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Posts tagged ‘fast food’

Price of Big Macs Could Go Up to $15

By Lee Barney    |   Tuesday, 02 January 2024 02:05 PM EST


Price of Big Macs Could Go Up to $15

As half the states in the country raise their hourly minimum wage, American fast-food staples like the McDonald’s Big Mac could soar to $15, predicts an economic analyst.

Companies are “either gonna have to raise prices, start to reduce those labor costs, or a combination of both,” says Brandon Arnold, EVP at National Taxpayers Union, a fiscally conservative think tank, the New York Post reports.

“That’s not fair to those employees that are getting laid off — nor is it fair to the customers that are all of a sudden paying $12, $15 for a Big Mac,” Arnold says.

“As [employers] start to see these labor costs increase, they may not lay people off immediately,” believes the analyst. “But when times get tough, they’re gonna have to make changes.”

Pizza Hut announced last week it will lay off more than 1,200 delivery drivers in California due to the state’s higher minimum wage law, which goes into effect in April. McDonald’s and Chipotle have both announced they will raise their menu prices in California due to the higher wages.

Rather than lose a job and stand on the unemployment line, Arnold believes, most fast-food workers would accept an hourly wage of $8-$10 an hour.

In an open letter, McDonald’s USA President Joe Erlinger fired away, “California keeps looking for ways to raise prices, drive away more businesses and destroy growth through bad policy and bad politics.”

Twenty-five states and Washington, D.C., have passed legislation to raise minimum wages, with the higher payouts taking effect in 22 of those states on Monday. Nevada’s and Oregon’s wage hikes will go into effect on July 1, while Florida’s will start on Sept. 30.

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This California Bill Would Outlaw Fast Food And Intensify Inflation



fast food pizza

Author Christopher Jacobs profile




Talk about irony: A governor who violated his own Covid lockdown rules by attending a party at a chichi restaurant could sign legislation that puts many fast-food establishments out of business.

Late in August, the California legislature passed a bill that would impose new mandates on certain dining establishments. Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-French Laundry, has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the bill. If it becomes law, the measure would set an example that unions hope to export elsewhere, while raising inflation in the nation’s most populous state. Here’s how.

Separate Minimum Wage

The bill would create a council to mandate a separate minimum wage applying only to certain fast-food establishments. According to the bill, the council could impose a minimum wage for these establishments next year of as high as $22 per hour—an amount nearly 42 percent higher than the statewide minimum wage of $15.50 that takes effect on Jan. 1, and an amount subject to additional annual increases. Creating a higher minimum wage would raise business costs, and help push prices ever higher. As it is, families have struggled to keep up with the current high rate of inflation, with real (i.e., inflation-adjusted) average hourly earnings falling in most months over the past year. Hitting these families with even higher costs for a meal at a fast-food establishment—sometimes the only “luxury” working-class households can afford—would provide ordinary California residents another proverbial kick in the teeth.

The new council of 10 appointed individuals will “establish sector-wide minimum standards on wages, working hours, and other working conditions adequate to ensure and maintain the health, safety, and welfare of, and to supply the necessary cost of proper living to, fast food restaurant workers.” (The bill doesn’t specify whether the “cost of proper living” includes dinners at restaurants like the one Newsom decided to frequent in the fall of 2020.)

To put it more bluntly: A group of unelected bureaucrats will decide how to micro-manage hundreds of businesses across the Golden State. These mandates will of course raise costs for the restaurants, and the restaurants will have no choice but to raise prices in response.

Inefficient, Absurd Loopholes

The requirements in the bill only apply to chain restaurants with at least 100 establishments nationwide, and which serve food in the following manner:

(1) For immediate consumption either on or off the premises.

(2) To customers who order or select items and pay before eating.

(3) With items prepared in advance, including items that may be prepared in bulk and kept hot, or with items prepared or heated quickly.

(4) With limited or no table service. Table service does not include orders placed by a customer on an electronic device.

One could easily envision businesses changing their model to avoid becoming ensnared by the bill’s mandates. For instance, a restaurant could operate like Katz’s Delicatessen in New York City, where customers receive tickets upon entering and pay after eating, on their way out the door. Such a system would mean that restaurants would not meet the “pay before eating” definition contained within the statute, but it also could raise the risk of “dine-and-dash” incidents, which would raise a restaurant’s costs.

Similarly, establishments could try to exempt themselves from the reach of the new council by providing full table service. Of course, providing full table service would raise businesses’ costs (although perhaps not as much as complying with the mandates created by the new regulatory regime), exhaust employees by forcing them to wait on customer tables in addition to their existing duties, or both.

The idea that California could potentially do for fast-food restaurants what a full-service-only requirement has done to New Jersey’s gas stations—whereby McDonald’s and Burger King employees in California could only ask “Would you like fries with that?” while customers are reclined at table—illustrates the absurdity of this bill. Newsom should do his state a favor and veto the measure, sending this ill-tasting legislative creation back to the cooks in the legislature who created this mess.

Chris Jacobs is founder and CEO of Juniper Research Group, and author of the book, “The Case Against Single Payer.” He is on Twitter: @chrisjacobsHC. Previously he was a senior health policy analyst for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a senior policy analyst in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Health Policy Studies, and a senior policy analyst with the Joint Economic Committee’s Senate Republican staff. During the debate over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, Jacobs was a policy adviser for the House Republican Conference under then-Chairman Mike Pence. In the first two years of the law’s implementation, he was a health policy analyst for the Senate Republican Policy Committee. Jacobs got his start on Capitol Hill as an intern for then-Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and history from American University, where he is a part-time teacher of health policy. He currently resides in Washington, D.C.

    New Yorker Mag Attacks ‘Creepy’ Muslim Restaurant… Oh Wait, It’s Christian

    Reported By Ben Marquis | April 15, 2018 at 12:19pm

    URL of the original posting site:

    Democrats — the self-proclaimed party of tolerance and inclusivity — have hypocritically displayed an increasing amount of intolerance and exclusivity toward one particular subgroup of the American population: conservative Christians. That intolerance and desire to exclude Christians from modern American society is no more evident than in the left’s relentless attacks against Chick-fil-A, a prominent and growing Christian-owned restaurant chain.Image result for chick-fil-a

    The New Yorker recently provided the worst yet example of the left’s anti-Christian bigotry with an article lamenting the success the franchise has seen in the liberal bastion of New York City.

    The success of the chain — the piece admitted that a Chick-fil-A fried chicken sandwich is sold in the city every six seconds, and the chain is set to open a dozen more storefronts in the city — is largely dismissed and invalidated as “creepy” and an “infiltrationdue to the religious ideology of the restaurant’s founding family.

    “And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism,” wrote Dan Piepenbring for The New Yorker. “Its headquarters, in Atlanta, are adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays.” 

    The piece proceeded to attack CEO Dan Cathy for his charitable donations to causes in support of traditional marriage, which were characterized as “anti-gay” and “anti-LGBT.” 

    It also attacked the manner in which the new Fulton Street restaurant — the grand opening of which served as the basis for the attack piece — used the word “community,” as if non-Christian liberals are the only ones who can lay claim to fostering a positive “community.”

    “This emphasis on community … suggests an ulterior motive,” wrote Piepenbring. “The restaurant’s corporate purpose still begins with the words ‘to glorify God,’ and that proselytism thrums below the surface of the Fulton Street restaurant, which has the ersatz homespun ambiance of a megachurch.”

    The piece also took on the instantly recognizable Chick-fil-a Cows, a highly successful marketing gimmick by the restaurant whose role in the franchise’s success was characterized as being the “ultimate evangelists” in the “church” that is Chick-fil-A. Piepenbring seemed disgusted at the popularity of the cows and their misspelled catch phrase “Eat Mor Chikin,” which he viewed as a “morbid” advertising campaign in that “one farm animal begs us to kill another in its place.” 

    On a less bigoted note, the piece also took issue with the fact Chick-fil-A has grown to become a large and powerful corporation which was now “crowding out” local diners and restaurants in the city and criticized its “deadening uniformity” while lamenting the “palliative” effect of their “homogeneous” comfort food.

    “Today, the Cows’ ‘guerrilla insurgency’ is more of a carpet bombing. New Yorkers are under no obligation to repeat what they say. Enough, we can tell them. NO MOR,” concluded Piepenbring.See the source image

    This piece — ostensibly about the grand opening of a new Chick-fil-A location in New York City — was little more than a blatantly bigoted attack against Christianity disguised as a restaurant review.

    Imagine for a moment the owner of Chick-fil-A was Muslim and sold chicken sandwiches from a chain of halal carts around the city. Would The New Yorker still characterize its growing success as an “infiltration” of religious values that was “creepy” and needed to be opposed? Of course not, and the fact The New Yorker felt safe denigrating the Christian faith of Chick-fil-A’s owners when they wouldn’t dare do the same for another religion is simply the latest example of the left’s bigoted hatred against all things Christian, which apparently now includes tasty fried chicken sandwiches.

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