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Posts tagged ‘Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’

Fact Check: Biden Tells Biggest Lie of the Night, Maybe the Entire Election

Reported By Andrew J. Sciascia | Published October 22, 2020 at 8:21pm

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden landed himself in a factually sticky situation Thursday night, arguing former President Barack Obama had never taken part in the policy of family separation carried out at the outset of the Trump administration.

The false claim came late in the second and final debate of the 2020 presidential election cycle, as he faced off with incumbent Republican President Donald Trump on the issue of illegal immigration.

“These 500-plus kids came with parents. They separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with,” Biden said. “They got separated from their parents and it makes us a laughingstock and violates every notion of who we are as a nation.”

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“Kristen, they did it,” Trump said, addressing debate moderator Kristen Welker. “We changed the policy. They did it. We changed — they built the cages.”

“We did not separate — they,” Biden trailed off, changing course.

“Let’s talk about what we’re talking about. Let’s talk about what we’re talking about. What happened? Kids were ripped from their arms and separated.”


The narrative was not original, having already been fact-checked on numerous occasions by independent sources in the establishment media.

The Associated Press, for its part, checked former first lady Michelle Obama for making similar claims in an address to the 2020 Democratic National Convention this past August.

“Michelle Obama assailed President Donald Trump on Monday for allegedly ripping migrant children from their parents and throwing them into cages, picking up on a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats,” The AP wrote. “She’s……………………………..READ THE REST OF THIS REPORT AT


DHS Facility Attacked With Molotov Cocktail In Florida

Reported by By Ryan Saavedra | @realsaavedra | 

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A woman was arrested on Friday for allegedly attacking a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) facility in Florida with a Molotov cocktail, which authorities say was intended to harm people.

“The woman walked into the office Friday afternoon and hurled a bottle filled with gasoline and a lit fuse,” Local 10 News reported. “But the fuse disconnected and didn’t ignite … Security officers handcuffed her, and she was taken into custody. The report did not list her name.”

The attack happened at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office about 30 miles north of Miami.

“Today’s attempted attack on one of our USCIS facilities using a Molotov cocktail is another example of the use of violence in place of debate by those who oppose the proper application of our immigration laws,” USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli wrote in a statement. “This is the 2d attack on a DHS facility in 2 months using a Molotov cocktail. Violence has no place in our society. Thankfully, no one was hurt today. We’re grateful to our security guards & the law enforcement officers of FPS who apprehended and arrested the assailant.”

Acts of aggression against immigration authorities have increased in recent months as Democrats and the media have increasingly demonized them as part of their attacks on the Trump administration.

“About two weeks ago in San Antonio, at least one vehicle pulled up to a building that houses offices for ICE and a gunman fired shots through a window, FBI officials said,” Fox News reported. “Another building used by ICE was also fired on.”

In July, a self-described member of the far-left extremist group Antifa attacked an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building in Tacoma, Washington, as he fired a rifle at the facility, lit vehicles on fire, and attempted to detonate a propane tank that he reportedly hoped would burn the facility down.

The suspect echoed rhetoric from socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in his manifesto, falsely claiming that immigrant detention facilities were “concentration camps.”

ICE Arrests Hundreds in Biggest Workplace Immigration Raid in a Decade

Reported By Jack Davis | Published April 5, 2019 at 7:54am

Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent a strong message to employers who hire illegal immigrants with a Wednesday raid on a Texas company that netted more than 280 people working in the U.S. illegally. The raid on the Allen, Texas, location of CVE Electronics, a New Jersey-based company, was described as the biggest workplace immigration raid in a decade, NBC reported. Four related staffing businesses were also raided. Allen is located 25 miles from Dallas.

“Businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens create an unfair advantage over their competing businesses. They take jobs away from U.S. citizens and legal residents, and they create an atmosphere poised for exploiting their illegal workforce,” Katrina Berger, Homeland Security Investigations Dallas special agent in charge, said according to USA Today.

“We need integrity in our immigration systems. Illegal workers, these companies need to go about it properly. They need to be using a legal workforce.  It’s required by law,” Berger said, KTVT reported.

The investigation began in January after ICE received tips that illegal immigrants had been hired by the company. An audit of CVE’s I-9 forms was then performed, NPR reported. Federal hiring laws require that new hires fill out I-9 forms to verify citizenship. The laws perform “necessary and common sense functions,” Berger said.

“They ensure U.S. citizens and legal U.S. residents are hired for jobs in the U.S. They also ensure that illegal workers are not preyed upon or paid less than the going wage or otherwise coerced or cheated or subjected to unsafe working conditions without any means of complaint,” she said.

However, those arrested and their families were displeased at the loss of their jobs.

“It’s not fair. It’s really sad and it makes a lot of people really angry and frustrated,” Anel Perez, daughter of a detained worker, said.

“The hardest thing was when the bus started taking off,” Wendy Armas of Gautemala, who was arrested and released to appear in court next month, said. She added that she had worked for five years at CVE.

“There was a long moment of silence, people crying, people saying, ‘I’m going to leave this country and go back to my own.’”

Some of those arrested could be eligible for a humanitarian release after being interviewed, Berger said. Others will be sent back to the home countries.

“Unauthorized workers often use stolen IDs of legal U.S. workers, which can profoundly damage for years the identity-theft victim’s credit, medical records and other aspects of their everyday life,” ICE said in a statement.

“The investigation is ongoing, but we can disclose that this is the largest ICE work site operation at one site in the last 10 years,” said Berger.

Raids on employers who hired illegal immigrants have stepped up under the Trump administration.

“Not only are we going to prosecute the employers that hire illegal workers, we’re going to detain and remove the illegal alien workers,” former acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said in 2017, announcing the change in policy.

“When we find you at a work site, we’re no longer going to turn our heads. We’ll go after the employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien … but we’re always going to arrest a person who is here illegally. That is our job,” he said, according to CNN.

In August, immigration officials said they thought a raid at a Texas company was its largest in a decade when it arrested 160 workers at Load Trail, a manufacturing company located in Paris Texas, according to the Dallas Morning News.  Last June, 114 workers were arrested at two locations of Corso’s Flower and Garden Center, an Ohio gardening center, according to The Washington Post.

Before that, ICE had raided Southern Provision, a meatpacking company located in in Bean Station Tennessee, in April 2018 and arrested 97 workers, according to The Washington Post.



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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.

Texas Authorities Arrest Another Illegal, This Time Accused of Sex Assault on 11-Year-Old

Reported By Kara Pendleton | January 16, 2019 at 10:29am

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It seems that when it is politically expedient, liberals claim to deeply care about women and children. But it also seems that on a regular basis, their actions say otherwise.

Yet another example of this has hit the news. It began with the sexual assault of an 11-year-old child in Conroe, Texas, according to authorities.

KHOU reported that the 30-year-old man accused of the crime was arrested and is being held due to not only the alleged crime, but also his legal status.

Details of the alleged sexual assault were not available, but the immigration history of the suspect, Jose Manuel Tiscareno Hernandez, definitely was. An illegal alien living in the United States, he has already been deported to Mexico a number of times.

In fact, if authorities hadn’t caught Hernandez when they did, he had planned on fleeing back to Mexico, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

A media advisory issued by the sheriff’s office stated that two search warrants had been issued as part of the investigation. The first was to search his home. He was not at home at the time, but that is when they got the information about his plan to flee across the border.

The second warrant was issued for authorities to search a different residence to collect evidence.

Hernandez was finally arrested on Saturday, KHOU reported.

The various authorities involved in the investigation included the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit and SWAT, the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, and the FBI. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Marshals Service also played a role in his capture, according to the news release.

Not every illegal alien commits other crimes once over the border. But in regard to border security and a wall, as the Democrats so often say, “if even one life can be saved, it’s worth it.” So, how many lives, particularly those of the women and children they claim to love and advocate for, must be damaged or lost before they follow up on their claims? If even one can be saved, isn’t it worth it by their own logic?

These stories of illegal aliens committing other crimes once here are being reported far too often. It’s almost daily that we read or hear about yet another illegal alien being arrested for other, usually violent, crimes.

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It needs to stop. And Democrats need to do more than talk. It is time to fund the wall and stop the insanity. It is time to actually protect the men, women and children of America. Isn’t that part of their job description? They don’t seem to think so.

Instead of working on a deal with President Donald Trump, Democrats took a holiday vacation. Then, barely after getting back from that, a number of them were off to Puerto Rico to party with lobbyists and watch the musical hit “Hamilton.” That’s how much they care about innocent women and children. That’s how much they care about doing the job Americans elected and pay them to do.



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Specializing in news, politics and human interest stories, Kara Pendleton has been a professional writer and author since 2002. One of her proudest professional moments was landing an interview that even mainstream media couldn’t get.

Crackdown: ICE Agents Break Up Massive Fraud Scheme Aimed at American Taxpayers

Reported By Benjamin Arie | July 29, 2018 at 5:27pm

The left frequently pushes narratives about immigration that don’t seem to match reality. Two of them are that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should be disbanded, and that illegal aliens don’t try to take advantage of the country. Both of those claims were debunked Friday after the U.S. Justice Department announced that more than two dozen people have been arrested for trying to fraudulently obtain government benefits and vote in American elections.

Townhall reports that “22 of the 25 charged were illegal aliens, many with records of drug dealing, violent crimes, and some previously deported.”

According to the DOJ, the criminals stole the identities of Puerto Ricans, who hold U.S. citizenship, to defraud American taxpayers.

“This kind of fraud is a theft from our seniors, a theft from our taxpayers, and a theft from the needy, theft from America,” declared Attorney General Jeff Sessions during a press briefing about the arrests.

“These government programs are intended to help the poor, the elderly, American citizens. Not those that are trespassing in the country,” he added.Sessions made a strong point that is frequently overlooked by the left: When the nation’s immigration laws are broken, it is law-abiding Americans — including legal immigrants — who are impacted.

“Across this city and across America, teachers, truck drivers, construction workers are going to work and paying taxes that are being stolen from the public treasury by fraudsters and criminals,” Sessions said.

The criminal syndicate was largely comprised of Dominican Republic migrants who focused on stealing the identities of Puerto Ricans because of the similarity of Hispanic last names. Officials pointed to revolving-door policies that allow illegal immigrants to receive only slaps on the wrist as one of the root causes of the widespread fraud.

“(State governments) need to work more closely with state police and not let offenders walk out the door,” said Massachusetts Rep. Shaunna O’Connell. “They also need to be more proactive in mining their own database to look for people who have stolen identifications.”

The level of fraud was eye-opening. For example, one of the arrested criminals named Jose Lopez Rosado was a convicted murderer who escaped prison in Puerto Rico. Despite his past offenses, he was able to take another man’s identity and receive over $25,000 in taxpayer-funded benefits from the state.

“Federal court records show that 24 of the 25 obtained a driver’s license or state ID, 19 applied for MassHealth benefits, one received $51,270 in rent subsidies from the Boston Housing Authorities and two pocketed more than $25,000 in unemployment benefits,” reported WCBV TV.

“At least two registered to vote when they applied for their license or ID,” the station said.

This bust occurred at the same the that many Democrats are actively campaigning for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be dismantled, despite the obvious role it plays in enforcing America’s laws. The vast majority of immigrants — certainly the legal ones — are good people who seek a better life. The problem is the ones who have much less noble intentions. We need to face that reality, and not ignore the issue.

ICE Agents Take Page from ‘The Walking Dead,’ Begin Using Ruthless Torture Technique on Protesters

Reported By Ben Marquis | July 16, 2018 at 3:56pm

As part of their insanely reflexive opposition to everything said or done by President Donald Trump — specifically with regard to his administration’s enforcement of immigration laws — the left has begun to call for the abolition and disbandment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Leftist activists calling themselves “Occupy ICE” have put that call into action on the streets of Portland, Oregon, with an ongoing effort to besiege and block off the ICE facility in that city, an effort that has been sustained for several weeks now as the protesters have made camp outside the building.

Federal agents have tangled with the protesters on a few occasions, usually to break up formed lines intended to prevent agents and vehicles from coming and going, which has resulted in arrests and injuries.

But now it appears that ICE has adopted a different tactic to annoy and potentially even disperse the camped protesters — blasting them with tortuous music for hours on end in a bid to drive them mad.

Local alternative media outlet Willamette Week noted that ICE seemingly borrowed a page from the incredibly popular zombie apocalypse TV series “The Walking Dead” and adopted a tactic that had been used by a bad guy character named Negan, head of a group named the “Saviors” that was in conflict with the central group of survivors the series is focused on.

In one episode during the last season, Negan captured and imprisoned the popular character Daryl and forced him to listen repeatedly to a sickeningly over-the-top happy song titled “Easy Street” — by the Collapsible Hearts Club — in a bid to break his will and compel his submission, according to Uproxx.

“It seems to play for a couple minutes and is a continuous loop. It’s been playing for 10+ hours now,” a spokesperson for the Occupy group told Willamette Week via email.

The annoyingly happy music on repeat, in conjunction with triple-digit temperatures, most likely had a deleterious effect on the minds of the encamped protesters, which was pretty much the intent.

In addition, the ICE facility has trained massive generator-powered floodlights on the protesters’ encampment to keep it bathed in bright light all through the night, no doubt preventing some protesters from getting decent, if any at all, sleep in the evenings.

Previously, the federal agents who reside in the ICE facility had similarly blasted Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” at the protesters, though the young protesters had dismissed that effort and song as little more than “threatening dad rock” that had little effect on them.

As odd as the tactic may seem to some, the repeated playing of a particular song has for some time been deemed a “publicly palatable” form of torture — or enhanced interrogation techniques, if you will — that has been used to great effect against confirmed and suspected terrorists detained for questioning, according to a 2014 article by Mic.

Indeed, popular songs played repetitively as a form of torture include Queen’s “We Are The Champions,” Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady,” David Gray’s “Babylon,” the Bee Gee’s “Saturday Night Fever,” Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People,” and a host of other songs ranging from peppy pop music to aggressive heavy metal.

Some of the more hilarious musical selections used to torture terrorists included the “Meow Mix” song from the cat food commercial and the kid-friendly “I Love You” theme song from the “Barney and Friends” TV show.

A spokesperson for ICE declined to respond with a comment to Willamette Week’s inquiry, and it remains unclear at this time if ICE will continue to use music as a weapon against the protesters and how effective that tactic will ultimately prove to be over time.

One thing that is clear is that ICE is not content to allow the protesters to continue their “occupation” outside the Portland facility in perpetuity without some form of pushback, and the protesters would be wise to hightail it out of there before ICE turns their “Easy Street” into an increasingly difficult, painful and mentally exhausting road for them to travel going forward.

99 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested – All Entered US as ‘Unaccompanied Minors’

Reported By Chris Agee | April 3, 2018 at 2:44pm

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Nearly 100 members of the notoriously violent MS-13 street gang were among the young immigrants admitted into the U.S. under the classification of “unaccompanied minor” during the past 11 months, according to recent government data.

As CNS News reported, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement study found 99 gang members had received the status, including nearly two-thirds who were also granted “Special Immigrant Juvenile” status.

The immigrants arrested were targeted as part of ICE’s Operation Matador, described by the agency as a “unified effort to combat the proliferation of MS-13 and other transnational criminal gang activity in Long Island, the New York City metropolitan area and the Hudson Valley.” 

As of the most recent updates available, the operation has netted 475 arrests for federal immigration authorities.

“Ninety-nine individuals arrested during this operation crossed the border as unaccompanied minors, all of which were confirmed as MS-13 gang members,” the ICE statement read.

The agency went on to confirm that “64 individuals arrested during this operation obtained Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJ) after entering the country, all of which were confirmed as MS-13 gang members.”

According to ICE, receiving the additional designation “provides certain children who have been subject to state juvenile court proceedings related to abuse, neglect, abandonment, or a similar basis under state law the ability to seek lawful permanent residence in the United States.” 

The operation utilized resources from federal authorities in the Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement personnel in New York.

Since the operation began in May, authorities from Hempstead, Piermont, Suffolk County, Nassau County, Rockland County, Sullivan County and Ulster County have assisted DHS in initiating arrests. According to ICE, a majority of the nearly 500 already arrested were “confirmed as gang members and affiliates.” Two of the MS-13 members arrested have reportedly confessed to homicides committed in their home country. One such individual was described by ICE as gang member “from El Salvador who admitted to killing rival gang members at the age of 12 in his home country and assimilated to the gang on Long Island.”

Aside from MS-13, to which 274 individuals belonged, the agency reported that the “most prominent” gang represented was “the 18th Street gang with 15 arrests.” Not only were many of those arrested connected to known street gangs, ICE noted that “80 had additional criminal histories, including prior convictions for assault and weapons charges.” At least five of those individuals “are facing serious criminal charges,” the agency added.

In addition to the broader issue of immigration, President Donald Trump has frequently made it a point to denounce MS-13 as a dangerous entity inside America’s border. He has referred to the gang’s members as “animals,” and in his first State of the Union speech implored lawmakers to “finally close the deadly loopholes” he said have allowed MS-13 members to enter the U.S.

ICE Report Rips Apart Liberal Narrative about “Law-Abiding” Illegal Aliens

Authored By Ben Marquis | February 19, 2018 at 3:16pm

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President Donald Trump ran for office on a promise to crack down on illegal immigration, and repeatedly noted that he would focus on the arrest and removal from the country of “bad hombres” that had criminal convictions or pending charges.

Of course, liberals countered with the tired narrative that hardly any illegal immigrants are criminals, and that Trump would in essence be targeting “law-abiding” illegals — the narrative they lean on to support their sanctuary city policies that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials in turning over locally detained illegals for federal adjudication, processing and removal.

But according to The Daily Wire, a recent report released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement totally undercut that narrative as it made clear that an overwhelming percentage of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE in the 2017 fiscal year — roughly 90 percent — either had a criminal record or had criminal charges pending against them, with very few qualifying as “law-abiding” with no known convictions or pending charges.

That 18-page summary report detailed how ICE activity increased significantly following a Jan. 25, 2017, executive order from President Trump, and compared the resulting numbers of arrests with previous years.

Pew Research took a deep dive into the numbers of the report and found that of all those arrested by ICE in FY 2017;

  • Some 74 percent had past criminal convictions.

  • An additional 16 percent of those arrested faced pending criminal charges,

  • A mere 11 percent had no criminal record or pending charges to speak of.

Interestingly, the report showed that ICE arrests in 2017 were nearly half of the number of arrests made in FY 2009, former President Barack Obama’s first year in office, and that roughly 61 percent of those arrested in 2009 by Obama’s ICE were of the “non-criminal” variety. That’s exactly the opposite of what liberals would have you believe.

Of course, the total number of arrests dropped significantly over Obama’s tenure in office, with a decisive closing of that gap between criminal and non-criminal over the latter years, though the number of arrests picked up sharply following Trump’s inauguration into office — some 30 percent higher over the previous year.

Of those arrested in 2017 with past criminal convictions, the top criminal category was driving under the influence, followed closely by possession or distribution of “dangerous drugs.” Other traffic offenses, immigration law violations and assault rounded out the top five criminal categories.

Pew noted that there was a bit of regional variance in the numbers of criminal versus non-criminal ICE arrests. For example, some 88 percent of those arrested in the southern California area had a criminal record, while only about 60 percent of those arrested in New Jersey were known criminals.

The ICE report didn’t come right out and explicitly condemn sanctuary city policies, but it wasn’t difficult to catch the numerous allusions to such policies at several points throughout the report.

Most notably, a section of the report titled “At-Large Arrests” pointed out that in some jurisdictions, ICE was compelled to make at-large arrests within the community of illegal immigrants, which inevitably brings them into contact with non-criminal illegals.

Comparatively, when ICE is permitted to make arrests in a “custodial setting” such as a jail or prison, it is virtually guaranteed that the arrestee will either have a criminal record or pending criminal charges, and is far less likely to be a non-criminal swept up in the at-large arrests or sweeping raids.

Because of the lack of cooperation from sanctuary city jurisdictions, ICE had to make significantly more at-large arrests in the community than in prior years. The non-criminal illegals caught in those arrests have nobody to blame but themselves (for being here illegally in the first place) and the liberal politicians who refused to cooperate with federal officials for their detainment.

The ICE report noted that it would be far better for everyone involved — both law enforcement officials and non-criminal illegal immigrants — if such jurisdictions cooperated and handed over criminal illegals to ICE within a custodial setting, which would negate the need for at-large arrests and raids to track down known criminal illegals.

The liberal media would have us all believe that Trump and ICE are rounding up and deporting millions of “law-abiding,” non-criminal illegal immigrants, but the numbers released by ICE paint a far different picture, and reveal that Trump has thus far kept his word; that he is focused on rooting out and deporting criminals who shouldn’t be here.

Trump Administration Rewards Miami For Reversing Its Sanctuary Policies


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Miami-Dade County was told Friday by the Department of Justice that it will no longer be treated as a so-called sanctuary city after the county changed its policies in February surrounding detaining jailed inmates sought by federal authorities for deportation.

Miami Mayor Carlos Gimenez was notified by Alan Hanson, an acting assistant attorney general, that the DOJ found “no evidence that Miami Dade County is currently out of compliance,” clearing the way for the county to receive $481,347 in federal law enforcement funding in form of a Byrne JAG grant.

Miami was first classified as a sanctuary city by the Obama administration for its 2013 policy that authorized the county to begin denying “detainer” requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The policy provided that the county would only hold inmates sought for deportation if they faced severe charges and if the federal government would reimburse the county for extra detention time.

But shortly after President Donald Trump was inaugurated in January, Gimenez dropped the policy, ordering county jails to comply with ICE detentions requests.

The Miami-Dade Commission voted 9-3 in February in support of the mayor’s policy to honor ICE detention requests.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in July that the DOJ would impose new conditions on Byrne JAG grants, a leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions.

“From now on, the Department will only provide Byrne JAG grants to cities and states that comply with federal law, allow federal immigration access to detention facilities, and provide 48 hours notice before they release an illegal alien wanted by federal authorities,” Sessions said in a statement announcing the new restrictions.

Miami-Dade’s decision to change its sanctuary status worked. The county received assurances from the DOJ Friday that it was in compliance and would receive a Byrne JAG Grant valued at $481,347, which will go towards enhancing the Miami Dade Police Department’s “intelligence gathering and police operations with investments in technology and specialized equipment,” according to Gimenez.

“This is good news,” said Gimenez’s communications director, Michael Hernández.

Hernández said the county is now requesting that the Trump administration remove Miami-Dade from the Obama administration’s original list of sanctuary cities.

“We’d like to have formal notification that we are no longer a sanctuary community,” Hernández said. “That request is being made.”

Miami-Dade is the only large jurisdiction in the country known to have complied with Trump’s request to crack down on its sanctuary city policy. Other sanctuary cities, such as Chicago, are calling foul at the Trump administration’s new restrictions surrounding Byrne JAG grants. Chicago was expected to receive $3.2 million in federal grants this year to purchase law enforcement equipment. But instead of complying, Chicago opted on Monday to file a lawsuit against the Trump administration to prevent it from enforcing the new policies.

“We are bringing this legal challenge because the rhetoric, the threats from this administration embodied in these new conditions imposed on unrelated public safety grants funds are breeding a culture and climate of fear,” said the senior legal adviser for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said Sunday it was “tragic” that Emanuel was more concerned about protecting illegal immigrants than he was by the high murder rate on the streets of Chicago.

“It’s especially tragic that the mayor is less concerned with that staggering figure than he is spending time and taxpayer money protecting criminal aliens and putting Chicago’s law enforcement at greater risk,” Flores said in a statement.

Chicago is the first city to challenge the Trump administration over its new restrictions surrounding Byrne JAG grants.

Ann Coulter Letter: “ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count”

waving flagCommentary by  Ann Coulter  | 

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ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count

In the days leading up to July Fourth weekend, Americans were hysterically warned about an ISIS attack in the United States. Congressman Peter King, for example, somberly advised Fox News viewers that “this is the most concerned I’ve seen the FBI and Homeland Security” since 9/11.

And, once again, the weekend came and went without anyone in America being killed by ISIS, but a lot of people being killed by immigrants — legal, illegal, second generation and anchor babies. There’s no way to know exactly how many Americans were killed July Fourth weekend as a result of the country’s immigration policies, because the media don’t trust us with the truth. 

But the holiday weekend kicked off with the news that an illegal alien from Mexico, Francisco Sanchez, had shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle on Wednesday on a San Francisco pier. The most surprising aspect of the crime was that we were told right away that Steinle’s suspected killer was an illegal alien. Usually, we only find out that the perp was an immigrant years later when the Spanish translators show up in court.

The day after Steinle was shot to death, the Associated Press reported that members of the Mexican mafia and their associates — Loribeth Martinez, John Mendoza Jr., Kristopher Sanchez and Veronica Sanchez — had been arrested for the murder of two people, Traci Lynn Lemley and Jeremy Carrico, in San Antonio, Texas.

Also on Thursday:

– A fifth suspect in a shooting in Las Vegas, Benjamin Hernandez, was arrested. He joined Yors “Cuete” Garcia-Mier, Nicholas Pedro “Silent” Cortes, Miguel “Trips” Salazar and Jeiszon Valles in jail for the killing.

– In New Jersey, an illegal alien from Ecuador was indicted for attempting to murder his ex-wife by stabbing her with a steak knife in front of one of their children. (Gosh — I hope all those kids were born here, so the media can start referring to them as “American citizens” right away.)

– The bodies of two Americans, Michael Careccia and his wife, Tina, were dug out of the Arizona desert, and Jose Valenzuela, was arrested for their murder.

– An illegal immigrant from Mexico, Juan Francisco de Luna Vasquez, murdered his wife with a hammer in Laredo, Texas. Vasquez had previously been charged with assault, making terroristic threats, DWI and evading arrest. It just sounds awful to be living in the shadows like that!

That was Thursday. And I didn’t even include drunk driving fatalities, a specialty of our Latin American immigrants. (It may not be a good idea to pluck people from the Mayan jungle and put them directly on American roads and highways.)

On Friday, as Americans worried about the imminent ISIS attack:

– Prudencio Juan Fragos-Ramirez, an illegal alien in Washington state, was accused of murdering an 18-year-old and her toddler son, then setting the pair on fire.

– Irina Kolenkina, a Russian immigrant who does not speak English, was ordered to stand trial for the murder of her husband in Vienna, Wisconsin. Kolenkina had to be put into restraints because she became so combative upon her arrest.

– Illegal immigrant Sinar Roblero Escalante found out he would get off scot-free for killing a 24-year-old man in East Naples, Florida, 10 years ago in a car accident. After the crash, Escalante had fled the scene on foot. He went on the lam and is believed to have hid out in Mexico for at least part of that time — thus, outlasting the statute of limitations. Escalante was recently re-arrested after being caught in his car with a baggie of cocaine on his lap.

– In another immigration success story, Andrew Romero assaulted a prison guard in New Mexico last week. Romero is awaiting trial on charges that he murdered Rio Rancho Police officer Gregg Benner.

– On our nation’s birthday, it was reported that Brogenet Cinor, a Haitian voodoo priest, was arrested for child rape in Florida.

– On Monday, an illegal alien from Mexico engaged in a fatal hit-and-run accident in Bellingham, Washington, then fled the scene of the accident. Witnesses described a “short Hispanic man” running from the car, which was littered with empty beer bottles and a case of Modelo Especial. The illegal farm worker doesn’t speak English, but he was able to ask for an attorney in Spanish.

In related news, a non-elderly woman in Washington state became the first person to die of measles in the U.S. since 2003.

On the bright side, heading into the July 4 weekend, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it is reconsidering its policy of releasing convicted criminal illegal aliens into the public without warning. This was the agency’s lightning-fast response to the murder of 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck by a Mexican illegal alien in Arizona last January.

Apolinar Altamirano had been released by ICE because the charge on his conviction sheet was “burglary,” which our public servants deemed a “nonviolent” offense. But burglary was merely the charge Altamirano had agreed to in a plea bargain. His actual crime, according to the victim, was to break into her home with two accomplices, steal all her belongings, kidnap and rape her.

Mexico really is sending us its best people!Illegal Immigration Giant

Some of these crimes were committed by legal residents — even “citizens.” But without Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan’s 1982 anchor baby invention, the “Mexican mafia” would not be living in America, much less be “citizens.”

Just as America’s immigration policies began favoring people from cultures as different from ours as possible, we also began providing government assistance to any loser immigrants and refusing to deport the criminals.

There’s no question but that the only reason any of this week’s criminal immigrants are in America at all is because of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.

Now go back to worrying about ISIS.

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