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Posts tagged ‘Homeland Security’

Why CISA’s Censorship and Election Interference Work Is The ‘Most Insidious Attack on American Democracy’

BY: M.D. KITTLE | MARCH 05, 2024


Cyber security illustration of lock on grid as shadowy characters pass.

Author M.D. Kittle profile



West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner last month eviscerated the Big Brother censorship operation known as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

“When we have our own federal agencies lying to the American people, that’s the most insidious thing that we can do in elections,” the election integrity champion told officials from the FBI and CISA on a panel at the winter meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in Washington, D.C., according to Wired’s Eric Geller. While Geller did his best to defend the federal agency — under the suggestive headline, “How a Right-Wing Controversy Could Sabotage US Election Security” — its history of censorship and election interference validate Warner’s concern.

The agency’s work, particularly the extracurricular business CISA has conducted in recent years, has been rightly criticized for its massive overreach. A report released last fall by the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government details just how CISA “Colluded With Big Tech And ‘Disinformation’ Partners To Censor Americans.”

“Although the investigation is ongoing, information obtained to date has revealed that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—an upstart agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—has facilitated the censorship of Americans directly and through third-party intermediaries,” the congressional report states. 

The report goes on to assert that the shadowy agency has “metastasized into the nerve center of the federal government’s domestic surveillance and censorship operations on social media.” 

‘Platforms Have Got to Get More Comfortable With Gov’t’

Launched in 2018, CISA was supposed to be “an ancillary agency designed to protect ‘critical infrastructure’ and guard against cybersecurity threats,” the report notes. By 2020, the agency was “routinely” targeting what CISA officials claimed to be “disinformation” on social media. A year later, the agency had established a formal team devoted to what it decided was “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation,” the latter of which CISA defines as “information based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.” In other words, factual information that is problematic to the Biden regime. 

CISA’s parent agency DHS launched the much-ridiculed and ultimately disbanded “Disinformation Governance Board” in 2022, to streamline the work of colluding with social media providers to shut down speech the government didn’t like or found inconvenient. 

A federal lawsuit filed by then-Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, now a U.S. senator, uncovered troubling conversations between the Biden administration and private companies about the pathways for removing information the government deemed false or misleading. A federal judge in a ruling last year barred the Biden administration from its censorship work, although the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the injunction when it took up the case.

Leaked documents obtained by The Intercept show that Microsoft executive and former DHS official Matt Masterson texted CISA director Jen Easterly in February 2022, saying “Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov’t. It’s really interesting how hesitant they remain.”

But it seems Big Tech was getting pretty comfortable with the Biden administration’s puppet enforcer. The Intercept report showed, among other alarming revelations, that Facebook operated a portal where Homeland Security could report allegations of “disinformation.”  CISA also has worked in concert with the Election Integrity Partnership and Virality Project, which is accused of conspiring with state, local, and federal government officials to trample the First Amendment rights of social media users, according to a class-action lawsuit

“But the EIP did not act alone. In fact, the EIP was created ‘in consultation’ with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, with the idea for the EIP allegedly originating from CISA interns who were Stanford students,”  The Federalist’s Senior Legal Correspondent Margot Cleveland wrote in May. 

‘Only a Matter of Time’ 

Facing more public outrage over its unconstitutional actions, the CISA audaciously insisted it merely plays an “informational” role. 

As the congressional report notes: 

  • CISA is “working with federal partners to mature a whole-of-government approach” to curbing alleged misinformation and disinformation.
  • CISA considered the creation of an anti-misinformation “rapid response team” capable of physically deploying across the United States. 
  • CISA moved its censorship operation to a CISA-funded non-profit after CISA and the Biden Administration were sued in federal court, implicitly admitting that its censorship activities are unconstitutional.
  • CISA wanted to use the same CISA-funded non-profit as its mouthpiece to “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.”  

The agency’s advisory committee, according to the report, worried that it would be “only a matter of time before someone realizes we exist and starts asking about our work.” Incidentally, the advisory committee created a “Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation & Disinformation” subcommittee whose members included Vijaya Gadde — Twitter’s former chief legal officer who was “involved in censoring [the New York] Post’s Hunter Biden laptop” story. Gadde was also “behind the decision to permanently ban former President Trump from Twitter.”

‘Most Insidious Attack on American Democracy’

Geller’s Wired piece took aim at Warner, West Virginia’s outspoken secretary of state who is making a run for governor. At last month’s secretaries of state meeting, Warner “lambasted” CISA and FBI officials for “what he said was their agencies’ scheme to suppress the truth about US president Joe Biden’s son Hunter during the 2020 election and then cover their tracks,” Geller wrote, as if he is not privy to the same public documents and testimony confirming Warner’s assertions. In Geller’s account, the FBI was merely advising Twitter and Facebook to be on the lookout for Russian disinformation.

But how do you square the intelligence community’s “advisory” role after learning Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign prompted a former acting CIA director to “help Biden” by leading 50 colleagues to sign a letter spreading the false claim that damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop — published by the New York Post — were Russian disinformation? And all of that just weeks before the election.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the FBI and CISA officials did not respond to Warner’s charges and the meeting quickly went on, Geller reported before he quickly attempted to establish Warner as a dreaded “election denier,” noting that the secretary of state “attended an election-denier rally after Biden’s 2020 victory.” 

But Warner is no conspiracy theorist. The West Point graduate served nearly a quarter century in the U.S. Army and then worked with the State Department in Afghanistan, according to his bio. Warner knows about security threats. 

CISA’s activities are “the most insidious attack on American democracy that I know of in U.S. history,” Warner told The Federalist in an interview last week. He called the targeting and censoring of state-defined “disinformation” a “psychological operation against the American people” that is “as bad as it gets.” 

Warner said he has spoken to CISA officials multiple times but that they have yet to heed his calls for an after-action report on the 2020 election — to truly find out what went right and what went wrong. 

A Warning

It appears most state elections officials don’t want to deal with the actual threat of the Biden administration’s disinformation and political silencing campaign. 

“They know they will be lambasted by mainstream press,” Warner said. No one wants to be hit with the “election denier” label so effectively applied by the accomplice media. “It’s not easy, not politically expedient for them.”

Warner is one of the few speaking out against CISA and pulling away from involvement with the agency. But Geller worries Warner’s conservative colleagues will join him in breaking ties with CISA, as conservatives in Congress work to cut the budget of the abusive agency.  

“It remains unclear how many of Warner’s colleagues agree with him. But when WIRED surveyed the other 23 Republican secretaries who oversee elections in their states, several of them said they would continue working with CISA,” Geller wrote. 

“But others who praised CISA’s support also sounded notes of caution,” he added. 

They need only look at CISA’s record and its rhetoric in the agency’s brief existence to know that Warner’s warnings aren’t merely the stuff of a “right-wing controversy.” 

“One could argue we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important,” CISA director Jen Easterly said at 2021’s RE:WIRED conference.

Apparently running roughshod over the First Amendment isn’t warning enough. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

Dispatch From Eagle Pass: Biden Officials Won’t Enforce Laws But ‘Don’t Want Anyone Else To’ Either



Author M.D. Kittle profile



In his appearance Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” embattled U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did what any failed political leader possessing little integrity and less self-awareness would do: He blamed others for his mistakes. Asked whether he bears any responsibility for the nightmare the Biden administration has wrought at the U.S. southern border and beyond, Mayorkas effectively said, don’t look at us

“It certainly is a crisis and we don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re dealing a tremendous amount within that broken system,” he told moderator Kristen Welker. 

Maybe the secretary should talk to the people living in and around the border towns, local law enforcement, and his own U.S. Border Patrol agents. 

Ira Mehlman and the folks from FAIR — the Federation for American Immigration Reform — did just that earlier this month. 

“Ask the people at the border in Texas. They think the blame belongs squarely with [the Biden administration],” the FAIR media director told me Monday morning on “Need to Know With Jeff Angelo” on NewsRadio 1040 in Des Moines. 

Earlier this month, Mehlman and his traveling companions saw the illegal immigration crisis firsthand at Eagle Pass, a south Texas city of about 28,000 people bordering Piedras Negras, Mexico, across the Rio Grande. As the Dallas Morning News explained, “Eagle Pass, with two small international bridges, features relatively gentle Rio Grande currents that invite migrant crossings. It became a focal point of Texas action in December when the arrival of tens of thousands of migrants over multiple weeks overwhelmed Border Patrol agents and city resources.”

The border town has become a hive of humanity, as its population swells from a wave of illegal aliens pouring over the border on promises of easy entry from President Joe Biden and his nearly impeached Homeland Security chief. U.S. Customs and Border Protection still has yet to post numbers for January apprehensions at the Southwest border, but December saw a new all-time monthly record with more than 300,000 migrant apprehensions. Eagle Pass and its Del Rio sector alone have recorded a whopping 152,252 encounters in the first three months of the federal fiscal year, beginning in October, according to the agency.  

Eagle Pass is now ground zero in a standoff between the state of Texas and the Biden administration, just as it is Exhibit A in the administration’s chaotic immigration policy. Gov. Greg Abbott, backed by several states, ordered state National Guard troops to stand guard at Eagle Pass’s gates and erect razor wire to check the invasion. A divided 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court order gave the administration the go-ahead to cut the wire, but Abbott is holding firm, arguing his state is under attack and the president is doing nothing to stop it. Abbott stands on his constitutional obligation to defend and protect his state, and the United States at large, from invasion.  

“The message from the Biden administration is: Not only don’t we want to enforce immigration laws, we don’t want anyone else to do it,” Mehlman said. 

The immigration reform activist says, from what he saw on his latest trip to Eagle Pass, Abbott’s strategy is working. And, from what’s he’s heard from law enforcement officials, there have been few attempts from federal authorities to remove the deterrents Texas has put in place. Abbott has said his Operation Lone Star has reduced illegal immigration numbers, a claim backed by a new Washington Examiner analysis. 

“The numbers show how the percentage of arrests in Texas versus other border states has shifted. In 2021, 69% of illegal immigrant arrests across the southern border occurred in Texas,” the publication reported on Monday.

“As Abbott stepped up security at the start of the Biden administration in 2021, arrests of illegal crossers began to fall and dropped to just 34% last month.”

“This is a manageable problem, as Gov. Abbott has now demonstrated. If you deter people from coming across you will see the results almost immediately,” Mehlman said. 

Mehlman does acknowledge, however, that the migrants are simply rerouting to Arizona and California, border states led by leftist governors committed to Biden’s open border policies. 

Shifting blame, Mayorkas insists Congress is the “only one who can fix” the five-alarm border fire that he and Biden have dumped gasoline on. The secretary conveniently omits the many Trump-era policies the president has reversed and the orders he could sign to turn the tide of the illegal immigration flood. My colleague Tristan Justice last week detailed the dozens of times Biden has gutted border security since he took the oath of office. 

The U.S. Senate’s bad joke of a border deal that died an ignominious death last week would have essentially codified the Biden administration’s awful policy to date. Mehlman and other critics say it would have exacerbated the crisis. He said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and his top negotiator, Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., “sold out” the House’s “good” version of the bill, creating a “lose-lose situation” for lawmakers serious about border security. 

Meanwhile, last week’s failed effort by House Republicans to impeach Mayorkas is regrouping. Speaker Mike Johnson appears to believe his fellow Republicans will have the numbers —narrowly — this time around as Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., is back to political business after undergoing cancer treatment during last week’s vote. 

Mehlman said Mayorkas deserves to be impeached. 

“He has undermined the enforcement of our immigration laws, he has violated his oath of office and he’s been derelict in his duty as secretary of Homeland Security,” the Federation for American Immigration Reform official said. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

Report: 6 Million Migrants Released Via Law Loophole

By Jim Morley    |   Tuesday, 23 January 2024 03:38 PM EST


According to data released by a new report by the Congressional Budget Office and delineated by, the Biden administration has used a parole loophole in immigration law to release over 6 million illegal immigrants into the U.S. since Joe Biden took office in January 2021. The number of illegal aliens entering the U.S. under Biden, equivalent to about the population of Tennessee, has increased each year of the Biden presidency.

“CBO estimates that, on net, the number of people immigrating to the United States was 1.2 million in 2021 and 2.7 million in 2022,” the report stated. 

Biden and Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas have repeatedly stated that the U.S. southern border is secure. Yet, the newly released statement by the CBO documents the perpetual increase in illegal boarding crossing and the government’s catch-and-release protocol. 

But the CBO report read: “Customs and Border Protection officials are encountering more people attempting to enter the United States and are releasing more of them into the country with humanitarian parole or with a notice to appear before an immigration judge, and more people are illegally entering the country without encountering Customs and Boarder Protection officials.”

The CBO report said that the U.S. population “will increase from 342 million people in 2024 to 383 million people in 2054, growing by 0.4 percent per year,” with the overwhelming contributor to the increase coming from immigration of any kind and not domestic births.

“Over the next decade, net immigration accounts for about 70 percent of the overall increase in the size of the population, and the greater number of births than deaths accounts for the remaining 30 percent. After 2034, net immigration increasingly drives population growth, accounting for all population growth beginning in 2040,” the CBO report stated.

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Iranian illegal immigrant caught at border not on terror watchlist after further vetting: DHS official

By Adam ShawBill Melugin | Fox News | Published February 1, 2023 11:50am EST


EXCLUSIVETexas law enforcement arrested an Iranian illegal immigrant at the southern border last week whose name and date of birth were initially flagged as a match on the FBI’s terror watchlist, but who a DHS official tells Fox News was ultimately determined not to be a match on the database after further vetting.

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) arrested 29-year-old Alireza Heidari last week after a traffic stop involving a human smuggler at the border in Val Verde County, Texas as part of Operation Lone Star. Heidari was being smuggled in the vehicle along with four other illegal immigrants. He was located in the trunk. Fox is told that Heidari was handed over to Border Patrol custody and later determined to be a match of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). 

Fox reached out to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on Thursday and multiple times since. Only on Tuesday did DHS refer Fox to the FBI, which declined to comment. The FBI’s website says it does not confirm anyone’s status on the watchlist.

However, on Wednesday, a DHS official told Fox News that after further vetting, Homeland Security officials determined that Heidari was not a match on the TSDB. 


Jan 23, 2022: Authorities stop a human smuggler in Val Verde County, Texas.
Jan 23, 2022: Authorities stop a human smuggler in Val Verde County, Texas.

The FBI’s TSDB contains information about the identities of those who are “reasonably suspected” of being involved in terrorism or related activities. There were 17 people stopped by Border Patrol in December alone whose names matched on the list. That brings the total of individuals arrested at the southern border between ports of entry to 38 since October.

There were 98 terror watchlist arrests in FY22, 15 in FY21 and just three in FY 20 at the southern border caught between ports of entry. At the ports of entry at the northern and southern borders, meanwhile, CBP’s Office of Field Operations has encountered 125 people on the TSDB so far this fiscal year. In FY 2022 there were 380 apprehensions, 157 in FY21 and 196 in FY20.


The increase in apprehensions between ports of entry has raised concerns that, amid a historic spike in illegal immigration across the southern border, illegal criminals and terrorists could be slipping by overwhelmed Border Patrol agents.


So far this fiscal year, nearly 300,000 illegal immigrants have evaded Border Patrol, with an average of 2,450 a day in the last 120 days, sources told Fox News last week.

In fiscal 2022, there were nearly 600,000 gotaways. There were 389,155 gotaways at the border in fiscal 2021, and fiscal 2023 is on track to easily outpace those numbers. Last week, agents told Fox News there have been more than 1.2 million gotaways during the Biden administration.

Jan 23, 2022: Illegal immigrants are caught in the back of a vehicle at the border.
Jan 23, 2022: Illegal immigrants are caught in the back of a vehicle at the border.

Tom Homan, a former acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director, told Fox News on Saturday that the number should “scare the hell out of every American” and said there was a reason these migrants are not turning themselves in to Border Patrol to be processed and released into the U.S.

“Why would they not take advantage of the program? Because they don’t want to be fingerprinted, and there’s a reason for that.”

Fox News’ Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Fox News Digital, primarily covering immigration and border security.

He can be reached at or on Twitter.

Why Is the Government Arming More Federal Bureaucrats Than US Marines?



DSS Miami Field Office (MFO) hosts instructors from the Firearms Training Unit (FTU) to conduct the High Risk Environment Firearms Course – Pistol (HREFC-P) at the Homestead Training Center located at Homestead,
The idea that agencies are empowered to effectively create their own laws and go out and enforce them with armed federal agents should be alarming.

Author Mark Hemingway profile




When Congress authorized $80 billion this year to beef up Internal Revenue Service enforcement and staffing, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned that “Democrats’ new army of 87,000 IRS agents will be coming for you.” A video quickly went viral racking up millions of views, purporting to show a bunch of clumsy bureaucrats receiving firearms training, prompting alarm that the IRS would be engaged in military-style raids of taxpayers. The GOP claims were widely attacked as exaggerations — since the video, though from the IRS, didn’t show official agent training — but the criticism has shed light on a growing trend: the rapid arming of the federal government.

A report issued last year by the watchdog group Open The Books, “The Militarization of The U.S. Executive Agencies,” found that more than 200,000 federal bureaucrats now have been granted the authority to carry guns and make arrests — more than the 186,000 Americans serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. “One hundred three executive agencies outside of the Department of Defense spent $2.7 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between fiscal years 2006 and 2019 (inflation adjusted),” notes the report. “Nearly $1 billion ($944.9 million) was spent between fiscal years 2015 and 2019 alone.”

The watchdog reports that the Department of Health and Human Services has 1,300 guns including one shotgun, five submachine guns, and 189 automatic firearms. NASA has its own fully outfitted SWAT team, with all the attendant weaponry, including armored vehicles, submachine guns, and breeching shotguns. The Environmental Protection Agency has purchased drones, GPS trackers, radar equipment, and night vision goggles, and stockpiled firearms.

2018 Government Accountability Office report noted that the IRS had 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in inventory at the end of 2017 — before the enforcement funding boost this year. The IRS did not respond to requests for information, though the IRS’s Criminal Investigation division does put out an annual report detailing basic information such as how many warrants the agency is executing in a given year.

More than a hundred executive agencies have armed investigators, and apparently no independent authority is monitoring or tracking the use of force across the federal government. Agencies contacted by RealClearInvestigations from HHS to EPA declined to provide, or said they did not have, comprehensive statistics on how often their firearms are used, or details on how they conduct armed operations.

“I would be amazed if that data exists in any way,” said Trevor Burrus, a research fellow in constitutional and criminal law at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Over the years of working on this, it’s quite shocking how much they try to not have their stuff tracked on any level.”

All this weaponry raises questions about whether the 200,000 armed federal agents are getting adequate weapons and safety training. HHS did not respond to a request for comment on the $14 million in guns, ammunition, and military equipment it purchased between 2015 and 2019 or its new National Training Operations Center within the Washington, D.C. Beltway. Another government agency — Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers — also declined to speak with RCI for this article.

According to Burrus, recent history helps explain the militarization of the federal government. “This is 20 years of the war on terror, with the production of an excessive amount of access to weaponry,” he says.

The Homeland Security Act of 2002 extended law enforcement authority to special agents of 24 Offices of Inspectors General in agencies throughout the government, with provisions to enable other OIGs to qualify for law enforcement authority. As a result, even obscure agencies such as the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board’s Office of Inspector General now have armed federal agents. This summer, before the expansion of the IRS was approved by Congress, Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz singled out the RRB as an example of the excesses of an armed bureaucracy. He introduced a bill to stop federal agencies from stockpiling ammunition.

Federal agencies doing their own criminal investigations raises important constitutional and civil rights questions. Last year, the EPA raided a number of small auto shops across the country for allegedly selling equipment that helped car owners circumvent emissions regulations.

“It was 12 armed federal agents, and they had little EPA badges on and everything,” John Lund, the owner of Lund Racing in West Chester, Pennsylvania, told the Washington Examiner. The EPA did not respond to a request for comment.

While it’s hardly a new complaint that federal bureaucracies are overstepping their rulemaking authority, the idea that executive agencies are broadly empowered to effectively create their own laws and go out and enforce them with armed federal agents is another matter.

“So many of the regulations that can be enforced at the point of a gun have almost nothing to do with what people would normally call dangerous crime, that would be the kind of thing where you might want armed agents there,” said Burrus. “And especially coming from agencies such as the EPA and other agencies that are more quality-of-life agencies dealing with regulatory infractions, rather than involved in solving real crimes.”

This article was adapted from a RealClearInvestigations article published Oct. 6.

Mark Hemingway is the Book Editor at The Federalist, and was formerly a senior writer at The Weekly Standard. Follow him on Twitter at @heminator

New ‘Domestic Terror Unit’ Is A Way to Punish Americans for Thought Crimes



DOJ agents stand around on street corner

On Tuesday, Department of Justice representatives informed a Senate committee of plans to gather a group of select attorneys to form a “Domestic Terror Unit” in light of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack, noting that its number of investigations of alleged domestic terrorists have more than doubled since the spring of 2020. While admitting “there is no single federal crime labeled ‘domestic terrorism,’” a DOJ official promised to invoke a “criminal code” that allows enhanced sentences for certain crimes listed as “terror offenses.”

There are many reasons to doubt the authenticity of the federal government’s efforts against this “persistent and evolving” threat, including its conveniently blurred definitions.

The National Defense and Authorization Act’s definition of “domestic terrorism” distinctly refers to “unlawful use or threat of force of violence in furtherance of ideological agendas” in the context of political or anti-government extremism. Most other common-sense definitions clearly denote violence as an essential feature. However, federal agents have a poor track record in their use of the label, not only in the case of parents angry at school boards, but most recently in relation to Jan. 6, 2021.

In July 2021, after pleading guilty to “obstruction of an official proceeding,” non-violent Jan. 6 defendant Paul Hodgkins, who had no prior criminal record, was given a heavy eight-month sentence. Judge Randolph Moss described him as one of many “terrorists” that day, baselessly lumping him in with those who committed actual violence.

In all his insufferable rantings about an “assault on democracy” and the rebellious “symbolism” of Hodgkins raising a Trump flag, Moss could not explain how his particular crime of roaming the Senate floor for 22 minutes had enabled violence. In fact, he plainly admitted that the punishment wasn’t based entirely on individual guilt, but on a perverse idea of “balanced” justice:

The court here had to consider both what I think are the extremely damaging events that occurred that day but also who Mr. Hodgkins is as an individual. And as I think is reflected by the sentencing I imposed, I tried to strike that balance.

This implies one may be considered a terrorist by virtue of being within geographical distance of what terrorists are doing if one’s political leanings are on a similar spectrum. Despite the court’s claims, neither the prosecution nor the judge brought forth a sentencing enhancement based on the existing code of terror offenses mentioned Tuesday. Why? Because Hodgkins’ crime isn’t on it. It was terrorism because the court said it was, not by law.

More judicial malpractice occurred in the case of non-violent defendant Jacob Chansely, the infamous “Q shaman” who was held in solitary confinement for months while Judge Royce Lamberth repeatedly denied his release. In November, Chansely received an unbelievable 41-month sentence when he pleaded guilty to the same charge as Hodgkins.

While admitting Chansely committed no violent crime at the Capitol (in fact, he openly called for peace), the court cited a “need to deter others especially in cases of domestic terrorism.” By punishing a non-terrorist more harshly than necessary to “deter others,” our bloodthirsty DOJ showed a willingness to weaponize federal convictions that deplete a defendant’s civil rights just to make an example out of him.

In August, the government extended its wild accusations out of the courtrooms and into local police departments. Leading up to the anniversary of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security issued an alert advising police and neighborhoods to be on the lookout for potential terror threats. Among them were “opposition to COVID measures,” or association with “conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud.”

Do you oppose certain COVID policies or hold a skeptical view of the 2020 election’s security but have no intent to respond violently or illegally? The DHS draws no line; to them, you may be a terrorist. Their language spreads beyond actions to include statements or beliefs that are inherently devoid of any call to action, violent or not. One could almost call it an indictment of “thought crime.”

Lastly, while the Jan. 6 Capitol attack obviously involved acts of political violence, it hasn’t been linked to any broader, organized threat to the country, raising more questions as to what exactly justifies a new Terror Unit in response. In August, after hundreds of arrests and investigations, the FBI admitted to finding no hard evidence of an elaborate political plot on Jan. 6, a confession no one in the government has retracted since. The most concerning evidence of a plot may be the FBI’s own use of provocateurs, but it’s looking doubtful the FBI or DOJ will investigate itself.

When asked by the Senate committee if any Jan. 6 defendants have been charged with “insurrection,” DOJ representatives said they were unaware of any. That’s because the answer is no. Regardless, the feds continue to ramp up their already fanatical response to a problem they haven’t clearly defined.

Our self-serving ruling class hasn’t conducted itself responsibly or transparently in the wake of the Capitol attack, and we can expect this new development to be no different. While the Biden administration would have us believe that the aimless actions of a few foolish troublemakers represent the greatest authoritarian threat to the United States, its systematic purge of political opponents indicates otherwise.

Hudson Crozier is a Texas student and contributor to Unwoke Narrative. As a news journalist, he specializes in national and international politics as well as media analysis. He also hosts the Hudson Crozier blog, which covers broad cultural issues. Follow him onInstagram @lone_star_trooper.

Arizona’s Ducey calls Harris the ‘worst possible choice’ to fix border

Reported by Edmund DeMarche | Fox News |  March 25, 2021


Gov. Doug Ducey, the Arizona Republican, didn’t mince words Wednesday shortly after he learned that President Biden was tapping Vice President Harris to oversee the effort to resolve the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ducey, who was in Tucson, told reporters that Harris is “the worst possible choice” for the job. He also said that Harris’ selection is evidence that Biden has trivialized the situation. He said Harris just “flat out” doesn’t care.

He pointed to Harris’ career as a senator from California. He said she has made it clear that she does not consider the border “a problem or a serious threat.” Harris was recently criticized after she laughed when asked by a reporter if she would be visiting the border. She joked, “Not today.”

“If President Biden’s intent was to show that he’s taking this seriously, he’s really done the exact opposite,” Ducey said.

Harris called the situation at the border challenging,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Former Harris advisors told the paper that they believe that she is up for the challenge but called the job “high risk, very low reward.”

Biden made the announcement as a delegation of White House officials and members of Congress traveled to the southern border to tour a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, where more than 750 migrant teenagers are being held. The Biden administration has in recent weeks moved to open more than 10,000 new beds across the Southwest in convention centers and former oilfield camps.

It notified Congress on Wednesday that it will open a new 3,000-person facility in San Antonio and a 1,400-person site at the San Diego convention center. HHS is also opening a second site in Carrizo Springs and received approval from the Defense Department Wednesday to begin housing teenagers at military bases in San Antonio and El Paso, Texas.

GOP lawmakers say Biden administration’s decision to reverse Trump-era immigration policies prompted the latest surge in migrants. The White House has argued that Biden inherited a chaotic situation and is working to stabilize the border.

Political observers say that this is the first major task for Harris as vice president and could have a lasting impact on her own future as a presidential candidate.

Biden called Harris “the most qualified person” to take charge of the situation and interact with countries like Mexico and Honduras.

“It’s not her full-responsibility job, but she is leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don’t have to wonder about, is that where the president is,” Biden said, according to the Washington Post. “When she speaks, she speaks for me.”

House Republicans say Biden border policies are causing smuggling of people from all over the world

Reported by Anna Giaritelli | Washington Examiner | March 16, 2021


House Republicans claimed during a tour of the southern border that the Biden administration’s immigration policies have prompted organized crime syndicates not only to increase smuggling children and families to the border but adults from around the world, including some with ties to terrorism.

“I just left a few border agents, and I asked them, ‘Who are the individuals you’re catching?’” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California said during a press conference in El Paso, Texas, Monday. “They’re from Central America. But do you know who else? Iran. Yemen. Sri Lanka. When I walked through the facility, there’s more Haitians than any other nationality I saw. And why were they coming now? You ask the border agents; they were shocked themselves: because they’re being released into the country.”

House Homeland Security Committee ranking member John Katko, a former federal prosecutor who worked in El Paso, said the international cartels are “masterfully” exploiting the border due to an easing of Trump-era border restrictions that prevented people from seeking asylum at the border and barred anyone from being released into the United States.

“People they’ve caught in the last few days [in Border Patrol’s El Paso sector] have been under the terror watch list,” Katko said. “Individuals that they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border.”

Border Patrol does not disclose the identities or affiliations of adults its agents arrest at the border, and it has historically arrested people from more than 90 countries each year.

McCarthy and a dozen Republican colleagues visited West Texas earlier in the day, where they went inside a new $48 million Border Patrol facility that was built last year to house migrant families after agents in the region were overwhelmed by families during the 2019 humanitarian crisis.

“We built the facility larger than we ever thought we could,” said McCarthy. “Today, we made history. Today they [are] overcapacity. … It’s only growing exponentially every single day.”

“You’re spending tens of thousands of dollars in a day just to feed this surge. … They’re spending tens of thousands more a day to clothe them, to transfer them,” said Katko. “Most [unaccompanied children] have a piece of paper across their shirt with instructions on who they are, where are they going, or what information they get, and what they need to do. So it’s very organized, and you’re paying a lot of money for a child — to get them across.”

Several lawmakers expressed frustration that the Border Patrol is not administering coronavirus tests before releasing people into the U.S. or before transferring people to other agencies.

“At a time when the president will keep our country closed, when maybe we have hoped for a Fourth of July to get together just with their family, how much spread of COVID Is he creating every single day by his policies along this border?” McCarthy said.

Rep. Maria Salazar, a first-term Floridian, called on Hispanic Americans to “be part of the solution” because the surge of migrants is a “problem that belongs to all Americans, including the Hispanic Americans.”

“We need to join forces and send a message that we cannot allow what’s happening on the border because it’s our, our girls, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, the ones who are being raped. It’s our girls, the ones … who are being trafficked,” said Salazar. “Send a message to your representatives that we cannot have this happening at the border because the overwhelming majority of the people that are trying to come in belong to our group, to our ethnic group.”

In February, illegal immigration at the southern border peaked at the highest level since 2019. More than 100,000 people were encountered attempting to enter the U.S. from Mexico, nearly all between ports of entry where vehicles and pedestrians are supposed to be inspected before admission into the country. That figure is up from 78,000 encountered in January.

February saw a 61% increase in the number of unaccompanied children taken into custody, as well as a 164% increase in the number of family units. Approximately 9,500 solo children and 20,000 family units were encountered. Children and adults are to be turned over within three days to other federal agencies for longer-term holding, but Border Patrol is overwhelmed taking people into custody, and agencies are at capacity and unable to accept transfers.

Over the weekend, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency was sending in staff to help with several thousands of children arriving each week.

The rise in illegal migration is due to a number of factors, including high crime and economic instability in sending countries across Central America and Mexico that have worsened due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Last spring, Border Patrol began to immediately return nearly all illegal immigrants to Mexico or their home countries under an initiative known as Title 42, which was implemented to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in small, crowded holding facilities on the border. Last April, just 17,000 people were encountered on the southern border. That number increased month to month to around 70,000 through each month in the fall and early winter. The Biden administration chose not to return single children immediately, and it also stopped pushing asylum-seekers back into Mexico to await court proceedings under a Trump-era initiative known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.

The surge of people coming over the border is also happening despite the Trump administration’s completion of 450 miles of border wall before President Biden halted all projects in January. While the wall is meant to deny entry at certain places, Border Patrol officials have defended the rising number of arrests as proof that it works because it is funneling people to certain places that do not have a barrier so people trying to get into the U.S. can be easily apprehended by federal law enforcement.

Drugs pour in from Mexico as Border Patrol forced to focus on migrants

by Anna Giaritelli | Washington Examiner | July 17, 2019

LAS CRUCES, New Mexico — Border Patrol highway checkpoints in the southern New Mexico region that normally seize seven figures of worth of drugs annually have not seized a dollar in nearly four months after being shuttered in late March, allowing drugs to flood into the country. Meantime, with the added supply, prices for illicit drugs are dropping precipitously.

Those seven checkpoints have sat unattended after Border Patrol closed them to move all personnel to the border to assist with apprehending, processing, and caring for the high number of migrant families arriving.

Seven elected officials and law enforcement officials in Doña Ana and Otero counties told the Washington Examiner in interviews they worry that with no one to seize the millions of dollars of illegal substances normally confiscated while being transported north to cities such as Denver and Oklahoma City.

Normally, vehicles attempting to traverse those counties would have to pass a sniff test by a K-9 officer, and the legal status of the occupants would be checked. But since the checkpoints closed on March 25, drug runners can move product up and down the open roads.

Read the full article:


Border Patrol agents fall prey to illnesses plaguing migrant holding centers

Written by Anna Giaritelli | June 16, 2019 03:55 PM

Jon Anfinsen is a National Border Patrol Council vice president and based in Del Rio, which includes Eagle Pass, where most Congolese are arriving. Anfinsen represents approximately 1,000 agents who are based out of 10 regional holding stations. Anfinsen has been an agent 12 years and said the number of people in custody and subsequent illnesses among that population is “unprecedented.”

“Scabies, chickenpox — we had one case of the mumps here in Uvalde. I wanna say we had measles — plenty of the flu, plenty of colds, body lice, just assorted. And some of these things, they spread like wildfires when you get into a cramped holding cell. It happens,” Anfinsen said.

The continuous breakouts — in part caused by the overcrowded conditions in facilities and difficulty quarantining each sick person — are taking both a physical and mental toll on agents.

“It’s not so much the workload. It’s the constant illnesses. We have a lot of agents who are sick. The other day I talked to agents from four different stations. And every single one of them had a cough,”Anfinsen said.

“I’ll go and I’ll help process. There was one day I spent processing and we had like 40 Guatemalans and Hondurans, and most of them had some kind of cough. And sure enough the next day, I’m sick — for a week,”he said. “It’s become the new normal, and you gotta just keep going and do your job because you can’t just not process them.”

National Border Patrol Council vice president and agent in El Paso, Wesley Farris, said the breakouts rarely stop, they just dwindle down for a period.

“It’ll go in waves. Scabies — strep throat was the last one. Strep throat happened at the Santa Teresa station [in New Mexico]. It was everywhere,” Farris said. “Active tuberculosis comes in fairly regularly. We had an incident of H1N1, swine flu, in Clint [Texas] with a juvenile. And then the ones that are most disruptive are the simple ones: regular flu or lice.”

Union officials in El Paso have urged the sector’s 2,500 agents to wear gloves and face masks whenever possible. Neither official could provide confidential data on the amount of agent sick time used in order to see the brevity of sickness claims among Homeland Security employees.

Farris said the sector has harped on taking basic precautions to stay healthy, but said they are not enough, especially as populations from other parts of the world, including Africa and Asia, continue to arrive at the southern border at rates higher than previous years, bringing with it mild and possibly more serious types of illnesses that are not native to the U.S.

Farris said if he had his way, he would bring in physicians from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a proactive measure.

Both officials said migrants are currently screened after being taken into custody and transported from where they were found to a Border Patrol station. Some agents will ask migrants while they are in the field if they need medical help and will then acquire additional transportation if it is needed.

Once back at the station, either Border Patrol EMTs, medical personnel from the Coast Guard, or contracted doctors and nurses will take each person’s vitals and examine them for signs of illness. If a person is deemed to be in good standing, he or she will be released into a holding cell with others. All others will be sent to a hospital. Following hospital tests and possible treatment, the detainee is turned back over to Border Patrol. Quarantining is difficult because of the lack of space at stations, both men said.

Border Patrol does not do blood work as part of medical intake for incoming detainees. Anfinsen said even if they did do it, there is still a chance they or the hospital could miss something that is premature to be showing up in the blood.

The El Paso official said the contracted medical professionals and Coast Guard officials are doing their best, but deserve additional resources because of the risk posed to the general public by the release of hundreds of thousands of people this year.

“If I was running the ship, I would make medically screening people a higher priority,”he said. “At least 90% of people coming into this sector are coming in at one spot. I would get ahead of the game and set up what you call a hot zone — have medical right there.”

“We’re civil servants. It’s what we’re supposed to do in that regard — make sure we at least know [a person’s background]. We do it on the criminal side — we won’t release a criminal if they have an active warrant. We’ll check that. But we’re very reluctant to quarantine them medically,”he said.

Last week, the CDC announced the activation of an emergency operations center in an effort to help with the Congo’s Ebola outbreak, the second-largest in history.

Farris said if the CDC is jumping in to help with a major outbreak overseas, the U.S. agency should “absolutely” deploy some resources to the southern border.

“You’re going to have to sift through thousands before you get one [major disease],” said Farris. “That’s my nightmare — that somebody does get sick — because I’m going to have to make the funeral arrangements. And it’s not going to be an agent, it’s going to be his 3-year-old kid at home who contracts Ebola or H1N1 because they’re little.”

Trump Tells Homeland Security To Block “Caravans” Of Migrants After First Wave Hits Border

Reported by Tim Brown

On Monday, President Donald Trump tweeted out that he has instructed the Department of Homeland Security to block caravans of migrants coming from Central America into the united states once the first wave of them hit the border.

It seems that first wave has now arrived.

He then added that his administration would be putting pressure on Mexico to stop some of this in the new NAFTA agreement he has been working on.

Despite the rhetoric given, at least 50 migrants made it to Tijuana, Mexico last week and have turned themselves in seeking asylum in the US.

Here’s some pictures of the arrivals via The Daily Mail.

As you can see, the vast majority of these migrants are men.  That’s not surprising as often the men go ahead of their families to settle things.

The group of 50 Central American migrants who set out from southern Mexico in late March arrived in Tijuana, Mexico on Wednesday, after splintering off from the original caravan of 1,500.

‘Since yesterday, some began to cross into the United States to turn themselves in from Tijuana and request asylum. We understand more of (the migrants) will do the same,’ said Jose Maria Garcia, director of Juventud 2000, an organization dedicated to assisting migrants.

He said more migrants, many of whom are stranded in Mexico’s central states, are expected to arrive in the coming days.

The splinter groups headed toward the US have been undeterred by President Donald Trump’s threat to deploy the National Guard along the border, after Trump called California’s contribution to the mission a ‘charade’.

Trump warned as the caravan of migrants were making their way across Mexico that it was a threat to ongoing NAFTA negotiations.

“The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!” Trump tweeted earlier in April.

According to Bloomberg, there will be an “intensified push” for a new NAFTA agreement in the coming weeks.

“Talks will pick up on Tuesday, after cabinet-level members vowed on Friday to keep up the momentum following consultations with their technical teams over the weekend. Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said last week that after seven rounds of talks in as many months, rotating between the three countries, the three sides have entered a concentrated phase where “my negotiating team is practically living in Washington.”

Frankly, we don’t need another NAFTA just like we don’t need another TPP.

We’ll see if DHS can do that job properly that Trump is ordering them to do, or will they once again be babysitters like they were during the orchestrated invasion under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah.

Congressional Republicans Move to Block Mexican Wall

waving flag

Authored By Mark Swanson   |   Friday, 03 Feb 2017 12:42 PM

URL of the original posting site:

Image: Congressional Republicans Move to Block Mexican Wall / (AP Images)

President Donald Trump is now facing resistance from his own party on his number one campaign pledge — erection of a border wall along Mexico, CNN reported.

When it comes down to the brass tacks, CNN reports congressional Republicans have one major problem with Trump’s wall – dollars and cents.

How, exactly, is Trump planning to pay for the estimated $12 billion to $15 billion it’ll take to build the wall?

“If you’re going to spend that kind of money, you’re going to have to show me where you’re going to get that money,” Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski told CNN. “I don’t see how you can get a bill like that through [Congress] without offsets. I don’t see how that’s possible.”

Trump has pledged that Mexico will pay for the wall one way or another, after the fact if not before. While Mexico has repeatedly said it will not, House Republicans aren’t buying it either.

“It’s not a viable option,” Sen. John McCain told

So unless Trump’s plan carries with it spending cuts to offset the cost of the wall, Trump’s own party remains skeptical, not only on cost but effectiveness of keeping out bad hombres, too.

“I don’t want to see any spending, additional spending on anything done that is not paid for,” Sen. Bob Corker, a Trump ally and a one-time potential Cabinet nominee, told CNN.

“We have got a huge fiscal problem right now — $20.355 trillion in debt projected to add $9.7 trillion over the next 10 years. ”  

© 2017 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

SHOCK VIDEO: Over 800 Immigrants Accidentally Granted Citizenship

waving flagBy Joe Scudder September 20, 2016

URL of the original posting site:

More than 800 immigrants who came from “counties of concern,” and were supposed to be deported, are instead now citizens of the United States. This bombshell is revealed below at the 2:38 mark.



It is quite appropriate that this news was reported in the context of recent terrorist attacks that the Democrats are resisting labeling terrorism.

According to the Associated Press,

The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.picture1

The Homeland Security Department’s inspector general found that the immigrants used different names or birthdates to apply for citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and such discrepancies weren’t caught because their fingerprints were missing from government databases.What did you say 07.jpg

DHS said in an emailed statement that an initial review of these cases suggest that some of the individuals may have ultimately qualified for citizenship, and that the lack of digital fingerprint records does not necessarily mean they committed fraud.Bull

The report does not identify any of the immigrants by name, muslim-obamabut Inspector General John Roth’s auditors said they were all from “special interest countries” — those that present a national security concern for the United States — or neighboring countries with high rates of immigration fraud. The report did not identify those countries.

The report blames reliance on paper records that were never put in digital databases. But that’s obviously because national security has never been a priority. How can we trust a government that fails in such a basic way to properly screen refugees from Syria or anywhere else?

We can’t!

So the Department of Homeland Security spent a massive amount of money to nudie scanners in airports but didn’t bother to give us better immigration security. Of the more than 800 immigrants who are now citizens, how many are sympathetic to ISIS?Do you want


Joe Scudder is the “nom de plume” (or “nom de guerre”) of a fifty-ish-year-old writer and stroke survivor. He lives in St Louis with his wife and still-at-home children. He has been a freelance writer and occasional political activist since the early nineties. He describes his politics as Tolkienesque.

Homeland Security Instructed To Combat Violent Extremism With Political Correctness

waving flagWritten by Photo of Peter Hasson Peter Hasson, Reporter, Associate Editor, 06/13/2016

delusional file

Less than a week before Omar Mateen walked into an Orlando gay club and killed or wounded more than 100 people, the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) submitted its Countering Violent Extremism report to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson. The report instructs the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad,” “sharia” and “takfir.”

The report was crafted by an HSAC subcommittee that Secretary Johnson created in November 2015. The head of that subcommittee, Farah Pandith, was appointed by Johnson in May 2015. The subcommittee published the report on June 9.Picture2

In addition to combating violent extremism by reaching out to “gender diverse” Americans and teaching youth “appropriate online etiquette,” the report recommends that the DHS “avoid stigmatizing specific communities.”

The report urges DHS officials to “Reject religiously-charged terminology and problematic positioning by using plain meaning American English.”

For example, the report says the DHS should be “using American English instead of religious, legal and cultural terms like ‘jihad,’ ‘sharia,’ ‘takfir’ or ‘umma.’”What did you say 06.jpg

The report acknowledges that, “There is a disagreement among scholars, government officials, and activists about the right lexicon to use around the issues of violent extremism.”

Nevertheless, the report states, “Under no circumstance should we be using language that will alienate or be disrespectful of fellow Americans.”

“We must speak with honor and respect about all communities within the United States. We should give dignity to the many histories and diversities within our nation and advocate for a consistent whole of government approach that utilizes agreed terms and words. Tone and word choice matter,” the report states. of domenstic terrorist

The report includes other recommendations for countering violent extremism, such as: “Focus on gender diversity of youth through careful attention to the range of push and pull factors that attract individuals of differing gender.”

The report also recommends countering extremism by teaching youth “appropriate online etiquette.”

The report instructs the DHS to “Develop a curriculum in partnership with the Department of Education and education experts and non-profits to disseminate to schools, teaching children appropriate online etiquette to mitigate online hate.”

The DHS website states that HSAC, “Provides organizationally independent advice and recommendations to the Secretary, including the creation and implementation of critical and actionable policies for the security of the homeland.”

REALLY Death of a nation Picture1 Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Obama reinstates ‘catch-and-release’ policy for illegal immigrants


Dave Boyer contributed to this report.

 – The Washington Times – Thursday, February 4, 2016

Newly arrived people who were caught in Arizona by the U.S. Border Patrol are initially processed at Tucson Sector U.S. Border Patrol headquarters in Tucson, Ariz., on Aug. 9, 2012. (Associated Press) **FILE**

Newly arrived people who were caught in Arizona by the U.S. Border Patrol are initially processed at Tucson Sector U.S. Border Patrol headquarters in Tucson, Ariz., on Aug. 9, 2012. (Associated Press) **FILE** more >


The Obama administration has revived the maligned illegal immigrant “catch-and-release” policy of the Bush years, ordering Border Patrol agents not to bother arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants, the head of the agents’ labor union revealed Thursday.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, told Congress that Homeland Security was embarrassed by the number of illegal immigrants not showing up for their deportation hearings, but instead of cracking down on the immigrants, the department ordered agents not to arrest them in the first place — meaning they no longer need to show up for court.

Mr. Judd said the releases are part of President Obama’s “priorities” program, which orders agents to worry chiefly about criminals, national security risks and illegal immigrants who came into the U.S. after Jan. 1, 2014. Mr. Judd said illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions have learned that by claiming they came before 2014 — without even needing to show proof — they can be released immediately rather than being arrested.

“Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions,” Mr. Judd testified to the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee. “That fact is well known in other countries.”Oh good

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which oversees the Border Patrol, did not deny Mr. Judd’s claim but said agents have been instructed to prioritize whom they arrest.

“The Border Patrol’s resources are most effectively focused on the border — prioritizing the apprehension and removal of individuals attempting to unlawfully enter the United States,” said Michael Friel, a CBP spokesman. “Our removal numbers reflect that. Border Patrol agents are issuing notices to appear, consistent with law, regulation and the department’s enforcement priorities.”

The White House declined to comment. Spokesman Josh Earnest said he hadn’t seen the testimony.Illegal Immigration Giant

Mr. Obama has pushed for Congress to grant citizenship rights to most illegal immigrants, but after Capitol Hill failed to deliver he took action on his own to carve most illegal immigrants out of danger of deportation.

He and Mr. Johnson said deportation and border agents should worry chiefly about dangerous immigrants and new arrivals. Those with deeper ties to the U.S. who have not amassed criminal records should be passed over, Mr. Obama said.

Mr. Judd said there are holes in that policy. He said agents have been ordered not to ask for proof when an immigrant says he or she has been in the U.S. since 2013, and migrants have quickly learned to assert that claim without having to worry about having it challenged.Oh good

He said on the northern border, where he is stationed, agents arrested an illegal immigrant who had recently been charged with felony domestic violence. He had to be released because he hadn’t gone to trial yet, so he hadn’t been convicted.

“Under the law, he should have been set up for removal proceedings, but under the policy he was let go,” Mr. Judd testified. “And he was let go even though he first proved that he cared so little about our laws that he entered the United States illegally, and once here, he proved further disdain by getting arrested for a serious violent act against another.”What did you say 02

Mr. Judd was testifying at a hearing called to examine the surge of illegal immigrants — unaccompanied children and families traveling together — who have overwhelmed agencies. After peaking in early summer 2014, the numbers dropped. But 2016 is on pace for a record year. Mr. Judd and Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said criminal cartels are using the families and children to flood the border to distract agents and create chances to smuggle drugs. The cause of the surge is heatedly debated

Immigrant rights advocates said the children and mothers are fleeing horrific violence and should be considered asylum-seekers, not illegal immigrants. The advocates point to spiking homicide rates. El Salvador leads the Western Hemisphere with 103 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. Honduras is third worst with a rate of 57 homicides, and Guatemala is fifth worst with 30 per 100,000 people. San Pedro Sula in Honduras recorded 885 homicides out of a population of just less than 800,000 people last year, according to a Mexican nongovernmental organization that tracks the statistics. San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, recorded 1,918 homicides among its 1.8 million people — a rate of 109 per 100,000.

The U.S. city with the highest homicide rate per capita, St. Louis, recorded a rate of 59 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Wendy Young, president of Kids in Need of Defense, which handles cases of children applying for protection in the U.S., detailed horrific stories of children being enslaved by gangs, tracked down if they try to leave and being killed as retribution for crossing the gangs.

She recounted the story of one 14-year-old girl who was abducted by a gang and gang-raped for four days before she escaped. Her family fled to another location inside the country, but the gang tracked her down, and her family sent her north to the U.S.

“These children are doing the only thing they can — they are running for their lives,” Ms. Young said.Picture2

Mr. Judd said children wanting to claim asylum can go to a border entry point and present themselves to CBP officers. Instead, the cartels deliver them to some of the remote parts of the border before sending them to find Border Patrol agents, keeping the agents occupied while the cartels smuggle their goods, the agent said.

Border Patrol agents used to interview the children and ask them why they came, and the overwhelming majority said they believed enforcement was lax and they would be allowed to stay.

Ms. Young said the children were likely frightened by agents and officers in uniforms, so the information they gave was not to be trusted. Regardless, Mr. Judd said, agents have now been banned from asking those questions.Leftist Propagandist

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Ann Coulter Letter: “ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count”

waving flagCommentary by  Ann Coulter  | 

URL of the Original Posting Site:

ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count

In the days leading up to July Fourth weekend, Americans were hysterically warned about an ISIS attack in the United States. Congressman Peter King, for example, somberly advised Fox News viewers that “this is the most concerned I’ve seen the FBI and Homeland Security” since 9/11.

And, once again, the weekend came and went without anyone in America being killed by ISIS, but a lot of people being killed by immigrants — legal, illegal, second generation and anchor babies. There’s no way to know exactly how many Americans were killed July Fourth weekend as a result of the country’s immigration policies, because the media don’t trust us with the truth. 

But the holiday weekend kicked off with the news that an illegal alien from Mexico, Francisco Sanchez, had shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle on Wednesday on a San Francisco pier. The most surprising aspect of the crime was that we were told right away that Steinle’s suspected killer was an illegal alien. Usually, we only find out that the perp was an immigrant years later when the Spanish translators show up in court.

The day after Steinle was shot to death, the Associated Press reported that members of the Mexican mafia and their associates — Loribeth Martinez, John Mendoza Jr., Kristopher Sanchez and Veronica Sanchez — had been arrested for the murder of two people, Traci Lynn Lemley and Jeremy Carrico, in San Antonio, Texas.

Also on Thursday:

– A fifth suspect in a shooting in Las Vegas, Benjamin Hernandez, was arrested. He joined Yors “Cuete” Garcia-Mier, Nicholas Pedro “Silent” Cortes, Miguel “Trips” Salazar and Jeiszon Valles in jail for the killing.

– In New Jersey, an illegal alien from Ecuador was indicted for attempting to murder his ex-wife by stabbing her with a steak knife in front of one of their children. (Gosh — I hope all those kids were born here, so the media can start referring to them as “American citizens” right away.)

– The bodies of two Americans, Michael Careccia and his wife, Tina, were dug out of the Arizona desert, and Jose Valenzuela, was arrested for their murder.

– An illegal immigrant from Mexico, Juan Francisco de Luna Vasquez, murdered his wife with a hammer in Laredo, Texas. Vasquez had previously been charged with assault, making terroristic threats, DWI and evading arrest. It just sounds awful to be living in the shadows like that!

That was Thursday. And I didn’t even include drunk driving fatalities, a specialty of our Latin American immigrants. (It may not be a good idea to pluck people from the Mayan jungle and put them directly on American roads and highways.)

On Friday, as Americans worried about the imminent ISIS attack:

– Prudencio Juan Fragos-Ramirez, an illegal alien in Washington state, was accused of murdering an 18-year-old and her toddler son, then setting the pair on fire.

– Irina Kolenkina, a Russian immigrant who does not speak English, was ordered to stand trial for the murder of her husband in Vienna, Wisconsin. Kolenkina had to be put into restraints because she became so combative upon her arrest.

– Illegal immigrant Sinar Roblero Escalante found out he would get off scot-free for killing a 24-year-old man in East Naples, Florida, 10 years ago in a car accident. After the crash, Escalante had fled the scene on foot. He went on the lam and is believed to have hid out in Mexico for at least part of that time — thus, outlasting the statute of limitations. Escalante was recently re-arrested after being caught in his car with a baggie of cocaine on his lap.

– In another immigration success story, Andrew Romero assaulted a prison guard in New Mexico last week. Romero is awaiting trial on charges that he murdered Rio Rancho Police officer Gregg Benner.

– On our nation’s birthday, it was reported that Brogenet Cinor, a Haitian voodoo priest, was arrested for child rape in Florida.

– On Monday, an illegal alien from Mexico engaged in a fatal hit-and-run accident in Bellingham, Washington, then fled the scene of the accident. Witnesses described a “short Hispanic man” running from the car, which was littered with empty beer bottles and a case of Modelo Especial. The illegal farm worker doesn’t speak English, but he was able to ask for an attorney in Spanish.

In related news, a non-elderly woman in Washington state became the first person to die of measles in the U.S. since 2003.

On the bright side, heading into the July 4 weekend, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it is reconsidering its policy of releasing convicted criminal illegal aliens into the public without warning. This was the agency’s lightning-fast response to the murder of 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck by a Mexican illegal alien in Arizona last January.

Apolinar Altamirano had been released by ICE because the charge on his conviction sheet was “burglary,” which our public servants deemed a “nonviolent” offense. But burglary was merely the charge Altamirano had agreed to in a plea bargain. His actual crime, according to the victim, was to break into her home with two accomplices, steal all her belongings, kidnap and rape her.

Mexico really is sending us its best people!Illegal Immigration Giant

Some of these crimes were committed by legal residents — even “citizens.” But without Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan’s 1982 anchor baby invention, the “Mexican mafia” would not be living in America, much less be “citizens.”

Just as America’s immigration policies began favoring people from cultures as different from ours as possible, we also began providing government assistance to any loser immigrants and refusing to deport the criminals.

There’s no question but that the only reason any of this week’s criminal immigrants are in America at all is because of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.

Now go back to worrying about ISIS.

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IRS finally admits illegals can get back taxes under Obama amnesty

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing examining the IRS data breach. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing examining the IRS data breach. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) more >

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Congress that illegal immigrants granted amnesty under President Obama’s new programs could claim back refunds even when they never filed returns to pay their taxes in the first place. Sen. Chuck Grassley, who had pressed Mr. Koskinen over the issue, released written responses Wednesday in which the commissioner admitted he’d botched the question earlier and, in fact, illegal immigrants granted the amnesty will now be able to claim refunds on tax returns they never even filed, thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit.Picture6

“To clarify my earlier comments on EITC, not only can an individual amend a prior year return to claim EITC, but an individual who did not file a prior year return may file a return and claim EITC (subject to refund limitations under section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code),” Mr. Koskinen said.Cloward Pevin with explanation

He insisted, however, that he doubts many illegal immigrants will take advantage of the loophole because they would have to be able to prove their earnings for those years they never filed returns. “Filers would have to reconstruct earnings and other records for years when they were not able to work on the books,” he said.

Taxpayers must have Social Security numbers in order to claim the EITC, and illegal immigrants aren’t supposed to have numbers. But Mr. Obama’s new deportation amnesty grants illegal immigrants work permits, which are then used to obtain Social Security numbers.  IRS lawyers have ruled that once illegal immigrants get numbers, they can go back and refile for up to three previous years’ taxes and claim refunds even for time they were working illegally.more evidence

The lawyers said since the EITC is a refundable credit, that’s allowed even when the illegal immigrants worked off the books and never paid taxes in the first place. Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code requires an SSN on the return, but a taxpayer claiming the EITC is not required to have an SSN before the close of the year for which the EITC is claimed,” Mr. Koskinen said. “At your request, the IRS has reviewed the relevant statutes and legislative history, and we believe that the 2000 Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) on this issue is correct.”Taxes

Mr. Koskinen had initially said illegal immigrants could claim refunds, but only for years they’d filed returns and presumably had paid some taxes.

Most of Mr. Obama’s amnesty is on hold after federal courts ruled he likely broke the law by acting on his own without Congress‘ approval and without putting his policy out for public review and comment. But a 2012 policy that applies to so-called Dreamers, or young adult illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, is in effect. Homeland Security has approved 664,607 initial applications for Dreamers, and approved another 243,872 renewals over the last year, extending the initial two-year amnesty for another two years.IRS-corruption What Liberals have accomplished so far freedom combo 2

Report: 4 Islamic terrorists found in Texas in last 36 hours


Posted By author-imageBob Unruh On 10/08/2014

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Imperial Islamic President ObamaA noted Washington watchdog organization on Wednesday said four “Islamic terrorists” have been caught in Texas after coming into the U.S. across the Mexican border in just the last 36 hours.

Judicial Watch announced its sources within the Department of Homeland Security say the arrests were made by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

The announcement came only hours after a member of Congress, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., disclosed in a TV interview that jihadists with the Middle Eastern group ISIS have been caught coming into the U.S. from Mexico.

He said his information came from the Border Patrol.

“They were caught at the border … therefore, we know that ISIS is coming across the border,” he said. “If they catch five or 10 of them, we know there are dozens more that did not get caught.”

Judicial Watch said it confirmed its information after Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, was interviewed by the Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren.

Hunter said that if the administration really wants to protect Americans from ISIS, it needs to secure the southern border.

“It’s that simple. ISIS doesn’t have a navy, they don’t have an air force, they don’t have nuclear weapons,” he said. “The only way that ISIS is going to harm Americans is by coming in through the southern border – which they already have.’

“They aren’t flying B-1 bombers, bombing American cities, but they are going to be bombing American cities coming across from Mexico,” he said.

Watch his interview with Fox News:


By Wednesday evening, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson denied the reports, telling CNN, “Let’s not unduly create fear and anxiety in the



public by passing on speculation and rumor.”

Johnson said Hunter’s claims are not supported by “credible, specific intelligence to that effect” and that public officials should “be responsible in what we decide to share with the American public, so that the public is informed.”

Spokesman Joe Kasper told CNN Hunter stands by his statements.

WND reported the Department of Homeland Security, which has claimed there is not an imminent danger of ISIS breaching the nation’s southern border, has nevertheless confirmed ISIS may be thinking about making such a move.

Francis Taylor, the undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at DHS, provided that assessment to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee at a congressional hearing, Bloomberg News reported.

“There have been Twitter and social media exchanges among ISIL (ISIS) adherents across the globe speaking about that as a possibility,” Taylor said.

Taylor said ISIS “doesn’t pose an immediate threat” to the homeland, but the jihadist organization, which claims to have established a caliphate ruled by Islamic law, can attack American targets overseas without warning, the Associated Press reported.

Taylor explained during the hearing that ISIS has “capabilities” that most jihadist groups lack.

Taylor’s warning was echoed by Nicholas Rasmussen, the deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center, who said there already have been attacks in France and Belgium by former ISIS fighters.

WND reported earlier that Judicial Watch warned there was an ISIS presence in Mexico, just across the border from Texas.

The warning was followed by an increase in security imposed at Fort Bliss, Texas.

“It’s a significant issue when this is done,” retired Army Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin said of the higher security measures at Fort Bliss, which is just across the border from Juarez, Mexico.

“That means they’re getting a threat stream. Fort Bliss had to have a clear and present threat,” said the former Delta Force commander, who also was deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence for four years.

Fort Bliss spokesman Lt. Col. Lee Peters said that based on Department of Defense “guidance from recent nationwide incidents, and our own internal assessments coupled with recent media reporting, we decided to implement increased security measures on Bliss.”

“These changes are not as a result of a specific threat but rather to simply get prudent security measures in place to protect our military, employees and visitors,” the statement said.

The move was made shortly after Judicial Watch said Islamic terrorist groups are “operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices.”

The report said high-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.

“Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.”

The organization said the sources “reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.”

The report said commanders at Fort Bliss were briefed.

The online news source Policy.Mic said: “Forget immigration: The Islamic State may be the best reason yet to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.”

The report noted that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had warned a Heritage Foundation audience weeks ago that ISIS militants “may have already slipped across the Mexican border.”

While he said there was no clear evidence then of terrorists being in the U.S., Perry said, “I think there is the obvious, great concern that – because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure and us not knowing who is penetrating across – that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be.”

One Texas sheriff said he wasn’t really worried about it.

“If there are ISIS fighters that may already be in the United States, or in your area who’ve crossed the border, what’s your message to them?” CNN’s Don Lemon asked Midland County Sheriff, Gary Painter.

“If they rear their ugly heads, we’ll send them to hell,” Painter said

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Iraqi PM: Plot To Attack US, Paris Subways Uncovered


Tighter security is seen at Penn Station after Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced an increase in police presence in New York City transportation hubs due to the threat of terrorism. (Credit: CBS 2)
Tighter security is seen at Penn Station after Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced an increase in police presence in New York City transportation hubs due to the threat of terrorism. (Credit: CBS 2)

America Needs toWake Up

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) – Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday that captive Islamic State militants told his intelligence agents of an alleged plot to attack subways in the United States and Paris, France.

11Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said he was told of the purported plot by officials in Baghdad, and that it was the work of foreign fighters who had joined the Islamic State group in Iraqi, including French and U.S. nationals. Al-Abadi’s assertion has not be independently confirmed by U.S. government intelligence.

Asked if the attacks were imminent, he said, “I’m not sure.” Asked if the attacks had been thwarted, he said, “No, it has not been disrupted yet— this is a network.”

“Today, while I’m here I’m receiving accurate reports from Baghdad that there were arrests of a few elements and there were networks from inside Iraq to have attacks — on metros of Paris and U.S.,” al-Abadi said, speaking in English. “They are not Iraqis. Some of them are French, some of them are Americans. But they are in Iraq.”BEST remembering 911

Imperial Islamic President ObamaAl-Abadi said the United States had been alerted. He declined to give the location in the U.S. where such an attack might occur.

He made the remarks at a meeting with journalists on the sidelines of a gathering of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly.

A senior Obama administration official told the Associated Press no one in the U.S. government is aware of such a plot, adding that the claim was never brought up in meetings with Iraqi officials this week in New York. President Barack Obama met with al-Abadi Wednesday.

The administration official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly by name and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Congressman Peter King, member of the Homeland Security Commission, told CBS 2 that he has not seen evidence of an imminent threat against the United States.

“I have been aware that there are plots that ISIS is planning overseas against other countries, quite honestly, I have not been advised of this — and I have been checking this out — I don’t believe that the U.S. government has been advised of an imminent plot,” King said.

“Anything involving ISIS is taken seriously and there is absolutely no evidence at all that there’s any validity to what the prime minister said,” King told 1010 WINS.

“It could be speculation in Iraq, it could be conversations where they were talking about it as aspirational, but as far as it being in motion I don’t believe it is,” King added.

King said the nation must be on guard, but that the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies have not put out any advisories of an imminent threat against the U.S.

“If they thought it was imminent they would be contacting New York State, New York City as soon as possible because when you’re talking about a subway attack obviously New York is always what first comes to mind,” King said. “We have at least 5,000 entrances and exits to train stations in New York, millions of commuters everyday, millions of riders on the trains, so they would be first notified.”

The FBI is looking into the alleged plot.

“We’re going to have to grill down and get as much information as possible, of course. We’ve had plots against the subways in New York and thankfully they haven’t come to fruition, but it’s something that we can’t totally discount,” Former New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told 1010 WINS.

Kelly told 1010 WINS the way the information of the alleged plot came out is unusual.

“I think this report took the intelligence community by surprise and they’re scrambling now to see if there’s anything to it, how credible it is. This was not an item that had previously been discussed or on their agenda, certainly not in a recent path,” he said.

“We are aware of the Iraqi Prime Minister’s statements and are in contact with our law enforcement and intelligence community partners as we assess the validity of this threat,” FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge George Venizelos said in a statement. “The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, along with the New York City Police Department, remain committed to protecting this city.”

The NYPD released a statement saying, “We are aware of the Iraqi Prime Minister’s statements and we are in close contact with the FBI and other federal partners as we assess this particular threat stream. New York City normally operates at a heightened level of security and we adjust that posture daily based on our evaluation of information as we receive it.”

A spokesperson for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office released a statement saying that “the city takes any threat seriously.”Human bomb

At a news conference outside the Union Square subway station Thursday afternoon, de Blasio worked to calm the nerves of New Yorkers after news of the alleged plot, clarifying that it had “some focus on subways.”

“We are convinced that New Yorkers are safe. We are convinced that people should go about our normal routine. Terrorists want us to live in fear. We refuse to live in fear,” he said.

The mayor also stressed the importance of the subway system’s “see something, say something” motto.

“The people of this city have an important role to play. The phrase, ‘when you see something, say something’ is not an empty phrase. It is real,” de Blasio said.

Joining de Blasio at the news conference, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton echoed the mayor’s statements.

“At this time, the people of this city should feel very comfortable and secure moving through the subways,” he said.

Bratton said New Yorkers would see stepped up security across the city and in all subway stations as a precaution.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said New York is acting with the “utmost precaution.”

“Our administration has been coordinating at a high level with local, state and federal partners. I want to assure the people of New York that we are monitoring these reports closely and are in close communication with officials in Washington,” Cuomo stated. “Public safety is paramount, and we are doing everything necessary to protect New Yorkers.”lies

The news comes a day after the governors of New York and New Jersey came together to announce a substantial increase in security at local bridges, tunnels, airports and mass transit hubs, including Penn Station and Grand Central Station.

Cuomo and Gov. Chris Christie said the ramped up security was not a result of any particular new intelligence.

It is unclear if that increase in security is related to the announcement made by Al-Abadi Thursday, CBS 2’s Andrea Grymes reported.

ISIS PASSPORTSThe Islamic State extremists’ blitz in Iraq and Syria prompted the United State to launch airstrikes in Iraq last month, to aid Kurdish forces who were battling the militants and to protect religious minorities.

In addition to the brutality Islamic State has visited on the people in Iraq and Syria, western leaders have voiced concern that the group would move its terror operations outside the region.

This week, the U.S. and five allied Arab states expanded the aerial campaign into Syria, where the militant group is battling President Bashar Assad’s forces as well as Western-backed rebels..

Western leaders have voiced concern that the Islamic State group would move its terror operations outside the Middle East.

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Homeland Security: America’s Standing Army

Trigger the Vote

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police_stateIf the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the founders feared most — a standing army on American soil.

The third-largest federal agency behind the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the DHS — with its 240,000 full-time workers, $61 billion budget and sub-agencies that include the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — has been aptly dubbed a “runaway train.” With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.

DHSA better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. Indeed, as the following list shows, just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to police agencies in the form of grants.

  • Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.”
  • Spying on activists, dissidents and veterans. In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on right-wing and left-wing “Extremism,” and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans. The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”
  • Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The U.S. Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier.
  • Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements.
  • Tracking cellphones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cellphones — and their owners — without a court warrant or court order.
  • Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained crisis actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.
  • Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers before they ever get near an airport.
  • Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection K-9 teams, have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called “soft” targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc.
  • Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers — of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S. — constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our Internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: The CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police.
  • Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country.
  • Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled “millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.”
  • Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground.

Comming Soon 02

It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.” If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, aka national police force.

SpyingThis, too, is nothing new. Historically, as I show in my book “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,” the establishment of a national police force has served as a fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity, from Hitler’s all-too-real Nazi Germany to George Orwell’s fictional Oceania. Whether fictional or historical, however, the calling cards of these national police agencies remain the same: brutality, inhumanity, corruption, intolerance, rigidity and bureaucracy — in other words, evil

About John Whitehead

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He is the author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto.
30 Witnesses disappear
Cloward Pevin with explanation
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White House Press Secretary: ‘We’re Not Just Going to Sit Around and Wait’ for Congress to Write Laws

Trigger the Vote

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Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress Tuesday he would consider “every conceivable, lawful option” to deal with a continuing flood of immigrants crossing the U.S. border illegally in southern…

26 Jun 2014

President Obama, tired of waiting for Congress to act on immigration reform, is currently exploring ways to address issues with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress.Tyranney Alert

“[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained. “We’ve been waiting a year already. The president has tasked his Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson with reviewing what options are available to the president, what is at his disposal using his executive authority to try to address some of the problems that have been created by our broken immigration system.”

“In other words, MORE TYRANNY. Now he isn’t hiding it. He is proud of the fact that he thinks himself King Obama, and doers not have to answer to the Constitution.” JB

Earnest added that, although Obama was exploring executive action, it was Eagle Really on immigration reform.

“That’s why we’re trying to focus on getting that done,” he concluded.

Obama has been heavily criticized after his 2012 executive decision to defer the deportations of some young illegal immigrants, which critics argue was a key incentive for more children to cross the border illegally.











Comming Soon 02

Cloward Pevin with explanation

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Obama’s Doctrine of Destruction of America as we know it & the March to a New World Order

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Trigger the VoteWe could not have a better person in office than President Obama, if you want someone to do everything

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he can to destroy the country that is. This President has gone out of his way to make sure not only just a few of his Socialist policies ruin us, but that his whole time in office is dedicated to the destruction of the United States as we know it.

From supplying terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and countless other Islamic Jihadists in N. Africa, the Mid-East, Indonesia, and Europe with billions of dollars in weapons, billions in financial aid, and actual military help, to purposely busing and flying in hundreds of thousand illegal aliens per day via Homeland Security.

Cloward Pevin with explanationThis President expects his agenda of anti-Americanism to continue with breaking our economy and with the EPA’s anti CO2 regulations, which are based on guess work from UN climate organizations and not concrete scientific evidence.

We also have the countless scandals which amount to crimes perpetrated by this President. From Benghazi to the IRS situation, where Conservatives are targeted by the IRS for their voices of opposition to the Administration, we now have a Socialist Dictator in office who has declared war on any American who stands with the Constitution as the rule of law.

We now have the dirtiest most corrupt President ever to hold office, making Richard M. Nixon look like the most honest President we ever had, when comparing the two. At least Nixon loved America; Obama hates the very core of American values of which make us great.

A President, who loves his country, would not aid enemies who have only our destruction in mind. Yet, Obama has made his whole foreign policy about helping terrorist organizations gain control of countries.

Last year, in Obama’s quest to aid Al Qaeda and other terrorist factions fighting in Syria by wanting to bomb the Assad regime, we now see these same Islamic factions taking over Iraq via all the aid in arms, money, and military training we did supply them. It stands to reason that Obama does not want to help the Iraq government since his vision was to see Islamists take power across the Mid-East in the first place.

ConfusedObama and John Kerry have done everything possible to damage beyond recognition the friendship the US has had with key allies such as Israel and Russia. Today, we stand in opposition to Israel because of Obama’s agenda to transform the Mid-East into a region completely run by terrorist organizations, labeling Israel as an oppressive state and doing everything possible short of cutting ties with them altogether.

We now live in a Cold War atmosphere with Russia over events in Ukraine, which were stoked by our own CIA in the first place.

The Benghazi cover up is clear to anyone who has been following US foreign policy. This Administration has to keep these events swept under the rug since it was the very terrorist organizations the Obama Administration is supporting who are responsible for killing Americans on that day.

Because of the massive opposition to the Obama Administration’s desire to grant Amnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens, the President has given orders for all Border Patrol agents to stand down and has Homeland Security busing and flying hundreds of thousands of Illegals into the US daily from Central America with the help of the drug cartels.

The recent Federal land grab in New Mexico is also part of the Obama strategy in creating a flood of illegal immigrants.

So, now, instead of having hundreds cross our southern border each day, we now have thousands getting a free ride here daily.

Obama's IRS GestapoAside from all of this, we are supposed to believe the IRS lost some two years of Lois Learner’s E-Mails. In light of the massive domestic spying by the NSA, CIA, and other clandestine organizations on American citizens, we know this isn’t a problem since these organizations do have these E-Mails.

About Tony Elliott

I am an established writer with articles in over 20 publications of differing topics Political Commentary Columnist for the Cimarron News Press in Cimarron, New Mexico from 2001 to 2003 generating the controversy I was hired for. I also was a regular writer for several small coastal newspapers in Southern Oregon during the early 1990’s. BOOKS:
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DHS Denies Muslim Terrorists Crossing US Mexican Border – Local Reporter Finds Evidence to the Contrary

A local news station found Border Patrol documents that indicated that thousands of OTMs — “Other Than Mexicans” — have been caught crossing the Mexican border into the U.S., including some known terrorists.

I wrote an article for The Washington Times about this back in 2010. I warned of the influx of OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) over the Mexican border.

With fresh evidence of Hezbollah activity just south of the border, and numerous reports of Muslims from various countries posing as Mexicans and crossing into the United States from Mexico, our porous southern border is a national security nightmare waiting to happen.

Whenever Arizona law enforcement officials contact Homeland Security about a suspected OTM (Other Than Mexican) they have detained, federal authorities swoop down, cart off the illegal entrant, and tell local officials nothing more about the case. OTMs have utilized sophisticated human smuggling networks to enter the United States from as many as 157 countries around the world – including IranPakistanIraqAfghanistanMorocco and Egypt.

All this is happening against the backdrop of President Obama’s refusal to admit that the global jihad even exists. John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director, even denies that jihad is a motive for jihadists.

Unpoliced borders. Friendships with and outreach to tyrants and autocrats.

What needs to happen people for appropriate action to be taken? Here’s the latest:

“After DHS Denial, Local Reporter Finds Evidence Terrorists Crossed the Border,” Top Right News, February 23, 2014

As we reported last week, a local news station found Border Patrol documents that indicated that thousands  of OTMs — “Other Than Mexicans” — have been caught crossing the Mexican border into the U.S., including some known terrorists.

But since that report, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has DENIED that there is any “credible evidence” that any terrorists have crossed over.

So the reporter took another look — and the evidence he found is even worse than originally revealed.

He found that 300 terrorists from the Somali Al Qaeda group Al-Shabaab — the group behind the terror attack at the Kenyan shopping mall last September – have entered the U.S. and are unaccounted for.

Other hanexians

About Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of Atlas and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton), (Simon & Schuster).  Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She is also a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, and other publications.

Executive Orders: Carving a Path to Dictatorship

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Executive Orders, issued by the current sitting US President at the time, are nothing new to America.  In fact, our first President, George Washington, issued 8 of them during his presidency.  From my research, it is generally understood that Executive Orders stem from two areas of the US Constitution, and both references that substantiate Executive Orders are fairly weak.  As one website explains:

Presidents have been issuing executive orders since 1789 even though the Constitution does not explicitly give them the right to do so. However, vague wording in Article II Section 1 and Article II Section 2 gives the president this privilege. Executive orders also include National Security directives and Homeland Security Presidential Directives.

A well-referenced Wikipedia entry further illustrates the point:

Although there is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of “executive power” given in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and furthered by the declaration “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” made in Article II, Section 3, Clause 5. Most executive orders use these Constitutional reasonings as the authorization allowing for their issuance to be justified as part of the President’s sworn duties, the intent being to help direct officers of the U.S. Executive carry out their delegated duties as well as the normal operations of the federal government: the consequence of failing to comply possibly being the removal from office

Throughout history, Executive Orders have been responsible, at times, for drastically altering the lives of the American populace.  Perhaps the most heinous example being EO 9066, issued by Franklin D. Roosevelt, which was ultimately responsible for the internment of more than 60,000 American citizens of Japanese descent, and over 10,000 of German and Italian ancestry. That seems like a lot of power in the hands of one man and his administration.  Unfortunately, it seems that the use of Executive Orders is set to increase, further eroding the Constitutional principles that this nation was founded upon.

In a recent article published by the Daily Caller, Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has promised to give Obama a number of Executive Orders to sign; in fact, stating that Executive Orders should be number one on the agenda for her newly formed Full Employment Caucus.

To give you an example of how Obama has used this extraordinary power in the past, one only needs to look here.  In this case, Obama exercised Executive Privilege, but it really amounts to a de facto Executive Order.  The abuse of EO’s, by this administration, is particularly alarming when one discovers Obama’s history of deceit.

Are Executive Orders leading our nation into bondage?  I suppose that if for each one of us to decide.  I do know, however, whenever a president of any nation can rule by fiat, that their actions are protected by the very office that they serve, that nation is on a slippery slope to dictatorship.  Allow me to leave you with the words of one of our greatest Founding Fathers:

“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrations), too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson  

About Jim White

Jim is the owner and editor of Northwest Liberty News.  He is a patriot who could no longer ignore the Founding Fathers whispering in his ear to take action and his goal is to inspire you to take action.

President Obama Has Found Another Way to Take Away the Second Amendment

Getting the Lead Out – Obama’s EPA Goes after Second  Amendment by Aiming at Bullets

It seems virtually every federal government agency, at least under this  president, is a rogue agency.

That’s not quite accurate. You see, when one hears the word rogue, it  conjures up thoughts of abandoning one’s directive. “Oh him – he went rogue. We  can no longer control him.” That type of thing.

So that’s not really accurate, for it appears that this administration’s  prime directive is to allow these agencies to go rogue, from our point of view.  Just look at the evidence of department after departments’ involvement in one  scandal after another.

Ammunition2Yet, there is one agency that is head and shoulders  above all in the “rogue” department, the Environmental Protection Agency. This  is the agency that, if left unchecked, can literally mean the end of our  country.

Not that the IRS, or Homeland Security, or  other federal departments aren’t also dangerous; they are, but none more than  the EPA. It’s not even close.

What other single entity is capable of shutting down entire industries. They  are in charge of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land on which  we walk. That’s pretty much everything.

The latest industry to be quite literally driven into extinction by the EPA  is the lead refining industry. The last lead refiner in America will close its  doors forever on December 31, 2013. All do to stricter and stricter  “regulation”. And gee, what is lead used in?  Why bullets, of course.  Is  this the administration’s way around legislation to disarm the people? Yeah  it  is! Without bullets, are guns pretty much useless? Yeah they are! Get  it?

See, that’s what the EPA does. It tells industries that they are welcome to  stay in business if they just adhere to these new standards. These standards  are  for our own good, you know.

“What do you mean adherence will bankrupt your company? What do you mean the  new standards are ridiculous, unnecessary and can’t be met? Oh well, I guess  you’ll just have to close down.” That’s how it works, every time, and the  consequences to this country will continue to mount as more and more industries  are driven into extinction, or at least out of the country.

Now, if the EPA were really concerned with curbing pollution in the air and  water, shouldn’t it take a more worldly view? After all, we do share the air  and  water with the rest of the earth. It’s not just ours. And isn’t that the  left’s  mantra, to “save the planet”, not just save our country?

Knowing this, why wouldn’t EPA prefer to keep industries in this country  where they can be reasonably regulated, rather than driving them to China or  some third world hole with little to no air or water quality standards?

Well silly, that’s not the EPA’s job. The EPA  is an agency full of looney environmentalist wackos and Communists whose  mission  is to rid us of the evil capitalist free market  system. It’s  that simple.

America’s industries are cleaner than they’ve ever been and certainly cleaner  than the rest of the world, yet still, that’s not good enough. And why? Because  they still exist in this country.

The leftists at the EPA won’t be satisfied until all the “dirty” industries  have been driven out and replaced with windmills and  unicorns.

Only then can they rest.

About The Common Constitutionalist

Brent, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a  Constitutional Conservative, and advocates for first principles, founders  original intent and enemy of progressives. As well as publisher of the Common  Constitutional blog, he also is a contributing writer for Political Outcast,  Godfather Politics, Minute Men News (Liberty Alliance) and Free Republic



Louie Gohmert Exposes Obamacare Secret Security Force

Do you ever have those moments when you feel validated? I had one of those moments this morning. Finally someone is talking about the secret security force that is mandated by Obamacare. Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican – Texas – 1st District) dropped his bombshell last week on The Janet Mefferd Show.

Paul Joseph Watson reports:

Referring to a section of the gargantuan Obamacare law which discusses “the president’s own commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps,” Gohmert drew attention to the notion that under the pretext of a “national emergency,” such individuals could be used to impose some form of medical martial law.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Ready Reserve Corps is directed to “assist full-time Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.”

“It says it is for international health crises, but then it doesn’t include the word ‘health’ when it talks about national emergencies,” said Gohmert.

“I’ve asked, what kind of training are they getting….I want to know are they using weapons to train, or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” asked the Congressman, adding that “no clear answers” had been forthcoming on the issue.”

Combined with the continued DHS arms build up along with the federal agency’s hiring of armed guards with “Top Secret” security clearances, Gohmert characterized the issue as “very disturbing”.

I first reported on this in August after reading a sobering article in The Daily Mail. Why does Obamacare need its own police force? The IRS already has agents trained with a multitude of weapons including AR-15s.

In the wake of Jeff Duncan’s reporting of IRS agents being trained with AR-15s I think we should be at least somewhat concerned with a breaking news story about the new “ObamaCare” Police. It would seem that the IRS implementation will not be the only strong arm of ObamaCare but that Health and Human Services will have a substantial number of investigative storm troopers as well.

The Daily Mail reports:

More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86 tasked with ‘criminal investigating’ – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing.

We are going to need more hollow point bullets it would seem. Is anyone really shocked by the fact that we have a brand new enforcement branch of HHS? I doubt it. This seems to be the norm in Washington these days. Last week we featured the story of a retired Marine Colonel who claims that a domestic army is being built. And who could blame anyone for thinking that? It is happening right in front of us.

Folks I made the comment at the beginning of this article about being validated because sometimes I feel really beat up by the “tin foil hat haters.”

Do you think I wake up each day and want to write about things that will leave me labeled as a lunatic? No I do not. I really don’t like people calling me crazy. That’s not my goal in life. I try to report these things to you because they are the truth and very few others seem to want to report such stories. states that Obamacare, “creates the ready reserve of individuals who can be called up for service by the U.S. surgeon general in times of need.” These are not things that I pull from thin air.

I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for almost a year that this stuff was happening and reaching dangerous levels. There is a police state being formed and your rights as an American citizen may soon be in dire jeopardy. I don’t know the time frame, but I do know it’s coming.

You can keep laughing at me if you want. That is your prerogative. This stuff is in black and white for everyone to see yet some just don’t want to take it seriously.

What I would kindly suggest is that you take a serious look at your self-defense capabilities. I am not really a prepper. My family is really in no financial position to stockpile anything. I would think that I am not the only one. The economy is horrible.

So here is my take. Guns and ammo are the most important thing by far. If you have firepower then you can hunt for food.

But good luck fighting off the bad guys with that freeze dried lasagna.

About Dean Garrison

Dean Garrison is editor and writer at He is a conservative independent who seeks only to recover the truth. Follow Dean on Facebook and Twitter.



Shawn Moran, the Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, recently spoke out on behalf of U.S. Border Patrol agents who routinely risk their lives to keep our nation safe and our borders as secure as possible to Breitbart News. 

“The politically-appointed class within the U.S. Border Patrol and in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency are cooking the books to make it appear that illegal immigration is decreasing,” Moran claimed. 

“This all started when Janet Napolitano said the border was safer than it’s ever been. People were told to get in line, and they’ve done a number of tricks to limit our effectiveness and our ability to accurately determine how many people are illegally entering the US, so that the numbers look ‘right,’” he said.

Vice President Moran did not stop there. He offered specific insights into how the bureaucrats from the Department of Homeland Security have trickled down into the various agencies under their control: “Our core duties have been restricted,” he said. “Most illegal aliens and smugglers do not have vehicles and have historically attempted to use public transportation to get from the border into the interior of the U.S., and our best results in Border Patrol have come from transportation checks, where we check buses and the like.”

“It was late 2011 or early 2012 when the leadership in U.S. Border Patrol put out a specific memo declaring that we could no longer check buses unless we had specific actionable intelligence indicating illegal aliens would be on certain avenues of transportation,” Moran explained. “Even though this was one of the most productive ways for us, they said Border Patrol was no longer allowed to do the checks.”

“The numbers are down because they are not allowing us to check the places where we know illegal aliens are,” he said. 

Moran provided other examples, such as the leadership in Border Patrol actually altering the manner in which they record data. “Each station has an intel officer, they go out and they collect info on where people are crossing and how many. We look for footprints and such, the entire length of the border.” 

“If we found footprints for 50 people, we would put that in the intel report and the numbers would be recorded,” he said. “Now if we put that number in, they reduce the number to thirty. They say things like ‘How do you know they didn’t get caught later?’ They try to cook the books to make it look like we are being more effective and less people are coming here.”

“Some of our advanced surveillance reveals that we are about 45% effective, meaning we are not even catching half of the illegal aliens or drug smugglers who enter our nation,” Moran claimed. “Now the politically-appointed leadership of U.S. Border Patrol and of U.S. Customs and Border Protection [BP’s parent agency] have effectively grounded that system of surveillance after the numbers did not match what their public numbers were.” He added that there have also been numerous sensors the bureaucrats have ordered turned off.

The shocking assertions from the National Border Patrol Council come just days after they released an explosive press release directed at their parent agency, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. The release included assertions that Border Patrol agents’ lives were being placed in jeopardy in order to appease “fringe” groups; that the U.S. Border Patrol and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency were keeping information from the public about the criminal histories of illegal aliens who make accusations against U.S. Border Patrol agents; and that the federal government was refusing to prosecute violent illegal aliens who attack U.S. law enforcement officers.

Raping Arizona… Part 4 – Build the Dang Fence.

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Here’s Senator John McCain BEFORE his last election.

Since then… Crickets

We’ve all heard about how “border security” is included in the latest amnesty bill that McCain and the Gang of Eight are pushing.  Let’s be clear about security, a fence is critical to stopping the flow of illegal aliens and drugs.  Yesterday, we looked at pictures of what passes for “fence” on the border between Mexico and Arizona.  A real fence looks like this, it’s 15 feet high buried in six feet of concrete, is made of steel posts and has a cap on the top to deter climbers.

15 Ft Border Fence

Actually, this type of fence occupies just a few paltry miles of the border and it works quite well in those few paltry miles.  What actually passes for “fence” when the politicians talk about it looks more like this, minus the cute girl who is about five foot five.

Vehicle Barrier

As you might guess, this one might keep an SUV out of the country but it doesn’t even begin to slow down somebody on foot even if they’re carrying a backpack with eighty pounds of drugs.

Add to that outrage the fact that huge sections of the border don’t even have that.  There’s at least one Indian tribe that has land on the border and because they’re a “sovereign nation” they don’t allow the US government to erect a barrier.  Then there are some areas that are controlled by the US Department of the Interior and for environmental reasons no barriers are allowed.  As a matter of fact the US Border Patrol is not even allowed to patrol those areas without permission from Interior 30 days in advance.

But never fear, Janet Napolitano, who will be the person the proposed legislation allows to declare the border is secure, has assured us border security has never been better

“Now, I often hear the argument that before reform can move forward, we must first secure our borders. But too often, the border-security-first refrain simply serves as an excuse for failing to address the underlying problems,” Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee today at a hearing on immigration.

“It also ignores the significant progress and efforts that we have undertaken over the past four years. Our borders have, in fact, never been stronger.”…

She said the results of 1986 amnesty wouldn’t happen again because “immigration enforcement now is light years away from what it was.”

“I think in 1986 there were a couple of miles of fence along the entire southern border and it was basically chain-link fence,”

I don’t think I need to comment much on the rank stupidity of those claims, the pictures above pretty well deconstruct them.

The Gang of Eight is also assuring us that they’ve built a clause into the legislation that requires that 90% of border crossers are apprehended before amnesty is doled out.  Well, they got gamed because there is actually no link between amnesty and border security, the legislation treats them as mutually exclusive.  And as to assurances that “…enforcement is light years away from what it was…” we’ve got some new data.

The U.S. Border Patrol has caught a fraction of the border crossers spotted by a sophisticated sensor mounted on unmanned spy aircraft and flown over remote stretches of desert, casting doubts on claims that the area is more secure than ever, according to documents obtained by the Center for Investigative Reporting.

The border crossers were spotted with a new, all-seeing radar system developed for use in the Afghanistan War and patrolling above the U.S.-Mexico border in parts of Arizona since March 2012. The system can reveal every man, woman and child under its gaze from a height of about 25,000 feet.

Between October and December, records show, the remotely operated aircraft detected 7,333 border crossers during its Arizona missions. Border Patrol agents, however, reported 410 apprehensions during that time, according to an internal agency report. The sensor was credited with providing surveillance that led to 52 arrests and 15,135 pounds of seized marijuana.

I have an engineering degree from a top university.  I learned how to do math but this problem really only requires 2nd grade arithmetic.  Or in today’s schools, maybe high school arithmetic.

If I divide 410 by 7,333 (that would be number caught by number of crossers) I get 5.59%.  I’m guessing that in whatever arithmetic is in use today that 5.59% is still a whole lot less than 90%.  So, we’re a tad short of our goal.  But we’re going ahead with amnesty anyway.

I’ve got $100 I’m willing to wager on whether the government even attempts to do better than six percent.

Bottom line, we don’t have a fence on the vast majority of the border and there is no plan to build one.

Napolitano, a former Arizona governor, noted a U.S. Border Patrol study determined a fence makes sense on 653 miles of the 2,000-mile southern border and so far some sort of fencing is up on 652 of those miles.

Get the idea?  It’s way past time to contact your Senators and your Representative.  Click the button and you can get their telephone numbers and you can send them faxes.  Let them know that it’s way past time to put security first and this bill doesn’t even address security in any meaningful way.

Click Here

Raping Arizona… Part 3 – Who Controls the Border?

It’s not the Border Patrol or Homeland Security.

If your only source of information is network or cable TV or a newspaper you might thing the southern border is a safe and secure place.  Just ask Janet Napolitano

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has repeatedly claimed that the border is more secure than ever, but when DHS officials were pressed at a recent Homeland Security Committee hearing to demonstrate how this progress has been measured, they had no verifiable metrics to support their claims.

In fact, Napolitano has stopped using the widely accepted term of “operational control.” This was not because they had achieved it — it was precisely the opposite.

In fact, the southern border makes Chicago and Detroit look like an old folks home.

Part of the problem is that very few people actually know what the border looks like.  We hear lots of talk about “the fence” and politicians like John McCain love to be seen standing in front of the fence to give you the idea that the border is fenced and secure.  It’s not.

This is a fifteen foot post fence with a steel box on the top.  This is a secure fence that John McCain would like to stand in front of.

15 Ft Border Fence

That type of fence is on less than 10% of the border.  What actually passes for fencing is actually a vehicle barrier.


The cute girl is five feet five and the greenery is Mexico.  Welcome to what border security looks like.  It’s difficult to see the footprints in the dirt on the other side of the barrier, but there are paths coming over the side of the ditch that have obviously been used thousands of times and the footprints are all headed north.

The land on the south side of the vehicle Vehicle Barrierbarrier, which was once a ranch owned by John Wayne, is all owned by the Mexican drug cartels for as far as you can see.  This is a highway from Mexico into Arizona that illegal aliens and drugs flow over daily just like commuters into LA on Interstate 5.

You don’t hear anything about the increase in traffic that occurred once President Obama announced his plans for amnesty last year.  He made the announcement on August 15 and south of Tucson, which is one of three “major” border crossing areas, Border Patrol was apprehending about 10 people per day.  By October 31 that was up to 90 per day as shown on this chart from American Border Patrol.

Human Smuggling Chart

OK Mike, the border isn’t secure, so what?  Well, here’s the desert about 30 miles outside of Phoenix.  These pictures were taken about a mile from both Interstate 8 and 10, the major highways in Arizona.

Phoenix Drugs 2








What you see here is trash from traffickers.  The burlap and the backpacks are filled with drugs on the Mexican side of the Phoenix Drugs 1border and loaded onto the backs of “undocumented workers” who make the trek north in search of a better life for their family.  Or something.  This is not an isolated site, there are literally hundreds of them along the dirt road that is within sight of Interstate 8.

Here’s what happens when the “undocumented workers” get to the drop site. See video @

Remember, Janet Napolitano thinks the border is secure.  And John McCain and his Gang of Eight buddies are insisting that there won’t be any “amnesty” until Homeland Security (an oxymoron if there ever was one) certifies that the border is “secure.”  My guess is that will take about a month.

Just in case you still want to think that the federal government is actually doing anything to secure the border, given the billions of dollars they’ve spent in the last few years, here is a “fence” at Naco, Arizona, sorry for the glare…

8 Ft Border Fence

This fence is about eight feet high and is nothing but corrugated metal bolted to steel fence posts.  There are any number of places where the metal has been cut with a saw or where someone has dug under it.  The typical repair is a patch over the cut and large rocks in the tunnels under the fence.

Not 50 feet away from that mess sits steel posts for a 15 foot fence that would actually secure the areas.  These fences are buried in six feet of concrete and have barriers on the top.  These posts have been laying there for as long as anybody can remember and there is no plan to actually do anything but store them.

Fence Rails

And while we’re talking about your tax money at work, the folks from Arizona Project who put this tour together took us by three Border Patrol offices and one highway checkpoint.  There are literally hundreds of Border Patrol vehicles – all GM SUVs – parked at each location.  There are more vehicles than officers to drive them.  Remember that the next time you year GM is selling lots of cars.

Border Patrol Vehicles

We need to secure our border, it’s a basic function of the federal government.  The immigration bill that the Gang of Eight put together in secret and is trying to ram through the US Senate will not do the job.  It will leave the border open and grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

Let your Congressman and your Senators know you want the border secured before we even talk about immigration policy.

More Evidence of the Prophesied Persecution of The Church

Gestapo 2013? Colorado State Police and Homeland Security Target Christians

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Screen Shot 2013-04-10 at 9.29.25 AMI recently received a letter from one of law enforcement’s finest.  He had attended a seminar in which he was told to be on the lookout for Christians.  The letter was written by an attendee, Ron Trowbridge, Undersheriff in Prowers County, Colorado.  I would like to thank Sheriff Trowbridge for the letter and the 25 years he has spent protecting the public in his county.  Fear of reprisals from either the Colorado State Police and Homeland Security, fail to stop this patriot from exposing what our law officers are being subjected to.

Because of his bravery, we are able to get an inside look on how nefarious forces within our government are attempting to indoctrinate our law officers.  As this letter proves, our officers cannot be intimidated. Nor can they be turned on the people they serve.  The people of Prowers County are very lucky to have him.
Without further delay, here is the letter unedited and complete in it’s original form:

From: To: Subject: CSP Training Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 10:30:22 -0600

On April 1, 2013 I attended training in La Junta, Colorado hosted by the Colorado State Patrol (CSP).  The training was from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and covered two topics, Sovereign Citizens, and Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.  I was pretty familiar with motorcycle gangs but since we often deal with the so-called sovereign citizen groups I was interested to see what they had to say.  The group consisted of police officers, deputies, and CSP troopers.  There were about 20 people in attendance.

Trooper Joe Kluczynski taught a 2-hour section on sovereign citizens.  Kluczynski spent most of his two hours focusing on how, in his view and apparently the view of Homeland Security, people turn to the sovereign citizen movement.  Kluczynski started off by saying there are probably some sovereign citizens in this room and gave a generalized list of those groups that have sovereign citizen views.  Among those groups, Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and “fundamentalists”.  Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by “fundamentalists” but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or “too seriously.”

While Kluczynski emphasized that sovereign citizens have a right to their beliefs, he was clearly teaching that the groups he had listed should be watched by law enforcement and should be treated with caution because of their potential to assault law enforcement.  Kluczynski explained why he believed these groups were dangerous saying they were angry over the election of a black president.  When someone in the group suggested the failing economy was probably much more to blame, Kluczynski intimated that those who are not going along with the changes in America will need to be controlled by law enforcement.  Kluczynski even later questioned some of the troopers present if they were willing and prepared to confiscate “illegal” weapons if ordered to.

Kluczynski’s assignment with the CSP was an Analyst for the Colorado Information Analysis Center, (CIAC).  CIAC is funded by Homeland Security funds and run by the CSP.  Kluczynski said he gets his information from the Department of Homeland Security.  Kluczynski said he was leaving the CSP at the end of that week (March 29, 2013) to begin his new career with Homeland Security.  I thought he was perfect for the job.

Ron Trowbridge
Prowers County Sheriff’s Office

Read more:

Civilian National Security Force Is A Reality and Being Armed and Supplied

Dear Mainstream Media, Don’t You Want to Know Why Obama Needs 1.6 Billion Bullets?

18 March 2013 /


Dear Mainstream Media,

Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama went off his teleprompter and added a couple of sentences to the text of a speech about expanding the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. Over rolling applause, the soon-to-be president of the United States said: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

At the time, Joseph Farah of wrote a column calling on you to help shine a light on what this shocking statement really meant. In a permanent state of vapors over Obama’s candidacy, you were of no use when it came to extracting anything but press releases from Team Obama.

Nearly five years later, it hardly matters that candidate Obama’s promise to double the Peace Corps and the rest has come to naught. But the president’s unscripted determination to empower a civilian national security force is a different story. As far as you’re concerned, though, it’s also a non-story.

This complacency or complicity has to stop. During the last 10 months, the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, including millions of hollow-point bullets. The department also has purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, and it has overseen the retrofitting of more than 2,000 light tanks, which, of course, were originally designed to resist the mines and ambushes of the battlefield. Why does DHS need such offensive and defensive firepower?

Remember, DHS stands for Department of Homeland Security, and “homeland,” just to be extremely clear, means the USA. Obama must be asked against which domestic enemy he is arming nonmilitary forces. It sounds incredible, to be sure, but are we watching administration battle plans take shape against American citizens on the streets of Your Town, USA?

That’s where you in the mainstream media come in. This story has been burning up the “alternative press” of our Internet age — Drudge Report,, — for months, even years. As noted by Natural News, another “alternative” source, it’s only this week that the story is finally showing up in the mainstream media. Leapfrogging off a very thin Associated Press story of Feb. 15, contributor Ralph Benko made quite a splash (664,581 views) this week with a more substantive piece acknowledging these same menacing stockpiles and calling for a “national conversation.”

We the People seem ready for such a conversation — just think of all those story views. (By contrast, the next most popular story garnered 87,384 views.) You, the media, need to make sure the administration doesn’t get away with stonewalling.

Read More:

Great Questions. Any Good Answers Yet?


1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It’s Time For A National Conversation

Soldiers from the 41st Infantry Regiment, 1st ...Armored Personnel Carriers in Baghdad. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice.  It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.  As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month.  Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.  In America.

Add to this perplexing outré purchase of ammo, DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation.  As observed by “paramilblogger” Ken Jorgustin last September:

[T]he Department of Homeland Security is apparently taking delivery (apparently through the  Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico VA, via the manufacturer – Navistar Defense LLC) of an undetermined number of the recently retrofitted 2,717 ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ MaxxPro MRAP vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.”

These MRAP’s ARE BEING SEEN ON U.S. STREETS all across America by verified observers with photos, videos, and descriptions.”

Regardless of the exact number of MRAP’s being delivered to DHS (and evidently some to POLICE via DHS, as has been observed), why would they need such over-the-top vehicles on U.S. streets to withstand IEDs, mine blasts, and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass? In a war zone… yes, definitely. Let’s protect our men and women. On the streets of America… ?”…

“They all have gun ports… Gun Ports? In the theater of war, yes. On the streets of America…?

Seriously, why would DHS need such a vehicle on our streets?”

Why indeed?  It is utterly inconceivable that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is planning a coup d’etat against President Obama, and the Congress, to install herself as Supreme Ruler of the United States of America.  There, however, are real signs that the Department bureaucrats are running amok.  About 20 years ago this columnist worked, for two years, in the U.S. Department of Energy’s general counsel’s office in its procurement and finance division.  And is wise to the ways.   The answer to “why would DHS need such a vehicle?” almost certainly is this:  it’s a cool toy and these (reportedly) million dollar toys are being recycled, without much of a impact on the DHS budget.  So… why not?

Why, indeed, should the federal government not be deploying armored personnel carriers and stockpiling enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland?  Because it’s wrong in every way.  President Obama has an opportunity, now, to live up to some of his rhetoric by helping the federal government set a noble example in a matter very close to his heart (and that of his Progressive base), one not inimical to the Bill of Rights: gun control.  The federal government can (for a nice change) begin practicing what it preaches by controlling itself.

Remember the Sequester?  The president is claiming its budget cuts will inconvenience travelers by squeezing essential services provided by the (opulently armed and stylishly uniformed) DHS.  Quality ammunition is not cheap.  (Of course, news reports that DHS is about to spend $50 million on new uniforms suggests a certain cavalier attitude toward government frugality.)

Spending money this way is beyond absurd well into perverse.  According to the AP story a DHS spokesperson justifies this acquisition to “help the government get a low price for a big purchase.” Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center:  “The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises.”

At 15 million rounds (which, in itself, is pretty extraordinary and sounds more like fun target-shooting-at-taxpayer-expense than a sensible training exercise) … that’s a stockpile that would last DHS over a century.  To claim that it’s to “get a low price” for a ridiculously wasteful amount is an argument that could only fool a career civil servant.

Meanwhile, Senator Diane Feinstein, with the support of President Obama, is attempting to ban 100 capacity magazine clips.  Doing a little apples-to-oranges comparison, here, 1.6 billion rounds is … 16 million times more objectionable.

Mr. Obama has a long history of disdain toward gun ownership.  According to Prof. John Lott, in Debacle, a book he co-authored with iconic conservative strategist Grover Norquist,

“When I was first introduced to Obama (when both worked at the University of Chicago Law School, where Lott was famous for his analysis of firearms possession), he said, ‘Oh, you’re the gun guy.’

I responded: ‘Yes, I guess so.’

’I don’t believe that people should own guns,’ Obama replied.

I then replied that it might be fun to have lunch and talk about that statement some time.

He simply grimaced and turned away. …

Unlike other liberal academics who usually enjoyed discussing opposing ideas, Obama showed disdain.”

Mr. Obama?  Where’s the disdain now?  Cancelling, or at minimum, drastically scaling back — by 90% or even 99%, the DHS order for ammo, and its receipt and deployment of armored personnel carriers, would be a “fourfer.”

  • The federal government would set an example of restraint in the matter of weaponry.
  • It would reduce the deficit without squeezing essential services.
  • It would do both in a way that was palatable to liberals and conservatives, slightly depolarizing America.
  • It would somewhat defuse, by the government making itself less armed-to-the-teeth, the anxiety of those who mistrust the benevolence of the federales.

If Obama doesn’t show any leadership on this matter it’s an opportunity for Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, to summon Secretary Napolitano over for a little national conversation. Madame Secretary?  Buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and deploying armored personnel carriers runs contrary, in every way, to what “homeland security” really means.  Discuss.

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