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Posts tagged ‘Turning Point USA’

Top 3 Things Tucker Carlson Says the Regime Doesn’t Want You Talking About



Tucker Carlson discusses three things

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




“If you want to know what really, really matters, to [the regime], and to you, and to the future of the country, consider the things that you are not allowed to say,” Tucker Carlson told his audience of young people during a Turning Point USA speech on the heels of his interviews with Republican primary candidates in Iowa.

These unsayable things, Carlson said, are easy to pinpoint because wrong-think seems to be the only “crime” that’s consistently and seriously penalized in contemporary America. Rapists and murderers go unprosecuted in American blue cities. “[B]urning down buildings, impoverishing people, starting totally counterproductive wars we can’t win that kill a lot of our citizens, [and] leaving the border open so 7 million people can walk across” are “never punished.” 

So what are the three topics Carlson says have been deemed forbidden speech by the media, White House, and virtually every member of the American gentry class? “One of them’s the war in Ukraine, another’s Covid, and, of course, the third is Jan. 6.” 

War in Ukraine 

Every uniparty politician, corporate media outlet, and mega-corporation insists that if you don’t “hate” Russia and support America funneling billions of dollars to defend a nation ruled by a corrupt, oligarchical government, you must love Vladimir Putin and oppose “democracy.” 

“It’s not a criminal act not to hate somebody,” Carlson said. He pointed out that the number of Americans murdered by Russians is in the “range” of “zero.” Meanwhile, more than 100,000 Americans die every year at the hands of Mexican cartels and the drugs they smuggle into our country. Yet the media and our government want us to be more preoccupied with a foreign war than the deaths of American citizens here at home. 

Carlson explained that so far, America has utterly failed to be a leader in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, encouraging the war instead of facilitating peace. “If you’re the leader, the last thing you do is sow more chaos,” Carlson said. Yet the White House “with the full participation of the Republican Party” has fueled and prolonged a bloody war — and you had better not question it.

“Foreign policy is the one big thing” that’s not subject to “voter control,” Carlson said. Americans have a right to weigh in on things like the war in Ukraine and tell the federal government: “This is my country and you’re doing this in my name, with my money, and potentially my children.” 

Washington, however, doesn’t believe in “the public [signing] off on wars … and that’s exactly why they like it,” Carlson added. If you try to question Washington’s lucrative wars, you’re told to “shut up.” And you, “an American citizen who loves your country [and] whose ancestors fought to defend it,” are accused of disloyalty by people who don’t care about America at all.


During and following the years of Covid tyranny, Big Tech companies (often at the behest of the federal government) censored anyone, including doctors and sitting members of Congress, who discussed the numerous civil liberties violations, the highly plausible lab-leak theory, the devastation of lockdowns, failed vaccines, the inefficacy of cloth masks, and vaccine injuries. 

“Every organization in American life … from your government, to the entire media, [and] in some cases, your church,” told Americans that if you want to be a “good person” you’ll follow the Covid rules, Carlson said. In the case of the Covid shots, you had to pipe down and take it — without really knowing what was in it or what the long-term outlook would be.

Now we know the staggering number of people who appear to be vaccine injured, as Carlson pointed out. Yet the powers that be continue to gaslight the public anytime someone tries to discuss adverse reactions to any of the Covid shots.

“This [was] a moral test, and if you want[ed] to pass, you obey[ed],” said Carlson, adding that those who stood against Covid authoritarianism were persecuted and labeled societal “outlaws.” 

Jan. 6 

Carlson recalled how shortly after Jan. 6, 2021 people began claiming the demonstration was a “racist insurrection.” At the time, Carlson pointed out it neither had anything to do with race nor involved “armed people try[ing] to overthrow the government,” but he was told, yet again, to “shut up.” He even found himself labeled a “racist insurrectionist.” 

The people who protested on Jan. 6, were, in Carlson’s words, “grandmas with diabetes and a lot of debt.” Why were these everyday Americans so angry? Well, the American gentry class refused to allow the country to talk honestly about why a massive swath of the populace was so enraged that they took a “bus from Tennessee to go jump up and down in front of the Capitol.” 

We were never allowed to consider how “Biden won by 81 million votes — 15 million more than Barack Obama, which seems like a lot considering [Biden] didn’t campaign and he can’t talk.” We also weren’t allowed to consider whether electronic voting machines or unmonitored ballot drop boxes were compromised, Carlson added. Those who tried to raise concerns about the 2020 election, which sparked Jan. 6, were “deplatformed,” “debanked,” “bankrupted,” “fired,” and essentially “hounded out of public life in America.”  

Thought Criminals Are Our ‘North Star’

Carlson warned of distractions in the news cycle. While we must push back against things like radical transgender theory, stories related to that and other hot-topic issues can also be used by the left to manipulate our priorities, he said. “I don’t think there’s a single Democratic member of Congress who cares at all about trans rights,” Carlson explained, theorizing that many of these daily news stories are “designed to take people like me and send us off into a screaming fit.” 

Instead, “look around and ask … what are the topics that no one’s even pushing back on?” If you are really interested in truth-seeking and you want to locate “the North Star” in confusing, disordered, post-industrial America, then you need to look for the “thought criminals.” 

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

San Francisco State Sides With Men Who Assaulted Women’s Rights Speaker Riley Gaines



Riley Gaines on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’
Footage of the attack shows a crowd yelling ‘trans rights are human rights’ at Gaines and calling the swimmer a ‘transphobic b-itch.’




San Francisco State University endorsed the erasure of women this week when its top student affairs administrator released a statement reaffirming the transgender activists who attacked women’s rights speaker Riley Gaines.

Gaines, who rose to fame after speaking up about the unfairness of men masquerading as women to gain an advantage in women’s sports, was assaulted last week after she attempted to address a crowd at a Turning Point USA event about the necessity of female spaces, especially in athletic settings. The chaos ensued mere hours after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre encouraged radical gender ideologues to “fight back” against people who called for sex-specific spaces.

Footage of the attack on SFSU’s campus shows the former NCAA swimmer being chased by a crowd yelling “trans rights are human rights” and calling the swimmer a “transphobic b-itch.”

Gaines reported that, during the chaos, she was assaulted by at least one man and trapped in a room for three hours. The mob also attempted to extort money from her in exchange for her freedom before she was finally able to escape. Gaines said neither campus police nor attending school administrators took steps to stop the violence.

“This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces,” Gaines tweeted.

Instead of punishing the hysterical students who “ambushed” Gaines, the school and alumni cheered on the angry mob.

Shortly after Gaines was attacked, SFSU’s Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Jamillah Moore released an official statement encouraging the students who harassed the speaker.

“Today, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression. Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University,” she wrote.

Moore also claimed that the students that are seen on footage roughhousing Gaines chose to “protest peacefully.”

“Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening’s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. I am proud of the moments when we listened and asked insightful questions. I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully,” Moore said.

Gaines quickly condemned Moore’s statement and confirmed that she plans to sue the school for failing to protect her from violence.

“I’m sorry did this just say PEACEFUL….,” Gaines replied. “I was assaulted. I was extorted and held for ran[s]om. The protestors demanded I pay them if I wanted to make it home safely. I missed my flight home because I was barricaded in a classroom… We must have different definitions of peaceful.”

Just last month, an angry mob of Stanford law students shut down a talk led by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan with profane insults and threats of violence and death. Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez eventually apologized but the students and administrators who participated in the chaos were left largely unpunished.

Stanford Law School’s Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach, who confronted Duncan about the “harm” she claimed he caused to students, doubled down on their defiant challenge and refused to apologize even after she was put on administrative leave.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

SUNY Albany protesters destroy Bible at free speech event: ‘The tolerant left, ladies and gentlemen’

By Taylor Penley | Fox News | Published April 6, 2023 2:00pm EDT


Protesters at The State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany) worked to shut down conservative pundit Ian Haworth at an event Tuesday in defiance of the Turning Point USA speaker’s discussion on free speech on college campuses

The conservative pundit labeled a snippet of the campus catastrophe “the most socialist thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Trans rights are human rights!” the group shouted at one point.

“F— you, TPUSA,” they separately exclaimed.


Protesters at SUNY at Albany voiced their dissent against TPUSA guest speaker Ian Haworth on April 4, 2023.
Protesters at SUNY at Albany voiced their dissent against TPUSA guest speaker Ian Haworth on April 4, 2023. (Twitter @ighaworth/TPUSA Upstate)

The Turning Point USA-sponsored talk titled “Free Speech on Campus” was sent into a tailspin as students hit Haworth with insults and expressions of “queer rage” filled the room.

“F— Ian!” protesters shouted in one video he posted to Twitter. “F— you, fascists!” rang out in another. Haworth laughed it off as “irony.”

“Last night, I was at the University of Albany to speak with @TPUSA. My argument: free speech is being destroyed on college campuses. And like clockwork, some deranged protesters showed up and used the heckler’s veto to try and shut down the even,” he tweeted Wednesday.

“When the chapter tried to settle the protesters down so we could start the event, they responded with ‘f— you @TPUSA’ The tolerant left, ladies and gentlemen,” he continued in the thread.

Haworth made several posts in the thread, pointing out the protesters who stormed the room who were eating the free pizza provided by the organization they were protesting.


A view of the Delaware & Hudson Building and administrative center of the State University of New York (SUNY) on April 22, 2020, in Albany, New York.
A view of the Delaware & Hudson Building and administrative center of the State University of New York (SUNY) on April 22, 2020, in Albany, New York. (Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

“The most socialist thing I’ve ever seen is a bunch of deranged students screaming ‘no cops, no KKK, no @TPUSA’ at a Jewish immigrant while also happily shoveling free pizza down their throats paid for by…@TPUSA!,” he wrote.

Jokingly, he added, “Sure, they’re Nazis, but who doesn’t love a free slice?”


One demonstrator, according to another tweet in the thread, even went as far as destroying an event attendee’s Bible for “no reason whatsoever.” 

And, as Haworth noted, things got even weirder when protesters decided to form a conga line in the room, flipping off the camera as they passed by.

“Not one person seemed concerned that this is a traditional Cuban carnival dance, and is therefore an act of cultural appropriation,” Haworth wrote on a video tweet.

Other students kicked off their Crocs and danced and screamed, before eventually taking over the room.

Haworth’s event was eventually moved to another location, complete with a police escort and police presence surrounding the new venue.

“College is now where free speech goes to die, and we need to push back against this bulls— with everything we have. Don’t let the angry minority bully people into silence,” Haworth said.

Fox News Digital reached out to both Haworth and SUNY at Albany for comment, with SUNY at Albany providing the following statement:

“Consistent with the mission of an institution of higher learning, we expect members of our community to be able to voice their views in a manner that promotes constructive dialogue and honors UAlbany’s commitment to freedom of expression,” the school said. “This is especially important when it involves speech that members of our community find offensive or objectionable.”

“Our constitutional obligation to protect speech, even when that speech fundamentally conflicts with our core values, is a pillar of our democratic system. We are equally committed to fostering an environment in which all students feel safe and included – and that the right to protest is also protected,” it added.

SUNY at Albany pledged to help its community members understand their “rights and responsibilities under the First Amendment” and said all student organizations are entitled to reserve space and invite guest speakers “without interference.”


The institution further detailed that university staff and the university police department worked with the hosting organization to relocate the event to ensure it could continue but to also provide protesters a space to voice their concerns, adding that two students were ticketed for trying to gain access to a restricted area reserved for the event.

Haworth responded with the following statement:

“The protesters who stormed the Turning Point USA event on free speech at University at Albany proved my point: college campuses are where free speech goes to die. The protesters disrupted the event, abusing and insulting the TPUSA chapter, college staff, law enforcement and their fellow students, with one goal: to shut down speech. While I fully support their right to protest (even if their accusations of me being an infamous Jewish immigrant transphobic misogynistic KKK member are laughably inaccurate), the heckler’s veto is not free speech…and neither is destroying the property of TPUSA members!…

“Ultimately, this isn’t about me. I doubt these protesters even knew who I was prior to this event. In reality, it’s about any ideas that threaten the fascist ideology of leftism on campus. This unfortunate event proves the threat conservatives face every day on campus, and reinforces the truth that colleges have a duty to allow free speech and debate to flourish on campus,” he concluded.

Haworth also thanked TPUSA, university faculty and law enforcement for making sure the event could proceed at the new venue.

Taylor Penley is a production assistant with Fox News.

Leftist militants attack conservative students and use terror tactics to shut down Turning Point USA event ​at UC Davis

By JOSEPH MACKINNON | October 27, 2022


Image: YouTube – Screenshot

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A Turning Point USA event was shut down Tuesday evening after multiple attacks by leftist militants on attendees were answered, not by the UC Davis police, who were kept from intervening, but by a handful of counter-protesters ready for a fight.

The UC Davis student chapter of Turning Point USA organized an event for Oct. 25, set to feature conservative speaker Stephen Davis, the host of the podcast “SMASH with MAGA Hulk.”

The chapter vice president of UC Davis TPUSA, Luke Shalz, noted that Stephen Davis is “an African-American gentleman who does not believe in systemic racism.”

In advance of the event featuring a black conservative speaker, flyers were distributed on campus accusing TPUSA of being “racist, homophobic, transphobic, and anti-immigrant” and of celebrating violence. The flyers also defamed Kyle Rittenhouse, who spoke at a TPUSA event, as a “racist murder [sic].” The flyers called on “anyone who opposes racism and bigotry to stand together and make it known that TPUSA is not welcome on our campus.”

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Similar posts were circulated online accusing Stephen Davis of being a fascist for “denying systemic racism.”

Notwithstanding calls for censorship ahead of the event, the university claimed that it was “committed to the First Amendment, and … required to uphold it. We affirm the right of our students — in this instance, Turning Point USA at UC Davis — to invite speakers to our campus, just as we affirm the right of others to protest speakers whose views they find upsetting or offensive.”

The university also reportedly informed the TPUSA campus chapter that UC Davis police would be present at the event and that they would intervene if protests turned violent. However, when leftist protesters began using barriers as battering rams and pepper-spraying young women, the campus police — said to have been on site — did not take action or deploy into the crowd.

The university told KCRA3 that officers had been on standby when the fighting broke out, but did not act because “the situation de-escalated on its own, eliminating the need for the police to engage.”

The brawl that ensued allegedly involved 100 people and began, according to TPUSA’s field team, when Antifa began provoking people trying to enter the venue. In a statement, UC Davis noted there had been reports of Antifa supporters involved in the fighting and pepper-spraying and that members of the pugnacious men’s group Proud Boys may have also been on the scene.

One young female conservative was pepper-sprayed by leftist agitators.

Young college girl attacked and maced at #TurningPointUSA event @UC Davis #Magahulk #StephenDavis

UC Davis also indicated that some “in the crowd used barricades to beat on the glass of the UC Davis Conference Center, where about 30 people were inside waiting for the event to begin.”

Student Affairs staff reportedly determined that the chaos outside presented sufficient danger to warrant shutting down the event.

The UC Davis TPUSA chapter ultimately agreed, later stating, “Rather than risk any further escalation of violence, our TPUSA chapter leadership decided to cancel the event when it became apparent campus PD was unable to disperse the violent agitators outside while also keeping our students safe inside.”

“This is a great loss for free speech, our speaker Stephen Davis, and for the students at UC Davis. TPUSA condemns all violence and refuses to be cowed by those who use threats and intimidation to stop conservatives on campus,” TPUSA tweeted.

On Thursday, former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell called out UC Davis chancellor Gary May, suggesting he had failed up to stand up for true diversity on campus after Davis, a black speaker, had been shut down by “radical lefties.”

Catherine Brinkley, a UC Davis professor, celebrated the silencing of a black conservative and the leftist attacks on unarmed students, stating she was “really proud of our students, faculty, staff and community who showed up to counter-rally a planned speaking event at UC Davis. Thank you for putting your bodies on the line.”

\u201cI am really proud of our students, faculty, staff and community who showed up to counter-rally a planned speaking event at UC Davis. \n\nThank you for putting your bodies on the line.\u201d

— Catherine Brinkley, VMD-PhD (@Catherine Brinkley, VMD-PhD) 1666812802

It is unclear whether the event will be rescheduled.

Hey CNN: Here’s Some Of That Senseless Political Violence You’re So Desperate To Report On

Written by Wes Walker on February 22, 2019

Here’s video of a bully unleashing a brutal attack in broad daylight on campus against an unresisting victim — over politics. Is that news? It would be if he didn’t play for the other team.

I’m not holding my breath for Don Lemon to swap phone numbers with this victim — even though he took the high road and didn’t escalate.

This attack happened in ‘WOKE’ Berkely the ironic birthplace of a Free Speech movement of all places. Of course, it’s been a long time since it bore any resemblance to a birthplace of freedom. These days it’s better known for Antifa, BAMF, students being bashed over the head with bike locks swung by masked professors and the riot that erupted when Milo tried to speak there.

Oddly enough, nobody tends to riot when far LEFT-wing opinions show up demanding to be heard.

Now, that aggressive ‘punch-a-Nazi’ culture has emboldened people to assault strangers in the street.

The campus police website said that two men on Tuesday approached a table where the activist was recruiting members to his group, and an argument ensued. The alleged victim, identified by Turning Point USA as Hayden Williams, held up his cell phone and began filming the two men who were allegedly harassing him. One of the two men knocked over the table, police said, and then punched Williams several times, causing injuries to his face. Much of the incident was captured on a witness’ cellphone, but it was unclear what, if anything, Williams may have said before the attack.

The suspects had left by the time police arrived.

Although Williams was helping Turning Point USA, he is not actually a member of the group. Williams is campus representative for Leadership Institute, according to Campus Reform, a conservative news site that the institute operates.

A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: “Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims,” in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month.

“College campuses have become increasingly unsafe for conservatives,” Charlie Kirk, the founder and executive director of Turning Point USA, told Fox News. “Our amazing Turning Point USA team was talking and then confronted by the hateful left which resulted in the assault and punching in the face just because of a difference of opinion. If the attacker was wearing a MAGA hat, this would be classified as a hate crime and all over every news channel.”
Source: FoxNews

There was praise on social media for the unprovoked violence, which included several punches to the face. The victim’s eye was swollen shut. An appeal also went out to find the attacker.

What was his act of ‘provocation’? He had a table set up and he was inviting people to participate in Turning Point USA.

On the upside… he got more publicity for his cause than he could have hoped for. And he didn’t hit back, so even the most jaded critic can’t wrongly attribute the violence or claim that both parties were equally guilty.

A spokesperson from Berkeley has officially and unequivocally condemned the attack.

This guy, who was linked to the attacks when Milo came to Berkeley in 2017, is being put forward as the likely culprit:

Dabney Miller, a staff member at the UC Berkeley, bragged about how he beat conservatives. He posted images of one man he knocked to the ground and pummeled with his fists before someone pulled him away.

Dabney Miller draws a paycheck from the UC Berkeley administration.
The Gateway Pundit

He is/was drawing a paycheck from Berkeley?

It’s time we stopped celebrating the ‘punch-a-nazi’ culture as edgy and subversive and started treating them as the brownshirts they are. Too mentally deficient to win an argument through logic, they intimidate people more principled than themselves with acts of violence.

If that ‘tough guy’ ever found himself in general population with some actual badasses, he’d figure out pretty quickly that he’s not as high up on the pecking order as he thinks.

Good for the student to stand his ground and not escalate things… he scored a PR victory. But it wouldn’t hurt to take some BJJ training so he knows how to defend himself in the future.

Better to have it and not need it…

Ainsley Puts Haters Of The U.S. On Full Blast With A Simple Yet Powerful Question

Published by | on September 13, 2017

URL of the original posting site:

And it certainly is an excellent question. One that deserves an answer, really…

Have you noticed that the continually outraged are always trying to remove the American flag from, well, everywhere?

At Cleveland State University, the chalk memorial created by student members of Turning Point USA, to honor the victims of 9/11 was power washed away within hours.


Was that offensive? Apparently, it was the chalk that was the problem.

Sure it was.

Speaking to the publication, CSU’s TPUSA chapter president Tiffany Roberts says that members of the group gathered on Sunday evening to chalk the 9/11 tribute into the sidewalk of the public university to honor those who lost their lives in the 2001 terrorist attack. It was removed 12 hours later.

According to Roberts, the maintenance operator said that he had been ordered to remove the chalk by the university’s Director of Facilities Maintenance, Shehadeh Abdelkarim. She added that the employee said that the memorial was erased because “there is no chalk allowed on campus.”
Source: Daily

And that’s not the only issue.

The University of California at Davis has decided to make the flying of the flag ‘optional’.

The University of California, Davis Student Senate voted last Thursday to strike a bylaw requiring the American flag to be displayed at meetings because “the concept of United States of America and patriotism is different for every individual.”

“It shall not be compulsory for the flag of the United State of America to be displayed at ASUCD Senate meetings,” states Senate Bill 76, introduced by Senator Jose Meneses.
Source: Campus Reform

Optional? This is a public university.

Is giving this anti-American indoctrination institute taxpayer funds optional, too?

Which leads us to the question posed by Ainsley Earhardt:

If you don’t like it here, and you don’t want to see the flag flying at a public institution… then, why are you still here?

Leftists Lose Their Minds Over ‘Professor Watch List’ Created To Expose Liberal Indoctrination On Campus

waving flagAuthored by Annabel Scott / Contributor / 11/30/2016

URL of the original posting site:

Turning Point USA, a conservative organization made up of high turning-point-usa-logoschool and college students, has compiled a website database of more than 200 professors at universities across the nation that “discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

The website,, doesn’t list just any professo­r — TPUSA requires proof.

“This watchlist is an aggregated list of pre-existing news stories that were published by a variety of news organizations,” the website states. “While we accept tips for new additions on our website, we only publish profiles on incidents that have already been reported by a credible source.”

The website also says that TPUSA is not attempting to silence the professors on the list, but instead they are exposing “specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls.”Happy Happy Joy Joy

Since its recent debut, the list has seen no shortage of harsh criticism.

Slate author Rebecca Schuman deemed the watchlist “grotesque,” and called it “a stock agency for photos of self-satisfied young white people.”

“Intentionally or not, the Professor Watchlist, simply by being a self-styled watch list, has aligned itself with the ugly, frightening new political status quo,” writes Schuman. “This is, indeed, a turning point in our country, a time of fear unprecedented on this continent since the Second World War. Fear of being placed on a list, targeted as undesirable, and subjected to whatever happens next.”

Schuman also compared TPUSA members and the organization as a whole to an angry violent mob, stating, “this list watches over us at our country’s darkest turning point, poised to inflame the tinder-dry, gasoline-soaked pitchforks of a mob that has just stepped boldly into the light.”Words

New York Times author Christopher Mele also attacked the list in an article titled Professor Watchlist Is Seen as A Threat To Academic Freedom.”Did you just hear what your mouth said

Mele quotes Julio C. Pino, an associate professor history at Kent State included on the list that believes it “is a kind of normalizing of prosecuting professors, shaming professors, defaming professors.”

“The website has thin information in its entries and a less-than-smooth search function,” Professor Pino continues. “That could be a reflection of how rapidly it was created to capitalize on the political climate, particularly after the election of Donald J. Trump as president.”Leftist Propagandist

Robert Jensen, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, also expressed his feelings on being included on the list for teaching students that “we won’t end men’s violence against women if we do not address the toxic notions about masculinity in patriarchy … rooted in control, conquest, aggression.”

“It would be easier to dismiss this rather silly project if the United States had not just elected a president who shouts over attempts at rational discourse and reactionary majorities in both houses of Congress,” writes Jensen. “I’m a tenured full professor (and white, male, and a U.S. citizen by birth) and am not worried. But, even though the group behind the watchlist has no formal power over me or my university, the attempt at bullying professors — no matter how weakly supported — may well inhibit professors without my security and privilege.”What did you say 04.jpg

Alex Shephard of The New Republic wrote that “It’s hard not to feel as though Professor Watchlist is a one-stop shop for those with less innocent intentions, potentially threatening the ideas of free speech it seeks to protect.”more-words

Despite the criticism the list has received, TPUSA founder and CEO, Charlie Kirk, fiercely defended the list on Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor” Tuesday night.

“If the professors are so scared of what’s going on in their lecture halls being made public then that is their problem, not ours,” says Kirk. “We’re not trying to prevent teachers from saying anything. All we want here is to shine a light on what’s going on in our universities and the response has been incredible.”

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