Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

By: Matt Vespa | June 27, 2023 11:35 AM


AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

The anniversary of the Dobbs decision is here, and it has the left wing fired up. The landmark decision rightfully overturned Roe v. Wade and sent this contentious issue back to the legislature to be decided through the political process. Some people don’t know we were heading toward a consensus on the subject before the 1973 decision blew that up. To commemorate the occasion, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris attended a campaign event organized by the top pro-abortion groups in the country, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and EMILY’s List, on June 23. 

And yes, she was an incoherent mess again, providing another soundbite in the annals of ‘what the hell did Kamala just say.’ What she said is somewhat different from the prepared remarks on the White House website: 

And let’s take a moment to really reflect on the historic progress that we’ve made thus far.  You know, so many of us are always in the process of fighting to achieve full equality, full freedom, the rights that people are fully entitled to.  But let’s always take a moment to also see what we have achieved thus far while we clearly see the moment that we are presently in. So, we have achieved a lot, and I know that in particular when the Dobbs decision came down, a lot of us — it — it hit us very hard.

 Here’s what she actually said:

Okay, let’s play devil’s advocate here: did the teleprompter malfunction? It happens. Or was this another time when Kamala thought she could wing it and go off-script? Because she can’t do that—she doesn’t have the ability. Never did. There is a stream of stories about how the VP doesn’t read memos or notes from her staff to ensure she doesn’t look like an idiot in public. That tendency has led to many fleeing for other job opportunities and allegations that Harris fosters a toxic work environment. That narrative has been around since her failed 2020 campaign. From COVID to the Highland Park shooting and the war in Ukraine—it’s well-established that Kamala Harris can’t walk and chew gum simultaneously. Her penchant for spewing nonsense is pervasive, and I don’t think this was an exception.

And she’s overall just not likable.

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