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Posts tagged ‘Breitbart’

Candace Owens Introduces ‘Blexit’ Movement, Black Dems Fleeing Party To Join Republicans

Reported By Kara Pendleton | October 28, 2018 at 1:35pm

In a word play on Britain’s “Brexit” movement to leave the European Union and the growing #Walkaway movement encouraging Democrats to leave their party, conservative activist Candace Owens has launched a “Blexit” movement. It is all about encouraging blacks to exit the “Democrat plantation” and join the Republican party.

Owens long been a voice for black conservatives, but now she has taken it a step further. Breitbart reported on her big announcement of the movement.

“The Blexit movement will spend 2019 holding rallies in every major city in America the Democrats have destroyed. We are at long last ready to snatch a piece of this America dream,” Owens told the Young Black Leadership Summit in Washington on Saturday, according to Breitbart.

“We can fully recognize that this is, in fact, our country, that while Hillary Clinton viewed us as ‘super predators,’ CNN views us as ‘token negros who don’t read,’ Donald Trump views us as Americans.”

Just listen to this snippet of a speech Owens gave — with a bullhorn to carry her words on Saturday.

In conjunction with the announcement and the weekend’s speeches in Washington, Owens has launched a website, as well. Visitors to the website can learn more about the movement, listen to stories of those who have left the Democratic party for the Republican party, shop for merchandise, donate and learn about “Inconvenient Truths.” These “Truths” are explained as “Knowledge is the root of freedom. Learn more about America’s forgotten history.”

Leading up to the launch, Owens has been busy calling out black leaders and the talking heads at CNN, as well as preparing for Saturday’s Black State of the Union presentation. All of this has been shared by Owens are Twitter:

She has also explained the “Blexit” movement in her own words. Her column was published as an exclusive by Breitbart.

She began with her “coming out as a conservative” story. “When I uploaded my first video onto YouTube one year ago, I entitled it ‘Mom, Dad, I’m a Conservative.’ It was a two-minute satirical stab at the social exiling that many Americans face when they announce their conservatism to friends and family.

“Soon thereafter, I would discover that for black Americans, the punishment that awaits is far worse than any social exile: it is a full-court social lynching.”

That first video can be viewed below, for context:

From there in the article, Owens shared the horrible names she and other black conservatives have been called by black, liberals and the “liberal media.” They include things such as “porch monkey,” “Uncle Tom,” and, yes, it’s true and was captured on video, “white supremacist.”

Then Owens created a mic-dropping moment with her observation of what is happening in America.

“In fact, what many have misdiagnosed as political tension between two ideologically disparate groups is actually something far greater, far more deep-rooted, and much more likely to alter the trajectory of this country as we know it,” she wrote.

“Across America, black people are beginning to question political orthodoxy. We have been quietly building an ecosystem of free thinkers and at long last, the intellectual dam is breaking.

“This unique moment will come to be known as BLEXIT: the black exit from the Democrat party. For decades, the black community has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with the Democrat Party. Our fidelity to leftist politicians coupled with our false belief that a larger government might facilitate solutions, has led to the overall collapse of our families, neighborhoods, and incidentally, our futures.”

“BLEXIT is a national movement of minorities that have awakened to the truth. It is for those who have taken an objective look at our decades-long allegiance to the left and asked ourselves ‘what do we have to show for it?’”

An increasing number of blacks can be found on social media declaring their conservative views and sharing their stories about having left the Democratic party. This turn of events is damaging to Democrats, who bank on groups voting in blocks.

In November 2014, a Washington Post (behind a paywall) wheadline declared “Republicans are winning the support of black Americans,” based on election results. Then in September 2017, the paper ran another headline stating that, “Mostly black neighborhoods voted more Republican in 2016 than in 2012.”

Remember, in 2016 it was the election year of former first lady Hillary Clinton versus business tycoon Donald Trump. Trump won. And the black unemployment picture has been getting better ever since.

As Owens noted in her piece on Breitbart,”the tides are shifting.”

As more and more Americans feel alienated by the violence and vitriol of the left, as more and more black Americans discover how establishment media and the left truly view them, things will continue to change, and in Republicans’ favor.


Specializing in news, politics and human interest stories, Kara Pendleton has been a professional writer and author since 2002. One of her proudest professional moments was landing an interview that even mainstream media couldn’t get.

Rush Limbaugh Says 1 Person Is Taking Over The GOP


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Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh made a bold statement on his program about Steve Bannon and the current state of the Republican Part y.

Limbaugh believes Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, is taking over the roles and responsibilities meant for GOP leadership by enforcing conservatism onto Republican candidates up for re-election.

“I think what Bannon is doing is slowly but surely taking over the role of the Republican Party,” Limbaugh said Wednesday. “The Republican Party is obviously not with Trump on balance — you have some in the House who are — but the Republican Party on balance is not with Trump.”

Steve Bannon played a major role in then-candidate Donald Trump’s presidential victory upset last year and led the formulation of White House policy in the months that followed. He was Trump’s campaign chairman during the 2016 election and later served as a White House chief strategist — leading the nationalist wing of the administration.

After abruptly leaving the administration in mid-August, Bannon returned to his prior position as executive chairman of Breitbart News. Since leaving the White House, he made it clear he would use his position as a media executive to support insurgent conservative candidates running primaries against establishment GOP lawmakers.

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Bannon already appears good for his word.

In the special election in Alabama to fill the Senate seat once held by now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Bannon went against the Trump administration with his endorsement of Roy Moore. Bannon supported the successful candidacy of Moore, a controversial former judge, in a move that was at odds with Trump, who campaigned vehemently for Moore’s opponent, Sen. Luther Strange. By election day, it wasn’t even close. Moore bested Strange in the GOP primary by almost double digits. Moore now heads into the Alabama general election, where he will likely win in a state that leans red.

The primary results demonstrated the power of Bannon’s support.

The leader of Breitbart is not stopping with the Alabama special election. Bannon has recently announced he is expanding his GOP targets, adding Republican Sens. Deb Fischer of Nebraska, John Barrasso of Wyoming and Orrin Hatch of Utah to his hit list.

> In Wyoming, Bannon is pushing Erik Prince, the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and founder of major security contractor Blackwater, to challenge Barrasso, CNN reported. 

> In Utah, Hatch may very well retire on his own. If he does, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is reportedly eyeing a run in the Mormon-majority state. If that happens, Bannon is ready to run a candidate against him.

According to a source close to Bannon, this is just a “partial” list of elections he is looking to influence.

Bannon is already working to knock off Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and his beleaguered campaign for re-election. Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker are also on Bannon’s radar.

“Some people make an argument that there really isn’t a Republican Party left. I mean, there are people who call themselves that and they go out and raise money and they raise a lot. But whereas the party used to be known for one, two, or three very serious things, they’re not anymore,” Limbaugh added on his radio show.

The conservative talk radio host believes Bannon and others are trying to keep the identity of the Republican Party alive by enforcing such standards onto them by way of primary challenges.

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