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Posts tagged ‘gallup’

Polls: Biden Approval Sinks to New Low, 37.4%

By Fran Beyer    |   Monday, 10 June 2024 02:57 PM EDT


President Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest-ever — a dismal 37.4% — with disapproval at a troubling 56.6, according to tracker and opinion poll analyzer Five Thirty Eight. The polling shows signs of dwindling support among nonwhite voters, while progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Business Insider reported.

Biden’s approval began the slide after the United States’ tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never recovered. As the Taliban moved swiftly Aug. 15, 2021, into the capital city of Kabul, taking control of the country in a weekend after U.S. forces pulled out, Biden was sitting on a 49% approval rating, according to Gallup. He was just seven months into his presidency. A month later, his approval fell to 43%.

In comparison, former President Donald Trump’s approval rating has ticked up since he left office in the wake of the Capitol riot. According to FiveThirtyEight’s weighted average, Trump has a 41.6% approval rating as he faces a potentially dangerous time after becoming the first-ever former president to be convicted of a felony.

In 2016, Gallup found Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were the least popular presidential candidates dating back to when they began measuring such popularity in 1956, Business Insider reported.

Gallup found in Biden’s most recent quarter in office, which ended April 18, he was at the lowest approval rating in that span in decades. Four other modern presidents had an average sub-50% approval rating at this same point in time. Only one, President Barack Obama, won reelection in November.

Trump, whose Gallup average was 46.8% at this time in 2020, lost to Biden that November.

Fran Beyer 

Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.

The Real Threat to the U.S. Economy Isn’t Election Integrity, It’s Joe Biden

BY: M.D. KITTLE | MAY 06, 2024


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yell addressing the press in India.

Author M.D. Kittle profile



Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen last week warned that “threats to democracy” will imperil U.S. economic growth. Yellen’s admonishment is a less-than-veiled finger wag at former President Donald Trump and anyone who would dare question the official lie that the 2020 election was “one of the most secure elections in history.” 

The real threat to the economy is Joe Biden, his buffoonish treasury secretary, and the rest of the capitalism-crushing useful idiots in this dangerous administration.

As Democrat Party public-relations firm the Associated Press reported, Yellen used “economic data” in her address Friday in Arizona to “paint a picture of how disregard for America’s democratic processes and institutions can cause economic stagnation for decades.”

“Yellen, taking a rare step toward to [sic] the political arena, never mentioned Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, by name in her speech for the McCain Institute’s Sedona Forum, but she hinted at the former president’s potential impact if he regains the White House,” the AP’s Fatima Hussein and Josh Boak propagandized in a shared byline. 

The former Federal Reserve chairwoman, who has routinely injected herself into the “political arena,” used the speech to “serve as a sort of warning for business leaders who may overlook Trump’s disregard for modern democratic norms because they prefer the former president’s vision of achieving growth by slashing taxes and stripping away regulations.”

Yellen’s comments, and the AP article marketing them, are as nakedly political as they are hilariously absurd. Trump’s assertions that the 2020 election was rigged — by shattered election laws in swing states, unprecedented infusions of leftist third-party cash in election administration and election interference by the same rotten-to-the-core corporate media peddling Yellen’s assault on democracy diatribe — are more dangerous than Bidenomics? Americans and economic data disagree. 

‘Transitory’ Regret

Yellen’s comments preceded Gallup’s latest Economy and Personal Finance poll showing Americans’ trust in Biden’s leadership at an all-time low.  The poll, conducted April 1-22, finds just 38 percent of respondents say they have a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of confidence that Biden would do or recommend the right course for the economy. Former President Donald Trump, the Republican opponent Democrats and their pals in the Deep State are trying to throw in jail, is polling at 46 percent on the economic question. 

Understandably, Americans are downright cranky about the shaky state of their personal economy, compliments of the Biden administration’s prosperity-crippling policies.

“With Americans less optimistic about the state of the U.S. economy than they have been in recent months and concern about inflation persisting, their confidence in President Joe Biden to recommend or do the right thing for the economy is among the lowest Gallup has measured for any president since 2001,” Gallup reported Monday. 

Over the past three years, Americans learned to be confident that Biden would do the wrong thing. And his bungling treasury secretary has provided plenty of political cover. What is stunning is that a majority of Americans (57 percent) until 2022 had confidence in the Dementarian’s management of the economy. Only President George W. Bush had a lower rating, with a meager 34 percent confidence number at the end of his second term amid the real estate bubble-burst recession. 

As inflation began to climb in 2021, economics genius Yellen described the soaring cost of things as a “transitory” problem. She doubled and tripled down as inflation ballooned to levels not seen since the real Great Recession of the 1980s, caused in large part by the policies of a lousy president Biden is often compared to: Jimmy Carter. 

Yellen earlier this year offered her “regret” for saying what was patently false. It didn’t take a PhD from Yale and a University of California, Berkeley professor to know that higher prices were — and remain — here to stay under Bidenomics

“I regret saying it was transitory. It has come down. But I think transitory means a few weeks or months to most people,” Yellen said during an interview with Fox Business in March.

No Sale

Inflation has come up since Yellen expressed her regret. Soaring mortgage rates have priced Americans, particularly young families, out of home ownership. The housing crisis could be the “death knell for America’s middle class,” Newsweek warned in December.

American workers have seen any income growth devoured by rising costs for everything from gas to Happy Meals. Yes, Democrats’ massive expansion of government regulations on business — especially small business, climate change cultism, foreign policy debacles, and unsustainable spending — has everything to do with why middle-income earners are feeling the pain and increasingly frustrated.

Just as frustrating, you have the accomplice media covering for the bungler-in-chief, telling Americans what they’re experiencing is simply not real. The New York Times’ gag-worthy piece last month claiming Biden has a positive story to tell on the economy is political propaganda of the most ludicrous order. No one should be surprised about such absurd water-carrying by a Biden-backing corporate media that has pushed Democrats’ perfect election narrative despite Democrats’ many, many imperfections. 

Now the tone-deaf treasury secretary wants to tell American businesses that tax-cutting, “election denier” Trump is more of a threat to the U.S. economy than the economic menace that is Joe Biden. America isn’t buying what Yellen is selling. They can’t afford to. 

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

Gallup Poll: Confidence in Military Lowest in 2 Decades

By Fran Beyer    |   Tuesday, 01 August 2023 02:19 PM EDT


Americans’ confidence in the U.S. military is at the lowest point in two decades, new data from Gallup has found. When asked how much confidence they had in the military, 60% said they had a great deal or quite a lot. The last time confidence in the military was this low was in 1997, and it hasn’t been lower since 1988, when 58% were confident, according to Gallup.

Republicans have been the most likely to express confidence in the military, though the rate has declined by over 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%, Gallup reported.

Independents’ confidence has dropped nearly as much — by 13 points, from 68% to 55%. Democrats’ confidence rating rose after President Joe Biden assumed office, but the gains to 68% have disappeared in the past year, and now stand at 62%, the pollster found.

“Public perceptions of the U.S. military have fluctuated dramatically over the past five decades,” Gallup’s Mohamed Younis wrote in an analysis of the findings.

“The aftermaths of the Gulf War and 9/11 were followed by resounding upticks in confidence in the military,” he added. “The latter of these surges ushered in an era of elevated confidence lasting nearly two decades.

“Now that the U.S. has completely withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan … confidence in the military has continued to decline among the public.”

According to Gallup, from the late 1970s to the early 1980s — during the Cold War and amid threats to U.S. power, including the Iran hostage crisis — between 50% and 58% of Americans were confident in the military. Confidence generally improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s. It then surged after the Gulf War victory to a record-high 85% in 1991, and again after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

Confidence generally held above 70% for the next two decades, until dipping to 69% in 2021 and declining since then after the United States’ disastrous exit from Afghanistan. The military had retained public trust — despite its decline — even as other institutions like the police, public schools, and organized religion saw steep drops, according to Gallup.

The margin of error in the Gallup Poll Social Series was not released.

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Gallup: Majority of Americans now favor limited role for government since Biden took office

Reported by CHRIS PANDOLFO | October 14, 2021


After a record high number of Americans said last year that the federal government should do more to solve the nation’s problems, a new survey from Gallup finds that most Americans have reverted to thinking the government should have a more limited role. Last September, when the nation was firmly in the grips of the coronavirus pandemic, with states locked down, businesses closed, and racial unrest dominating headlines, a record-high 54% of U.S. adults surveyed by Gallup said the government should do more to solve problems.

But in the year since then, President Joe Biden took office and started a massive expansion of the federal government’s role in the pandemic response. Biden signed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill into law last spring and Democrats are seeking to follow that up with another $1 trillion infrastructure bill and a $3.5 trillion spending bill funding free community college tuition, child care, paid family leave, Medicaid expansion, and Biden’s climate agenda. Additionally, Biden issued a controversial executive order mandating that businesses with more than 100 employees force their workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested regularly for the virus.

Now, Gallup finds that 52% of Americans say the government is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, while 43% say the government needs to do more to solve problems.

Last year’s surge in support for big government was driven by Democrats and independents, who opposed how President Donald Trump was handling the coronavirus pandemic. Gallup notes that in times of crisis, Americans tend to favor more government action, as seen in a surge of trust in government after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, “all party groups are less likely now than a year ago to favor a more active government role,” Gallup finds, with the largest shift in opinion happening among independents.

In 2020, 56% of independents said they favored a more expansive role for government compared with just 38% now. In fact, independents have reacted so negatively to government action over the last year that fewer independents today support a more active government role today than before the pandemic in 2019, when 45% wanted bigger government.

Asked about the trade-off between taxes and government services, half of Americans say they prefer fewer government services and lower taxes, while only 19% want increased taxes and more services. Twenty-nine percent of survey respondents said taxes and services should remain where they are now.

Majorities of Republicans and independents say they prefer lower taxes and fewer services, while Democrats are split between increasing both (37%) and keeping taxes and services where they are (40%). Nineteen percent of Democrats actually said they want lower taxes and fewer services.

A plurality of 43% of Americans say there is too much government regulation of businesses, which is an increase of 7 percentage points from 2020, when only 36% said there was too much regulation. That change is consistent with the last time the presidency change hands from the Republican Party to the Democrats.

“Spanning the transition from Republican George W. Bush to Democrat Barack Obama between 2008 and 2009, the percentage saying there was too much government regulation also increased seven points, from 38% to 45%,” Gallup notes.

“The COVID-19 situation and the Trump administration’s response to it in 2020 may have briefly changed Americans’ views on the proper government role, but whatever effect it had has now disappeared,” Gallup concludes, observing that the reversal in opinions on the role of government may reflect a return to normal attitudes following a time of crisis.

62% of Americans oppose allowing boys who identify as female to compete in girls’ sports: Gallup

Reported By Ryan Foley, Christian Post Reporter| Thursday, June 03, 2021


Track and field
Athletes compete in the 5,000-meter final during the Oregon Relays at Hayward Field on April 23, 2021 in Eugene, Oregon. | Getty Images/Steph Chambers

A new Gallup poll reveals that a supermajority of Americans oppose allowing boys who identify as female to compete in girls’ sports.

The poll, released last week and conducted between May 3–18, assessed 1,016 American adults’ views about transgender-related issues. The survey had a margin of error of 5 percentage points. One question asked the respondents if “transgender athletes should be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity (or) should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their biological gender.” 

Just 34% of Americans believed that trans-identified athletes should be allowed to play on sports teams that correspond to their gender identity. Support was highest among self-described liberals (63%), Democrats (55%), women (43%) and college graduates (40%).

Meanwhile, 62% of Americans expressed support for requiring trans-identified athletes to play on the team that matches their biological sex. Support was highest among Republicans (86%), self-described conservatives (85%) and males (72%). 

The release of the Gallup survey comes as several states have worked to pass legislation requiring student athletes to compete in sports that correspond with their biological sex. This week, Florida became the most recent and most populous state to enact a law banning boys who identify as female from competing in girls’ sports. 

According to the Women’s Liberation Front, an organization that supports such legislation, seven additional states have enacted bills designed to prevent female athletes from having to compete against biological males who have inherent physiological advantages over them: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Tennessee and West Virginia. State legislators in more than two dozen other states have introduced similar bills that are still pending.

Meanwhile, at the federal level, congressional Democrats are pushing for the passage of the Equality Act, a legislative initiative billed as a necessary measure to enshrine protections for the LGBT community into law. Critics of the legislation on both sides of the aisle warn that its provision preventing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity will require allowing athletes to compete on teams that correspond with their gender identity. 

In an interview with The Christian Post, Beth Stelzer of the grassroots organization Save Women’s Sports, warned that with the passage of the Equality Act, “women’s sports will fade away” because “it will not take long until all of the records will be held by males.” 

While a majority of Americans were lukewarm to the idea of allowing boys to compete in girls’ sports, allowing transgenders to serve openly in the military registered much stronger support. Overall, 66% of Americans said that they had no problem with the idea. 

Although the support for letting transgenders serve in the military was substantial, support has decreased since Gallup last conducted a survey on the matter in 2019. The previous survey found that 71% of Americans supported letting transgender Americans serve in the military. Earlier this year, in the time between the two surveys, President Joe Biden signed an executive order reversing former President Donald Trump’s ban preventing transgender individuals from serving in the military.

In the 2021 survey, the demographic subgroup most supportive of letting transgenders serve in the military was self-described liberals, 92% of whom think that the military should allow transgenders to serve openly. Majorities of self-described moderates (73%) and independents (66%) agreed, as did a large number of self-described conservatives (43%) and Republicans (42%).

Besides conservatives and Republicans, majorities of all other demographic subgroups expressed support for allowing transgender military service. There was a noticeable gender gap, with 57% of men and 74% of women believing that transgenders should be allowed to serve in the military. Support declined with age, registering at 74% among those between the ages of 18 and 34, 66% among those aged 35-54 and 61% among respondents 55 and older. 

The Gallup survey also asked people if they knew anyone who identified as transgender. Overall, 31% of respondents answered in the affirmative, with 69% saying that they did not personally know any transgender individuals. Forty-six percent of younger Americans said they knew someone who was transgender compared to just 19% of respondents in the oldest demographic subgroup. 

previous survey conducted in 2019 by Rasmussen found that a smaller majority of Americans (51%) opposed allowing biological males who identified as females to compete in women’s sports. However, support for allowing boys who identify as girls to compete against women has remained mostly flat, registering at only 29% in 2019 compared to 34% in 2021.


Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at:

Poll: Democrats Cause Patriotism to Plummet Ahead of July 4th

Written by HARIS ALIC |

Protesters try unsuccessfully to burn an upside down US flag during a protest outside the White House in Washington, DC on November 25, 2014, one day after a grand jury decision not to prosecute a white police officer for the killing of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri. AFP …

The number of Americans who consider themselves “extremely proud” of their country is at a record low ahead of Independence Day.

A new Gallup poll released on Tuesday found that while 70 percent of all U.S. adults say they are proud to be Americans, only 45 percent say they are “extremely” proud of their country.

This was the second consecutive year in which the number of individuals identifying as extremely patriotic fell below 50 percent. Overall the share of Americans identifying as “extremely” patriotic is now at the lowest level since Gallup began asking the question in 2001.

Gallup found the decline in patriotism to be largely driven by Democrats. Of those identifying with the party, only 22 percent said they were “extremely” proud to be Americans. Similarly “subgroups that typically identify as Democrats — women, liberals and younger adults,” also expressed lower levels of patriotism, according to Gallup.

The new polling confirms trends witnessed among Democrats since President Donald Trump took office. The share of Democrats expressing patriotism plummeted by double digits from 43 percent in 2017 to 32 percent in 2018. Although Democrats have historically reported lower levels of pride in their country, this year’s total of 22 percent is the lowest on record since Gallup began measuring the question.

Republicans, on the other hand, continue to express record levels of patriotism. Gallup found that 76 percent of individuals associated with the GOP identified as “extremely” proud to be Americans—only ten percentage points less than the group’s recorded high in 2003.

Even though Gallup shows a correlation between levels of patriotism and which party controls the White House, the level of pride among Democrats since Trump took office is exponentially low. During the administration of President George W. Bush, the percent of Democrats expressing extreme pride in their country never fell under 46 percent. In comparison, during the presidency of Barack Obama the share of Republicans identifying as extremely proud to be American never dropped below 68 percent.

Gallup, however, did find that the two parties more broadly agreed about “American economic achievements,” with 89 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of Democrats expressing pride. Likewise, Republicans and Democrats showed reverence for the U.S. military, with 98 percent of Republicans and 84 percent of Democrats saying they were proud of the institution.

Gallup conducted the poll between June 3 through June 16 by surveying 1,015 adults from across the country. The poll had a margin of error of +\- 4 percentage points.

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