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Posts tagged ‘Terrorist’

Understanding religious liberty and free speech compliant with sharia law

– – Monday, April 20, 2015

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Libyan followers of Ansar al-Shariah Brigades and other Islamic militias hold a demonstration against a film and a cartoon denigrating the Prophet Muhammad in Benghazi. (Associated Press)
Libyan followers of Ansar al-Shariah Brigades and other Islamic militias hold a demonstration against a film and a cartoon denigrating the Prophet Muhammad in Benghazi. (Associated Press)

The diurnal interminable squabbling about First Amendment rights intentionally and ironically ignores the concerted effort to ensure its compliance to Shari’a law. Under the guise of “religious freedom,” Islamic organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood such as the Islamic Circle of North America, the Association of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA), and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have devoted millions of dollars and resources to a well coordinated campaign to ensure American laws, including judicial proceedings and state constitutions, be Shar’ia compliant. Shari’a (“legislation”) is rooted in the Qur’an, the foundation of Islamic law; non-compliance is punishable by death (3:85; 4:65). Christian Persecution

Such efforts are curious however, in light of Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) assertions. Islamic scholars, who draft opinions on issues concerning American Muslims, advocate no conflict exists “between Islamic teachings and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.”culture of deceit and lies

FCNA asserts, “it is false and misleading to suggest that there is a contradiction between being faithful Muslims Imperial Islamic President Obamacommitted to God (Allah) and being loyal American citizens. Islamic teachings require respect of the laws of the land where Muslims live as minorities, including the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, so long as there is no conflict with Muslims’ obligation for obedience to God. The primacy of obedience to God is a commonly held position of many practicing Jews and Christians as well.”

But, if Shari’a doesn’t contradict American law, why vigilantly advertise, lobby, award “educational grants,” and fund political campaigns, to implement Shari’a compliant American law? 

The answer is quite simple. Groups like FCNA may use terminology like “religious freedom” but their definitions of religion and freedom can only be rightly understood within the context of Islamic ideology—not from western law or culture. 

FCNA’s assertion is obviously false when understood from within the context of taqqiya, Qur’an sanctioned deceit, and the Islamic doctrine of abrogation (2:106; 3:185; 16:101).  Shari’a law is in fact what the European Court on Human Rights ruled more than once: “incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy.” Shari’a actually rejects Constitutional rights, legislating restrictions and punishments against them.

Consider how First Amendment rights fare under Shari’a law.

  • Under Shari’a, no free exercise of religion exists, especially for Muslims who choose to leave Islam. Muhammad ordered, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him” (Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 84, No. 57). Likewise, Muslims are instructed to murder, crucify, and dismember those who reject Islam, “wage war against Allah and his apostle and strive to make mischief in the land” (2:191, 5:32,33; 9:5, 123, 29).beheadding collection
  • According to a 2012 Pew Research Report, 60 percent of Middle Eastern and North African countries criminalize apostasy, the act of abandoning one’s faith. Apostasy laws also exist in Asian-Pacific and sub-Saharan African countries. Examples abound in America, however, just consider Ground Zero’s Imam Abdallah Adhami’s assertion that Muslims who leave Islam should be imprisoned. (He also stated on his organization’s website that “being gay is a ‘painful trial’ caused by past trauma.”)
  • Likewise, blasphemy laws exist worldwide to criminalize offensive speech or actions related to the Qur’an, Allah, and Muhammad. Seventy percent of Middle Eastern and North African countries, 31 percent of countries in the Americas, and 16 percent of European countries criminalize blasphemy. Those who correctly claim the word “blasphemy” cannot be found in the Qur’an exclude the fact that blasphemous acts are easily identifiable. Any “offensive” speech is illegal, which is why Dutch filmmaker van Gogh was brutally stabbed to death and French Charlie Hedbo satirists were gunned down; all victims were unarmed. These violent acts were not random, extreme, or isolated, but examples of following the Qur’an’s instructions.
  • Discrimination against all non-Muslims exists under Shari’a — because the underlying concept of equality does not. In fact, inequality, slavery, and murderare enforced through theIslamic construct ofdhimmitude.
    • Under dhimmitude, non-Muslims are divided into two groups. The polytheists, “pagans, idolaters and heathens” are given a choice to convert to Islam or die. Jews and Christians, known as “people of the book,” dhimmi, and/or kuffar, are legally classified as third class citizens. They first must be humiliated and subjugated to pay a tax (Jizyah) in increasing amounts to Muslim-majority rulers. Next, they are given time to convert or leave their town, region, and eventually, country. If the Kuffar can’t or don’t pay the Jizyah, convert to Islam, or move, Muhammad states that peace is impossible and the kuffar must be caught and beheaded (9:29; 22:19; 47:4).
    • Under dhimmitude no non-Muslim can freely practice his/her religious beliefs publicly. Shari’a forbids all public displays of crosses, mangers, Christmas trees, stars of David, Menorahs, ringing of church bells, singing of Christmas carols, or any other act considered “offensive” to Muslims. Shari’a also prohibits peaceful assembly. Non-Muslims cannot repair, rebuild, or build new places to worship, nor can they bury their dead near Muslim graves.
  • Shari’a law first imposes unequal legal status for non-Muslims; then eliminates them. The near extinction of non-Muslims in Muslim-majority countries evidences the stark reality that no First Amendment rights exist under Shari’a. Instead, Muslims are instructed to “terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an” and punish non-Muslims with “garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies” (8:12; 22:19). The Qur’an incontrovertibly clarifies that conflict not only exists “between Islamic teachings and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights,” but also exists infinitivally.muslim-obama

OARLogo Picture6

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Rare Sightings

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Rare sighting 600 LA

Islam is NOT culture of deceit and lies Wake up America Picture6

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon – Best of the Year So Far

Peace Through Jobs

muslim-obama Islamapologist Obama Muslim collection Party of Deciet and lies

Freedom with Prayer

PEACEFUL ISLAM: The Greatest Lie Since 632 AD

Written by Audrey Russo on February 18, 2015

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kids1It’s been some 1,400 years since Islam entered the world’s culture. And from its inception, it has maintained a suffocating menu of choices to mankind…none of which concern free will OR peace. As we have seen and continue to see globally, Muslims hot for the Quran and Sharia Islamic Law, are on a Jihad crusade against all who choose NOT to follow Allah or his prophet Muhammed.

There have been over 25,000 deadly terror attacks committed by Muslims since 9-11. From Canada to Denmark to Australia…Islam’s influence (by its hateful harangues emanating from Islam’s holy books) has encouraged torture, rape, pedophilia and slaughter (via beheadings, incinerations, stabbings and bombings) of thousands upon thousands of innocent human beings.

And yet, anyone who dares mention these facts…is subject to an crushing bombardment of verbal salvos by cowering Westerners…as well as death threats by Muhammed’s faithful.

Exactly WHEN was the last time an Islamic message broke out in loving and serving non-Muslims? Or a street rally of Muslims chanted: “Love to America”, “Hugs to Israel”, “Bless anyone who slanders the prophet” or “Be kind to Infidels, wherever you find them”? Has this EVER happened? As we say in NYC: NEVA!!culture of deceit and lies

Western leaders and the mainstream media like to use the term “Radical” when referring to devout Muslims that commit heinous acts for Islam. But here lies the rub…the actual definition of that term is the antithesis of how it’s being used. The dictionary defines “radical” as: of or going to the root or origin; fundamental.

These Mohammedans have gone back to the roots of their creed. They are fundamentalists who follow in the footsteps and behaviors of their prophet. M0hammed was not a man of peace, but rather a man of war, having been in 100 violent campaigns to spread Islam and fill his Jihad coffers. We see this STILL occurring with ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, et al. They invade the lands of non-Muslims, kill, steal and destroy… Just like Mohammed did…

The split second these Islamic attacks occur…the West is falling all over itself in a mad rush for the microphone to announce to the world the mantra of morons: Islam is a religion of peace.radical-islam-threat

But, in actuality…according to the empirical evidence: Islam is a religion of bigotry, hate and brutality. And that’s on a good day…

Now, I don’t intend to be harsh, BUT…let’s stop being the idiotic infidels that Mohammed told his followers we are. Let’s instead go back to critical thinking where we use the intellect the Judeo-Christian God gave us…and finally confront this centuries-old LIE with TRUTH. Freedom with Prayer

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon


more evidenceObama Muslim collection

Freedom with Prayer

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

New Improved CIA

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New CIA 600 LA

Liberalism a mental disorder


Blog wishes

If You’re Having Trouble Understanding Why Liberals Think Israel is Always Wrong, This Video Sums It Up

Complete Message

By Michael Hausam


Out of Rockets










Noted author, commentator, speaker, and comedian Evan Sayet was at a pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles this past weekend. Interviewed by Scott Jacobs of Democracy Broadcasting News, Sayet answered a handful of questions and made these direct points:How coward terrorist fight

  1. Israel cannot let its citizens be attacked and must respond.
  2. The liberal mainstream press invariably supports Hamas, assuming Israel has done some wrong to provoke attacks.
  3. The fight in Afghanistan, Israel, and elsewhere in the world are the same jihad: Islam killing infidels.
  4. Obama’s policies encourage Hamas’ behavior, just as it has encouraged the influx of illegals crossing the southern U.S. border.
  5. The explanation of the leftist association with Hamas is simple: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

See the interview here:

israel hamas

What do you think of the points he makes? Can Israel do anything right in the American left’s eyes?

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Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Complete Message

Crazy Is As Crazy Does – Hamas Victory



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ISIS Using Chemical Weapons, Kurds Say

Remember those WMDs, the “weapons of mass destruction” for which the press eviscerated President Bush because they allegedly didn’t exist?

Recall how ISIS, the al-Qaida-linked Islamist army that is conquering Iraq while our president dithers, was able to find within days what we were told the U.S. military, the American press and the Left in general couldn’t find with years of “searching”?

wmdIn late June, ISIS walked right into Saddam Hussein’s former Muthanna chemical weapons manufacturing plant, which according to U.N. weapons inspectors and other Western officials had been destroyed by 2004. They found stockpiles of chemical weapons — those same “nonexistent” WMDs. The plant had been used to produce mustard gas, sarin and VX nerve agent.

But when ISIS did that, we were reassured by White House officials that whatever materials were found were old, unstable  and unusable. Plus they were locked in bunkers. Little mention was made of the fact that among ISIS’ ranks were people with U.S. training in the handling of chemical weapons.

So isn’t it interesting, after all that’s been said and done, that now Kurdish fighting forces are claiming that ISIS is using chemical weapons against them?

A translated report from the Kurdish Firat News said in part, “It has been proved (by medical examiners) that the ISIS gangs have used chemical weapons. Doctors found burns and white dots on the bodies of the martyrs.”

That same report also noted that ISIS was using U.S. missiles against Kurdish forces, which have arisen to oppose the ISIS army after Iraqi defense units either retreated or were killed.

ConfusedKurdish officials said they hadn’t identified what chemicals were being used, only that marks on the victims’ bodies were consistent with chemical attacks.

I’m curious to see the White House reaction to the news that ISIS is now using chemical weapons. It wasn’t that long ago that President Obama was ready to go to war in Syria over alleged use of chemical weapons.

Fortunately, nobody wanted to follow the Peace Prize president at that time, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin pulled the rug out from under Obama’s feet by coming up with a nonmilitary solution.

The situation in Iraq right now, and the U.S.’s non-involvement, is clarified by ISIS’ connections to the “rebels” that have been keeping Syria in a state of war for years. Those rebels have been funded, provisioned and supplied with fighters by Obama, at first surreptitiously, now openly.

For a president touted by the Left as not being the “warmonger” they claim President Bush was, Obama’s name comes up with surprising regularity in the Middle East, usually in connection with questions like “What does the U.S. think it’s doing? Why is Obama turning his back on friends and aiding our enemies?”

Even if he had nothing directly to do with ISIS easily finding Saddam’s WMD stores and possibly using them against the Kurds, Obama’s continued complacency as Iraq falls dishonors the sacrifices of so many of our veterans and war dead.

His continued assistance to our Islamist enemies dishonors the country and his oath of office.

The Nobel Peace Prize on his mantle never meant much, but it’s looking mighty dusty and rusty these days.

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Congressman says ISIS will use southern border to enter US: Muslim prayer rug found on Arizona border

National Day of Protest with date

Written by Allen West on July 11, 2014

Suspected prayer rug image courtesy of

Suspected prayer rug image courtesy of

Could this be another reason Obama doesn’t want photos in the immigrant camps?America the movie with hyperlink

Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX) told CBS’s local Dallas Fort Worth affiliate he believes that ISIS will use Texas’s southern border to enter the United States. “Of course the way they would come to the United States would be through the porous border with Mexico. The drug cartels will bring people into the country no matter who they are — for money,” says Poe.

The U.S. Border Patrol has a specific Obama defending muslimsclassification for those caught illegally entering America called OTMs (Other than Mexicans) which denotes those not of Hispanic descent. It is well known that drug cartels are assisting Islamic terrorists in gaining entrance and crossing the border. In fact it’s been going on for some time.

According to, Human Events reported in 2010 that Iranian currency and prayer rugs were regularly found near the southern border.

A November 2012 House Committee on Homeland Security report from the Oversight Sub-Committee stated:

U.S. Government officials who are directly responsible for our national security continue to affirm the vulnerability. In August 2007 former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell stated that not only have terrorists used the Southwest border to enter the United States but that they will inevitably continue to do so as long as it is an available possibility. In a July 2012 hearing before the full U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed that terrorists have crossed the Southwest border with the intent to harm the American people. Additionally, the U.S. Border Patrol regularly apprehends aliens from the 35 “special interest countries” designated by our intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.” From Fiscal Years 2006 to 2011, there were 1,918 apprehensions of these Special Interest Aliens at our Southwest border.ISIS

ConfusedAn independent security contractor told Breitbart News last week that six Special Interest Aliens (SIA’s) from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen were picked up by U.S. border patrol near Laredo, Texas. Each one had 60,000 Iraqi Dinars ($51.00) apiece on them.

Last week in Arizona, a Muslim prayer rug was found. As reported by, “Matthew Leber spokesman for the American Patriot, Three Percent, sent Breitbart News photos of what American security contractors on the ground believe is a Muslim prayer rug found near the border in Arizona last week. A member of the security team spoke with Breitbart News on Monday night saying they were on patrol right along the border came down into a wash and the area were working in just south of Sierra Vista in Coronado national forest.”

The reason why this group went down into the wash area was because the Border Patrol doesn’t go down there – in military terms, it’s a defilade position where they lose visible contact with border crossers.

According to Breitbart, the group patrolled along the border that was a patchwork of decades-old rickety fencing made from train tracks and Resist Amnestycattle enclosures. Eventually, they were 50 yards by the border and saw a break in the wash. The contractor said, “That’s when I saw this thing laying around. And I was like, ‘What the hell is that?’ We walked over there and I didn’t really want to pull at it not knowing what was on it. I poked a bit at it with a stick and noticed some of the Arabic writing and was just like, ‘Oh boy.’ I snapped a couple of photos and then went on our patrol.”

I have always said illegal immigration is a multi-headed hydra issue and the first head is our national security. Who in their right mind would allow the American southern border to be unsecured? And to hear the liberal progressives of the Democrat Party play political games and castigate blame when this is an Executive branch responsibility is disgusting.

Last week, Los Angeles Fox 11 News reporter Gigi Graciette tweeted out that sources told her, “three people on terrorist watch list were detained crossing the border illegally into CA.”

Imperial President ObamaPresident Obama says he’s well aware and briefed about what is happening on the border — does that include this information? I guess drinking beers and playing pool take precedence. And if Obama does know about this, what are his specific actions? Is this what he means by “comprehensive immigration reform?” Let the terrorists in?

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Clueless, Insane or Downright Evil? (Part 2)

Resist AmnestyEvents in the Middle East, and in Iraq specifically, seem to be erupting with a brutality that few in the West have the stomach, or balls, to comprehend. Many here in the United States decry any notion that we should get involved in Iraq again, saying that the conflict is between the Shiites and the Sunnis and does not concern us. Oh, if only that were true; but upon his release by Obama in 2009, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), warned his American jailers that he would see them in New York. Given the current immigration crisis we now face, wherein the doors have been flung open for all who wish to come in, it would not be surprising if the terrorists of ISIS plan to trek to New York by way of our southern border.

In an interview with Fox News, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) stated that Texas currently has a record number of “other than Mexicans” coming across. Many of these are determined to do us harm, and Perry warned the Obama administration of this trend in 2012, saying:

“We have record high numbers of other than Mexicans being apprehended at the border. These are people that are coming from states like Syria that have substantial connections back to terrorist regimes and terrorist operations. So we’re seeing record, historic high numbers of these individuals being apprehended.”

“We flagged this issue in 2012 and have yet to even have a response as far as I know, from not just, not from the president, but not even from his administration.”

Even worse, the Mexican drug cartels are in cahoots with the terrorists and are helping to smuggle them across. Filmmaker, Chris Burgard, Trigger the Votedetailed the crisis 9 years ago in a documentary entitled BORDER. Burgard’s account:

A few years back, I was at a lunch with then Minority Leader Boehner. I had just spent several days with border law enforcement, staging on a remote East Texas ranch. The ranch wife had reported Middle Eastern men being smuggled across the river and through her ranch. The cartels sent a message to her sister on the Mexican side of the river: “Tell your sister to shut the f**k up, or we will cut her head off and take it back to Chihuahua.”

Some of the members of these drug cartels are arguably more brutal and barbaric than al-Baghdadi. It was recently reported that Mexican drug syndicate, Sinaloa, hired members of the gang, La Mara Salvatrucha (or “MS-13”), to travel from Los Angeles to recover 30 pounds of meth and $200,000 that had been stolen in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sinaloa’s drug trafficking into the Midwest has been quite lucrative and MS-13 is sadistically effective at extracting information. Two teenagers in the area found that out when they were fingered as the thieves, kidnapped, tortured and threatened

Click on image to see movie trailer and more

Click on image to see movie trailer and more

with death until the enforcers were satisfied that they were not the culprits. MS-13 presently boasts over 70,000 members all over the United States. The gang has become such an imposing force that even the pandering Obama administration classified it as an “international crime group” in 2012.

Incredibly, as Obama is enlisting law enforcement agencies to track down MS-13, he and his minions are knowingly allowing gang members to stream across the border in the current exodus. Many of them have direct ties to MS-13, but because they are teenagers they will not be deported. Instead they will be labeled as “DREAMers” and allowed to stay. In fact, the border patrol has been forbidden from enforcing the law, as they have been turned into nursemaids for thousands of illegal children. These children are receiving better care, at taxpayer expense, than even many who are homeless citizens and American kids in the U.S. foster care system.

Cloward PivenIt is clear that the Obama administration, with help from GOP enablers, has made this country increasingly more dangerous just within the last couple of weeks through their amnesty by proxy scheme. All the while, the ruling elite is trying to make it increasingly more difficult for law abiding citizens to defend themselves, as they double down in their efforts to restrict the purchase of firearms and ammunition.

The primary function of the United States government is to protect and defend American citizens. Not only is President Barack Obama failing to protect the citizenry of this country, he is knowingly, willfully and actively putting us at risk. This man should not just be impeached…he should be lead out of the White House in handcuffs!

When Obama drew a “red line” against Syria’s Bashir Assad for his (alleged) use of chemical weapons, the world witnessed proof that our paper tiger President is completely full of crap. Assad crossed that line and Obama did nothing. The message was sent loud and clear: America is a super-power no more. Thus, we have a world in absolute turmoil. Yet, the red line that is our border is being crossed on a daily basis and the ruling class is rolling out the red carpet for those who would love to destroy this country. But “what difference does it make” to a a lawless governmentlame duck socialist? He has a security detail. When is the next tee time?

It feels as if our beautiful America is like a wounded animal surrounded on all sides by wild dogs who are ready to rip her to shreds and feast on the remains. At the same time, we have a President who is responsible for inflicting many of those wounds himself, and now he’s content to observe the carnage for his own amusement.

Clueless, insane or downright evil? You decide.

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Did the U.S. Just Release 5 Jihadists and Get a Jihad Convert in Trade?

President Obama ordered the release of five Gitmo detainees in trade for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from his Taliban captors in Afghanistan. But on second look – did we get one jihad convert for the release of five jihadists?

Here’s a mighty strange tweet from the father of Bowe Bergdahl. It has since been deleted – but wow – can your dad get Stockholm Syndrome when it’s you being held captive?

Father of released soldier: "I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners" ==>

Wow – that’s just weird. I guess he didn’t know his son was coming back and this might be a little bit of a PR problem for the President? Like Obama doesn’t have enough going on without dad making it look like he traded Five Aces for a sympathizer? Congress isn’t that happy either.

Republicans on the Senate and House armed services committees went so far as to accuse President Obama of having broken the law, which requires the administration to notify Congress before any transfers from Guantanamo are carried out. Not that Republicans ever do anything about Obama breaking the law, but they’re just sayin’ – you know?


Oh, and there’s a photo-op with Tweety dad and Obama. That’s a little awkward… or is it? Either way – Obama has another scandal on his hands:

The Taliban and all our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans, that’s for sure, now that they know it’s 5-for-1 minimum. And they might have sent us the Manchurian POW from the looks of things.

Bergdahl — who had grown disillusioned with the mission in Afghanistan, to say the least — was captured under unclear circumstances after emailing his parents he was “ashamed to be an American… I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”

Some of his fellow soldiers in his unit have claimed he was a deserter. Within an hour of the announcement that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, Army Times’ Facebook page lit up with hundreds of comments. Most not that happy:

Stephen Kirouac, company commander at Fort Bragg called Bergdahl a “dirtbag” and “sympathizer.” “He is a dirtbag that now should spend the next 20yrs+ in Leavenworth … his fellow soldiers were affected by his actions, he is a sympathizer and deserves to be tried for desertion.” Way to sugar coat it Steve.

“Since WHEN do we negotiate with terrorists!?!? “ said Jeff Lambert, a specialist in the Army National Guard. Well, Jeff , we kinda been doin’ that for a while now.

The New York Post recounts it this way:

One night, after finishing a guard-duty shift Bowe Bergdahl asked his team leader whether there would be a problem if he left camp with his rifle and night-vision goggles — to which the team leader replied “yes.”


Bergdahl then returned to his bunker, picked up a knife, water, his diary and a camera, and left camp, according to Rolling Stone. The next morning, he was reported missing, and later that day, a drone and four fighter jets ­began to search for him.


Weeks of searching turned into months. The military pushed his parents and fellow soldiers to sign nondisclosure agreements. But before everyone signed, a comrade from his unit publicly called on Facebook for Bergdahl’s execution as a deserter.


Propaganda videos of his captivity — which featured Bergdahl denouncing American foreign policy — were released.


Five years later, Bergdahl was picked up by Special Forces in western Afghanistan, near the Pakistan border. He faces a long recovery regardless of any other circumstances.


Bergdahl is apparently speaking in what appears to be Pashto, said his dad, Bob Bergdahl – the Duck Dynasty guy in the photo with President Obama. It was not clear whether his son can still even speak English, Bob said.

When the father spoke to his son — for the first time in five worried years — it was to say both in Pashto and English, “I am your father, Bowe.”

What? The dad speaks “Pashto”? I don’t know – that sounds weird to me. But not after you see dad’s Tweets! It’s like an episode of Homeland – you don’t know who is who.

And what did the Taliban get in return, you ask? The five Afghan detainees at the prison in Guantanamo Bay are among the most senior Afghans still held at the prison – five notorious Islamic militants. All five were assessed to be high risk, in other words — “likely to pose a threat to the U.S., its interests and allies,” according to secret Defense Department reports released by Wikileaks.

Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammed Nabi Omari are set to be released from Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba, The Daily Beast reported.


“They are undoubtedly among the most dangerous Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo,” said Thomas Joscelyn, a senior editor at the non-profit Long War Journal.


All five were major Taliban officials. According to Pentagon dossiers leaked by Wikileaks, details on four of the terror suspects reveal:

• Mohammad Fazl was the terrorist group’s former deputy minister.

• Abdul Haq Wasiq was a former deputy minster of intelligence.

• Mr. Khairkhwa was a former heroine trafficker and Taliban governor of Herat.

• Norullah Noori was personally asked by Osama Bin Laden to participate in northern drug wars.

I think John McCain summed it up the best: He described the detainees as “vicious and violent Taliban extremists.” But then he just had to say; “I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.” Um, Senator – this is the Obama Admin we’re talking about.

Also when Bergdahl went missing, there was a huge effort to find him, perhaps because of the fear he may have defected. These missions of course put the lives of dozens of soldiers in otherwise unnecessary risk as they searched through Taliban territory. Were any killed looking for Bergdahl? Should we check WikiLeaks?

It is being reported on other websites that a half-dozen died while on missions to find Bergdahl. If this is true, he already has blood on his hands.

This is a very dangerous moment in American History…

email Rodney Lee Conover:

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Wake up America

2Comming Soon 02



Hillary on Terrorism

What gave rise to Al Qaeda or modern terrorism in general? One could speculate or point fingers at people, certain situations, events or alliances, but at the end of the day, terrorists are almost exclusively individuals who have perverted a religion. Whether it’s the IRA, the Westboro Baptists or Al Qaeda, the founders/leaders of these groups have all decided that this is what God intended – that they are doing God’s work. At least that’s what they profess.

I added the Westboro Baptists because they are psychological terrorists, although as despicable as they may be, to date I don’t think they’ve killed any innocents.

Okay, so that’s how they get started. But what facilitates them, particularly Al Qaeda and radical Islamists?

Well, that one’s easy… Liberals. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s liberals and their unwillingness to recognize and call these groups what they are, radical Islamic terrorists.

When Major Nidal Hasan ran through Fort Hood shouting Allahu Akbar as he slaughtered unarmed soldiers – how again was that clear “Islamic terror” incident classified? Workplace violence!

And why? I believe it’s two reasons;

  • One is that today’s Democrat party and certainly this administration, is fast becoming joined at the hip with the Muslim Brotherhood. Some would say (me) that they already are.
  • The other is just a warped sense of political correctness – to do or say whatever is necessary not to offend a “protected” class of people. Oh, and with all politicians (at least most) there’s always the sleazy opportunist factor. We can’t forget that.

This Boko Haram group of thugs is a perfect example. Anyone with eyes, ears, and half a brain, knows these guys are radical Islamists. And yes, they are also black. Black and Islamic. That’s two – two – two protected classes in one! It sure doesn’t make them any less evil.

Yet former Secretary of State Hillary (Helen Keller) Clinton could neither hear nor see evil and thus refused to classify the terror group as such, despite the pleadings from her own party.

In 2011, Boko Haram bombed a United Nations building in Nigeria. Congress, the FBI, CIA and AFRICOM pleaded with Clinton to classify them as terrorists, and again she refused.

Now all the sudden, Hillary (George Patton) Clinton has appeared to have changed her tune. Well, kind of. Remember, Democrats like to work in the gray areas. There is no black and white.

She recently stated, regarding the Boko Haram kidnappings that, “access to education is a basic right and an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls. We must stand up to terrorism”, and “the Government of Nigeria has been, in my view, somewhat derelict in its responsibility for protecting boys and girls, men and women”.

Did she actually use the “T” word – terrorism? Yes, but don’t expect the word “Islamic” to be linked to it.

So why the change from Dove to Hawk-ish? And I say hawk-ish because Hillary doesn’t actually say we should do anything – nor does she specifically state that Boko Haram are terrorists. Rather, she just allows it to be implied. This way, she can either confirm or deny, depending on the situation. Neat trick.

So again, why the apparent change in posture?  Gee – couldn’t be that Hillary 2016 is fast approaching, could it? The Dems must know the electorate sure doesn’t want another weak Commander-In-Chief. We all know this.

From now until the next presidential election, Hillary must appear tough on terror without appearing tough on terrorists, or linking specific groups to terrorism.

It will truly be a tight rope walk worthy of the Flying Wallendas.

But with the media’s help, anything is possible in America, and Venezuela and Cuba and Iran and Russia and North Korea, etc.

Hear Rush’s opinion below:


About the Common Constitutionalist

Brent, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a Constitutional Conservative, and advocates for first principles, founders original intent and enemy of progressives. He is former Navy, Martial Arts expert. As well as publisher of the Common Constitutional blog, he also is a contributing writer for Political Outcast, Godfather Politics, Minute Men News (Liberty Alliance), Freedom Outpost and Free Republic

Complete MessageVOTE 02




US centers of Islamic activity form interesting map

Written by Allen West on April 25, 2014

TDear Mr Presidenthe say a picture is worth a thousand words, and here are two that will start a conversation for sure. These two maps of Islamic activity were created a number of years apart by different investigators.
I won’t add anything other than I live in a state that is deep blue and was home to Mohammed Atta and several other 9-11 conspirators.

However, I do have a question for all you folks out there with a “Coexist” bumper sticker on your Prius: how many churches and synagogues are in Saudi Arabia?

image image

When tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to cultural suicide.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

Al-Qaeda: ‘Spreading Like Wildfire’

A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on March 17, 2012, shows fire fighters at the scene following a two bomb attacks on security buildings in the heart of the Syrian capital Damascus which killed several people, state television said. AFP PHOTO/HO

Last week, a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing provocatively titled “Is Al-Qaeda Winning?” The answers that the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade received were profoundly unsettling.

Former Senator Joseph Lieberman (I–Conn.) testified that Syria had become a key focal point of al-Qaeda’s efforts. He noted that there are more foreign militants fighting in Syria today than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over the past 10 years:  “Put very bluntly, Syria has become the most dangerous terrorist sanctuary in the world today—and the United States has not coherent or credible policy for dealing with it.”

>>> Read More: The Arab Spring Descends into Islamist Winter: Implications for U.S. Policy

Frederick Kagan, director of the critical threats project at the American Enterprise Institute, warned that the Obama Administration has underestimated the threat posed by al-Qaeda’s ideology, which has inspired a global insurgency. He assessed that al-Qaeda’s “brand is spreading like wildfire, the groups affiliating themselves with it control more fighters, land and wealth than they ever have, and they are opening up new fronts.”

Dear Mr President

Heritage Foundation analysts long have warned about the more permissive environment that al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups have exploited in many countries destabilized by the “Arab Spring” uprisings.  Syria, in particular, has been a magnet for foreign militants and a rich recruiting ground for al-Qaeda.

>>> Read More: A Counterterrorism Strategy for the “Next Wave”

Al-Qaeda has made a comeback in Iraq, and gained followers in Egypt, Libya, Mali, East Africa, and Yemen

The chief takeaway from the hearing was that the Obama Administration needs to focus more on the revolutionary threat posed by al-Qaeda and its affiliates in the Middle East and Africa. Furthermore, the administration should alter its narrow definition of the al-Qaeda threat, which it currently holds as the immediate terrorist threat posed by the al-Qaeda core group based in Pakistan.

Al-Qaeda Seeks American Recruits in Syria
Al-Qaeda Resurges in Iraq
These Words from Obama Are Frightening—and Revealing

Posted in Front Page, International [slideshow_deploy]

Obama’s Army: British jihadist in Syria “I say to the United States, your time will come, and we will bleed you to death…”


These are the people Obama has decided to support and give weapons to. Syrian jihadists who say things like “… United States, your time will come, and we will bleed you to death…”



What could be the terrorists’ motivations?

Rush Is Right About Boston Influence on Bombers

Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 11:56 AM

By Kent Clizbe

The Boston Marathon massacre was carried out by two Caucasian Muslim brothers, one an American citizen, the other likely a green-card holder.

In the aftermath, the politically correct media and commentators are all flabbergasted. Over and over, the media reported, “Dzhokhar was a normal American kid.”

They wondered: What could be the terrorists’ motivations?

Recently, talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh came under liberal media attack for linking the bombers’ behavior to the “liberal elite intellectual thought” that infects the Boston community.

Limbaugh explained to a caller on his show how such a mindset harms young kids.

“They hang around people that don’t like America, they get inspired or influenced by it somehow, and it’s no wonder,” Limbaugh said.

“And if you end up around the wrong people long enough and you’re young enough and impressionable enough, then that kind of thing can happen,” Limbaugh said.

With the questions swirling of why two upwardly mobile young people in America could commit such acts, a good place to start would be the “educations” the two Tsarnaev brothers received.

Younger brother Dzhokhar graduated from the celebrated Boston high school Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS). A graduate of CRLS has had years of anti-American claptrap crammed down his throat.

The media has widely quoted retired CRLS teacher Larry Aaronson’s shocked reminiscences about Dzhokhar. Aaronson told The Boston Globe, “This is a progressive town, the People’s Republic, and how could this be in our midst?

“I’m at a loss. I’m at a total and complete loss.”

Well, Larry might start looking at his own classroom handiwork. Aaronson is an acolyte of the raving, America-hating, deceased “revisionist historian” Howard Zinn.

Zinn was a liberal elite darling. Zinn claimed his eyes were opened to the racist, imperialist horror that is America by writer I.F. Stone, who later was confirmed to be a KGB covert influence agent when the Iron Curtain fell and certain Soviet documents became public.

Aaronson, who retired in 2007, used to brag to anyone who would listen that he had taught Zinn’s textbook to CLRS students since the beginning of his career in 1981.

Aaronson also proudly related how his students at CLRS had included actor Matt Damon and Damon’s brother.

He proudly told how the Damon boys were taken with the anti-American history of Zinn.
Larry, in an homage to Zinn upon his death in 2008, started with this quote from the movie “Good Will Hunting,” quoting Matt Damon, “You wanna read a really good American history book? Read Howard Zinn’s ‘A People’s History of the United States.’ It will knock your socks off.”

If you don’t know Zinn’s handiwork, here’s a sample of his writing in The Progressive. Zinn’s contempt for America and its citizens fairly drips from each word: “The deeply ingrained belief — no, not from birth but from the educational system and from our culture in general that the United States is an especially virtuous nation makes us especially vulnerable to government deception. It starts early, in the first grade, when we are compelled to ‘pledge allegiance’ (before we even know what that means), forced to proclaim that we are a nation with ‘liberty and justice for all.’

“And then come the countless ceremonies, whether at the ballpark or elsewhere, where we are expected to stand and bow our heads during the singing of the ‘Star Spangled Banner,’ announcing that we are ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’ There is also the unofficial national anthem ‘God Bless America,’ and you are looked on with suspicion if you ask why we would expect God to single out this one nation — just 5 percent of the world’s population — for his or her blessing.”

Aaronson boasted that angry parents called him to say their kids were talking about “that bastard Christopher Columbus … and his genocide, and how we have to question our history books and re-examine the evidence.” The CRLS teacher continued with relish, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

With that backstory illuminated, let’s return to the liberal media puzzling over “What could the Tsarnaev boys’ motive possibly be?”

After the Marathon massacre, the media quoted the Zinn-acolyte Aaronson in its stories about the terrorist mass murderer.

Aaronson was “utterly shocked by the news.” The media reported that, “Aaronson taught social studies at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, where Dzhokhar was a student.”
The media reports continued, “Dzhokhar also lives just about three houses down from Aaronson’s condo, so they would talk from time to time after Dzhokhar’s graduation in 2011.”

“I will say to you and to anyone who asks me,” Aaronson told WBUR’s David Boeri outside his home in Cambridge on Friday morning, “he had a heart of gold, he was a sweetheart, he was gracious, he was caring, he was compassionate.”

ABC, CBS, USA Today, The New York Times, and CNN all carried versions of Aaronson’s comments about “how normal” his neighbor and student Dzhokhar was.
None of the media provided any other background on Aaronson and his brainwashing of students at CRLS with Zinn’s history.

The media reports studiously ignore the connection between Dzhokhar’s anti-American lessons taught by a “social justice” weenie like Aaronson or from a book by follower Zinn who took his cues from a KGB covert influence agent named Stone – and was later slyly celebrated in a Hollywood film known as Matt Damon’s “Good Will Hunting.”

As for the older brother Tamerlan’s “education,” it appears that he was a follower of a Lebanese-Australian extremist cleric whose messages of hatred for Western culture were prominent on Tamerlan’s YouTube playlists, and he may well have been taught terrorist techniques during a recent trip abroad.

It appears that Tamerlan recently spent six months overseas. In Russia? Or did he travel elsewhere? Did he go to Chechnya? Did he spend time in what appears to be his homeland, Dagestan, where his father now lives? Who did he meet there? What did he do there?
We do know that Tamerlan returned “from Russia” in the summer of 2012. His brother would have been out of high school for about a year. His return was about nine months before the Boston Marathon bombing.

If Tamerlan trained on bombing and attack techniques, he could have returned to Boston with the attack plan fully laid out. He would have the skills required to make the bombs. He would likely already have identified the target.

And he would have the techniques required to carry out the attacks. All that would be missing was the materials to make the bombs, and an accomplice.

So, in this scenario, we have a committed, trained Islamic terrorist ready to carry out his attack. What pool will he draw from to recruit his accomplice?

Why, his “average American” brother, Dzhokhar.

Kent Clizbe is a former CIA counterterrorism operations officer. His two books, “Willing Accomplices” and “Obliterating Exceptionalism,” detail how political correctness became part of American culture. His website is

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What Happenes When Any Nation Thinks They Can Steal from God?

I know that I am not the only one who knows he history of the Middle East, especially that history around Israel. All this talk about the Palestinians becoming its own State, irritates me to no end.

Let’s look at what God has already said about that land. Leviticus 25:23 (NIV), “‘The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers.”


Do we really need to review what has happened in history when any nation thought they could take from God? Do you really need to be warned about the catastrophes waiting for any nation, or group of nations, that think they can steal from God, and His people, and get away with it?

“Mr. President. Who do you think you are to approve rapping of any nation by another. These squatters have taken what does not belong to them, and you say it’s okay, and Israel make peace with them. I suppose that makes sense to you based on your positions on giving ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT squatters the same right as native-born citizens. Does sovereignty mean anything to you and your Socialist Party? Stop supporting law breaking, known-terrorist organizations like Hamas, Palestine and Hezbollah from taking what is not theirs.  God said He would bless those the bless Israel, and curse those that didn’t. Please, Mr.President, BLESS ISRAEL, and tell Hamas, Palestine and Hezbollah to go somewhere else. Yes, they will threaten war, and they are stupid enough to think that they are tougher than God and His people, Israel. Notice, Israel is not impressed with their threats?’

“Mr. President, please stop being the enabler of Hamas, Palestine and Hezbollah. Let the war happen. Support Israel, and what God’s blessings return to America.”

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