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By Solange Reyner    |   Wednesday, 24 January 2024 03:22 PM EST


President Joe Biden said it’s “now clear” that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee in the 2024 race after the former president’s win in New Hampshire.

“It is now clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee. And my message to the country is the stakes could not be higher,” Biden said in a statement.

“Our Democracy. Our personal freedoms — from the right to choose to the right to vote. Our economy — which has seen the strongest recovery in the world since COVID. All are at stake.”

Biden also thanked voters who wrote his name on the ballot after he refused to campaign or appear on the state ballot.

“I want to thank all those who wrote my name in this evening in New Hampshire. It was a historic demonstration of commitment to our democratic process. And I want to say to all those Independents and Republicans who share our commitment to core values of our nation — our Democracy, our personal freedoms, an economy that gives everyone a fair shot — to join us as Americans,” he added.

“Let’s remember. We are the United States of America. And there is nothing — nothing — we can’t do if we do it together.”

Biden championed changing Democratic Party rules to put South Carolina first on Feb. 3, arguing that Black Democrats, the party’s most reliable base of support, and other voters of color needed to play a larger, earlier role in the primary. But Biden also won South Carolina’s primary in 2020, reviving his campaign after a blowout loss in New Hampshire, whose electorate is whiter and older than the rest of the nation.

New Hampshire Democrats rebelled against the new plan and pushed ahead with a primary on Tuesday, alongside the state’s Republicans. The Democratic National Committee has said that as a result of the rules violation, the contest won’t award delegates that ultimately select the nominee.

Biden shunned the primary as a result, but his allies organized hundreds of volunteers — and got help from a super PAC — to spread the word that New Hampshire Democrats could still write in his name.

Information from the Associated Press was used in this report.

Solange Reyner |

Solange Reyner is a writer and editor for Newsmax. She has more than 15 years in the journalism industry reporting and covering news, sports and politics.

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