Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

Tuesday, May 8, 2024

Top Stories
We Must Vote for Donald Trump Over Radical Abortion Activist Joe Biden
Joe Biden Continues Pushing Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda on America, Here’s How
Planned Parenthood Closes Abortion Center That Kills Over 800 Babies a Year
Catholic College Will Honor Abortion Advocate, Allow Him to Give Commencement Speech

More Pro-Life News
Large Families With Save the Planet From Terribly Low Birth Rates
Man Kills His Pregnant Girlfriend Because She Refused to Get Abortion
Insurance Company Backtracks, Will Cover Cost of Lifesaving Care for Newborn Twins
Voters Must Reject Ballot Amendments Creating Right to Kill Babies in Abortions
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

We Must Vote for Donald Trump Over Radical Abortion Activist Joe Biden

Joe Biden Continues Pushing Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda on America, Here’s How

Planned Parenthood Closes Abortion Center That Kills Over 800 Babies a Year

Catholic College Will Honor Abortion Advocate, Allow Him to Give Commencement Speech

Large Families With Save the Planet From Terribly Low Birth Rates

Man Kills His Pregnant Girlfriend Because She Refused to Get Abortion

Insurance Company Backtracks, Will Cover Cost of Lifesaving Care for Newborn Twins

Voters Must Reject Ballot Amendments Creating Right to Kill Babies in Abortions


Pastor of Church Vandalized With Pro-Abortion Slogans Prays for Vandal to Accept Jesus

Supreme Court Should Stop Biden From Forcing pro-Life States to Allow Abortions

The First Time I Saw My Baby Smile Was in the Womb

Abortion Activists Firebombed This Pregnancy Center, Now Letitia James Wants to Stop It From Saving Babies

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Two-Thirds of Michigan Voters Support Reasonable Limits on Abortion

Planned Parenthood Pushes Taxpayer-Funded Sex-Ed Despite Past Failures

Pro-Life Group Will Target Arizona Republicans Who Voted to Repeal Pro-Life Law

Catholic Bishops Oppose Minnesota Measure Allowing Abortions Up to Birth

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