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Posts tagged ‘indocrination’

School Gets Equipped With ‘Social Justice’ Manuals That High-5’s Islam, Black Panthers & Che Guevara

Reported By Wes Walker |

Here’s another taste of the ‘fundamental change’ President what’s-his-name had promised. Where are all those ‘Separation of Church and State’ radicals now? In Portland — of course it would be Portland — there is a new teacher’s handbook. It’s chock-full of inspiring quotes, and important dates like holidays (Except Thanksgiving. That’s now called ‘National Day of Mourning’), anniversaries of protests, and quotes from such wonderful and inspiring people as Che Guevara or founders of the Black Panthers?

Objection to the ideas or indoctrination of ’See You at The Pole’ events are so yesterday. Now they WANT indoctrination and activism. It just has to be the ‘right kind’ of indoctrination. So long as the thing they’re being indoctrinated by is not aligned with traditional Western values or culture, it is A-OK to this crowd.

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This book was featured in an activist blog for teachers, and with recent articles like these…

Guns Out of Our Schools, Propaganda Out of Our Classrooms and
Transforming Teacher Unions in a Post-Janus World

… you know anything they do that breaks news is going to be a real gong show, right? Buckle up.

They published a “plan book for social justice teachers”. Because the most important thing for kids to learn is NOT math, science, or a solid grasp of language skills. The most important thing is raising up a generation of rabid activists.

Here is how the book was introduced on another activist site, the Education for Liberation Network:

Planning to Change the World—an annual lesson plan book for social justice teachers that features birthdays and anniversaries from the history of the struggle for justice, references to resources to teach about those dates, inspirational quotes, essential questions and much more.

They were the organization who produced the book and described themselves this way.

Picking one city at random — Baltimore — how well are the students doing, that teachers think they can divert attention from more traditional studies?

In fourth- and eighth-grade reading, only 13 percent of city students are considered proficient or advanced. In fourth-grade math, 14 percent were proficient and in eighth-grade math 11 percent met the mark, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a federally mandated test from the U.S. Department of Education. — Baltimore Sun, April 10, 2018

Here’s the objective of the program:

Can the content REALLY be that bad?

It tells you that Wednesday August 1 is the birthday of the founder of PETA, that the British slaughtered people in India on April 13, when Islam’s Eid formally begins (sunset on 8/20), the 60th anniversary of the closure of Little Rock schools, the 30th Anniversary of the CANADIAN apology for their Japanese Internment. And, naturally, the celebrate the 30th anniversary of Palestine declaring independence. (November 15) They forgot to mention the Charter of Hamas pledging the annihilation of the Jews, or that they have affirmed this goal has not changed.

It’s almost like they’re conditioning people to be perpetually angry and aggrieved. Because life never goes badly for people with a perpetual chip on their shoulder, right?

Are there some of the inspiring quotes by someone like FDR, Helen Keller, Frederick Douglas or Henry David Thoreau to inspire students to strive for greatness? Not exactly. They’re working from a different list of inspirational figures.


Who else are they celebrating?

Noam Chomsky… Black Panthers founders… trans activists… and this guy, who is justifying turning schools into indoctrination camps:

Is this the kind of ‘education’ that will give graduating students a level playing field, and an even shot at getting into good careers? Or are they more interested in churning out protesters and aggrieved activists?

Hat tip to GP, who seem to be the first ones to spot this story and make it public.

Shocking Statistics on Teaching Islam in American Schools

disclaimerReported By Guest Contributor Tuesday, May 29, 2018

In this picture taken on October 13, 2017, a student takes notes from history book in a classroom at Tokyo Korean high school. (Photo: BEHROUZ MEHRI / AFP / Getty Images)
(Illustrative photo: BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)

A retired Florida teacher contacted Clarion Project after we published the article “Why Is This Being Taught in Public Schools?” That piece told the story of a West Virginia parent who was upset after his daughter was asked to write the shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith, as part of “calligraphy practice” in her world religion class.

What follows is the response from the former teacher – one of several we received this week:

Speaking as a retired Florida educator, this has been going on for over 30 years. Not necessarily in writing the Islamic conversion verse and calling it practicing “calligraphy,” but in terms of elevating one religion over all others.

When I started teaching world history way back in the late 1990’s, I was leafing through my well-worn textbooks and formulating plans for the coming year. I noticed something that struck me as very odd, even then.

Let me break down the structure of secondary school social studies texts, at least in Florida.

Each chapter is broken down into lessons of about five to 10 pages each. The number of lessons per chapter averages four, with some going as long as five or as short as three depending on content.

As I flipped through my very first professional text to educate “my” new students, I was concerned.

In covering world religions, the textbook covered the Asian philosophies with their own lesson each. Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism and others got their own lesson. Judaism and Christianity? A section of a lesson each, not even rating their own individual lessons.

Islam? Four total chapters. Not lessons. Chapters. Each chapter having three to four lessons! I wish I’d kept one of those old books.

All history classes in Florida are divided in half. Makes sense. History is the only subject that keeps extending by the year. When I first started teaching, I covered everything in one year. But now, middle school takes care of the foundations and senior high gets into the details and inferences.

The emphasis on Islam far predates 9/11. It’s scary. In Florida, world history is mandated for the eighth and ninth grades. A very impressionable age. Very little in the way of critical thinking skills.

Written anonymously by a retired educator in Florida.

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American Education or Socialist Indoctrination?


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These are  the images they show



These are the images they DON’T show

03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A PALESTINIAN BOY DIRECTS HIS TOY GUN TOWARDS ISRAELI SOLDIERS IN THE GAZA STRIP 30 31 32

When you hear the “Drive-By” Leftist media report anything about anyone connected with Islam, expect that what you hear will be very biased toward the Islam people. Always expect that any reporting about Israel will be derogatory. These images are not just children playing war. These are indoctrination pictures. It represents Islam’s determination to keep the hatred going in every generation. These children do NOT have a chance to grow up and be anything else. Their indoctrination is set in stone.

Please remember this image:

How coward terrorist fight number Two

Any questions?

Wake up America

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