Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

waving flagWritten by Allen West on December 31, 2015


Heck, I’m starting to believe there’s absolutely nothing which is beneath President Barack Obama and his administration. And if there was a single reason to preclude any other liberal progressive socialist from occupying the White House it’s not necessary. Just knowing that this current Democrat Party of Obama and the complicit media enables such abhorrent behavior is reason enough. obama- Marxist tyrant

We now know the National Security Agency under Barack Obama has no parameters. We are all indeed candidates for surveillance as potential enemies of the Obama State. This, ladies and gents, is right up there with the former East German agency known as the Stasi.

As reported by Politico, “A House panel on Wednesday announced it is seeking information from the Obama administration on U.S. intelligence collection that may have swept up members of Congress.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence’s announcement comes after a Wall Street Journal report that the U.S. collected information on private exchanges between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of Congress during ongoing negotiations for a nuclear deal with Iran.

“The House Intelligence Committee is looking into allegations in the Wall Street Journal regarding possible Intelligence Community (IC) collection of communications between Israeli government officials and members of Congress,” Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said in a statement.

“The Committee has requested additional information from the IC to determine which, if any, of these allegations are true, and whether the IC followed all applicable laws, rules, and procedures.”

According to the Journal, U.S. officials said Obama insisted that keeping an eye on Netanyahu served a “compelling national security purpose.” White House officials thought the information it uncovered could potentially be used to counter Netanyahu’s campaign against the nuclear accord but ultimately decided not to formally ask the National Security Agency to keep tabs on the Israeli premier’s maneuverings on Capitol Hill.

The White House also gave the NSA the authority to determine what it would and wouldn’t do with the information, U.S. officials said. “We didn’t say, ‘Do it,’” one senior U.S. official recalled in an interview with the Journal. “We didn’t say, ‘Don’t do it.’” Lies Lies and More Lies

Now ain’t that just a daisy? The NSA is supposed to collect intelligence that ensures our national security. And for the Obama administration to view any opposition to his Iranian nuclear deal as a “compelling national security purpose” should send a chill down your back. This demagogue used the NSA for a blatant political purpose. What does it take America? President Richard Nixon stepped down over a breaking and entering fiasco centered on politics. You tell me that this nefarious belligerence should go unpunished and I will tell you are nothing more than a kool-aid drinking partisan.

Just ask yourself if this was a Republican president and the NSA had done such an action. The calls from the liberal progressive media would be screeching. This would be the number one news story and front page of the New York Times and elsewhere.

But what is the real story — and utterly disturbing — is that Barack Obama will do anything and everything to aid and abet, as well as provide material comfort and support to the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism — the militant regime of Iran. How many Americans are being held by Iran? How many provocations has Iran committed since this agreement was given Obama’s blessing?ObamaIranian-Flag-WORD-ART

Let me remind you of the most recent. Our deployed aircraft carrier (CV) USS Harry Truman had a series of Iranian missiles fired just 1500 yards away from its position. Of course the Obama apologists will say our vessel was warned and the projectiles were fired away from the ship. They fail to get the point, Iran just sent a message: we are a power and will stand in defiance to America. Why isn’t the NSA spying on Iran and finding out exactly where our hostages are being held?Picture13

No, as we shared with you, John Kerry is going to get Iran waived from the open visa enforcement policy. Remember it was Obama who coerced Democrat Senators to filibuster the Iranian resolution of disapproval so it was never even considered. And in days Iran will be the recipient of some $150 billion in unfrozen financial assets.

Explain to me what is not treasonous about Obama lifting sanctions and releasing billions of dollars to Iran?

Furthermore, I find it unconscionable that under Obama and the liberal progressive leftists, any mention of surveillance of mosques and potential Islamists in our midst is met with anger and derision. So I suppose for the left, it’s just fine to use the NSA to spy and conduct surveillance on Prime Minister Netanyahu and Members of the U.S. Congress as long as it is in keeping with the political agenda of one Barack Obama.

This is inexplicable and wrong on so many levels. You want to know what the Obama White House said? “National Security Council spokesman Ned Price on Wednesday said the administration won’t comment on “any specific intelligence activities” but did offer a broad defense. “We do not conduct any foreign intelligence surveillance activities unless there is a specific and validated national security purpose,” he said. “This applies to ordinary citizens and world leaders alike.”Lies Lies and More Lies

These people are monsters who have no respect or regard for anyone or anything standing in the way of their agenda. And based upon what ol’ Ned just said, that means YOU too!

muslim-obamaDoggone, Loretta Lynch will press charges against folks deemed to be a threat and making offensive speech towards Muslims. President Obama responded to the biggest Islamic terrorist attack since 9-11 by seeking to disarm the American people. Ask yourself as we close out 2015 and head into Obama’s last year — on whose side as these folks?

We will be told there’s nothing here, and since this is being revealed right before New Years, it will be lost in the seasonal activities.

Let me warn y’all, this cannot be forgotten or “blown off. It’s time someone subpoenaed Barack Obama to appear before a Congressional inquiry committee — unless you feel he is above the law.

Former Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra, who chaired the House intelligence panel from 2004 to 2007, called for a probe late Tuesday, remarking that the Obama administration had exhibited an “unprecedented abuse of power” if the allegations are true. “WSJ report that [National Security Agency] spied on Congress and Israel communications very disturbing. Actually outrageous,” he tweeted. “Maybe unprecedented abuse of power NSA and Obama officials need to be investigated and prosecuted if any truth to WSJ reports,” he continued. “NSA loses all credibility. Scary.”

This isn’t scary, it’s deplorable, disgusting, and despicable. I for one do not care if this is Obama’s last year, it ain’t guaranteed to be so with this type of dictatorial maniacal behavior. This is highly disturbing to know we have a “president” who cherishes Iran more than America and its citizens.

AMEN In God We Trust freedom combo 2

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