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Posts tagged ‘radical leftist’

Today’s Polotocally INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

Disassembly Line

It seems as though our universities are pumping out more radical leftist than educated professionals.

Political cartoon A.F. Branco ©2017.

To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.

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Liberals Are Now Going After This President’s Statue – Unbelievable!

Published by | on August 17, 2017

URL of the original posting site:

They don’t seem to mind statues of Lenin in the same city. But THIS President? He’s ‘GOT’ to go!

Didn’t some people predict exactly this outcome?

Social Justice Warriors have their tantrums and expect the world to change to their demands. This is why they get so unruly when they form into large crowds. They have the cloak of anonymity (especially when they’re wearing masks) that lets them cause disorder and smash up the place.

These are the same sort of people who demanded that King’s College take down the portraits of the FOUNDERS — because they’re white.

The FOUNDERS of the institution weren’t even safe from their ridiculous demands.

Every demand that gets answered only emboldens them to demand more. 

Now they’ve turned their sights on Theodore Roosevelt.

On Monday, more than 200 SAW zealots held a protest inside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City to take down the supposedly “racist” statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt. The protest’s organizers, NYC Stands with Standing Rock and Decolonize This Place, also called for Columbus Day to be renamed Indigenous People’s Day.

“A stark embodiment of the white supremacy that Roosevelt himself espoused and promoted,” pontificated the group of protesters in a statement. “The statue is seen as an affront to all who pass it on entering the museum, but especially to African and Native Americans.” DailyWire

You mean… THIS Teddy Roosevelt?

Roosevelt’s attitudes on race fluctuated, though he was generally considered a moderate during his era. As governor of New York, he ended school segregation. Just one month after Roosevelt was sworn in as President, he invited Booker T. Washington, a black civil rights activist, to dine at the White House. The resulting uproar over the perceived impropriety appeared to restrain Roosevelt, who never repeated the invitation. While Roosevelt appointed progressive judges and initially encouraged the prosecution of peonage cases in the South, his administration eventually retreated from these efforts, lacking the political will to uproot the systems of involuntary servitude that existed in the South.

Maybe you should take a break from your perpetual hate and rage long enough to read a history book.

Great Example of The Radical Leftist Misuse of the English Language Designed Misinform Their Followers and Create Fear

waving flag newest-whatdid-yousay-org-logo-january-23-2017The following was sent to me by a friend and contributor to It is another example of the scare tactics the Radical Liberal Leftist Anarchist are using to stir up their followers. Using Saul Alinsky, and Cloward Pevin tactics, they carefully misuse the English language to paint word pictures that give them the desired control of their followers thoughts, emotions, and reactions.

There is a well documented principle at work here, used by all propagandist. “When you control their thinking, you control them.” The following was copied from the following link:

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Tell governors: Block Trump’s war on immigrants

We’ve reached 92,912 of our goal of 150,000.

Sign the petition

The petition to governors reads:

“Protect immigrants in our state. Do everything in your power to resist any executive mandate or policy that divides and targets people based on their race and country of origin.”

    Sign Petition

    You’ll receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities.

    Tell governors: Block Trump’s war on immigrants

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has built the blueprint for Trump’s mass deportations. Governors must do everything in their power to disrupt their plans.

    DHS just released memos that turn Trump’s anti-immigrant executive orders into policy. The memos empower federal immigration officers to target almost every undocumented immigrant for detention and immediate deportation, expand Trump’s deportation army by 10,000 agents and encourage local law enforcement to collaborate with federal immigration officers.1

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is already terrorizing immigrant communities.2 With these new policies, DHS is unleashing and emboldening a dangerous, unaccountable deportation force. States have the power to slow them down. Speak out now to demand that governors take bold action.

    Tell governors: Protect immigrants. Refuse to comply with DHS’ racist anti-immigrant policies.

    ICE is a terrifying rogue agency. For much of the last eight years, ICE agents flouted Obama administration enforcement priorities. Now the Trump administration is giving ICE sweeping permission to harass and attack all undocumented immigrants at will.

    In recent days, ICE agents have arrested and detained:

    • a Chicago father whose criminal record only includes traffic violations;3
    • a woman at a Texas hospital undergoing treatment for a brain tumor;4
    • men leaving a church’s overnight hypothermia shelter in Alexandria;5 and
    • a transgender woman who was obtaining a restraining order against a violent partner at an El Paso courthouse.6

    Even though the DHS memos protect the legal status of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, ICE arrested and detained DACA recipient Daniel Ramirez Medina in Seattle.7 This is not normal. This is not okay.

    Tell governors: Protect immigrants. Refuse to comply with DHS’ racist anti-immigrant policies.

    Fortunately, some state leaders are already standing up to protect immigrants. For example, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee have barred state agencies from cooperating with and aiding federal immigration enforcement.8 California state lawmakers are pushing an omnibus immigration bill through the legislature that would ban state resources from being used to enforce federal immigration laws.

    Governors have a choice: Enable Trump’s agenda of criminalization and deportations, or resist and obstruct Trump’s racist regime at every turn. Help make sure governors do the right thing. Add your name now.

    Thank you for speaking out.


    1. Tal Kopan, “Trump admin set stage for mass deportations,” CNN, Feb. 22, 2017.
    2. Vivian Yee, “Immigrants Hide, Fearing Capture on ‘Any Corner,’” The New York Times, Feb. 22, 2017.
    3. Arelis R. Hernandez, Wesley Lowery and Abigail Hauslohner, “Federal immigration raids net many without criminal records, sowing fear,” The Washington Post, Feb. 16, 2017.
    4. Chris Sommerfeldt, “Fed seize undocumented woman with brain tumor at hospital,” New York Daily News, Feb. 214, 2017.
    5. The Associated Press, “ICE agents arrest men leaving Alexandria church shelter,” Washington’s Top News, Feb. 17, 2017.
    6. Jonathan Blitzer, “The woman arrested by ICE in a courthouse speaks out,” The New Yorker, Feb. 23, 2017.
    7. Sydney Brownstone, “Detained Dreamer’s Lawyers Say Government Doctored Document to Justify False Gang Affiliation,” The Stranger, Feb. 16, 2017.
    8. Reid Wilson, “Wash. governor order agencies to ignore immigration requests,” The Hill, Feb. 23, 2017.

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    Ridiculous Meme on Facebook Shows Just How Shallow Leftist Thinking is

    waving flagPosted on December 26, 2015Rob Knowles shared a meme on Facebook that, as of this posting, has over 21,500 “likes.” The meme is a photograph of an American Indian, and the caption reads: “Let me get this straight. You’re afraid of refugees coming to America, killing you, and taking your property?”

    indianThe comments section is brimming with affirmations such as “Right on!” and “Love this!” Sure, there is some dissent, but the fact that more than 21,500 people clicked the like button means that at least 21,500 people are completely retarded–sorry, learning disabled–because the meme presents a straw man.

    First, let’s set aside the facile thinking that takes a complicated situation and reduces it to an 18-word bite, as well as the potential historical inaccuracies, and take the meme at its word. Now let’s break this into two pieces, because there are two essential problems here.

    The first issue with this meme is that it’s a straw man. The basement-dweller who created this meme likely fancies himself a pipe-smoking intellectual, but he completely misrepresents the issue. 

    The American people are not afraid of refugees killing them and taking their property, they are simply wary of thousands of people entering the United States who cannot be properly vetted–specifically because two of the perpetrators of the terror attack in Paris arrived in Greece as alleged Syrian refugees.

    James Comey, the director of the FBI, said refugees coming from Syria would be difficult to vet with any degree of certainty because of the chaos in Syria. Is it not rational then that we be reticent? Is it not rational to say that in an era of mass-casualty attacks by Islamic radicals–radicals who have already proven that they can hide among refugees–that we take a breath to asses the situation before opening the gates to potential dangers? Apparently not. We’re just bigots.Do you want

    Additionally, who said we’re afraid the refugees will take our property? I’ll tell you who: The mouth-breather who created the meme.

    Second, and possibly most important, the meme disproves itself. If we take the meme at face value, the question must be asked: How’d that work out for the Indians?

    definetly In God We Trust freedom combo 2

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