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Posts tagged ‘drug smuggling’

Border Patrol Stops Tractor-Trailer – Makes Biggest Drug Bust In History

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The drug fentanyl has its uses. They gave it to me briefly after surgery. But it’s become the suburban junkie’s favorite way to OD and the stuff is deadly.

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol just seized the largest haul of fentanyl in U.S. history… enough to kill over 57 million people. It was under the floorboards of a tractor-trailer hauling cucumbers while trying to cross the Mexican border at Nogales. A drug-sniffing dog was their downfall. Tucker Carlson broke the story.

“Well, the U.S. border patrol has made the biggest fentanyl bust in history. An enormous amount, enough fentanyl to kill—they estimate—57 million people. That’s more than the combined population of the states of Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania. It’s a lot,” Carlson stated.
“We got our hands on an internal memo from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that details this bust. The biggest fentanyl seizure in U.S. history,” Fox News Correspondent Hillary Vaughn stated. “According to the memo, four days ago in Nogales, Arizona, at the port of entry, CBP officers stopped a tractor-trailer crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people. That’s plenty of fatal doses to wipe out the entire populations of Texas, Arizona, and New York state combined.”
“The shipment was referred to secondary, where an intensive examination revealed the contraband concealed within the trailer floor,” CBP said in a report. Authorities said it was driven by a 26-year-old man who was arrested and charged with possessing drugs with the intent to distribute them.

Vaughn continued:

“They found this under the floor of the trailer. They found 114 kilograms of fentanyl. According to the DEA, just two milligrams is considered a lethal dose. They also grabbed 179 kg of methamphetamine and one gram of fentanyl in pill form. The street value for the fentanyl was over $102 million. The CBP officers arrested the smuggler, a Mexican national who attempted to drive the drugs across the border. The suspect was a part of the DHS’ trusted traveler program called FAST, that stands for free and secure trade for commercial vehicles. The program started after 9/11.”

The Chinese produce fentanyl and sell it to us. I don’t know if it’s being produced by the cartels in Mexico but it’s sure being moved and sold by them. This is just one shipment… imagine what we’ve missed that is already here.

This drug bust comes just as President Trump is trying to secure the funding for the border wall for national security purposes. It would also put a stop to a lot of the drug and human trafficking going on here. The Democrats call the wall “immoral.” What do you call enough drugs to kill 57 million Americans? I call that criminal and murderous as fentanyl killed approximately 28,400 Americans in 2017. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the drug is up to 100 times stronger than morphine.

Many times drug users buy fentanyl thinking its heroin and then OD on it. Most of the illicitly produced fentanyl in the United States comes from Mexico evidently. That wall can’t go up soon enough.


Obama Aborted Anti-Terror Mission to Get His Iran Nuclear Deal Passed

Posted by | on December 18, 2017

A jaw-dropping exposé by Politico has revealed former President Barack Hussein Obama’s administration allowed Hezbollah to smuggle drugs into the US so that the Iran Nuclear Deal could proceed on its path. 

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was actively pursuing the criminal dealings of the Lebanese terror network in an investigation called Project Cassandra, starting back in 2008. In the report, Obama’s people allegedly set a number of roadblocks, stopping the DEA from doing their job and opening the door to trafficking and money laundering operations by Hezbollah.

One could say Obama and his administration paved the way for the terror-network’s cocaine smuggling operation into the US.


DEA agents have come out stating the administration ‘stopped them arresting key figures linked to Hezbollah as an agreement on the Iran nuclear deal approached – and scrapped Project Cassandra entirely once the terms were agreed in 2015,’ reports the Daily Mail.

When the administration wedged themselves between the DEA and Hezbollah, it allowed the terror network to grow into a global security threat.

According to Politico, the undercover investigation’s leaders sought permission for a number of significant prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, but Justice and Treasury Department officials delayed.

Via the Daily Mail: In some cases, they were hindered and some requests from the DEA’s Counter facility in Chantilly, Virginia, were flatly rejected. This hampered Project Cassandra’s efforts to bring the Hezbollah hierarchy to their knees. They included one of the world’s biggest cocaine traffickers who also supplied Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with chemical weapons.

Talking anonymously, some former Obama officials told Politico the decisions were made to improve relations with Iran.

David Asher, a founder of Project Cassandra, told Politico: ‘This was a policy decision, it was a systematic decision.

‘They serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down.’

Asher went on to explain the closer the Iran deal came to its final stages, the DEA’s job became more difficult. Coincidentally the moment the nuclear deal was announced in January 2016, agents working on Project Cassandra were transferred to other assignments.

After more than a decade of tensions with the West, Tehran signed a landmark deal with world powers to curb its nuclear activity in exchange for the gradual lifting of crippling economic sanctions. President Donald Trump has threatened to scrap the accord. The revelations also come just a week after the leader of Hezbollah swore to ‘end’ the US, calling for ‘martyr’ terror attacks in Jerusalem after Trump’s recognition of the city as the Israeli capital.

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese militant group, made the impassioned televised speech to thousands of followers, inciting the crowd to chant ‘Death to America’This was followed by a warning to Lebanon from Israel’s Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz, who said that if Hezbollah attacked Israel, the country would return the whole country ‘back to the Stone Age’.

In his speech this week, translated by the Washington D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute, Hezbollah leader Nasrallah appeared to urge followers to carry out terror attacks in Jerusalem.

‘It is time that everybody knows that America is not the sponsor of peace in Palestine and the region,’ he said in the televised speech

‘America is the sponsor of terrorism, of occupation, of Judaization, of deportation, of burning, of destruction and of civil strife.

‘America created ISIS and the takfiri [apostate] groups.’

He continued to state the only position Lebanon can take with the United States is ‘Death to America’, to which the crowd chanted the threats and waved the Palestinian flag. Nasrallah then encouraged the crowd to turn President Trump’s move to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital into the ‘beginning of the end’ for the U.S.and Israel ‘for all eternity’.

He also called for ‘millions of martyrs’ to march on Jerusalem, potentially inciting terror attacks.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a war in 2006 and often trade warnings. But in an interview on Wednesday, Intelligence Minister Katz warned that if the organization resumed a military conflict ‘all of Lebanon will be a target.’

‘What happened in 2006 would be a picnic compared to what could happen… 

‘I say Lebanon will return to the stone age.’ 





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