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Posts tagged ‘Wyoming’

Judge Forces Sorority Girls to Disclose Identities to Stop Disturbing ‘Trans’ Male from Moving into Their House



Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority with trans member
At stake is the destruction of female-only organizations and the safety of the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters.

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




AU.S. district court judge ordered University of Wyoming sorority sister plaintiffs to reveal their names in a lawsuit against Kappa Kappa Gamma’s University of Wyoming chapter for allowing a transgender-identifying man to be inducted.

According to local news, “The six sorority sisters sued the Kappa Kappa Gamma’s parent organization, its president and the school’s first transgender sorority member late last month in a closely watched case. They alleged that the sorority did not follow its bylaws and rules, failed to uphold its mission, breached its housing contract with members, and misled them by admitting a transgender student.” The plaintiffs filed the suit anonymously as “Jane Does” and assigned the pseudonym “Terry Smith” to the trans-identifying sorority member.

Patsy Levang, a member of Independent Women’s Network’s North Dakota Chapter and former Kappa Kappa Gamma National Foundation president, told The Federalist that the plaintiffs asked for anonymity twice out of fear of “retribution,” but the judge denied their requests. Concerns for the women’s safety have become extra heightened after college swim athlete Riley Gaines was attacked by transgender radicals at San Francisco State University. According to Levang, one of the original seven plaintiffs left the case after the judge’s decision.

“These are young, young women — between 18 and 21, and we want to do nothing to jeopardize their safety,” said Levang, who added that the girls will have “guaranteed” security at all times during public appearances. 

‘An Erection Visible Through His Leggings’

If the lawsuit is unsuccessful, transgender-identifying man Artemis Langford, who was admitted into the sorority in 2022, will move into the Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter house in the fall of 2023. 

The lawsuit states that Langford is 6’2’’ tall, weighs 260 pounds, has not undergone any apparent chemical or surgical trans medical interventions, and rarely attempts to look like a female. It also reveals that the female plaintiffs feel extremely uncomfortable around Langford, who has allegedly engaged in bizarre and even “threatening” behavior, such as staring at the women without talking for hours, asking inappropriate questions, and at one point having “an erection visible through his leggings.”

During the recruitment process, Langford “avoided answering questions about his hobbies, passions, or involvement in other organizations,” according to the lawsuit. Instead, it says, he inquired about whether he could live in the sorority house and “talked about his desire to be near cadavers and to touch dead bodies.”

“One sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel. She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw Mr. Smith watching her silently,” the lawsuit reads. The suit also alleges that Langford “repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control.” 

During a yoga class sponsored by the Panhellenic Union for sorority members at the University of Wyoming, Langford allegedly “sat in the back of the room for an hour and watched the assembled women flex their bodies.” The suit also alleges that Langford has repeatedly used his phone to covertly take pictures of the women in the sorority house without their consent.

When one plaintiff raised her concerns about Langford, chapter officials — under the direction of national leadership — gave her materials so she could “educate” herself. And a witness in the case was allegedly “threatened with discipline if she does not agree that [Langford] is a woman.”

‘Intimidated’ into Inducting a Man 

The plaintiffs said they were “intimidated” into inducting Langford into the sorority, and according to reports about the lawsuit, officers and employees from the national organization “actively pressured members of the chapter to support [Langford’s] admission to the sorority, ignoring bylaws and standing rules that would have foreclosed his initiation.” The voting process was also allegedly altered for Langford, and he was not admitted via secret ballots, as is standard practice. 

The lawsuit contends that instead of following official bylaws, Kappa Kappa Gamma admitted Langford based on a 2018 “Guide for Supporting Our LGBTQIA+ Members,” which says the sorority accepts both “women” and “individuals who identify as women.” After the lawsuit was filed, Kappa Kappa Gamma Executive Director Kari Kittrell Poole reiterated the sentiments within the guide, telling the Associated Press that the sorority does not discriminate based on so-called gender identity. 

However, the collegiate plaintiffs disagree with Poole on what it fundamentally means to be a woman. “An adult human male does not become a woman just because he tells others that he has a female ‘gender identity’ and behaves in what he believes to be a stereotypically female manner,” they said. 

“[Kappa Kappa Gamma] has been a place that values the good, the true, the beautiful, the leadership growth in women,” Levang told The Federalist. Levang made it clear she doesn’t oppose Langford’s decision to identify as a woman. She does, however, oppose the destruction of female-only organizations, the integrity and politicization of her former sorority, and the safety of the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters. 

“I look at those young women, and I think they deserve at least what I was afforded,” said Levang. “This whole thing takes single-sex organizations and just throws it out the door. It’ll literally destroy [women’s spaces]. But then I think the overall plan is to destroy the level that women have gained.”

Verified Complaint and Attachments by The Federalist on Scribd

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

Wyoming Governor Signs Bill that Requires Voter ID at Polling Station

Reported By Jim Hoft | Published April 8, 2021


Republican Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed House Bill 75 into law Tuesday that requires Wyoming voters to present a valid ID before casting a vote. This voter ID bill, primarily sponsored by Rep. Chuck Gray, will be effective on July 1. The new bill requires Wyoming voters to show one of the following forms of valid ID in order to vote at the polls:

  • A Wyoming driver’s license as defined by W.S. 31‑7‑102(a)(xxv)
  • A tribal identification card issued by the governing body of the Eastern Shoshone tribe of Wyoming, the Northern Arapaho tribe of Wyoming or other federally recognized Indian tribe
  • A Wyoming identification card issued under W.S. 31‑8‑101
  • A valid United States passport
  • A United States military card
  • A valid Medicare or Medicaid insurance card (wouldn’t be valid after Dec. 31, 2029)
  • A driver’s license or identification card issued by any state or outlying possession of the United States
  • Photo identification issued by the University of Wyoming, a Wyoming community college or a Wyoming public school

Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, a Republican, believed the bill will not suppress anyone’s vote because of amendments added to it that allow voters to use alternate forms of ID, such as a Wyoming student ID, Medicare ID or a tribal ID card, according to the Oil City News in Casper, Wyo.

Earlier this month, the Georgia state Senate passed S.B. 202 that included commonsense measures like tightening procedures for polling locations and requiring voters to present identification to request and cast absentee ballots.

Democratic allies like AppleDeltaMLB, and other companies have charged that the bill is voter suppression fueled by white supremacy, using the default accusation that has become their Pavlovian response to all Republican-initiated legislation.

Jim Hoft

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

We Told You It Would Happen…Transgender “Woman” Convicted of Sexually Assaulting 10-year-old Girl in Bathroom

Written by daniel | December 27, 2019

A transgender “woman” from Wyoming was convicted last week of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl inside a bathroom.

Michelle Martinez, who is actually a man by the name of Miguel Martinez was found guilty of first and second-degree sexual abuse of a minor and is facing a prison sentence of up to 70 years.

Fox News reported,

Martinez, who is a family friend, invited the girl into the bathroom of a home on March 23, and touched her breasts and genitalia before penetrating her. The girl told her mother immediately after the assault, who then reported it to Casper Police.

After the attack, the girl told police “it hurt inside,” according to the Casper Star Tribune.

Nurses at the Wyoming Medical Center performed a sexual assault exam on the minor and found redness and abrasions around the girl’s genitalia.

When police initially questioned Martinez about the assault, she became “noticeably hostile and defensive” and said the girl was “talking crap” before denying being a child molester. Martinez also called the accusations a “publicity stunt,” the Tribune reported.

See, this is exactly what we warned would happen.

Do you know why? Because these people are mentally sick and there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing this.

Men who think that they are women are literally mentally sick. It is an impossible circumstance because a person cannot change their DNA in such a fashion to alter their chromosomes from XY to XX. It’s just not a reality.

I can’t be a woman any more than I can be a tiger, or a rock, or a cucumber.

So when you put perverts in a situation where they can do something like it, you can expect it to happen. That doesn’t mean that it’s always going to happen, but is it something you want to take a risk on?


Judge blocks new federal rule on jurisdiction of waterways

waving flagPublished August 28, 2015;

EPA Monster

Thirteen states led by North Dakota asked Erickson to suspend guidelines that they say are unnecessary and infringe on state sovereignty. The federal government says the new rule clarifies ambiguity in the law and actually makes it easier for the states to manage some waterways. It wasn’t immediately clear if the injunction applied to states other than the 13 led by North Dakota.”

The other states involved in the lawsuit are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, South Dakota and Wyoming.

State officials in North Dakota said the new rule will cost the state millions of dollars and take away from more important programs. State Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said there’s “confusion and anxiety” among farmers and other landowners over the initiative.

North Dakota congressman Kevin Cramer called the judge’s ruling a “victory:” “North Dakota landowners and energy workers and their peers around the country will be temporarily spared the devastating consequences of an onerous rule. This is appropriate, given the judicial history of this issue and its impact on states and property rights. The injunction provides time for Congress to continue working toward a fix and for a complete judicial review of the legal merits of the rule.”

SEE FOX NEWS CHANNEL REPORT BELOW:<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>&#8221; href=”http://<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>”&gt;<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript&gt; aligncenter wp-image-19052 size-full” src=”; alt=”epa 2″ width=”540″ height=”354″ />

At the very least, state officials argued, more time was needed to study the rule, which was finalized on May 27.

The government lawyers said during a hearing in Fargo last week that North Dakota’s objection wrongly assumes some bodies of water will be affected. They also argued the state is already going through some of the permitting procedures they’re complaining about.

North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem — along with attorneys general and officials from 30 other states — sent a letter last month to the EPA and the Army Corps asking that the law be postponed at least nine months. Lawyers for the states say they heard nothing back from the government, so they filed a request for a preliminary injunction.

The federal government said the request for an injunction was better suited to be heard by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rather than a federal judge, but Erickson rejected that notion.

“The Waters of the United States rule is unlawful and an abuse of executive power,” said Julia Slingsby, press secretary of the Natural Resources committee in a statement to Fox News. “The judge’s decision to block the rule— which was challenged by 13 states – is encouraging, especially as EPA’s credibility has been questioned in the past month. The EPA needs to be stopped before it does more harm to our nation’s precious water resources.” 

burke In God We Trust freedom combo 2

More Evidence of the Growing Socialist Police State President Obama is Developing

EPA Decree Shrinks Size of Wyoming by a Million Acres

January 21, 2014 – 9:13 AM

Why is the EPA altering state boundaries in Wyoming – and reversing over 100 years of established law?  Well, apparently the city of Riverton now falls under the jurisdiction of the Wind River Indian Reservation.  This, obviously, isn’t sitting well with the governor’s office – which is urging the EPA to reconsider its ruling and respect the rule of law.

Reacting to the decision to reduce the size of Wyoming by about a million acres, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead warned of the dangers to all Americans of this type of unilateral land redistribution by the EPA:

“I understand that the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes have a different opinion about the Wind River Reservation Boundary. My deep concern is about an administrative agency of the federal government altering a state’s boundary and going against over 100 years of history and law.

“This should be a concern to all citizens because, if the EPA can unilaterally take land away from a state, where will it stop?” Governor Matt Mead said in a press release on January 6.

Gov. Mead added, “The Attorney General’s petition shows that, in conjunction with the Tribes, Congress diminished the Wind River Reservation in 1905. Given the fundamentally flawed process and decision and the likelihood of irreparable harm, the EPA should put a hold on its decision and reopen its process to incorporate all of the available evidence, give interested parties an opportunity to respond to the facts and arguments and complete its review in a transparent manner. The State has also asked the EPA to stay its decision until a final judicial decision has been issued.”

When Wyoming received the EPA’s unpublished decision granting the Tribes “Treatment As State” status on December 9, 2013, Gov. Mead called on the state’s attorney general to challenge the decision:

“It is outrageous to me that a regulatory agency has proposed changing jurisdictional boundaries established by history and the Courts. I have asked the Attorney General to challenge this decision and defend the existing boundaries of the reservation.

The business and economic reporting of is funded in part with a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold.


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