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Posts tagged ‘North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un’

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Eastward Toward Sea as Vladimir Putin Orders Nuclear Forces on Highest Alert

Reported By Cristina Laila | Published February 27, 2022


North Korea on Sunday fired what is believed to be a medium-range ballistic missile eastward toward the sea, according to Yonhap News Agency.

Reuters reported:

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that North Korea had fired a suspected ballistic missile toward the sea off its east coast from a location near Sunan, where Pyongyang’s international airport is located. The airport has been the site of missile tests, including a pair of short-range ballistic missiles fired on Jan. 16.

The missile fired on Sunday flew to a maximum altitude of around 620 km (390 miles) and to a range of about 300 km (190 miles), the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

The United States condemned North Korea’s missile launch and begged Pyongyang to engage in dialogue, in a statement to Yonhap:

“The United States condemns the DPRK’s ballistic missile launch,” the department spokesperson told Yonhap News Agency, referring to North Korea by its official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“This launch, like the other launches earlier this year, is a clear violation of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions, and demonstrates the threat the DPRK’s illicit weapons of mass destruction and missile programs pose to the DPRK’s neighbors and the region as a whole,” the official added.

“We stand with the international community to call on the DPRK to abide by Security Council resolutions, refrain from further provocations, and engage in sustained and substantive dialogue,” the department spokesperson said, asking not to be identified.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile while Vladimir Putin is threating to nuke the West. Vladimir Putin put Russia’s nuclear deterrent forces on highest alert on Sunday. Putin justified his actions after top NATO officials made “aggressive statements against our country.”

Meanwhile Joe Biden is hiding out in his Delaware basement.

Cristina Laila

Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is currently the Associate Editor.

More Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for Monday September 11, 2017


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoons

Has North Korea’s Kim Jong Un been deposed?


By Gabrielle Levy   |   Oct. 6, 2014 at 9:44 AM

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China’s state television shows footage of Kim Jong-un saluting his father North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il’s body during a state funeral in Pyongyang December 28, 2011. China offered its “deep condolences” on the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, which analysts said will spur China’s leaders to boost ties with Pyongyang to prevent instability. UPI/Stephen Shaver | License Photo

PYONGYANG, North Korea, Oct. 6 (UPI) — Rumors that North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has been deposed have heightened in intensity following a surprise trip by the country’s No. 2 leader to visit South Korea.

Kim has not been seen publicly since September 4, and is reportedly suffering from gout, the “kings’ malady” form of arthritis brought on by rich diet and sedentary lifestyle. He also reportedly underwent surgery for two broken ankles.

But according to some experts, his absence from the September meeting of the nation’s rubber-stamp congress, the Supreme People’s Assembly, is only the latest indication that something has gone seriously awry for the dictator.

The trip to South Korea, led by recently elevated Hwang Pyong So, was an unusual step forward for proponents of reconciliation.

The trip comes just days after Jang Jin Sung, a former counterintelligence official and high-ranking member of Kim Jong Il’s regime, told fellow exiles in Netherlands that he believed recent events only added evidence that Kim was no longer in charge.

Jang believes a powerful group of officials consolidated by Kim Jong Il have stopped taking orders from his son, essentially wresting control of the country. He says the Organization and Guidance Department actually took power last year, as evidenced by the execution of their rival, the formerly politically untouchable uncle of Kim Jong Un, Jang Song Thaek.

“When Jang Song Thaek was executed that was, basically, that totally broke everything,” Jang told Vice News. “You just can’t touch a Kim family member publicly… It’s the OGD’s claim to legitimacy. It’s them saying no one is more legitimate than them. By Jang dying, Kim Jong Un is now surrounded by the OGD.”

Jang said the OGD’s power has grown such that Kim has been reduced to a puppet, and that his absence has been orchestrated for their purposes.

Adding fuel to the fire were reports from inside North Korea that Pyongyang has instituted a new travel ban to enter the capital city.

“This sort of action suggests there has either been an attempted coup or that the authorities there have uncovered some sort of plot against the leadership,” Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Tokyo’s Waseda University and an authority on North Korean affairs, told The Telegraph. “If it is a military-backed coup, then the situation in Pyongyang will be very dangerous and I have heard reports that Kim has been moved out of the capital.”

Last week, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. was aware of the reports.

“I can just say that I have no confirmation of the reports,” she said. “We’ve seen them, but we don’t have any confirmation.”

Regardless of the state of Kim’s political well-being, recent images, and family health history, certainly indicate his actual health problems are real.

Television footage released by the state media show Kim walking with a pronounced limp, and he has grown increasingly overweight, both symptoms of gout. According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, both his father and grandfather, Kim Il Sung, suffered from the disease.

Other Korea watchers say the unusual report of Kim’s “discomfort” actually indicates that the young leader remains fully in power.

“These are signals but signals only for people in the know,” Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at Seoul’s Kookmin University, told Time. “I am quite sure the official media reports about his ill health would have been signed off on by the great man himself.”

“If there had been regicide or revolt in Pyongyang, it’s unlikely the wheels of North Korean diplomacy would spin like business as usual,” adds John Delury, a professor at Yonsei University in Seoul.

“These episodes reveal as much about us as them — our own assumptions, even obsessions, when it comes to North Korea,” Delury said. “We assume North Korea must be on the brink of collapse, so when the young leader suspends his relentless ‘onsite guidance visits’ for a few weeks, we assume he’s been overthrown.”

Kim has repeatedly disappeared for extended periods before, including 10 days in July and 18 days in January 2013. And twice, in March and June 2012, Kim avoided public view for three weeks at a time.

And while the delegation to South Korea reportedly told their counterparts that “there is nothing wrong with the health of Secretary Kim,” others say his sister has taken over in his absence.

North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity said last week that Kim Yo Jong convened a meeting of Workers’ Party officials in early September, securing her position as regent while her brother was hospitalized.

“All party officials have been commanded to continue faithfully carrying out Kim Jong-Un’s orders and the military has been put on high alert,” NKIS said.

Is Kim Jong Un’s powerful little sister running North Korea now?

With the dictator’s disappearance and other odd developments, an unconfirmed report puts Kim Yo Jong in charge.

North korea hwang pyong so

North Korean Hwang Pyong-So (R), director of the military’s General Political Bureau, the top military post in North Korea, gets into a vehicle as he leaves a hotel at Incheon on October 4, 2014, following a meeting with South Korean Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-Jae, on the sidelines of the ongoing Asian Games. A trio of top-level North Korean officials, including the man seen as leader Kim Jong-Un’s number two, flew to South Korea for an extremely rare visit that will raise hopes of a breakthrough in cross-border ties. (Bay Ismoyo/AFP/Getty Images)

Please support our site by enabling javascript to view ads.SEOUL, South Korea — It’s been an unusually quiet quarter for North Korea, which has avoided the occasional exchange of bellicose bluster with the US and South Korea, and has not tested a much-prophesized fourth nuclear bomb.

But for the past month, a curious string of events has stirred up questions over whether changes are underway in this garrison kingdom. Its 31-year-old generalissimo, Kim Jong Un, has not made any public appearances since he attended at a state concert with his wife on September 3. Since an official ceremony in July, Kim has been walking with a limp.

Kim’s furlough is unusually long by regime standards. In June 2012, the dictator went missing for 24 days. In two other instances, he vanished for more than two weeks, only to reappear without explanation.

News reports speculate that the Supreme Leader is undergoing medical treatment for gout or cheese allergies, but in a nation as opaque as North Korea, it’s incredibly difficult to pinpoint whether this is true. The state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) confirmed that Kim Jong Un has been suffering from “discomfort,” which many onlookers interpreted to mean a physical ailment.

But even that is far from clear.

On Sunday, elite North Korean official Kim Yang Gon, who suddenly arrived in Incheon, South Korea for the regional Asian Games on Saturday, claimed that there was “no problem” with the Supreme Leader’s health, according to his South Korean counterpart who attended talks.

The timing of this visit has also raised questions.

On Friday, North Korea gave a 24-hour notice to Seoul that it would send three senior officials to attend the closing ceremony of the Asian Games, including the second most powerful man in North Korea, Vice Marshal Hwang Pyong-so. Over the weekend, the two frosty neighbors rushed to high-level conciliatory talks.

So it’s been a month of oddities alongside an enormous North Korean charm offensive.

The peculiarities have led analysts to look at the appearance of another player in the North Korea elite: Kim Jong Un’s little sister, Kim Yo Jong.

She may be managing the country in her brother’s absence, claims the North Korean Intellectuals’ Solidarity, a Seoul-based advocacy organization started by former North Korean professors. The group hasn’t revealed its source, and the claim has not been confirmed. But it follows Kim Yo Jong’s apparent emergence within regime circles, probably as a key ally of her brother.

“She is one of the only people in [North Korea] that we know has unfettered direct access to KJU. At the present time I would not be surprised if she is sole gatekeeper,” said Michael Madden, who runs the North Korea Leadership Watch blog, which tracks the country’s elites.

Little is known about this mysterious sibling, who has maintained a low profile for much of her life.

She attended boarding school in Switzerland with her brother Kim Jong Un, according to Madden. That’s where the leader-in-waiting cultivated his love for Nike shoes and the Chicago Bulls that later led to Dennis Rodman’s visits.

Born in 1987 or 1988, she is the youngest of seven known brothers and sisters, all of whom are the children of deceased former dictator Kim Jong Il and one of his four former partners.

From early appearances, she was hardly significant in the Pyongyang pantheon. For years, state mouthpieces did not list Kim Yo Jong as an official cadre, nor did she show up in its (mind-numbing) documentaries on Kim Jong Un’s obligatory field visits — a way of gauging one’s standing within the leader’s trusted circle.

But last March this relative made her first official appearance on state television as a senior official, shown casting her vote in North Korea’s elections for its rubber-stamp parliament. Such an appearance suggests she’s building a more prominent profile within the Supreme Leader’s young cabal, coming just after an older pair of confidantes, once allied with their father, exited.

In late 2013, Kim Jong Un’s uncle and king-maker — then the second most powerful man in the nation, Jang Song-taek — was executed on charges of treason and corruption in one of the regime’s most dramatic shake-ups.

Another aging player apparently removed from the clique was his wife, Kim Kyong-hui, who stopped making public appearances in September 2013. Rumored to be dead after a life of alcohol abuse (a recurring tale that she has repeatedly survived in the past), purged, or gone hiding in Poland, nobody really knows what happened. Usually, the regime would announce excommunications this riveting through state media, both as a warning and a form of humiliation.

Kim Yo Jong, meanwhile, may have held a role as an administrative and logistical planner for Kim Jong Un, probably giving her considerable influence. “We know for sure that she used to do pre-trip security checks for her father,” said Christopher Green, international affairs manager for DailyNK. “Her status is unlikely to have diminished in the Kim Jong Un era.”

Such a heavyweight position could signify that she sits at the top of the regime’s Escort Command, the elite force charged with protecting the Supreme Leader, and is probably linked with the ruling party’s powerful and secretive Organization and Guidance Department, one of its most influential bodies.

Not all Kim siblings are that lucky.

After trying to visit Tokyo’s Disneyland in 2001, eldest step-brother and former heir apparent Kim Jong Nam was deported from Japan on a forged Dominican passport. He fell out of favor for embarrassing his father and now lives in Macau.

Middle brother Kim Jong Chul was similarly passed over because his father saw him as too sensitive and easygoing, according to a book by the leader’s former sushi chef. He was last spotted in 2011 at an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore.

Nobody would be surprised that Kim dynasty politics can be vicious and unforgiving, and it remains a mystery as to why the Supreme Leader apparently sees a trustworthy ally in his little sister. But early signs of her rise suggest that she’ll climb the ladder in the coming years, emerging as a potent scion as a handful of older leaders fade.

Kim Jong-Un’s 27-Year-Old Sister in Charge of North Korea

Koream Journal, News Report, Posted: Oct 06, 2014

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s younger sister Kim Yo-jong is reportedly in control of the hermit country in place of her brother whose illness has prevented him from making public appearances for almost a month, according to North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity (NKIS), a South Korea-based think tank.

Kim Yo-jong, the youngest daughter of late leader Kim Jong-il, was unveiled as a “senior official” in March as she was seen alongside her brother at the Supreme People’s Assembly. She had reportedly taken over the role of her aunt Kim Kyong-hui, the wife of Jang Song-thaek, a former senior government official who was executed in December for allegedly committing “anti-party acts.”

Although Hwang Byong-so, director of the General Political Bureau of the Korean People’s Army, was believed to have assumed the status as North Korea’s No. 2 man behind Kim Jong-un, NKIS reported that it is Kim Yo-jong who is the communist regime’s second-in-command while Hwang is a mere “shadow.”

On Sept. 6, Kim Yo-jung led a meeting for the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, during which the North Korean regime has reportedly decided on four main topics. Those topics include:

1. Give special and extended medical treatment to Kim Jong-un until his health is fully restored.

2. All high level officials and party members must continue to follow Kim Jong-un’s previous orders.

3. The army should be on wartime-like alert while Kim Jong-un is out of commission.

4. Important government and other administrative matters must be reported to Kim Yo-jong.

Kim Jong-un last made his public appearance in early September when he was limping with visible discomfort in his right leg. North Korea’s state-run media reported that he is undergoing medical treatment from both domestic and foreign medical teams, but his prolonged absence is fueling rumors over his health issues.

While South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported that Kim Jong-un is suffering from gout, U.K.’s Daily Mirror bizarrely said that it’s in fact his addiction Swiss cheese that contributed to his deteriorating health. Recently, Free North Korea Radio reported that Kim is recovering from a successful ankle surgery.

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