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Posts tagged ‘George Stephanopoulos’

Mollie Hemingway Op-ed: To Win, Republicans Have To Be Smarter And Tougher Than Sen. James Lankford


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James Lankford and George Stephanopoulos

Author Mollie Hemingway profile




Career Democrat and ABC host George Stephanopoulos completely emasculated Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma this weekend on his Sunday show. Right at the beginning of the interview, Stephanopoulos advanced a flurry of disinformation and lies, to which Lankford, who purports to be a conservative senator of the burgundy-red state of Oklahoma, bowed down in complete supplication:

Stephanopoulos: Your party’s leading candidate for president was on the stump yesterday repeating lies about the 2020 election. He’s called those convicted in the Jan. 6 insurrection hostages. He faces 91 separate felony counts himself. He’s raised the prospect of executing the former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and terminating parts of the Constitution. In the face of all that and more, are you prepared to support Donald Trump if he’s your party’s nominee?  

Oh, for crying out loud. What an absolutely preposterous line of questioning. Any Republican elected official with a room-temperature IQ and even a modicum of self-respect would be livid at the propaganda and lies and immediately push back. But not Lankford. Here’s how he responded:

Lankford: Yes, we haven’t had a single vote yet, George. This is still weeks and weeks away from our first votes that are happening actually in Iowa, then New Hampshire and South Carolina. And there are a lot of people that are going to make that decision. That’s not going to be me making that decision, that’s going to be the American people that actually make that decision.  

Stephanopoulos pressed him, and Lankford remained impotent in the face of the questioning. In fact, he was so bad throughout the interview, he even quoted Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s controversial homeland security secretary, as a role model on immigration enforcement. The entire state of Oklahoma looked worse as it went on.

Now, Lankford is more than welcome to stay out of the Republican primary or endorse whomever he thinks is the best candidate, but what he should not feel free to do is allow the corrupt media and other Democrats to destroy the country through propaganda and lies. Americans are absolutely desperate for even the tiniest bit of Republican backbone and leadership, not mealy-mouthed kowtowing to the press.

When you claim to be a conservative senator of a state so Republican that two out of every three voters in 2020 voted for Trump, and a lifelong Democrat operative in the media asks you a completely loaded agitprop question, you should hit it out of the park. Like so:

“First off, George, your audience should know that you just regurgitated back a diatribe of lies, mistruths, and Democrat propaganda. I’m not surprised, given your professional background and track record of maliciously pushing the false and dangerous Russia-collusion scam for so many years during and after the 2016 election, but I can’t allow your lies to go uncorrected.

“The public knows full well there were major issues in how the 2020 election was conducted — from Mark Zuckerberg’s more than $400 million on partisan get-out-the-vote efforts in key swing states, to the deliberate Hunter Biden laptop suppression that the major news and tech companies along with 51 intel officials participated in, to the tens of millions of mail-in-ballots and voting changes that did not follow state laws. So drop the dishonest, holier-than-thou nonsense about 2020 being the cleanest, most perfect election with nothing allowed to be scrutinized or discussed.

“Second, the public is also wising up to the fact that what the corporate media have spun to them about Jan. 6 hasn’t exactly been the complete truth. Yes, we know your line that this was the worst moment in the history of the world, requiring our FBI to do nothing other than arrest people who were anywhere near the event. Well, that, and arrest pro-lifers who are praying and parents who are attending school board meetings.

“But most Americans know that we have not gotten good answers about why Nancy Pelosi turned down security provisions ahead of what intelligence suggested would be a very contentious day, or what exactly was being done by the federal informants and federal agents who were present for the day’s events. They’re extremely worried about how left-wing rioters and criminals seem to be able to do whatever they want with very few repercussions, even when they’re attacking the Supreme Court, federal courthouses, the White House, churches, homes, and police precincts. And now with the release of some of the videotapes from that day, we see that most of the activity that day was not in any way what was hyped up and presented by the Democrats’ Jan. 6 show trial.

“Finally, the Biden administration is at this moment doing everything in its power to put their leading political opponent in prison. They raided Mar-a-Lago, George. When other countries do things like this, when Putin does stuff like this, we say that means they don’t have free and fair elections. It seems the Democrats’ main strategy this election cycle is to attempt to put effective Republicans in prison, to bankrupt them, and to prevent them from speaking out about what is being done to destroy this country. I’ll note this isn’t working with the American people, as Trump now leads widely in almost all polls against Biden, a strong renunciation of what’s going on.

“So I ask you, George, are you prepared to start focusing on the major policy issues facing the country, or will you continue to push lies and propaganda to help put your political opponents in prison?”

You know, something like that.

To state the obvious here, using small words so that even the absolutely feckless and embarrassingly lame Senate Republicans can understand, praising Mayorkas, failing to correct lies about Republicans, and mumbling about how you’ll vote Republican if you are forced to is not a way to win elections. Yes, I’m sure it’s what Mitch McConnell told Lankford to go out and do, but it yields nothing but failure. The people of Oklahoma deserve an actual man to represent them, not whatever it is they’re getting in Lankford.

You win elections by saying truthful things, not being sad and scared like Lankford and most other Republican senators are. He should be lambasting Stephanopoulos for not covering the major issues facing the country in an even remotely evenhanded or honest way.

That’s how you go from being a party full of absolute losers who are on their back heels constantly to one that makes people want to vote for you.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is the Editor-in-Chief of The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor. She is the co-author of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court. She is the author of “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.” Reach her at

Mollie Hemingway Op-ed: GOP’s Old Guard Out of Touch with Their Voters on Election Integrity

Commentary BY: MOLLIE HEMINGWAY | JANUARY 13, 2022


President Trump and Mitch McConnell

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden gave a speech asserting that people who oppose his plan for a federal takeover of elections are domestic enemies and racists.

“Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” Biden asked in his speech falsely claiming that the “right to vote” was in doubt throughout the country.

Biden is lobbying to end the Senate’s legislative filibuster in order to push through his plan for a radical takeover of elections. The election bill would unconstitutionally empower the federal government to control state election procedures, and help make permanent the decreased election safeguards that caused so many problems throughout the country in 2020.

The response of the old guard of the Republican Party this week has been to wholeheartedly endorse the media narrative that the 2020 election had no significant problems, while also opposing Biden’s plan to run elections. It’s a politically insane approach.

The 2020 election was riddled with problems. Voters know this. Republican voters know this very well. Time Magazine described what happened with the election as “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” They added that it was a “revolution in how people vote.”

The rigging of the election included changes to hundreds of laws and processes in the months prior to election day, flooding the system with tens of millions of mail-in ballots even as scrutiny of those ballots was decreased. Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million to finance the private takeover of government election offices — primarily focused on the blue areas of swing states — to enable Democrats to run their Get Out The Vote operations from government offices. The funding was significant enough to affect the outcome of races, independent analysts have concluded. And that’s to say nothing of Big Tech’s election meddling in the form of censorship and algorithmic persuasion nor of corporate media’s move into straight-up propaganda.

On Sunday, George Stephanopoulos — formerly President Bill Clinton’s press secretary — asked in his usual biased way for Republican Sen. Mike Rounds to opine against election integrity:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You voted to certify the election last year. You condemned the protest as an insurrection. What do you say to all those Republicans, all those veterans who believe the election was stolen, who have bought the falsehoods coming from former President Trump?

Even the dumbest Republican should have been able to answer this question without accepting the premise of the biased Democrat reporter. Knowing that the filibuster and election integrity are on the line, even a lowly, distracted Republican precinct person should have been able to respond by talking about fighting the federal takeover of elections, fighting the private takeover of government election offices, fighting the unconstitutional changes of voting laws, and fighting the second-class treatment of Republican voters by the media and Big Tech.

Instead, Rounds made bizarre claims about looking at “accusations” in “multiple states,” saying that while there were “some irregularities,” none were significant. Then he claimed — ludicrously — “The election was fair, as fair as we have seen.”

I mean, heck, if the election was as fair as any in history, why not join with Democrats in their push for a federal takeover of elections to make permanent the “revolution in how people vote”? But also, why say something that is not true?

The 2020 election was not the fairest in history, not by a long shot. It was riddled with problems, whether it’s the Zuckerberg funding or the coordinated Democrat campaign to weaken election security. The man who ran that coordinated effort was Marc Elias, the same man who ran the 2016 Russia collusion hoax. His partner was recently indicted by John Durham for just some of his lies associated with that hoax that did so much damage to the country and which itself was an attack on the 2020 election’s fairness.

As soon as Rounds showed himself subservient to Stephanopoulos, the Democrat media went wild. They amplified his comments, knowing how helpful they were to their cause of decreased election security and opposition to Republican victories.

One corrupt media outlet that excitedly amplified Rounds’ comments and used them to advance their political agenda was CNN. Russia hoax co-conspirator Manu Raju, known for pestering Republicans to get them to support Democrat narratives, wrote an article gleefully headlined “Top Republicans stand up for Rounds after Trump’s attack: He ‘told the truth’.” Some lowlights:

  • “I think Sen. Rounds told the truth about what happened in the 2020 election,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN on Tuesday. “And I agree with him.”
  • Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican who contended Democrats took advantage of more voting rules eased during the pandemic. “I’ve moved on a long time ago, and most members of Congress have, including Mike.”
  • Other Republicans said it was time to focus on something other than 2020. “I say to my colleague, welcome to the club,” Sen. John Thune, the senior South Dakota Republican, said of the Trump attack on Rounds — something he has endured himself in the past. “I don’t think re-litigating or rehashing the past is a winning strategy. If we want to be a majority in 2023, we’ve got to get out and articulate what we’re going to do with respect to the future the American people are going to live and the things they’re going to care about when it comes to economic issues, national security issues.”

It is absolutely charming that Cramer has the luxury of “moving on” from the important election integrity battle, but Biden sure hasn’t moved on. Pelosi hasn’t moved on. Chuck Schumer hasn’t moved on. The entire corporate media hasn’t moved on. Why has Cramer moved on?

North Dakota is a state that voted for Trump in 2020 by 33 points. Its senator should probably be able to use some of his political capital to tackle the top issue of the week for American voters.

Thune says the politically wise thing to do is to not relitigate the past but work on issues people are going to “care about.” Someone should tell him that one of the top issues Republican voters care about is … election integrity.

The Washington Post this month reported that at least 69 percent of Republicans are seriously concerned about the 2020 election. Perhaps the worst thing a party could do if it cared about serious political power would be to signal that the issue means so little to them. This pathetic cowardice and incompetent weakness are exactly what Republican voters are sick to death of.

In previous months, Biden has falsely claimed that the country is experiencing “Jim Crow” resistance to the right to vote. He asked corporations to boycott the state of Georgia after Georgia’s legislature passed a bill to mildly improve its election security. Some of them bowed to the pressure. Major League Baseball, for instance, pulled its All-Star Game from Atlanta in response to Biden’s request, causing untold economic damage to the Peach State.

All of this is clearly an effort to keep Republicans from stopping Democrats’ 2020-style assault on election security. It works precisely because too many Republicans are too scared to fight. What if instead of Stephanopoulos easily pressuring Rounds into spouting Democrat talking points, Rounds had instead fought hard against these attacks on election security? What if he knew the facts about what actually happened enough to speak knowledgeably about what Republican voters want their leaders to advocate for?

What if establishment Republican politicians put away literally any thoughts about Trump — much less their anger or petulance about him — for a minute to think about the importance of election integrity and how to obtain it?

What if Republicans stopped running interference for what Democrats did in 2020 at the same moment that Dems are trying to take over the entire country’s election system? This isn’t merely academic. Old-guard Republican cowardice and fecklessness could lead to Pelosi becoming America’s election czar.

In general, Republican voters deserve a far better class of politician than what the old guard of their party has been forcing on them.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College. A Fox News contributor, she is a regular member of the Fox News All-Stars panel on “Special Report with Bret Baier.” Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the Washington Post, CNN, National Review, GetReligion, Ricochet, Christianity Today, Federal Times, Radio & Records, and many other publications. Mollie was a 2004 recipient of a Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship at The Fund for American Studies and a 2014 Lincoln Fellow of the Claremont Institute. She is the co-author of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court. She is the author of “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.” Reach her at

George Stephanopoulos ignores Gov. Kristi Noem as she rattles off examples of voting irregularities — but Noem puts the smackdown later on

George Stephanopoulos — host of ABC News’ “This Week” and prominent member of former President Bill Clinton’s administration — seemed to ignore or mischaracterize South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem’s examples of voting irregularities in last week’s presidential election.

During Sunday’s interview, Stephanopoulos asked Noem if she would work with former Vice President Joe Biden — whom numerous media outlets on Saturday declared the winner of the 2020 election over President Donald Trump — with regard to the coronavirus.

Noem’s interview came after far-left New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s, in which he urged Republicans to accept Biden’s victory and predicted more governors will acknowledge the pandemic’s severity once Trump leaves office, Townhall reported.

“Well, it is a regional increase that we’re seeing. We are testing more,” Noem replied. “And, frankly … I’m not going to take advice from Gov. Cuomo. He has the second-worst death rate per 100,000 people in this nation. He’s at 173 deaths per 100,000 per capita; South Dakota’s at 54.”

She then noted such questions are “premature” since the election technically isn’t over, and legal challenges from the Trump camp appear to be on the way.

“We have not finished counting votes,” Noem said. “There’re states that have not been called, and back in 2000, [Democratic presidential nominee] Al Gore was given his day in court. We should give President Trump his day in court, let the process unfold because, George, we live in a republic. We are a government that gets its power from the consent of the governed. That is the people. They give their consent on Election Day. Election Day needs to be fair, honest, and transparent, and we need to be sure that we had an honest election before we decide who gets to be in the White House the next four years.”

Stephanopolous rushed in to interrupt while Noem was finishing her sentence, asking if she had any evidence that it wasn’t an honest election and adding that he’s spoken with Republican officials who gave “zero evidence” of widespread fraud.

Besides the fact that voting irregularities in a handful of swing states are at issue as opposed to “widespread fraud,” Noem told Stephanopolous his assertions were “absolutely not true” and that “people have signed legal documents, affidavits, stating that they saw illegal activities, and that is why we need to have this conversation in court. The New York Times itself said that there were clerical errors. … In Michigan we had computer glitches that changed Republican votes to Democrat votes. … Dead people voted in Pennsylvania.”

“So George, I don’t know how widespread it is. I don’t know if it will change the outcome of the election,” she added. “But why is everybody so scared just to have a fair election and find out? We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president. Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for Trump the same consideration? If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure we had a fair election.”

By the end of the interview, despite all the points Noem made, Stephanopoulos wedged in a whopper, saying “It starts with providing evidence; you still have not provided that, but I’m afraid we’re out of time today. Gov. Noem, thanks for your time.”

“Let the process work, and we will,” she said.

Noem wasn’t about to let things go after the interview. She replied to the “This Week” video tweet of her chat with Stephanopoulos — and added a well-deserved zinger when the intrepid poster referred to her state as North Dakota”:

“More mischaracterization from ABC,” she wrote. “Watch the interview, I gave several specific instances of serious election integrity concerns. Oh, and it’s SOUTH Dakota”:

THREE New Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Changing of the Guard

The Democrat party was once called the party of JFK, but as they further to the left, they’re starting to look more like the party of AOC.

The Party of AOCPolitical cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Pet Smart

Stephanopoulos interviews President Trump on a Hypothetical situation involving foreign oppo-research, and now the left is in fake outraged mode again, not having a problem with Hillary’s collusion with Russia and the Steele dossier.

Stephanopoulos, Foreign Oppo-ResearchPolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Happy Birthday Mr. President

Trump turns 73. Happy Birthday Mr. President with a cake complete with fake news candles.

Trump 73rd BirthdayPolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.
See more Conservative Daily News cartoons here

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated –  $1.00 – $5.00 – $10 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been seen all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, the great El Rushbo, and most recently President Trump.

Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon

(Charlie) McCarthyism

The LEFT wants facts, but just THEIR facts!

waving flagBy Joe Messina – Apr 27, 2015

image: week Hillary’s “misspeaks,” “misleads,” and “what difference, at this point, does it make” sagas continue to be in the news. And I mean, the REAL news.

The news gods may be having a little change of heart. ABC, NBC, CBS, and, yes, even MSNBC have been asking questions and making comments about Hillary’s blatant disregard for the law and her failure to think things through when it comes to taking money from countries and questionable characters. Just when I thought the clouds were going to part and some sanity set in, in steps George Stephanopoulos, a very left-wing journalist, who, after speaking with the author of “Clinton Cash” basically said, “Move along nothing to see here.” His whole premise is that since we have no hard evidence that money changed hands for favors through the White House for the Clinton’s that all is well in OZ.

Well, Mr. Stephanopoulos, all is not well in OZ. And you, sir, are a MAJOR part of the problem. It used to be that journalists gave us all sides of the issue and allowed us to draw a conclusion. They didn’t decide what the truth was and then paint a picture that would lead us to their truth.

This same group of mainstream media people made many assumptions about George W Bush and had no problem accusing him while “misspeaking” their facts as truth.Picture2


Mr. Stephanopoulos is floored that anyone would draw any conclusion of wrongdoing starting with Mrs. Clinton’s email issue. She simply made a mistake and since the president knew about it, all is well! Really? Turn the tables and see what would have happened if it was done by a Republican.

Nothing “fishy” about Mr. Clinton getting on average $70,000 for speaking gigs before Hillary became Secretary of State. But after her appointment, all of a sudden he is worth $500,000 to $1.3 million per speaking gig. Did he take a speech writing class? Get better teleprompters? That’s not important. And no worries, most of those were events with some connection to donors.

In the immortal words of Yul Brynner in the “King and I”… “iz a puzzlement.”

Here’s a quick rundown…

  1. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, $25 million to the Clinton Foundation for the betterment of the Clintons.
  2. Australia, $10 million to the Clinton Foundation for the betterment of the Clintons.
  3. Sultanate of Oman, $5 million to the Clinton Foundation for the betterment of the Clintons.
  4. And the list goes on to the tune of $150 million to the Clinton Foundation for the betterment of the Clintons (CFFTBOTC).

Who else? What other legislator? What other past president? What other past legislator has received this kind of money from foreign entities? I’ll save you the time… NO ONE! Donations are made to Presidential Libraries for the purpose of upkeep and purchasing artifacts for the library, not the presidential families. But Georgie says you have nothing that actually ties to an agreement to provide services.

A uranium (shell) company donated big bucks to the CFFTBOTC. Shortly after the donation, coincidentally, Mrs. Clinton changed her mind about the U.S. blocking the uranium mining deal and even encouraged such deals in some of her speeches.

Then, there is the “re-filing” of past tax returns. Since it was brought to their attention that they forgot to include many, if not all, of the Canadian deal-based donations on their reports. Let’s pause here a minute. Hillary says she is a person of integrity and ethics. They have an elite team managing this foundation. How did they miss MILLIONS of dollars in donations with such an experienced team of employees at The Foundation? Not once, not twice, but 4 years in a row! Tax experts say it’s highly unusual for a foundation to refile this many years because of omissions.Party of Deciet and lies

Well, not to worry. Hillary stepped down from the foundation’s board of directors this month but her husband, Bill, and their daughter, Chelsea, remain directors. I’m sure she will keep and arm’s length (or at least a bedroom length) away from Bill and the foundation. After all, she has always been honest and up front with us on all issues. Right?

  • That whole, Benghazi debacle where she swears they never refused to send help. Oh wait… never mind!
  • OK, then there is the “I turned over all the correspondence and emails pertaining to Benghazi and my term as Secretary of State” thing. Oh, wait… never mind.
  • At least she only erased the emails that had to do with her daughter’s wedding, her aunt’s death, her yoga routines, and her personal transactions on the homes they purchased. Yup, all 33,000 of the personal emails. Oh, wait… never mind.
  • OK then, we’ll just track down the entities and people she probably sent emails to and ask them for them… guess what? The first dozen or so refused to share. Can you see my shocked face?

They’d have you believe that there is nothing to see here. Just step away from the curtain!Clinton Family

You on the left pitched a fit and wanted to see Romney’s tax return because Mr Reid lied about someone telling him Romney didn’t pay taxes. You hypocrites have no outrage over it because as Harry put it. You won!

This stench will continue to grow. She can’t keep lying to cover up all of these messes. And you honest Democrats out there (yes, there are honest ones) if you cover up for her (them) you are just as guilty of all the death and destruction they’ve left in their wake.

The REAL facts show that they are guilty of not caring for America, not caring for women, not caring for the poor or sick, but just caring for the Clintons.In Review OARLogo Picture6

Top Liberal Reveals Massive Democrat Secret!


The Marxist/Socialist/Collectivist/Extreme Liberal Left has been building their dependent underclass since President Johnson passed his, “War on Poverty” bill. They DO NOT care about the poor or illegal immigrants. All they care about is getting their votes, because they know that without them, they will not be able to win elections. With their votes they can steal elections so they can destroy our Liberty replacing it with their Marxist/Socialist/Collectivist/Extreme Liberal Left Doctrine, installing a tyrannical European style faux democracy. Then anyone who disagrees with them can silence by whatever means necessary. – Jerry Broussard (MrB)


Posted By on Feb 4, 2014

donna brazile

The Left has a long track record of lying about their intentions. Recently, they have lied about Obamacare, claiming it was meant to give the poor an opportunity at healthcare. We all know there are numerous ways by which the healthcare industry can be fixed without a massive government takeover, but that’s the point. The Left doesn’t care about the poor, they want bigger government. They think it is for the betterment of man that we be under the loving care of a monstrous matriarchal government.

Every effort made by the Left at legislation is designed to push our country toward their ultimate goal: a Marxist paradise. Most of the country doesn’t want to live in soviet Russia, so the Left must disguise their policy as something good and lovely.

Resist AmnestyThe issue at the top of the liberal agenda is immigration. They know that if they can grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants in the United States, those immigrants will eventually be allowed to vote. Guess who they’ll vote for? Yeah, Democrats. Republicans will never again win an election. Liberals have denied on many occasions that their ultimate intention is voting rights. They have claimed many times that the notion that they want illegal aliens to vote is preposterous. They just want “equality.” Finally, someone has said it.

Donna Brazile let the cat out of the bag. This is how they’re going to play the game. They’re going to first ask for legal residency. After that, the Left will rise up, and pretend to feel bad for the apartheid nation we have created, in which some can vote, and others are left in the cold. Then the faux sympathies being projected by the Left will get picked up by the media, and run around the clock, until it somehow seems like a good idea to grant them full citizenship. Then the Left—who once claimed to never ever want illegal immigrants to have voting rights—will have won the game.

The Left will win in part because the Republicans will go along with whatever the Democrats do, thinking it will benefit them. Republicans will follow the Democrats into a hell of the Democrats’ making. There were several ways the voting rights for illegals situation could have gone, but Donna Brazile just revealed the course being taken by the Left. Just wait and see.

Nakita Saying

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