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Posts tagged ‘MAGA hat’

Nolte: Media-Approved Hate Crimes Against Trump Supporters Explode Post-Acquittal

Written by John Nolte | 

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A girl sits in a van next to an anti-Donald Trump poster during a demonstration against the US president in Brussels on May 24, 2017. US President Donald Trump is on a two-day visit to Belgium, to attend a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) summit on May 25. / AFP … BRUNO FAHY/AFP/Getty

Nothing proves “silence is consent” more than the media establishment’s revealing indifference in the face of a recent wave of violent attacks and threats against Trump supporters.

First, a little background…

As of March of 2019, Breitbart News documented 332 separate, media-approved political hate crimes committed against Trump supporters. This list includes physical assaults, vandalism, and the open encouragement of violence against individuals and groups based only on their personal beliefs. Sadly, through its deafening silence and indifference, the corporate media not only give consent to commit acts of political violence against those of us on the right, as we have seen on countless occasions — especially at the far-left CNN — the media regularly encourage and openly call for violence against Trump and his supporters. And now the violence is once again exploding…

With the Russia Collusion Hoax exposed, President Trump forever acquitted of a frame-job impeachment, a Democrat presidential field filled with hapless, white, decrepit millionaires and billionaires; the president piling up a list of solid accomplishments and his re-election looking more likely by the day, the impotent rage of the media is increasing, and this is obviously spilling over into the public at large, which is why we have seen at least seven hate crimes against Trump supporters in just over a week.

  • February 9, 2020: Man Arrested for Driving Car Through GOP Voter Registration Booth

Witnesses told JSO that a man in his 20s driving an older brown Chevy van pulled up to the tent before driving through, running over their tables and chairs. Volunteers for the Republican Party were registering people to vote.

No volunteers were hurt, according to JSO. Witnesses said the driver of the van, stopped the vehicle, got out of the van and took a video while making obscene gestures before he left.

The vandalism occurred around 2:37 a.m. Saturday. Surveillance video picked up a vehicle parking in the lot outside the building. A man walked out of the vehicle with a can of spray paint in his hands, went over to the front of the building and spray-painted the words “Still Traitors” in yellow and gold paint on the stucco front of the headquarters.

  • February 10, 2020: California GOP Headquarters Vandalized for Sixth Time in Two Years

The latest act of vandalism at the Humboldt County Republican headquarters in Eureka is the sixth of its kind in just two years, though the damage this time may be far more costly than prior incidents, the party’s local chair said Monday.

“This was above and beyond anything that’s happened before,” said John Schutt. “Windows were broken and the suspect had thrown rocks, too. He poured liquid on merchandise .. a lot of stuff was destroyed that way.”

  • February 12, 2020: UC Santa Cruz College Republican Display Destroyed and Vandalized

A 14-year-old high school student wearing a “Make America Hat Again” hat was struck and called a “fascist” while leaving a New Hampshire polling place Tuesday night with the father of his friend, authorities said.

Windham Police Capt. Bryan Smith confirmed the details of the incident to Pluralist and said an investigation was underway but would not comment further.

  • February 13, 2020: Man Threatens to Cut Throats of Arizona State Students for Trump Event

 According to reports, the former cop, Daniel Sprague, was celebrating his 50th birthday at The Stage bar on Broadway in Nashville, Tennessee, and donned a red “Make Fifty Great Again” hat given to him by his wife.

Sprague told WSMV that people came up to him and were “just loving the little word play on the hat and taking pictures and wishing me happy birthday.” However, Sprague claims one woman approached him and ultimately punched him in the face, grabbing his hat and shouting, “How dare you.”

When a rodeo clown in Nowheresville, Nowhere, puts on an Obama mask, the media destroy his reputation and career.

When some guy makes a video mocking CNN, the Hate Network destroys his life by threatening to doxx him.

When the media want certain behavior to stop, they launch jihads.

But when Trump supporters, including children, are physically assaulted, the media shrug, and that shrug is a wink, a nod of approval, a way of saying, Carry on, we’re on your side. You heroes have nothing to fear from us.

The corporate media are a danger to every law-abiding American citizen, and their embrace of violence against us, their encouragement of that violence, will only get worse as the 2020 race heats up.

And never forget that as the media encourage this violence against us, they also seek to disarm us.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

Written by Joshua Caplan | 

URL of the original posting site:

DETROIT, MI – JULY 24: Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) participates in a Presidential Candidates Forum at the NAACP 110th National Convention on July 24, 2019 in Detroit, Michigan. The theme of this years Convention is, When We Fight, We Win. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images)

Police in Tempe, Arizona, arrested a man at a campaign event for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Thursday after a scuffle with members of a pro-Trump group protesting the 2020 candidate’s stump speech.

According to the Washington Post, the man was taken into police custody after refusing to leave the Marquee Theater at the request of the venue’s security. A member of the AZ Patriots told the Post that the man attempted to rip a cellphone from the hands of one of the group’s members who was filming the event. Some of the group’s members wore red pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” baseball caps and unfurled a pro-Trump banner while protesting “the socialism that [Warren’s] peddling,” members said.

The AZ Patriots describe themselves as a group of activists and citizen reporters standing “boldly for American values and Conservative principals.”

Tempe Police Sgt. Kevin Renwick told reporters that the man will face charges, saying the matter is “pretty cut and dried.” In a statement, Tempe Police Department spokesperson said the man will be charged with “assault and disorderly conduct for confronting another subject at the event.” 

AZ Patriots member Jennifer Harrison told the Post that Warren’s campaign staffers were “rude” to the group and held up signs to block their view.

“[W]e left peacefully, no problem,” she recounted about being asked to leave the event. “We respect the law.”

As the group was walking toward the exit, the man became enraged, tried to take a group members’ cellphone and “came after me and tried to take a swing at me,” said Harrison.

“Liberals cannot keep their hands to themselves at these events,” she stated. “They see a Make America Great Again hat and they become unglued.”

This is far from the first instance in which Trump supporters have been subjected to threats and violence.
Breitbart News editor-at-large John Nolte has documented 639 acts of violence against Trump supporters, many of which corporate media has downplayed, ignored entirely, or approved and encouraged.

Today’s TWO Politically INCORRECT Cartoons by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – The Real Threat

Andrew McCabe along with many others in the deep state actually tried to overturn a duly elected president.

The Threat Andrew McCabePolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Hard Hat

Caution; according to the latest reports, wearing a Red MAGA hat can be hazardous to your health, and you are more likely to be falsely accused of racism and hate crimes.

MAGA Hat HazardousPolitical Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019
See more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.

A.F.Branco’s New Coffee Table Book <—- Order

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A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been seen all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, and even the great El Rushbo. Also Recently noticed and re-posted by President Trump.

WATCH: White Leftist Confronts Black Man With MAGA Hat and It’s Disgusting

Reported By | Wes Walker |

If the MAGA hat were on the aggressor’s head, the media would have been calling for blood. This is the kind of aggressive stupidity that gets people ‘outed’ on the internet, and — in some cases — fired.

We saw it with the Portland Antifa punk who tried to harass and intimidate the 9/11 widow (he got fired). We saw it with the pro-life girl took a roundhouse from some dumb leftist radical who had pulled a similar stunt on another pro-life demonstrator. (He got fired AND he is facing criminal charges.)

But don’t expect the media to get all ‘huffy’ about this particular exchange, because it doesn’t fit their ‘Orange Man Bad’ talking points. It’s actually the exact opposite.

We’ve got a scene in a coffee shop, where one customer is minding his own business — he’s trying to talk to somebody on the phone, even, if you look closely — while some self-important moron in a football jersey takes it upon himself get right up in the stranger’s face and to ‘correct’ the his politics.

The white Liberal was very offended by the black man’s MAGA hat.’

What’s wrong with my supporting Trump?”

The guy in the hat was just trying to quietly go about his life, but the physically larger liberal guy wouldn’t let it go.

Doing exactly what Maxine Waters has called her supporters to do, he made a scene, got right in his face, got hostile, raised his voice at him and eventually knocked his hat off his head and onto the floor. 

This story has been out for a few days now, but we came back to it because the Media(D) has been hammering the narrative that Trump and the Right are responsible for ‘escalating’ hostility in public discourse, because of mean words.

But how many variants of this story have we heard before?

The MAGA hat triggers some rage event in public, and either someone is berated for it, or the hat gets stolen, or someone is denied service in a restaurant, or someone gets assaulted — one truck was even shot at for having a MAGA flag if you remember, and another one spraypainted ‘Trump’ and burned in Portland more recently.

These are not escalations of violence on the part of Republicans, are they? And what happens when women or ethnic men show their support for the President? They’re ‘traitors’ to their ‘race’ or ‘gender’. They get disparaged by Media Talking heads. Marc Lamont Hill called black Republican Trump supporters “Mediocre Negroes”.

Kanye — who isn’t even a Republican, just someone who has positive things to say about both Hillary AND Donald Trump — was facing death threats for wearing that hat.

Do you know what we didn’t see? When the Free Press (which for living memory has been cleverly disguised as the AV department of the Democrat party) was bending over backward to connect Trump’s words to the mail bomb attacks, or even worse, to the disgusting anti-Semite who shot up a Synagogue over the weekend, they had nothing to say about this video.

Because it was a smaller black guy being harassed by a Liberal white guy. They don’t want THOSE stories in circulation. Not when they’re trying to paint THEIR side as the perpetual victims of the Big Mean Republicans.

But people are wising up. They’ve stopped watching CNN. The political tide is turning.

In our favor.


Wes Walker is the author of “Blueprint For a Government that Doesn’t Suck”. He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck

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