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Posts tagged ‘Las Vegas’

Transportation Safety Board Proposes Dystopian Technology to Limit Your Speed While Driving




The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is calling on “intelligent speed assistance technology” (ISA) to be mandatory “in all new cars” after a fatal accident in Nevada killed nine people.

In a press release last week, the federal agency outlined how ISA “uses a car’s GPS location compared with a database of posted speed limits and its onboard cameras to help ensure safe and legal speeds.”

“Passive ISA systems warn a driver when the vehicle exceeds the speed limit through visual, sound, or haptic alerts, and the driver is responsible for slowing the car,” the agency explained. “Active systems include mechanisms that make it more difficult, but not impossible, to increase the speed of a vehicle above the posted speed limit and those that electronically limit the speed of the vehicle to fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit.”

The NTSB board issued the recommendations last week after a 2018 Dodge Challenger rammed into a minivan at 103 mph in North Las Vegas in January 2022. The driver, however, was high on cocaine and PCP.

“This crash is the latest in a long line of tragedies we’ve investigated where speeding and impairment led to catastrophe, but it doesn’t have to be this way,” NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said in last week’s press release. “We know the key to saving lives is redundancy, which can protect all of us from human error that occurs on our roads. What we lack is the collective will to act on NTSB safety recommendations.”

While legal speed limits are capped at 85 mph in the U.S., vehicles are designed to go far faster to allow safe passing and escape in emergency situations. The capacity to go faster also puts less strain on vehicles at lower speeds.

The NTSB released the proposal weeks after the Republican House majority helped Democrats preserve their “kill switch” mandate for new vehicles earlier this month. All cars produced in 2026 and onward will be required to implement technology that can automatically disable the vehicle “if impairment is detected” after 19 Republicans joined Democrats to kill an amendment defunding the mandate.

The NTSB’s ISA mandate, combined with the “kill switch” requirement embedded in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, lays the groundwork for corporate and government access to monitor and interfere with personal movement.

[LISTEN: The Dystopic Power Grab Nobody Is Talking About]

In California, activists have cited climate change as justification for new standards limiting transit. The California Air Resources Board released new regulations last summer banning the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035. The following week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom begged residents not to charge electric vehicles during a heat wave so the power grid would not become overwhelmed.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

Author Tristan Justice profile




‘Void of humanity’: Las Vegas police arrest 8 teens over savage beating that resulted in death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis



Eight teens have been arrested in connection with the beating death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis near his Las Vegas high school on Nov. 1. Undersheriff Andrew Walsh of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department revealed in a press conference Tuesday that the suspects will be charged with murder. Walsh further indicated that the investigation into Lewis’ slaying is far from over, calling on parents and students who may have seen the video to help identify others in the mob who mercilessly kicked, stomped, and punched Lewis as he tried to get away.

Lt. Jason Johansson of the LVMPD’s homicide section indicated that the fatal beating took place in an alley one block east of Rancho High School after classes let out. All involved in the incident were reportedly students from the school.

“As you know, the video that has been shared widely on social media … is very graphic and in my opinion is very void of humanity,” said Johansson. “What you see in the video though is approximately 10 subjects kicking, stomping, and punching our victim Jonathan as he’s on the ground, not defending himself, until the point at where he becomes unconscious.”

KVVU-TV previously reported that police found a student who was “battered and bleeding from the head.”

According to police, the fight was initially over a pair of stolen wireless headphones and possibly also over a stolen vape pen, apparently taken earlier in the week from the victim’s friend.

“After school let out, all parties then walked to that back alley where — as you see in the video — our victim removes his clothing, engages in a fight initially with one subject, and the minute the punch is thrown with that person, 10 subjects immediately swarm him,” said Johansson.

After the mob overtook Lewis and left him with “non-survivable head trauma,” Johansson said a concerned citizen found the victim’s crumpled and unresponsive body lying in the alley, began attending to him, then carried him back to the school. He was subsequently taken to University Medical Center, where days later he perished.

Lewis’ cause of death was ruled a homicide. Police suggested there is presently no evidence to suggest that it was a hate crime.

The Clark County School District and the high school reportedly helped identify the eight suspects, who were taken into custody by law enforcement officials Tuesday morning. LVMPD also executed nine search warrants at various residences, obtaining clothing allegedly worn by the suspects during the attack.

The suspects range in age from 13 to 17. All were booked into Clark County Juvenile Hall on charges of murder.

“The case will now be turned over to the Clark County District Attorney’s Office, who we’ve been in close coordination with,” continued Johansson. “We’ll go through the normal steps … for them to be certified as an adult.”

Las Vegas has seen other teens charged as adults in recent weeks for ghastly murders.

Jzamir Keys, 16, and Jesus Ayala, 18, were both charged as adults in connection to the fatal rundown of 64-year-old retired police chief Andreas Probst. Ayala and Keys appear to have filmed parts of their rampage, including when they allegedly drove a white sedan off the road, then targeted Probst, the former police chief of Bell, California, for slaughter, giggling while doing so.

“I want to say just as a parent and as a member of this community, the video that’s out there and the videos that we have mentioned throughout this investigation and that you’ve seen reported in the media, they’re extremely disturbing,” said Undersheriff Walsh. “And this should be a reminder to all of us to have those difficult conversations with our children and remind them that their actions have consequences, their actions have lasting consequences, their actions have life-altering consequences.”

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JUST IN: Jonathan Lewis, a teenage boy who was beaten up by 15 students at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada had died.

November 13, 2023

I haven’t seen any news outlet cover this tragedy. So, here is all I know about it.

Mom ‘furious’ after teacher taped masks to multiple 4th-grade students’ faces: Report

Reported by PHIL SHIVER | September 06, 2021


The mother of a fourth-grade student in Las Vegas, Nevada is fuming after a substitute teacher reportedly taped a mask to her son’s face after he mistakenly took it off during class.

The mother, who wished not to be identified, spoke at length about the alleged incident in an interview with KVVU-TV over the weekend. She has since filed a police report and is calling for the teacher’s resignation.

“I was furious, furious. I was scared for my son on what kind of long-term effect it is going to have on him socially, the fact that the entire class was laughing,” the mother said, noting that her 9-year-old son’s failure to wear the mask properly was just an honest mistake.

“He went to get a sip of water, forgot to put the mask on,” she said.

But rather than reminding him to put the mask back on or even sending him to the principal’s office, the teacher allegedly dragged him in front of the whole class and then applied the tape.

“The teacher did not tell him to put it back on or send him to the office, she instead pulled him up in front of the classroom in front of all of the students and she then taped the mask across the top of his face,” the mother continued, adding that the teacher applied a second layer of tape from his nose to his forehead.

With the tape still on his face, her son was then allegedly sent to the office to pick up homework. While he was there, an alarmed administrator took notice, prompting the school’s principal to go to the classroom and investigate. When the principal arrived, she reportedly discovered another student with tape on their face.

The mother told KVVU that her son said the face mask taping has gone on regularly since the beginning of the semester and that at least 5 other students have experienced it.

In a statement to the news outlet, Clark County School District said: “The district is aware of the isolated incident and is dealing with the employee through the proper channels. The principal proactively notified the family of the investigation.”

CCSD has a mask mandate in place for the 2021-2022 school year that requires all students over the age of 2 to wear face masks while indoors and on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.

The mother insisted she didn’t mind the mandate but argued young students should be given grace and not be publicly embarrassed for forgetting to wear masks.

“It’s crazy,” she complained, adding, “Corporal punishment in schools should not be happening.”

She is now reportedly considering moving her son to a different public school, or potentially a charter school.

Top NFL QB Uses 4 Words to Explain LV Massacre… Get Ready for the Media to Freak


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Every time a tragic shooting befalls America, the media immediately begins “searching for answers.” Almost universally, those answers involve new gun control legislation — even when the shooter is found to have violated laws already on the book.

In the so-called “search for answers,” the media rarely goes where Philadelphia Eagles QB Carson Wentz went in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre. In fact, while news outlets kept tripping over themselves to report every political utterance of anyone even vaguely affiliated with the NFL over the past few days, Wentz’s tweet hardly registered in the aftermath of Sunday night’s tragic shooting.

Why? He said four words that the media freaks out every time they hear: “The world needs Jesus.”

In a tweet early Monday morning, Wentz expressed his condolences and urged Americans to turn toward Jesus for guidance.

“So much hate and evil. So sad. The World needs Jesus in a bad way. Praying for all those affected in Vegas,” Wentz tweeted.

The world does need God in the most dire of ways. Sadly, that’s the only solution reporters and politicians won’t look toward in situations like these. In fact, as the Washington Examiner reports, Democrats already want to move forward on gun control legislation without even knowing the full circumstances behind the Las Vegas massacre. So, in case you were wondering, no — they haven’t forgotten Rahm Emanuel’s maxim about letting a good crisis go to waste.

Congressional Republicans, thankfully, are blocking the reactive impulse to legislate the problem away without actually knowing the problem.

“I just think politicizing this terrible tragedy is beyond disgusting and we ought to wait a respectful period of time, out of respect for people who lost their lives or were injured before we get into the push and shove of politics around here,” Republican Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas said.

And yet, one thing we forget is that no legislation can prevent pure evil. We cannot take depravity and cruelty out of the human heart with a law. That’s what caused the massacre in Las Vegas. It wasn’t some pernicious legal loophole or some new type of hyper-malevolent weaponry Congress refuses to ban. It was evil, plain and simple.

There’s only one way to excise this kind of evil from our society: Returning to the values that made our country great by making it good. The only way to do that is to turn to God.

At least Carson Wentz is willing to acknowledge that, even if the media won’t.

H/T The Daily Caller

Ann Coulter Letter: “ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count”

waving flagCommentary by  Ann Coulter  | 

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ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count

In the days leading up to July Fourth weekend, Americans were hysterically warned about an ISIS attack in the United States. Congressman Peter King, for example, somberly advised Fox News viewers that “this is the most concerned I’ve seen the FBI and Homeland Security” since 9/11.

And, once again, the weekend came and went without anyone in America being killed by ISIS, but a lot of people being killed by immigrants — legal, illegal, second generation and anchor babies. There’s no way to know exactly how many Americans were killed July Fourth weekend as a result of the country’s immigration policies, because the media don’t trust us with the truth. 

But the holiday weekend kicked off with the news that an illegal alien from Mexico, Francisco Sanchez, had shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle on Wednesday on a San Francisco pier. The most surprising aspect of the crime was that we were told right away that Steinle’s suspected killer was an illegal alien. Usually, we only find out that the perp was an immigrant years later when the Spanish translators show up in court.

The day after Steinle was shot to death, the Associated Press reported that members of the Mexican mafia and their associates — Loribeth Martinez, John Mendoza Jr., Kristopher Sanchez and Veronica Sanchez — had been arrested for the murder of two people, Traci Lynn Lemley and Jeremy Carrico, in San Antonio, Texas.

Also on Thursday:

– A fifth suspect in a shooting in Las Vegas, Benjamin Hernandez, was arrested. He joined Yors “Cuete” Garcia-Mier, Nicholas Pedro “Silent” Cortes, Miguel “Trips” Salazar and Jeiszon Valles in jail for the killing.

– In New Jersey, an illegal alien from Ecuador was indicted for attempting to murder his ex-wife by stabbing her with a steak knife in front of one of their children. (Gosh — I hope all those kids were born here, so the media can start referring to them as “American citizens” right away.)

– The bodies of two Americans, Michael Careccia and his wife, Tina, were dug out of the Arizona desert, and Jose Valenzuela, was arrested for their murder.

– An illegal immigrant from Mexico, Juan Francisco de Luna Vasquez, murdered his wife with a hammer in Laredo, Texas. Vasquez had previously been charged with assault, making terroristic threats, DWI and evading arrest. It just sounds awful to be living in the shadows like that!

That was Thursday. And I didn’t even include drunk driving fatalities, a specialty of our Latin American immigrants. (It may not be a good idea to pluck people from the Mayan jungle and put them directly on American roads and highways.)

On Friday, as Americans worried about the imminent ISIS attack:

– Prudencio Juan Fragos-Ramirez, an illegal alien in Washington state, was accused of murdering an 18-year-old and her toddler son, then setting the pair on fire.

– Irina Kolenkina, a Russian immigrant who does not speak English, was ordered to stand trial for the murder of her husband in Vienna, Wisconsin. Kolenkina had to be put into restraints because she became so combative upon her arrest.

– Illegal immigrant Sinar Roblero Escalante found out he would get off scot-free for killing a 24-year-old man in East Naples, Florida, 10 years ago in a car accident. After the crash, Escalante had fled the scene on foot. He went on the lam and is believed to have hid out in Mexico for at least part of that time — thus, outlasting the statute of limitations. Escalante was recently re-arrested after being caught in his car with a baggie of cocaine on his lap.

– In another immigration success story, Andrew Romero assaulted a prison guard in New Mexico last week. Romero is awaiting trial on charges that he murdered Rio Rancho Police officer Gregg Benner.

– On our nation’s birthday, it was reported that Brogenet Cinor, a Haitian voodoo priest, was arrested for child rape in Florida.

– On Monday, an illegal alien from Mexico engaged in a fatal hit-and-run accident in Bellingham, Washington, then fled the scene of the accident. Witnesses described a “short Hispanic man” running from the car, which was littered with empty beer bottles and a case of Modelo Especial. The illegal farm worker doesn’t speak English, but he was able to ask for an attorney in Spanish.

In related news, a non-elderly woman in Washington state became the first person to die of measles in the U.S. since 2003.

On the bright side, heading into the July 4 weekend, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it is reconsidering its policy of releasing convicted criminal illegal aliens into the public without warning. This was the agency’s lightning-fast response to the murder of 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck by a Mexican illegal alien in Arizona last January.

Apolinar Altamirano had been released by ICE because the charge on his conviction sheet was “burglary,” which our public servants deemed a “nonviolent” offense. But burglary was merely the charge Altamirano had agreed to in a plea bargain. His actual crime, according to the victim, was to break into her home with two accomplices, steal all her belongings, kidnap and rape her.

Mexico really is sending us its best people!Illegal Immigration Giant

Some of these crimes were committed by legal residents — even “citizens.” But without Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan’s 1982 anchor baby invention, the “Mexican mafia” would not be living in America, much less be “citizens.”

Just as America’s immigration policies began favoring people from cultures as different from ours as possible, we also began providing government assistance to any loser immigrants and refusing to deport the criminals.

There’s no question but that the only reason any of this week’s criminal immigrants are in America at all is because of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.

Now go back to worrying about ISIS.

Civil Race Both freedom combo 2

Teacher Tells Girl Bible Quotes Banned From School

Posted on May 22, 2015Tad Cronn

 Different Free Speech Ideologies

Freedom of expression. It’s not a difficult concept. Basically, every human being has the right to speak his mind without fear of government punishment or penalty. Accepted, reasonable restrictions on speech are generally very loose, like no yelling “fire” in a crowded auditorium and no speech that is genuinely disruptive like standing up and reciting the Communist Manifesto while the teacher is trying to conduct class.

Yet somehow, school officials across this land often seem to forget that the right to freedom of speech, particularly religious speech, does not end at the classroom door. The latest example comes from Somerset Academy near Las Vegas, Nevada, where sixth-grader Mackenzie Fraiser was given an “All About Me” report assignment that was supposed to include an inspirational quote. When Mackenzie wanted to use John 3:16, however, her teacher said that biblical quotations and quotes from the Book of Mormon were forbidden by the school.

The incident might not have even come to light except that some months later, the same teacher made an assignment about self-esteem, and Mackenzie’s parents suggested using a Bible quote, reasoning that the reason Mackenzie has strong self-esteem is that she is made in God’s image. At that point, the sixth-grader spilled the beans about her teacher’s prohibition of things scriptural.

Mackenzie’s father, Tim Fraizer, the pastor of Grace Point Church, fired off an email to his girl’s teacher, certain that there must have been a miscommunication. The reply he received, however, was an email from an assistant principal, Jenyan Martinez, confirming that Mackenzie recalled the incident correctly and that the teacher was, in fact, enforcing school policy. In her response, Martinez suggested that the reason for banning the biblical quote from the original assignment was because, as an oral report, the assignment would give Mackenzie a, quote-unquote, captive audience for her religious beliefs.Liberalism a mental disorder 2

Liberty Institute attorney Jeremy Dys told The Blaze, “When students go to school they do not lose their First Amendment rights. It chilled her speech and, as such, what the school is teaching these kids right now is that it is wrong to reference their faith at school. If they don’t apologize for this mistake … then the lesson that these students will take away is that it is wrong to reference their faith in school.”first-amendment-flag

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the academy said in a statement that it values students’ rights and the incident was under review.

The Mackenzies are asking for the school to apologize and allow their daughter to submit her original assignment with the quote for a grade, which seems very reasonable. Had the situation been inverted, and an atheist student found herself banned by a Christian academy from using, say, a Richard Dawkins quote, the fireworks would be seen far and wide.Leftist determonation to destroy freedom of religion

So why is it considered acceptable by so many government officials to impose on Christians’ rights while asserting a position of de facto atheism? The right to freedom of speech should preclude any policy of selective “diversity.”cause of death freedom combo 2

Woman Shot in the Head Because She Wouldn’t Take Pill to Kill Her Unborn Baby

by Steven Ertelt | Las Vegas, NV | | 1/5/15

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abortionA man who worried his girlfriend may be pregnant shot her in the head because she refused to take the morning-after pill, which he believed would either prevent her from becoming pregnant or end the life of her developing unborn child shortly after conception.

Breyana Lewis was reportedly shot in the head and local police report that, after answering an emergency call, they found Lewis with bullet fragments in her head. Lewis told officers with Las Vegas police’s Violent Crimes Section that she had been having a sexual relationship with Myrick for two months when the altercation happened.

Gregory Myrick, 21, was taken into custody along with Daquesha Fowler, a 20-year apparently in a love triangle with Myrick, with Fowler allegedly shooting Lewis because she refused to take the pill.

Here’s more on what went down:

Pregnant bellyLewis told police that she was having an argument with Myrick, who was angry at her for not taking the morning-after pill and possibly being pregnant. During their exchange, Myrick was texting someone.

Afterward, Lewis drove Myrick to his apartment complex. As soon as he got out of the vehicle, someone shot at her at least twice. Police said Fowler was firing on the car from a second-floor patio in an “ambush style attack,” the report said.

Lewis escaped and drove to another location to call 911. An examination at University Medical Center revealed she had a single gunshot to her upper right forehead. The bullet did not pierce her skull, however, and traveled around the cranium to the top of her head, where it remains.

Police said the injury was not life-threatening, and told the Review Journal on Saturday that Lewis was released later that afternoon.oct172014 02

The article confirms Myrick didn’t shoot Lewis but he reportedly gave Fowler the gun and told her to shoot her.Let God

Because violence is so often perpetrated against pregnant women and their unborn children, many states have adopted laws providing them with justice by charging criminals with two crimes if they kill or injure an unborn baby in such a violent crime. According to the National Right to Life Committee, some 35 states recognize the unlawful killing of an unborn child as homicide in at least some circumstances. The federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, enacted April 1, 2004, covers unborn victims of federal and military crimes.

Of the 37 states, 29 of them offer justice and protecting for women and unborn children throughout pregnancy while another 8 offer the protection only during the early stages.



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