged, they over talk the interviewer and continue their diatribe.

Next point: The new focus for the Left is Mitt Romney’s finances. The running theme is, “He is an evil rich guy who does not understand you, care for you and will take everything you have and give it to his buddies.” Of course they side step any discussion of Senator Kerry, Kennedy and other super rich Democrats such as George Soros. You also notice there is never mentioning how the Democrats never want to talk about how they vote themselves exclusions to any tax law they pass? Yes, the Republicans are just as guilty of the exclusions.

The hypocrisy is rampant in Washington. Right or left. We need to get back to the real issues; the economy, jobs, close our borders and repeal Obama-care. Mitt Romney needs to get busy focusing in on how he proposes to fix things, dictate the national conversation around that, and forget all this mud-slinging.


I received several emails recently that gave me the idea for the following political ads.


And here as some political tee shirts you might like;


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