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Posts tagged ‘Progressive’

Eric Erickson Op-ed: The Progressive Freakout

Commentary ByErick Erickson | Sep 18, 2021 |


A demonstrator holds up a banner saying "We've Only Just Begun" during the second annual Women's March in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, U.S. on Saturday, January 20, 2018.
Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images

Recent data from the Cooperative Election Study shows 20% of atheists have participated in a march or protest, compared with 6% of white evangelicals. Forty percent of atheists have contacted a public official, compared with 24% of white evangelicals. Fifty-two percent of atheists have donated to political candidates, compared with just 26% of white evangelicals. Pull back further, and the divide between progressives and conservative evangelicals shows the former, not the latter, more actively involved in protest and politics.

As progressivism secularizes, politics becomes religion. Virtue signaling replaces a Christian ichthus fish on the back of a car. Outrage becomes a signal for identifying heretics. If one is not outraged, one just might be a heretic to secular, progressive zealots.

This past weekend, college students took to stadiums across America to experience the joy of fellowship and football. Across television networks and social media, progressives decried the activity as unsafe. Outdoor festivities again became superspreader events in ways mass protests and ransacking small businesses did not during the riots and protests surrounding George Floyd’s death in summer 2020.

The Supreme Court let a Texas law stay in place because the plaintiffs in the case sued the wrong people. The Supreme Court refused to halt the law because the Court does not stop laws. The Court only stops people from enforcing the laws. When the wrong people are sued, the Court has no power to stop them. Progressives insisted, despite the dereliction of duty by the plaintiffs, that the Court should stop the law anyway. While four justices would have done so, they would have deviated from legal precedent.

Undeterred, instead of blaming the plaintiffs for their collective screw-up, progressives assailed the Supreme Court, Texas, former President Donald Trump, conservatives, and babies. They fixated on the worst-case scenario — rape. According to progressives, women who are victims of rape will have to carry their babies to term and face untold psychological trauma. They patently ignored that Texas cannot stop a woman from traveling to another state to terminate her child. Nor did they care to point out that rape accounts for, at most, 1% of abortions. To listen to the commentary on television, one would think rape and pregnancies therefrom happen constantly. Meanwhile, one doctor admitted to killing dozens of children in the run-up to the law taking effect, none because of rape, but rather because of the mothers’ convenience.

As the remains of a hurricane went up the East Coast, sending flooding with it, progressives freaked out about climate change. Never letting a crisis go to waste, politicians and supposed experts paraded onto television screens across America demanding Americans give up their way of life to stop storms. Storms will not be stopped by a battery-powered car. One would be hard-pressed to realize that from the media coverage.

Podcaster Joe Rogan received ivermectin from his doctor. The inventors of the drug received a Nobel Prize for ivermectin’s contribution to human progress. The drug has saved billions of people from blindness and parasitic infestation. It is also used in livestock, and a few people have tried to ingest dosages meant for horses. Rogan, however, got it from his doctor. Some doctors believe the well-documented anti-inflammatory properties of ivermectin can help prevent or combat the so-called cytokine storm whereby COVID-19 triggers a release of inflammatory proteins called cytokines into the bloodstream. The Food and Drug Administration has discouraged ivermectin prescriptions pending further study.

Progressives freaked out about Rogan and his doctor while assailing Texas for getting between a woman and her doctor. All of the freaking out is theater. In the postmodern age, one demonstrates one’s commitment to a particular truth or cause through performance. The screaming and wailing on social media and television is performance designed to both signal one’s commitment to a supposed truth and identify the heretics who choose not to perform.

As progressives continue making secularism a religion, the ritualistic outrage will get more intense, but this will also help discredit the progressive cause. Most people don’t have time for outrage these days as they struggle to get by thanks to progressives closing schools and causing inflation with massive spending binges.

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

To find out more about Erick Erickson and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators webpage at

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Fact Check: Biden Tells Biggest Lie of the Night, Maybe the Entire Election

Reported By Andrew J. Sciascia | Published October 22, 2020 at 8:21pm

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden landed himself in a factually sticky situation Thursday night, arguing former President Barack Obama had never taken part in the policy of family separation carried out at the outset of the Trump administration.

The false claim came late in the second and final debate of the 2020 presidential election cycle, as he faced off with incumbent Republican President Donald Trump on the issue of illegal immigration.

“These 500-plus kids came with parents. They separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with,” Biden said. “They got separated from their parents and it makes us a laughingstock and violates every notion of who we are as a nation.”

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“Kristen, they did it,” Trump said, addressing debate moderator Kristen Welker. “We changed the policy. They did it. We changed — they built the cages.”

“We did not separate — they,” Biden trailed off, changing course.

“Let’s talk about what we’re talking about. Let’s talk about what we’re talking about. What happened? Kids were ripped from their arms and separated.”


The narrative was not original, having already been fact-checked on numerous occasions by independent sources in the establishment media.

The Associated Press, for its part, checked former first lady Michelle Obama for making similar claims in an address to the 2020 Democratic National Convention this past August.

“Michelle Obama assailed President Donald Trump on Monday for allegedly ripping migrant children from their parents and throwing them into cages, picking up on a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats,” The AP wrote. “She’s……………………………..READ THE REST OF THIS REPORT AT


DNC’s John Lewis Quote Backfires – It Actually Condemns Leftist Rioters

Reported By Andrew J. Sciascia | Published August 20, 2020 at 8:04pm

The American left’s tone-deafness and blatant ignorance caught up with it Thursday night at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Rounding out the fourth and final night of the event with a tribute to the late civil rights hero and 17-term U.S. Rep. John Lewis, who died in July, the Democratic Party unknowingly took itself to task on matters of criminal justice reform and civil disobedience.

The topics again have become mainstays in the American political discourse following the officer-involved deaths of unarmed black Americans George Floyd and Breonna Taylor earlier this year. And the social-justice left has been quick to assert itself again as arbiters and champions of racial justice.

A quote from Lewis himself embedded within the DNC tribute to his life, however, reveals modern Democrats and progressives have no idea what it means to move the dial on such issues.

“The means by which we struggle must be consistent with the end we seek,” Lewis could be heard saying amid a slew of his most famous quotations and the praises of fellow Democratic politicians.

According to The New Republic, it was a statement made in 1994, during a PBS debate between Lewis and controversial fellow civil rights activist Al Sharpton on the topic of violence and retributive hate within the civil rights movement.

Lewis, like civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was a firm supporter of peaceful civil disobedience and attempts to strive, with love, toward unity on the issue of racial injustice in the United States. The debate had been spurred on by growing support within the movement for figures such as anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and fellow members of the Nation of Islam. But Lewis, the longtime Georgia congressman, did not hold this opinion for a brief moment at the time of the Nation of Islam’s relevancy. He lived it, skipping the historic Million Man March in 1995 due to Farrakhan’s presence, according to excerpts from his memoir.

“I did not march because I could not overlook the presence and central role of Louis Farrakhan, and so I refused to participate,” Lewis wrote. “I believe in freedom of speech but I also believe that we have an obligation to condemn speech that is racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic or hateful.”

“The means by which we struggle must be consistent with the end we seek, and that includes the words we use to pursue those ends,” he added.

WARNING: The following tweets contain graphic language and images that some viewers will find offensive.

Unfortunately, the modern American left does not seem to hold Lewis’ personal philosophy in the same esteem that it does his Democratic voting record. Or perhaps the left simply does not understand Lewis’ words at all.

Either way, apathy or ignorance, the consequences have been great in recent months, as Democratic politicians made excuses for — or outright granted a stamp of approval to — violent Black Lives Matter demonstrations nationwide.

By the second week of June, race riots had resulted in more than $25 million worth of physical damage in Floyd’s home state of Minnesota alone, MarketWatch reported. According to WITI-TV, an unofficial tally done at the time also indicated that at least 17 people, the majority of them black, had died in the opening weeks of the unrest.


Since the start of the demonstrations, businesses have been razed. People have, literally, been beaten and bloodied to near death in the streets by angry mobs. If only the Democrats would make an effort to understand and live by the words they espouse, the words of the late, great figures of days gone by — perhaps they wouldn’t be doomed to radicalism.


ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! This man was paid $3,500 to protest Donald Trump

June 1, 2016June 2, 2016

This man was paid $3,500 to protest Donald Trump

Mexican flag-waving anti-Trump protesters outside the Trump rally in Costa Mesa, CA on 28 April. (Image: Screen grab of video from Patriotic Populist via YouTube)

We finally have proof that progressive front groups are giving actors money to protest presumptive GOP candidate Donald Trump. After eight years of failed Obama policies, Democratic strategists are desperate to get voters agitated enough to gamble on another four years of big-government experimentation. And if they can’t generate real passion among the electorate, make-believe anger will do just fine.

ABC News reports:

Today a man from Trump’s rally last week in Fountain Hills, Arizona has come forward to say that he was paid to protest the event. “I was given $3,500 to protest Donald Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills,” said 37-year-old Paul Horner. “I answered a Craigslist ad a little over a week ago about a group needing actors for a political event. I interviewed with them and got the part.”

Trump supporters have been claiming for weeks that the protesters are being paid for by Bernie Sanders ’ campaign, but Horner disagrees.

“As for who these people were affiliated with that interviewed me, my guess would be Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Horner said. “The actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called ‘Women Are The Future’. After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is.”

Here’s the ad that ran on Craigslist:


All of this, meantime, sounds like vintage Hillary to me: Attack Donald Trump, then frame Bernie Sanders.

Horner also shared an observation that is sure to crack up all the millennials in the room:

“It was mostly women in their 60’s at the interview that I went to. Plus, all the people that I communicated with had an AOL email address. No one still has an AOL email address except people that would vote for Hillary Clinton.”

This report is confirmation that desperate Democrats are manufacturing outrage and planting protesters in an attempt to instigate violence at Donald Trump rallies. Partyof Deceit Spin and Lies

Cross-posted at

Deneen Borelli

ABOUT HTE AUTHOR: Deneen Borelli

Deneen Borelli is Outreach Director for FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization dedicated to limited government. She is a contributor at Fox News and has written for The Blaze, The Daily Caller, Los Angeles Times, and dozens of other publications. She is the author of the book ”Blacklash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation.”


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The Charge of the Transgender Brigade

waving flagMay 23, 2016 By


URL of the original posting site:

Ours is not to wonder why – ours is just to do or get fined. Okay – that’s not exactly accurate, unless you are one of the 600 left to oppose the lefts new civil right – the rights of transgenders or “gender-non-conforming people.” For all these years close minded conservatives have been under the misconception that a person’s sex is synonymous with their gender. Silly backwoods bumpkins. It’s time we were dragged from the dark ages to the 21st century were all gender is fluid.Transgen-600-CI-1

And just to make sure we comply – federal, state and city governments will force us into the proper genderless state of mind.

President Obama recently decreed that all public schools adhere to his new genderless bathroom policy or risk losing their federal education allocations. But he can’t just do that! Of course he can. Other pharaohs before him have made decrees – why not him. So let it be written – so let it be done.

Not to be outdone by Pharaoh Obama, the Communist Politburo of New York City, headed by Comrade Bill de Blasio has upped the ante

Forget about the public sector. That’s no challenge. Progressives in the public sector are already of the same mind – like the Borg. The real challenge is demanding the private sector conform to ridiculous government demands. It’s much more satisfying to roll over the private sector and force them into compliance.

So Comrade de Blasio directed the NYC Commission on Human Rights to draft legal guidelines which “mandate that anyone who provides jobs or housing must use individuals’ preferred gender pronouns.”transrights

“Employers and landlords who intentionally and consistently ignore using pronouns such as ‘ze/hir’ to refer to transgender workers and tenants who request them – may be subject to fines as high as $250,000.”

Okay – so what the heck are ze/hir? Well, the New York Post was good enough to provide a brief explanation. “Examples of less prominent pronouns that some transgender people may choose, according to the city, are: ‘ze,’ which is the third person singular, such as he and she: and ‘hir,’ which is the third person plural, similar to they”Did you just hear what your mouth said

Hold on there. I thought that transgendering (which is impossible) is the transforming of a male into a female or vice versa. So if a dude wants to be a girl, wouldn’t he/she/it want to be called a he or she?

Don’t be silly. The point of this social exercise is to muddy the waters of normalcy and tradition as much is possible. If “ze” ever becomes part of the normal American lexicon, it will have to then be usurped by some other more absurd gender fluid pronoun.

The insists that the New York Post is overemphasizing the potential $250,000 fine. They explain that fines would only be imposed on those “who maliciously discriminate against transgender or gender-nonconforming individuals by misgendering them would be ‘determined based on the severity of the violation, a history of previous violations, knowledge of the NYC human rights law and the violating company’s size.”

Oh – now I get it. It’s not just about transgender rights. It’s also a shakedown scheme. Did you catch the end of the last quote – depending on “the violating company’s size?” Needless to say, the larger the company, the more cash can be extorted from them – of course knowing full well that most companies will pay the paltry $250,000 fine to avoid any leftist wrath.

Still, to the true believers, this is about some new human right. The city has simply found a way to combine the two. However, if they really want to capitalize on those, they should find themselves a transgender Al Sharpton who can approach companies for a preemptive shakedown.

The American left, through the tutelage of the Obama administration is determined to completely upend traditional society and it appears things couldn’t be going better. At this pace, we won’t recognize the country in 10 years – maybe less.

Perhaps conservatives should all move to Texas and secede while we still have the chance to move about freely.

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Yes, the Left Does Cheat – They Do Stuff the Ballot Box

waving flagApril 29, 2016 By the Common Constitutionalist

No – the left never cheats. The left never practices voter fraud. We all know this because it’s been what we’ve been fed for years. According to them and their apologists, there is no such thing as voter fraud, therefore there is no need for any voter I.D. laws or checks of any kind. Only the right does such things by way of telepathic voter intimidation. We think racist thoughts and it bars minorities from voting, or some such nonsense.

But we all know the left cheats. It’s been this way since the Kennedy presidential election. They bus in people from out of town to vote, dead people rise from the grave to cast their ballot, they illegally register voters, and they enlist the New Black Panthers to intimidate voters like in Philadelphia. And if that isn’t enough, they stuff the ballot box.

Of course the left denies all of these assertions. Prove it they say. You cannot make such incendiary claims without hard evidence. Well, it just so happens that the Governor of North Carolina has found such evidence – and plenty of it.

Unless you been stranded at sea or aimlessly roaming the desert with no means of communication, you know about Foden20160303-TGenderthe infamous North Carolina “Bathroom Bill.” Infamous in that it states if you’re a guy, regardless of how you are dressed or the way you “feel” that particular moment, you must use the guys public restroom, locker room, shower, etc. If you are a girl – vice versa.

You should then have seen or heard that leftists and panderers on the right somehow think this is an affront to the transgender set and have boycotted the state, etc.

Naturally the left vehemently disagreed with this perfectly proper State law and so also began a petition drive to pressure lawmakers to rescind it. But the left knows the people of North Carolina don’t have a problem with the law, so rather than give up and accept it as “the law of the land” as they constantly preach to us, they’ve reverted back to what they know best – lie and cheat to get their way.Partyof Deceit Spin and Lies

Yet this time they’ve been caught red-handed. Rather than wage a straight-up fight to allow perverts and child molesters to use the little girls bathroom, they’ve stuffed the ballot box – or the petition box – and kudos to Governor Pat McCrory for calling them out and showing the world.

A “Repeal House Bill 2” (HB2) petition drive, sponsored by the ultra-leftist group Human Rights Campaign (HRC), was recently held involving all the usually suspects like the NAACP, Democracy Now!, Turn Out NC and others. Rather than traveling the N.C. countryside and legally collecting signatures, they decided to short cut the procedure.

HRC delivered 175,000 petition signatures in 26 large file boxes to the State House. They held a splashy press conference were an HRC rep stood at a podium behind the stacked boxes. It was truly a sight and a great day for “democracy.” Except that it wasn’t.

Because then came the hard part – the part the left dreads. All the signatures had to be checked for authenticity. Oops!

The Governor posted on Facebook: “Contrary to the media reports, the professional activists only delivered enough petitions to fill two boxes…” But what about the other 24 boxes? They were apparently empty. And it gets much worse for the frauds at HRC.13102682_1025668220845353_5642156182426370938_n

Additionally the Governor adds that, “the overwhelming majority of signatures were from out-of-state. The stacks on the right in each photo consists of out-of-state signatures.” The Governor posted two photos of two stacks of petitions in each photo. The “legal” stack in each photo appears to be no more than 4 or 5 inches high, while the stack of fraudulent signatures should rather be measured in feet, not inches.

It’s a good day for right and for the right, to have a politician who is not afraid to take a stand against insanity, stupidity and criminal activity. I’m also going to go out on a limb and say what HRC did must be illegal. Some person or persons need to go to jail for perpetrating fraud against the state of North Carolina.

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From Desegregation to Re-Segregation

waving flagFebruary 1, 2016, By

They endured many abuses, all to give blacks the equality they deserved – so we could share a lunch counter, a water fountain, schools and universities. All spaces would be equal and open to any race.

Well, that was then and this is now. 50 years removed from the movement anddemands for segregation have returned.

You may ask: “Who’s to blame for such an affront? Is it the neo-Nazis or the Klan or maybe the Republicans?” Sadly it is none of these. What some would call bizarro world, others may refer to as college campuses, which these days are synonymous.

Race Baiters 05“Black college students across the country have demanded that they be segregated from white peers, calling for ‘safe spaces’ on campuses meant only for so-called students of color.”

These Black student groups have crafted “76 demand lists, each from a different University.” These various “lists” have been

compiled by a website “run by a racial advocacy group called the Black Liberation Collective.”

The group’s name was obviously intentional and if you have an eye for these things, you’ll notice. The name appears innocuous enough, but it isn’t. Notice the word “Black,” not African-American. This harkens back to the black-power movement of the 1960s. Next, “Liberation,” which is code for black separatism and then of course the Marxist term Race Baiters 09“Collective.”

This “Black Liberation Collective” is nothing more than just another hate filled group designed for the express purpose of fomenting divisions between races, while enriching a select few à la Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Many of the demands are for “safe spaces.” “At UCLA, the Afrikan Student Union is insisting upon an ‘African Diaspora floor’ as well as an ‘Afro-house,’” because “many black students cannot afford to live in Westwood with the high prices of rent. And Afro-house would provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students.”

I guess the assumption is that all white students are rich and all black students are poor. That’s a pretty racist conclusion and black should be insulted by it. sharptonflagBut evidently they are not.

Most of the “lists” demand segregated spaces for “people of color,” but if you browse the site, TheDemands.orgyou’ll see that it’s all about the cash.

Virtually every list demands huge outlays of cash to support one project or another – $50,000 for this, $500,000 for that – all to confusedfund re-segregation. And the “National Demands” list includes a demand of “free tuition for blacks and indigenous students.”

Speaking as a taxpaying white guy, this sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.

But these groups are a function of the times and they’ve learned from the race pimps and community agitators of yesterday and today. They claim discrimination and disrespect when it furthers their agenda and likewise segregation and racial pride when it suits them. They, as most leftists, want it both ways and if they can’t have it they make a loud enough fuss until some guilty white liberal administrator accedes to their demands – whatever they may be at that moment.

The only way to stop this madness is to say no. Sadly, considering the makeup of American universities, this demand/acquiescence model will continue until the demands can’t possibly be met. And then it will explode in riotous violence.

Dr. King must be spinning in his grave.

Leftist monster race























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Elizabeth Warren’s 11 Commandments of Progressivism


Posted on by Conservative Byte

Go through this list and you see nothing but falsehoods that lead to bigger government. Warren is describing a communist government.
Check it out:

“What are our values?” Warren asked the audience, some of whom held up “Run Liz Run” signs. “What does it mean to be a progressive?”hey

She went on to outline 11 tenets of progressivism: Tyranney Alert

  1. “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
  2. “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
  3. “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
  4. “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
  5. “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
  6. “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
  7. “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
  8. “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
  9. “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
  10. “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
  11. “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”

And the main tenet of conservatives’ philosophy, according to Warren? “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”

Article collective closing

For America to live – Amerika Must Die

By Skip CoryellAmerican_Flags

I have long held there are two Americas: the America of my youth, and the Amerika of my children. It’s a sad thought to acknowledge failure; that my children have inherited a world far worse than the one my parents gave to me. But it’s true. Anything less is denial at best or outright dishonesty at worst.

I recall with fondness growing up in the rural Midwest. I hunted. I fished. I played ball, cops and robbers, and cowboys and Indians. The hills were alive with the sound of music as Julie Andrews danced and twirled with a smile on her face. Along with my siblings, I also weeded and hoed the garden, milked the cow, gathered the eggs, and churned the butter. I remember every Sunday night watching a show called Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color. My first crush was on a petite little girl named Tinkerbelle.

It was a far from perfect world (as I watched on television the Vietnam War, the Cold War and the Race Riots of the sixties) but I always knew certain inalienable Truths:

1. My father was king.
2. My mother was queen.
3. God was watching me and told the king and queen everything I did.

As a child I didn’t really like the hierarchy of life. After all, I was at the bottom of the pecking order, and I did, from time to time, kick at the goads, trying desperately to take control. But it never worked. I swore that once I left my childhood home I would never again weed a garden. I would be my own man. I would be free.

I was wrong.

Today, by choice, I weed the garden, harvest the crops, and process any food that’s not nailed down. I want to be self-sufficient. I want to be independent. I want to feed my family, to take care of them, to educate them, and to teach them the ways of being a man. Just a few moments ago my 17-year-old son sent me an email complaining about his mother (that would be “The Queen”). In response, I (“The King”) sent him a short decree via royal email express.

Just be the best man you can be.
You hold the future of the world in your hand.
Fear God. Obey God. Serve your fellow man.
Service to others gives life meaning.

And then I politely reminded him to feed and water the chickens.

So that was the America of my youth.

But what about Amerika?

What inalienable Truths has Amerika passed on to our children?

1. My father is queen. He used to be king, but he exercised his freedom of choice and the government paid for his sex-change operation.
2. My mother is now king. (Father took the last train to the coast with his life-partner (Fred) as the back-up drummer in a small, but expressive, rock-n-roll band, thereby capitulating his traditional and God-given responsibility as protector and provider of the family.)
3. God has been replaced by “The Government” who is watching me via my cell phone, laptop or other electronic device. Drones are overhead and if I speak out against The Government I will lose my food stamps, Obamaphone, health and educational benefits and housing subsidy.

As I write, I am reminded of one of my favorite cartoons of my youth, the immortal Bugs Bunny. I recall one time he was fighting against Yosemite Sam who made the statement: “This town ain’t big enough fer the two of us!”

And I can’t help but think the same way about America vs. Amerika. There has to be a showdown. In order for one to live, the other must die. Right now, I’d say our country is split right down the middle. Half of us have been bought and paid for by the US Government. We sit on our collective lazy ass all day long eating free food, watching make-believe reality shows, googling, texting, sexting, surfing porn, FaceBooking and Tweeting. The other half of the country struggles to pay their bills, while working three jobs to also pay for the “free” stuff given to others and to raise children of their own with God-Family-Country values.

Something has to give.

Yosemite Sam was right. “This town ain’t big enough fer the two of us!”

When I think of Amerika, I’m reminded of another eloquent and insightful quote by Bugs Bunny from his 1949 short cartoon called Rebel Rabbit: “Could it be that I carried this thing too far?”

As I look around me at the state of our public schools, the bankruptcy of our cities, the moral decrepitude of our leaders, the erosion of personal freedom and the Godless attitude of our citizens, I lower my head and nod to Bugs.

“Eh, could be … could be.”

I never thought I’d be rooting for Yosemite Sam, but his words are appropo.

“This town ain’t big enough fer the two of us!”

Sorry, Amerika, but one of us has to die. And I’m voting to keep the America of my youth.

Image: M.Fitzsimmons; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

About the author:
Skip Coryell Skip Coryell lives with his wife and children in Michigan. Skip Coryell is the author of eight books including Blood in the Streets: Concealed Carry and the OK Corral, RKBA: Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, The God Virus, and We Hold These Truths. He is the founder of The Second Amendment March, a Marine Corps veteran, and the President of White Feather Press. He is an avid hunter and sportsman, a Marine Corps veteran, and a graduate of Cornerstone University. For more details on Skip Coryell, or to contact him personally, go to his website at

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