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Posts tagged ‘The Daily Beast’

With Automatic Voter Registration, Say Hello To Permanent Democrat Power



Voter Registration Application

Author Hayden Ludwig profile



Automatic voter registration (AVR) may sound obscure, but it’s a fast track to permanent Democrat power — so, naturally, activists are working around the clock to pass it in the states and Congress.

Modern elections are usually won by the party that turns out the bigger base. Left-wing strategists believe their victory hinges on astronomically high Democratic turnout. Whether that’s true or not matters less than their perception that it worked to oust President Donald Trump in 2020 and saved the left from catastrophe in the 2022 midterms, even when Republicans won the popular vote nationwide by a bigger percentage margin than Hillary Clinton won in 2016. 

That’s what AVR is all about: bloating voter rolls to juice Democrat votes. It works because the left has spent close to a decade-and-a-half and untold billions of dollars building a get-out-the-vote machine that abuses IRS charity laws to win elections

Under normal rules, eligible Americans must register to vote on their own initiative, usually at their county registrar or online through the state motor vehicle department. It’s a simple, fair thing to ask people to show an interest in voting and then verify their identity before they cast a ballot; that’s how our country has run elections for nearly 250 years. 

AVR transforms that opt-in system into an opt-out mess by adding virtually everyone with a heartbeat to state voter rolls, instantly and dramatically expanding the pool of registered voters for the left to cynically tap into. Don’t want to be added to a publicly accessible list? Too bad — it’s on you to take the initiative to unregister, Democrats say.

How many voters are we talking about? 158 million ballots were cast in 2020. Yet Demos, the think tank of the far left and an AVR champion, estimates there are as many as 77 million eligible-but-unregistered individuals nationwide — folks who could lawfully vote but may not until they’re registered to vote in their respective states.  Not every one of them would support Democrats if registered, of course, but even winning a fraction would be enough to ensure Democratic presidential wins for a generation or longer.  That’s why AVR is supported by the Brennan Center, the origin of the left’s most odious election “reforms,” and the Center for American Progress, which boasted in 2018 that AVR could add 22 million newly registered voters nationwide in just its first year. Note that Minnesota’s recent election law includes AVR alongside “non-English voting materials” and the pre-registration of 16-year-olds to vote.  To hear leftists crow, you’d think the United States never ran a free election in centuries without AVR laws. The LGBT Movement Advancement Project, which dinks red states for their voter ID laws, considers AVR essential to the health of a state’s “democracy.”  

AVR is needed “to save democracy,” according to the Daily Beast. Without it, America isn’t a “real democracy,” lies the extremist Center for Popular Democracy. FairVote, which also wants to replace the Electoral College with a national popular vote for president, considers AVR “good for American democracy.” Ditto Common CauseGQand Project Vote

Conservatives have been too shortsighted to pay attention, but leftists have been tapping this goldmine for years. Of the 23 states with AVR laws, only three are consistently run by Republicans: Georgia, West Virginia, and Alaska. Michigan enacted AVR in 2018 after a lobbying campaign by the ACLU, Sierra Club, United Auto Workers, and socialist group Our Revolution. In my home state of Virginia, where legislators are capped on the number of bills they may introduce in a single session, Democrats made introducing AVR a top priority when they held total power in 2020. It passed on a partisan split. 

Incoming congressional Democrats, fresh from retaking the House of Representatives in 2018, demanded Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D–Calif., “expand automatic voter registration across the country” as part of their “upcoming democracy bill.”  They got their wish with the 2019 “Voting Rights Advancement Act,” then again with the 2021 “For the People Act” and “Automatic Voter Registration Act,” and most recently with the 2023 “Freedom to Vote Act.” 

Recall that running elections and maintaining voter rolls are the duty of the states, not Uncle Sam, yet Democrats would force all 50 states to severely bloat their voter files. America’s voter rolls are already in bad shape, despite (mostly red) states’ best efforts to clean them up.  

Georgia recently announced it removed 432,000 inactive voters from its rolls since 2021. Virginia removed 114,000 inactive voters in 2021; Oklahoma another 90,000 in 2019; Kentucky dropped 127,000 in 2023; Arkansas may remove 300,000 inactive voters this year; Pennsylvania dropped 180,000 in 2023; and Rhode Island removed another 60,000 inactive voters earlier this year. Texas and Mississippi are weighing bills that would allow them to more aggressively cull inactive voters from their rolls. 

States are required by law to keep accurate voter files, to the left’s chagrin. Ohio, which culled 116,000 inactive voters from its rolls in 2021, knows best how much leftists loathe what they call “voter purges.” In 2017, then-attorney general Eric Holder tried to block Ohio from removing inactive voters as one of the last acts of the Obama administration — only to lose the next year in a landmark Supreme Court ruling

The truth is obvious: Democrats don’t want accurate voter rolls; they want swollen voter rolls. Left-wing NPR admits as much. This is bad election policy, and it isn’t cheap. Nevada’s AVR policy cost taxpayers $4.8 million to implement, plus more to maintain it. 

It’s no surprise that the left’s big-money donors are in on the action. We’ve traced hundreds of thousands of dollars since 2017 to implementing AVR in the states from the Tides Foundation, Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, the Joyce Foundation (whose board once included then-Sen. Barack Obama), and the Carnegie Corporation. One six-figure Carnegie grant to the University of Southern California is even tagged for studying “the state-level impact of automatic voter registration … [on] the national Latino electorate.”  

For Republicans, fighting AVR is a no-brainer. To the detriment of election integrity, Congress and the states have already made registering to vote and casting a ballot extremely easy. What we need are cleaner voter rolls and more secure elections, not a public subsidy for the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote machine.

Hayden Ludwig is director of research for Restoration of America.

Three ISIS Drones Have Been Destroyed in Iraq, Syria

waving flagSeptember 18, 2015 • By JERYL BIER

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The latest official report of a drone in the possession of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) is tucked in an August 3rd press release from U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), the overseers of the air campaign in Syria and Iraq against the terrorist organization. The reference is included in a list of targets from the previous day near the Iraqi town of Ramadi: “[T]hree airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL motorcycle, an ISIL drone, four ISIL vehicles and an ISIL resupply truck.” 

A CENTCOM spokesperson told THE WEEKLY STANDARD that the “remotely piloted aircraft ‘RPA’ was destroyed on the ground,” but that the coalition was unable to confirm whether or not the drone had been armed.

This drone destroyed in Iraq in August was the third ISIL drone targeted to date by Operation Inherent Resolve and the most recent hit since June. The only ISIS drone destroyed so far in Syria was located near Raqqah and was targeted on June 26th. CENTCOM reported that “five airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying five ISIL excavators, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL remotely piloted aircraft.”

The first instance of an ISIS drone being taken out by Operation Inherent Resolve was reported by the Daily Beast in the spring of 2015 based on a March 18th press release from CENTCOM. The Daily Beast quoted military officials as saying that “they believe the drone in question is one of several owned by ISIS but that fighters only recently started seeing them appear on the frontlines.” At the time, it was believed the drone’s mission was one of surveillance, not attack, and was described by military officials as “something that could be bought commercially.”

Although the Daily Beast article was titled “Is ISIS Building a Drone Army?” and noted that experts have said that “ISIS could convert this kind of technology into something deadly,” military officials dismissed the idea: “there [is] a big difference between what ISIS could have purchased off of … and the Reapers and Predators deployed by coalition forces.”

When asked this week if drone use by ISIS was on the rise, a CENTCOM spokesperson told THE WEEKLY STANDARD that “[c]urrently, there is no assessment indicating an increased use of RPA’s [remotely piloted aircraft] by ISIL.”

95b119e45c50cbea1e7a4fbfa33415f3 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Dozens of intelligence analysts reportedly claim assessments of ISIS were altered

waving flagPublished September 10, 2015

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Dozens of intelligence analysts working at the U.S. military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) have complained that their reports on ISIS and the Nusra Front in Syria were inappropriately altered by senior officials, according to a published report.

The Daily Beast reported late Wednesday that more than 50 analysts had supported a complaint to the Pentagon that the reports had been changed to make the terror groups seem weaker than the analysts believe they really are. Fox News confirmed last month that the Defense Department’s inspector general was investigating the initial complaint, which the New York Times reported was made by a civilian employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

At a panel discussion Thursday moderated by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, DIA Director Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart also confirmed the probe and said the DIA will let the investigation play out. He said the DIA “delivers the truth wherever the debate takes us.”<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>&#8221; href=”http://<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>”&gt;<noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript&gt; aligncenter wp-image-19298″ src=”; alt=”isis” width=”795″ height=”571″ />

The Pentagon acknowledged the IG investigation as well.

“I think … the best thing for us to do is wait” for the IG investigation, spokesman Peter Cook said. He said Defense Secretary Ash Carter expects “candid assessments” from the intelligence teams. 

“Unvarnished, transparent intelligence is what this secretary expects on a daily basis,” he added.

The assessments in question are prepared for several U.S. policymakers, including President Obama.

The Daily Beast report, which cited 11 individuals, claimed that the complaint being investigated by the Defense Department was made in July. However, several analysts reportedly complained as early as this past October that their reports were being altered to suit a political narrative that ISIS was being weakened by U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria.

“The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” the report quotes one defense official as saying.

According to the report, some analysts allege that reports deemed overly negative in their assessment of the Syria campaign were either blocked from reaching policymakers or sent back down the chain of command. Others claim that key elements of intelligence reports were removed, fundamentally altering their conclusions. Another claim is that senior leaders at CENTCOM created a work environment where giving a candid opinion on the progress of the anti-ISIS campaign was discouraged, with one analyst describing the tenor as “Stalinist.”

The report alleges that when the analysts’ complaints were initially aired, some of those who complained were urged to retire, and did so. Facing either resistance or indifference, other analysts self-censored their reports, the Daily Beast claims.

The defense official quoted by the Daily Beast said that some who spoke up did so out of guilt that they did not express doubts about former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s alleged chemical weapons program in the run-up to the Iraq. War. “They were frustrated because they didn’t do the right thing then,” the official said.

The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have been advised of the complaint that prompted the inspector general’s investigation, which is required if Pentagon officials find the claims credible.

Government rules state that intelligence assessments “must not be distorted” by agendas or policy views, but do allow for legitimate differences of opinion.

Central Command spokesman Col. Patrick S. Ryder said in a statement Wednesday that they welcome the IG’s “independent oversight.”

“While we cannot comment on ongoing investigations, we can speak to the process and about the valued contributions of the Intelligence Community (IC),” he said, adding that intelligence community members typically are able to comment on draft security assessments. “However,” he said, “it is ultimately up to the primary agency or organization whether or not they incorporate any recommended changes or additions. Further, the multi-source nature of our assessment process purposely guards against any single report or opinion unduly influencing leaders and decision-makers.”

Earlier this summer, on the eve of the anniversary of the launching of airstrikes against Iraq, the Associated Press reported that U.S intelligence had concluded that the airstrikes had helped stall ISIS after sweeping gains in the summer of 2014. However, the report also said the terror group remained a well-funded army that could easily replenish its numbers as quickly as fighters were eliminated.

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Creepy: Daily Beast Wants Corporations to Sign ‘Loyalty Oaths’ to Obama’s ‘Economic Patriotism’

Complete Message

August 5, 2014 By

ZObamaobamamoney1The left’s infatuation with the anointed, made-for-primetime president, Barack Obama, has largely fizzled-out. Though there remains mindless stalwarts and Obamamaniacs, the world has largely recovered from the Obamamania of 2008 and 2009 that saw countless liberal zombies decked-out in “Hope” tee-shirts and adorning their walls with pictures of the left’s messiah.
Still, however, there remains remnants of these sheep who see Barack Obama as a symbol of hope and change and not as the failed president he has become.What Liberals have accomplished so far
The Daily Beast’s Jonathon Alter is precisely the kind of useful idiot upon which the Obama regime counts to spread their carefully-crafted message.
While many companies are fleeing the U.S.’s punitive-oriented taxation system that is predicated upon penalizing the rich, most would seek to solve this problem by applying Occam’s Razor: they would conclude that if the “eat the rich” mantra of the left is creating corporate refugees, the simplest solution would be to address the crushing taxation.
Instead, the left has begun a campaign to try and shame corporations who defect. Alter even goes so far as to claim that corporations should have to sign loyalty oaths which pledge allegiance to Obama’s “economic patriotism.”
ObamaKingGeorgePIX-300x128Now, to be clear, I am as patriotic as they come. I love buying products made in America and I firmly believe that this is the greatest nation on Earth. However, can we really blame companies that flee the hostile environment created by the most undeniably anti-commerce administration in American history?
At a time when China is on the upswing because of pro-capitalist changes and at a time when even Cuba is starting to loosen their control on government-run commerce, our nation is stagnating as government vultures are seeing the consequences of decades of robbing Peter to pay Paul.
I’ll tell you the story ends: if you rob Peter to pay Paul, eventually Peter has enough and leaves.
Imperial President Obama
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