Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

By Solange Reyner    |   Wednesday, 19 July 2023 03:07 PM EDT


The double standard in the Department of Justice’s handling of cases against former President Donald Trump and Hunter Biden is “unbelievable,” political consultant Dick Morris said on Newsmax.

“They blocked the IRS agents from interviewing Hunter, they leaked the time and the place of the search … so they could make sure everything was nice and neat for them and it’s just outrageous what’s going on,” Morris said Wednesday during an appearance on “John Bachman Now” ahead of IRS whistleblower testimony before the House Oversight Committee about alleged meddling in the DOJ probe of Biden.

“But there’s a larger point that I want to focus on with you,” Morris added. “This new indictment of Trump, if it comes through, is totally different from the others because it accuses him essentially of waging an insurrection against the government and it characterizes Trump’s objections to the 2020 election as acts of sedition and that’s clearly an attempt to invoke the 14th amendment that says that if anybody was in sedition or rebellion of the U.S. government they can’t hold public office and that’s clearly what they’re trying to do.

“And if he’s found guilty of this by a D.C. grand jury, which would be of course all Democrats, he literally could be barred from appearing on the ballot and you may find Democratic secretaries of state around the country who refuse to put them on the ballot.

“So, this is a direct assault on our right to choose the next president and I believe what we need to do is that Congress needs to say they will not vote any more money, the house, for the government, they will close it down if they have to rather than let the Justice Department proceed.

“I think they should demand that the administration and the DOJ announce they will not go against any person who is a candidate for president during the campaign. He can do it afterwards but during the campaign, it’s clear election interference.”

Trump on Tuesday said he received a letter informing that he is the target of the DOJ’s probe into efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, an indication he could soon be charged by U.S. prosecutors.

New federal charges, on top of existing state and federal counts in New York and Florida and a separate election-interference investigation nearing conclusion in Georgia, would add to the list of legal problems for Trump as he pursues the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

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