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Posts tagged ‘dean garrison’

America Arms Jihadists in Syria – Then Fights Exact Same Jihadists in Iraq

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It is OK to be confused at this point. *scratches head*

If I could pick one word to describe Barack Obama’s foreign policy, it would be “chaos.”

I am not sure how many Americans actually realize that the people we are now going to fight in Iraq are the same men that Barack Obama and

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congress have funded in Syria. Though this would not be the first time that our own soldiers have been shot at with guns we provided, this is now far beyond the point of insanity.

Fox News is drifting more and more left every single day. They reported yesterday that ISIS has American-made Stinger Missiles.

U.S. officials with access to the latest U.S. intelligence on Iraq told Fox News it “appears likely/probable” that U.S.-made Stinger missiles have fallen into the hands of Sunni insurgents.

It is possible that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters acquired them from army bases they have taken over in recent days, the sources said.

ConfusedThis just in! There is another possibility as well. Anyone who thinks that these terrorists have to beg, borrow or steal Stinger Missiles is a complete idiot. The CIA was running Stingers through Libya, and those missiles were making their way to Syria. That is how we were funding the rebels before we officially funded the rebels.

And now those same rebels become our enemy, but only if they cross the Iraqi border. Those inside of Syria are still our friends. And if any of those in Iraq should take a break to head back to Syria, they become our friends once again. Any questions?

Furthermore, the same Iranians, whose motto is “Death to America,” are now clearly our friends, but only inside the borders of Iraq. Actually, with Obama, that is not the case. He loves Iran. For those of us with common sense, we are now being asked to consider Iran an ally, but only within the context of this new Iraqi conflict. We will all kill each other later.

You don’t hear much truth from the news media in America. But for anyone with any doubts, I’d like to share with you with a quote from the CBC:

You only have to look at the ruined towns northeast of the Syrian city of Aleppo to understand what happened in Iraq’s Mosul.

The names of “martyred” fighters line the walls, alongside invocations to obey Sharia law, through miles of crumpled buildings, rubble and unexploded ammunition.

“These people use different names, so if one is defeated the other can claim victory,” says Col. Mohamed Saleh of the Syrian army as he surveys the wreckage of a factory in which 27 of his soldiers were killed.

“They call themselves ISIL, al-Nusrah Front, Deach, but they are all the same.”

These very same jihadis — which the Syrian forces have been defeating — are now surging towards Baghdad, some of them, perhaps, the very same men who fought Bashar al-Assad’s regime in northern Syria.

Who is better offIs it all crystal-clear now?

If you choose to believe this narrative that we are only supplying aid to the “good rebels” or “moderate rebels” in Syria then be my guest. Either way, they have weapons that were made here and will use them to try to kill our people. If you want to believe that they stole them from the “good rebels,” or from those they conquered, then I will respectfully disagree, but it does not change the fact that this was bad foreign policy.

It isn’t much different than the Stingers that were “stolen” in Libya or the M-16s that were “stolen” in Kuwait. At best it is incompetence. At worst it is complicity, which spells TREASON.

This is America. We expect results.

Before you jump on the “Bush did this…” bandwagon, please save your breath. Bush did his fair share of damage. We have to find a way to deal with what is happening now. This is about having a leader who is not doing his job.

Obama has to go

About Dean Garrison

Dean Garrison is editor and writer at He is a conservative independent who seeks only to recover the truth.
Wake up AmericaObama defending muslimsArticle collective closing




Rise of the Police State & No-Knock Raids – Either We are Against Them or Allowing Them to Happen

Commenter Jerri Lynn Ward provided a link to a piece by Radley Balko from August 2006.  In that article, Balko seems to implicate Justice Scalia as being part of the problem of the rise of the Police State.  He writes:

In his odd opinion in the Hudson v. Michigan case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dismissed the exclusionary rule as an effective remedy when police conduct an illegal no-knock raid because, Scalia arguedpolice departments across the country have implemented better internal review procedures and oversight functions to deal with officer misconduct. In making that argument, Scalia went so far as to cite the work of respected criminologist Prof. Sam Walker, who later asserted that Scalia had misappropriated his work.

Balko then went on to list four incidents in which SWAT teams were used resulting in fatal shootings of non-violent residents.  In one incident, one ounce of marijuana was found as the victim’s body was riddled full of bullet holes.  In another instance, a Virginia man was shot and killed over wagering on sports events.

Then there was Kenneth Jamar, who was shot and nearly killed by a SWAT team that kicked in his bedroom door looking for his nephew.  They were at the wrong address.  To make matters worse, the address on the search warrant wasn’t even the address they were at.

Finally, a Mississippi man was beat to death while in the custody of the police.  No arrests were made and no charges filed against the officers involved.

In all of these incidents, the victims are said to be to blame, not the tyrannical police officers.

Balko commented on the list by stating, “In all of the cases, one can’t help but wonder if the wheels of justice would be turning as slowly if the victim were a law enforcement officer and the assailant a civilian, instead of the other way around.”

I agree and that is usually how things happen.

In December, Tom Woods interviewed John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State.

Whitehead told Woods, “I’m a constitutional lawyer, I’ve been litigating cases throughout the courts, including the Supreme Court, for over 36 years.  So I’ve looked at what’s happening in the country, and I’m alarmed…we all should be concerned when we see these things happening.”

Mr. Whitehead noted that since the early 1980s there was an estimated 3,000 SWAT team raids.  However, he went on to say “We’ve seen the rise of SWAT Team raids, approximately 70,000 – that may be a low figure.”

Tying those raids to the unconstitutional surveillance of the NSA, Whitehead said, “We live in a very precarious state.”

Whitehead isn’t the only one saying these things either.  “People on the right and left are saying that there’s really no place to hide anymore,” he told Woods.  “You may not be doing anything wrong by the way, and you may get the arrival of a SWAT team at your door. So you’re going to be watched. Here’s the thing that I say to most people. I stand up and fight for freedom everyday. It’s not easy. I defend people who picket for our liberties, and they get arrested. It’s not easy…That’s where we’re at today. I believe we have about ten years before we’re going to see something so ominous that we can’t deal with it – so the time to act is now.”

We’re still waiting on answers for the cold blooded murder of Jose Guerena, a Marine who was shot more than 50 times by members of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department as he answered his door, then was left to bleed out for an hour, while not being given medical attention.  Consequently, nothing was found in his home and not one officer was brought to justice.

Decorated Marine Brandon Raub faced a tyrannical grab by police.  Whitehead represented him and he was finally released.

This is not to say all policemen are bad.  Certainly there are a lot of good policemen out there.  However, for anyone to deny that the police state in America is growing are either in on the militarization of police departments or have their heads stuck in the sand.

I have liked many things Justice Scalia has had to say.  However, while Scalia has warned the American people about internment camps, it’s his ruling, based on a faulty understanding of internal police review and oversight (also known as CYA), that has been part of the problem in the advancement of the police state in America.

I’ll echo the words of John Whitehead when it comes to pushing back against the police state.  “Either you’re an activist, or you’re going to allow this to happen, folks. That’s all I can say. And shame on you if you do.”

About Tim Brown

Husband to my wife. Father of 10. Jack of All Trades. Christian and lover of liberty.  Residing in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Follow Tim on Twitter.




Louie Gohmert Exposes Obamacare Secret Security Force

Do you ever have those moments when you feel validated? I had one of those moments this morning. Finally someone is talking about the secret security force that is mandated by Obamacare. Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican – Texas – 1st District) dropped his bombshell last week on The Janet Mefferd Show.

Paul Joseph Watson reports:

Referring to a section of the gargantuan Obamacare law which discusses “the president’s own commissioned and non-commissioned officer corps,” Gohmert drew attention to the notion that under the pretext of a “national emergency,” such individuals could be used to impose some form of medical martial law.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Ready Reserve Corps is directed to “assist full-time Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.”

“It says it is for international health crises, but then it doesn’t include the word ‘health’ when it talks about national emergencies,” said Gohmert.

“I’ve asked, what kind of training are they getting….I want to know are they using weapons to train, or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” asked the Congressman, adding that “no clear answers” had been forthcoming on the issue.”

Combined with the continued DHS arms build up along with the federal agency’s hiring of armed guards with “Top Secret” security clearances, Gohmert characterized the issue as “very disturbing”.

I first reported on this in August after reading a sobering article in The Daily Mail. Why does Obamacare need its own police force? The IRS already has agents trained with a multitude of weapons including AR-15s.

In the wake of Jeff Duncan’s reporting of IRS agents being trained with AR-15s I think we should be at least somewhat concerned with a breaking news story about the new “ObamaCare” Police. It would seem that the IRS implementation will not be the only strong arm of ObamaCare but that Health and Human Services will have a substantial number of investigative storm troopers as well.

The Daily Mail reports:

More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86 tasked with ‘criminal investigating’ – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing.

We are going to need more hollow point bullets it would seem. Is anyone really shocked by the fact that we have a brand new enforcement branch of HHS? I doubt it. This seems to be the norm in Washington these days. Last week we featured the story of a retired Marine Colonel who claims that a domestic army is being built. And who could blame anyone for thinking that? It is happening right in front of us.

Folks I made the comment at the beginning of this article about being validated because sometimes I feel really beat up by the “tin foil hat haters.”

Do you think I wake up each day and want to write about things that will leave me labeled as a lunatic? No I do not. I really don’t like people calling me crazy. That’s not my goal in life. I try to report these things to you because they are the truth and very few others seem to want to report such stories. states that Obamacare, “creates the ready reserve of individuals who can be called up for service by the U.S. surgeon general in times of need.” These are not things that I pull from thin air.

I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for almost a year that this stuff was happening and reaching dangerous levels. There is a police state being formed and your rights as an American citizen may soon be in dire jeopardy. I don’t know the time frame, but I do know it’s coming.

You can keep laughing at me if you want. That is your prerogative. This stuff is in black and white for everyone to see yet some just don’t want to take it seriously.

What I would kindly suggest is that you take a serious look at your self-defense capabilities. I am not really a prepper. My family is really in no financial position to stockpile anything. I would think that I am not the only one. The economy is horrible.

So here is my take. Guns and ammo are the most important thing by far. If you have firepower then you can hunt for food.

But good luck fighting off the bad guys with that freeze dried lasagna.

About Dean Garrison

Dean Garrison is editor and writer at He is a conservative independent who seeks only to recover the truth. Follow Dean on Facebook and Twitter.


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