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Commentary by April 3, 2020

Passport, visa, globe

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We are told that every business and many vital services, including many medical services, must be shut down indefinitely because of Anthony Fauci’s capricious and ever-evolving models and simulations. Do those same models and simulations also dictate that, with unemployment likely blowing out the Great Depression levels, we must continue to bring in more foreign workers?

Nearly all “non-essential” businesses are suspended in nearly every county of the country. Yet now, because immigration policy has been outsourced to former visa lobbyists like Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, one thing will not be shut down during this man-made economic Hiroshima: foreign workers, including those from … China!

When I warned last week about the H-1B lottery and the need to cancel it on April 1, I didn’t really think my notice was necessary. After all, how could an “America first” administration conduct such a foreign worker lottery while shutting down the entire economy for Americans? Nonetheless, I published the article for good measure. Well, it’s a shame 1,000 other conservatives didn’t post similar warnings, because “America first” has now become “India and China first.”

On April 1, USCIS considered bringing in more Chinese workers an “essential” function and opened registration for the first day of the visa lottery. Every year, 85,000 H-1B visas are awarded via this lottery, and on the first day it was already saturated with 275,000 applications from corporations, a 37 percent increase over last year. Those chosen will be eligible to come here in fiscal year 2021 beginning this October.  Of course, 67 percent was monopolized by Indian nationals, which is why we have lost our tech industry to foreign powers. Roughly 36,300 applications, though, were from, you guessed it, Chinese nationals!

Obviously, this doesn’t mean Chinese nationals will necessarily be chosen, but they have typically composed roughly 13 percent of the annual lottery. And it’s not like this administration is placing a moratorium on Chinese visas until the Chinese government comes clean on the cover-up of the China virus.

Bringing in any foreign workers, much less Chinese ones, at a time like this is akin to doubling our immigration from Saudi Arabia after 9/11. Ooops … we actually did that, but I digress.

This is not to cast aspersions on the Chinese people as a whole. But as long as the evil communist government is ruling that country, our current policies put us at their mercy in times like this in three ways.

  1. China is our #2 source of immigrants and #1 source of foreign students. China is historically the source of many viral outbreaks, and there is no reason to believe that will change in the future. This has created a huge amount much travel back and forth, making us vulnerable to any virus they spread from China.
  2. Through the pipeline of monopolizing our universities and then through worker visas and green cards, the Chinese government uses many of its nationals to spy, steal our technology, and then bring the expertise back home, which encourages outsourcing.
  3. Once China accomplishes 1 and 2, the Chinese government has us around the neck, because all of our critical medical and other supply lines trace back to the very source of the viral outbreaks.

We now know that China destroyed evidence and covered up critical information that could have given the world weeks of head start in blocking travel and bending the curve. How in the world can we allow China to own our universities, our immigration system, and our supply chains, knowing the Chinese government’s intentions and knowing how it has unleashed an economic and health care version of 9/11 on us?

Finally, putting China aside, we had 10 million unemployment claims filed just in two weeks. If you account for those who have had wages or hours cut, that includes 39 percent of all adults in the country! And we are just three weeks into this. The bipartisan political elites, sadly, including this administration, want this to go on for much longer. Under what sort of morality or model can this action be justified? Don’t tell me Fauci’s models show that bringing in more foreign workers will also save more lives too!

Further appalling is that, thanks to the misguided strategy of this universal shutdown, many nurses are being furloughed across the country. Among the other sacred foreign work permit programs promoted by some of these same administration officials is Optional Practical Training (OPT), which brings in numerous foreign nurses here as students. Employers facing a massive pool of unemployed Americans will be incentivized to hire them because, under the lawless, unauthorized OPT program, they don’t have to pay payroll taxes. Why wouldn’t Trump immediately suspend the OPT program?

It’s not that nothing good is coming out of the administration on immigration. Illegal immigration is finally being stopped at the border the way it should have been three years ago, and after much pressure from people like Tucker Carlson, it looks like the DHS will delay plans to bring in more low-skilled H-2B workers.

Which illuminates the salient point of this administration. There are good patriots like Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan and Acting Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, and their work is reflected in some of the positive developments. But then there are people like Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who represent the opposite worldview to the one Trump campaigned on, and their work is reflected in the bulk of the negative policy outcomes.

The moral of the story is that conservatives with influence can’t hope that Trump drains the swamp; they must demand it. And that begins with the shallow state within the administration itself.

Author: Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz is a senior editor of Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @RMConservative.

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