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Friday, January 5, 2024

Top Stories
Supreme Court Rules Joe Biden Can’t Force Idaho to Turn ERs Into Abortion Centers
National Medical Association Confirms “Abortion is Not Health Care”
Pro-Life Groups Praise Donald Trump: He Built a Massive Pro-Life Record as President
Judge Says Federal Law “Does Not Provide an Unqualified Right” to Abortion

More Pro-Life News
Abortion Activists Only Get Community Service After Pro-Abortion Mob Assaults Pro-Life Advocates
Ron DeSantis Criticizes Donald Trump on Abortion, Says Trump Wrongly Compromised on Pro-Life
Abortion Clinic Documented Injuring Another Woman in a Botched Abortion
Arkansas Attorney General Blocks Another Attempt to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Supreme Court Rules Joe Biden Can’t Force Idaho to Turn ERs Into Abortion Centers

National Medical Association Confirms “Abortion is Not Health Care”

Pro-Life Groups Praise Donald Trump: He Built a Massive Pro-Life Record as President

Judge Says Federal Law “Does Not Provide an Unqualified Right” to Abortion


Abortion Activists Only Get Community Service After Pro-Abortion Mob Assaults Pro-Life Advocates


Ron DeSantis Criticizes Donald Trump on Abortion, Says Trump Wrongly Compromised on Pro-Life

Abortion Clinic Documented Injuring Another Woman in a Botched Abortion

Arkansas Attorney General Blocks Another Attempt to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth


Doctor Confirms: “Legalizing Abortion Doesn’t Stop Women From Dying From It”

Pro-Abortion Extremists Have Enough Signatures for Florida Amendment Allowing Abortions Up to Birth

If Some Men Were Responsible Fathers, Abortions Would Drop Almost 40%

Court Rules Assisted Suicide is Actually Suicide

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Court Rebukes Joe Biden for Trying to Force Texas to Kill Babies in Abortions

Pro-Life Americans Must Fight Ballot Measures for Abortions Up to Birth

Whoopi Goldberg Says Republicans are “Torturing Women” by Protecting Babies From Abortions

There is Only One Christian Position on Abortion: Killing Babies is Wrong

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