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Posts tagged ‘Black American’

Watch: Black Ex-Dem Rips ‘The View’ Host for Calling Black Republicans ‘Props’

Commentary By C. Douglas Golden | Published September 13, 2020 at 7:10am

Frequent Fox News guest Leo Terrell isn’t particularly happy at being called a “prop.”

The civil rights lawyer used to be the reliable voice of the left on the fair and balanced network (in particular on Sean Hannity’s show) but defected to the GOP during this election cycle.

He’s taken exception with how he and other black Republicans have been treated, particularly by partisans of the left who can’t understand why any melanated individual would vote for anyone but the Democrats.

Sunny Hostin, co-host of “The View” and a lawyer, is the latest high-profile figure to register her disbelief.

Hostin and the rest of “The View” coterie were discussing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s poll numbers last week, in particular his lagging support among Hispanic voters in Florida. This shouldn’t be astonishing, as Hostin alluded to; a goodly number of these voters are of Cuban or Venezuelan extraction and decided (or were forced) to extract themselves from those countries due to socialist/communist governments.

TRENDING: CNN Hosts Lemon and Cuomo Launch Into Unhinged Rant Against Poor White People

“I actually wasn’t surprised to hear it because Cubans in Florida typically do vote Republican,” Hostin said in a clip that went viral.

“That wasn’t a surprise to me. It wasn’t a surprise to me that black voters are overwhelmingly the backbone of the Democratic Party — 83 percent in favor of Biden.”

“You hear all of this coming from the Trump campaign about how black people have nothing to lose and they are going to overwhelmingly vote for Trump, and you had all the black people props all over the RNC talking about all the stuff they’ve done for the black community. You heard [former White House press secretary] Sarah Sanders yesterday talking about all the things that have been done for the black community by the Trump administration.”


Terrell, appearing Thursday on Hannity’s show, tore into Hostin’s remarks:

“Sean, you just laid out some facts, and this is the problem: See, the D


Poll: Trump’s Approval from Black Voters Rises 9 Points During RNC

Reported By Jack Davis | Published August 31, 2020 at 7:16am

President Donald Trump was getting a post-convention bounce among one critical piece of America’s electorate even before the Republican convention was through.

A new Hill-HarrisX poll that ended after the first two nights of the Republican National Convention found that Trump’s support among black voters rose by 9 percentage points, according to The Hill. The survey showed that 24 percent of black voters believe Trump is doing a good job. That was up from a level of 15 percent in a survey taken Aug. 8-11. The poll, which was taken from Aug. 22 through Aug. 25, has a margin of error of 1.83 percentage points.

The new poll also found that Trump’s support among Hispanic Americans rose from 30 percent in the earlier poll to 32 percent last week. It wasn’t the only good news for Trump related to election polls. According to USA Today, a Morning Consult poll released Saturday also showed Trump gaining ground post-convention.

Marc. A. Thiessen, a columnist for The Washington Post, wrote last week that Trump had launched “a concerted appeal to African American voters” that Thiessen dubbed “an outstanding start.”

Thiessen noted the indictment of Democrats delivered by Kim Klacik, a minority female Republican running for Congress in Maryland’s Seventh District, in which she said, “The Democrats have controlled my city, Charm City, for over 50 years, and they have run this beautiful place into the ground.”

“Abandoned buildings, liquor stores on every corner, drug addicts and guns on the street — that is now the norm in many neighborhoods … Sadly, this same cycle of decay exists in many of America’s Democrat-run cities. And yet, the Democrats still assume that black people will vote for them, no matter how much they let us down and take us for granted,” she said.

Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones, a black Democrat, noted that “the Democratic Party does not want black people to leave the mental plantation they’ve had us on for decades,” Thiessen noted. Trump created “the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans,” Jones said, according to Thiessen.

Thiessen wrote that black voters are well within Trump’s grasp.

“Why would Republicans expend this much time and effort on the first night of their convention trying to win over the Democrats’ most loyal voting bloc? For one thing, Biden’s African American support is soft compared with Hillary Clinton’s: In recent live polls, he leads among Black voters by an average of 67 percentage points, well below Clinton’s 81-point margin in the 2016 exit polls,” he wrote.

Thiessen wrote that Trump “has an outstanding record to which he can point.”


He also cited what her called “powerful” comments from former NFL star Herschel Walker that were delivered at the convention.

“I take it as a personal insult that people would think I would have a 37-year friendship with a racist,” Walker said. “.… Growing up in the Deep South, I have seen racism up close. I know what it is. And it isn’t Donald Trump.”

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson also defended Trump.

“President Trump does not dabble in identity politics. He wants everyone to succeed and believes in the adage, ‘a rising tide lifts all boats.’ Many on the other side love to incite division by claiming that President Trump is a racist. They could not be more wrong,” Carson said, according to Axios.

“What is racist is the fact that African-Americans have the highest abortion rate. President Trump is the most pro-life president in our country’s history. He will continue to fight for those who cannot yet speak,” Carson said.


DNC’s John Lewis Quote Backfires – It Actually Condemns Leftist Rioters

Reported By Andrew J. Sciascia | Published August 20, 2020 at 8:04pm

The American left’s tone-deafness and blatant ignorance caught up with it Thursday night at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Rounding out the fourth and final night of the event with a tribute to the late civil rights hero and 17-term U.S. Rep. John Lewis, who died in July, the Democratic Party unknowingly took itself to task on matters of criminal justice reform and civil disobedience.

The topics again have become mainstays in the American political discourse following the officer-involved deaths of unarmed black Americans George Floyd and Breonna Taylor earlier this year. And the social-justice left has been quick to assert itself again as arbiters and champions of racial justice.

A quote from Lewis himself embedded within the DNC tribute to his life, however, reveals modern Democrats and progressives have no idea what it means to move the dial on such issues.

“The means by which we struggle must be consistent with the end we seek,” Lewis could be heard saying amid a slew of his most famous quotations and the praises of fellow Democratic politicians.

According to The New Republic, it was a statement made in 1994, during a PBS debate between Lewis and controversial fellow civil rights activist Al Sharpton on the topic of violence and retributive hate within the civil rights movement.

Lewis, like civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was a firm supporter of peaceful civil disobedience and attempts to strive, with love, toward unity on the issue of racial injustice in the United States. The debate had been spurred on by growing support within the movement for figures such as anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and fellow members of the Nation of Islam. But Lewis, the longtime Georgia congressman, did not hold this opinion for a brief moment at the time of the Nation of Islam’s relevancy. He lived it, skipping the historic Million Man March in 1995 due to Farrakhan’s presence, according to excerpts from his memoir.

“I did not march because I could not overlook the presence and central role of Louis Farrakhan, and so I refused to participate,” Lewis wrote. “I believe in freedom of speech but I also believe that we have an obligation to condemn speech that is racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic or hateful.”

“The means by which we struggle must be consistent with the end we seek, and that includes the words we use to pursue those ends,” he added.

WARNING: The following tweets contain graphic language and images that some viewers will find offensive.

Unfortunately, the modern American left does not seem to hold Lewis’ personal philosophy in the same esteem that it does his Democratic voting record. Or perhaps the left simply does not understand Lewis’ words at all.

Either way, apathy or ignorance, the consequences have been great in recent months, as Democratic politicians made excuses for — or outright granted a stamp of approval to — violent Black Lives Matter demonstrations nationwide.

By the second week of June, race riots had resulted in more than $25 million worth of physical damage in Floyd’s home state of Minnesota alone, MarketWatch reported. According to WITI-TV, an unofficial tally done at the time also indicated that at least 17 people, the majority of them black, had died in the opening weeks of the unrest.


Since the start of the demonstrations, businesses have been razed. People have, literally, been beaten and bloodied to near death in the streets by angry mobs. If only the Democrats would make an effort to understand and live by the words they espouse, the words of the late, great figures of days gone by — perhaps they wouldn’t be doomed to radicalism.


Race Stats for Protesters Finally Come Out, Destroy Leftist Narrative

Reported By C. Douglas Golden | Published June 27, 2020 at 11:39am

The headline of the news release from the Pew Research Center was a master class in trying to make the headline fit the prevailing narrative: “Recent protest attendees are more racially and ethnically diverse, younger than Americans overall.”

“Large-scale protests and rallies for racial equality have captured public attention and amplified calls for policy reforms in recent weeks,” the Wednesday article began.

“Some 6% of U.S. adults say they have attended a protest or rally that focused on issues related to race or racial equality in the last month, and those who have are more likely to be nonwhite and younger than Americans overall, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. They are also more likely to live in an urban area and to identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.”

Let’s say you stopped reading there. What would be your takeaways on the reading comprehension tests? a) Lots of people attended these protests. b) Those people skewed nonwhite. c) They tended to be urban and Democratic in nature.

You’d only get a high-D, however — 67 percent right.

As for what you got correct: a) Yes, 6 percent is a high number. c) The crowds were urban and tended to vote for Democrats.

As for b) — well, let’s talk about that.

The Pew Research Center’s survey of protest-goers is heavily dependent on what you’re willing to consider “more likely to be nonwhite and younger than Americans overall.”

Younger? Yes, definitely. “About four-in-ten (41%) of those who say they recently attended a protest focused on race are younger than 30; among all U.S. adults, 19% are in this age group,” Pew said.

“In turn, those ages 50 and older are underrepresented among the protesters, while those ages 30 to 49 represent a similar share of those who have attended a protest as they do of the adult population overall.”

The problem comes out when you look at how many people who attended protests that were supposed to be about black people achieving racial justice were actually black.

“Black Americans account for 17% of those who say they attended a protest focused on race or racial equality in the last month, compared with their 11% share of all adults in the survey,” the news release said.

“Hispanic Americans account for 22% of recent protest attendees, versus 15% of all adults. The difference is less pronounced but still statistically significant when it comes to the share of protesters who are Asian (8% vs. 5% of the adults surveyed). While 64% of U.S. adults are white, just 46% of those who said they attended a protest focused on race in the last month are white.”

The results came from a web survey managed by Ipsos of 9,654 respondents between June 4 and June 10. The margin of error was 1.6 percentage points. So, the difference between the share of adult black respondents and the percentage of black individuals in attendance at the protests in which the Black Lives Matter movement played a large part and which were perceived to be about black Americans standing up for their rights was just 6 percentage points.

The vast majority of people who were protesting for racial equality, in other words, weren’t black.

This wasn’t at all like the skew of Democrats-to-Republicans.

“When it comes to political party affiliation, about eight-in-ten (79%) of those who say they participated in a protest or rally focused on race or racial equality in the last month identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while just 17% say they are Republican or Republican-leaning,” the news release said.

Meanwhile, 51 percent of all adult respondents in the survey said they were Democrats or leaned Democrat, compared to the 44 percent who were Republican or leaned Republican.” And yet, both Democrats and Republicans expressed outrage at the death of George Floyd.

I suppose part of the difference could be explained by the fact that the average Republican probably isn’t going to show up to a protest with a “Trump Supporters 4 Justice” sign, but the reality is that this is about something significantly different than requesting justice for Floyd.

This is nothing short of Democrats and the media using black pain as a prop for themselves.

While many black Americans may be frustrated with their treatment by law enforcement, that’s largely not who was protesting. The demonstrators, according to this survey, were within 5 percentage points of being majority white. But that’s not what the narrative was — and that’s likely not what the narrative will remain.

Facts and narrative, however, are two very separate things, no matter how hard the Pew Research Center wants to make them fit.


Young Conservative Raises Money for Black Businesses After Rioters Loot and Destroy Them

Reported By Michael Austin | Published June 2, 2020 at 1:23pm

In the days since Minnesota resident George Floyd died after a police officer knelt on his neck during an arrest, riots have ravaged cities across the country. While the riots started as protests voicing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, they have since led to the destruction of many businesses owned by African-Americans.

Thanks to one young conservative, however, some of those businesses may have a chance to rebuild. CJ Pearson, a 2020 high school graduate and popular online conservative commentator, started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for black-owned businesses damaged by the riots. As of Tuesday, the campaign had raised over $71,500.

CJ Pearson


The Left is burning down black businesses. The Right is helping them reopen. Join me in supporting this cause: https://w 

CJ Pearson @thecjpearson

The Left is burning down black businesses. The Right is helping them reopen. Join me in supporting this cause: https://w

350 people are talking about this

Pearson spoke to The Western Journal about the campaign, highlighting the differences between left-wing and right-wing actions during the riots.

“The Left is burning down black businesses. The Right is banding together to help them reopen,” he said in a text message.

“Who are the real racists?”

On the GoFundMe page, Pearson explained the full purpose of the campaign.

“ANTIFA is burning down black businesses,” he wrote. “They are hijacking the memory and legacy of George Floyd — who’s life was wrongfully taken —  in an attempt to push and advance their own agenda. They’re looting and vandalizing black-owned establishments and blaming black people for doing it. I knew the Left was racist, but wow.

“This is an opportunity for conservatives to show the black community that we stand in support of them, capitalism, and the sacrifices they made to become entrepreneurs in the first place,” Pearson added.

“Over the course of the next few days, I will be working to identify black owned businesses — throughout the country — that suffered damages due to recent events of rioting and looting in their city. Every single disbursement of funds will be accounted for and records will be maintained.”

Many protests over Floyd’s death have since been hijacked and turned into violent riots filled with lootingarsonphysical violence and even a handful of shooting deaths. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien identified the left-wing “anti-fascist” coalition known as antifa, which has a long history of violence, as one of the main culprits of the riots.

“This is being driven by antifa,” O’Brien said Sunday on CNN.

President Donald Trump also took to Twitter on Sunday to declare the U.S. will be declaring the left-wing coalition as a terrorist organization.

Donald J. Trump


The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.

399K people are talking about this

“The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization,” he tweeted.

Last week, an African-American firefighter and small business owner named K.B. Balla, who poured his life savings into Scores Sports Bar in Minneapolis, was forced to deal with the destruction of his bar at the hands of rioters. While CBS News was interviewing Balla inside of what was left of his businesses, multiple looters were caught on video returning to try and steal his safe.


Election Judge Sees Fraud 7 Ft Away. Reports It. Dems Demand She Be Removed: Report

Reported By Kara Pendleton | November 12, 2018 at 3:38am

While “all eyes” are on Florida amidst accusations of potential election fraud, there may have been something fishy going on in St. Clair County, Illinois. According to The Gateway Pundit, this would not be the first time something like this has happened, either.

Peggy A. Hubbard posted a multi-tweet thread explaining what happened in the 2018 midterm elections, noting that she was an election judge. She began describing some of what she witnessed as she watched the polling station.

But that wasn’t all she saw.

Not only is it shocking that anyone would allow this, but it’s also shocking that someone would get in such a state before then going to vote.

Hubbard noted that she also caught a city council member just feet away doing no good. But it was Hubbard taking flack.

She also elaborated further on how she put a stop to what she witnessed. It appears that these actions may have led to the complaints filed against her and her removal as an election judge being sought.

Hubbard has also posted about other problems with the election in her state. These are from 2016.

Hubbard is no stranger to standing up for what she believes in or in being attacked for it. In 2015, she “compared the black community’s reaction to the shooting of Mansur Ball-Bey in North St. Louis outside a crack house with the shooting death of 9 year-old Jamyla Bolden in Ferguson,” according to The Gateway Pundit.

Her video rant went viral. And the typical name-calling ensued, including her being referred to as an “Uncle Tom.”

Service isn’t new to Hubbard, either. She is a veteran who served aboard the USS SAMUEL GOMPERS AD-37.

Hubbard’s Twitter feed is filled with hard-hitting posts about the left and Democrat shenanigans. She has no problem speaking out against the Democrat Plantation” and “Black Lives Matter,” contrary to what blacks in America are expected to do.


Specializing in news, politics and human interest stories, Kara Pendleton has been a professional writer and author since 2002. One of her proudest professional moments was landing an interview that even mainstream media couldn’t get.

Candace Owens Introduces ‘Blexit’ Movement, Black Dems Fleeing Party To Join Republicans

Reported By Kara Pendleton | October 28, 2018 at 1:35pm

In a word play on Britain’s “Brexit” movement to leave the European Union and the growing #Walkaway movement encouraging Democrats to leave their party, conservative activist Candace Owens has launched a “Blexit” movement. It is all about encouraging blacks to exit the “Democrat plantation” and join the Republican party.

Owens long been a voice for black conservatives, but now she has taken it a step further. Breitbart reported on her big announcement of the movement.

“The Blexit movement will spend 2019 holding rallies in every major city in America the Democrats have destroyed. We are at long last ready to snatch a piece of this America dream,” Owens told the Young Black Leadership Summit in Washington on Saturday, according to Breitbart.

“We can fully recognize that this is, in fact, our country, that while Hillary Clinton viewed us as ‘super predators,’ CNN views us as ‘token negros who don’t read,’ Donald Trump views us as Americans.”

Just listen to this snippet of a speech Owens gave — with a bullhorn to carry her words on Saturday.

In conjunction with the announcement and the weekend’s speeches in Washington, Owens has launched a website, as well. Visitors to the website can learn more about the movement, listen to stories of those who have left the Democratic party for the Republican party, shop for merchandise, donate and learn about “Inconvenient Truths.” These “Truths” are explained as “Knowledge is the root of freedom. Learn more about America’s forgotten history.”

Leading up to the launch, Owens has been busy calling out black leaders and the talking heads at CNN, as well as preparing for Saturday’s Black State of the Union presentation. All of this has been shared by Owens are Twitter:

She has also explained the “Blexit” movement in her own words. Her column was published as an exclusive by Breitbart.

She began with her “coming out as a conservative” story. “When I uploaded my first video onto YouTube one year ago, I entitled it ‘Mom, Dad, I’m a Conservative.’ It was a two-minute satirical stab at the social exiling that many Americans face when they announce their conservatism to friends and family.

“Soon thereafter, I would discover that for black Americans, the punishment that awaits is far worse than any social exile: it is a full-court social lynching.”

That first video can be viewed below, for context:

From there in the article, Owens shared the horrible names she and other black conservatives have been called by black, liberals and the “liberal media.” They include things such as “porch monkey,” “Uncle Tom,” and, yes, it’s true and was captured on video, “white supremacist.”

Then Owens created a mic-dropping moment with her observation of what is happening in America.

“In fact, what many have misdiagnosed as political tension between two ideologically disparate groups is actually something far greater, far more deep-rooted, and much more likely to alter the trajectory of this country as we know it,” she wrote.

“Across America, black people are beginning to question political orthodoxy. We have been quietly building an ecosystem of free thinkers and at long last, the intellectual dam is breaking.

“This unique moment will come to be known as BLEXIT: the black exit from the Democrat party. For decades, the black community has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with the Democrat Party. Our fidelity to leftist politicians coupled with our false belief that a larger government might facilitate solutions, has led to the overall collapse of our families, neighborhoods, and incidentally, our futures.”

“BLEXIT is a national movement of minorities that have awakened to the truth. It is for those who have taken an objective look at our decades-long allegiance to the left and asked ourselves ‘what do we have to show for it?’”

An increasing number of blacks can be found on social media declaring their conservative views and sharing their stories about having left the Democratic party. This turn of events is damaging to Democrats, who bank on groups voting in blocks.

In November 2014, a Washington Post (behind a paywall) wheadline declared “Republicans are winning the support of black Americans,” based on election results. Then in September 2017, the paper ran another headline stating that, “Mostly black neighborhoods voted more Republican in 2016 than in 2012.”

Remember, in 2016 it was the election year of former first lady Hillary Clinton versus business tycoon Donald Trump. Trump won. And the black unemployment picture has been getting better ever since.

As Owens noted in her piece on Breitbart,”the tides are shifting.”

As more and more Americans feel alienated by the violence and vitriol of the left, as more and more black Americans discover how establishment media and the left truly view them, things will continue to change, and in Republicans’ favor.


Specializing in news, politics and human interest stories, Kara Pendleton has been a professional writer and author since 2002. One of her proudest professional moments was landing an interview that even mainstream media couldn’t get.

Black Pastor Enrages Left, Demolishes Black Lives Matter Movement at Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

Reported By Benjamin Arie | September 1, 2018 at


URL of the original posting site:

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. gives eulogy at Aretha Franklin’s funeral at Greater Grace Temple on August 31, 2018 in Detroit, Michigan. (Angela Weiss / AFP / Getty Images)

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. was personally chosen by Franklin to speak at her funeral, which took place in Detroit on Friday. During a 50-minute long eulogy, the fiery minister scolded black culture for losing its way and specifically called out the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

Williams was a friend of Franklin’s father and fellow pastor C.L. Franklin. His surprisingly conservative message sent many liberals into a huff, and the media and outlets like Twitter quickly lit up with indignation.

“Where is your soul, black man? As I look in your house, there are no fathers in the home no more,” Williams declared during the ceremony, according to the Associated Press.

Calling out the black community for abandoning family values was one of his major themes, with the connection between fatherless homes and crime at the forefront.

(A)s proud, beautiful and fine as our black women are, one thing a black woman cannot do, a black woman cannot raise a black boy to be a man,” he warned.

The pastor chosen by Franklin pointed out that it took a “provider” father and “nurturer” mother to raise children, particularly boys. That conservative view, of course, flies in the face of “progressive” messaging that promotes single parenthood and rejects traditional gender roles.

Williams was just getting warmed up. As the star-studded audience looked on, he took on another of the left’s sacred cows: Black Lives Matter.

“It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us we’re ready to protest, march, destroy innocent property,” the African American minister stated.

He pointed out how black-on-black violence in places like Chicago and Detroit has been largely ignored by the very groups it impacts the most.

“We’re ready to loot, steal whatever we want, but when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything, nobody does anything,” he continued, falling into a heartfelt rhythm.

“Black on black crime, we’re all doing time, we’re locked up in our mind, there’s got to be a better way, we must stop this today,” he declared.

If there was any doubt that he was criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement for failing to take responsibility for African American problems, his next sentences cleared it up.

“No, black lives do not matter,” Williams said. “Black lives will not matter, black lives ought not matter, black lives should not matter, black lives must not matter until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves.”

Predictably, that message didn’t sit well with liberals.

“Social media critics called his eulogy ‘a disaster’ and questioned why he was chosen as the one to honor Franklin,” reported the AP.

Some social media users quickly called Williams “ignorant” — but he appears to have reality on his side.

“Department of Justice statistics showed that between 1980 and 2008, 52 percent of all homicides were committed by black males, as we previously reported based on publicly available data. Remember, African Americans are only 13 percent of the U.S. population, and black males only about 6 percent.

“With the police shooting of black men taking the center media stage, current statistics show that at current rates it would take 40 years for police to kill as many black men as were killed by other black men in 2012 alone,” our report found.

“The evidence does not support the conclusion that American police are waging a racist war against blacks,” a recent Manhattan Institute report explained. “The Black Lives Matter movement has been a counterproductive distraction from the real violence problem facing black communities: violence from criminals, not the police.”

It’s the same story with Williams’ message about black families. The left may hate it, but the facts back him up. Even Barack Obama has pointed this out.

“More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children,” Obama said on Father’s Day at a Chicago church in 2008.

“(C)hildren who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.” Again, that was Barack Obama — and stop the presses, he was right.

One of Aretha Frankin’s last wishes was for her family friend and pastor to deliver her eulogy. This message was so important that he put it front and center where key members of the black community could hear it. Maybe we should give that a little respect.


Benjamin Arie has been a political junkie since the hotly contested 2000 election. Ben settled on journalism after realizing he could get paid to rant. He cut his teeth on car accidents and house fires as a small-town reporter in Michigan before becoming a full-time political writer.

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