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Posts tagged ‘former President Theodore Roosevelt’

Liberals Are Now Going After This President’s Statue – Unbelievable!

Published by | on August 17, 2017

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They don’t seem to mind statues of Lenin in the same city. But THIS President? He’s ‘GOT’ to go!

Didn’t some people predict exactly this outcome?

Social Justice Warriors have their tantrums and expect the world to change to their demands. This is why they get so unruly when they form into large crowds. They have the cloak of anonymity (especially when they’re wearing masks) that lets them cause disorder and smash up the place.

These are the same sort of people who demanded that King’s College take down the portraits of the FOUNDERS — because they’re white.

The FOUNDERS of the institution weren’t even safe from their ridiculous demands.

Every demand that gets answered only emboldens them to demand more. 

Now they’ve turned their sights on Theodore Roosevelt.

On Monday, more than 200 SAW zealots held a protest inside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City to take down the supposedly “racist” statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt. The protest’s organizers, NYC Stands with Standing Rock and Decolonize This Place, also called for Columbus Day to be renamed Indigenous People’s Day.

“A stark embodiment of the white supremacy that Roosevelt himself espoused and promoted,” pontificated the group of protesters in a statement. “The statue is seen as an affront to all who pass it on entering the museum, but especially to African and Native Americans.” DailyWire

You mean… THIS Teddy Roosevelt?

Roosevelt’s attitudes on race fluctuated, though he was generally considered a moderate during his era. As governor of New York, he ended school segregation. Just one month after Roosevelt was sworn in as President, he invited Booker T. Washington, a black civil rights activist, to dine at the White House. The resulting uproar over the perceived impropriety appeared to restrain Roosevelt, who never repeated the invitation. While Roosevelt appointed progressive judges and initially encouraged the prosecution of peonage cases in the South, his administration eventually retreated from these efforts, lacking the political will to uproot the systems of involuntary servitude that existed in the South.

Maybe you should take a break from your perpetual hate and rage long enough to read a history book.

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