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Posts tagged ‘President Donald Trump’

Yes, Democrats Want Aliens to Vote in U.S. Elections. Take Jamie Raskin’s Word for It

BY: M.D. KITTLE | MAY 24, 2024


Jamie raskin speaking

Author M.D. Kittle profile



As the House voted Thursday to bar foreign nationals from voting in local Washington, D.C. elections, Democrats and their public-relations team in the corporate media have rolled out the big guns in attacking such election integrity efforts. They’re painting the legislation that ensures noncitizens cannot vote in elections as the next so-called “Big Lie,” sticking to their well-worn narrative that noncitizens already are prohibited from voting in U.S. elections and that such violations “don’t exist.” 

But one of the fiercest opponents of the election integrity legislation has said the quiet part out loud, as Democrats are wont to do. 

‘Alien Suffrage’

As Fox News reported, U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., wrote a full-throated defense of “Alien Suffrage” in a 1993 paper for the American University Washington College of Law, where he serves as Professor of Law Emeritus. Raskin is ranking member of the House’s Oversight Committee, which, among other things, has constitutional oversight of the District of Columbia. 

“In this Article, I will argue that the current blanket exclusion of noncitizens from the ballot is neither constitutionally required nor historically normal,” Raskin wrote. “Moreover, the disenfranchisement of aliens at the local level is vulnerable to deep theoretical objections since resident aliens — who are governed, taxed, and often drafted just like citizens — have a strong democratic claim to being considered members, indeed citizens, of their local communities.”

Not surprisingly, Raskin was among 143 Democrats voting against the Republican-led bill blocking illegal immigrants and other foreign nationals from voting in elections in the district, over which Congress has ultimate authority. Interestingly, 52 Democrats joined Republicans in passing the measure — because the vast majority of Americans believe only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in local and U.S. elections. Taking the opposing view is not a smart reelection strategy for politically vulnerable liberals. 

Several cities in Raskin’s home state have allowed foreign nationals to vote in local elections for years. Takoma Park, Maryland in November celebrated its 30th anniversary “of the first non-US. Residents” voting in the Washington, D.C. suburb. 

“Even if it’s only a handful voting in elections—and it’s more than that—it’s a huge step forward for democracy,” said Seth Grimes, a leftist community organizer, in an official city press release. “Non-citizens have a stake in civic affairs, and everyone should have a voice in who governs them.” 

Polling shows an overwhelming number of Americans don’t share Grimes’ point of view, or the one expressed in Raskin’s law school report. A national poll conducted last year for Americans for Citizen Voting by RMG Research, Inc., found 75 percent of respondents were opposed to allowing foreign nationals to vote in their local elections. 

In his 1993 paper, Raskin argued that the “emergence of a global market and the corresponding dilution of national boundaries, would invite us to treat local governments as ‘polities of presence’ in which all community inhabitants, not just those who are citizens of the superordinate nation-state, form the electorate.” 

“Alien suffrage would thus become part of a basic human right to democracy,” the now-congressman wrote.

Does Raskin still feel that way? His office did not return The Federalist’s request for comment. 

Media: Alien Voting Doesn’t Happen and It’s Fine When It Does

After Thursday’s vote, it’s not a leap to suspect many of Raskin’s fellow Democrats support foreign nationals voting in local elections. If they were against it, they would have voted for the D.C. election integrity measure. 

Corporate media, of course, have been running interference for Democrats in the weeks since former President Donald Trump, the GOP’s presumed presidential nominee, and Speaker Mike Johnson announced the rollout of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act. The SAVE Act is aimed at shoring up glaring holes in the 30-year-old National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) passed during a simpler time, when politicians believed in borders. The bill would amend the 1993 “Motor Voter” law to require individuals to provide proof of citizenship before they are automatically registered to vote at state departments of motor vehicles and other agencies. It also requires states to remove foreign nationals from their voting rolls, something too many state election officials have been loath to do. The NVRA does not require direct proof of citizenship for voter registration. 

Republicans say the legislation is crucial in the wake of the millions of illegal immigrants that have poured through the U.S. southwest border since Joe Biden took the presidential oath of office in January 2021. 

“There is currently an unprecedented and a clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system, and that is the threat of noncitizens and illegal aliens voting in our elections,” Johnson said at a Capitol press conference earlier this month announcing the bill.

But the accomplice media, while conceding foreign nationals have been caught voting in federal elections, assert the act is extremely rare. Besides, the left’s messengers contend, what illegal alien in his right mind would risk committing a felony just to vote in a federal election? The New York Times accused Republicans of “Sowing [a] False Narrative.” The Associated Press asserts “Noncitizen voting isn’t an issue in federal elections,” while it acknowledges that it does happen. 

“To be clear, there have been cases of noncitizens casting ballots, but they are extremely rare. Those who have looked into these cases say they often involve legal immigrants who mistakenly believe they have the right to vote,” AP admits

So much for the idea that any illegal vote dilutes the validity of an election. Again, the corporate media like to put qualifiers on fraud, forced by the facts to acknowledge its existence but insisting it isn’t “widespread.” 

“They’ve used ‘widespread’ for years as a way of downplaying any concern about it,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission and Senior Legal Fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. “We don’t have ‘widespread’ bank robberies but we have enough of them that we take very detailed security precautions to prevent them. Election fraud is exactly the same.”

Where Democrats Stand

Raskin isn’t the only Democrat who has defended foreign nationals voting in elections. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a Brooklyn Democrat, has been very vocal in his support for aliens voting in New York local elections. His New York congressional colleague, leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has suggested the Republican-controlled House’s bill to bar foreign nationals from voting in D.C. is reminiscent of the days of slavery. 

“They’re singling out the residents of the District of Columbia and expanding in the history of disenfranchisement that goes all the way back to the legacy of slavery,” she said last year. 

James Comer, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, said the bill aims to rectify the D.C. City Council’s decision to “recklessly allowed non-citizens to participate in elections in our nation’s capital.”

“This move by the Council was irresponsible and subverts the voices of American citizens,” Comer said in a statement. “Today, Congress took action and I applaud the passage of legislation that will now prohibit non-citizens from voting in District of Columbia elections.”

The House bill pertaining to D.C. elections and the SAVE Act aren’t going anywhere this year with a Democrat-controlled Senate and a president who appears to be running a Democrat Party future recruitment drive. But Americans, many of whom don’t support illegal aliens and other foreign nationals voting in U.S. elections, know where the party stands heading into the November election. 

“Rep. Raskin is okay with the ‘dilution of national boundaries.’ I am not. And neither are the majority of United States citizens,” said Jack Tomczak, national field director for Americans for Citizen Voting, which is leading a growing national effort to amend state constitutions to include citizen-only voting language. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

Disillusioned Black Voters Come Home To The GOP



Trump with black leaders

Author Kendall Qualls profile



Democrats are finally facing their day of reckoning with black voters, and their waning support for President Joe Biden is only half the story. A recent New York Times/Sienna poll reveals that Biden barely leads among nonwhite voters under 45 in a 2024 election matchup against former President Donald Trump. The same nonwhite voters reported backing Biden by almost 40 points in the 2020 election. 

The hidden story is that Trump is capturing more than 22 percent support among black voters. The NYT article said a Republican winning over so many black voters “would be unprecedented in the post-Civil Rights Act era.” 

Why Are Blacks Finally Breaking Ranks?

Black Americans are beginning to understand that the years of promises of better days have resulted in decades of broken promises. A recent Wall Street Journal article tells the story of Michelle Smith, who lives in North Philadelphia. She works two jobs as a black single mother with three teenage boys. She describes her disappointment in Biden, whom she supported strongly in 2020. Despite efforts by the Democrats to spend more money on advertising, voter canvassing, and educating voters in black communities, Smith said the Democrats might not be able to convince her to vote. “I think I’m not going to vote, period,” she said.

Smith is not alone. There is a growing recognition that Democrats have duped black Americans. And as they increasingly realize it, Democrats will be left saying, “Katy, bar the door,” because their party will begin to implode. 

Ironically, the modern-day Democrat Party has essentially achieved the same objectives as the Civil War-era Democrat Party. It has unfortunately taken 60 years for black Americans to realize what has happened to them and their culture. It’s hard to keep blaming Republicans when Democrats run major cities, school systems, and police departments. In many cases, black Democrats run these institutions. 

Black Decline After Civil Rights

The status of black Americans today in Democrat-controlled cities and states is essentially the worst it has been since before the Civil Rights era. For example, during slavery, Democrats restricted access to opportunities that allowed slaves to obtain an education. Today, in nearly every major city controlled by Democrats, literacy rates are abysmal. Local and national Democrat Party leaders have severely restricted access to private or charter schools.

Proponents of apartheid used segregation as a cruel psychological tool. Democrats, however, are bringing segregation back in style. In Democrat Party strongholds, such as American universities, the country is witnessing the practice of segregated dorms and graduation ceremonies. 

One of the most devastating changes that the Democrat Party facilitated involves the destruction of the nuclear family in black communities. During the era of slavery, masters would break up families after wives bore children. After the Civil War and for 100 years afterward, most black children grew up in traditional two-parent families. 

It wasn’t until Democrats introduced and heavily marketed social welfare programs to black Americans in the 1960s that two-parent families began to erode drastically. Those programs ushered in a cultural transformation. Over 50 years, black families fell from having two parents in 80 percent of homes. Today, approximately 80 percent of black children grow up in fatherless homes.

Democrats Harm Black Americans

For the Democrats, family disruption and government dependency were the objectives from the beginning. If that wasn’t their intention, then why hasn’t there been one national initiative to reverse the trend?

In 1957, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, D-Texas, then the pro-segregationist Senate majority leader, knew blacks would eventually get the right to vote. When speaking to then-Sen. Richard Russell Jr., D-Ga., regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957, Johnson said, “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

Democrat Party leaders and their left-wing friends in academia and the media convinced blacks (and the general public) that Republicans were the racists. They were, according to the effective narrative, indifferent to poor people. They wanted to keep blacks as second-class citizens. Ironically, Republicans voted to support the Civil Rights Act in greater numbers than Democrats.

Their goal was to have black Americans switch their votes from Republicans to Democrats.

Black Americans Coming Home to the GOP

As we look forward to the 2024 election season, the NYT/Sienna poll is not the only one raising the alarm. A recent Fox News poll revealed that 26 percent of black Americans support Trump for president in 2024 over Biden. In the past 12 months, black elected officials switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party in southern states such as Georgia and Texas. For the first time in 140 years, Alabama voters elected a black man to the state House of Representatives as a Republican. 

In statewide elections, voters in Virginia and North Carolina elected black Americans to the No. 2 leadership position as lieutenant governors. Although Daniel Cameron did not win his bid for Kentucky governor, we should expect to see more black Republicans running for statewide and federal offices. 

Even the legacy media won’t be able to spin and hide this major political shift.

Kendall Qualls is an Executive Faculty-in-Residence at the Crown College School of Business and Founder/President of the non-profit foundation TakeCharge. Qualls was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of Minnesota in the 2022 election cycle.

With Automatic Voter Registration, Say Hello To Permanent Democrat Power



Voter Registration Application

Author Hayden Ludwig profile



Automatic voter registration (AVR) may sound obscure, but it’s a fast track to permanent Democrat power — so, naturally, activists are working around the clock to pass it in the states and Congress.

Modern elections are usually won by the party that turns out the bigger base. Left-wing strategists believe their victory hinges on astronomically high Democratic turnout. Whether that’s true or not matters less than their perception that it worked to oust President Donald Trump in 2020 and saved the left from catastrophe in the 2022 midterms, even when Republicans won the popular vote nationwide by a bigger percentage margin than Hillary Clinton won in 2016. 

That’s what AVR is all about: bloating voter rolls to juice Democrat votes. It works because the left has spent close to a decade-and-a-half and untold billions of dollars building a get-out-the-vote machine that abuses IRS charity laws to win elections

Under normal rules, eligible Americans must register to vote on their own initiative, usually at their county registrar or online through the state motor vehicle department. It’s a simple, fair thing to ask people to show an interest in voting and then verify their identity before they cast a ballot; that’s how our country has run elections for nearly 250 years. 

AVR transforms that opt-in system into an opt-out mess by adding virtually everyone with a heartbeat to state voter rolls, instantly and dramatically expanding the pool of registered voters for the left to cynically tap into. Don’t want to be added to a publicly accessible list? Too bad — it’s on you to take the initiative to unregister, Democrats say.

How many voters are we talking about? 158 million ballots were cast in 2020. Yet Demos, the think tank of the far left and an AVR champion, estimates there are as many as 77 million eligible-but-unregistered individuals nationwide — folks who could lawfully vote but may not until they’re registered to vote in their respective states.  Not every one of them would support Democrats if registered, of course, but even winning a fraction would be enough to ensure Democratic presidential wins for a generation or longer.  That’s why AVR is supported by the Brennan Center, the origin of the left’s most odious election “reforms,” and the Center for American Progress, which boasted in 2018 that AVR could add 22 million newly registered voters nationwide in just its first year. Note that Minnesota’s recent election law includes AVR alongside “non-English voting materials” and the pre-registration of 16-year-olds to vote.  To hear leftists crow, you’d think the United States never ran a free election in centuries without AVR laws. The LGBT Movement Advancement Project, which dinks red states for their voter ID laws, considers AVR essential to the health of a state’s “democracy.”  

AVR is needed “to save democracy,” according to the Daily Beast. Without it, America isn’t a “real democracy,” lies the extremist Center for Popular Democracy. FairVote, which also wants to replace the Electoral College with a national popular vote for president, considers AVR “good for American democracy.” Ditto Common CauseGQand Project Vote

Conservatives have been too shortsighted to pay attention, but leftists have been tapping this goldmine for years. Of the 23 states with AVR laws, only three are consistently run by Republicans: Georgia, West Virginia, and Alaska. Michigan enacted AVR in 2018 after a lobbying campaign by the ACLU, Sierra Club, United Auto Workers, and socialist group Our Revolution. In my home state of Virginia, where legislators are capped on the number of bills they may introduce in a single session, Democrats made introducing AVR a top priority when they held total power in 2020. It passed on a partisan split. 

Incoming congressional Democrats, fresh from retaking the House of Representatives in 2018, demanded Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D–Calif., “expand automatic voter registration across the country” as part of their “upcoming democracy bill.”  They got their wish with the 2019 “Voting Rights Advancement Act,” then again with the 2021 “For the People Act” and “Automatic Voter Registration Act,” and most recently with the 2023 “Freedom to Vote Act.” 

Recall that running elections and maintaining voter rolls are the duty of the states, not Uncle Sam, yet Democrats would force all 50 states to severely bloat their voter files. America’s voter rolls are already in bad shape, despite (mostly red) states’ best efforts to clean them up.  

Georgia recently announced it removed 432,000 inactive voters from its rolls since 2021. Virginia removed 114,000 inactive voters in 2021; Oklahoma another 90,000 in 2019; Kentucky dropped 127,000 in 2023; Arkansas may remove 300,000 inactive voters this year; Pennsylvania dropped 180,000 in 2023; and Rhode Island removed another 60,000 inactive voters earlier this year. Texas and Mississippi are weighing bills that would allow them to more aggressively cull inactive voters from their rolls. 

States are required by law to keep accurate voter files, to the left’s chagrin. Ohio, which culled 116,000 inactive voters from its rolls in 2021, knows best how much leftists loathe what they call “voter purges.” In 2017, then-attorney general Eric Holder tried to block Ohio from removing inactive voters as one of the last acts of the Obama administration — only to lose the next year in a landmark Supreme Court ruling

The truth is obvious: Democrats don’t want accurate voter rolls; they want swollen voter rolls. Left-wing NPR admits as much. This is bad election policy, and it isn’t cheap. Nevada’s AVR policy cost taxpayers $4.8 million to implement, plus more to maintain it. 

It’s no surprise that the left’s big-money donors are in on the action. We’ve traced hundreds of thousands of dollars since 2017 to implementing AVR in the states from the Tides Foundation, Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, the Joyce Foundation (whose board once included then-Sen. Barack Obama), and the Carnegie Corporation. One six-figure Carnegie grant to the University of Southern California is even tagged for studying “the state-level impact of automatic voter registration … [on] the national Latino electorate.”  

For Republicans, fighting AVR is a no-brainer. To the detriment of election integrity, Congress and the states have already made registering to vote and casting a ballot extremely easy. What we need are cleaner voter rolls and more secure elections, not a public subsidy for the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote machine.

Hayden Ludwig is director of research for Restoration of America.

If China’s Yuan Usurps The Dollar, The World Economy Will Be At Communists’ Whims



Chinese 100 yuan bills
If the Chinese yuan were to become the global reserve currency, it would, in essence, give the CCP the ability to cripple entire nations.

Author Mackenzie Bettle profile



In July 1944, 44 delegates from Allied countries came together during World War II in Bretton Wood, New Hampshire. The goal? Devise an international currency system to manage foreign exchange that would disadvantage no country and effectively facilitate post-war rebuilding and commerce. The outcome: The U.S. greenback would be the world’s reserve currency.

It has been almost 80 years since, and all nations have been better off with a United States dollar-dominated world. World gross domestic product (GDP) in 1940 was $7.81 trillion. For 2023, the world GDP is expected to be $112.6 trillion. That is an increase of 1,441 percent. Billions of people have been lifted out of poverty because of this.

China is working overtime to disrupt the dollar-dominated world economy. The significance of the dollar losing its premier position cannot be overstated. The Biden administration should not overlook this.

Most Americans may be unaware of crucial transactions occurring around the globe recently. And who could blame them? All the corporate media’s main headlines have been over the now-public indictment of former President Donald Trump, over factually weak allegations involving hush-money payments to a porn star.

The indictment of a former president is a crossing-of-the-Rubicon moment in American history. But displacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, as China and Russia have both made known is their objective, has analogous ramifications for the world. But while the world watches Trump’s indictment, they are missing China’s transactions with some of our major allies and trading partners in the yuan. Notably, China is doing this with nations that need better stewards.

Bloomberg News reported in February 2023 that the Inevitable Rise of the Petroyuan (yuan used to settle Middle East oil transactions) was a “myth.” One month later, Saudi Arabia and OPEC are now considering just that.

In our republic, the founders “separated the purse from the sword.” With the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Congress further separated the purse from our elected representatives by giving the Federal Reserve power over the nation’s money supply.

China has no such separation of powers. President Xi Jinping wields both the sword and purse. What that means if the yuan were to become the global reserve currency is giving the Chinese Communist Party effective control over the money supply for the entire world. The United States would still have the dollar, but it would require exchanging for the yuan to transact with other nations.

Inflation and deflation can both have devastating effects on the economy. Deflation is what caused the Great Depression. Inflation, as we all feel the pain currently, caused an entire decade to be lost in the 1970s.

Allowing China to become the facilitator of the currency used in global commerce, such as the dollar is now, would be to give unprecedented powers to a communist dictatorship. The ebbs and flows of the global economic apparatus would be subject to a hostile foreign power that has no issue retaliating against other sovereign nations that disagree with them.

If the Chinese yuan were to become the global reserve currency, it would, in essence, give the CCP the ability to cripple entire nations. With a country as hostile as China, entire sovereign nations would be subject to the whims of the communists who run their countries. The CCP could arbitrarily restrict credit, enact sanctions, block entire nations from global commerce vis a vis foreign exchange prohibition, and use any of the other vast economic warfare tools the global reserve currency brings. Of course, unless nations decide to toe the Communist Party line.

The world would be like when we were younger and our financial life was dependent upon allowances given to us by our parents. Except in this case, instead of doing chores, nations would have to accept genocidepersecution of minorities, and the desecration of civil rights. We can bet governments would likely have to become complicit. That is not out of the realm of possibility when dealing with actors such as communists.

Mackenzie Alan Bettle graduated from Arizona State’s W.P. Carey School of Business with a bachelor’s in business, law, and economics, summa cum laude, and received his Juris Doctorate from Seton Hall University Law School with an emphasis on law and economics. He is a practicing attorney in Phoenix, Arizona. He loves business, politics, economics, law, football, and his two fluffy Havanese dogs, Jack and Kobe.

Manhattan DA issues scathing response to GOP letter on possible Trump indictment: ‘We will not be intimidated’

By Chris Pandolfo | Fox News | Published March 21, 2023 10:43am EDT


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office has issued a statement after top House Republicans demanded that Bragg testify to Congress on a possible indictment of former President Donald Trump.

“We will not be intimidated by attempts to undermine the justice process, nor will we let baseless accusations deter us from fairly applying the law,” a spokesperson for Bragg’s office told Fox News Digital. 

“In every prosecution, we follow the law without fear or favor to uncover the truth. Our skilled, honest and dedicated lawyers remain hard at work,” the spokesperson added.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and the other top Republicans on the Administration and Oversight committees on Monday sent a letter to Bragg to demand that he turn over documents related to his Trump investigation and testify before Congress after reports said that Trump could face an indictment this week.


(Christopher Goodney / Bloomberg via Getty Images / File | Al Drago / Bloomberg via Getty Images / File)

“You are reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former president of the United States and current declared candidate for that office,” the letter said.

Republicans warned that an indictment of Trump over alleged hush-money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 would “erode confidence in the evenhanded application of justice and unalterably interfere in the court of the 2024 presidential election.”

“In light of the serious consequences of your actions, we expect that you will testify about what plainly appears to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision,” the GOP lawmakers wrote.

The letter was signed by Jordan, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis.


Former President Donald Trump has denied allegations that he had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels and paid her hush money to cover it up in 2016, calling Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's investigation a "witch hunt."
Former President Donald Trump has denied allegations that he had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels and paid her hush money to cover it up in 2016, calling Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s investigation a “witch hunt.” (Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images / File)

It marked the first official attempt by these Republican-controlled committees in the new Congress to conduct oversight of the law enforcement officials who have been investigating Trump.

The potential charges stem from the $130,000 hush-money payment that then-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006.

Federal prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York opted out of charging Trump related to the Stormy Daniels payment in 2019, even as Cohen implicated him as part of his plea deal. The Federal Election Commission also tossed its investigation into the matter in 2021.

However, Bragg’s office is reportedly considering whether to bring charges against Trump by elevating misdemeanor charges for falsifying business records, for which the statute of limitations has expired, to a felony charge of falsifying those records to conceal alleged campaign finance violations — an accusation levied at Trump that the Justice Department has already declined to prosecute.


The New York Young Republicans Club held a rally in front of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office in Manhattan, New York, on March 20, 2023.
The New York Young Republicans Club held a rally in front of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office in Manhattan, New York, on March 20, 2023. (Fatih Aktas / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Republicans called this a “novel and untested legal theory” and insisted that Bragg was “motivated by political calculations.”

Bragg’s spokesperson pushed back against the accusation by insisting that the DA’s office follows the facts.


Trump said over the weekend that he expected to be arrested Tuesday, but the district attorney’s office did not confirm Trump’s claim.

Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

Chris Pandolfo is a writer for Fox News Digital. Send tips to and follow him on Twitter @ChrisCPandolfo.

‘Bigger crime than Watergate’: Trump issues statement on Durham report on Clinton campaign spying

Reported by By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor | Monday, February 14, 2022


Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump
REUTERS/Mike Segar

Former President Donald Trump said special counsel John Durham’s court filing provides “indisputable evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign spied on his campaign and presidency to “develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia,” which is a “bigger scandal” than Watergate.

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,” Trump said in a statement, referring to the scandal that forced President Richard Nixon to resign in 1974.

The statement comes after Durham’s team alleged that a Democrat-aligned tech executive was paid to spy on Trump’s residences and the White House while he was president.

“In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this,” the former president added.

Durham’s motion is about potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to the FBI that he was not working on behalf of Clinton at the time. According to the filing, lawyers for the Clinton campaign allegedly paid the technology executive to infiltrate servers that belonged to the Trump Tower and the White House to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to tie Trump with the Russian government, The Epoch Times reported.

Sussmann “assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including (i) a technology executive (“Tech Executive-1”) at a U.S.-based Internet company (“Internet Company1”), and (ii) the Clinton Campaign,” the filing reads.

Sussmann’s “billing records reflect that” he “repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations” and that the technology executive met and communicate with Mark Elias, a lawyer and operative who has filed numerous election-related lawsuits on behalf of the Democrats, said the Times.

In 2017, Sussmann came out with “an updated set of allegations” about Trump’s Russian connection to another government agency, the filing said, according to Fox News.

Sussmann alleged at the time that “Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations,” based on suspicious DNS lookups by Russian-affiliated IP addresses.

Durham said in the filing his office found “no support for these allegations.”

Kash Patel, former chief investigator of the Trump-Russia probe for the House Intelligence Committee under then-Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox News that the filing provides “definitive” evidence that the Clinton campaign put together “a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia.”

Woman Suspected Of Mailing Ricin To President Trump Arrested

Reported by MARLO SAFI, CULTURE REPORTER | September 21, 20209:01 AM ET

URL of the originating web site:

A woman suspected of sending President Donald Trump a package containing the poison ricin was arrested while trying to enter the U.S. from Canada, numerous sources reported. The woman, who has not been named, was arrested by U.S. authorities at the border crossing in New York State and was carrying a gun, CNN reported.

“The FBI and our U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Postal Inspection Service partners are investigating a suspicious letter received at a U.S. government mail facility. At this time, there is no known threat to public safety,” a statement to CNN said Saturday.

A spokesperson for the FBI Washington Field Office confirmed to CNN Sunday that an arrest was made and an investigation was ongoing.

The letter was reportedly mailed from St. Hubert, Quebec, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN. The package contained a granular substance with similar physical characteristic to ground castor beans. Authorities are also investigating additional similar packages mailed to address in Texas that may be linked to the sender, CNN reported.

Ricin is a toxic compound derived from the castor bean that causes intestinal distress and bleeding, then organ failure and eventually death. It has been previously used in terror plots because it is relatively stable and can be deployed in numerous forms: powder, acid, pellet or mist.


Federal Judge Could Be A Nightmare For Special Counsel Mueller

Reported by Richard Pollock | Reporter | 11:59 PM 05/06/2018

FILE PHOTO: FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Federal Bureau of Investigation oversight on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., June 13, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas/File Photo | Judge Ellis III VS Robert Mueller

FILE PHOTO: FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Federal Bureau of Investigation oversight on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., June 13, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas/File Photo | Judge Ellis III VS Robert Mueller  

Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III, a Reagan appointee, could be the ultimate nightmare for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who may lose his legal case against Paul Manafort, according to an extraordinary May 4 exchange in the U.S. District Court for Eastern Virginia. A dismissal could be a major wrecking ball to Mueller’s overall case in his Russian collusion case against President Donald Trump.

Amid Friday’s legal event, Ellis was best known for invoking an NFL term to dismiss Mueller’s legal posture, saying “C’mon man!” as he challenged the special counsel’s attempt to drag an unrelated bank fraud case back in 2005 to indict Manafort. Those charges are well beyond Mueller’s original mandate to investigate alleged collusion with Russia in 2016 and had to be dismissed, the judge said, according to the hearing transcript.

“If I look at the indictment, none of that information has anything to do with links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump,” he lectured Michael Dreebeen, Mueller’s lawyer in the court room. “So I don’t see what relation this indictment has with anything the special prosecutor is authorized to investigate.” 

The federal judge also was enraged that Mueller redacted 75 percent of an August 2017 order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, which further outlined the special counsel’s mandate, according to the transcript. Ellis has handled numerous espionage cases and enjoys among the highest level government clearances, the judge reminded the government’s lawyer.

The judge slammed the special counsel, saying he understood his real intention was “to exert leverage on a defendant so that the defendant will turn and provide information on what is really the focus of the special prosecutor,” namely President Trump.

Dreeben replied, their “investigatory scope” permitted them to include wrongs committed a decade before Trump declared his candidacy for president.

Ellis shot back: “My question to you was, how does bank fraud and these other things that go back to 2005, 2007, how does that have anything to do with links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Trump?”

The original May 2017 order setting up the special counsel’s office by Rosenstein permitted them to go after crimes beyond Russian collusion, Dreeben replied. “We are not limited in our prosecution authority to crimes that would fit within the precise description that was issued in this public order,” he told Ellis.

Ellis cut to the chase and told the special counsel their intention was really to get Manafort to “sing” to get Trump. “I’ve been here a long time. The vernacular is to sing,” he said.

Ellis admonished the special counsel, saying he was seeking “unfettered power”something the founding fathers fought against. “What we don’t want in this country is we don’t want anyone with unfettered power,” Ellis stated. “So it’s unlikely you’re going to persuade me that the special prosecutor has unlimited powers to do anything he or she wants,” the judge said.

Dreeben said Mueller is following both the May and August 2017 orders from Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller. But Ellis shot back that the order he was given had 75 percent of the August memo was redacted.

“I have that right here, and I’m glad you raised it because 75 percent of it is blocked out, redacted. Why don’t I have a full copy it,” Ellis asked.

“The only paragraphs that are to Mr. Manafort are the ones that are pertinent are the ones contained in this record,” Dreeben replied.

“Well, let me use a phrase that I’m fond of that I used to use with my children,” the judge said, dripping with sarcasm. “I can’t use it with my wife, but I’ll be the judge of whether it relates to the others.”

Dreeben would consult with the intelligence community to see if the rest of the classified memo could be shared with the judge, he said.

“Yes, of course, you may do that,” Judge Ellis replied. “If any part of it is classified, it won’t surprise you to know that a district judge is fully cleared. In fact, I have several espionage trials underway,” he told the Mueller attorney.

Following that exchange, Ellis didn’t mince words with Dreeben as he laid into Mueller’s attorney. “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” he said. “You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment or whatever. That’s what you’re really interested in.”

In the end, Ellis asked Dreeben if he had anything to add.

“No thank you, Your Honor,” he said.

“Good choice on your part,” an angry Ellis replied. “Thank you for your arguments,” he told Dreeben. “They were entertaining.”

The court resumes in two weeks.

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Today’s Ann Coulter Letter: Headlines From An Administration That Is Not Putting America First

Commentary by Ann Coulter  | 

We are now nearly a quarter of the way through the entire Trump presidency — and, depending how the 2018 elections go, we could be at the halfway mark.

Here are some headlines from that presidency: 

“Defying Turkey, U.S. Decides to Arm Kurds in Syria”

“Iraqi Leader, in Washington, Gets Trump’s Assurance of U.S. Support”

“Trump Administration Lifts Sanctions on Sudan, Citing Progress”

“Trump Plans Visit to Asia to Buttress Korea Policy”

There are thousands of ’em, day after monotonous day.

In the last 10 months, has a single manufacturing job been created in Trump’s America? Has there been one opioid death avoided? Has 1 foot of the wall been built?

No, just more of this:

“Trump Praises Philippine President in Call Transcript”

“Trump’s Attempt to End the Saudi-Qatar Stalemate Ends in Recriminations”

Democrats realize that Trump’s main campaign issues, immigration and trade, were kryptonite to his opponents. The Democrats, the media, even Republicans threw everything they had at Trump — a Russian dossier intended to sway the election, an illegally obtained hot-mic tape, 100 percent negative news coverage for 15 straight months.

He still won.

Democrats know how Trump did it — and, unfortunately, they also know how to use the same kryptonite against him.

You will notice that smart liberals are NOT saying, We need more pussyhats, more angry rhetoric, more Rachel Maddow conspiracy theories! No, the smart liberals are begging Democrats to steal the central components of Trump’s death-defying campaign: immigration and manufacturing.

Andrew Sullivan recently wrote in New York magazine: “I don’t believe it’s disputable at this point that the most potent issue behind the rise of the far right in America and Europe is mass immigration. It’s a core reason that Trump is now president.” He called the Democrats’ sudden decision to treat illegal immigrants as a beloved constituency “political suicide.”

Then this week, former Obama administration official Steven Rattner called on Democrats to abandon liberal shibboleths and focus on winning the votes of “white working-class men.” Wage stagnation, he wrote in a New York Times op-ed, is “our most pressing economic challenge.”

And of course, several months ago, the Democrats’ meticulous pollster, Stanley Greenberg, produced a report telling Democrats that, to beat Trump, they need to win back “the nation’s working class communities, starting in the formerly industrial states and Upper Midwest.”

What does a laid-off steelworker, his town drowning in Mexican heroin, think when he reads daily headlines like these:

“Trump Suggests Bigger U.S. Role in Syria Conflict”

“U.S. Warship Approaches an Island Claimed by China”

Gosh, I’m glad we elected Trump! I haven’t been able to sleep at night, worrying about the Syrians and that island claimed by China.

What do the Angel Moms, whose kids were murdered by illegal aliens, think when reading these bulletins:

“As Trump’s Peacemaker, Kushner Finds Common Goals, and Friction, in Mideast Trip”

“Trump Won’t Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Yet”

Well, we didn’t get the wall, but thank God it’s pedal-to-the-metal on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict!

At the end of Trump’s term in office, I promise you, the Israelis and Palestinians will not be living in peace and harmony. Kim Jong-un will not have called for democratic elections. ISIS, al-Shabaab, al-Qaida and the Muslim head-choppers du jour will not have suddenly become pro-life.

The rest of the world will still be a godforsaken cesspool.

That’s why Trump’s campaign slogan to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” was such a hit. Beyond the self-evident attractiveness of a president caring about us, instead of the rest of the world, fixing our country is at least something that’s achievable.

Our tender ministrations in Iraq, Afghanistan and 200 other countries Congress is unaware we’ve even sent troops to has accomplished nothing good, and all too often a lot that’s bad.

We haven’t been able to get our leaders to focus on America’s problems for 30 years. The seduction of foreign policy is too great. War, military strikes, treaties — if you’re president, these are the antidote to whatever ails you! Presidents wear the mantle of national security like an amulet.

Any international conflict means a president can’t be criticized abroad. His short-term poll numbers will go sky-high. Even a dunderhead can feel like a master strategist when threatening to deploy the full force of the U.S. military. (See Nikki Haley.)

The rest of the world’s problems will never be solved, but it seems so adult and serious to be “working” on them.

We need to go into the Situation Room, sir. The Democratic Republic of Noos Noos has sent a disturbing cable.

Yes, absolutely! Cancel the rest of my day that I was going to spend fulfilling my campaign promises.

If ever there was a presidential candidate who seemed immune to the siren song of “foreign policy,” we thought it was Trump. We voted for a reality TV star. We didn’t want “gravitas.”

Instead, the smart set’s contempt for Trump seems to have sent him headlong into a fevered obsession with the goings-on in North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Guam, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Qatar, Niger and little Burkina Faso.

No one cares enough to read past the headlines. There won’t be any snippy lower court judges issuing frame-worthy rebukes of Trump’s travel ban or thousands of women showing up on the National Mall in pussyhats.

So there’s peace.

But there will be no change. Not in the rest of the world and not in the country Trump promised to make great again.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for Friday October 6, 2017

Trump Aide says Obama “Hurt the Country” by Not Reaching Across the Aisle like Trump

Reported By Onan Coca | September 12, 2017

Trump: No More ‘Bailouts’ for Insurers, Lawmakers Over ‘Imploding’ Obamacare

Reported By Wanda Carruthers   |   Saturday, 29 Jul 2017 02:15 PM

Image: Trump: No More 'Bailouts' for Insurers, Lawmakers Over 'Imploding' Obamacare

President Donald Trump on Saturday warned Republicans that if they did not pass healthcare reform soon, he could end the employer contribution for their healthcare coverage.

He went further to suggest the end result would be an end to insurance bailouts as well as “bailouts for Congress” come election day.

“After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!” Trump tweeted. “If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!”

The latest attempt by senators collapsed when they failed to reach a threshold to pass a “skinny” repeal bill early Friday morning that would have ended the individual mandate requiring Americans to purchase insurance or pay a fine. It would also have suspended through 2026 the requirement that businesses provide insurance for their workers.

Earlier in the week another bill met with defeat in the Senate that would have repealed the healthcare law.

Republican lawmakers have been conflicted over how exactly to change the nation’s healthcare system after many of them were elected to office on the platform of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Democratic lawmakers have been steadfast in opposition to changing any of the legislation enacted under former President Barack Obama.

Regardless of the stance of congressional lawmakers, the healthcare law has frayed edges as some Americans are forced to pay exorbitant rates in order to have health insurance, while the burden of funding has not diminished to subsidize those who qualify. Some are left without a choice or only one choice at all and CNBC predicts health insurers will likely pull out completely from 49 counties in the nation in 2018.

The New York Times on Saturday explained the effect the president is already exerting on Obamacare, and maintained his primary options for impacting the healthcare system fell into three main arenas. While opponents could cheer the fact that Trump is making cracks to break the healthcare law apart, supporters decry any chinks into the Obamacare armor.

Trump is undermining Obamacare with weakened enforcement of the individual mandate, the Times argued, saying, “the Internal Revenue Service has said it will continue accepting tax returns that do not say whether a filer has been uninsured.”

This could pave the way for more exceptions by the White House in the future, as well as signaling “publicly that it does not care about the mandate, which may cause people to be less likely to sign up, even if they later get hit with a tax penalty.”

A second effect the Trump administration could have would be to impose work requirement for Medicaid recipients. While the president cannot prevent states from expanding Medicaid, the article explained he could “allow states that apply to impose work requirements or charge premiums for more Medicaid beneficiaries, through a process that lets the government waive the normal Medicaid rules.”

To do so could cause many poor Americans to not have access to the system due to its cost. GOP lawmakers have worked to rein in federal spending on Medicaid expansion — attempts which may have caused many states to end it entirely.

The Trump administration has backed off outreach promoting Obamacare unlike Obama’s White House. Without promotion, citizens may not be aware of healthcare coverage options, The Times maintained.

Once Trump was inaugurated, the White House within days pulled ads and outreach that encouraged people’s participation. If the result has been lower numbers signing up for Obamacare, prices for insurance will like rise.

Trump met the latest GOP failure to pass a bill aimed at solving the growing issues and burdens of paying for Obamacare by chiding lawmakers, saying on Friday he would “let Obamacare implode because of their failure to find a solution to the issue that has garnered passion by those who want government to control the healthcare system and those who want to abolish government health insurance control.

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Unimpressed Trump Sends Pentagon Back to the Drawing Board on Afghanistan

Reported by Edwin Mora | 20 Jul 2017

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The meeting came as the Pentagon briefed lawmakers about plans to increase the U.S. military footprint in the country.

Contrary to mainstream media claims that the president has taken a completely hands-off approach to the 16-year-old conflict in Afghanistan, Trump presided over Wednesday’s meeting primarily aimed at discussing the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan, a Trump administration official familiar with the deliberations told Breitbart News on condition of anonymity.

President Trump indicated that he is not satisfied with the strategy as it currently stands.

The Pentagon and White House National Security Council (NSC) declined to provide specifics about the developing plan.

President Trump demanded that his team go back to square one if necessary and create a realistic plan that ensures Afghanistan is ultimately able to stand on its own as a country, said the administration official, noting that the meeting served as a sort of wake up call for those involved in developing the strategy.

It appears that besides the Pentagon, the NSC has at least some authority in setting the strategy.

Asked about the meeting, the Pentagon did not confirm nor deny that the President asked officials to go back to the drawing board.

“We’re not going to discuss White House meetings or direction,” said Adam Stump, a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spokesman, when Breitbart News asked whether or not it has been forced to start developing the Afghanistan war strategy from scratch and when it expects to present the plan to Trump.

The NSC did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Defense Secretary James Mattis told reporters last Friday a decision on the new plan would be unveiled around “mid-July” or “somewhere around there. We are driven by the maturity of the discussion, and where we’re at, we are not going to meet some timeline if we are not ready, but we are pretty close.” 

Trump has granted the Pentagon the authority to decide how many additional troops to deploy to the war-ravaged country. Currently, Mattis may increase that number of troops by between 3,000 and 5,000, from the 8,400 already there. Mattis noted on Friday that the number of additional troops has not been “finalized yet,” adding that the Pentagon is waiting from input from the U.S. State Department.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, CNN reports that as it currently stands, the strategy:

Encompasses a way ahead in Afghanistan, including the possibility of sending more troops, but also a look at new ideas for dealing with Pakistan, which the US believes is supporting or turning a blind eye to a number of terror groups operating inside the country.

The president made it clear he is not interested in any approach that resembles the strategies used by his predecessors and will not accept anything less than a dramatic overhaul, the official told Breitbart News.

Directly dealing with Pakistan’s support for terrorists fighting the U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan would mark a significant departure from what America has done in the past.

Most of the 2,255 U.S. military fatalities and 20,245 injury incidents have taken place in provinces that border Pakistan.

The Pentagon spokesman defined what victory in Afghanistan means for the Trump administration, saying it ultimately involves a settlement with the Taliban and terrorists laying down their arms.

Stump told Breitbart News:

The U.S. strategy in Afghanistan remains centered on working with NATO allies, operational partners, and the international community to defeat the remnants of core al Qaeda and to defeat other violent extremist organizations and terrorist groups, such as ISIS-K [Islamic State], to ensure that Afghanistan does not again become a safe-haven for groups to plan and execute attacks against the United States, U.S. persons overseas, or allies and partners; and continuing efforts to provide financial and advisory support to the Afghan Government and to enable a well-trained, equipped, and sustainable ANDSF [Afghan National Defense and Security Force] that provides security in Afghanistan.

The U.S. and Afghan Governments agree that the best way to ensure lasting peace and security in Afghanistan is through reconciliation and a political settlement with the Taliban. The United States supports an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned reconciliation process and supports any process that includes violent extremist groups laying down their arms.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, the Washington Post (WaPo) reports that the current U.S.-Afghan war is framed around a four-year plan to degrade the Taliban this is unlikely to “yield significant results until its later stages.”

In recently issued reports, the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon have accused Pakistan of willingly serving as a safe-haven for the Taliban and its affiliates, including the deadly Haqqani Network.

The Taliban affirmed its relationship with al-Qaeda in December 2016.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon from A.F. Branco


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President Donald Trump is a maestro playing the media like a well tuned Stradivarius violin.

Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017.

A.F.Branco Coffee Table Book <—- Order Here!

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons

Today’s TOWNHALL.COM Politically INCORRECT Cartoons

Israel’s Prime Minister calls CNN and the New York Times “Fake News”

Reported By Onan Coca | May 8, 2017

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Oh. Boy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to stand with president Donald Trump in the battle against “fake news” by calling out the members of the mainstream media who continue to publish the foul lies spewed by Hamas, and refusing to report the truth of the ongoing struggle for peace in the Middle East.

While the rationale for the fake news may be different from that used to battle President Trump, the methodology is the same. The main stream media chooses to publish biased commentary pretending that what they’ve printed is “news” (when in truth it’s nothing more than gussied up op-ed), and then acting injured when they’re called out for their media malpractice. Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the slanted and immoral “reporting” from the mainstream media and they’ve just stopped listening to the lies.

I bet more people turn from the media after they hear what Prime Minister Netanyahu recently said about the disturbing stories being published by CNN and the New York Times:

Ever wonder what fake news is? Last week, headlines in CNN, Al-Jazeera and The Guardian said that Hamas now accepts a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines.

The New York Times headline called this “moderation”.

The intimation is that Hamas now accepts the State of Israel.

Great news, right?


Well, except for one small detail: this is a complete distortion of the truth. The new Hamas document says Israel has no right to exist. It says every inch of our land belongs to the Palestinians. It says there is no acceptable solution other than to remove Israel.

So why does Hamas say there is a consensus for a smaller Palestinian state now? In order to destroy Israel later. They want to use their state to destroy our state.

Is moving from calling for genocide of all Jews to calling just for the annihilation of Israel – is that progress, or moderation? Only if you have no standards whatsoever!

It’s bad enough Hamas lies to the world.  We don’t also have to lie to ourselves.

Hamas murders women and children. Its launched thousands of missile attacks at our homes. It brainwashes Palestinian kids in suicide kindergarten camps.

So, where does this hate-filled document belong?


Onan is the Editor-in-Chief at Liberty Alliance media group. He’s also the managing editor at, and the managing partner at Onan is a graduate of Liberty University (2003) and earned his M.Ed. at Western Governors University in 2012. Onan lives in Atlanta with his wife and their three wonderful children. You can find his writing all over the web.

Yes, CNN, the MSM is fake news

Posted May 03, 2017 11:26 AM by Rob Eno

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fake news

Poor CNN. Donald Trump hurt their little feelings again. This time it was in an advertisement touting the “success” of his first 100 days in office. CNN was offended and labeled the ad false because Trump had labeled CNN fake news. The problem is, the five journalists with “fake news” blazoned across their faces are purveyors of biased and fake news. CNN fell into the trap again.

Here’s a look at the ad.

The part CNN gets upset at is about twenty seconds in, where pictures of a variety of news personalities were shown with the words “fake news” over the pictures. CNN said, in a statement, that its network and the rest of the mainstream media are not fake news, so the ad is false and can’t air until the graphic is changed.


But in fact, CNN, and especially the journalists in that graphic, have peddled biased and fake news stories.

The fake five

The five journalists in the graphic were Andrea Mitchell, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, George Stephanopoulos, and Scott Pelley. Each one of those journalists has proffered fake or misleading news stories. Here’s just a sampling:

  • Andrea Mitchell: Mitchell said that Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who has accused Bill Clinton of rape, was discredited. That assertion was so egregious that NBC had to scrub the segment it was on, without even an editors’ note, as the Washington Free Beacon explains. That’s one of many with Mitchell.
  • Wolf Blitzer: Blitzer’s producers asked the DNC which questions he should ask Donald Trump in a foreign policy interview. Wikileaks uncovered that the DNC told staffers that “CNN was looking for questions” not just for Trump but for many of the GOP primary candidates, according to the Washington Times.
  • Rachel Maddow: It’s hard to know where to start with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. So here’s the obvious. In a feat reminiscent of the opening of Al Capone’s vault, Maddow hyped that she “had Trump’s tax returns.” The only problem was they were 10 years old and showed that he paid a lot of taxes.
  • George Stephanopoulos: Stephanopoulos failed to disclose to ABC that he had donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation before interviewing Hillary Clinton, against company policy, the Washington Free Beacon reported. After finally disclosing, he had to step down from hosting a primary debate.
  • Scott Pelley: While the fake news troubles at CBS are legendary — think faked national guard memos from Dan Rather — Pelley has his own issues. They include bias and presenting the news with a virulent anti-Trump slant, like the time he insinuated that Trump was responsible for Syrian war atrocities like the chemical gas attack. Newsbusters reported on the story.

The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem. By taking umbrage at a truthful statement from Donald Trump about five known purveyors of biased journalism, CNN does itself no favors.

Is there any lingering doubt why, according to a recent poll, Americans trust Trump more than they trust the media?


Robert Eno is the director of research for Conservative Review. He is a conservative from deep blue Massachusetts but now lives in Greenville, SC. If you see something you’d like him to cover, tweet him @robeno.

How DHS Will Give VOICE to Victims of Criminal Aliens. New office will help Americans who suffer most from broken immigration system

Reported by Edmund Kozak | Updated 27 Apr 2017 at 11:30 AM

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The Department of Homeland Security announced Wednesday the official launch of VOICE — Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement — a department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) dedicated to assisting victims of criminal illegal aliens.

“All crime is terrible, but these victims are unique, and too often ignored,” said DHS Secretary John Kelly in a prepared statement. “They are casualties of crimes that should never have taken place — because the people who victimized them oftentimes should not have been in the country in the first place.”

“There’s no intent to make a pun,” DHS spokesman David Lapan told reporters in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, “but it really is to give a voice to the victims of crimes that have been committed by those who are in the country illegally.”

As the official press release notes, the creation of VOICE is a direct result of President Donald Trump’s executive order entitled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States.” The order directed DHS to offer support services to victims of illegal alien crime.

“Trump has put a face to these people,” Marguerite Telford, director of communications for the Center for Immigration Studies, told LifeZette. “I can remember Trump at one point saying [to victims of criminal illegal aliens], ‘I cannot forget you when I go into office, you will not be forgotten,’” Telford noted, “and I think it really speaks volumes that he has established this office — he hasn’t forgotten.”

Other advocates for immigration enforcement were quick to praise the DHS action.

“Thanks to VOICE, American parents and families who have lost loved ones to criminal illegal aliens — people who should not have been in the U.S. in the first place — are no longer invisible,” said Dave Ray, director of communications for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), told LifeZette.

“Their government has finally acknowledged their suffering and has given them a voice, by providing services to help them rebuild their lives,” he said.

Others who have witnessed firsthand the impact of illegal-alien crime on communities spoke to having compassion for victims.

“One of the main reasons I ran for Congress was my frustration with the federal government’s refusal to enforce our existing immigration laws,” said Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Penn.) in an official statement. “When I was mayor, Hazleton was overrun by illegal immigrants who brought with them gangs, drugs, identify theft, fraud, and other crimes. I always heard that we have to have compassion for the person who comes here illegally, but no one speaks up for the victims of these crimes,” he said.

“I had to sit with people who lost loved ones who were victims, and I have compassion for them. I commend the Trump administration for opening the VOICE office and standing up for victims and their families.”

The program’s rollout was especially meaningful to Maria Espinoza, director of The Remembrance Project, and those who are part of her organization, whose tireless activism on behalf of victims’ families was instrumental in laying the groundwork for VOICE.

“This felt like a watershed moment for families and The Remembrance Project,” Tim Lyng, president of The Remembrance Project, told LifeZette.

“Back in April 2015, Maria and three others from her group ‘America First Latinos,’ (months prior to Donald Trump entering the presidential race) sent letters to all 50 state governors, requesting a program that would formally acknowledge and assist these very same American families,” Lyng said. “Unfortunately, there was not one encouraging response then, and the issue lay unresolved until March 2016, when Maria sent a similar letter to the four remaining GOP presidential hopefuls. As you may know, only one candidate responded, and that was now-President Donald Trump.”

In addition to the support services for victims of criminal illegal aliens offered by ICE through VOICE — which include a toll-free hotline, community relations officers, and a “cadre” of victim-assistance specialists throughout the country — DHS launched the DHS-Victim Information and Notification Exchange (DHS-VINE).

DHS-VINE is a “free, confidential service that provides crime victims/witnesses, their family members, and victim advocates confidential notification of changes in custody status” of the criminal aliens who hurt them, and eventually see for themselves that the danger has been removed from the country.

The service “will allow everyday Americans and those victimized by criminal illegal aliens to quantify the size and scope of the criminal alien problem in the U.S., while also tracking specific cases,” said Ray. “The carnage left by criminal illegal aliens will no longer be this nation’s unspoken secret.”

“Maria and I both believe that the creation of VOICE will definitely shed a new and missing light on the illegal alien problem,” said Lyng. “We have been saying that, for decades, the killings of Americans by illegal aliens, whether intentional or accidental, has been one of the most under-reported and sensational news items, possibly ever, to not come across the wire,” he said.

“Average Americans, many who may be totally unaware of anything but an “isolated death” will learn, over the next several months, that this crime wave is epidemic and crosses all jurisdictional and socio-economic layers in the America.”

Others aren’t so sure, however. “it’s going to make their stories more public … but of course it only really becomes public … when the [mainstream] media report it,” said Telford.

If you or a loved one is the victim of a criminal alien, you can reach VOICE at 1-855-48-VOICE or 1-855-488-6423.

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