Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

By Norman Leahy | July 26, 2023


The federal government has a long, expensive habit of trying to be our national nanny.  From dictates on how much water flows through our showers, toilets and dishwashers, to how much meat we should eat and steps we should take, there are few areas of life where government doesn’t butt-in to make matters worse for everyone.

Which brings us to Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy‘s proposal to do something about the “loneliness epidemic.”

Yes, the government believes loneliness is a public health crisis in need of attention. But at least the Surgeon General’s office doesn’t call for legislation and spending to addressing the problem. Instead, it suggests a series of cost-free (to taxpayers)  options for individuals:

  • Make time to share a meal. Listen without the distraction of your phone. Perform an act of service. Express yourself authentically.

Setting aside what, exactly, that last item means, Sen. Murphy is determined to side steps the warm fuzzies, and make this a government matter:

  • The National Strategy for Social Connection Act would create an Office of Social Connection Policy within the White House to work across federal agencies to develop effective strategies for improved social infrastructure and issue national guidelines for social connection similar to existing guidelines on sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. It would also provide funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to better understand the epidemic of social isolation and loneliness.

Considering government’s track record for making sure we all eat, sleep and exercise right, the only possible outcome of a loneliness czar will be…a loneliness plague.

Underlying Murphy’s thesis for state action, however, is a disturbing embrace of collectivism over individual achievement. As Murphy and Harvard’s Richard Weissbourd wrote in Time Magazine, the big bad behind the loneliness epidemic is…too much individualism:

  • Much has been written about why we tipped toward ourselves over the last several decades. The villains in this story include declines in religious participation and social outings and clubs, fueled in part by television, which keeps us at home. Workplaces also became more focused on profit than on employee well-being and solidarity, and we started lionizing those who stepped over others to get ahead. While those people always existed in society, they were usually identified and treated as outliers that needed to be constrained, not as examples of American greatness.

“Outliers that needed to be constrained…” Sorry, Og: this so-called “wheel” you’ve invented is just too dangerous to the health and well-being of our cozy cave dwelling community. Into the pit with you…

And as for what government power can do to reknit the fabric of American life, Murphy and Weissbourd wrote that the state should, once it’s finished roughing-up the social media companies, dragoon the young into service:

  • Expand..national service programs…bringing young people together from various backgrounds to work on common causes, creating ties across the usual divides and strengthening young people’s commitment to their country.

In other words, bring back a version of the old military draft. Because noting says “togetherness” like sacrificing your time and talent to government. On pain of fines and imprisonment for not cheerfully agreeing to do so.

I would suggest Murphy and his fellow nannies stick to their knitting: addressing the federal budget, finding ways to deal with the debt and deficit, and keeping a close eye on world events.  And leave the rest of us alone to sort out friendship, family and community on our own terms.


Norman Leahy has written about national and Virginia politics for more than 30 years with outlets ranging from The Washington Post to A consulting writer, editor, recovering think tank executive and campaign operative, Norman lives in Virginia.

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