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(Paul Hakimata/

Brig Gen (ret) Blaine HoltBy Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt Rick Gates | Wednesday, 02 August 2023 10:46 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

We’re at war.

We’ve been at war for years and we’re losing miserably.

Don’t wait for President Joe Biden to tell you from the Resolute desk at the White House.

Congress has not issued a declaration either. Don’t assure yourself that all’s well until we see another country’s soldiers attacking on our soil.

For decades we’ve refused to acknowledge that we are in a “hybrid” or “fifth generation” war.

No bazillion dollar bomber or UFO-inspired jet fighter will keep you safe.

In this war, community and knowledge may give us our best chance.

Civil War?

Yes, absolutely, but describing it is difficult and that’s entirely by design.

To understand the players, look beyond the simple Democrat versus Republican construct that the mainstream media marinates you in daily.

Start to focus on a more complex description of the belligerents.

We have a very real cesspool of corrupt Washington D.C. bureaucrats and insiders.

It’s the “Uniparty” Marxists comprised of Democrats and RINOS versus We the People and a handful of brave elected, supported by a scant few whistleblowers.

We see the two-tier “lawfare” system play out daily and although many of the crimes against our Constitution and people are in full view, accountability seems virtually non-existent.

“Get Trump” is their religion, the latest being an unprecedent four count, 45-page criminal indictment to attack the former president’s First Amendment rights.

We are a nation in decline.

We watch the destruction of our culture and values, our wealth and savings, our sovereignty and most importantly, our liberty. If you think President Biden or Leader McConnell want what’s best for this nation, read no further.

“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”?

Whether coopted, compromised, or simply forgetful, Biden — after taking the oath to the Constitution — has weakened this nation by administrative measures and executive orders.

When the Lion is weak, the hyenas and jackals see opportunity, and so it is with the Four Horseman of World War III: China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.

Not only are these four in league with each other but are also hell-bent on destroying the power of the dollar in maintaining the current world order.

Look at African nations like Niger spiraling out of control while famine sets in and economy-saving energy projects that would save Europe disintegrate.

Team (Victoria) Nuland is on the case, demanding that Egypt send weapons to Ukraine or else. Super. Nuland is Biden’s under-secretary of state for political affairs

In Cairo they are looking soberingly at the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars and access to IMF support when food and energy cost 3x.

Behold, the wages of the failed Nuland doctrine.

China looks like the winner in the group so far, bankrolling Vladimir Putin’s war in Europe to weaken the West. First, economically and militarily, but ultimately with the objective to destroy American democracy.

That said, Xi and the CCP dynasty of Mao Zedong are on the edge of failure.

The second cultural revolution may be a hard sell with today’s Chinese, who had a taste of freedom and prosperity for a fleeting moment.

At least Xi can depend on his relationships in the U.S.

His investments (alleged) in the Biden administration bear fruit every day.


The border and airspace breaches provide the answer. Killing Americans?

Over 100,000 per year with the fentanyl program. Farmland? We’ll take yours.

Wall Street? We paid them off. We are in 143 of your K-12 schools. We have police stations and biolabs in your country.

Whether it’s a Feng Feng for a congressman or 10% for the “big guy,” Xi has paid in full.

Who Is or Are the Real Enemy?

CCP ally, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) comprise the globalists who seek to control every aspect of your life. Climate Change is meant to serve as a forcing function, accelerating globalist control to get you vaccinated, eating bugs, and tracked through FASTT pay and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

The foie gras eating, private jet flying, oceanfront mansion crowd want one world government that means more for them and less of you.

The five hundred million allowed to live survive by eating bugs — don’t believe us?

Read their manifesto for yourself.

Caution on pushing back.

Schwab’s associates, Yuval Harari wants anyone challenging the elites to be “disappeared.

The only thing stopping them?


We’re in the way.

Our Constitution, our faith and our inalienable rights are in the way.

You, are in the way.

Evil, well-heeled, smart people have designs on you. America as we knew it needs to collapse to make their dreams come true. Watch soon as CBDC “Worldcoin” is rolled out.

Will you turn in your biometric data for a few crypto-bucks? (Hint: avoid the “Orb.”)

America, we are not done . . . yet.

However, we need to wake up and fight Washington D.C. like our freedom depends on it.

It does.

The views presented are those solely of the authors.

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S.Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt’s reports — More Here.

Rick Gates is a political analyst and co-founder of America First Policies. He is a Newsmax Contributor and the author of “Wicked Game: An Insider’s Story on How Trump Won, Mueller Failed and America Lost.”

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