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Posts tagged ‘Pastor Andrew Brunson’

Meadows: Religious liberty a high priority for Trump administration

Reported by Bill Bumpas, Chris Woodward ( | Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pastor Andrew Brunson releasedA U.S. congressman who was part of the effort to bring Pastor Andrew Brunson home recalls the “powerful moment” he witnessed as the pastor prayed over the President of the United States.

The televised meeting on Saturday between Brunson and President Donald Trump continues to have people talking. “What a day of celebration to know that not only Pastor Brunson is back home, but our God still reigns over the affairs of nations,” said Congressman Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina). “It is a great day of rejoicing.”

Meadows, who made his comments Monday on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins,” went on to say that it was a powerful moment to see a man of God – who not only had been in prison but also possibly would not be coming home – now free.

Andrew Brunson praying over Trump“At times, it looked very, very bleak [for Brunson],” said Meadows, who was among the lawmakers and administration officials in the Oval Office on Saturday. “The president deserves just unbelievable gratitude not just from Republicans or Democrats or unaffiliated, but from those who believe in religious liberty. And it was a powerful moment as the president was prayed for by Pastor Brunson.”

(See C-SPAN report; prayer begins at 7:30 into the video)

Meadows added that the entire Trump administration made him feel that there was no higher priority than getting Brunson home. “I had the opportunity to not only talk to the pastor and his wife, but to his children,” he continued. “They were so unbelievably grateful … and it lets us know that Americans will not be left behind.”

Meadows was also moved by the “Christ-like love” Brunson obviously has for the Turkish people. “He said that in the Oval Office,” the congressman emphasized, “and that’s saying something after being imprisoned against your will.”

Brunson was accused of espionage and terrorism. On Friday he was found guilty in a Turkish court of terrorism, but released on time served. He had been held in prison and under house arrest by the Turkish government for two years.

Brunson’s back … but don’t stop now!

The successful return of the American pastor to the U.S. after being imprisoned in Turkey for his faith is inspiring hopes that more persecuted Christians will be freed from captivity.

Faith McDonnell is director of religious liberty programs at The Institute on Religion & Democracy as well as a founding member of Save the Persecuted Christians. McDonnell says she’s grateful for the work by the Trump administration to gain Brunson’s freedom – and she’s hopeful it could lead to relief for other oppressed believers.

McDonnell, Faith (IRD)“… I would love to see this kind of effort go on for other Christians who are being persecuted and imprisoned, whether they’re American citizens or not – particularly Leah Sharibu right now,” says the IRD spokeswoman.

Sharibu is the Christian teenage girl being held captive by Boko Haram. McDonnell tells OneNewsNow that Pastor Brunson’s positive outcome should motivate the Trump administration to move forward in helping other persecuted Christians.

“But it’s going to take continued encouragement from American Christians,” she explains. “They need to care as much about a little girl in Nigeria as they do about an American pastor – so Americans need to continue to step up to the plate and be advocates for persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.”

If that happens, McDonnell is convinced the Trump White House will continue to take positive steps towards helping more persecuted Christians.

Pastor Brunson: Lord, give Trump wisdom, endurance, courage

Reported by Jody Brown ( | Monday, October 15, 2018

Andrew Brunson praying over TrumpOne day after being released from house arrest in Turkey, American pastor Andrew Brunson was in the Oval Office, where he prayed over President Donald Trump.

After spending nearly two years in jail and then some time under house arrest, Brunson was freed on Friday by a Turkish court despite the fact that the court found the pastor guilty on terrorism charges. Within hours he was spirited away, taken by military aircraft to Germany where he was examined at a U.S. military hospital then flown to the U.S.

On Saturday, the just-released evangelical pastor and his family were hosted at the White House by President Trump. “From a Turkish prison to the White House in 24 hours – that’s not bad,” the president stated.

Brunson thanked the president for helping secure his release. “We pray for you often as a family, my wife and I pray for you. You really fought for us, unusually so,” the 50-year-old pastor told Trump. “From the time you took office, we know that you’ve been engaged.”

The president deflected the praise to many other elected and administration officials in attendance, including Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and several U.S. senators and representatives. After thanking them as well for their efforts, Pastor Brunson prayed over the president, requesting that he be blessed with “supernatural wisdom.”

“I ask that you pour out Your Holy Spirit on President Trump, that You give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans You have for this country,” he prayed. “I ask that You give him wisdom in how to lead this country into righteousness. I ask that You give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand for truth.”

Andrew Brunson released (Oct 2018)

Andrew Brunson arriving at home on Friday after his release (AP photo)

Trump a ‘course correction’

David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA, tells OneNewsNow that he’s pleased – and relieved – with the news of Brunson’s release.

“It’s been long overdue but we’re grateful for it nonetheless,” Curry shares. “Very thankful that the president was able to see the value in making human rights a priority – and really, by putting strong sanctions on Turkey around the religious freedom of Pastor Brunson I think [Trump] expedited his release.”

Curry continues: “I applaud President Trump for the unrelenting pressure his administration applied to Turkey on this matter, in part through tariffs and sanctions. The president has rightly recognized that economic leverage can help bring positive change for human rights and can convey a powerful message of solidarity with oppressed religious minorities, especially persecuted Christians. In this case, it worked and was helpful in the release of an American Christian.”

David Brody, CBN’s White House correspondent, writes in an op-ed for USA Today that Brunson’s release from Turkey is the latest example of President Trump’s commitment to upholding traditional Judeo-Christian principles:

“Picking his Supreme Court justices is the generational cornerstone of a much larger change. In the evangelical world, whether it’s moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, actively upholding religious liberty, eagerly encouraging pro-life policies, or standing strong for the Judeo-Christian values that made America the best country in the world, Trump is seen as an instrument in a much needed American course correction.”

Evidently that’s not just Brody’s opinion. He says he hears it “all the time” in his reporting, interviews, and comments. “The majority of evangelicals think God has raised up Trump to be president at this time in America’s history,” he writes.

American pastor freed; ‘tenacious’ Trump team thanked

Reported by Jody Brown ( | Friday, October 12, 2018

Andrew Brunson released (Oct 2018)An American pastor who has been held in prison by the Turkish government for two years should be on his way home to the U.S. by the end of the day.

The bottom line: Pastor Andrew Brunson, a North Carolina native, is free to leave Turkey and return home. In his own words today: “This is the day our family has been praying for – I am delighted to be on my way home to the United States. My entire family thanks the president, the administration, and Congress for their unwavering support.” (Image shows Brunson arriving at home on Friday after his release.)

Brunson, 50, had suffered for his faith in prison and then house arrest at the hands of Turkey, America’s NATO ally, since October 2016. During a hearing today, a Turkish court convicted him on an alleged “terror charge” before releasing him; a charge of espionage against him was dropped. He had faced charges that could have resulted in 35 years in prison.

Family Research Council president Tony Perkins attended today’s hearing this morning.

“The prayers of thousands were answered today when Pastor Brunson was released by the Turkish government and told he could go home to the United States. Those prayers – combined with the unwavering resolve of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretary Pompeo and Ambassador Brownback – brought tangible help to Pastor Brunson and hope to those around the globe who are being persecuted because of their faith.

“Pastor Brunson was also well represented legally by our friends at the American Center for Law and Justice,” Perkins adds, “and we commend them and their attorneys for the outstanding work they did on behalf of Pastor Brunson.”

The American Center for Law and Justice had been working in the U.S. and abroad to secure Brunson’s release. “President Trump and his team have been tenacious in seeking the release of Pastor Brunson,” says Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the ACLJ.

“We’re grateful to the President, members of Congress and diplomatic leaders who continued to put pressure on Turkey to secure the freedom of Pastor Brunson. The fact that he is now on a plane to the United States can only be viewed as a significant victory for Pastor Brunson and his family.”

Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, president and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters, also is crediting the Trump administration for its role in obtaining the pastor’s release. He singles out the president, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador Sam Brownback, and Senator Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina). “[They] refused to take ‘no’ for an answer for this man’s release,” says Johnson. “This administration stayed true to its citizen.”

“May the Lord strengthen Pastor Brunson and his family as they work to turn the page on this difficult chapter in their lives,” Johnson adds. “And may God protect and give peace to our other brothers and sisters in Christ who continue to endure hardships and severe persecution around the world because of their faith in Him. Let us never forget them!”

Dede Laugesen, director of Save the Persecuted Christians, strikes a similar tone in her remarks today.

“This has been a long road of persecution for Pastor Andrew Brunson,” says Laugesen. “We are joyful and so thankful for Pastor Brunson’s long-awaited freedom. We praise God for this wonderful turn of events and thank the many people who worked on his behalf, including high-ranking officials within the Trump administration and influential and committed attorneys.

“Despite the joy we feel today, we must never forget there are millions of Christians who are not free to believe in Christ. Many remain jailed, persecuted in their own communities or even shunned in their own homes. We pray all will someday experience the freedom Andrew Brunson is savoring today.”


Today’s was the fourth hearing of the case against Brunson. The evangelical pastor had been accused of terror-related charges and espionage, facing up to 35 years in jail if convicted. Brunson, who had lived in Turkey for more than two decades, rejected the charges and strongly maintained his innocence. He was one of thousands caught up in a wide-scale government crackdown that followed a failed coup against the Turkish government in July 2016.

Prosecutors accused Brunson of committing crimes on behalf of terror groups, linking him to outlawed Kurdish militants and a network led by a U.S.-based Turkish cleric who is accused of orchestrating the coup attempt. The U.S. maintained he was being held unjustly and had repeatedly called for his release.

Brunson told the court he is “an innocent man. I love Jesus. I love Turkey.” He again denied accusations that his church – a small congregation in the Izmir Resurrection Church – aided Kurdish militants, saying he had handed over a list of Syrian refugees whom the congregation had helped and adding that Turkish authorities would have identified any terrorists.

“We helped everyone, Kurds, Arabs, without showing any discrimination,” he said.

William Devlin, an evangelical pastor from New York spoke to reporters outside the Turkish prison, saying hundreds of thousands of Christians were praying for Brunson’s release.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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