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Posts tagged ‘Occupy Movement’

ICE Agents Take Page from ‘The Walking Dead,’ Begin Using Ruthless Torture Technique on Protesters

Reported By Ben Marquis | July 16, 2018 at 3:56pm

As part of their insanely reflexive opposition to everything said or done by President Donald Trump — specifically with regard to his administration’s enforcement of immigration laws — the left has begun to call for the abolition and disbandment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Leftist activists calling themselves “Occupy ICE” have put that call into action on the streets of Portland, Oregon, with an ongoing effort to besiege and block off the ICE facility in that city, an effort that has been sustained for several weeks now as the protesters have made camp outside the building.

Federal agents have tangled with the protesters on a few occasions, usually to break up formed lines intended to prevent agents and vehicles from coming and going, which has resulted in arrests and injuries.

But now it appears that ICE has adopted a different tactic to annoy and potentially even disperse the camped protesters — blasting them with tortuous music for hours on end in a bid to drive them mad.

Local alternative media outlet Willamette Week noted that ICE seemingly borrowed a page from the incredibly popular zombie apocalypse TV series “The Walking Dead” and adopted a tactic that had been used by a bad guy character named Negan, head of a group named the “Saviors” that was in conflict with the central group of survivors the series is focused on.

In one episode during the last season, Negan captured and imprisoned the popular character Daryl and forced him to listen repeatedly to a sickeningly over-the-top happy song titled “Easy Street” — by the Collapsible Hearts Club — in a bid to break his will and compel his submission, according to Uproxx.

“It seems to play for a couple minutes and is a continuous loop. It’s been playing for 10+ hours now,” a spokesperson for the Occupy group told Willamette Week via email.

The annoyingly happy music on repeat, in conjunction with triple-digit temperatures, most likely had a deleterious effect on the minds of the encamped protesters, which was pretty much the intent.

In addition, the ICE facility has trained massive generator-powered floodlights on the protesters’ encampment to keep it bathed in bright light all through the night, no doubt preventing some protesters from getting decent, if any at all, sleep in the evenings.

Previously, the federal agents who reside in the ICE facility had similarly blasted Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” at the protesters, though the young protesters had dismissed that effort and song as little more than “threatening dad rock” that had little effect on them.

As odd as the tactic may seem to some, the repeated playing of a particular song has for some time been deemed a “publicly palatable” form of torture — or enhanced interrogation techniques, if you will — that has been used to great effect against confirmed and suspected terrorists detained for questioning, according to a 2014 article by Mic.

Indeed, popular songs played repetitively as a form of torture include Queen’s “We Are The Champions,” Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady,” David Gray’s “Babylon,” the Bee Gee’s “Saturday Night Fever,” Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People,” and a host of other songs ranging from peppy pop music to aggressive heavy metal.

Some of the more hilarious musical selections used to torture terrorists included the “Meow Mix” song from the cat food commercial and the kid-friendly “I Love You” theme song from the “Barney and Friends” TV show.

A spokesperson for ICE declined to respond with a comment to Willamette Week’s inquiry, and it remains unclear at this time if ICE will continue to use music as a weapon against the protesters and how effective that tactic will ultimately prove to be over time.

One thing that is clear is that ICE is not content to allow the protesters to continue their “occupation” outside the Portland facility in perpetuity without some form of pushback, and the protesters would be wise to hightail it out of there before ICE turns their “Easy Street” into an increasingly difficult, painful and mentally exhausting road for them to travel going forward.

Protesters’ next stop: Fox News, New York Post

Posted By author-imageAaron Klein On 12/25/2014

Article reblogged from WND:

URL of the Original Posting Site:

The Occupy movement and other leftist groups are attempting to use the anti-cop furor for a “die-in” and “shutdown” protest targeting Fox News and the New York Post. The demonstration is scheduled for Jan. 2 at New Corporation’s Midtown Manhattan headquarters, with invitations posted at Occupy-affiliated Facebook pages.warning warning

The invitation reads: “As many already know The NY POST is a newspaper that is owned and controlled by the Right Winger Rupert Murdoch, who in essence is a corporate racist that continually supports and disseminates racist, classist, sexist and all forms of pro 1% misinformation through his NY POST newspaper as well as FOX television.”

“This Die-In Shutdown and Boycott is but the first part of a larger upcoming campaign for justice … to expose the racist lies and bias of mass media starting with but NOT limited to the NY POST!”more evidence

A “die-in” is a protest in which demonstrators, usually holding placards, lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. In this case, the demonstration is meant to protest the deaths of African-Americans Eric Garner and Michael Brown, both of whom were killed by police officers. Occupy was one of the main sponsors of the protests this week aimed at shutting down Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue shopping district ahead of Christmas.

As WND reported, missing from most news coverage is that the anti-police protests rocking New York are being openly coordinated and led by professional leftist agitators, not only Occupy Wall Street but also a communist-aligned, anti-war, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian extremist organization.com01

A WND review of major news coverage of the protests finds headlines such as these:

USA Today: “NYC protesters defy mayor’s call for moratorium.”

Bloomberg: “Protesters Defy NYC Mayor’s Call to Hold Off While Slain Cops Are Mourned.”

Reuters: “NY protesters reject plea for hiatus despite police slayings.”

New York Daily News: “Protests resume in New York to oppose police brutality despite Bill de Blasio’s plea to suspend demonstrations.”

The coverage largely leaves the impression the demonstrations are spontaneous reactions to recent actions by law enforcement officials that some contend were motivated by racism. However, the protests, aimed at shutting down Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue shopping district ahead of Christmas, are being organized openly by radical leftist groups whose intent may not simply be the protest of alleged racism.com02

Some of the news articles entirely fail to mention the protests were organized by the Act Now To End War & Stop Racism Coalition, or ANSWER, together with Occupy Wall Street and at least 10 other so-called economic justice and pro-Palestinian groups.warning warning

Scores of article note the protests were coordinated by ANSWER but fail to give any context, such as ANSWER’s radical background and history, or mention of the other groups supporting the protest movement.

USA Today, for example, simply reports: “The action, organized by the Act Now to End War & Stop Racism Coalition, came hours before the city’s landmarks, including the Empire State Building, the Chrysler building, One World Trade Center, were to dim their lights at 9 p.m. for five minutes to honor officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.”

No further details about ANSWER are provided.

Reuters similarly reported: “Answer Coalition, organizers of a march on 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan, said a ‘peaceful protest against police violence’ would continue as planned.”

Founded in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, ANSWER is an umbrella group famous for its protests against Israel and against America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The group is known to be one of the most extreme among the progressive community in its positions on Israel and on U.S. military action. Its steering committee is made up of progressive groups, socialists and advocates from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian and Latin American communities.com03

During the height of the second Palestinian Intifada, or terrorism war targeting Israel, ANSWER in April 2002 organized a demonstration in Washington, D.C., that the group claims was the biggest pro-Palestinian rally in U.S. history.

In August, ANSWER led another Washington, D.C., rally against what the group described as “the Israeli massacre against people in Gaza.” At the time, Israel was at war with the Hamas terrorist organization, which fired thousands of rockets from territory under its control in Gaza into Israeli cities.

ANSWER has expressed support for the Palestinian intifada. Discover The Networks notes the group released a statement expressing its “solidarity with the call issued [to hold]… activities timed to coincide with the third anniversary of the second Palestinian Intifada.”

ANSWER has supported so-called resistance against U.S. troops in Iraq. A May 2003 downloadable flyer on “Counter-revolution and Resistance in Iraq” states: “Having achieved their victory [the U.S. in Iraq], however, the occupiers now confront a people who have a long and proud history of resistance. The anti-war movement here and around the world must give its unconditional support to the Iraqi anti-colonial resistance.”com04

Some of ANSWER’s leaders are associated with the Stalinist Workers World Party.

Meanwhile, almost entirely unreported by the news media is that Occupy is a co-sponsor of the anti-police protests targeting Fifth Avenue and may be hijacking the demonstrations for its own goals. On its website, Occupy Wall Street wrote: “Fifth Avenue is the world’s most expensive shopping street – a playground for the global 1%. **This 1% is precisely who the police serve and protect. They flood black, Latino and other oppressed communities like an occupying army so as to intimidate us into accepting things the way they are.” On its Facebook page, Occupy Wall Street ranted about the protest: “The people will not be intimidated. We will not accept poverty wages, racist courts and a corrupt political system.”warning warning

Other sponsors of the Fifth Avenue protests include:

  • Crystal House
  • El Grito De Sunset Park
  • Existence is Resistance
  • New Yorkers Against Bratton
  • NYC Solidarity with Palestinecropped-ignorance.png

With additional research by Joshua Klein.



FBI and Andrew Breitbart Vindicated by New ‘Occupy’ Explosives Arrests


Two prominent Occupy Wall Street movement activists have been arrested by the New York Police Department for allegedly possessing a cache of weapons and explosive material in New York City’s Greenwich Village.

The Occupiers, Morgan Gliedman, 27, and Aaron Greene, 31, were visited by New York City police due to a warrant for Gliedman’s arrest relating to alleged credit card theft. Once in the couple’s apartment, police claim they found the explosive materials and how-to manuals on terrorism.

According to the New York Post:

A detective discovered a plastic container with seven grams of a white chemical powder called HMTD, which is so powerful, cops evacuated several nearby buildings.

Police also found a flare launcher, which is a commercial replica of a grenade launcher; a modified 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun; ammo; and nine high-capacity rifle magazines, the sources said.

Cops also allegedly uncovered papers about creating homemade booby traps, improvised submachine guns, and various handwritten notebooks containing chemical formulas.

The arrests come at a critical time due to recent allegations by the left against the FBI for having apparently infiltrated the revolutionary Occupy movement. A recent document release from the FBI revealed multiple large scale investigations into the movement had occurred, prompting a revival of the left’s decades-long attack on the FBI for having investigated radical movements.

Supporters of the FBI’s efforts have pointed out that the Occupy movement, though many participants may be well-intentioned, involved some individuals and groups with checkered histories and revolutionary aims.

The Occupy movement was heralded by mainstream media outlets as heroic and altruistic, but right-of-center critics, such as Andrew Breitbart, began to point out the movement was little more than a rebranded gathering of extremist far-left groups.

Breitbart released a series of internal Occupy emails that revealed the “new movement” was months in the making, with professional organizers such as Lisa Fithian behind the coordination. Breitbart also pointed out the similarities between Communist doctrine of the “bourgeoisie vs the proletariat” and the Occupy movement’s “1% vs the 99%” argument. Breitbart’s efforts eventually culminated in one of his final projects before his passing, the Citizens United documentary Occupy Unmasked.

One major thesis of the film was that the Occupy movement was created to move the national discussion off of deficits and debt, and onto the false dichotomy of the “rich vs the poor,” so that the Democratic Party could win in the coming 2012 presidential election and other left-of-center groups could retain power in the US political process.

As a result of Breitbart’s efforts, right-of-center grassroots media began investigating and infiltrating the Occupy movement’s camps and researching their organizers and backers. As rapes, other crimes, terrorist ties, and involvement with hostile foreign nations were discovered by independent grassroots efforts, law enforcement began to take justifiable interest in the self-proclaimed “revolutionary movement.”

Recent document releases from the FBI reveal they did indeed take interest and infiltrate the Occupy movement. Left-of-center media outlets and activists have begun to complain and claim the FBI either violated civil rights by infiltrating them or otherwise wasted resources by having done so. Some, such as the UK Guardian, have gone as far as claiming “the FBI dismantled a political movement.”

Clearly, the FBI acted on its responsibility to protect the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Americans by monitoring the Occupy movement, as evidenced by the recent arrests and previous thwarted bomb plots.

The Occupy movement was not dismantled by the FBI or other law enforcement agencies. Rather, the Occupy movement was exposed by right-of-center grassroots citizen journalists exposing the dark secrets US mainstream media refused to share with the public.

Media outlets like Andrew Breitbart’s magnified the voices of the grassroots, and law enforcement appropriately acted on the data that had been presented to the public.

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