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Secret Service agents: Pope’s life at risk in U.S.

waving flagPosted By Jerome R. Corsi On 09/15/2015

Article printed from WND:

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Pope Francis

NEW YORK – Members of the president’s Secret Service detail have confided to WND concern that they cannot adequately protect Pope Francis in the United States under current plans that include allowing the pope to ride through crowds next week in Washington and New York in an open vehicle.

The agents’ concerns about the Sept. 22-27 papal visit are compounded, they say, by an ongoing environment in which politically correct management decisions compromise the elite recruitment and excellence for which the Secret Service was distinguished when it was managed by the Department of Treasury. The Secret Service is now under the Transportation Security Administration, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security.

WND has confirmed that several Secret Service agents currently assigned to papal security for the upcoming visit are seeking to transfer to other federal government agencies, because discipline and morale has deteriorated to dangerous levels under current TSA management.

“Secret Service are fleeing in droves seeking security positions in other government agencies,” one Secret Service source for this article told WND on condition of anonymity.

“It’s not just those on POTUS detail, it’s the specially trained Secret Service, those we are least able to lose, who are leaving in record numbers. And the pressure put on us by the security restraints of the pope’s visit aren’t helping the situation at all,” the source said.

Another Secret Service source noted Francis is “a pope who wants to be seen by the people.”

Pope threat
Published by Islamic State claiming they were going to execute the Pope.

He wants to mingle with the crowd, kiss the babies and be accessible to the sick and elderly,” the source said. “With what Vatican security is demanding we do politically, protecting the pope in the U.S. visit is going to be a nightmare.”

pope threat ISIS
Another published threat by Islamic State against Pope Francis

Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, head of the House Homeland Security Committee, disclosed Sunday that the United States had disrupted a plot against Pope Francis in advance of his trip. Fox News provided more details Tuesday, reporting a 15-year-old inspired by ISIS was arrested in the Philadelphia area in August.

‘Security disaster

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent on presidential detail, told WND he shares the concerns.

“Because of the way Pope Francis wants his security handled, with a more discrete presence, the pope’s visit to the United States is a security disaster,” said Bongino, a Fox News commentator and author of the WND Books bestseller “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All.”

“There is no person in the world with a higher threat profile than the pope,” he said. “If Vatican security insists on the pope riding through crowds in an open Popemobile with minimal security presence running alongside, the Secret Service concern is legitimate.”

Get Dan Bongino’s insider expose,”Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” from the WND Superstore.

Bongino also agreed that Secret Service morale has deteriorated under DHS management.

“When I first joined the Secret Service back in 1999, people leaving for reasons other than retirement were unheard of,” Bongino noted. “Under DHS, management attrition has been through the roof when people don’t feel they are being backed up by management, and there’s no question morale has gone downhill.” Bongino said that at DHS, “too many of the Secret Service management are worried about their second careers, planning to leave DHS and set up multi-million dollar security companies,.”

“So your interests managing Secret Service under DHS have become not managing Secret Service, but not upsetting DHS,” he said.

Several of the Secret Service agents on POTUS detail speaking with WND for this article expressed their concern the mere publication of the article would trigger reprisals from DHS management.

“Every time an article critical of the Secret Service shows up in print, we get hammered by DHS management,” one of the agents serving as a source for this article told WND. “Even when the story is about the guys at the top of DHS management screwing up with the Secret Service, the blow-back is always on the rank-and-file, including the Secret Service who put their lives on the line protecting the president.”

Despite several requests, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee responsible for Secret Service oversight, declined to comment for this article.

Papal events

According to the Vatican press office, a Jeep Wrangler, manufactured by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, with a glass-front roof and open sides, similar to the Popemobile that Pope Francis used in Ecuador in July, was shipped in August to the Secret Service for safekeeping. “The Vatican’s decisions on the pope’s security are putting the Secret Service in an unworkable situation,” Bongino said. “The Vatican is setting up the Secret Service to fail, and if anything happens to the pope, people are going to blame the Secret Service, not Vatican security. If I were directing the Secret Service, I would take the political risk and issue an ultimatum insisting to Vatican security that we at the Secret Service were going to set the security rules for the pope’s visit, otherwise we cannot insure a safe environment for him in the United States,” Bongino said.

According to the official schedule, the pope will ride in the Popemobile at the following events:

  • In Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, after leaving the White House, he will travel in the Popemobile along 15th Street, Constitution Avenue and 17th Street N.W., with people invited to line the streets around the Ellipse and the National Mall. The Secret Service plans to open gates for the Ellipse and National Mall from 4 a.m. until 10 a.m.
  • In New York City, Sept. 25, at 5 p.m., Pope Francis is scheduled to travel via motorcade through Central Park, traveling on Central Park’s West Drive between 72nd and 60th Street. Tickets will be given away to residents of New York state over the age of 18. Gates are open for security screening between noon and 3 p.m.
  • In Philadelphia, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m., the pope plans to attend the Festival of Families, to take place on Benjamin Franklin Parkway, outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The family-themed event includes exhibits open to the public, with no special provisions for tickets or screening so far announced.
  • In Philadelphia, Sept. 27, at 4 p.m., Francis is scheduled to celebrate the closing mass for the World Meeting of Families 2015. Some 400,000 are expected to attend the event, which is open to the public.pope threat news

‘Not since JFK’

Bongino wrote an article published Sept. 2 in Conservative Review, titled “Why the Pope’s Visit Will Be a Security Nightmare.”

“My experience in situations such as this, where protectees prefer a low-key approach, (Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate run in New York comes to mind) is that security takes a back seat to concerns about the ‘optics’ of the security,” he wrote.

Worrying about how the security operation ‘looks’ rather than how the security operation functions, is a recipe for failure, and I wish the Secret Service protectees understood this before declaring that they want to be more ‘accessible.’”

Bongino wrote that the Secret Service security model is “accustomed to working with crowds and granting those crowds accessibility, within reason.”

“With the current macro-threat environment (threats not specific to the Pope) from ISIS, Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and other terrorist groups, combined with the number of very specific threats from these groups, and other independent actors looking to do harm to the Pope, this is not time for concerns about ‘visuals’ and ‘optics,’ it’s time to focus on a responsible, comprehensive security plan that will ensure that the world’s billions of Catholics can enjoy the visit and not concern themselves with the Pope’s safety.”

In December, WND reported a Secret Service expert’s worry about President Obama’s safety. ” Vincent Michael Palamara noted that JFK’s fateful journey through the streets of Dallas, Texas, in November 1963 was the last time the Secret Service allowed a president of the United States to ride in an open limo in public.

In June, WND reported from Turin, Italy, the pope’s arrival in an open-sided Popemobile at the Piazza Vittorio Veneto during the Shroud of Turin exhibition to celebrate mass before a crowd estimated at over 30,000 people. The crowd had not gone through screening, there was minimal security running alongside the vehicle and no apparent security in the open windows of the tall buildings lining both sides of the square.

WND video of pope arriving in Piazza Vittorio Veneto:” href=”http://“> aligncenter wp-image-19393 ” src=”” alt=”pope01″ width=”892″ height=”593″ />

<div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div>Less than a week later, WND took video of Francis arriving at Piazza Solferino in Turin in a similar security situation.” href=”http://“> aligncenter wp-image-19394″ src=”” alt=”pope02″ width=”967″ height=”541″ />

WND video of pope arriving in Piazza Solferino:

 95b119e45c50cbea1e7a4fbfa33415f3 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Court rules in Christian baker’s same-sex marriage case

waving flagPosted By Bob Unruh On 08/13/2015

Article printed from WND:

URL of the original posting site:


Three Colorado appeals-court judges endorsed Thursday a lower court’s decision to force a Christian baker, already labeled by a state official as a Nazi, to violate his faith and provide wedding cakes to same-sex couples. The state’s plan also includes indoctrinating bakery workers regarding the treatment of homosexual customers.

The state Court of Appeals opinion by Judge Dan Taubman was joined by Alan Loeb and Mike Berger. They rejected constitutional arguments raised by Alliance Defending Jack-Phillips-Masterpiece-Cakeshop-638x358Freedom attorneys who represented baker Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Cakeshop. Phillips was targeted by homosexuals who explained they were getting married in another state but wanted a cake in Colorado, where same-sex marriage at the time was not legal. The court opinion notes Phillips said his bakery accepts customers regardless of sexual orientation but does not make cakes for same-sex wedding ceremonies. Nevertheless, the homosexual duo, Charlie Craig and David Mullins, filed a complaint with the state, which ruled against the bakery. One official compared Phillips and his cakeshop to Nazis.Gaystopo logo

That was when Diann Rice, a member of the state civil rights commission, said: “I would also like to reiterate what we said in the hearing or the last meeting. Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the Holocaust, whether it be – I mean, we – we can list hundreds of situations where freedom of religion has been used to justify discrimination. And to me it is one of the most despicable pieces of rhetoric that people can use to – to use their religion to hurt others.” Combined

<div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div>want_rel_liberty_rADF had argued to the Colorado Court of Appeals: “Such alarming bias and animus toward Phillips’s religious beliefs, and toward religion in general, has no place in civil society. At least one commission member holds such beliefs. And her comment suggests that other members of the commission may share her view that people who believe marriage is only between a man and a woman are comparable to those who committed the Holocaust. This anti-religious bias undermines the integrity of the commission’s process and final order.” The appeals court judges ignored the bias charge.

See the Big List of Christian Coercion compiled by WND, where officials, business owners and others have been bludgeoned by the law, activists – even judges – for their faith.

And while the court admitted the case “juxtaposes” the rights of the homosexuals to those of Phillips, it concluded that Phillips’ rights are secondary to the rights of homosexuals to buy a wedding cake wherever they choose. The state commission ruled that Masterpiece discriminated inappropriately and ordered Phillips to stop. The state also demanded he “take remedial measures, including comprehensive staff training and alteration to the company’s policies.” Further, the state is requiring him to file reports for two years proving his compliance with the state-endorsed homosexual advocacy.Picture2

ADF spokesman Jeremy Tedesco said: “Americans are guaranteed the freedom to live and work consistent with their faith. Government has a duty to protect people’s freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally rather than force them to adopt the government’s views. Jack simply exercised the long-cherished American freedom to decline to use his artistic talents to promote a message with which he disagrees. The court is wrong to deny Jack his fundamental freedoms. We will discuss further legal options.” The appeals court judges adopted the lower court’s determination line by line.

Specifically, the court said the concern that the bakery would be viewed as endorsing homosexuality was negligible. Taubman said Phillips case differs from another in which the state of Colorado allowed a bakery featuring sexually explicit products to refuse to create two “Bible-shaped cakes inscribed with … ‘homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2.'” Taubman argued the other case centered on “offensive” messages inscribed on the cake, unlike the Phillips case. “We recognize that a wedding cake, in some circumstances, may convey a particularized message celebrating same-sex marriage and, in such cases, First Amendment speech protections may be implicated,” Taubman wrote. But he said that issue would not be addressed now.Free Speech Definition

The Masterpiece business, Taubman said, “is not sufficiently expressive to warrant First Amendment protections.”No Free Speech

He likened objecting to the promotion of same-sex relationships on biblical grounds to racism. “As one court observed in addressing a similar free exercise challenge to the 1964 Civil Rights Act: ‘Undoubtedly defendant … has a constitutional right to espouse the religious beliefs of his own choosing, however, he does not have the absolute right to exercise and practice such beliefs in utter disregard of the clear constitutional rights of other citizens. This court refuses to lend credence or support to his position that he has a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of the Negro race in his business establishment upon the ground that to do so would violate his sacred religious beliefs.'” The court claimed the law is neutral, generally applicable and “does not impose burdens on religious conduct not imposed on secular conduct.”Leftist determonation to destroy freedom of religion

Phillips attorneys argued their client “did not decline to design and create complainants’ wedding cake because of their sexual orientation, but because of the message about same-sex marriage they wished to convey, which is deeply at odds with his religious beliefs.” … “Phillips does not object to, nor does he refuse to serve, homosexuals.”

The original order was from Administrative Law Judge Robert Spencer.

WND also reported when Theodore Shoebat of the website reported calling 13 prominent pro-“gay” bakers and asking them to make a cake with the message “Gay marriage is wrong.” “Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us,” he said. “One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian. We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were,” said Shoebat. Shoebat said that after the experiment, he received “a ton of hate messages saying that we were ‘hateful’ for simply giving them a taste of their own medicine.”persecution-persecuted-christians

Copyright 2015 WND

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In God We Trust freedom combo 2

State forbids pastors calling homosexuality ‘sinful’

waving flagPosted By Bob Unruh On 07/24/2015

Article printed from WND:

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The state of Kentucky has begun imposing a religious test on volunteer pastor counselors in its youth division, insisting that they refrain from calling homosexuality “sinful” and dismissing those who cannot bend their religious faith to accommodate the state requirements.Picture2

The policy was uncovered by Liberty Counsel, which has sent a letter to Bob Hayter, commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice, demanding that the state religious test be dropped and that a dismissed counselor be reinstated. “Liberty Counsel writes regarding the blatantly unconstitutional revocation of volunteer prison minister status of ordained Christian minister David Wells, who has provided voluntary spiritual counseling and mentorship to juvenile inmates under the control of the Department of Juvenile Justice. … This revocation was issued by Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center on the basis of the April 4, 2014, DJJ Policy 912, which mandates full DJJ support of homosexuality and transvestism.Leftist Giant called Tyranny

“With no evidence of any violation of DJJ policy on Mr. Wells’ part, his volunteer status was revoked by the Warren RJDC superintendent because he could not sign a state-mandated statement that homosexuality was not ‘sinful,’ among other things,” the letter said.Different Free Speech Ideologies

The policy states that DJJ staff, volunteers and others “shall not imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

WND requested a comment from the state agency, but there was no immediate response.

Get “Takedown,” and learn how the American family and marriage are being sabotaged by the ideas of extreme-left radicals, starting with Karl Marx.

The state agency was told in the letter it has until July 31 to reinstate Wells’ volunteer visitor credentials. “Many juveniles are in DJJ custody because of sexual crimes,” said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Pastor Wells must be able to discuss what the Bible says about matters of sexuality with the juveniles he is trying to help. To remove the Bible from a pastor’s hands is like removing a scalpel from a surgeon’s hands. Without it, they cannot provide healing.”

Wells had volunteered more than 10 years at the facility under the prison ministry of Pleasant View Baptist Church in McQuady

But Supt. Gene Wade dismissed him in a terse note on July 7.

He wrote, “I must terminate your involvement as a religious volunteer serving the youth in this facility per DJJ Policy 112, Section IV, Paragraph H, (8).”Big Gay Hate Machine

CP 03Liberty Counsel reported Policy 912, “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,” states that volunteers cannot refer to homosexuality or other alternative sexual lifestyles as “sinful.” “DJJ 912 equates the teaching of biblical morality with ‘derogatory,’ ‘biased” and ‘hateful’ speech, added Staver. “In so doing, the DJJ policy creates an unconstitutional, religious litmus test for DJJ access. The First Amendment prohibits the government from viewpoint discrimination. This detention center may not prohibit the expression of biblical morality simply because a few DJJ policymakers object to the Bible and its teaching,” the letter saidPicture1

Liberty Counsel’s letter noted Wells was ordered to sign a form “promising to refrain from telling any juvenile inmates that homosexuality was ‘sinful.’”Free Speech Definition

But Liberty Counsel argues the Bible “explicitly prohibits any expression of sexuality outside of the confines of man-woman marriage.”

“It recognizes that every person, regardless of personal proclivities or attractions, is separated from God because of sin, whatever form that sin may take. Many juveniles are in DJJ custody because of sexual crimes, and Mr. Wells must be able to discuss the Bible and matters of sexuality with inmates, and he therefore was unable to sign the form.”

The letter says many inmates have been sexually abused and need such counseling.

“Second, at no time in more than 12 years of ministry has Mr. Wells or any of the other volunteer ministers who assist him ever used ‘derogatory language’ in a manner that ‘conveys bias towards or hatred of’ children.’

“Third, any religious services or spiritual counseling offered by Mr.Wells is always completely voluntary in attendance; and no juvenile offender is ever required to attend the services or meet with him or other volunteers,” the letter said.

Wells has dealt with cases ranging from “a young man who sexually abused his sister, and then killed her … to children who have been molested and sodomized by adults and older teens.”

“All of these children have asked Mr.Wells if there was any hope for them in this life, and in the life to come. He has told them without exception that Christ can, and would, forgive them, if they would repent and believe the gospel.”Combined

The policy even conflicts with other department policy, Liberty Counsel explained, because DJJ 345 states: “A volunteer minister, pastor or religious counselor, approved by the facility religious coordinator, shall have access to each area of the facility identified for religious programming. Clergy shall be allowed to have confidential communications with youth pursuant to clergy privilege.”

The state demand “violates the First Amendment by prescribing an official state religious ‘orthodoxy:’ now, only a religious belief that homosexuality is not ‘sinful’ may be expressed in DJJ facilities.”want_rel_liberty_r

That’s even though the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that “no official, high or petty, can prescribe that shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion and force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” The U.S. Supreme Court also has ruled that speech restrictions cannot be based on viewpoint. The practice also creates similar conflicts with the Kentucky Constitution, Liberty Counsel said.

“There is simply no evidence that any pastor or volunteer minister, much less Mr. Wells, has ever expressed ‘derogatory’ language toward, or ‘bias’ or ‘hatred’ of DJJ youths who have sexuality issues. For that matter, it is not ‘hatred’ or ‘bias’ to lovingly point out the harms of homosexuality,” the letter said.

The result is that the state of Kentucky singles out a particular theological viewpoint as expressly disfavored. This the state cannot do,” the letter said.

The issue of counseling sexually confused youth has come up several other states already. In California, Oregon and New Jersey, officials already have adopted rules that prohibit people from offering help during counseling sessions to juveniles who have unwanted same-sex attractions. Several other states have rejected the idea.

Most recently, it was a judge’s “bias” toward homosexuality that prompted a jury to award about $72,000 to plaintiffs who sued under a New Jersey consumer fraud law. They claimed their counseling sessions aimed at getting rid of unwanted same-sex attractions failed, according to a licensed counselor. The verdict recently was announced in New Jersey for plaintiffs who brought their case, with the assistance of an organization that has been linked to domestic terror, against JONAH, or Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing. The verdict was “the consequence of liberal judicial bias,” licensed professional counselor Christopher Doyle told Anglican Mainstream, a publication for orthodox Anglicans.

“Before and during the trial Judge Peter Bariso stripped JONAH of so many opportunities to really defend themselves, disqualifying five of the six expert witnesses for the defendants because their opinions contradicted the so-called mainstream view that same-sex attractions are not at all disordered, even if a client is distressed by these unwanted sexual feelings because of their sincerely held religious and spiritual beliefs,” Doyle’s report said.Picture2

A decision on whether the case will be appealed is looming, Liberty Counsel said. “The judge’s bias against religious freedom was so ruthless that he even refused to allow JONAH’s chief attorney to mention the First Amendment freedom of religion in his closing argument,” Doyle said. “This verdict sends a chilling message to anyone of faith who either offers counseling or wants to receive counseling to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions,” he said.Hate Merchants

The jury verdict ordered JONAH to pay $72,400 to five plaintiffs for the fees they paid for counseling.

The case was brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which opposed racism and discrimination during its early years. However, three years ago it was linked to domestic terrorism in a court case. That was when homosexual activist Floyd Lee Corkins on Aug. 15, 2012, walked into Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C., armed with a semi-automatic pistol, 95 bullets and a sack of Chick-fil-A sandwiches with the intent, he later confessed, of killing “as many people as I could.” Corkins admitted he picked FRC, which promotes traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs about family and sexuality, because it was listed as an “anti-gay” hate group by SPLC on its website.

See video of the attack:


The judge actually had pre-ordained the conclusion against JONAH, writing early in the case “the theory that homosexuality is a disorder is not novel but – like the notion that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it – instead is outdated and refuted.” For that reason, he gutted much of the organization’s defense.More Evidence

Doyle explained that the jury probably was less convinced about consumer fraud claims but more by the actions of “a liberal judge who hamstringed the defendants while feeding the jury a steady diet of mischaracterizations on the work of JONAH.”

WND reported JONAH was defended by the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund.

Spokeswoman Maggie Gallagher earlier told WND that SPLC’s goals are to put “out of existence” any counseling in America that helps those with unwanted same-sex attractions. Essentially, she said, it’s a campaign to “impose a new public morality” on the nation, concluding that for those who have same-sex attractions, “there’s nothing you are entitled to do except say it’s great and I want to live a gay life.”War on Christians

Alinsky Rules for Radicals

freedom combo 2

Imported Muslims arriving now in these U.S. cities

waving flagPosted By Leo Hohmann On 06/17/2015

Article printed from WND:

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Cheering Syrian rebels. The rebel groups are made up of various Sunni factions all vying to replace the Shiite-led government of Bashar al-Assad. The overwhelming majority of "refugees" coming from Syria are also Sunni Muslim.

A few congressmen are fighting to block the planned importation of thousands of Syrian refugees into American cities and towns, arguing that they present a grave security risk because many Syrians have ties to the Sunni rebel groups ISIS and al-Nusra Front.

But the fact is, as President Obama ignores the concerns of U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and others on the House Homeland Security Committee, the Syrians have already started to arrive stateside.

Since January, more than 70 U.S. cities have been on the receiving end of a Syrian visitation.

WND has compiled a complete list of cities (see chart below) that received Syrian refugees since Jan. 1. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres has as many as 11,000 Syrians in a pipeline waiting for admission into the U.S., which is responsible for screening them for criminal and terrorist activity.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, wrote President Obama warning that the Syrian refugee program could become a 'back door for jihadists" to enter the U.S.

And therein lies the problem.

McCaul has tried to block the arrival of the Syrians based on testimony from FBI counter-terrorism experts. As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, he held a hearing on the national security risks of the Syrian refugee program in February and has scheduled a second hearing for June 24. He’s also sent two letters to Obama, urging him not to let the U.N. refugee program become a “jihadist pipeline” into the United States.

The Syrian civil war, now more than four years old, has chased more than 3.8 million Syrians from their homes, according to the U.N., which has about 130,000 it wants to resettle permanently in outside countries. Some of the top destination points in the past few months have been in;

  • Texas, where the cities of Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston have each received more than 20 Syrians since January.
  • Chicago has received 42 Syrians so far this year, more than any other city,
  • while San Diego has taken in 25
  • and Phoenix 20.
  • The troubled city of Baltimore has not been left out. It has received 19 Syrians
  • while Louisville, Kentucky, has taken in 21.

“Baltimore is already suffering with all of the black crime violence (in the wake of the Freddie Gray shooting) and now we’re going to plunk down 19 Syrians,” said Ann Corcoran, who runs the watchdog blog Refugee Resettlement Watch. “It doesn’t make sense.”Picture3 Alinsky affect

WND reported earlier this week that 93 percent of the 922 Syrian refugees resettled into the U.S. since the civil war started in 2011 have been Muslim. The vast majority, 86 percent, have been Sunni Muslims, which means some could have ties to the Sunni rebel groups fighting to bring down the government of President Bashar al-Assad, a Shiite Alowite.

Assad protected the Christian minorities who have now come under brutal attack from ISIS and al-Nusra. Yet, only 4.9 percent of the 922 Syrians brought to the U.S. so far as refugees have been Christians.Why

Syria is home to one of the world’s oldest Christian communities. It was in Antioch, Syria, where followers of Jesus Christ were first called “Christians,” yet their churches have been destroyed and their families decimated by ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists. Many have watched family members beheaded or shot in front of their eyes. “Syria represents the single largest convergence of Islamic terrorists in history,” McCaul wrote in his June 11 letter to Obama. It also represents the largest refugee crisis.

The United States takes in more U.N.-designated refugees than the rest of the world combined. Of the 130,000 Syrians the U.N wants to permanently resettle, the U.S. is being asked to take half, or about 65,000, by the end of Obama’s term in office. The State Department insists they are “intensely screened” even as the FBI has admitted they are impossible to screen because the U.S. has no “boots on the ground in Syria” and Syria is a “failed state” with no reliable law-enforcement data, said Michael Steinbach, deputy director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism unit, in his Feb. 11 testimony before McCaul’s committee.

Growing ‘pockets of resistance’

The State Department, working through nine private contractors and 350 subcontractors, resettles U.N.-certified refugees into more than 190 cities and towns across America. The refugee program has operated in its current form since Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980.

Some cities in recent years have begun to push back against the arrival of refugees in their communities, saying they have become a burden on social services and aren’t finding jobs that will support themselves without government assistance. Elected leaders in Clarkston, Georgia, for instance, complained in 2011 to Gov. Nathan Deal, who was able to strike a deal in which no new refugees would be sent to the town other than family members of existing refugees.

The mayors of Lynn and Springfield, Massachusetts, as well as Manchester, New Hampshire, and Athens, Georgia, have also questioned why they can’t have more information and influence over how many refugees get sent to their towns. These have been dubbed “pockets of resistance” by the resettlement agencies working for the federal government. A manual was written by one contractor on how to deal with local grassroots activists who push back against the arrival of refugees.

WND last month uncovered a document authored by one of the federal government’s main resettlement contractors that detailed plans to counter the growing “backlash” that is occurring in many cities that would like to shut the refugee spigot off, or at least slow it down. The report recommended monitoring blogs by activists and turning in some to the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center which could then brand them as “anti-Muslim” or guilty of “Islamophobia.”

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

The most recent uprising has been in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in the district of Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

Gowdy has tried to gather facts on exactly how the program works so he can answer the questions being asked of him by an organized resistance to World Relief’s plans to resettle 60 refugees from Congo, Syria and other countries over the next year.

So far, no Syrians have arrived in Spartanburg, but they have arrived and will continue to arrive in ever larger numbers in many other cities and towns. The chart below logs the numbers who have arrived just in the past five months.

Some of the questions Gowdy has pressed the State Department to answer are:

  • Who makes the ultimate decision as to which cities get refugees from what countries?
  • What variables are taken into consideration when distributing these refugees? Is it done, for instance, according to population density, geography, job and housing availability or availability of welfare benefits?
  • What local officials are brought into the decision-making process and at what point?
  • How are the other “stakeholders” chosen in the receiving communities?
  • How are the financial and economic impacts of the refugees to taxpayer-funded budgets being measured in the various cities where they are sent?

Hiding behind ‘public-private partnerships’

As Gowdy discovered, the State Department dodged most of the questions that concerned Americans have been asking for years.

After Secretary of State John Kerry provided an initial response that Gowdy called vague and “wholly inadequate,” the State Department followed up by saying any further information would have to come from the resettlement agency. In the case of Spartanburg, that would be World Relief, an evangelical agency that contracts with the government on resettlement work. Because it is a private agency, World Relief considers its reports on individual cities to be “proprietary information.” The public is not invited to the quarterly meetings in the receiving communities nor, typically, is the local media.

Approximately 70 percent of World Relief’s revenues last year came from government grants totaling $41.2 million, according to its IRS returns. It also receives funding from foundations such as the Vanguard Charitable Foundation, Mustard Seed Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Pfizer Foundation and Global Impact.

Besides World Relief, the other eight resettlement agencies that contract with the government are the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Church World Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the International Rescue Committee, Episcopal Migration Ministries, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council. These nine agencies present themselves to local communities as “charities.”

But if they are truly doing the Lord’s work, why are their budgets funded so heavily by the government, and why have they agreed to carry out their work without sharing the gospel message to their refugee clients, many activists have asked.

The nine contractors share the wealth with more than 350 subcontractors. For instance, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops subcontracts with Catholic Charities, while Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service subcontracts with Lutheran Social Services and Church World Service contracts with affiliates of the National Council of Churches.

Many of the agencies and their myriad subcontractors also accept donations from leftist foundations tied to George Soros, Bill Gates, the Tides Foundation, Walmart, Target, the Komen Foundation, the United Way and many others.

Big money flows into resettlement business

According to research in a new book by James Simpson, an independent investigative journalist, the Lutheran resettlement efforts, which have been very active in bringing Somali refugees into Minnesota among other places, are financed 92 percent by the government. This Lutheran “charity” also receives donations from George Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, Global Impact, Fidelity Investments, Bank of America and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Simpson sums up the program in his book, “The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.” He writes:

“Hatched by the U.N. and the American Left, the resettlement agenda is dedicated to erasing our culture, traditions and laws, and creating a compliant, welfare-dependent multicultural society with no understanding of America’s constitutional framework and no interest in assimilation. The ultimate target is a voting base large enough for the Left’s long-sought ‘permanent progressive majority.’

“Most people would be shocked to know that America currently takes more refugees from the world’s ghettos than all other refugee resettlement countries in the world combined. The State Department brags about it. Furthermore, most of those refugees are referred to the United States by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The refugees (and the illegal aliens flooding the southern border from Central America) are then ‘resettled’ by taxpayer funded ‘Voluntary Agencies’ or VOLAGs as they are called.”The Lower you go

And the CEOs of these resettlement agencies get paid handsomely. According to Simpson’s research, they bring in six-figure salaries of between $300,000 and $500,000 per year. Of the nine main resettlement agencies, six are faith-based or as Simpson says, “nominally religious,” because they operate with mainly government cash and they are forbidden by their government contracts from evangelizing their clients, many of whom are Muslim. “All are in it for the money and top staff make high six figures,” Simpson writes. “Together the VOLAGs are paid close to $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to resettle refugees. Two more organizations (including Baptist Family and Children Services) who settle most of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) brought the total to over $1.3 billion last year.”

Forty-nine of the 50 states, with Wyoming being the lone exception, have a refugee resettlement program in place with the federal government. In most states the governor appoints a refugee resettlement coordinator to handle the shipments of refugees, but in 12 states the contractors handle the refugees with little or no input from the governor’s office.

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Black Dallas pastor makes ISIS-style threat

waving flagPosted By Leo Hohmann On 06/09/2015

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Civil Race Both

ronald-wright-600A black pastor has threatened an ISIS-style attack against law enforcement in response to a video showing a Texas officer forcefully pinning a bikini-clad teenage girl and pulling a gun on a group of juveniles at a pool party.

A cell-phone video of the incident has gone viral. But now another video, equally disturbing to some, is starting to make the rounds.

Rev. Ronald Wright, executive director of Justice Seekers Texas, warned Americans in a press conference carried live by MSNBC that a domestic terror attack is coming. He spoke at a rally Monday outside the McKinney Police Department. “We’re setting the stage for a terrorist attack in this country. And the group is not going to be ISIS; it’s going to be USIS, us against these injustice law officers and people continuing to allow racism to grow into this city,” he said on Thursday.

Watch the comments in video clip below: v01

Picture1According to its website, the Dallas-based Justice Seekers Texas was founded by Wright in February 2010 as a “Civil Rights and Social Justice Organization which focuses on Civil Rights and Social Justice (for all citizens), Education, Health, Employee Rights, Veterans Affairs, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Delinquency/Recidivism, Assisting ex-felons with employment opportunities, rights of the incarcerated, probationers, and parolees.”  Wright describes himself on the website as a civil-rights leader and community organizer for social-justice causes. He also serves as senior pastor of God’s Community Church of Joy.

WND reached out to Wright Tuesday to ask if he wanted to clarify his comments.

“I was talking about police involved in racial discrimination. I have always stood up for police; it’s not like I’m against all police, because we need the police. So it wasn’t a terroristic threat on police,” Wright told WND.

“But those that have refuse to stop this kind of injustice, it has to stop,” he said. “It wasn’t an attack on the police department, because all of the recent incidents against the police we’ve seen in the media; it wasn’t the fault of the police. When you actually looked at what happened, they were justified in acting the way they acted in some of those cases.”truth

Wright called on the mayor to fire the officer, Cpl. Eric Casebolt, who threw the 15-year-old girl to the ground and drew his weapon. Wright said his group has contacted the U.S. Justice Department and is having it monitor the situation. But on Tuesday, Casebolt resigned his position.

To Wright, that’s just more proof that he was guilty of unprofessional conduct, at least, and a criminal act at worse. “If this officer was right by what he did, why would you resign?” he asked.

Wright said he’s the type of activist who stands up against injustice, regardless of the victim’s color. “I stood up for a white police officer and their chief and fought for their chief because a black city councilwoman was picking on him, and she wouldn’t let up on him. What they did was, they took his salary off the city budget, and ended up paying it for the rest of the year … but we stood for him. I’m going to fight discrimination no matter what color you are.”Picture3

Wright also protested when a 52-year-old white man, Bobby Bennett, was gunned down by Dallas police in 2013, according to a Dallas Morning News report. Police said Bennett came at them with a knife, but a neighbor’s surveillance video did not support that narrative.

In the pool party case, Wright said there could also be more to the story, but from what he knows now, the officer was out of line.

“None of these children are perfect, but we’re reaping what we sow. They should have been more respectful. But when you can’t raise your children at home, and the government can’t raise them, what do you expect? You’re reaping what you sow,” he said. “Government is responsible for that. I’m not a hater of police, and everyone in Dallas knows that. They know I’ve stood up for their police department, but this could have been handled a lot better according to protocol.’

“And also I’m waiting for the 9-1-1 call to hear what was said. At the end of the day, that is going to determine if he was justified in acting the way he did. I’m hoping that is the fact rather than it being a racist move.”you should not

Wright said the nation is coming apart at the seams, racially, with race relations at a dismal level. Why is it when this country is attacked, like on 9/11, we can all become brothers, we’re family,” he said, “then the minute it’s over we go back to the old mentality we have? Those who continue to do racial injustice are the ones I was talking about, not all police. I don’t hate police,” he said. “I support them.”Call-911

The original cell-phone video of the pool party Friday night went viral. The incident started when two individuals were involved in an altercation and the cops were called. A dozen officers responded. One, Casebolt, appeared to act more aggressively than the others, but some eyewitnesses said he acted reasonably given the chaos of the situation. WFAA-TV in Dallas reported that some of the parents whose children appeared in the viral video are angry that Casebolt not only used force, but cursed at the teens before pulling out his weapon.

Jahi Adisa Bakari’s daughter was at the pool party when chaos erupted. “The fact of the matter is, the officer recklessly attacks this young lady, who was following his instructions,” she told WFAA.

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U.S. pushback against Muslim refugees ‘growing’

waving flagPosted By Leo Hohmann On 05/26/2015

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Somali refugees get ready to meet with city officials in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Somali refugees at a city-council meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota


Picture2WND has discovered what amounts to the government playbook for countering the rising “backlash” against the secret planting of Muslim refugees into cities and towns across America. The 2013 report anticipated two years ago that resistance would increase to the seeding of communities with Muslim refugees if counter measures were not undertaken.

The report was prophetic.

Last year, WND reported how the mayor of Athens, Georgia, requested the federal government not send any refugees to her town until she could get a handle on the costs. Earlier this year, another high-profile case of pushback emerged in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in Rep. Trey Gowdy’s district, a story WND first reported in April.

In Wyoming, the only state that does not have a refugee resettlement agreement with the U.S. State Department, Gov. Matt Mead was “exploring” whether he should start such a program. But after stories in the local media and on WND, Mead dropped the plan.

Now, WND has learned the government and its contractors have a stock plan on how to deal with what they call “backlash” to refugee resettlement in American cities. Titled “Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities,” the report by one of the federal government’s top resettlement contractors admits that communities “across the country” are pushing back against the refugee program, especially when it involves the infusion of Muslims into their city or town.

In the wake of the report, the Obama administration has handed out millions of dollars in grants to organizations like Welcoming America, which works to “educate” elected officials and the public in “receiving communities” before refugees arrive. Welcoming America was started in 2010 with seed money from George Soros’s Open Society Institute.against America

The U.S. State Department, working with the United Nations, accepts about 70,000 foreign refugees for permanent resettlement in the United States each year, distributing them to more than 190 cities and towns across America. (See list of 190 office locations in every state)

Dealing with uncooperative elected leaders

The report lays out a strategy for dealing with uncooperative politicians who insist on representing the concerns of their constituents as opposed to the interests of the refugee industry.

The report calls for “new tools to fight back against a determined legislator or governor who has decided to challenge resettlement for political or other reasons.”

David Lubell of Welcoming America works closely with the White House to soften up the soil in cities targeted to receive an influx refugees.
David Lubell of Welcoming America works closely with the White House to soften up the soil in cities targeted to receive an influx refugees.


One of those tools is Obama-supporter David Lubell’s Welcoming America. The group is dispatched to areas where native-born Americans are not sufficiently “welcoming” and runs advertising campaigns on TV, radio and billboards touting the economic contributions of refugees and other “new Americans.”

The 2013 report, authored by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and financed by a wealthy New York family foundation, cites three examples of push back – in Georgia, Tennessee and New Hampshire.

Startling first-person accounts and chilling and exclusive undercover audio and video reveal “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception” (DVD).

Tamping down an uprising in Georgia

In Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal in 2011 ordered a hold on federal money flowing to refugee resettlement contractors until a review of the program could be completed. A group of residents and at least one elected official in the city of Clarkston complained that the city was being overwhelmed by refugees and the governor wanted to investigate. “Although the governor’s office offered no reason for the review, it is believed that an elected official from Clarkston, a small city east of Atlanta, complained to the governor on behalf of a constituent,” the report states. “The official, who in 2003 had introduced legislation to require resettlement agencies to notify local government officials if 10 or more refugees would be resettled in a community at one time, told the governor’s office that Clarkston was at ‘capacity.’” That prompted an army of refugee advocates and lobbyists to leap into action.

“Facing the prospect of staff layoffs and the disruption of critical services for refugees, the network of agencies providing services to refugees created an informal coalition to advocate for the release of the federal funds,” the report says. “The coalition worked to gather information and educate elected officials, influential supporters of the governor, as well as police chiefs and school officials, about the economic benefits of refugee resettlement in Georgia.”Picture1

The coalition got U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., along with the Clarkston mayor, to write a letter to the governor in support of refugee resettlement. In December 2011 Deal relented and released federal funds for the resettlements to continue in Georgia. The resettlement contractor did, however, agree to decrease the number of refugees being sent to Georgia the following year by 20 percent.

Muslim refugees spark concerns about terrorismPicture4

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of nine government contractors who do the resettlement work in more than 190 cities and towns across the U.S. These contractors subcontract with more than 350 smaller agencies and church groups to get the refugees settled into subsidized housing, get their children enrolled in school and families signed up for Medicaid. Among the other nine major contractors are the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Church World Services, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Episcopal Migration Service, World Relief and the International Rescue Committee. These agencies describe themselves as nonprofit “charitable” organizations but they have the majority of their budgets covered by government grants.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid’s 30-page report says the danger of push back is exacerbated when Muslims are part of the equation. Americans have been less receptive to Muslim refugees than those coming from a Christian or other religious background.Really with logo

Hebrew Immigrant Aid cited fear of terrorism as one of the primary concerns that residents have with Muslim refugees settling in their communities. “…although cases of refugees connected to terrorism have been rare and refugees are among the most highly scrutinized and vetted immigrants in the U.S., anti-immigrant groups have suggested that the program is a gateway for terrorists. The recruitment of young Somalis by terrorist cells and the arrest of two resettled Iraqi refugees in Kentucky on terrorism charges have provided fuel for these allegations,” the report think

Since the report was written in February 2013, scores more Somali refugees have been arrested for providing material support for overseas Islamic terror groups such as al-Shabab. Still others have left the country to fight for ISIS and al-Shabab.

Just last month six Somalis from Minnesota were arrested for trying repeatedly to fly to Turkey and join ISIS, leading U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger to proclaim, “We have a terror recruitment problem in Minnesota,” WND reported.

Shifting the blame to Americans

But the report blames the backlash not on any failure of the government to properly vet refugees but on “anti-Muslim views” held by native-born Americans. The report also points a finger at refugee watchdog Ann Corcoran, who started the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog in 2007 after she learned that Muslim refugees were arriving in her rural farm community in western Maryland.

Watch Ann Corcoran tell her personal story of how she got interested in the refugee movement and became the nation’s leading watchdog of refugee “contractors” posing as charitable organizations. vid 01

“Online forums such as Refugee Resettlement Watch have emerged for individuals critical of the resettlement program to share their concerns. Many of the posts express disdain for the refugee resettlement program, particularly the resettlement of Muslim refugees, along with anti-Muslim views,” the report states.

Corcoran has repeatedly stated that she is not against legitimate refugees but she does want the program to be halted until it can be “cleaned up.” She believes it is plagued by secrecy and lack of accountability and that public hearings should be held prior to any city being chosen as a “receiving community.” She says a complete impact study should be conducted and shared with local residents to remove the mystery that surrounds the program.

Countering the ‘resistance’

Besides Georgia and Maryland, major statewide resistance has occurred in New Hampshire and Tennessee, according to the report. “Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Georgia are the only states that have recently attempted to stop refugee resettlement at the legislative or executive level,” the report states. “Resistance to resettlement has emerged in other communities across the country as well, although those states have not pursued statewide measures to stop resettlement.”

A culture of secrecy

But the report was written before the emergence in March of a grassroots fight in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where World Relief has opened a resettlement office and decided to place 60 refugees from Syria, Congo and other countries over the next year. Once a resettlement office opens in a city, the deliveries of refugees continue year after year, Corcoran said. Spartanburg residents led by Christina Jeffrey, the former historian of the U.S. House of Representatives, approached their congressman, Gowdy, and started asking questions.

  • How many were coming,
  • when were they coming,
  • from what countries,
  • and what would the impact be on local services and the economy?
  • Where would the refugees find jobs in a city already plagued by high unemployment and poverty?

Gowdy said he did not know all of the answers, so he fired off a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry asking for details on how cities are selected, who is contacted for input on the local level, and many other pieces of information that are normally kept hidden from local communities. Kerry responded to Gowdy’s first letter on April 30, but Gowdy said the answers were vague and incomplete so he sent a second letter in early May demanding more precise information. “I think Spartanburg is the Waterloo, the watershed, where all of the pieces are coming together,” said Corcoran. “Activists there are going to stay in the fight no matter how heated it gets.”

Not allowed to evangelize Muslims

Jason Lee, a local pastor and director of World Relief Spartanburg, spoke at a meeting last Monday of the Spartanburg County Council. One of the arguments he made was that it was good that some of the refugees coming to South Carolina were non-Christians. “He said one of the advantages of the program is we can spread the gospel,” Jeffrey said. “One of the holes in that argument is that the money is coming from the federal government and it cannot be used to spread the gospel. They have a contract which they must sign obligating them not to evangelize, and if he doesn’t know that, he should know it, because he is the director of World Relief in Spartanburg.”Islam is NOT

Corcoran said the resettlement industry compiles an “enemies list” in local communities where resettlements encounter resistance. “They do research and develop a list of enemies and potential enemies,” she said.

And that’s not all.

“We recently learned that instructions have gone out nationwide to give citizens no information when they call a resettlement agency to ask for the abstract describing plans for their town,” Corcoran said. “It just further enhances their reputation for being secretive.’

“I had a lady email me from Connecticut recently who called her local Catholic Charities office to ask for their abstract, and they wrote back and said ‘who are you?’ before they would give her any information. She said she’d like that abstract.”

The “abstract” is the document describing the number of refugees planned for a given city, where they will come from and the expected impact on social services, schools and the job market. “We’ve recently been given word that citizens who seek these abstracts are being denied those documents and it appears to be a concerted national effort to shut down the flow of information from resettlement agencies to the local concerned citizens,” Corcoran said.Welcome to the Obama

“What you have here are rich foundations joining forces with the government and working against the regular hard-working Americans who just want to find out what is happening in their town,” Corcoran added.

Resistance is also more likely when refugees are sent to a smaller city or town, as opposed to a traditional gateway city like Chicago, L.A., Philadelphia, Boston or New York, according to the report. And if the city is in the midst of “economic distress,” which many smaller cities are, it is even more likely to push back against the planting of refugees because of the costs associated with integrating refugees into schools, housing, and healthcare services, the report says. The report says refugees tend to stand out in smaller communities where their “visibility” is accentuated.

“Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” — Here’s the six-month penetration of the Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of revealing documents as well as inside secrets.

Kaplan Fund director has ties to Soros

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was granted $35,000 to write the report by the New York City-based J.M. Kaplan Fund, whose migration program is directed by Suzette Brooks-Masters, a former corporate and environmental lawyer. According to her LinkedIn page, Brooks Masters once worked for Soros’s Open Society as a researcher on the “Forced Migrations Project.”Picture7Obama-muslim-2-610x400

She was mentioned as a “friend” by immigration activists at a Washington press conference last month in which Obama rolled out his plan to create more “welcoming communities” for new immigrants and refugees. The newly formed White House Task Force on New Americans is making a concerted national effort to turn the immigrants into “new Americans” by removing barriers to citizenship. Brooks Masters says on her LinkedIn page that she is “launching the Receiving Communities Initiative with Welcoming America, and the creation of the Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education based at Westchester Community College and IMPRINT (a national collaboration to foster immigrant professional integration in the US workforce).” She says she is also working to finance the integration of unaccompanied alien children from Central America into U.S. communities. “I am also funding work on the local reception of unaccompanied minors and trying to improve the integration outcomes for refugees,” she said on her site.Picture9

Liberalism a mental disorder 2Use locals to fight resistance

In its recommendations, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid report says the work of countering backlash should be coordinated at the national level while using local people at the grassroots level to debunk and counter the claims of those in the resistance. The report also calls for Congress to increase funding of the refugee program, which currently costs taxpayers nearly $1.5 billion per year, not including the social welfare benefits handed out to refugees. Unlike most other categories of immigrants, refugees immediately qualify for food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, Social Security disability and TANF, a monthly cash assistance program for poor families with children.

The resettlement agencies claim that most refugees are “self-sufficient” within three to six months. But, Corcoran says, that does not mean they are earning their own living and paying their own way. “That only means that they have been set up on government welfare and the resettlement agencies are no longer helping them,” she said.hell

Senators pushing for ‘dramatically more’ Syrian refugees

Last week WND reported that 14 Democratic senators wrote a letter to Obama requesting that he “dramatically increase” the number of refugees allowed into the country from Syria. That country’s 5-year-old civil war has produced more than 3.5 million refugees and the senators said the U.S. should grant the request of the main lobbying arm of the nine refugee contractors, Refugee Council USA, and accept 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016. As for the 843 Syrians allowed to resettle in the U.S. since the civil war started, 92 percent have been Muslim. Less than 7 percent have been Christian.

WND also reported last week that Angela Davis, the late-1960s radical and former leader of the Communist Party USA who went on to lead the feminist studies program at the University of California at Santa Barbara, appeared at a rally in Berlin, Germany, May 14-15, in which she said “the refugee movement is the movement of the 21st century” for radical community organizers.

Read the entire Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society report on countering “backlash.” The report ends with six recommendations on how to counter backlash, among them being:

  • Get organized. Launch a funded, productive, organized initiative, coordinated nationally but strongly rooted in local action to raise awareness about the benefits of resettlement and “proactivity.”
  • Develop a rapid-response team plan that can respond to backlash quickly in communities facing or at risk of facing rising anti-refugee sentiment.
  • Conduct research on local anti-refugee leaders. The national refugee agencies should partner with groups such as the Center for New Community and the Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.
  • Monitor state legislatures for anti-refugee bills and lobby accordingly.
  • The federal government should create national benchmarks for refugee integration and measure progress toward success.twoways to enslave a nation

 freedom combo 2

Photo of Marine with bride-to-be goes viral

Posted By author-image Bob Unruh On 05/25/2015

Article printed from WND:

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Wedding photos going viral are routine – thousands appear in an online search. But a viral prayer image? Not so much.WeddingPrayer-470x599

But that’s exactly what is happening with the image of U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Caleb Earwood, 21, holding the hand of Maggie, 22, then his fiancée but now his wife.

Photographer Dwayne Schmidt captured the moment when the two wanted to pray together before their ceremony, but didn’t want to be seeing each other before their vows.

It reveals her standing next to the corner of a building, her left hand reaching out to hold his hand. He is standing at the same corner, but facing away from her, and his right hand reaches behind him to touch hers.

He is praying. She holds her right hand to her face, touched by emotion.

Schmidt posted it on Facebook, where he said it was a unique moment.

“I have photographed a lot of weddings. This has to be one of the best things I have ever got to see, much less photograph.”


Commenters joined him.

“WOW! PRECIOUS. Always put God first!” wrote Shannon Conner.

“My eyes filled with tears!!!” said Marcela Pulido.

“We were about to take our first steps in life together, and we didn’t want to take a step without it being in God’s will. I prayed to God for my beautiful and intelligent wife that he blessed me with and the amazing family I was marrying into,” he said.

Maggie added, “When I first grabbed his hand, he was shaking really bad, so I knew he was really nervous. It relieved me to know the person I was getting ready to marry felt the same way about God.”

The report said the two grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, were friends in his school, and began dating several years ago.

We’re thankful that our picture is able to bless so many people and touch that many hearts,” Caleb told USA Today.

It already has circled the globe. The Daily Mail explained they “kept their eyes closed and turned away from one another as family members brought them together for a prayer on Saturday before their Memorial Day weekend wedding.”

Tens of thousands of Facebook users have “liked” the picture since it was posted.

Beautiful picture. It brought tears to my eyes,” said Rebecca Warren Helms. “The bride is showing some raw emotion and love. You captured how affected she was by his words.”

The wedding was at a pavilion at Camp Daniel Boone in Canton, North Carolina. 

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Hundreds of Muslim refugees headed to Idaho

Posted By Leo Hohmann On 04/30/2015

Article reblogged from WND:

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Syrian refugees, shown here at a protest rally, will soon be coming to American cities.

Syrian refugees, shown here at a protest rally, will soon be coming to American cities

The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.

muslim-obamaA local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1. But WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.

Sources tell WND that community leaders learned of the plans for up to 2,000 refugees at a recent conference at Boise State University attended by church groups, social services providers and other “stakeholders.” “That’s the number they put out that they’re planning for, a total of about 2,000 over the next one to three years, with 70 percent going to Boise and 30 percent in the Twin Falls area,” said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor in eastern Washington who said he spoke with a conference attendee.

WND reported two weeks ago that Spartanburg, South Carolina, has also been selected for the seeding of a Syrian refugee community. Unlike Boise, residents in Spartanburg have mustered an organized opposition to the infusion of 65 Syrian refugees over the next year, saying the town already has high crime and poverty and isn’t prepared to absorb hundreds of poor Syrians.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding answers to 17 questions about the refugee program, such as what benefits will be expected to be offered and what the cost will be. That was two weeks ago. WND contacted Gowdy’s press secretary, Amanda Duvall, Thursday and was told he has still not received a response from Kerry, whose State Department heads up the refugee program nationwide.

Christina Jeffrey, who ran against Gowdy in the 2010 Republican primary and is a former historian for the U.S. House of Representatives, has joined with a group called Spartans for Biblical Immigration. “Biblical immigration is certainly not going and bribing them and getting them to change countries,” Jeffrey said. Jeffrey said Gov. Nikki Haley has come out in favor of the resettlement plans, which hasn’t helped Gowdy’s effort to see it scaled back. A promised resolution by the area’s legislative delegation opposing the resettlement plans also fizzled after Haley issued a letter of support.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley

“When the governor came out in favor of the refugees, our (Republican) legislators said it would all turn out OK and that they had faith in the vetting process,” Jeffrey said. “But this refugee thing makes us all very nervous, especially if the governor’s office is on board. It’s pretty well known around Spartanburg that there’s a lot of unhappiness about it, and surprise, especially since she was so strong on some other issues like Medicaid expansion. It could be she looks at this with a little bit of identity politics, seeing that maybe immigrants will soon have an advantage over native-born Americans. Look how many immigrants we have running for president. I think she’s moving on. I don’t think South Carolina is her intended destination.”

Residents of St. Cloud, Minnesota, have also been organizing and seeking information on exactly how many more Somali refugees they will be asked to absorb over the next few years. Lutheran Social Services has been working with the federal government to resettle hundreds of Somalis in the St. Cloud area.

The mayor of Athens, Georgia, requested information on refugees being sent to her city late last year and also complained that such information was difficult to obtain.

Chinks in the armor, FBI saysagainst America

The world’s displaced persons are assigned to various countries by the United Nations high commissioner on refugees. The countries are responsible for vetting the refugees, and screening those from Syria has been a particularly difficult task due to the ongoing civil war there between warring Islamic factions.

As WND previously reported, the FBI’s deputy assistant director of counter-terrorism, Michael Steinbach, testified before a House Homeland Security committee in February and said it was virtually impossible to screen refugees from a “failed state” like Syria, where the U.S. does not have boots on the ground and does not have access to reliable police or intelligence records.

Unlike Minnesota, which has seen dozens of radicalized Somali refugees leave to fight for terrorist organizations al-Shabab and ISIS while dozens of others have been convicted of providing material support to overseas terrorists, Idaho appears to have done a somewhat better job of assimilating its Muslims. However, it has had some bad apples.Picture4

Accused terrorist Fazliddin Kurbanov was a refugee resettled in Boise in 2009.

In May 2013, a 31-year-old Muslim refugee from Uzbekistan, Fazliddin Kurbanov, was indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly recruiting Muslims in Utah and teaching them to build bombs that would target public transportation and military bases. The Russian-speaking Kurbanov is one of more than 650 Uzbeks who have been resettled in Idaho since 2003. He arrived in 2009. Kurbanov, whose trial has been delayed, told an informant before his arrest that a Oh goodmilitary base would be his preferred target for a potential bomb attack, according to court documents.

“For me the best … a military base,” Kurbanov told an FBI source during a secretly recorded conversation, reported KTVB 7 in Boise. “If I have every stuff … like bomb, like this and this one. I want to kill a lot of military or every. I don’t know, whatever.”

Kurbanov is accused of funneling personnel, software and money to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Members of the IMU fought alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan and seek to overthrow the government of Uzbekistan and replace it with an Islamist caliphate, according to the National Counter-terrorism Center.

Idaho a magnet for refugees

While Idaho remains largely a rural farm state, it is not new to the refugee business. The Agency for New Americans, an arm of Episcopal Migration Ministries, operates from an office in Boise doing the organizational work on the ground needed to resettle refugees and get them “integrated” into the community. The International Rescue Committee, whose top executive is former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, also resettles refugees in Idaho.

Miliband recently wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post saying the U.S. needed to take in at least 65,000 Syrian refugees to fulfill its “duty” as the world’s largest haven for the displaced.and why

Boise Mayor David Bieter

Muslim refugees began arriving in Boise in large numbers around 1995. Since that time, 11,000 refugees have been integrated into the city, according to city officials. While there have been reports of culture-clashes between Muslims and non-Muslims in the school system and elsewhere, an April 27 blog post from Mayor David Bieter said the city welcomes the refugees with open arms. “Diversity is essential for Boise’s prosperity and livability,” according to the mayor’s blog.and why Liberalism a mental disorder 2

“Diversity isn’t a buzz word. It’s our birthright,” Bieter wrote in the blog for Welcoming America, an organization that received $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society in 2010 and now works with the White House Task Force on New Americans to integrate new immigrants and refugees into cities across the U.S. Obama formed the task force Nov. 21 following his unilateral granting of amnesty to more than 5 million illegal aliensPicture8

Boise’s mayor, along with mayors in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, San Antonio, New Orleans, San Fransisco, Nashville, Atlanta, Wichita, Houston, Boston and dozens of other cities, work with an organization called the Partnership for a New American Economy. This group includes a mix of progressive mayors, executives from some of America’s largest corporations and Chambers of Commerce all working to influence Congress to allow more immigrants into the country, both skilled and unskilled, claiming that more immigration leads to more economic prosperity for Americans, a claim that is rejected by think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the Economic Policy Institute.Obama Muslim collection

Boise, a self-described “Welcoming Community,” has seen waves of refugees sent its way by the United Nations in recent years from Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Congo, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bosnia. With the exception of Bhutan, which is Hindu, most of the refugees from these countries are Muslim. The greater Boise area already has several mosques, the largest of which is the Islamic Center of Boise, with plans unveiled recently for a large mega-mosque on the outskirts of town in Kuna, Idaho.

Twin Falls schools currently have more than 100 refugee students and more than 20 languages are spoken. That may sound daunting, but it’s nothing compared to another city in America’s heartland — Wichita, Kansas.thinking

Kansas another hotbed of refugee resettlement

The Wichita school district, already one of the most diverse in the state, is now trying to cope with a new influx of immigrants from Central America and the Middle East. The new arrivals don’t speak English or Spanish, requiring costly interpreters and tutors to be brought in to help the immigrants learn. The Wichita district has more than 350 students from other countries and 160 from other U.S. states who speak minimal English. Currently, 81 languages are spoken in the district, the Wichita Eagle reported. It has 11 classrooms spread throughout the district devoted to teaching recent immigrants and refugees. “Wichita is definitely a diverse district, and it’s becoming more so,” Stephanie Bird-Hutchison, a teaching specialist at the district’s Multilingual Education Service Center, told Fox News Latino. “Every continent except Antarctica is represented in Wichita schools.”Picture10

Because federal law requires schools to provide information to parents in their preferred language, an Arabic speaker is on call to help teachers and others communicate with families, Fox reported. And the district contracts with Propio Language Services, an interpreting service that helps teachers and parents who speak any language to converse by phone through an interpreter.Picture11

The number of students speaking Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian has decreased while students speaking languages from Africa and the Middle East have increased dramatically in recent years, Dalia Hale, director of multilingual services for Wichita schools, told Fox. Many in the latter group are refugees from camps in central Africa, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan.

“We’ve never had Swahili show up before this year in our data,” Bird-Hutchison told Fox. “That has come on due to the refugee population that’s just emerging in Wichita.”

Wichita school board members said they worry a new block-grant funding plan for schools will prevent the district from getting more funding to provide services for the refugees and other immigrants, according to the Fox News Latino report. “That’s a huge concern, because we will not be receiving additional money for those students,” said Board President Sheril Logan.

Sharia-based crime problems emerge

As Muslim populations increase in American cities, communities will be forced to deal with issues common to Islamic culture, such as arranged marriages forced upon teenage girls, female genital mutilations, forced veilings and spousal abuse.

Just last week ,a case of a forced marriage exploded into domestic violence in Phoenix, Arizona. Daniel Akbari, a former top defense lawyer in Iran’s Shariah courts who defected to American several years ago, said spousal abuse is expressly allowed by the Quran.

“Chapter 4, verse 34, of the Quran expressly says if a woman does not comply with her husband’s command he has the right to beat her up, and that is what you see happening here and what has happened over 1,400 years,” Akbari said. “What is going on here in Phoenix is totally Islamic, under Shariah. Everyone in that Muslim community will agree with that except the girl here.”

Akbari is author of the book, “Honor Killing: A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations from the Islamic Sources.” He says the hadiths are just as strict on this matter. According to the well-regarded historic Islamic scholar Ibn Majah, a woman must comply with a demand for sex even while on the back of the camel. He cites Vol. 3 Book 9 No. 1852 (English reference), which states:

“No woman can fulfill her duty towards Allah until she fulfills her duty towards her husband. If he asks her (for intimacy) even if she is on her camel saddle, she should not refuse.”

The Phoenix case involved Mohamed Abdullahi, 30, a Muslim refugee from Somalia brought here by the U.N. and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He entered into a “Nikah,” which is an arranged Islamic marriage, with the parents of an 18-year-old Muslim woman. Phoenix police arrested him April 22 on charges of kidnapping and sexual assault. The Arizona Republic reported that his bride-to-be was brought to his apartment that day by her parents, against her will.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, told Fox News that such violence has “no basis in the Islamic faith.” Apparently CAIR has not read Sura 4:34 in the Quran or the hadiths. Akbari said it’s time U.S. media stopped falling for the “explain it away” propaganda put out by CAIR.

According to the Arizona Republic, the woman’s parents arranged the marriage with Abdullahi and their daughter in November without her knowledge, according to court records. When the woman learned of the marriage, she fled the state but returned 15 days later to finish high school, police said. The woman’s parents drove her to Abdullahi’s apartment. Once she was inside, Abdullahi reportedly punched her in the left eye, causing her to fall to the ground, according to court records. Abdullahi then allegedly grabbed his future bride around the throat and began strangling her while she was on the ground. At that point, Abdullahi dragged the woman into the bedroom and proceeded to sexually assault her, police said.Picture12

Hadian, the pastor in eastern Washington who also ministers in Idaho, believes the continued influx of Muslim immigrants, if not tempered soon, will have disastrous results for America. Most of the Christian charities that help resettle refugees, contracting with the government or one of the nine major resettlement agencies, do not share the gospel with Muslims or consider this a part of their work, he said.

“Most of those that even claim to be Christian are usually of the interfaith variety and are not very big on evangelism,” Hadian said. “Their whole thing is, be nice and do good works. When I was in Boise and presented there, I had a gal who came up afterward and she made a comment about refugees coming from Iraq and how they’re so open to Jesus and it’s fantastic. I said, ‘So you guys had an opportunity to share the gospel?’ She said no, they asked, ‘If we come into the church, what benefits do we get?’”muslim-obama

Hadian believes this is not the best way for churches to interact with Muslims unless the aid being provided also comes with a clear gospel message. “I said you guys are bringing these refugees in, you’re giving them free housing and things, and so now even if they think they want to become a Christian, it’s seen as a monetary gain,” he said. “My goodness, is this what we’re doing to the gospel now – accept Jesus and we’ll give you free things? … “If they could be bold with the gospel, yes, but I don’t see any evidence of that. They usually want to say let’s be friends with them, let’s have a Ramadan meal with them, and this is why I say we should have a moratorium on Muslim immigration.”


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