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Posts tagged ‘U.S. border controls’

Border Patrol Stops Tractor-Trailer – Makes Biggest Drug Bust In History

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The drug fentanyl has its uses. They gave it to me briefly after surgery. But it’s become the suburban junkie’s favorite way to OD and the stuff is deadly.

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol just seized the largest haul of fentanyl in U.S. history… enough to kill over 57 million people. It was under the floorboards of a tractor-trailer hauling cucumbers while trying to cross the Mexican border at Nogales. A drug-sniffing dog was their downfall. Tucker Carlson broke the story.

“Well, the U.S. border patrol has made the biggest fentanyl bust in history. An enormous amount, enough fentanyl to kill—they estimate—57 million people. That’s more than the combined population of the states of Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania. It’s a lot,” Carlson stated.
“We got our hands on an internal memo from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that details this bust. The biggest fentanyl seizure in U.S. history,” Fox News Correspondent Hillary Vaughn stated. “According to the memo, four days ago in Nogales, Arizona, at the port of entry, CBP officers stopped a tractor-trailer crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people. That’s plenty of fatal doses to wipe out the entire populations of Texas, Arizona, and New York state combined.”
“The shipment was referred to secondary, where an intensive examination revealed the contraband concealed within the trailer floor,” CBP said in a report. Authorities said it was driven by a 26-year-old man who was arrested and charged with possessing drugs with the intent to distribute them.

Vaughn continued:

“They found this under the floor of the trailer. They found 114 kilograms of fentanyl. According to the DEA, just two milligrams is considered a lethal dose. They also grabbed 179 kg of methamphetamine and one gram of fentanyl in pill form. The street value for the fentanyl was over $102 million. The CBP officers arrested the smuggler, a Mexican national who attempted to drive the drugs across the border. The suspect was a part of the DHS’ trusted traveler program called FAST, that stands for free and secure trade for commercial vehicles. The program started after 9/11.”

The Chinese produce fentanyl and sell it to us. I don’t know if it’s being produced by the cartels in Mexico but it’s sure being moved and sold by them. This is just one shipment… imagine what we’ve missed that is already here.

This drug bust comes just as President Trump is trying to secure the funding for the border wall for national security purposes. It would also put a stop to a lot of the drug and human trafficking going on here. The Democrats call the wall “immoral.” What do you call enough drugs to kill 57 million Americans? I call that criminal and murderous as fentanyl killed approximately 28,400 Americans in 2017. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the drug is up to 100 times stronger than morphine.

Many times drug users buy fentanyl thinking its heroin and then OD on it. Most of the illicitly produced fentanyl in the United States comes from Mexico evidently. That wall can’t go up soon enough.


TRUMP UNLEASHES FURRY: Suspect in Case of Woman Shot in Front of Her Dad was Mexican Who had Been Deported Several Times and Trump is Ticked Off

waving flagPosted on July 4, 2015

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Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 10.04.53 AMOur nation ought to be ashamed.

Donald Trump has renewed his calls for tougher immigration controls in the wake of an illegal Mexican migrant allegedly murdering a woman in San Francisco. The presidential hopeful branded U.S. border controls an ‘absolute disgrace’ in light of the revelation that Francisco Sanchez, 45, had already been deported five times – and was recently released from jail by officials who routinely refuse requests to hand over illegal immigrants.

Sanchez is accused of gunning down Kathryn Steinle, 32, as she walked along Pier 14 with her father on Thursday evening. According to the victim’s family, the attack was entirely at random.

And Trump, 69, used the crime to repeat his calls for more restrictions on movement between Mexico and the United States.AMEN

From his Twitter page, the would-be Republican nominee shared a link to coverage of the attack and said: ‘Our Southern border is totally out of control. This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. We need border security!’ He then continued: ‘Our Southern border is unsecure [sic]. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it.’

It came as immigration officials revealed that Sanchez should have been sent to them when he was arrested four months ago, but was let go in accordance with San Francisco’s ‘sanctuary city’ policy.More Evidence

Immigration and Customs Enforcement had marked him as an ‘enforcement priority’ who should have been handed over immediately. But San Francisco officials admitted that due to a soft policy on undocumented immigrants, they do not always comply with the requests – which in Sanchez’s case left him out on the streets on the night of the murder.Alinsky affect

Trump has been at the center of a firestorm this week after business partners and associates rounded on him for his anti-Mexican rhetoric. He has several times characterized Mexicans as criminals and ‘rapists’, and pledged to build a solid wall along the nation’s southern frontier if elected.

NBC, Macy’s, Univision and stars of his Miss Universe beauty pageant all cut ties with him in light of the comments. And on Friday, NASCAR joined the growing anti-Trump group by announcing it would no longer hold its end-of-season awards ceremony at a Trump hotel in Miami.

Half an hour after his opening salvo, Trump also added a message of condolence to Steinle’s family, also taking the opportunity to add ‘we need a wall!’. He later challenged other presidential candidates to match his statements – including a direct challenge to Florida senator Marco Rubio.

Since the Thursday killing, reports have revealed how Sanchez was already on probation out of Texas and should have been sent to federal authorities as an ‘enforcement priority’ following a Bay Area arrest four months ago.

Records indicate Sanchez had seven previous felony convictions and has been deported to Mexico on five separate occasions.insane

trump tweets

trump tweet

However, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was never notified of that latest arrest before Steinle’s slaying, NBC Bay Area reports. And he was instead allowed to walk free from a San Francisco jail. 

The arrest was on a charge of selling marijuana, for which prosecutors declined to charge him. The date on which Sanchez was last released has not been disclosed.

Standard protocol called for Sheriffs–who ran the jail where Sanchez was last detained–to notify police upon his release, but that never happened, notes NBC Bay Area. ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said Sanchez had a ‘detainer’ on his status, meaning federal officials had flagged him for detention with notification sent to state and local authorities.

Sanchez’s felonies, four of which involved drugs, took place across multiple states including Texas, Oregon and Arizona. He also had a slew of phony birth dates and aliases, says a source at KNTV.

The victim’s grief-stricken family members, meanwhile, have already spoken out in tribute of their beloved daughter and sister.

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