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Posts tagged ‘Kevin Jackson’

Most Powerful Anti-Biden Video to Date

By: Kevin Jackson | May 4, 2024


Biden, Kevin Jackson

Joe Biden is becoming universally hated. And you can bet that Democrats are scared to death at what happened recently at a protest.

Two opposing groups managed to find common ground in their disdain for Joe Biden. Watch here, as University of Alabama protesters who differ dramatically on issues managed to chant the same thing:

Perhaps Joe Biden is the uniter he’s always claimed to be? Because he managed to get pro-Trump and LGBTQ+ groups to agree to one common theme: “F Joe Biden!”

No wonder Biden desperately woos young students by (unconstitutionally) erasing their tuition debt.

The game with this move is to have Trump rescind the free money, thus transferring blame to Republicans for undoing an illegal act. Clever when you think about it. Except, people aren’t falling for it anymore, as most people resent paying for other people’s debt. Particularly indoctrination debt.

Obviously, the Biden ploy isn’t gaining him any sway with the youth vote, as protests all over America continue against Biden’s policies. Polls with youth continue to provide bad news for Biden. So his policies are seen as a pander, more than real initiatives to help students and ultimately the country.

Whether the students are right or wrong in their protest is immaterial to me in the discussion. The fact that they see Biden as wrong benefits America.

Trump supports Israel.

Why haven’t Democrats even attempted to play this card? Trump has been vocal in his support of Israel. And let’s face it, he kept terrorism at bay for the most part during his tenure.

Biden’s problem? It’s difficult on the Biden administration who purports to support Israel while funding terrorists. And oh, the irony that Biden can’t take credit for his support of Hamas and Iran, less he admits to suborning the enemy.

Biden funded Iran who funds Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Iran is the George Soros of funding terror; except they have a deep pockets partner in Joe Biden.

As for the college students, admittedly they are morons. But they represent the enemy of my enemy as it relates to Biden. So, I’m actually happy they targeted him, regardless of their warped reasons.

The by-product of the student (terrorist) protests is the attack on academia, as well.

Colleges and universities birthed these idiot ingrates and raised them to be void of critical-thinking skills. I enjoy seeing Leftists feed off each other, as academia as we know it today begins its death spiral.

I’m tired of funding ignorance and indoctrination. We pay a fortune to train students on how to give up on real dreams and instead get indoctrinated.

Perhaps we finally are getting our money’s worth? Because it appears that Leftist chickens have come home to roost. And they are serving up crow.

Mexicans storm the Southern Border


Reported by Kevin Jackson

obama-border-is-open-378x257No wonder Obama didn’t want to go to the border, and decided to fist bump a gay guy at an Austin, TX bbq joint. The border is no place for a

Click on image to see movie trailer and more

Click on image to see movie trailer and more

metrosexual who’s only weapon is a 9-iron.

But while Obama chomped on a rib and downed a “brewski,” hundreds of Mexicans rioted at the southern border of the United States and rushed the guards.

The rioters themselves documented this video:


As you can see, these people were ready to fight, and there is talk of this being a “dry run.” We may soon see how prophetic Taco Bell’s catchphrase is, as the Mexicans appear to be strategizing on how to make a run for the border. As the saying goes, “It’s about to get serious up in here!”

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