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Posts tagged ‘Target’

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Right On Target

A.F. BRANCO | on June 25, 2023 |

AG Kieth Ellison of Minnesota is working to force Target to stock LGBT apparel it removed.

AG Ellison and Target
Cartoon by A. F. Branco ©2023.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Dog Eat Dog

A.F. BRANCO | on June 26, 2023 |

The left always blames the Right for the evil they are doing, for example, the Russia hoax.

Deep State Wolf
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump.

Pride Backlash: Combined $28B Market Value Loss by 3 Companies

By Jeffrey Rodack    |   Friday, 16 June 2023 01:34 PM EDT


The financial toll of the Pride backlash by conservatives against Anheuser-Busch, Kohl’s, and Target has resulted in a collective $28.7 billion loss in market value since the beginning of April, according to Axios. Reactions to “woke” policies and sales pitches mean companies could find themselves targeted at any time with the fallout being unpredictable, the news outlet said.

Anheuser-Busch, fighting to recover from the backlash over a social media Bud Light promotion with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, told its customers, “We hear you.” In a statement posted on the company website, Brendan Whitworth, Anheuser-Busch’s CEO, offered no apology for the controversy. According to Axios, the controversy resulted in a loss of billions of dollars off its market capitalization and shaved a 20% loss in its stock, which has since recovered, but is below its 52-week high.

Axios said Target has faced its own controversy for selling LGBTQ-themed clothing. Target opted to remove some of its Pride Month collection after the retailer’s promotion resulted in threats to the safety of its employees. It had also been revealed that the retailer had lost $10.15 billion in market capitalization due to the public backlash over its LGBTQ line of kids clothing, as well as one-piece swimsuits with “tuck-friendly construction” and “extra crotch coverage.”

The outcry over merchandising aimed at Pride Month and Bank of America downgrades, were responsible for a $15 billion loss from Target’s market cap, Axios noted. It has now recovered and stands at about $63 billion — down from about $74 billion in May.

“Many companies celebrate Pride by changing their logos, sponsoring celebrations, and offering themed products. While these corporate statements have been broadly accepted for years, the intensifying culture war may make companies more vulnerable to backlash,” Eurasia Group analysts Kylie Milliken and Noah Daponte-Smith wrote in a client note last month.

Axios said Kohl’s shares are underperforming. However, the stock, which had seen a drop of over 20% amid the controversy, has since rebounded. The retailer had experienced public backlash and calls for a boycott. This, after Kohl’s released its latest Pride Month merchandise, including a “Baby Sonoma Community Pride Bodysuit set” for 3-month, 6-month, and 9-month-old kids. The onesie, sports an illustration of what appears to be a lesbian couple with a dog and three children, including a young boy in a wheelchair. One adult in the illustration is carrying a multicolored flag. Other Kohl’s Pride merchandise under scrutiny included a “Love Is Love” banner, towels, bibs, candles, shorts, and pillows, as well as shirts that say “Be Proud” and “Ask Me My Pronouns.”

Is it just me, or is anyone else just tired of all this LGBTQHSGSYUASKJSUHP(YO{A(*^)+}AKKMN being shoved down our throats? I wish some polling outfit would run that poll. I think there are a lot of people who really don’t care about someone’s life choices. They aren’t mine, I love them just as they are, while not approving of those choices. Isn’t that being civil, and loving my neighbor?

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When LGBT Activists Flood Target With Bomb Threats, Media Pretend Conservatives Did It



Target pride merchandise in basket

Author Kylee Griswold profile




The shameless corporate media are so desperate for a narrative about LGBT victimhood, they’re pretending threats of violence from angry pro-“pride” perpetrators are instead threats against them. The latest examples are pure propaganda from The Hill and The Washington Post on Monday, which led with scaremongering — “bomb threats over Pride items” — while completely burying the lede: The bomb threats against culturally embroiled retail giant Target came from pro-LGBT activists.

“Target stores in at least five states receive bomb threats over Pride items,” read The Hill’s headline — the only part most people see.

The few readers who actually bothered to click the link were met with this deceptive framing in the first paragraph: “Target stores in at least five U.S. states had to be evacuated over the weekend after receiving bomb threats, the latest example of backlash the U.S.-based retail chain has received for its Pride month merchandise.”

Not until paragraph six, however, did the author reveal that these bomb threats that were emailed to news outlets in multiple states “accused the retail chain of betraying the LGBTQ+ community.”

The Washington Post ran an almost identical headline, burying the real news a full eight paragraphs down and leading instead with: “Target stores in at least five states were evacuated this weekend after receiving bomb threats. Though no explosives were discovered, the incidents tie into the backlash over the retail chain’s Pride Month merchandise.”

This media horsepucky is the latest attempt to push a fake narrative about conservative extremists assaulting the pro-trans department store. That’s why the outlets used words like “latest example,” “backlash,” and “for its Pride month merchandise.” As far as we know, the bomb threats had nothing to do with rainbow merchandise, nor were they related to any other “examples” of “backlash,” such as peaceful conservative boycotts. Instead, they appear to be a direct result of LGBT lunatics not getting their way. The framing is intentional.

This lede-burying exercise from The Hill is just the next page from the same “pride month” playbook the left has been running since May. Before the calendar even flipped to June, Target unveiled its aggressive rainbow merchandise, complete with pro-trans items for children and “tuck-friendly” swimwear. In no time, the company had moved many of its rainbow displays to the back of the store, citing nonspecific “threats.” When Target failed to produce any evidence for these allegations, its plummeting stock suggested the real “threat” was to its bottom line.

That didn’t stop media propagandists from parroting Target’s unsubstantiated claims. PBS, for instance, declared without evidence that Target had endured “intense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers.” NPR editorialized that the outrage resulted in “threats against employees” — a claim Target didn’t even make in its vague statement.

“Bomb threats” are a new low. But pro-transgender activists, especially those occupying America’s newsrooms, habitually spin their own victimization as victimhood.

For example, when radical LGBT ideologues manipulate impressionable children, activist “journalists” frame concerned parents as “transphobic” and dangerous. When lawmakers take compassionate steps to protect these minors from the clutches of predatory adults or seek to eradicate porn from taxpayer-funded schools, corporate media frame their noble efforts as attacks on “trans rights” and “book bans.” When conservatives plead for dysphoric girls to get mental health help instead of mastectomies, the propaganda press employs emotional blackmail by claiming these girls will commit suicide if they’re prevented from amputating their healthy body parts. When a deranged transgender shooter murders six Christians in cold blood, media activists frame the shooter as the victim.

Public opinion about transgender radicalism is rapidly changing. Based on a Gallup poll out just this week, a majority of Americans (55 percent) believe it’s “morally wrong to change one’s gender.” That’s up four points from 2021, despite poll results also showing more Americans now know a transgender-identifying person. Furthermore, nearly 70 percent of respondents said athletes should only be allowed to play on teams that match their sex, up a full seven points from 2021.

As the cultural tide turns, “pride” activists, with the help of their media allies, have shown they’ll do whatever it takes to maintain their clutch on the narrative — including spinning their own bomb threats against themselves.

Kylee Griswold is the editorial director of The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religion, and the media. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

John Daniel Davidson Op-ed: To Beat the Dodgers’ Anti-Christian Hate, MLB Stars Must Refuse to Play Ball



Sandy Koufax news article

Author John Daniel Davidson profile




The Los Angeles Dodgers’ appalling decision to honor an anti-Christian hate group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence during their “Pride Night” on June 16 has been met mostly with a deafening silence from the vast majority of Major League Baseball players. Even Catholics, whose faith is particularly singled out for mockery by this LGBT hate group, have been largely mute.

As of this writing, only four players in the entire league have said anything about it, and one of those four has already caved to the rainbow mob. The only Catholic player to come forward has been Trevor Williams, a starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals. Williams denounced the Dodgers and called on his fellow Catholics “to reconsider their support of an organization that allows this type of mockery of its fans to occur.”

The only Dodgers player to come forward so far has been relief pitcher Blake Treinen, who also released a clear statement Tuesday criticizing the Dodgers organization for honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, rightly saying the group “promotes hate of Christians and people of faith.”

The statements from Williams and Treinen were infinitely better than the cowardly response of Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw, who contented himself with a nonresponse. Instead of addressing the issue head-on, he weakly announced the return of “Christian Faith and Family Day” at Dodger Stadium after a hiatus. “For us, we felt like the best thing to do in response was, instead of maybe making a statement condemning or anything like that, would be just to instead try to show what we do support, as opposed to maybe what we don’t,” Kershaw told the Los Angeles Times recently.

For Kershaw, it seems, the Dodgers should get a pass for awarding a group that openly mocks Christians as long as the Christians get an appreciation night of their own later in the season. What nonsense. It’s like having Christian appreciation night at the Temple of Artemis right before marching the Christians off to the Colosseum. Far from being “the best thing to do,” it would have been better had Kershaw said nothing.

His cowardice was overshadowed, though, by the Toronto Blue Jays’ Anthony Bass, who performed his very own Maoist struggle session over the weekend, giving a scripted apology for the crime of posting something mildly supportive of the Bud Light and Target boycotts.

“I recognize yesterday that I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine, and I am truly sorry for that,” Bass said, promising to educate himself and make better decisions moving forward.

Not good enough, Blue Jays manager John Schneider told reporters. “We’re not going to pretend like this never happened,” said Schneider. “We’re not going to pretend like it’s the end and move on. There are definitely more steps that are going to follow.”

The double standard here isn’t hypocrisy; it’s meant to demonstrate hierarchy. The Dodgers can insult every Christian in the country, and only two guys will speak up. But a single post obliquely critical of transgenderism means Bass gets flogged in public by the Blue Jays. As my colleague David Harsanyi pointed out, no one was hurt by Bass’s tepid support for boycotts of multibillion-dollar corporations; the real point of all this is “to chill speech and transform relatively common positions about faith and irrefutable biological truths into blasphemous utterances, whether done in private or not.”

And it looks like the Dodgers, the Blue Jays, and the entire MLB are going to get away with it — unless the players themselves make a stand.

As welcome as the statements by Williams and Treinen were, they weren’t enough. Faced with what amounts to open hostility to the Christian faith, MLB players need to do more than issue statements. As Mollie Hemingway suggested the other day on Twitter, players who support religious tolerance should refuse to take the field on June 16 in protest. If the Dodgers want to insult Christians by honoring a group that blasphemes their faith, then players should simply decline to participate that day. It would send a clear message that the MLB pursues aggressive LGBT activism at its peril.

Players could take inspiration from the great Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax, who refused to play in the first game of the 1965 World Series because it fell on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. “From what I’ve been told, there are no dispensations for this particular day,” Koufax told reporters. The decision to prioritize his faith over baseball is one he had made years earlier, and in fact, Koufax missed a number of games throughout his career when they fell on major Jewish holidays. At one point, he told a reporter that a “man is entitled to his belief and I believe I should not work on Yom Kippur. It’s as simple as all that and I have never had any trouble on that account since I’ve been in baseball.” Saner times, those.

It might be, though, that the courage of Williams and Treinen is becoming contagious. On Wednesday, Robby Starbuck said a large group of MLB players “will refuse to wear pride or trans flags of any kind this year if asked to by their teams. This includes star players.” That would be great if it actually happens. Players should no more be asked to wear pride or trans flags than they should be asked to wear Christian crosses or any other religious symbol — which is exactly what pride and trans flag have become.

But it would be better if a large group of players, including star players, pushed back in a more forceful way and stood up for religious tolerance by sitting out on June 16. They would become instant heroes in a country where most people think it’s wrong to honor hate groups that mock other people’s religious faith. But more important than becoming heroes, they would simply be doing the right thing, which is its own reward.

I’ve argued recently that we’re not really fighting a “culture war” in the sense we have previously understood it, but a religious war in which everyone must choose a side. The controversy now engulfing the MLB is part of that religious war, and every player in the league is involved in it whether they want to be or not. They, too, must choose a side.

Choosing sides will mean different things for different people, but for those who choose the side of the Tao — of objective moral truth, of resistance to the fascism of the left — it’s going to mean some sacrifice. For example, MLB players who refuse to play might face financial penalties. They will certainly be denounced by the media as bigots. Their careers might suffer in the long term.

So be it. Everything is at stake in this fight, and the fate of the country at this point depends more on MLB players refusing to take the field, or suburban moms refusing to shop at Target, or dudes refusing to buy Bud Light, than on who we elect as our next president, or how the debt limit debate shakes out.

This isn’t a fight any of us can escape. Corporate America has decided to wage a religious war on everyone, to force trans ideology and LGBT propaganda on the whole of society, so now everyone must decide what they’re going to do about it. Baseball players have a clear decision before them, one that could galvanize support for them and give courage to the rest of us. Here’s hoping — and praying — they make the right choice.

John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Claremont Review of Books, The New York Post, and elsewhere. Follow him on Twitter, @johnddavidson.

Target Takes $12.7 Billion Hit After Pushing DEI

By Eric Mack    |   Wednesday, 31 May 2023 11:31 AM EDT


Since its CEO hailed DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives and a backlash for targeting kids with LGBTQ Pride messaging, Target’s stock price hit its lowest level since the 2020 pandemic lockdowns.

Shares hit a low of $133.42 on Wednesday in early trading and has dropped for eight consecutive sessions, its longest losing streak since November 2018, the New York Post reported.

Its market capitalization has seen about a $12.7 billion drop to $61.6 billion Wednesday since CEO Brian Cornell hailed DEI as having been a boon to business.

“When we think about purpose at Target, it’s really about helping all the families, and that ‘all’ word is really important,” Cornell told Fortune’s “Leadership Next” podcast this month. “Most of America shops at Target, so we want to do the right thing to support families across the country.’

“I think those are just good business decisions, and it’s the right thing for society, and it’s the great thing for our brand.”

Cornell hailed DEI initiatives has being a moneymaker.

“The things we’ve done from a DE&I standpoint, it’s adding value,” he said. “It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today.”

But now it has led to backlash, boiling before June’s Pride Month for the LGBTQIA+ community. Calls for Target boycotts on Twitter have been going on since mid-March, condemning pride messaging and LGBTQ clothing for children, and even babies, TheStreet reported.

Target closed at $160.96 on March 17 (topping at $162.43 at 11 a.m. ET that day) since Cornell’s remarks and has only closed lower since, including $133.80 on Tuesday.

Notably, Target’s Twitter account activity has been virtually nonexistent since October, just days after CEO Elon Musk took over — a sign it might be engaging in its own political boycott. The Target boycott has also rejected “tuck-friendly” clothing and merchandise from a vendor who sells items with satanic messaging, The Washington Post reported.

Also, new song called “Boycott Target” by Forgiato Blow and Jimmy Levy surged Monday to the No. 1 spot in the iTunes hip hop chart, increasing the surge against Target in a campaign similar to the one waged against Bud Light.

“Attention all shoppers, there’s a clean up on every aisle,” Blow raps in the opening line. “Target is targeting your kids.”

Bud Light infamously used Dylan Mulvaney, a pro-President Joe Biden transgender social media influencer, to help sell its beer in April, leading to a backlash that has seen a campaign rise against the brewer. Anheuser-Busch’s share price has fallen around $13.63 since it closed at $66.57 on March 31, just a day before Mulvaney appeared on Twitter to brag about the personalized Bud Light cans and partnership. The share price dipped to $52.94 on Wednesday, or more than 20% loss of market capitalization to $91.7 billion.

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Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – No Mas!

A.F. BRANCO | on May 29, 2023 |

Mayor Adams no longer wants New York to be a sanctuary city due to the number of illegal immigrants flooding in from the southern border.

New York Sanctuary City
Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – On Target

A.F. BRANCO | on May 28, 2023 |

Target is feeling the wrath of customer boycotts going woke with losses of around a $9 billion.

Target Gets Woke
Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

DONATE to A.F.Branco Cartoons – Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump

Elon Musk Grills Target Over Sick Charity Donation, Twitter Exposes Retail Giant with Community Note

 By Warner Todd Huston  May 27, 2023 at 1:39pm


Since the boycott of Bud Light seems to have been a rousing success, many people are shifting focus to retail giant Target and its years of supporting radical LGBT groups — one of which even advocates to “transition” children without parental consent. It is so outrageous that even Elon Musk felt compelled to begin asking some questions about it.

Musk, who is considered center-left in most things political was shocked by a recent Fox News article that reported that Target has been supporting the radical gay group GLSEN for years, even though the group “calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math,” and spends its donations to get American schools to comply with that policy.

In its tweet, Fox News also noted that GLSEN “encourages secret gender changes among children in schools.”

In its May 26 report, Fox News noted that Target is “partnering with a K-12 education group for which focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child’s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools.”

Indeed, Fox even obtained a direct quote from Target saying how much they support the organization with their annual donations of tens of thousands.

“GLSEN leads the movement in creating affirming… and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission,” the retailer told Fox.

Fox goes on to explain what GLSEN does: “GLSEN calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. It provides educators instructions on how they can make math ‘more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities’ by including ‘they/them’ pronouns in word problems.”

“We advise on, advocate for, and research comprehensive policies designed to protect LGBTQ students as well as students of marginalized identities,” the group itself describes on its own site.

This group that Target has supported urges schools to add “intersex,” “transgender,” “non-binary” and other such left-wing “choices” of sexual identity into all class work from math to science, per Fox.

GLSEN tells schools to keep confidential any information about students “transitioning” or self-identifying as the opposite or some fantasy gender, and to make sure parents are not told of any such information unless explicitly approved by the child.

The group pushes a policy that maintains that schools and faculty “shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential… Staff or educators shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardian… This disclosure must be discussed with the student, prior to any action.”

In a Saturday news release condemning “right-wing extremists,” GLSEN attempted to spin that little nugget of information as such: “Supportive educators are a lifeline to students who do not have the freedom to be exactly who they are safely, and GLSEN will always fight back against policies that force educators to jeopardize student safety.”

The group also seeks to force schools to allow boys who claim to be transgender girls to play in school sports with the girls.

“To date,” Fox added, “the retail giant has donated at least $2.1 million to GLSEN.”

Fox’s shocking report spurred Twitter chief Elon Musk to ask, “Is this true, @Target?”

A Twitter “community note” also appeared on the tweet, noting that, “Target has donated to GLSEN for more than a decade: ‘Target annually supports GLSEN and its mission to create…spaces for LGBTQIA+ students.’” The note also presented links to the radical policies for which GLSEN advocates.

One Twitter user blasted Musk for asking the question, carping, “Oh come on, this is Fox News. You question CNN, MSNBC, but not Fox News? Don’t you think that this is hypocritical?”

But Musk pointed out that he literally was questioning the claims, and tweeted back, “Maybe it’s not true, hence the question.”

So far, Target has not made any statement past its quote to Fox that it supports GLSEN.

This newest wrinkle in Target’s big-dollar support of the radical LGBT lobby comes on the heels of a boycott effort over its “pride” merchandise and for partnering with a company that embraces satanism along with its LGBT advocacy. Target is now hemorrhaging money, as is Anheuser-Busch, following Bud Light’s decision to partner with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

The bad news continues to mount for Target and Bud Light both, and conservatives must keep the pressure on these woke corporations. Examples must be made if we hope to reverse the wide trend in corporate America of donating billions to these organizations whose main goal is to groom our children for their disgusting sexual agenda.:

Warner Todd Huston

Contributor, CommentarySummaryMoreRecentContact

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN and several local Chicago news programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a “target-rich environment” for political news.


Corporate America Has Launched a Religious War. It’s Time to Choose Your Side




Author John Daniel Davidson profile




Bud Light enlists a trans ladyface minstrel to sell beer. Target hires a trans Satanist to design LGBT clothes for kids and starts selling “binding” and “tucking” swimwear. North Face launches a marketing campaign featuring a creepy drag performer hocking LGBT gear to children ages 2 to 7. The Los Angeles Dodgers gives an award to a demonic hate group whose sole purpose is to blaspheme and profane the Catholic faith.

All this, and June “pride month” hasn’t even begun.

What’s happening? Why did so many major corporate brands decide to go all-in on promoting an aggressive, radical LGBT agenda that just a few years ago would have been considered totally unacceptable in civil society? Is this a psy-op? Is it real? What happens next?

The short answer to these questions is that we’ve entered a new phase of the culture war, and in some ways have transcended “the culture war” completely. What we’re in now is better described as a religious war — one that’s been launched by corporate America against all of us, and therefore demands we all choose sides.

Choosing sides in a religious war means you have to choose your religion. And in this particular religious war, there are only two sides. On one side is what C.S. Lewis called the Tao, which was his ecumenical shorthand for objective moral truth. “The Tao, which others may call Natural Law or Traditional Morality or the First Principles of Practical Reason or the First Platitudes, is not one among a series of possible systems of value,” Lewis wrote in The Abolition of Man. “It is the sole source of all value judgments. If it is rejected, all value is rejected. If any value is retained, it is retained.”

In America and in the West generally, the side of the Tao is the side of faithful Christians and Jews, as well as those atheists who, for practical reasons, cling to Judeo-Christian morality as the survivors of a shipwreck might cling to a lifeboat. It is the side that sees Target’s transing of kids as an intolerable moral evil, affirms the givenness of our nature and the created order, and recognizes not only that man isn’t God, but that man’s destiny is communion with God in a redeemed creation.

On the other side is what the writer Paul Kingsnorth, among others, has called the Machine, which at its root is a Nietzschean rebellion against God that turns out also to be “a rebellion against everything: roots, culture, community, families, biology itself.” Like the Tao, the religion of the Machine, of progress and technology and will to power, has a very long pedigree. It goes back to the Garden of Eden, where the serpent assured Eve, “You will not surely die,” that if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she would become like God.

That was the first rebellion; we have been reenacting it ever since. It is perhaps easier to see in our own time how every rebellion against God, from the Garden to now, is also an attempt to overthrow Him, to become like God. Indeed, the desire to play God is the dark heart of both transgenderism and its close cousin, transhumanism. Like other evils of our age — abortion and euthanasia, to name the obvious ones — these are, at their roots, extremely candid manifestations of pride, the source of all sin.

The Machine is a religion that makes a claim over and against reality and the created order, which are denied and disfigured in man’s attempt to arrogate the power to recreate himself according to his own desires. In our day, he seeks to do so using new technologies, but that he would desire to do so is merely the latest iteration of the rebellion that began in the Garden. This is what J.R.R. Tolkien meant when he said, “all stories are ultimately about the fall.” Tolkien also referred to the Machine at times when discussing his legendarium, often describing it as the urge to amass power and dominate, “bulldozing the real world, or coercing other wills” — a tyranny exercised over creation with the object of overcoming mortality. 

This is just what we see in the twin trans movements: a desire to overcome sex and a desire to overcome death. The transhumanists are as explicit about their desire to cheat death and attain godlike immortality as transgenders are about their desire to become the opposite sex. The latter appear to believe, like rebellious pagans of past ages, that children have an important role to play in the achievement of this desire. The Machine devoured children by fire on the altars of Moloch and Baal; it devours them now in the black mirrors of the internet and social media.

The temptation here is to dismiss this reading of our situation as hyperbole. Surely it isn’t as bad as all that, we want to say. But it really is. What’s happening now isn’t about corporate brands embracing “pride month,” as The New York Times recently framed it, or even about promoting tolerance in a diverse society. If Target were just selling T-shirts that said “fabulous” in rainbow letters no one would care. This is about transing kids. Everyone knows it, but no one wants to say so out loud. Corporations are the tip of the spear, pushing this stuff out and then letting the media turn around and accuse the right of being violent bigots for objecting.

We err, too, in thinking of all this as just a really bad case of “the culture war” that breaks along the familiar lines of left and right, blue and red. It’s partly that, but at its deepest level it’s a religious war, a spiritual struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, the Tao and the Machine.

All of which is to say that as this war develops, we should try not to get too caught up in how much Target stocks plummet or how low the price of Bud Light gets ($0, as of this writing). “Go woke, go broke” is — pardon the rhyme — a cope. That’s not to say we shouldn’t boycott these companies, even if it means financial hardship or inconvenience. Boycotting them is part of what we have to do in this religious war, but it’s not sufficient.

Corporate America is not going to stop, even if some corporations do go broke. What will be required of those who resist them is a deep religious commitment, a radical new way of living in the modern, digital age. If you’re a Jew, be deeply serious about your Judaism. If you’re a Christian, make the practice of your faith the central organizing fact of your life, not just something you do on Sundays. If you’re an atheist, pray that God gives you faith.

For adherents of the Tao, fighting this religious war is going to mean not just boycotting corporate brands but reorganizing your personal and professional life. It might mean quitting your job, or moving, or giving up certain things. It will require sacrifice. Perhaps great sacrifice.

And rest assured that every person in America is going to have to pick a side. If you don’t pick a side then your side will by default be that of the Machine, which dominates the heights of our post-Christian culture and economy. Whatever your opinion of transgenderism or identity politics, the Machine will suck you in and ensnare you unless you make a conscious choice to stand against it. So choose, and choose wisely. Your country — and, more importantly, your soul — depends on it.

John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Claremont Review of Books, The New York Post, and elsewhere. Follow him on Twitter, @johnddavidson.

Target holds ’emergency’ meeting over LGBTQ merchandise in some stores to avoid ‘Bud Light situation’

Brian Flood

By Brian Flood | Fox News | Published May 23, 2023 12:27pm EDT


FIRST ON FOX — Some southern Target stores were forced by the corporation to move LGBTQ Pride merchandise away from the front of their locations after customer “outrage” to avoid a “Bud Light situation.”

Many Target locations across the country feature massive June Pride month displays on an annual basis, with items this year ranging from “tuck friendly” bathing suits for transgender people to mugs that say “gender fluid.” But the retail juggernaut has been criticized by some conservatives for the displays, with children’s items particularly irking many customers. 

A Target insider told Fox News Digital that many locations, mostly in rural areas of the South, have relocated Pride sections to avoid the kind of backlash Bud Light has received in recent weeks after using a transgender influencer in a promotional campaign. 


Target in Palmdale, California
Some southern Target stores were forced by the corporation to move LGBTQ Pride merchandise away from the front of the store after customer “outrage.” (Google Maps)

A Target insider said there were “emergency” calls on Friday and that some managers and district senior directors were told to tamp down the Pride sections immediately.

“We were given 36 hours, told to take all of our Pride stuff, the entire section, and move it into a section that’s a third the size. From the front of the store to the back of the store, you can’t have anything on mannequins and no large signage,” the Target insider said.

“We call our customers ‘guests,’ there is outrage on their part. This year, it is just exponentially more than any other year,” the Target insider continued. “I think given the current situation with Bud Light, the company is terrified of a Bud Light situation.”

The insider, who has worked at the retailer for almost two decades, said Target rarely makes such hasty decisions. They said Friday’s call began with roughly 10 minutes on “how to deal with team member safety” because of the amount of backlash the Pride merchandise has generated, noting that Target Asset Protect & Corporate Security teams were present on the call.

Pride swimsuit
Target Pride swimsuits boast “tuck-friendly construction” and “extra crotch coverage,” presumably to accommodate male genitalia, even if they are made in an otherwise female style. (Brian Flood/Fox News)
Many Target locations across the country feature massive June Pride month displays on an annual basis. (Brian Flood/Fox News)

“The call was super quick, it was 15 minutes. The first 10 minutes was about how to keep your team safe and not having to advocate for Target. The last five was, ‘Move this to the back, take down the mannequins and remove the signage,’” the insider said, noting that bathing suits have replaced Pride merchandise in front-of-store displays despite Pride month not even starting until June 1.

“It’s all under the guise of trying to increase swim sales,” the insider said. “Everyone was like, ‘Thank God,’ because we’re all on the front lines dealing with it.”

Target did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Fox News Digital has confirmed rural Target stores in South Carolina, Arkansas and Georgia are among the locations to move the Pride sections. Most rank-and-file employees were left in the dark, with many not knowing the Pride sections would be moved until they noticed it themselves.

Pride merchandise remains prominently displayed at other locations and on the Target website.

Target Pride merchandise includes female-style swimsuits that can be used to “tuck” male genitalia. Some products are also labeled as “Thoughtfully fit on multiple body types and gender expressions.”

Pride merchandise also includes onesies and rompers for newborn babies, a variety of adult clothing with slogans such as “Super Queer,” party supplies, home decor, multiple books and a “Grow At Your Own Pace” saucer planter.


Target has been criticized by conservatives for apparently over-the-top Pride displays, with children’s items particularly irking many customers. (Brian Flood/Fox News)
Target Pride merchandise includes “Gender Fluid” mugs and “Grow At Your Own Pace” saucer planters. (Brian Flood/Fox News)

Bud Light sales have plummeted since backlash to the partnership with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney has continued to haunt the company more than a month since it came to light. The issue began when Mulvaney publicized that the beer company sent packs of Bud Light featuring the influencer’s face as a way to celebrate a full year of “girlhood.” Mulvaney is one of many social media influencers Bud Light has tapped to promote the brand.

Mulvaney said the cans were her “most prized possession” on Instagram with a post that featured “#budlightpartner.” A video then featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign. Some consumers mistakenly thought the cans with Mulvaney’s face were being sold to the public.

“Bud Light learned an important lesson about wading into the culture wars recently. But partnering with Dylan Mulvaney is nothing compared to what Target is doing,” conservative pundit and author Bethany Mandel tweeted.

Fox News’ Hanna Panreck contributed to this report.

Brian Flood is a media reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to and on Twitter: @briansflood. 

Target Partnered with Satan Supporter Who Wants To ‘Eradicate’ Critics of Transgenderism

BY: JORDAN BOYD | MAY 22, 2023


Target collaborates with Satanist to release new trans merch

Author Jordan Boyd profile




This article describes disturbing products and messages.

Target furthered its commitment to advancing radical gender ideology this month when it partnered with a Satan supporter who called for the eradication of anyone who disagrees with the mutilation of children to supply transgender-themed merchandise to Target’s “pride” collection.

The recent collaboration between Target and the U.K.-based brand Abprallen and its designer “Erik,” a self-proclaimed “gay trans man,” features a sweatshirt emblazoned with a caduceus wrapped in a “cure transphobia not trans people” ribbon, a rainbow UFO tote bag that states “too queer for here,” and a pink “we belong everywhere” fanny pack.

“Being able to transition brings with it euphoria, comfort, self-love, and perhaps most importantly – hope,” Erik wrote in one Instagram post promoting a “transitioning saves lives” image. What Erik didn’t mention is the irreversible damage gender experiments yield, such as “sexual dysfunction, infertility, cardiac event[,] endometrial cancer,” life-threatening infections, and transition regret.

Erik’s products, which are showcased on Target’s website, average just a couple of stars. One five-star review penned by the designer, however, restated excitement that one of the largest U.S. retailers would stock this type of clothing.

“These have already got the transphobes infuriated with me and I feel like quite the celebrity to think that they believe this is all some big conspiracy and I have any power to brainwash anyone when I’m just some guy drawing pictures!” the designer wrote in an Instagram post announcing the partnership.

What Erik didn’t mention in the social media defense of Abprallen products is that “just drawing pictures” includes a long history of producing and selling goods that elevate Satan and transgenderism in the same breath. One quick glance at the designer’s website and Instagram shows dozens of designs featuring satanic and sacrilegious symbols such as pentagrams, “Satan respects pronouns” T-shirts, “gay as hell” stickers, and stained glass windows covered up by “trans bodies are holy.”

“So, for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. I went with a variation of Baphomet for this design, a deity who themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They reject binary stereotypes and expectations. Perfect,” Erik wrote.

One particularly graphic image on the designer’s Instagram shows a naked demonic creature with a horned skull and mutilated breasts.

“Being called a demon is something I can cope with, and the idea of a trans demon is pretty damn cool, most of my work focusses on gothic or dark and satanic imagery juxtaposed with bright colours and LGBT+ positive messages,” Erik wrote in the caption.

Abprallen appears to have sold some of these products at an “Anti-Christmas Fayre Satanic Flea Market” in London in December of 2022.

In addition to promoting explicit evil, Erik often uses violent language and imagery, with products such as a “burn down the cis-tem” lighter, a “we bash back” mace, and “time’s up for transphobes” skull pins to call for action against people who take issue with radical gender ideology and the dangerous mutilation and castration it prescribes. Erik also sells merchandise promoting the murder of babies in the womb.

“In order to keep transphobes at bay we must eradicate them, it is very important to not engage in conversation with them – fascists do not listen to reason and they do not deserve the trans person’s valuable time,” Erik wrote in early March.

Target’s embrace of someone who promotes the explicit fusion of radical gender ideology and Satanism might seem recent but it’s not. In 2021, when a man dubbed a “homophobic heckler” asked a Target employee if the company supports “satanic pride propaganda,” the red-shirted employee replied “Yeah, both, Satan and Pride” without missing a beat.

Since 2012, Target has happily stocked the front of its stores with pro-LGBT T-shirts, accessories, pet items, party supplies, and decor. In recent years, Target expanded the reach of messages like “trans people will always exist,” “queer,” and “live laugh lesbian” to the children’s section.

Even well before the scheduled commencement of “pride month” in June, Target began selling “light binding effect” tops and “tuck-friendly” shorts in the children’s clothing section.

Target isn’t the only company elevating people and products that blend transgenderism and demon worship. In recent years, Hollywood stars like Lil Nas X and Sam Smith have tried to advance the LGBT agenda using demonic shoes, music videos, and performances with clear links to Satan.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

‘Terrified’ at Target

Reported by Chris Woodward ( | Thursday, November 1, 2018

“That means that the law [in Massachusetts] protects his right to be in that bathroom – and as the police say, per this new article in the New Boston Post, on ‘October 16th we responded to a call of suspicious activity at the Woburn Target, we identified and spoke with all identified parties, an investigation was initiated, the information currently available to us indicates that there may have been no crime committed,'” Beckwith points out. “Again, [this] article identifies the man in that women’s bathroom as an adult biological male who identifies as a woman.”

It is here that Beckwith says he sees problems.

“First, he’s in there to begin with and who knows what he’s doing,” Beckwith explains. “At a minimum he has terrified this 10-year-old girl – and fortunately she is safe – but now the police can’t really do anything about it. Their hands are tied because of this law [because] it gives him a right to be in there as long as he claims to identify as a woman.”

If the parents had complained to store management – and had management prevented the man from going into the women’s restroom in order to protect the privacy and safety of all its customers, Beckwith says Target would be susceptible for up to a $50,000 fine.

Beckwith adds that if this was his daughter and he tried to stop the man from entering the bathroom, he could go to jail for up to a year, according to the law that’s up for repeal next Tuesday.

“I don’t think it mattered to that 10-year-old girl how that man may or may not have identified,” Beckwith concludes. “She was terrified – and this law allows him to be in there.”

The ACLU and Human Rights Campaign-backed Freedom for All Massachusetts says the law is about inclusivity and preventing discrimination of the transgender community. But Keep MA Safe argues that sexual predators can and will take advantage of the law, putting women and children at risk.

“We haven’t exactly gotten a fair shake when it comes to mainstream media,” says Keep MA Safe spokeswoman Yvette Ollada. “They are now editorializing and making things up as they go, or calling [us] to ‘get the other side.’ But really they just do it as a gesture and don’t even represent anything that our side says.”

Blog posts, press releases, and news clips have been launched from both sides of the debate in their efforts to raise more funds for their respective campaigns.

China Announces It Will Implement Tough Sanctions Against North Korea


URL of the original posting site:

For the second time in recent days, China took a major step to put pressure on North Korea to resolve its standoff with the United States over North Korea’s missile development efforts. The Chinese government announced Monday it will implement the sanctions that were imposed against North Korea by the United Nations on Aug. 5.

The Security Council sanctions block nations from accepting North Korea’s primary exports, including coal, iron, iron ore, lead and seafood. The sanctions also target other revenue streams, such as banks and joint ventures with foreign companies. The sanctions could cost North Korea a third of its $3 billion annual export revenue.

Although China did not block the sanctions at the U.N., it was unclear until the announcement whether China, which is North Korea’s largest trading partner, would implement them. China also faces possible action from President Donald Trump, who has said he may order an investigation into allegations of unfair Chinese trade practices.

“It is obviously improper to use one thing as a tool to imposing pressure on another thing,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Monday. “There will be no winner from a trade war, it will be lose-lose.”

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China’s action to implement the sanctions came days after a state-run newspaper said that if North Korea attacks the United States, it will fight any war that results on its own.

“China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral,” the Global Times editorial said.

Throughout the escalation of tensions between the United States and North Korea, China has called for restraint.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement Friday.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious in their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions,” he said.

Writing in The Washington Post, David Von Drehle said China needs to emerge from the North Korean-American showdown with a win.

” … the audience of greatest concern to China — namely, the other leading countries in the region, including Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, the Philippines and Vietnam — faces the urgent question of whether they can trust a rising China to share in safeguarding their sphere. If the problem of Kim isn’t defused, those nations are sure to seek even deeper alliances with the United States while building their own military capacity. China’s regional influence will shrink rather than grow,” he wrote.

Transgender Arrested in Target Dressing Room

waving flagBy Michael Ware July 18, 2016


I hate when I am right sometimes. It is never good that we have to see people suffer because the world refuses to see the truth. But such is the case with Target and their transgender rules. I said that it would not be long before the violators would come out from under their rocks.

Christian News reports

An Idaho man who identifies as a woman was arrested on Tuesday after he allegedly recorded video footage of a teenager trying on a swimsuit in a Target fitting room.

Sean Patrick Smith, 46, who goes by Shauna Patricia Smith, was taken into custody and charged with one felony count of voyeurism following the incident.

According to reports, the 18-year-old was trying on a swimsuit in the Ammon store’s unisex fitting room on Monday when she noticed someone holding a phone over the separator.

Those who support the open bathroom policy, such as Obama, PayPal, the NBA, and Target have all stated that this would not happen. They have held that the Gender Dysphoria inflicted were themselves victims and would never do such things.

Now we see where this foolishness has led our children and us. It is no longer safe to frequent such stores as Target. They have chosen political correctness over safety. And here are the results.

Christian News continued

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” a witness told East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

The girl’s mother confronted Smith, who was wearing a dress and wig, but he fled the scene. 

The following day, police tracked Smith to his home, where he was questioned. Documents composed by investigators outline that “the defendant eventually admitted … that she had made videos in the past of women undressing.”

“The defendant told [the detective] that she makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography,’” police noted, adding that Smith said that he finds the footage to be “sexually gratifying.”Picture3

He is a sex offender, and God only knows how many have done this and not been caught.

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Top Twenty Sexual Crimes Committed at Target Stores

waving flagby Warner Todd Huston26 Apr 2016

URL of the original posting site:

The Target department store chain has made itself infamous for announcing that it will allow transgender people to choose whatever bathroom they want to use at any given time, even though the chain already has many problems with sexual assaults in its stores.

Here are the top twenty sex crime reports from Target’s stores across the nation.

Man Accused of Exposing Himself to 9-Year-Old in Target

04/2016 – Police have arrested a man accused of exposing himself to a 9-year-old boy in the bathroom of a Target store in Cedar Park in February. Roel Anthony Vasquez, 27, was charged March 24 with indecency with a child by exposure. No one at the store could identify who he was when the incident occurred, so police asked for help from the public by releasing pictures of the suspect from store surveillance video in March.

Man Charged for Stalking Woman at Target

04/2016 – MIDWEST CITY, Okla. – The District Attorney in Oklahoma County has filed a misdemeanor charge against a man accused of stalking women at a metro Target store. Cody Stephens, 21, lives in Midwest City, not too far from the Target store where he is accused of stalking women.

Police Hunting Man Who Allegedly Masturbated on 16-Year-Old at Target

10/2015 – SOUTH BEND – South Bend police are looking for a man who performed a sexual act Monday afternoon at a Target department store at 1400 E. Ireland Road, according to our news partner ABC57. A 16-year-old girl was shopping at the department store when a man approached her from behind and performed a sexual act on himself at about 2 p.m., police said. The man got away, and police are still looking for him.

Man Seeking Date, Gropes Woman at Target Store

11/2015 – San Diego police are searching for a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the aisle of a Target store in San Diego, pestering her for a date before reaching under her clothing to grope her. The San Diego Police Department (SDPD) says the incident – being investigated as a case of sexual battery – happened around 9 p.m. on Halloween at a Target located at 5680 Balboa Ave.

Man Arrested for Groping and Sexually Assaulting Women in Target

10/2015 – A Jefferson man arrested on Friday after police said he followed and then touched a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl in separate incidents could face “multiple” child sexual assault charges, a prosecutor said in court Tuesday.

Benjamin J. Cooper, 38, was jailed on $5,000 bail after appearing in court. Assistant District Attorney Stephanie Hilton said charges against Cooper are expected to be filed Wednesday.

Police Arrest Ventura Man in Connection with Sexual Battery Incident Inside Target

10/2015 – A 46-year-old man was arrested Saturday in connection with a sexual battery incident, including allegedly grabbing an employee’s buttocks, inside a Target store in Ventura, police said.

Aaron Carter, of Ventura, was reportedly making sexual comments and gestures to several female patrons around 9:33 a.m. inside of a Target store, located on the 4000 block of East Main Street, according to the Ventura Police Department.

Man Sexually Assaulted and Tried to Kidnap Boy at Target

09/2015 – ROCKAWAY – A borough man has been accused of sexually assaulting a five-year-old boy and trying to kidnap another in the past two weeks.

Kyriakos Serghides, 34, of Rockaway, was charged on Friday with second-degree attempted kidnapping, second-degree luring, second-degree sexual assault, third-degree terroristic threats, fourth-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and two counts of third-degree endangering the welfare of a child, Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp and acting Rockaway Township police Chief Martin McParland, Jr. said in a joint news release. …

[The] boy told police on Thursday he was at the Target in Rockaway Township when Serghides approached him, Knapp and McParland said in the news release. Serghides threatened to cut the boy if he didn’t go with him, they said.

Police Investigating Sexual Assault of 11-Year-Old Girl at Target

07/2015 – St. Louis City Police confirmed that they are investigating the sexual assault of a 13-year-old female inside the Target store on Hampton Avenue in south St. Louis Monday night. Police say the suspect walked past the victim, squeezed her buttocks, then walked away. The girl told a relative and police were called.

Man Confesses to Hiding Camera in Target Store Bathroom

07/2015 – FRESNO, Calif. – Authorities in Hanford say a man has confessed to placing a hidden camera inside a restroom of a local Target store. The suspect was identified as Eugenio Rodriguez, 32, of Hanford.

Hanford police responded to the store on North 12th Avenue on Wednesday after an employee found the camera in the family restroom. They say the camera was concealed with toilet tissue and had a red light illuminating before the employee turned it off. Officers say the camera didn’t record anything but it did stream live video.

Man High on PCP Assaults Women at Glen Burnie Target, Police Say

03/2016 – Frank Eugene Pratt, 39, is charged with attempted robbery, second-degree assault, disorderly conduct and drug possession after the incident at Target at 7951 Nolpark Road, police said.

Police responded to the store at about 2 p.m. Saturday on a report that a man had smoked PCP in the store’s restroom, then approached several female victims and assaulted them.

Man Arrested in Target on Burglary, Sexual Assault Charges

12/2014 – SACRAMENTO – A man was arrested outside of a local Target on Wednesday.

According to the Sacramento Police Department, officers rushed to the Target on 65th Street around 5 p.m. on Wednesday.

‘Peeping Tom’ Took Pics of People in Target Bathroom

11/2014 – ANDERSON, SC – A Six Mile man accused of taking pictures and video of people using the restroom at Target has been arrested, according to Anderson police.

According to the incident report, police were called to the store on Thursday where one victim said the suspect had a cellphone positioned under the stall to capture video of men at the urinals.

Police Tip Leads to Man Wanted for Touching Young Girls at Target

10/2014 – SAN LEANDRO, Calif. – San Leandro police say they have a person in custody for allegedly assaulting two young girls inside two different stores on Monday night.

Police credit surveillance pictures, television news and social media for helping them crack this case so quickly.

Police Looking for Man Who Kissed Child in Target

10/2014 – The Orlando Police Department needs the public’s help locating a man who allegedly kissed a child inside an Orange County Target store.

Police said the incident happened around 10:22 p.m. on Oct. 6 at the Target in the 4700 block of Millenia Plaza Way.

Cleves Man Arrested for Voyeurism After Looking at Young Boy in Target Restroom

09/2014 – CINCINNATI, OH – A Cleves man is facing voyeurism charges after an alleged incident inside a west side Target store.

According to Hamilton County court documents, Mark Klapper, 36, was arrested for looking at a 4-year-old boy’s private parts in a Target bathroom Saturday.

Suspect Accused of Sexually Assaulting Girl at Sandy Target Turns Self In

08/2014 – Sandy authorities have arrested the suspect accused of sexually assaulting a girl at a Target store in Sandy.

Sandy Sgt. Dean Carriger said 47-year-old James Scot Fullmer was arrested Wednesday.

Man Arrested for Molesting Boy at Target Store

07/2013 – PINOLE, Calif. – A 32-year-old man is under arrest, accused of molesting a 9-year-old boy and taking video of his feet.

Gregory Paul Houchins is being held on $5.1 million bail at the West Contra Costa County detention facility.

Police say he met the child in the video game section of the Pinole Target store two weeks ago. He forced the child to touch his private parts and took him to bathroom where the child got away and ran to his parents.

Sexual Assault Suspect Arrested at Folsom Target Store

10/2012 – FOLSOM, Calif. (KCRA) – A jogger and Target security officers helped Folsom police track down and arrest a man wanted in connection with sexual battery and an attempted rape Saturday.

Police arrested Timothy Ortiz, 25, at the Target store on Blue Ravine Road after security officers reported he was following women in the store and masturbating.

Man Arrested for Taking Photos of Woman in Target Bathroom

07/2009 – ATHENS, Ga. – Athens-Clarke County police have arrested a 26-year-old man for being a peeping Tom in the women’s room at a Target.

Police say Luis Mesqueda Hernandez was caught on security cameras sneaking into the women’s bathroom at the store Sunday afternoon and using his cell phone to take photos of a woman. The store’s security officers detained Hernandez until police arrived.

Suspect Arrested in Target Sexual Assault of a 11-Year-Old Girl

7/2003 – SOUTH CHARLESTON, West Virginia – A Kentucky man has been charged with the sexual assault of an 11- year-old girl at a Target store.

Surveillance camera images of the suspect leading the girl through the store have been broadcast nationally.

Allen D. Coates, 37, of Irvington, Kentucky, was arrested Wednesday afternoon in the downtown area of Louisville, where he is being held at the Metro Corrections Facility. The arrest followed a “very detailed, very thorough” out-of-state tip, according to South Charleston Police Chief D.W. Dunlap.

In case you want to contact Target’s CEO about their new policy that puts women everywhere at risk, here is his contact information:

Gregg Steinhafel


Phone: 612-696-6234

Fax: 612-696-6325

PC Trans

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

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L.A. Woman Photographs What She Witnessed In A Target Restroom

waving flagReported by Fred Maxwell April 25, 2016

Only days after the Target Corp. issued a release confirming its stance on the issue of transgender restrooms, a patron noticed something in the women’s restroom that she felt compelled to photograph. A statement released by Target on April 19 called “inclusivity” a core value belief of Target that should be celebrated. The statement said, “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”Transgen-600-CI-1

In a Facebook post, Karen Crawford said, “It’s true. ..I’m in the women’s bathroom at a Target north of LA…they actually took out a stall for women in order to accommodate the ones who have giblets…yes, these are urinals…for men…and so the war on women progresses. …”

The post from Crawford has received much response.

One follower posted: “Dear Target, thank you for being so ‘inclusive’ as to allow men who identify as women to use the rest room with women who identify as women. Some people believe safety, privacy, dignity, and reality are more important considerations than political correctness, but it’s wonderful to see you taking a stand against those bigots. Why should our wives and daughters be treated with decency when there are cross dressing dudes to appease? Again, thank you for your bravery.”

Another user responded: “How can society get so far off based? Lord help us!”Foden20160303-TGender

There is much speculation as to the result of Target’s controversial stance. Some fear the decision will encourage sexual predators, which may lead to increased violence toward women and children.

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Imported Muslims arriving now in these U.S. cities

waving flagPosted By Leo Hohmann On 06/17/2015

Article printed from WND:

URL to article:

Cheering Syrian rebels. The rebel groups are made up of various Sunni factions all vying to replace the Shiite-led government of Bashar al-Assad. The overwhelming majority of "refugees" coming from Syria are also Sunni Muslim.

A few congressmen are fighting to block the planned importation of thousands of Syrian refugees into American cities and towns, arguing that they present a grave security risk because many Syrians have ties to the Sunni rebel groups ISIS and al-Nusra Front.

But the fact is, as President Obama ignores the concerns of U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and others on the House Homeland Security Committee, the Syrians have already started to arrive stateside.

Since January, more than 70 U.S. cities have been on the receiving end of a Syrian visitation.

WND has compiled a complete list of cities (see chart below) that received Syrian refugees since Jan. 1. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres has as many as 11,000 Syrians in a pipeline waiting for admission into the U.S., which is responsible for screening them for criminal and terrorist activity.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, wrote President Obama warning that the Syrian refugee program could become a 'back door for jihadists" to enter the U.S.

And therein lies the problem.

McCaul has tried to block the arrival of the Syrians based on testimony from FBI counter-terrorism experts. As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, he held a hearing on the national security risks of the Syrian refugee program in February and has scheduled a second hearing for June 24. He’s also sent two letters to Obama, urging him not to let the U.N. refugee program become a “jihadist pipeline” into the United States.

The Syrian civil war, now more than four years old, has chased more than 3.8 million Syrians from their homes, according to the U.N., which has about 130,000 it wants to resettle permanently in outside countries. Some of the top destination points in the past few months have been in;

  • Texas, where the cities of Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston have each received more than 20 Syrians since January.
  • Chicago has received 42 Syrians so far this year, more than any other city,
  • while San Diego has taken in 25
  • and Phoenix 20.
  • The troubled city of Baltimore has not been left out. It has received 19 Syrians
  • while Louisville, Kentucky, has taken in 21.

“Baltimore is already suffering with all of the black crime violence (in the wake of the Freddie Gray shooting) and now we’re going to plunk down 19 Syrians,” said Ann Corcoran, who runs the watchdog blog Refugee Resettlement Watch. “It doesn’t make sense.”Picture3 Alinsky affect

WND reported earlier this week that 93 percent of the 922 Syrian refugees resettled into the U.S. since the civil war started in 2011 have been Muslim. The vast majority, 86 percent, have been Sunni Muslims, which means some could have ties to the Sunni rebel groups fighting to bring down the government of President Bashar al-Assad, a Shiite Alowite.

Assad protected the Christian minorities who have now come under brutal attack from ISIS and al-Nusra. Yet, only 4.9 percent of the 922 Syrians brought to the U.S. so far as refugees have been Christians.Why

Syria is home to one of the world’s oldest Christian communities. It was in Antioch, Syria, where followers of Jesus Christ were first called “Christians,” yet their churches have been destroyed and their families decimated by ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists. Many have watched family members beheaded or shot in front of their eyes. “Syria represents the single largest convergence of Islamic terrorists in history,” McCaul wrote in his June 11 letter to Obama. It also represents the largest refugee crisis.

The United States takes in more U.N.-designated refugees than the rest of the world combined. Of the 130,000 Syrians the U.N wants to permanently resettle, the U.S. is being asked to take half, or about 65,000, by the end of Obama’s term in office. The State Department insists they are “intensely screened” even as the FBI has admitted they are impossible to screen because the U.S. has no “boots on the ground in Syria” and Syria is a “failed state” with no reliable law-enforcement data, said Michael Steinbach, deputy director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism unit, in his Feb. 11 testimony before McCaul’s committee.

Growing ‘pockets of resistance’

The State Department, working through nine private contractors and 350 subcontractors, resettles U.N.-certified refugees into more than 190 cities and towns across America. The refugee program has operated in its current form since Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980.

Some cities in recent years have begun to push back against the arrival of refugees in their communities, saying they have become a burden on social services and aren’t finding jobs that will support themselves without government assistance. Elected leaders in Clarkston, Georgia, for instance, complained in 2011 to Gov. Nathan Deal, who was able to strike a deal in which no new refugees would be sent to the town other than family members of existing refugees.

The mayors of Lynn and Springfield, Massachusetts, as well as Manchester, New Hampshire, and Athens, Georgia, have also questioned why they can’t have more information and influence over how many refugees get sent to their towns. These have been dubbed “pockets of resistance” by the resettlement agencies working for the federal government. A manual was written by one contractor on how to deal with local grassroots activists who push back against the arrival of refugees.

WND last month uncovered a document authored by one of the federal government’s main resettlement contractors that detailed plans to counter the growing “backlash” that is occurring in many cities that would like to shut the refugee spigot off, or at least slow it down. The report recommended monitoring blogs by activists and turning in some to the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center which could then brand them as “anti-Muslim” or guilty of “Islamophobia.”

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

The most recent uprising has been in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in the district of Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

Gowdy has tried to gather facts on exactly how the program works so he can answer the questions being asked of him by an organized resistance to World Relief’s plans to resettle 60 refugees from Congo, Syria and other countries over the next year.

So far, no Syrians have arrived in Spartanburg, but they have arrived and will continue to arrive in ever larger numbers in many other cities and towns. The chart below logs the numbers who have arrived just in the past five months.

Some of the questions Gowdy has pressed the State Department to answer are:

  • Who makes the ultimate decision as to which cities get refugees from what countries?
  • What variables are taken into consideration when distributing these refugees? Is it done, for instance, according to population density, geography, job and housing availability or availability of welfare benefits?
  • What local officials are brought into the decision-making process and at what point?
  • How are the other “stakeholders” chosen in the receiving communities?
  • How are the financial and economic impacts of the refugees to taxpayer-funded budgets being measured in the various cities where they are sent?

Hiding behind ‘public-private partnerships’

As Gowdy discovered, the State Department dodged most of the questions that concerned Americans have been asking for years.

After Secretary of State John Kerry provided an initial response that Gowdy called vague and “wholly inadequate,” the State Department followed up by saying any further information would have to come from the resettlement agency. In the case of Spartanburg, that would be World Relief, an evangelical agency that contracts with the government on resettlement work. Because it is a private agency, World Relief considers its reports on individual cities to be “proprietary information.” The public is not invited to the quarterly meetings in the receiving communities nor, typically, is the local media.

Approximately 70 percent of World Relief’s revenues last year came from government grants totaling $41.2 million, according to its IRS returns. It also receives funding from foundations such as the Vanguard Charitable Foundation, Mustard Seed Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Pfizer Foundation and Global Impact.

Besides World Relief, the other eight resettlement agencies that contract with the government are the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Church World Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the International Rescue Committee, Episcopal Migration Ministries, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council. These nine agencies present themselves to local communities as “charities.”

But if they are truly doing the Lord’s work, why are their budgets funded so heavily by the government, and why have they agreed to carry out their work without sharing the gospel message to their refugee clients, many activists have asked.

The nine contractors share the wealth with more than 350 subcontractors. For instance, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops subcontracts with Catholic Charities, while Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service subcontracts with Lutheran Social Services and Church World Service contracts with affiliates of the National Council of Churches.

Many of the agencies and their myriad subcontractors also accept donations from leftist foundations tied to George Soros, Bill Gates, the Tides Foundation, Walmart, Target, the Komen Foundation, the United Way and many others.

Big money flows into resettlement business

According to research in a new book by James Simpson, an independent investigative journalist, the Lutheran resettlement efforts, which have been very active in bringing Somali refugees into Minnesota among other places, are financed 92 percent by the government. This Lutheran “charity” also receives donations from George Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, Global Impact, Fidelity Investments, Bank of America and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Simpson sums up the program in his book, “The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.” He writes:

“Hatched by the U.N. and the American Left, the resettlement agenda is dedicated to erasing our culture, traditions and laws, and creating a compliant, welfare-dependent multicultural society with no understanding of America’s constitutional framework and no interest in assimilation. The ultimate target is a voting base large enough for the Left’s long-sought ‘permanent progressive majority.’

“Most people would be shocked to know that America currently takes more refugees from the world’s ghettos than all other refugee resettlement countries in the world combined. The State Department brags about it. Furthermore, most of those refugees are referred to the United States by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The refugees (and the illegal aliens flooding the southern border from Central America) are then ‘resettled’ by taxpayer funded ‘Voluntary Agencies’ or VOLAGs as they are called.”The Lower you go

And the CEOs of these resettlement agencies get paid handsomely. According to Simpson’s research, they bring in six-figure salaries of between $300,000 and $500,000 per year. Of the nine main resettlement agencies, six are faith-based or as Simpson says, “nominally religious,” because they operate with mainly government cash and they are forbidden by their government contracts from evangelizing their clients, many of whom are Muslim. “All are in it for the money and top staff make high six figures,” Simpson writes. “Together the VOLAGs are paid close to $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to resettle refugees. Two more organizations (including Baptist Family and Children Services) who settle most of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) brought the total to over $1.3 billion last year.”

Forty-nine of the 50 states, with Wyoming being the lone exception, have a refugee resettlement program in place with the federal government. In most states the governor appoints a refugee resettlement coordinator to handle the shipments of refugees, but in 12 states the contractors handle the refugees with little or no input from the governor’s office.

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