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Polls: Biden Approval Sinks to New Low, 37.4%

By Fran Beyer    |   Monday, 10 June 2024 02:57 PM EDT


President Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest-ever — a dismal 37.4% — with disapproval at a troubling 56.6, according to tracker and opinion poll analyzer Five Thirty Eight. The polling shows signs of dwindling support among nonwhite voters, while progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Business Insider reported.

Biden’s approval began the slide after the United States’ tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never recovered. As the Taliban moved swiftly Aug. 15, 2021, into the capital city of Kabul, taking control of the country in a weekend after U.S. forces pulled out, Biden was sitting on a 49% approval rating, according to Gallup. He was just seven months into his presidency. A month later, his approval fell to 43%.

In comparison, former President Donald Trump’s approval rating has ticked up since he left office in the wake of the Capitol riot. According to FiveThirtyEight’s weighted average, Trump has a 41.6% approval rating as he faces a potentially dangerous time after becoming the first-ever former president to be convicted of a felony.

In 2016, Gallup found Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were the least popular presidential candidates dating back to when they began measuring such popularity in 1956, Business Insider reported.

Gallup found in Biden’s most recent quarter in office, which ended April 18, he was at the lowest approval rating in that span in decades. Four other modern presidents had an average sub-50% approval rating at this same point in time. Only one, President Barack Obama, won reelection in November.

Trump, whose Gallup average was 46.8% at this time in 2020, lost to Biden that November.

Fran Beyer 

Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.

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