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Posts tagged ‘Sen. Chuck Grassley’

Whistleblower alleges FBI, DOJ have document revealing criminal scheme involving Biden, foreign national

By Brooke Singman | Fox News | Published May 3, 2023 2:00pm EDT


A whistleblower is alleging that the FBI and the Justice Department are in possession of a document that describes a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley said Wednesday.

Comer, R-Ky., and Grassley, R-Iowa, said the whistleblower claims the document “includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose.”

Joe Biden leaves church washington d.c.
President Biden is seen in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 1, 2022. (Samuel Corum/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The document, an FBI-generated FD-1023 form, allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions. 


Comer issued a subpoena Wednesday following legally protected disclosures to Grassley’s office.

“We believe the FBI possesses an unclassified internal document that includes very serious and detailed allegations implicating the current President of the United States,” Grassley said. “What we don’t know is what, if anything, the FBI has done to verify these claims or investigate further. The FBI’s recent history of botching politically charged investigations demands close congressional oversight.” 

James Comer
House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Comer added that the information “raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.”


“The American people need to know if President Biden sold out the United States of America to make money for himself,” Comer said. “Senator Grassley and I will seek the truth to ensure accountability for the American people.”

Comer and Grassley notified FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday of the “legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures.”  

Sen. Chuck Grassley speaks into mircrophone during hearing
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.  (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

“Based on those disclosures, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions,” they wrote, adding that the whistleblower alleged that the document “includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose.” 

Comer and Grassley said that based on “the alleged specificity within the document, it would appear that the DOJ and the FBI have enough information to determine the truth and accuracy of the information contained within it.” 

Chris Wray testifies before House intel
FBI Director Christopher Wray. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

“However, it remains unclear what steps, if any, were taken to investigate the matter,” they wrote, adding that the “significant public interest in assessing the FBI’s response to this information, as well as growing concern about the DOJ and the FBI’s track record of allowing political bias to infect their decision-making process, necessitate exacting congressional oversight.” 

“The DOJ and the FBI appear to have valuable, verifiable information that you have failed to disclose to the American people,” they added, notifying them that Congress “will proceed to conduct an independent and objective review of this matter, free from those agencies’ influence.” 

Merrick Garland news conference
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland delivers remarks at the U.S. Justice Department.  (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

“Transparency brings accountability,” they wrote. 

Comer’s committee has been investigating Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, how the Biden family has been involved, and whether President Biden has been involved in those foreign business dealings. Comer has warned the business ventures with individuals in China, Ukraine and more pose a national security risk. 

In the Senate, since 2019, Grassley has been investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings and any alleged involvement by the elder Biden. 


The White House has maintained that the president never spoke to his son about his business dealings, and has continued to say that the president was never involved in them. Officials also say the president has never discussed investigations into members of his family with the Justice Department.

White House spokesperson for oversight and investigations, Ian Sams, told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that for “going on five years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbing unfounded, unproven, politically-motivated attacks against the President and his family without offering evidence for their claims or evidence of decisions influenced by anything other than U.S. interests.”

“That’s because they prefer floating anonymous innuendo, amplified by the megaphone of their allies in rightwing media, to get attention and try to distract and deflect from their own unpopular ideas and lack of solutions to the issues the American people actually care about,” Sams said. “When it comes to President Biden’s personal finances, anybody can take a look: he has offered an unprecedented level of transparency, releasing a total of 25 years of tax returns to the American public.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Somebody play all the video of the Left with all their comments around the multiple investigations into President Trump.

Hunter Biden gets off plane with president
President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, step off Air Force One at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, N.Y., on Feb. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)


Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018. The federal investigation into his “tax affairs” began amid the discovery of suspicious activity reports (SARs) regarding funds from “China and other foreign nations.”

The FBI confirmed it had received the letter, adding, “We don’t have any additional comment.”

Fox News’ Kelly Phares and Jake Gibson contributed to this report. 

Brooke Singman is a Fox News Digital politics reporter. You can reach her at or @BrookeSingman on Twitter.

AP EXCLUSIVE: Top secret Clinton emails include drone talk

waving flagBy BRADLEY KLAPPER and KEN DILANIAN Aug 14, 2015


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(AP) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign…Full Image

WASHINGTON (AP) — The two emails on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server that an auditor deemed “top secret” include a discussion of a news article detailing a U.S. drone operation and a separate conversation that could point back to highly classified material in an improper manner or merely reflect information collected independently, U.S. officials who have reviewed the correspondence told The Associated Press.

The sourcing of the information could have significant political implications as the 2016 presidential campaign heats up. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, agreed this week to turn over to the FBI the private server she used as secretary of state, and Republicans in Congress have seized on the involvement of federal law enforcement as a sign that she was either negligent with the nation’s secrets or worse.

On Monday, the inspector general for the 17 spy agencies that make up what is known as the intelligence community told Congress that two of 40 emails in a random sample of the 30,000 emails Clinton gave the State Department for review contained information deemed “Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information,” one of the government’s highest levels of classification.

The two emails were marked classified after consultations with the CIA, which is where the material originated, officials said.

The officials who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity work in intelligence and other agencies. They wouldn’t detail the contents of the emails because of ongoing questions about classification level. Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The drone exchange, the officials said, begins with a copy of a news article that discusses the CIA drone program that targets terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere. While a secret program, it is well-known and often reported on. The copy makes reference to classified information, and a Clinton adviser follows up by dancing around a top secret in a way that could possibly be inferred as confirmation, they said. Several officials, however, described this claim as tenuous.

But a second email reviewed by Charles McCullough, the intelligence community inspector general, appears more suspect. Nothing in the message is “lifted” from classified documents, the officials said, though they differed on where the information in it was sourced. Some said it improperly points back to highly classified material, while others countered that it was a classic case of what the government calls “parallel reporting” — different people knowing the same thing through different means.

The emails came to light Tuesday after Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, reported that McCullough found four “highly classified” emails on the unusual homebrew server that Clinton used while she was secretary of State. Two were sent back to the State Department for review, but Grassley said the other two were, in fact, classified at the closely guarded “Top Secret/SCI level.”

In a four-page fact sheet that accompanied a letter to Clinton supporters, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri stressed that Clinton was permitted to use her own email account as a government employee and that the same process concerning classification reviews would still be taking place had she used the standard “” email account used by most department employees. The State Department, meanwhile, stressed that it wasn’t clear if the material at issue ought to be considered classified at all.Like I Said

Still, the developments suggested that the security of Clinton’s email setup and how she guarded the nation’s secrets will remain relevant campaign topics. Even if the emails highlighted by the intelligence community prove innocuous, she will still face questions about whether she set up the private server with the aim of avoiding scrutiny, whether emails she deleted because she said they were personal were actually work-related, and whether she appropriately shielded such emails from possible foreign spies and hackers.

Clinton says she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years as secretary of state. She turned over all but what she said were personal emails late last year. The department has been making those public as they are reviewed and scrubbed of any sensitive data.

The State Department advised employees not to use personal email accounts for work, but it wasn’t prohibited. But Clinton’s senior advisers at the State Department would have been briefed upon basic protocol for handling classified information and retaining government records. In Clinton’s time, most officials saved their emails onto a separate file or printed them out when leaving office. Only recently has the department begun automatically archiving the records of dozens of senior officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry.

In the emails, Clinton’s advisers appear cognizant of secrecy protections.

In a series of August 2009 emails, Clinton aide Huma Abedin told Clinton that the U.S. point-man for Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, and another official wanted “to do a secure” conversation to discuss Afghan elections. Clinton said she could talk after she received a fax of a classified Holbrooke memo, also on a secure line. Later, Abedin wrote: “He can talk now. We can send secure fax now. And then connect call.”

But other times, the line was blurred. Among Clinton’s exchanges now censored as classified by the State Department was a brief exchange in October 2009 with Jeffrey Feltman, then the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East. Both Clinton and Feltman’s emails about an “Egyptian proposal” for a reconciliation ceremony with Hamas are marked B-1.4, classified for national security reasons, and completely blacked out from the email release.

A longer email the same day from Clinton to former Sen. George Mitchell, then Mideast peace envoy, is also censored. Mitchell responds tersely and carefully that “the Egyptian document has been received and is being translated. We’ll review it tonight and tomorrow morning, will consult with the Pals (Palestinians) through our Consul General, and then I’ll talk with Gen. S again. We’ll keep you advised.”Constancy

Associated Press writers Stephen Braun and Eric Tucker contributed to this report.

In God We Trust freedom combo 2


Clinton confidant cuts ties with the formidable family

waving flagBy Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein

Just weeks before Hillary Clinton kicked off her campaign for president on Roosevelt Island, a Clinton family loyalist quietly parted ways with the powerful clan. Doug Band, a man once so close to President Bill Clinton that he was considered a surrogate son, left the Clinton Foundation, where he had various board appointments, The Post has learned. Band declined to comment, except to confirm he resigned his position last month. The departure marks the end of a complicated relationship between Band’s controversial consultant corporation, Teneo, and the Clintons.

And while the Clinton Foundation has been under fire for allegedly trading millions of dollars in donations for access to Bill and Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, Teneo’s role is less well-known. But Teneo played a part in what author Daniel Halper in his 2014 book “Clinton Inc.,” described as a vast money-making machine. “I think Teneo is not just emblematic of how Clinton Inc. works, it shows the political and financial mess that this whole thing has created,” Halper told The Post.

In a preview of the Clinton Foundation scandals that have dogged Hillary Clinton this year, The New Republic noted the suspicious nature of Band’s work in a 2013 article. “There’s an undertow of transactionalism in the glittering annual dinners, the fixation on celebrity and a certain contingent of donors whose charitable contributions and business interests occupy an uncomfortable proximity. More than anyone else except [Bill] Clinton himself, Band is responsible for creating this culture. And not only did he create it, he has thrived in it.”

Get Rich Quick

Now headquartered on the 45th floor of the Citigroup Center in Manhattan, and with offices around the world, Teneo — Latin for “to guide” — started more modestly in 2009 by business consultant Paul Keary.

Band and Declan Kelly, who had been US economic envoy to Northern Ireland in Hillary Clinton’s State Department, joined the firm in 2011, turning it into a global powerhouse.

Band is a 42-year-old Florida native who started his career at 22 as an intern in the Clinton White House. He earned a law degree, worked his way up at the White House, eventually becoming indispensable to the president as his aide or “body man.” Band was constantly by the president’s side, carrying bags and keeping Clinton on schedule.

When Clinton left office in 2001, Band reportedly turned down a job at Goldman Sachs and stuck with the former president as his personal assistant. Band became the gatekeeper for those wanting access to Clinton. The two were so close that Band was at Clinton’s bedside when he had heart bypass surgery in 2004. It was Band who, in 2005, came up with the idea for the Clinton Global Initiative, a yearly meeting of business bigwigs and heads of state in Manhattan.

Band was paid by Clinton and, once the Global Initiative was up and running, he drew a salary of $110,000 to head the group. But he was also paid an undisclosed extra amount of money by Clinton benefactor Ron Burkle, who sent checks to SGRD, Band’s Florida-based LLC, The Wall Street Journal reported. It was an attempt to keep Band on board with Clinton and not flee to a more lucrative position, the newspaper reported.

Band got rich quickly. By 2003, he bought a $2.1 million condo at the Metropolitan Tower on West 57th Street. He sold it in 2008 for $4.1 million and moved to the tony Essex House on Central Park South, where he still lives in a sprawling apartment.

Band married investment banker Lily Rafii in 2007. Clinton attended the wedding in a Paris chateau even though Band had asked him not to come. “Not only did he come, he made this incredible speech,” Band told a Florida newspaper in 2009.

Band traveled the world with Clinton, even accompanying him to North Korea in 2009 to secure the release of two journalists.

Band, in his bio on the Teneo website, says he was “part of the negotiation team that handled all aspects of Hillary Clinton’s becoming secretary of state.”

Clinton told The Washington Post in 2008, “I’m amazed he still works for me because he could make a lot more money somewhere else.”

‘Promise of Access’

In 2011, Band did branch out on his own, joining the fledgling Teneo and recruiting Bill Clinton to be a member of the advisory board. Clients paid staggering monthly retainers — up to $250,000 — to Band’s company. They were reportedly encouraged to give to the Clinton Foundation and, in turn, foundation donors were encouraged to use the services of Teneo. “The idea for Teneo was to have Fortune 400 companies pay large monthly stipends in exchange for access to Band, Clinton and their massive international network. The group would ‘consult’ with the companies, offer strategic advice and help them overcome issues in various countries across the globe,” Halper wrote in “Clinton Inc.”

But a former Teneo employee told Halper that what the clients really got was nothing, other than an “implicit promise of access to Clinton.”

In addition to Clinton, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former US Sen. George Mitchell and Ed Rollins, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, all came on board at Teneo.fishy

Clinton was the key to Teneo’s success. “The two needed the president,” a source told Halper. “It was he who they were selling to their corporate clients. Or, more precisely, it was their proximity to power — President Clinton, and his wife, who was then secretary of state — and their own Rolodexes, which were a natural extension of the work they had done over the years for the Clintons.” Clients included Bank of America, Dow Chemical, UBS Wealth Management and Coca-Cola.

In exchange, Bill Clinton was given a contract with Teneo worth $3.5 million, Halper said. It is unclear, however, how much Clinton was actually paid.

The Chelsea Problem

Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, also wanted to muscle in on the action and asked for an equity stake in the company, Halper reported. But Band refused, seeing too much of a potential conflict in doing business with the daughter of the secretary of state. There may have been some “sibling” rivalry between Band and Chelsea Clinton.

She wanted to be famous and rich and have a place to go’  – a source on Chelsea Clinton joining the Clinton Foundation

In 2008, Band told restaurant owner Nino Selimaj to take down Chelsea’s photo from the wall of Osso Buco saying the former first daughter was not a public figure, according to New York magazine. In the end, Bill Clinton’s tenure at Teneo was short-lived.

The Post reported in December 2011 that Teneo had been advising MF Global, the doomed international brokerage firm headed by former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine. The firm paid Teneo an eye-popping $125,000 a month as it was imploding and losing millions for its investors.

Although Clinton’s office insisted the former president was not profiting from the MF Global arrangement, Hillary Clinton was said to be furious over the controversy. By February 2012, Clinton stepped down from Teneo. Shortly before he severed ties with the company, Clinton reportedly started to resent how Band and his partner Declan Kelly threw his name around to inflate Teneo’s importance. In one reported instance, Kelly seemed to take public credit for getting Clinton invited to speak at an economic forum in Dublin. But the former president had actually been invited by the Irish prime minister and was said to explode in anger at the suggestion that Teneo had somehow brokered his participation at the event.

But the connection to the Clintons continued. In June 2012, Hillary Clinton’s senior aide Huma Abedin began working as a part-time consultant to Teneo during her final months at the State Department.

Abedin, the wife of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, was designated a “special government employee,” which allowed her to both work for the State Department and to hold outside gigs. She also consulted for the Clinton Foundation and for Hillary Clinton.

The truth is people felt sorry for Huma’  – a source on why Huma Abedin was given a paid job with Teneo

Once the arrangement became known, there was criticism that there was overlap between a private firm and the inner workings of the State Department.

A source close to the negotiations told The Post that the deal came about as a way to help Abedin financially after her husband resigned in the wake of a sexting scandal in June 2011. “The truth is people felt sorry for Huma,” the source said. Asked if Abedin provided any inside intelligence about the State Department for Teneo, the source denied it. “People watch too much ‘House of Cards.’ ”Clinton Democrat Party

After Huma’s arrangement with Teneo came to light, Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, asked the Government Accountability Office to conduct a review of the special government employee exception.

New Business

While it’s not clear whether Band or Teneo will play a part in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the company has continued to wield influence on a global scale without Bill Clinton on the board. Its website says its executives are involved in everything from sorting out issues around the Greek financial meltdown to working to leverage economic opportunities in Africa. It recently opened offices in the Far East and Brazil.

Tax filings show that Band was last paid by the Clinton Foundation in 2012, when he got $53,000. He remained linked to a European arm of the Clinton Foundation until stepping down last month.

A source told The Post that it became increasingly difficult for Clinton loyalists like Band to work with the Foundation after Chelsea Clinton was brought on board. “She wanted to be famous and rich and have a place to go,” said the source, adding that Chelsea was too inexperienced for the job. “It just didn’t make any sense.”Demorates

freedom combo 2

GOP motorcycle ride and pig roast draws seven presidential hopefuls – and major media coverage

Sen. Joni Ernst, shown here on her prized Harley Davidson, will lead a 40-mile motorcyle ride on Saturday - joined by Gov. Scott Walker and Rick Perry. (Image from Sen. Joni Ernst)
Sen. Joni Ernst, shown here on her prized Harley Davidson, will lead a 40-mile motorcyle ride on Saturday – joined by Gov. Scott Walker and Rick Perry. (Image from Sen. Joni Ernst) more >


This pig roast could trump a certain steak fry – and it will certainly go down as a moment in Republican pop culture history. That would be “Joni’s First Annual Roast and Ride,” a bodacious event on Saturday organized by Sen. Joni Ernst. It includes a 40-mile motorcycle ride across the Iowa countryside to honor military veterans – boasting good cheer, thudding bikes and a full police escort – naturally led by the Republican herself, a combat vet and a Harley fan. Next up on the agenda: “a big pig roast,” the lawmaker says, plus a political rally of the old school kind with much speechifying, plenty of good eats and a country rock band.

The event has drawn seven Republican presidential hopefuls and major media as well.

The inaugural Roast and Ride is already being compared to former Sen. Tom Harkin’s annual steak fry, a tradition the Iowa Democrat kept going for four decades. Some locals are whispering that the Ernst party could best the Harkin fete; the barbecue gurus expect to serve 700 pounds of pork alone as the afternoon goes on.

There’s spectacle – and photo ops. Indeed, GOP candidates hopefuls will line up at the podium, including Gov. Scott Walker and Rick Perry. Both plan to make the ride aboard Harley hogs from the excursion’s starting point outside of Des Moines, meandering northwards to Boone. They’ll likely be front and center on the line.

Also on hand: Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Sens. Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio. The quiet word among organizers is that Mrs. Ernst offered Mr. Rubio a spot on the back of her bike – but he turned the offer down, apparently. The candidates have also been encouraged to try their hand at horseshoes, wiffle ball and perhaps some artful pork chop flipping.

Gov. Scott Walker rides his 2003 Harley Davidson Road King (image from Gov. Scott Walker)
Gov. Scott Walker rides his 2003 Harley Davidson Road King (image from … more >

Prominent politicos and conservative stalwarts will also be in the crowd, including Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, plus Reps. Steve King and David Young.

The press is eager, to say the least. C-SPAN, of course, will be there to bear witness to the big doings from 2 p.m. ET on Saturday, along with the FOX News Channel, which has sent senior correspondent John Roberts to the Hawkeye State. CNN, will feature chief Congressional correspondent Dana Bash who will interview Mrs. Ernst herself, along with Mssrs. Cotton, Graham and Perry. ABC News is also poised for coverage, showcasing their finds on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”

freedom combo 2

IRS finally admits illegals can get back taxes under Obama amnesty

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing examining the IRS data breach. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2015, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing examining the IRS data breach. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) more >

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Congress that illegal immigrants granted amnesty under President Obama’s new programs could claim back refunds even when they never filed returns to pay their taxes in the first place. Sen. Chuck Grassley, who had pressed Mr. Koskinen over the issue, released written responses Wednesday in which the commissioner admitted he’d botched the question earlier and, in fact, illegal immigrants granted the amnesty will now be able to claim refunds on tax returns they never even filed, thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit.Picture6

“To clarify my earlier comments on EITC, not only can an individual amend a prior year return to claim EITC, but an individual who did not file a prior year return may file a return and claim EITC (subject to refund limitations under section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code),” Mr. Koskinen said.Cloward Pevin with explanation

He insisted, however, that he doubts many illegal immigrants will take advantage of the loophole because they would have to be able to prove their earnings for those years they never filed returns. “Filers would have to reconstruct earnings and other records for years when they were not able to work on the books,” he said.

Taxpayers must have Social Security numbers in order to claim the EITC, and illegal immigrants aren’t supposed to have numbers. But Mr. Obama’s new deportation amnesty grants illegal immigrants work permits, which are then used to obtain Social Security numbers.  IRS lawyers have ruled that once illegal immigrants get numbers, they can go back and refile for up to three previous years’ taxes and claim refunds even for time they were working illegally.more evidence

The lawyers said since the EITC is a refundable credit, that’s allowed even when the illegal immigrants worked off the books and never paid taxes in the first place. Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code requires an SSN on the return, but a taxpayer claiming the EITC is not required to have an SSN before the close of the year for which the EITC is claimed,” Mr. Koskinen said. “At your request, the IRS has reviewed the relevant statutes and legislative history, and we believe that the 2000 Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) on this issue is correct.”Taxes

Mr. Koskinen had initially said illegal immigrants could claim refunds, but only for years they’d filed returns and presumably had paid some taxes.

Most of Mr. Obama’s amnesty is on hold after federal courts ruled he likely broke the law by acting on his own without Congress‘ approval and without putting his policy out for public review and comment. But a 2012 policy that applies to so-called Dreamers, or young adult illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, is in effect. Homeland Security has approved 664,607 initial applications for Dreamers, and approved another 243,872 renewals over the last year, extending the initial two-year amnesty for another two years.IRS-corruption What Liberals have accomplished so far freedom combo 2

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