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Posts tagged ‘MS13’

Mike Huckabee Called Racist For Picture He Posted Criticizing Pelosi, His Response Is Legendary

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Huckabee took to Twitter to troll House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi with a photo of MS-13 gang members calling them Pelosi’s “campaign committee” in a tweet on Saturday. Naturally, Twitter exploded as the left came out of their safe spaces to screech and cry about Huckabee’s supposed “racism.”

Huckabee is not known for pulling punches or sugar coating anything. With faith-based sensibility and a genuine affection for facts, Huckabee was once named one of America’s five best governors by Time Magazine nearly a decade ago. The magazine noted that the Republican governor of Arkansas was “a mature, consensus-building conservative who earns praise from fellow Evangelicals and, occasionally, liberal Democrats.”

As the leftist progressive, self-appointed PC police attempted to meltdown the internet with their faux outrage with cries of racism, Huckabee asked the obvious question – “Wasn’t aware that criminal was a ‘race’” when he called out the Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty after she attempted to draw a correlation between Huckabee’s obvious satirical poke at Pelosi and his tweet calling out the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia for asking his daughter to leave the premises.

Tumulty tweeted a picture of Huckabee’s MS-13 tweet juxtaposed with one in which the former Arkansas governor accused the Red Hen’s ownership of bigotry for turning away his daughter, Sarah Sanders, because of her job working with President Trump.

He replied – Yes @ktumulty because MS-13 is not a race but an illegal gang who rapes, murders, and mutilates children as sport. Nancy Pelosi defended them because she said @realDonaldTrump insulted them. Are you defending them too? Wasn’t aware that criminal was a “race.”

While these “delicate flowers” report Huckabee for racism, the FBI reports that MS-13 gang members “are known to engage a wide range of criminal activity, including drug distribution, m****r, r**e, prostitution, robbery, home invasions, immigration offenses, kidnapping, carjackings/auto thefts, and vandalism. Most of these crimes, you’ll notice, have one thing in common—they are exceedingly violent. And while most of the violence is directed toward other MS-13 members or rival street gangs, innocent citizens often get caught in the crossfire.”

MORE Politically INCORRECT Cartoons for May 23, 2018

according to hillaryall i can hear is russia collusionbad faith offerdropoutfb spyfishing troublehillarys russia hathope its not a volcanoI am NOT a spyindy 100leftist pelosi value of life double speakms13 animalsparty animalssocialism magmastarboxtrouble understanding englishtrump deplomacyvenezuel socialist idea of changewhat messageplease likeand share and leave a comment

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

MS Bros

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Again, the Mainstream media appears to be on the opposite side of the American people’s safety, even when deporting the dangerous MS 13.

Political Cartoon A.F. Branco ©2017.

More A.F. Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

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