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Posts tagged ‘financial aid’

Biden Botched Financial Aid Rollout. And it’s Parents and Students Who Are Paying the Price.

By: Kevin Roberts @KevinRobertsTX / Lindsey Burke @lindseymburke / May 02, 2024


Completed FAFSA applications were down nearly 30% as of April 19. (Photo Illustration: Richard Stephen/Getty Images)

In a normal year, May 1 is known as National College Decision Day, the deadline for students to commit to enrolling at a college, guided in part by their financial aid awards. But the Biden administration’s disastrous rollout of a new financial aid application has left tens of thousands of families in the dark about their students’ future and prompted several universities to push back their enrollment deadlines.

As of April 19, completed FAFSA applications were down nearly 30%. At best, it means many students and parents don’t know how much it will cost to attend college in the fall. Even worse, it may lead frustrated young people to skip college altogether.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a notoriously cumbersome form that all prospective college students must fill out if they want federal loans or grants. Previously more than 100 questions long, FAFSA’s current crisis can be traced to 2020, when the FAFSA Simplification Act dropped the number of questions on the form to about 40.

Ironically, because of the Biden administration’s incompetence, the simplification has led to massive complications and confusion for families this year as they apply for college. Focused on other priorities, the Biden administration failed to update the FAFSA website before October, when most students start applying.

In fact, the “improved” FAFSA website didn’t go live until the end of December, and even then, only in 30-minute increments. This was presumably so that the department could meet the statutory deadline for release, as Inside Higher Ed reported. When the website finally became available in a more final form in January, the Department of Education still wasn’t processing applications or relaying students’ financial information to colleges. It said it’d be able to do that by mid-March.

President Biden’s FAFSA Chief Steps Down

With the May 1 deadline now here, the Biden administration is still running behind, prompting the bureaucrat in charge of the new form to resign last week. But it’s students and their families who are paying the real price of this debacle.

Couple that reality with what families are now seeing at America’s universities—protests featuring ugly displays of antisemitism—and it appears that higher education is experiencing the same “Zoom moment” that K-12 schools experienced during COVID-19. Parents now see up close what schools are teaching and the values they relay. All of this is the perfect recipe for a significant decline in college enrollment this year.

That might not be such a bad thing. Far too many students feel that pursuing higher education is their only option for success, and if this FAFSA debacle ushers in a much-needed course correction, that would be a welcome silver lining.

But for those students still pursuing traditional higher education, this academic limbo is maddening.

Colleges Push Back Enrollment Deadlines

Colleges are trying to adjust, and many have extended their decision deadlines, some as far out as July. Department of Education officials had to explain the disastrous rollout in congressional hearings, more of which should come soon.

All of this is yet another reminder of the pitfalls of the federal government’s involvement in higher education. Today, the federal government originates and services most student loans. But the Department of Education wasn’t designed as a bank, nor Uncle Sam as a lender. And it’s clear the agency isn’t up to the task.

The FAFSA debacle conjures up memories of the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare portal a decade ago.

As dual trainwrecks of the FAFSA rollout and antisemitic university protests play out simultaneously, there’s no better time for Congress to cut off the open spigot of federal funds to universities and protect future American students.

Originally published by USA Today

Sen. Rand Paul’s remedy for ObamaCare: ‘We could try freedom for awhile. We had it for a long time’

Published January 05, 2015 | On the Record | On the Record

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This is a rush transcript from “On the Record,” January 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Senator Rand Paul joins us. It is his first interview of 2015, and the first of the new Congress. Welcome back to Washington, sir.


Glad to be with you, Greta.


Will Republicans end gridlock and, if so, how?


Absolutely. We are going to begin voting again. Part of the way it has to work in the Senate is you have to let the other party have votes. What happened the last several years is Harry Reid said no Republican amendments whatsoever. It is my way or the highway. Senator McConnell is saying I am going to let Democrats and Republicans have votes. It will take a while, but we will vote, vote, vote, and then we will pass legislation.


Why is there not gridlock? As a hypothetical, you vote in the House and the Senate, because Republicans own both as of tomorrow. You vote to repeal ObamaCare, something that Republicans want to do. It then goes up to the president and he vetoes it. Now we’re at a standstill again.


Unless we come back say, well, now, we are going to repeal part of ObamaCare, are you going to veto that, too? There will be votes on total repeal that may or may not succeed, and votes on partial repeal, and votes on things we really want and maybe he won’t agree to. But the only way to figure out the compromise, you have to have votes. If one side just puts what they want and nothing else, nothing ever gets accomplished. I think by putting bills forward, you will find out what the president will veto and what he won’t and what the middle ground is.


Suppose you vote to appeal ObamaCare. I don’t think it will happen. But say the president went along with you. What in the world would happen?


What would happen to the American people? What would we have or not have?


We could try freedom for a while. We had it for a long time. That’s where you sell something and I agree to buy it because I like it. That is how we operate in most of rest of the marketplace other than health care. Now the president has said you can only buy certain types of health care that I approve of, and anything I don’t approve of, you are not allowed to purchase. We could try freedom. I think it might work. It works everywhere else.Complete Message


When do we go back to the situation where some people simply couldn’t afford health care with that? Right now, we are the healthier, more affluent people subsidizing the less healthy and affluent. They would end up back at the hospitals and the hospitals would be providing free care again and now we’ve got the financial burden back on the hospitals. So we’re back to square one.


The interesting thing is that they still do that. Even under Obamacare, there are people that get subsidized insurance. But that has a $6,000 deductible. What do you think they do with that $6,000 deductible? They are still a nonpayer.Obamacare Suppositories

But here’s the thing, is nobody is talking about a time when the government does not participate at all. Even before ObamaCare, the government took care of the bottom 5 or 10 percent of the public who were on Medicaid. And then there is also charity. There are different ways that we take care and help the poor. Nobody is saying we would not still do those things if we didn’t have ObamaCare. What ObamaCare did was take some of the things we did for the poor and expanded the government to basically the whole marketplace. That I think will ultimately bankrupt the country and then nobody will have good health care.depression-obamacare


Besides these issues of gridlock and Obamacare, the Palestinians, you intend to introduce a bill tomorrow, which is what?


The Palestinian Authority gets money from the American taxpayer.


And I should tell you in fiscal 2014, we researched it, $440 million.


Yeah. So the Palestinian Authority gets $440 million presumably because they will peacefully interact with Israel, but the Palestinian Authority now has applied to be a part of the International Criminal Court and also said they want to investigate Israel’s soldiers for war crimes. Well, that hardly seems to me a good idea to give American taxpayer money to a country or an entity that is now saying that an ally of ours, that their soldiers need to be investigated for war crimes.AMEN


Are you going to win this or not? Will this pass or not in the U.S. Senate?



I think there is a chance we could pass that. We will see what happens. I’ve introduced it before because I also do not think — or a variation because I don’t think American taxpayer money should go to a unity government that has Hamas and the Palestinian Authority together. It galls me to think that American taxpayer money could actually buy weapons that Hamas would be using against Israel. So I think there is a very good chance this could pass.Back-stabed1


Senator, nice to see you. I hope you come back often in the year 2015. Thank you, sir.


Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Watch the interview for yourself below:


Obama Muslim collection



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