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By: ANDREW CHAPADOS | June 21, 2023


Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images

A 12-year-old girl alleged that she was raped in a middle school bathroom in October 2021, but the incident was not brought to light until the girl’s mother discovered her diary entry about the attack, according to the Post Millennial.

In Rio Rancho, New Mexico, the young girl was washing her hands in what was described as a girls’ restroom at the ASK Academy middle school. At that point a male came into the bathroom and allegedly walked over to the girl, pinned her against the counter, and wrestled her onto the floor. After allegedly hitting her head, he also reportedly held the girl down and raped her.

“I was raped. I was raped. I was raped. F***ing kill me,” the girl, who is being referred to as Ray, reportedly wrote in her diary. The discovery of the passage by her mother, being referred to as Maggie, explained the shift in mood and mental health that her daughter had inexplicably been going through.

The daughter had been exhibiting signs of grief, anxiety, and depression. She was also put in therapy, as the mother insisted that the girl must have been bullied at school.

Months after the alleged incident, parents pressed the girl about the diary entry, and the young girl admitted that the attack took place. The family took the girl in for a physical exam and began questioning the school. The mother reportedly concluded that the alleged horrific act was only made possible because the school embraced gender ideology.

“We learned that kids were pledging allegiance to the Pride flag instead of the American flag,” Maggie said. “We learned that some teachers were discussing daily the normalcy of transgender people and gender dysphoria and that this school had a higher population than anyone would expect for such a small school of kids saying they were trans and parents not knowing.”

The young girl also reportedly said the school pushed a far-left culture that pressured her to accept men in women’s spaces. The students were allegedly taught to avoid improperly “judging” transgender people.

The Independent Women’s Forum asked ASK Academy CEO Edward Garcia for comment and clarity on the bathroom policies. Garcia reportedly responded that the school is an “inclusive learning environment for all students” and added the school does “not discriminate against any student.”

Garcia denied claims that sexual harassment and assault were commonly trending at ASK Academy. Garcia allegedly did not respond when asked if girls’ facilities are open to biological boys.

The now 13-year-old girl doesn’t hold sympathy for similar transgender-inclusive situations and said, “By them saying the only thing that matters is how they feel and not how I feel is very selfish of them.”

“If they want their own bathroom, then gladly get your own bathroom. If you want your own sports, get your own sports. If you want to be included, be included in your own way that doesn’t cause danger to everyone else,” she added.

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